VFTCMay05-with graphics


VFTCMay05-with graphics
Views From The Cliffs
The purpose of the report is to illuminate aspects of the situation and condition of The Cliffs, which should be interesting to those who receive it. Questions and suggestions should
be sent or called to AOAO President, Don Jacobs, (9046 E. Colorado Circle, Denver, CO 80231; (303-750-3214) djacobs@inteck-inc.com; CCIOA President Gus Daal, 4444 Delaney
Drive, Burlington, Ontario, Canada, L7L 5J2 (905-637-8083) daalgus@cs.com; CRVOA President, Chris Stawski, 1139 E. Knapp Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202, (414-276 8202)
cjstawski@yahoo.com. Comments on the Newsletter should be sent to the Editor, James D. Quisenberry, 1713 E. Mumford Dr., Urbana, IL 61802, jdquiz@siu.edu.
The Cliffs Resort Newsletter: Summer 2005
AOAO Report
Donald M. Jacobs
Aloha Owners and Guests – I hope you are
enjoying yourself wherever you are. This past
month has seen summer type weather here at
the Cliffs. Temperature has been in the mid-tohigh 80’s and sunny every day. Everything is
beautiful. It has been a very active whale
season with much to see from our chairs
overlooking the water. And, the sunsets are
more beautiful than ever. If you’re not here
already, I’m sure you’re looking forward to
your next trip.
As you all know, we just completed our Annual
Meeting on April 21. It was very productive.
Your officers for this coming year are: Donald
Jacobs, President; Gus Daal, Vice President;
Jim Quisenberry, Secretary, and Mark Barra,
In addition to our usual business, one of the
primary focuses of our board meetings was to
address the condition of our property. In March
the Board approved the Asset Replacement
Study by Armstrong Consulting. We recognize
that things wear out and we need to replace
them if we are to continue to be five-star. Even
though we have an active maintenance
program, everything has a lifetime.
Given the results of the study, and led by your
Finance Committee, the Board discussed
various alternatives to what we should do next
and how should we pay for it. As you will
recall, we are still paying off our loan to
renovate the outside of our residential
buildings. In addition, we have been operating
the property on a break-even basis, and only
reserving a minimal amount of money. Finally,
the cost of doing anything continues to rise
dramatically (as those of you know who own
condos and are aware of how much they have
increased in value.)
So, we have concluded that the optimal way to
proceed will be via a special assessment. This
will provide the funds over the next five years to
carry out the details of the plan. You will be getting a
separate letter, which details what we plan to do and
the associated costs. After five years, we will have
the current loan paid off.
In addition to this discussion, the following
summarizes some of our other agenda items:
Finances: We are operating the property on
–budget through our first three months. We
approved the 2004 year-end audit performed
by Pannell Kerr Forster, and you can get a
copy from Kimo, if you desire. The audit
validated that we did finish our 2004 fiscal
year with an operating surplus. Our bad debt
continues to remain low. Only one owner is
behind in paying his monthly dues and we
are working with him to get him caught up.
Thanks to all of you for keeping current.
Newsletter. Our newsletter continues to be
well received.
Working with the two
timeshare associations at the Cliffs, our Joint
Communications Committee is now focusing
on enhancing our web-site so that it is more
valuable to all of you.
Parking: We signed the contract to re-pave
all of our parking spaces and add 53 more
new ones. We have been told this will begin
at the end of May, and it will take 45-60
days to complete. (We have a lot of regrading to do in addition to paving.)
We have established our board meeting dates for the
next year. In accordance with your requests, all board
meetings will be held at the Cliffs. (For most of the
previous years, our July meeting was held somewhere
on the mainland. But, we received comments that it
was more beneficial to have them at the Cliffs, so
those of you who were here could attend.) The dates
are: July 21-22, 2005; October 20-21, 2005; January
19-20, 2006, and our Annual Meeting will be April
19-21, 2006.
Finally, thanks to all of you who attended our
meetings. We appreciate hearing from you. It helps
us know we are doing what you want, and your
comments are most appreciated.
Mahalo Nui
New ADA Stalls ..........................................................4
New Employee Stalls (behind C1 and C2) .............. 21
CCIOA Report
New Guest Stalls ......................................................28
Two of the tennis courts will be re-surfaced and new
nets and net posts installed. The two other courts
will be converted to a basketball/volleyball court
and a shuffleboard court. The usage of the. tennis
courts have diminished over the years, and we hope to
stimulate some additional activities on the property.
