G lad T idings - Presbyterian Church of Western Springs


G lad T idings - Presbyterian Church of Western Springs
d T iI dD iI nNgGsS
JULY, 2015
Mission Trip Commissioning
Summer Worship at PCWS
On Sunday morning, July 19, we will commission the participants
of this years mission trip during worship. Commissioning is a
richly historical Christian activity that signifies God's blessing and
marks a journey from one community to another to do the work
of Christ in this world. Join us as we pray for the work to be
done and the participants:
We hope you’ve been with us to
experience our summer parables series
in worship. So far, we’ve taken a look at
the parables of the sower, the weeds,
the mustard seed, the wheat, and the
treasure and the pearl. We’ve had
wonderful devotionals included in the
Weekly Connection by Joyce Rodos,
Patti Mangis, Rogers Malone, Don
Simmonds and Michelle Hennessy. Our
children have
also produced
some amazing
artwork to
accompany our
study, and MAD
Camp shared a
fun look at a
number of Jesus’
“short stories” in
“Once Upon a
Lacey Allen
Michael DeVries
Katie DeVries
Paige Dold
Matt Hennessey
Nora Hennessey
Maryna Hoskins
Brian Kral
Paige McMahon
Davis McMahon
Isabella Melilli
Katie Sindelar
Megan SIndelar
Abby Sindelar
Alison Slezak
Jamie Smith
Erin Sullivan
Tom Wennerstrum
Dan Wennerstrum
Charlie Wennerstrum
Vacation Bible School July 20-24!
Registration Ends July 5!
EVEREST Vacation Bible School is coming to
PCWS, July 20-24, 9:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m. Our
VBS promises to be mountains of fun, where we will learn to
conquer challenges with God's mighty power. Team-building
games, cool Bible Songs, crafts, story-telling, mission activities
and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that will
help develop a rock solid faith in God.
PCWS Everest is open to all children going into Kindergarten
through 6th grade in the fall of 2015. Cost is $25/child.
Questions? Contact the church office at 708-246-5220. Register
online at https://www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/pcws !
Friday, July 3
Church Offices will be closed
in Observance of the
July 4th Holiday
What’s coming up? The parables of the
of the Fish Net, the Lost Sheep, the
Unforgiving Servant and the Laborers in
the Vineyard are on deck for July.
Loretta Gratias-Bremer, Barb Vaughan,
Tom and Kay Kelly, Dom Garino will be
offering devotionals via the weekly
connection email along with more
children’s art work!
Hang around with us this summer, or
dip into the parables of Matthew
wherever this summer takes you and
enjoy the surprising, confounding,
never dull stories that Jesus told.
Congregational Life
When Safety isn’t Always Comfortable
Dear friends,
Summer is often a time when we kick back, celebrate Sabbath, switch up our routines, and get outside. Here
at PCWS, we’re working on experiencing some of that, as the Session and Board of Deacons and committees
take a needed break, our pastors vacation a little bit, and the coffee gets replaced by lemonade. It’s not all
sleepy around here, though. At its May meeting, the Session adopted new policies related to safe space, and
internet, technology and social media, the result of much work on the part of several PCWS committees and
the Session as a whole. Now the implementation of these policies begins.
We know that the word “sanctuary” implies peace, holiness, and a safe haven. At PCWS, sanctuary pertains
to our whole building, not just the room with the pews and the instruments. We have pledged to be a safe
place for all who enter and participate in the life of this congregation, its programs and our shared space. Our
pledge now means training for all staff and volunteers, which means we’ll be learning about the realities of
protecting all of God’s people from physical or emotional harm as much as we possibly can.
A good friend of mine who serves the PC(USA) tells the story of a child who, during words for children,
whispered to her pastor of abuse. Afterward, the pastor learned from the church educator and a relative that
the whispering child had been in counseling and had been advised to talk about it with people she trusted.
An uncomfortable moment became an epiphany that, if we’re doing things right, the church really can be a
sanctuary, a safe place, for all of God’s people.
I am prayerful and hopeful that PCWS is growing into a place that is authentic in our welcome and hospitality
and a safe place for us to become all of who God calls us to be. It won’t always feel comfortable, but I pray
that we will be a haven of safety in a very challenging world.
