G lad T idings - Presbyterian Church of Western Springs


G lad T idings - Presbyterian Church of Western Springs
Glad Tidings
How Rally Day—Sunday, September 13-- Got Inflated...
From September through April, the driving question behind
Explore will be “How does God's invisible nature become
manifest in the world today?” Which has related questions like
“Is God's Spirit connected to my spirit? Does the Holy Spirit live
inside my heart? If I eat more pomegranate will that help?” We
might even begin to wonder if people who say they are spiritual
but not religious are onto something. Can religion make you
more spiritual or vice versa?
Let's go back to the first question and talk about tribal
metaphysics. In the Hebrew language of the Old Testament, the
word most often translated as spirit also means wind and breath.
According to the Bible, that means yoga and sailboats and hot air
balloons and Lamaze breathing and cigarettes and air pollution
are all connected to manifestations of God in this world. Strange,
right? Let's get deeper. When Paul writes about God's Spirit in
the New Testament (specifically Galatians 5), he describes the
"fruit of the spirit", as inward/outward virtues like patience and
kindness and generosity. Which makes us wonder if can we
reverse engineer the invisible God by looking really closely at
certain common, visible things?
All of these endless conversations partner perfectly with
interesting mission projects, crafts, games, debates and make up
Explore's theme this year, the fruit of the Spirit, which brings us
back to how Rally Day got inflated. It has something to do with
celebrating God's wind.
You are warmly, breezily invited to be part of all of the festivities
and fun on Sunday, September 13. Following worship and an
open house to meet Sunday School teachers and classmates,
peek at refurbished and repurposed classrooms, and catch a
whiff of all of the fun and learning ahead of us this year, nothing
but sheer fun will ensue. We have games and fun and contests
planned for all ages that will make you have to catch your
breath, you’ll be laughing so hard.
When you’re ready to take a break from Spirit-inspired crafts and
games and such, plan on having lunch with us. We will have
some tantalizing BBQ sandwiches from Chuck’s with side dishes
and desserts supplied by all of you (more information to come).
We look forward to seeing everyone, young and young at heart,
along with friends and neighbors at Rally Day!
AUGUST, 2015
Explore Returns in September!
The theme for Explore this year is the
fruit of the Spirit—otherwise known as
language the Bible uses to describe
God’s unique activity in every human
heart. These virtues or qualities or
characteristics will be the framework for
all kinds of interesting faith formation
opportunities for children, youth and
adults. Explore takes place each week
following worship on Sunday mornings
from 10:45 to11:30 a.m.
If you’re interested in helping to plan a
workshop or have any ideas of
discussion topics, books, films, field
trips, activities, games, crafts, etc., that
would enrich our learning, please reach
out to Associate Pastor Matt Schmidt at
mschmidt@presbyws.org or call the
church office. The topic schedule is:
Kindness - September 20, 27
Peace - October 4, 18, 25 and
November 1
Generosity - November 8, 15, 22
Joy - December 6, 13, 20
Self-Control - January 10, 17
Love - January 24, 31 and
February 7, 14
Patience - February 21, 28
Faithfulness - March 6, 13
Gentleness - April 3, 10, 24
Congregational Life
So far, it’s been a summer of highs and lows. National and world news provide
occasions for celebration and lament. As a community of faith, we’re rarely of
one mind, and that’s ok, because historically, the Presbyterian Church is a “big
tent” and one of our founding principles is that “God alone is Lord of the
Now, as always, we’re called to be good, respectful listeners, and people who are open to the leading of the
Spirit of God in all things. Conversations are happening with groups of all kinds (interested folks in the
Presbytery of Chicago, commissioners and others within our Synod of Lincoln Trails, the Western Springs
Ministerium, our own planning for faith formation here at PCWS) to listen and to learn from each other as we
seek to better understand our increasingly diverse congregation and neighbors. I hope you might be
interested in some of these conversations. Who knows where they will lead us?
Romans 12: 15, Micah 6:8 and Philippians 4:8 all come to mind. In them we’re reminded to live a faith that
“rejoices with those who rejoice and weep with those who mourn”, to “do justice, love kindness and walk
humbly with our God”, and to consider that which is good, as people of hope, and “think on these things.”
Peace to you in all of your plans and hopes and dreams in August,
What’s happening in Chicago Presbytery?
Work continues with transitional leadership development, the search for a transitional executive presbyter,
and transitional committees continue to meet. Sense a theme? There’s a lot of transition happening in the
presbytery, with high hopes and expectations for change that will result in a middle governing body that will
be an even better steward of the time and gifts and financial resources of the 100 or so member
congregations. In the meantime, we’ve welcomed a new congregation: the Joyful Presbyterian Church of
Skokie was approved and welcomed at the June Presbytery Assembly. Presbytery leaders gathered for a
retreat on July 8th at Southminster Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn, and beginning conversations are
happening regarding co-hosting the February 2016 presbytery assembly meeting at First Presbyterian
Church of LaGrange.