The interior refurbishing of Building 4 has been
completed, and we are pleased with the new fresh
Hawai'ian designs. An overall inspection was
performed during our April Board meeting by the
Board and staff. Minor changes, were suggested and
these changes will be implemented when we
complete the refurbishing of Buildings I and 2,
scheduled for 2006.
Gus Daal
hope that by now your weather on the east coast and west
coast has turned beautiful, and you all are planning your
summer activities. Mark Barra has now stepped down as
President after two years of excellent leadership. He will
continue to serve on the Board as Treasurer for the next term.
Also, after many years of dedicated service on the CCIOA Board
of Directors, as President, Director and Advisor,
(Mac) McCormick has decided to retire from the Board. I wish to
extend a special thanks to him for his hard work on the regular
preparation of the newsletter and his dedication to The Cliffs for
more than a decade. As you may have noticed in our last issue,
our editor, Dr. James Quisenberry, has now, [at the direction of
the Joint Boards of Directors] combined our Cliffs newsletters
to include the news of AOAO, CCIOA, CRVOA and CMG.
Dr. James Moyes will not serve on the Board in the coming year.
I wish to extend my thanks to him for his six years of service.
The two vacancies on the Board were filled by Lou Genett and
Jerry Hempenius. We welcome Lou Genett as the new Secretary.
Jerry Hempenius was re-elected and will serve as Vice President.
As newly elected CCIOA President, I would like to thank you
for your trust and support.
We are looking forward to an
exciting year for The Cliffs.
In closing I want to thank you again for your support. I will
strive to provide the leadership required to meet and exceed the
high standard of our resort, together with our excellent staff,
Kimo Keawe, our General Manager, and the CCIOA Board
CRVOA Report
Christopher Stawski
Your Board has been strongly committed to maintain The Cliffs
at a high level. This requires a continuing review of our
Hawai'ian resort as a whole, our property, landscaping, interior,
and exterior of our units, activities, and amenities.
During the series of Board meetings in April, the Board approved
the following projects:
Renovation of the recently acquired administration
buildings (C1 and C2). These existing buildings were
purchased in March 2005. The CCIOA Board signed a
contract with AGOR ARCHITECTURE in Lihue to
prepare the interior and exterior renovation drawings
and specifications. Our goal is to complete these
renovations as soon as possible, so our registration
facility can be brought to "FIVE STAR" quality. Our
staff deserves a proper working environment, and we are
anxious to provide this after too many months of
inadequate office space.
Parking Improvements -- The AOAO Board approved
the parking contract for the whole property, and there
will be a total of 53 additional parking spaces. This
will be an increase of 28 % in parking at your resort.
Existing Stalls .......................................................... 205
Existing ADA Stalls .................................................... 4
Page 2
Annual Meeting Update
As mentioned in my most recent President’s Report, the
CRVOA’s Annual Meeting takes place this year on June 8,
2005. Contrary to the time given in my prior article, the
meeting is scheduled to begin at 2:00 p.m. It will occur in the
Cliffs Recreational Pavilion. Any CRVOA owners who are onsite at that time are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting.
By doing so, you will give your Board of Directors an
opportunity to meet you personally, something we always enjoy
doing while we’re at The Cliffs.
By now, I expect that all Cliffs Resort owners should have
received the following items under cover of letter dated May 2,
Notice of Annual Meeting;
Annual meeting agenda;
2004 Annual Meeting minutes; and
Letter re proposed By-Law Amendments
As indicated on the agenda, there are two very important items
of business that will be considered at the Annual Meeting. The
first is the election of two Directors and the second is a vote on
four proposed By-Law Amendments. I would like to briefly
discuss each of these items.
Regarding the election of Directors, both Jim Moyes and Chuck
Gehrke have submitted letters to the nominating committee
expressing their intent to seek another term on the Board of
Directors. As many of you may know, Dr. Moyes serves on the
boards of a number of the on-site organizations that make up
The Cliffs at Princeville. Jim took over the Board space vacated
by Ralph Kitashima when G.F. Hutton sold his interest at The
Cliffs to PAHIO Resorts, Inc. It has been a pleasure to work
with Jim on the CRVOA’s Board of Directors and I am looking
forward to having him with us for another term.