Summer blessings,
Safe Space Summer Training Dates
This summer, the Safe Space Team and Associate Pastor Matt Schmidt will be hosting two more training
meetings: Thursday, July 16, 7:00 p.m., in room 302 and Saturday, August 29, 8:00 a.m., in the Jones Room
(breakfast provided). Please RSVP to Matt Schmidt by emailing mschmidt@presbyws.org. As a reminder, all
adults who plan on helping with children and youth activities or events need to be trained before helping this
Rev. Jennifer Burns Lewis, Pastor/Head of Staff
Rev. Matthew Paul Schmidt, Associate Pastor
For a complete list of our staff, visit our website: www.presbyws.org.
July, 2015
Congregational News
A Different Legacy Gift Idea…
In the past, your Endowment & Special Gifts committee has encouraged members and
friends of PCWS to consider making a charitable gift to the church in the following
- A simple bequest inclusion in your will or living trust
- Naming PCWS as one of the primary beneficiaries on your retirement account or life insurance
- Using your 401k (403B) as a gifting vehicle (certain restrictions apply)
Have you ever considered a CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUST (CRT)? Here are a few of the highlights…
Donor irrevocably transfers cash, securities, real estate or other properties to the trust in return for an income stream for life or a specified term of years. Upon death or end of term,
trust assets revert to charity(ies).
Two Types: CHARITABLE REMAINDER UNITRUST = annual income (to living beneficiaries) increases/
decreases with the value of the trust assets. This option offers a potential protection against
CHARITABLE REMAINDER ANNUITY TRUST = Annual income is fixed for the term of the trust.
Maximum pay-out rate (to living beneficiaries) and the tax deduction are considerably lower
than a UNITRUST.
Pay-out Rate: Chosen by donor…minimum at least 5%...maximum determined by IRS
Since the trust is established for charitable purposes, it is NOT taxed.
Sizeable tax deduction in establishment year….with no capital gains recognized upon transfer
(part of beneficiary income to be taxed at lower rate)
MOST IMPORTANTLY…upon your passing you’ve made an enormous gift to charity!!!!!!
If you are interested in learning more – or even receiving an illustration (example) of how this
might work for you – please feel free to contact any member of the committee.
Thanks for all that you do (and give) to not only sustain the mission and ministry of PCWS, but
help it grow.
Your Endowment & Special Gifts committee
Memorial Garden Update
Dorothy Andersen has donated a new tree for the Memorial Garden. It is in
memory of her late husband, Harlan Andersen. It will be a beautiful addition to
the newly designed Memorial Garden! A copy of the design plan is on display
on the square table under the glass in the Graham Charter Room.
If you have any questions about the Memorial Garden, or the design, please direct your questions to Mary Jo
July, 2015
Congregational news
Another way to support PCWS
Do you shop at Amazon.com? If you're not already using
AmazonSmile when you shop, you should start right now!
AmazonSmile gives you the opportunity to choose PCWS as your
favorite charity. When you sign up at smile.amazon.com and
choose PCWS as your charity, .5% of your eligible purchases will
be donated.
There are hundreds of thousands of products that qualify (you'll
see an "Eligible for AmazonSmile donation" badge near the item
description or price.) The service doesn't cost anything to you or
PCWS (for that reason, donations are not tax deductible). All you
have to do is start your shopping at smile.amazon.com. Even
though .5% isn't a lot on each purchase, if we all shopped at
Smile we would be surprised at how much we could raise and
it’s an easy way to help PCWS.
The only real catch is you have to remember to start your shopping at smile.amazon.com (which means you have to update
your bookmark if you want to do this), and shopping from the
Amazon apps, Kindle, or through affiliate links won't count.
Otherwise, it's just like shopping on Amazon—only you get to
support PCWS without doing anything extra. Why not visit
smile.Amazon.com today, login to your Amazon account, choose
PCWS as your favorite charity and update your bookmark. It’s
that easy!
Look for this link on the Donation page of the PCWS website or
in the Weekly Connection email
Come to the Waters
A 2015-16 PW circle option
You are cordially invited to attend the
afternoon circle beginning September
17 and on the third Thursday of each
month, from 1:30- 2:45 p.m. in the
Graham Charter Room.
Our choice is the Presbyterian Women/
Horizons study, Come to the Waters.
Water plays a central role in the stories
of scripture, from the waters of creation
to the River of Life in Revelation. In this
study we’ll explore some of the Bible’s
more than 8000 references to water,
including the parting of the Red Sea, the
crossing of the Jordan, and the adoption
of the people of God through baptism.