You don’t need to join Facebook to see photos of all the activities that happen at PCWS.
Rev. Jennifer Burns Lewis, Pastor/Head of Staff
Rev. Matthew Paul Schmidt, Associate Pastor
For a complete list of our staff, visit our website: www.presbyws.org.
August, 2015
Congregational news
We are the result of
God's creative action.
How marvelous that God
considers us worthy to
be creatively formed more and more
into the image of Christ.
As I pondered that idea, my thoughts
moved beyond our role as clay in the
hands of the master potter to creative
ideas God might have in mind for
PCWS. I am asking God how I can be a
vessel for empowering our
congregation’s creativity.
New creations form over time, and
more news is coming in September. But
now, mark your calendars for these
events, and note that rehearsals for a
new approach to Chancel Choir and
Handbells begin on September 10 and
16th respectively.
NEW PCWS Family Band
This new group will play 2/3 x a year.
Teens, adults, and children who have
studied their instrument for a year may
take part. Pianists welcome. Guitars
too. Dust off your instrument and join
us! Always wanted to play something
but think it is too late? We can use
percussion and handbells (just chords,
nothing fancy). Rehearse at 8:30 on
September 13 and then play in worship.
Let me know you plan to join us by
September 1st so I can have music
NEW Reunion Choir: sings during worship on October 18th as we celebrate
PCWS’ 60th anniversary. Kids, teens,
adults all welcome.
(Cont’d on page 4)
August, 2015
Getting to Know Your Deacon:
Mary Jo Sindelar
After moving to Western Springs more than
12 years ago, Mary Jo Sindelar and her
husband, Scott, began church hunting.
“We were members of the Fourth
Presbyterian Church in Chicago, but we were
searching for a smaller church in our new community in which
we could become active,” Mary Jo says. “We were seeking a
place of worship where our girls could participate in a strong
youth program and also become actively involved in the church
community as they grew.” They found exactly what they were
looking for here at PCWS. “We love the close church family
atmosphere that PCWS provides, “ she says.
Mary Jo says she has witnessed her family’s faith in God become
stronger year after year, thanks in part to memory-making
church activities like the UPY ski trips, annual Christmas Pageant
and Confirmation Sunday. Read on for more about Mary Jo, who
in her first year as a Deacon is serving on the Meal Angels
emergency meals committee as well as helping keep the nursery
clean and organized throughout the year.
Place of birth: South Bend, Indiana
Family: Husband, Scott, and daughters Katie (17), Megan (16)
and Abby (16)
Pets: A dog named Molly
Nickname: MJ
Childhood: I was basically an outgoing and friendly girl, easy to
get along with, and had a lot of friends. I was a swimmer in high
school and a lifeguard in the summer. I was goal oriented and
hard working but I liked the social life too.
Education: BS degree in business from Miami of Ohio University
Employment: Stay-at-home mom. Formerly employed by William Blair & Co. as a syndicate marketing associate
Hobbies: Tennis, downhill skiing, yoga, gardening, volunteering
with my therapy dog and dabbling on the guitar.
Other PCWS activities: Former Sunday School teacher and Vacation Bible School teacher
Something you are really good at: Downhill snow skiing. I didn't
learn to ski until I was an adult, but I successfully made it down
my first “double black diamond” last year. Now I can check that
off my bucket list!
(Continued on page 4)
Adult news
Theology & Brew—Daytime & Evening
This August, all adults are welcome to participate in
vibrant discussion around a topic of interest and a
beverage of choice at Theology & Brew! Per usual,
we have a daytime gathering and an evening gathering.
The evening edition will happen on Monday, August 17, 7:00
p.m. at Now Serving Cafe in La Grange. The daytime edition will
happen on Monday, August 24, 1:00 p.m. at Q BBQ downtown La
The articles for discussion will be emailed out closer to the
gatherings. If you’d like to receive the articles, either to join us
or to simply read on your own, please send an email to
tandbrew@presbyws.org and we’ll add you to our list. Cheers!
Music News (Cont’d))
REVISED JAM (Jesus and Me) Choir, grades 3rd-8th, will
rehearse for 60 minutes on Thursday afternoons (time TBA).
This slight lengthening of our rehearsal allows us to include both
singing and instruments (in particular handbells, but also Orff
and percussion). We will lead worship about once a month. Also
new this year may be a service project where we take our music
outside the walls of PCWS! Stay tuned for more info.