Chuck Gehrke has been involved in The Cliffs at Princeville for
nearly all of its 25 year history. In April, Chuck was elected to
serve on the CMG Board of Directors. CMG is the entity that
owns the fee at The Cliffs at Princeville. Chuck is an owner
both at The Cliffs Resort and at The Cliffs Club. His historical
perspective regarding the property is invaluable, and he’s also a
great guy to go hiking with. The Cliffs Resort is fortunate to
have someone like Chuck who is willing to serve on its Board of
Directors. I’m thrilled that Chuck has chosen to continue his
service on the CRVOA’s Board of Directors.
The proxy packet that you received also references four By-Law
Amendments that will be voted upon at the Annual Meeting.
The Board recommends that each of the four By-Law
Amendments be approved. The By-Law Amendments relate to:
Elimination of cumulative voting for Directors;
Elimination of "split" interval voting for Directors;
Elimination of developer's right to appoint a Board member;
The expansion of Director terms.
As explained in the notice that you received regarding these
Amendments, we believe that the first two will provide for a
more democratic election process. The Board believes that they
will allow owners to have a greater voice in the election of
The By-Law Amendment eliminating the
developer’s right to appoint a Board member cleans up language
in the By-Laws which allows the developer to appoint a member
to the Board of Directors. As there is no longer a developer
controlling the project, the existing By-Law is unnecessary.
Finally, we believe that the expansion of the Director terms will
allow a more cohesive management of The Cliffs Resort.
Please participate in the governance of The Cliffs and return
your proxy as soon as possible. Anyone having any questions
or concerns regarding the business that will be conducted at the
Annual Meeting is encouraged to contact me directly. I’m
always happy to hear from owners and learn what others think
about our wonderful island home away from home.
PAHIO Dispute Resolved
While I was in Kauai attending the AOAO Annual Meeting in
April, I had an opportunity to sit down with Dave Walters, the
gentleman who owns PAHIO Resorts, Inc. As I’m sure that
most of you are aware, PAHIO purchased the remaining
inventory in The Cliffs Resort that had been held by the
project’s original developer, G. F. Hutton. Some issues had
arisen between The Cliffs Resort and PAHIO which looked to
be headed to court. However, as a result of the meeting between
Mr. Walters and me that took place in April, I am pleased to
report that all issues between The Cliffs Resort and PAHIO
have been resolved. Mr. Walters and I have agreed upon the
Ralph Kitashima says — “Help me help
you, your friends and family SAVE MONEY on a
time share ownership resale in this wonderful
Cliffs Resort.
For your referrals it would be my pleasure
to repay you with credits that you may apply
towards airfares, car rentals, island activities,
maintenance fees and groceries at Foodland!
You’ll receive 250 credits for every interval
purchased as a result of your referral. Each credit
equals one dollar redeemable for the above
mentioned incentives. Give us a call for details.
For those of you who no longer use or need
your ownership, call us for details on how we can
assist you.
Toll free: 1 800 222-5541
Office: (808) 826-6585
E-mail: Ralph@TimeshareSolutionsLLC.com
Timeshare Solutions is an affiliate of Oceanfront Realty International, Inc.
language of a settlement agreement and mutual release. We are
now awaiting approval of the document from our respective
counsels. I hope that, by the time you receive this newsletter,
the document will be signed, sealed, and delivered.
As a result of this agreement, Mr. Walters will be selling the 18
odd year and the 28 even year intervals that he owns. Any
current Cliffs Resort owner who is seeking to purchase an every
other year interval is encouraged to contact PAHIO. I am not
aware of what the selling price is; however, given the scarcity of
Cliffs Resort units on the market, purchasing an interval from
PAHIO is the only sure fire way to acquire one. Mahalo to Mr.
Walters for his cooperation in resolving these issues.
Upgrades Set To Begin
As reported in the last issue of Views from The Cliffs, the
CRVOA Board has approved the expenditure of funds necessary
to upgrade the majority of its units. It is expected that the
process will begin in June and should be completed by August.
After touring a newly refurbished Cliffs Club unit in April, your
Board is set to consider authorizing some additional expenditure
for upgrades. For example, the bathroom vanities in the newly
refurbished Cliffs Club units are quite attractive, and we are
pricing those vanities for our units. In addition, the new sinks
and countertops in The Cliffs Club unit are very classy. We are
looking into installing those into our units as well.