There’s so much rich imagery and so
much thirst-quenching goodness in
these texts! Pastor Jennifer will lead this
year’s afternoon circle study.
May we order you a copy of Come to the
Waters? The cost is $8.00 or $12.00 for
large print. Contact the church office
(708)246-5220 by August 1.
Summer is a critical time,
as revenue trends lower
due to vacations and
summer travel. The committee would
like to encourage the congregation to
make regular contributions through the
summer months. There are several
opportunities to continue your support
while away. Members can arrange for
direct deposits, credit card payments or
make one-time contributions through
the church donation website. We thank
you for your support throughout the
The Finance Committee
July, 2015
Adult news
Presbytery News
Summer Music
The Presbytery of Chicago met in
assembly on the afternoon and evening
of June 16th at Flossmoor Community
Church. Commissioners Jane and David
Boxell, Kim Fronk and Walt Kovalick
listened, learned, and considered a
number of topics, including a statement
on U.S. Presbyterian-Jewish relations
called “…In Our Time”, heard a report
from the Transitional Executive
Presbyter search committee, and
enjoyed hearing from candidates for
One of the joys of my job is creating spaces for people to offer
their gifts. The months when all the choirs have paused for
summer is an optimal time to get creative things going. But,
vacations mean that scheduling the dates is like a giant jigsaw
Kevin Hennessy has been selected to
serve on the Presbytery’s Litigation Work
Group and Loretta Gratias-Bremer has
been elected to the Committee on
Here are some of the creative music opportunities you can look
forward to hearing in the weeks ahead until Rally Day:
brass ensemble
Kelly trio
woodwind and piano duet
summer choir
the Leslie family singers
trumpet solo
cello and oboe duet
handbell quartet
Hillary Schmidt
Donna Kanak
Patti Mangis
Director of Music
Holy Yoga is a wonderful program that
meets at PCWS. Our summer offerings
include a Friday morning chair yoga
class at 10:00 a.m. and a Sunday
afternoon mat class at 4:00 p.m. The 55
minute classes are $10.00 per class and
are led by Sue Jones, Holy Yoga
instructor. (Our Tuesday morning class
is on summer hiatus.)
We welcome you to Holy Yoga,
whether you’re a seasoned yogi or are
simply intrigued by the promise of a
class of gentle stretching and reflective
movement combined with Christian
music and devotions. It’s a beautiful
break from your usual routine and all
are welcome.
July, 2015
Theology and Brew—July Editions
“Summertime and the livin’ is easy…..” is our motto
for this month. The Daytime Edition will happen on
Tuesday, July 14, at 1:00 p.m. You are welcome to
meet us at Standard Market, 333 Ogden Ave. in Westmont for a
(hopefully) sunny afternoon!
Join us Wednesday, July 22, at 7:00 p.m. for Evening Edition. The
food and drink will be fine and the conversation even better. To
add to the festive mood, we’re trying Mexican at Santiago's,
22/24 W. Calendar Court in downtown La Grange.
As usual the blogs for each event will go out a few days before to
all on our email list. Not on the list? Update your preferences in
your weekly email, email tandbrew@presbyws.org, or call the
office. Hope to see you there and invite your friends!
Youth Ministry
Car Wash / Pet Wash /
Bake Sale Update 2015
The annual UPY Mission Trip
fundraiser took place Sunday, June 14.
In addition to the usual baked goods
plus vacuum and exterior wash for
cars, a few brave dog owners brought
their best pals for an outdoor
shampoo in the sun. All the dogs loved
getting wet, shaking off, and taking
forever to dry.
A special thanks is due to all who
generously baked and donated money
to help support the Mission Trip. We
raised just over $900 dollars at this
fundraiser to help send our youth
across the country to help people, to
grow in their faith and compassion,
and to encounter a culture different
than our own. Thank you for making
this opportunity a reality once again!
Our summer of parables had
a toe-tapping lift thanks to
our Music and Drama Camp’s
production of “Once Upon a Parable”
by Tom S. Long and Allen Pote. It was
such fun, as always, to see a 45 minute
musical take shape in just five days!
Big, big thanks to the entire cast, to all
of our volunteers, and to Patti Mangis,
our Director of Music for her vision and
energy in making our 8th MAD Camp a
joy and a pleasure!
VBS July 20-24
9-11:30 a.m.
Mission Project
Monday, July 13
Meet at church at 11:00
Return back at 2:45
Sign up today to be an
on Sunday Mornings.