Bethlehem Choir (Grades K-2) returns.
Both JAM and Bethlehem Choir will start in mid-September.
Watch the Weekly Connection, September Glad Tidings and the
Sunday bulletin for updates!
Patti Mangis
Deacon (Cont’d)
Something you would like to learn to do: Play the guitar better.
I can strum the main chords, etc., but I would love to take it to
the next level someday.
Favorite food: Sushi
Favorite color: blue
Best vacation: White water rafting through the Grand Canyon
last summer with my family and no cell phone for a week!
Three words that describe you: Friendly, trustworthy, kind
Something people may not know about you: I love to do a
crossword puzzle and read the news with my coffee before
everyone wakes up in the morning.
Ask you about: Many people think that, just because I grew up
in South Bend practically next door to Notre Dame (and also that
my name is Mary Jo), I must be Catholic. Ha - fooled them, right?
Presyterian Women
September 10, 2015:
(Meeting on the second
Thursday due to Labor
Program: Jennifer Lewis will introduce
Horizons’ Study. Salad/dessert
luncheon will be hosted by PW board
$8 fee. First Presbyterian Church
LaGrange will join with PCWS.
Afternoon Circle
Leader: Joyce Rodos
Meeting: 12:30 p.m., third Thursday of
each month at the church.
Study: Horizons "Come to the Waters"
Jennifer will lead study.
Evening Circle
Leaders: Sue Eck & Sue Kovalick
Meeting: 7:00 p.m., fourth Tuesday of
each month at church
Study: "Making Sense of the Bible" by
Adam Hamilton.
Tuesday Discussion Group
Convener: Julie Garino
Meeting: 7:00 p.m. third Tuesday of
the month at Garinos. Also meets at
8:00 a.m. at Egg Harbor one Sat a
month, frequently the first Sat of each
Study: Currently doing a DVD series.
When finished, the group will select
another study
The Progressive Dinner is back!
Mark your calendars for October 17th.
It will be just one of the many wonderful ways to celebrate the church's 60th
anniversary. More information to come.
August, 2015
Children & youth
Sign Up to help
Lead Activity
Center during
worship in
August!! See
Carolyn or Matt!!
Mission Trip Report
during worship August 30
Come and share our stories and
experiences with the
We want to thank them for all the
support that made this trip possible.
UPY Mission Trip
During worship on
Sunday, August 30, the
UPY participants and leaders of the
summer mission trip that happened
from July 25 - August 1, will report
about their experience, the places they
saw God’s love at work, the moments
that shaped their faith, the poverty that
we all share the burden of, and the
good people we built relationships
with. It’s sure to be a fun, inspiring report. Please join us for a special time of
remembering the mission that God continually sends us on: to be the hands
and feet of God’s reconciling love, to
share our time and talents and treasures with the whole world, even small
places in Tennessee.
August, 2015
JUPY and UPY Calendar
At a glance…
Enjoy your last few
moments of summer
before school starts!
Youth programs will
resume in September.
Stay tuned for
Confirmation schedule,
UPY and JUPY activities
and fun!
Safe Space Training and Teachers Meeting
On Saturday, August 29 from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m., there is another
Safe Space training for all volunteers who have yet to be trained
and who will be working with children and youth . . . driving children and youth . . . mentoring children and youth in any of the
following programs: Sunday School, JUPYs, UPYs, and Confirmation. If you plan to be a volunteer, driver or leader, please RSVP
with Matt that you plan to attend by emailing him at
Following the training, the fall Sunday School teacher meeting
will take place from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. All teachers should plan
to join us to discuss the upcoming year, receive their curriculum
and work in the classrooms!
Alena Cushman
Mark Dold
Jessie Fronk
Elena Kovalick
Marc Stevens
Will Stevens
Grayson Tester
Member News
Thank you for your service at PCWS in July! We can’t do it without you.
Collated and/or folded bulletins: Norman Duncan
Helped in the office and with scanning and database updates: Donna Strunk, Michelle
Hennessy, Carol Ulreich, Ruth Riordan
Crushed cans: David Boxell, Mary Jo Blough, Laurie Petersen, Becky Glasscock
July Food for Life team:
Cooks: Ron and Mary Jo Blough
Second Baptist Food Pantry run: David and Jane Boxell
Prepared Glad Tidings for mailing: Mary Kae Headland, Ruth Riordan, Betty Anderson, Jan Fortina
Flower Guild designers and flower setup in July:
Sue Kovalick, Sue Eck, Carol Coughlin
Mission News
On July 13, the JUPYs shared in God's good
work of helping undernourished people in Ghana. We partnered
with Feed My Starving Children to pack meals specifically designed for infants and young children. The meals were made of
soy protein, sweet potato protein, and potato. We had tons of
fun working with others for two hours and we packed 66 boxes
of food that will feed hundreds of children. Please pray that
these boxes, and all FMSC boxes reach their destinations and
bless the lives of the children they reach.