The bottom line to you, an owner at The Cliffs Resort, is that
none of these expenditures will impact your maintenance fees.
As reported in other parts of this newsletter, the AOAO Board
of Directors approved a $2,000,000.00 expenditure to upgrade
the entire property. We have calculated this to equate to
approximately $200.00 per one bedroom unit at The Cliffs
Resort. In June, the Board will consider how best to deal with
this. Our options include a one-time maintenance fee increase,
advancing the funds and charging owners over a four-year
period or imposing it as an assessment. I will report back to all
of you in my next article as to what course of action has been
General Manager’s
Kimo M. Keawe
the next several years. In addition, they considered several
different methods of funding that budget. Due to the recent
escalation in property values, the Board approved updating our
Insurance Appraisal last prepared in May 2003.
Our in-house interval sales program for CCIOA has continued
into 2005. Although sales have slowed a bit during the first
quarter due to the price increase, we are still moving inventory
at a faster rate than when we relied solely on timeshare resellers.
Our current inventory is now down to 55 weeks. We have
noticed an interesting trend, as several owners have decided to
quitclaim their intervals back to the association rather than face
foreclosure for nonpayment of maintenance fees.
The front desk and accounting staff recently were trained on the
new updated version of Timeshareware. This upgrade has given
the reservations department the ability to email reservation
confirmations. Included in this training session were several
hours of instruction on Crystal Report Writing Version 10 which
will now give us the ability to develop customized reports
tailored to our specific needs that we can produce in-house.
Time for Some Fun in the Sun!
year ago we reported that G.F. Hutton had sold Units
C-1 & C-2 (our old office building) to PAHIO Resorts.
We also reported that the sale included 77 unsold
developer weeks in CRVOA. As part of the sale PAHIO would
substitute in, as a plaintiff in a lawsuit that was filed by Hutton
against AOAO for repairs he felt should have been done after
Hurricane Iniki. In addition, G.F. Hutton ceased to be the
managing agent for CRVOA and was no longer in the timeshare
business on property. A lot has transpired since then.
As a result of a board directive, I was asked to try and settle the
lawsuit regarding C-1 & C-2. There were several discussions
with the principal of PAHIO Resorts to address the lawsuit.
After our initial meeting, there was an indication that PAHIO
would be willing to settle the suit in addition to selling C-1 & C2 to the Association. The board further authorized Mark Barra,
Don Jacobs, and myself to continue to meet with PAHIO to try
and negotiate the acquisition and settlement. A contract for
purchase was finally submitted to escrow on January 22, 2005.
The terms of the sale included acquiring C-1 & C-2, entering
into an acquisition agency agreement with PAHIO to serve as an
agent in supplying them with prospective buyers, and PAHIO
dropping their lawsuit with regard to the repair of C-1 & C-2.
On March 15, 2005, after more than ten years of trying to
acquire this building, the sale did close with CCIOA as the new
We recently received our NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System) permit, which will allow us to proceed in
obtaining our County grading permit so that we may begin the
repaving project for our parking lot. It is our intent to finalize
the contract with the contractor and begin work by the end of
May. The project is expected to take between 45 to 60 days to
complete. The issue of capital reserves for both AOAO and
CCIOA was addressed at the last Board meetings. They
reviewed the capital improvement needs for the property over
Page 4
Activities Center
Located at the Cliffs Recreation Pavilion
Helicopter Tours:
$89 - $175
per person
Kayak Tours:
$200 - $300
per person
Snorkel Cruise:
$129 - $150
per person
All Terrain
Vehicle Tours
$135 - $200
per person
$60 - $69
per person
Experience all of the
Adventure and Hospitality
Kauai has to offer!
Contact Cliffs Activities at 808-826-6219 Ext. 2005 or email to
activities@cliffsatprinceville.com and book all your recreation,
tour, and excursion needs.
Book in advance and let us do all the work for you!