Dates are still available.
We have fun lessons planned
for kids K-5th.
UPY Summer Events
Come help during
this FUN week.
Contact Carolyn if
Mission Trip
Treadway ,TN
July 25-Aug. 1
Other Important
Commissioning Service
Sunday, July 19,
9:30 am
Sunday, July 8, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Mission Trip Meeting
Mandatory for all participants
Saturday, July 25
Sunday, July 22, 6:15 - 9:30 p.m.
Manna Ministries
Return Arrival:
Saturday, August 1
3:00 p.m.
Help plan and cook a meal at a
men’s shelter near Garfield Park.
July 25 - August 1
Mission Trip to Tennessee
July, 2015
Mission & service
Volunteer Sunday Mornings
Help start each Sunday with a warm greeting to members,
friends and visitors. Sign up to be a greeter for a Sunday on the
sheet at the lower level bulletin board or on sign-up genius. A
family, group of friends or the power of one can share the
warmth of PCWS. It’s easy and fun – arrive by 9:15 a.m. at the
front door in the narthex. Have a warm smile and extend a
friendly handshake to people arriving at PCWS. Take a Sunday
to be an extension of the warmth of PCWS.
Looking for a way to help in Worship but don’t like public speaking? How about being an usher? Help hand out bulletins and
seat those requiring assistance. Arrive by 9:15 for a brief checkin with our experienced head usher of the day. During worship
help collect the offering. Ushering is an important job helping
with the flow of worship. Sign up for one Sunday, a recurring
Sunday (like the 1st Sunday of the month) or even a date of special meaning. Sign up with family members, a group of friends or
on your own. Not sure if the job is right for you, speak with the
head usher one Sunday for some insight or ask Janet Andersen,
Worship elder.
Repack Day Greater Chicago Food Depository
July 18 - 9:00 a.m. - noon
We have 15 spots reserved, so bring a friend!
The Greater Chicago Food Depository regularly needs volunteers
to help with repacking donated food and other products. The
repack session is a great introduction to the Greater Chicago
Food Depository, the work they do, and the need that is seen in
Cook County. A lot of the food they receive at the warehouse
comes in bulk quantities and volunteers are scheduled to help
break it down into more manageable sizes. In a repack session
you might be sorting produce, looking over a shipment of bread,
or repacking bulk dry goods (cereal, pasta, rice) into smaller
quantities. Together, we can properly and efficiently distribute
quality food to participating food pantries, soup kitchens and
shelters in Cook County.
Grace Seeds Ministry and Second
Baptist LaGrange Food Pantry
Thank you to all who ordered seedlings
through the Grace Seeds Ministry
opportunity last month. We hope your
plants are all thriving and will soon be
providing an abundance of fresh
veggies! And, speaking of fresh veggies,
each week throughout the year (except
the Sunday before a Monday holiday)
we collect non-perishable food for the
food pantry at the Second Baptist
Church in LaGrange. We have some
dedicated PCWS volunteers delivering
our items each Monday morning to
Second Baptist Church.
We are encouraged to bring fresh
produce purchased from the store,
grown in your own garden, or found at
a farmer’s market. This makes a lovely
addition to the nutritional offerings
from the Food Pantry. Please ensure
your produce is well protected for
delivery to and distribution from the
Second Baptist church. Produce is such
an essential part of a healthy diet.
Where we are able to include that in
our gift to the Food Pantry, we are
encouraged to do so.
You don’t need to join Facebook to see
photos of all the activities that happen at
The minimum age for volunteers is 14 years old. If you are 14 or
15 you must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 18.
July, 2015
Member News
Thank you for your service at PCWS in June! We can’t do it without you.