Save the Date!
PCWS will again be participating in the
LaGrange-Western Springs CROP Walk,
scheduled this year for Sunday, October
18. As you know, this annual event raises money for our local
food pantries and supports numerous national and international
relief efforts sponsored by Church World Service. Put this family
-friendly event on your calendar now and prepare your team for
a little pledge-gathering and community building fun!
The Deacons would like to
thank all who donated
blood on Sunday, June 14th!
Our LifeSource spring blood
drive collected 17 units of blood to help
save lives for those in need. An
additional shout out to all who
attempted to give blood but were
unable, and to those that volunteered
their time and/or provided treats. We
thank you all for making this a
successful blood drive.
Nine hearty souls from PCWS Kevin and Michelle Hennessey,
Craig Harris and Harriett
Potenza, Mary Jo Blough, Jan
Fortina, Marcia Matiniaitis, and David
and Laurie Petersen helped repack
1497 senior boxes and over 1000
pounds of pasta yesterday at the
Greater Chicago Food Depository.
August, 2015
Member News
Sympathy to:
Laura Fruit on the death of her
uncle Charles Barnhart.
 The Ahmeti Family
Shirley Pine
 Marshall Alaynick
Bob Quandt
 Paul Allen
Marge Sandrik
 Tom Allen
Mike Slesicki
 Kimberly Bone
Patti Schoenbeck
 David Boyer
Connie Sligh
 Diane Markley Bruser
Connie Spar
Neil Stark
Margaret Swaar
Betty Toft
Beth Tooth
Chad Tressler
 Cathy Dold
Joe Van Cura
 Billye Dvorak
Dorothy Wilson
Bulletin Deadline
 Norm Erickson
Elaine Wood
 Paulette Erickson
(friend of Julie Garino)
Please submit all announcements
to the church office by 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday morning.
(Friend of Joyce Smyers)
Email to pcws@presbyws.org or
fax to 708-246-4276.
(friend of Jane Norman)
 George Bruser
 Phil Carper
 Sandy Carucci
 Betty Davis
 David DeFano
 Jessie DeFano
 Bob Fencl
 Jean Geary
 Marc Goldstein
 Maggie Joseph
 Kathleen Kircher
Our troops stationed
Presbyterian Church
Congregation in Nueva Paz,
 Michael Leong
 Deborah Matthews
 Jim McMahon
 Mary Myers
 Margaret Miller
 Gloria Nicolai
 Holly Oliver
 Ginger Oswald
August, 2015
The people of Syria,
especially family members
of PCWS Interfaith
Women’s Book Group
Those seeking employment
Roger Dold on the death of his
uncle Paul Lucas.
Welcome to:
Duke Ellis Martin born June
29,2015 to Casey and Paula Martin.
Maternal grandparents are Gary
and Carolyn Garbin. Paternal
grandparents are Dennis and
Bonnie Martin.
New Email Address:
Sarah Sullivan:
Glad Tidings Deadline
Articles for the next month’s
Glad Tidings are due
by the 10th of each month.
To ensure your submission is
received, please email articles
and pictures to:
Help prepare the September
Glad Tidings for mailing
Tuesday, August 25th. Meet
@ 10:30 a.m. in the Jones
5250 Wolf Road
Western Springs, Illinois 60558-1898
Web Page:
Prayer Requests:
Dated Mail
Scan to
Learn about PCWS
Upcoming Events in August
Upcoming Events in September
Aug. 2 Holy Yoga continues every Sunday
Sept. 1 Deacons Meeting
Aug. 6 Summer Book Club
Thursdays through August 27
Sept. 2 Committee Meetings
Aug. 7 Chair Holy Yoga continues every Friday
Aug. 10 Glad Tidings Article Deadline
Aug. 25 Prepare Glad Tidings for mailing
Food For Life
Aug. 29 Safe Space Training
Sunday School Teacher Meeting
Sept. 7 Labor Day
Church and Offices Closed
Sept. 8 Confirmation Meeting for
Youth and Parents
Sept. 10 Glad Tidings Article Deadline
Presbyterian Women
Sept. 13 Rally Day
Sept. 15 PW Tuesday Discussion Group
Sept. 17 PW Afternoon Circle
Sept. 20 Confirmation Classes Begin
Sept. 24 PW Tuesday Evening Circle
Sept. 25 Prepare Glad Tidings for mailing
To view a full calendar of events, please visit our webpage: www.presbyws.org