Mike Cohen will be retiring in May after working at The Cliffs’
Front Desk for more than ten years. Mike has a very unusual
perspective of our property, having been an employee and also a
whole unit owner and timeshare owner. After retiring, Mike
will be spending six months in Utah pursuing his favorite
pastime of skiing and six months here on property. We thank
him for his faithful and loyal service throughout these many
FACILITIES (Maintenance)
We have completed the majority of the renovation work for the
sixteen units that CCIOA owns in Building 4. This renovation
project gave us a good assessment of our capabilities and
shortcomings with in-house personnel. It was a daunting task as
we took all sixteen units down at the same time and tried to
adhere to a very strict time schedule. Like many projects there
are so many factors that can affect your time schedule,
especially where 90% of your material has to be imported. One
of the crates of granite used for the bathroom shower enclosures
and countertops was damaged during shipping and had to be
reordered from China. We expect the shipment in May, which
will allow us to complete six bathrooms that now have a
temporary shower enclosure. Our carpet shipment was delayed
in Los Angeles and subsequently resulted in a two-week delay
in completing the units. During the installation of the granite
shower enclosures we found that none of our bathrooms were
square, requiring each shower enclosure to be cut individually.
During the past few months we continued to repair water leaks
both from within units and from roofs. The roof leaks were
caused by wind and rainstorms that started last year and have
continued into 2005. We also repaired the landing of unit 6201
using the solution that was used last year on another landing in
Building 5. Again, as a result of the heavy rain we have
repaired water-damaged areas within the Gazebo. All of these
projects were completed in addition to our normal daily
maintenance work orders submitted by our guests and owners.
Our Housekeeping Department worked together with our
Facilities Department in completing the renovation of CCIOA
units in Building 4. All of the demolition and furniture and
fixture removal was a joint effort. After the unit improvements
had been completed, this group again worked with the vendor to
install the new furniture package. The vendor, C.S. Wo and
Sons, was on-site with their team of designers and installers
during the last phase of the project. They were quick to remedy
problems as they came up and were flexible in implementing
solutions. We generated several thousands of dollars in salvage
income from the old furnishings.
The majority of owners and guests who have stayed in the
newly renovated units like the décor and especially its tropical
look. Several whole unit owners liked the package so much
they have ordered it for their units. We will be proceeding with
a similar package for the CRVOA units with the first ones
scheduled for renovation this summer.
We have resumed our general cleaning schedule for CCIOA and
CRVOA units, which is an integral part of our operation. We
use this downtime to give each unit the “once over” and repaint,
repair, and replace items as needed.
New linen, towels, and blankets are slowly being phased into
each of our units. The higher thread count sheets have been
well received. We have also purchased 24 Kirby vacuum
cleaners to replace the Hoovers. We have finally found a source
for sofa bed mechanisms that work well and are comfortable.
Eight more units were recently installed.
Page 6
As we head into our busy summer season we are looking at our
personnel requirements in light of a diminishing labor pool.
Kauai’s unemployment rate has remained close to 3% for quite
some time now, and people who want to work are working and
those that don’t make up that three percent.
The wet weather of 2004 has continued into this year and
requires us to trim and prune more frequently. We are still
experimenting with different plants and ground covers and have
installed marigolds along the pathway of the Rec. building.
Most flowering ground covers we have used die back after
several months that require a steady rotation of plant material.
People expect to see flowers as part of our landscaping and we
need to maintain that standard. The ironwood trees fronting the
gazebo were finally cut down. The view corridor has opened up
and greatly enhanced the cliffside experience just in time to
close the whale-watching season.
The audits for AOAO, CCIOA, and CMG were the primary
focus for the accounting department this past quarter. Our
auditors, PKF-Hawaii, were on-site for almost a week in
February and produced final audits that were approved at the
annual meetings. We met with Chinaka & Siu, the auditors for
CRVOA, for the first time and expect to get that audit in time
for their annual meeting in June.
Producing financials for the various entities on property is still
the primary function for this department and consumes most of
their time. However, several individuals have participated in
additional training programs being offered in Honolulu that
included courses in accounts payable, payroll processing and
human resources. Julie Monroe is taking the courses necessary
to sit for the CPA exam later this year.
The preparation for the Annual Meetings was a major focus for
the Admin Department. Fred Constantino working with several
Board members, and our attorney designed a new proxy to
conform to Hawai'i Law governing voting rights. For the first
time this year a new system of counting ballots was
implemented which required an inordinate amount of detail in
tracking individual votes. We hired additional help to count the
proxies and needed more personnel to assist with elections this
Our new combined newsletter has been well received, and
everyone who attends our Wednesday owners meeting has
expressed positive comments about the new newsletter. Fred
has put his graphics arts training to good use in adding flair to
the newsletter. Dr. Jim Quisenberry is our editor-in-chief and is
also a member of the AOAO Board.