Collated and/or folded bulletins: Norman Duncan
Helped in the office and with scanning and database updates: Donna Strunk, Michelle
Hennessy, Carol Ulreich, Ruth Riordan, Mary Kae Headland, Carolyn Bozek, Amy Malone,
Sue Eck, Laura Fruit
Crushed cans: David and Jane Boxell, Ron and Mary Jo Blough, Laurie Peterson
June Food for Life team:
Driver: Becky Glasscock
Server: Harriet Potenza and Craig Harris
Cooks: Sue Eck, Mary Jo and Ron Blough
Second Baptist Food Pantry run: David and Jane Boxell
Prepared Glad Tidings for mailing: Mary Kae Headland, Ruth Riordan, Dorothy Andersen, Joyce Habermann
Flower Guild designers and flower setup in June:
Sue Kovalick, Sue Eck
to Shirley Pine for many dedicated years as the PCWS 'chief calling officer'! Shirley has made innumerable calls recruiting members to serve as our Sunday morning greeters, part of the usher
team or for communion servers on the first Sunday and special
worship events. Her role even had her recruiting cribbery helpers for the nursery once upon a time. Many people reading this
note will fondly recall receiving one of Shirley's pleasant call asking if you they might help. What a wonderful gift of time and
grace Shirley has shared with so many people over the
years. Shirley, thank you for helping and enjoy a bit of rest for
your dialing finger!!
Thank you..
to all the Deacons and elders who answered “yes” countless
times when called upon to serve communion. Thanks also to
those who prepared the elements, and to those who stayed to
clean up on those Sundays after worship. You made my job so
much easier over the years.
Shirley Pine
We celebrate the Baptism of:
Mackenzie Grace Hoffman, daughter of
Sarah and Robert Hoffman, who was
baptized on June 28.
We Extend Sympathy:
To the Family of Mary Randa who
passed away on May 22, 2015.
Address Changes:
Bruce and Jean Janecek
13840 Metcalf Avenue
Unit 13316
Overland Park, KS 66223
Ryan Gertsmeier
Mitchell Reed
Stephen Skjei
July, 2015
Member News
 The Ahmeti Family
Marge Sandrik
 Paul Allen
Mike Slesicki
 Tom Allen
Patti Schoenbeck
 Kimberly Bone
Connie Sligh
Margaret Swaar
Betty Toft
Beth Tooth
Dorothy Wilson
(friend of Jane Norman)
Presbyterian Church
Congregation in Nueva Paz,
The people of Syria,
especially family members
of PCWS Interfaith
Women’s Book Group
 Mary Ottmar Booth
 David Boyer
 Diane Markley Bruser
 George Bruser
 Sandy Carucci
 Betty Davis
 David DeFano
 Jessie DeFano
 Cathy Dold
 Norm Erickson
 Paulette Erickson
 Bob Fencl
 Dave Garino
If you were unable to attend
the lecture by author and
blogger Chris Smith, which
was an excellent summary of
his recent book, Slow
Church, you can listen to a
recording of it on tumblr!
Just go to tumblr.com and
search for ThisIsExplore and
you'll find part 1 and part 2
of his lecture. Enjoy!
Bulletin Deadline
Please submit all announcements
to the church office by 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday morning.
Email to pcws@presbyws.org or
fax to 708-246-4276.
 Marc Goldstein
 Kathleen Kircher
Glad Tidings Deadline
 Michael Leong
Articles for the next months
Glad Tidings are due
by the 10th of each month.
 Deborah Matthews
 Margaret Miller
 Gloria Nicolai
To ensure your submission is
received, please email articles
and pictures to:
 Holly Oliver
 Ginger Oswald
September 13, 2015
July, 2015
Help prepare the August
Glad Tidings for mailing
Tuesday, July 28th. Meet @
10:30 a.m. in the Jones Room.
5250 Wolf Road
Western Springs, Illinois 60558-1819
Web Page:
Prayer Requests:
Dated Mail
Scan to
Learn about PCWS
Upcoming Events in July
Upcoming Events in August
July 2 Summer Book Club continues every Thursday
Aug. 2 Holy Yoga continues every Sunday
July 3
Aug. 6
Summer Book Club continues every Thursday
Aug. 7
Chair Holy Yoga continues every Friday
Chair Holy Yoga continues every Friday
Church offices closed in observances of
Independence Day
July 4 Independence Day
Aug. 10 Glad Tidings Article Deadline
July 5
Aug. 25 Prepare Glad Tidings for mailing
Holy Yoga continues every Sunday
July 10 Glad Tidings Article Deadline
July 14 Theology & Brew Daytime Edition
Aug. 29 Safe Space Training
Sunday School Teacher Meeting
July 16 Safe Space Training
July 18 Greater Chicago Food Depository RePack Day
July 19 UPY Mission Trip Commissioning Worship
July 20 Everest Vacation Bible School begins
July 22 Theology & Brew Evening Edition
July 25 UPY Mission Trip Departs
July 28 Prepare Glad Tidings for mailing
To view a full calendar of events, please visit our webpage: www.presbyws.org