What we envisioned to be a short year in temporary facilities
has now gone into its second year. For various reasons we were
unable to move forward with the new admin building project as
first anticipated. This has created some positive and negative
results. The positive is the opportunity we had to purchase our
old office building (C-1 and C-2) for a very good price. The
negative is having to occupy these temporary offices in three
different locations thereby creating very stressful working
conditions for our staff. We look forward to completing the
renovation of C-1 & C-2 as soon as possible. Getting back
under one roof will go a long way towards bringing people back
Secretary’s Report:
Jim Quisenberry
Publishing Future Newsletters
Once more, and as previously announced, the Boards of The Cliffs have agreed that
this newsletter will be published "on-line," beginning with the Fall (November) issue.
Subsequent issues will, therefore, be published only on The Cliffs' web page
(www.cliffsatprinceville.com), unless an owner has specifically written, e-mailed, or
called his/her president, this editor, or Fred Constantino and requested a printed,
mailed copy of the newsletter. The more we can reduce the need to mail 7000 copies
per issue, the more economic sense it makes to distribute the newsletter this way.
To repeat again, there are several ways to view the newsletter on line. The easiest
way, of course, is through a personal computer connected to the internet and thence to
The Cliffs' web site. A second, generally available, mechanism is through any public
library, which has computers available for public use. This is true of nearly all public
libraries, and most of them also have printers attached by which a paper copy (hard
copy) may be produced.
As recommended before, a relatively inexpensive way to have access to the internet is
through a product similar to Web TV, which allows you to use your own television as
a computer. As I understand it, a peripheral device such as a printer may be used with
the Web TV program. I have this machine available through Dish TV, though I would
rather use my computer.
Timely availability of the unified newsletter will meet all By-Laws requirements for
periodic notification to owners of news about the activities affecting The Cliffs Resort.
"Timely" refers to the fact that each issue of the joint newsletter will be published
quarterly, to appear within approximately one month following the general meetings
of the Boards (AOAO, CCIOA, CRVOA, and CMG).
News Around the Island
[Gleaned from The Garden Island newspaper, with mahalo nui loa! JDQ]
Kulana Developer Under DCCA Scrutiny
William R. Hancock, the principal developer of the Kulana project in Kapa‘a, is under
investigation by the state (Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs--DCCA), in
connection with a complaint filed against him in his capacity as a certified public accountant.
The complaint, filed in 2004, is still under investigation. It is DCCA policy not to discuss
complaints until resolved, according to a spokesperson. Hancock is the managing partner of
Kapa'a 382 LLC, the developer of Kulana, a planned residential development located on
agricultural land in Kapa‘a. Lot owners who paid $10,000 two years ago (down payments for
lots), said they have been notified recently, some in the past few days, that they will have to sign
contracts agreeing to increased costs, or risk losing their lot and chance at home ownership.
Hancock referred comment to his lawyer, Tom Sylvester. Sylvester said lot owners were never
locked into a specific market price for their prospective homes. He said the Kulana reservation
contract had a clear provision that both buyer and seller could terminate the reservation contract
at will. The lot-buyers will get their $10,000 deposits back, he said.
Disgruntled lot owners who asked to remain anonymous for fear of losing contracts were
considering their options, including seeking legal counsel. And at least one Honolulu attorney
has shown interest in perhaps taking one (or all) of the cases, The Garden Island has learned.
State Officials Promise
Action on WailuaKapa‘a Traffic Fixes
WAILUA — Apparently growing as weary of
looking at traffic studies as Kaua'ians are of
sitting in Kuhio Highway traffic in Kapa‘a and
Wailua, state officials have promised quick
action on proposed short-term traffic fixes for
East Kaua‘i. Rod Haraga, head of the state
Department of Transportation, said he and his
staff are focusing their energies on
implementing quick-fix traffic solutions for
Kaua‘i at this time, and that he was tired of
looking at traffic studies. "This administration
(of Gov. Linda Lingle) is about doing and not
about talking," Haraga said.
Haraga and other top state DOT officials
announced efforts to carry out "short-term
solutions" as soon as possible to alleviate longstanding traffic congestion on Kuhio Highway
through Kapa‘a and Wailua.
Adding a fourth highway lane in front of the
Coco Palms Resort and a second lane to a
former sugar cane haul bridge makai of the
highway bridge over the Wailua River, turning
Papaloa Road by Wailua Bay into a one-way,
two-lane, northbound route, and creating two
southbound lanes near that road, could all
happen if supported by the public and funding
becomes available, DOT leaders reported at a
meeting at the Aloha Beach Resort-Kaua'i
Wednesday night.
Building the "Pouli feeder road" from the
highway mauka to the temporary Kapa‘a
bypass road would also help significantly,
Bartolo said. The road would allow those on
the bypass road to get to the Waipouli
shopping centers without having to access
congested Kuhio Highway.
Besides the Pouli Road improvement, Kyono
said in general there was no funding for the
design and planning and construction for
most of the key improvements proposed
at this time.
That Pouli Road extension would go over
land owned by movie star and singer
Bette Midler, and if built soon, would
bring significant traffic relief almost
immediately, probably faster than the other
two proposed short-term solutions advanced
by the Kapaa Business Association, Bartolo
Bartolo said it was his understanding that $3
million had been set aside for the Pouli Road
project, but that the funds had not been
released. Kyono also said DOT leaders are
considering adding a fourth lane to Kuhio
Highway in front of the Coco Palms to help
move traffic through Kapa‘a and Wailua more
efficiently. But the construction of the project
will depend on the availability of funds and
time, he said.
Costa Brothers Dominate Drag
Just to emphasize the variety of activities available on the
Garden Island, Kaua‘i Raceway Park at Mana held some hot
action recently. Fast and furious racing, great weather, and
closely contested events before a near-capacity crowd made for
an exciting evening under the stars. The next race is scheduled
for Sunday, June 12th. Gates open at 8 a.m. with test and tune.
Racing starts at 10 a.m. For more information, or to work at the
track, contact Chris Loew at 808-639-1046.
Results: PS.&D. Napa Junior Dragsters
The PS&D NAPA sponsored Jr. Dragster class was dominated
by the Costa brothers in their DW Services dragsters with
Calvin taking the first place honors with a breakout win over
1st place Calvin Costa dialed in at 8.00 and ran a 7.876 with a
reaction time of .553 at 81.67 mph.
Nawiliwili Yacht Races, Etc.
[Something else to do on Kaua'i!]
JUNE 2005
First warning/1700. First start/1705. Party at clubhouse after.
Luau begins when General Membership ends. Dinner reservations
are required. Please call ASAP. 821-0222 or 742-2512.
warning at 1700 hours. Party at clubhouse after race.
Skippers meet at 0900 to plan day's race.
help is needed. Sign up now for the job of your choice.
First warning/1700. First start/1705. Party after.
2nd place Sheldon Costa dialed at 8.79 (DNF)
Irons: No Signs of
Easing Up
Three-time reigning world surfing champion Andy Irons of
Princeville displayed no signs of a nasty foot injury to post a
convincing heat win over Australian Phil MacDonald and
American wildcard Dane Reynolds. The 24 year-old received
four stitches in his right heel prior to his heat after gashing his
foot on contest site stairs, but he still paddled out and literally
tore into his first wave.
g{x VÄ|yyá Rent Plus
p r o g r a m
Irons pulled two consecutive searing arcs on the outside, before
setting up an awesome cutback tube-combo on the inside and
finishing with a long floater.
It was a case of sweet revenge for Irons who was eliminated
from last year's Boost Mobile Pro in California by Reynolds,
with the Hawai'ian champion locking in an impressive twowave combined heat score of 17.94 out of a possible 20, forcing
both Reynolds and MacDonald into elimination round two.
Irons now moves directly to round three.
Time to block out the dates on your calendar. The Race starts
on July 14th at Ko Olina [O'ahu] and culminates with the big
bash dinner and party (Public Invited) on July 16th. Here's the
party schedule: No-Host Refreshments: 5 PM; Catered Dinner:
6 - 7:30 PM; Awards Presentation: 7:30 - 8:00 PM; Dancing
with Tongue & Grove: 8 - 11:00 PM. Tickets will be limited so
order early. Once we've sold out, we're out! YOU WILL NOT
BE ABLE TO BUY AT THE DOOR! Cost is $40.00 per
person. To find out all the information about the race check out
www.kauaichannelrace.com. Now comes the best part. We
are looking for volunteers to assist with the party setup, cleanup,
on-the-water transportation and decorations.
For more NYC Club information, call Rear Commodore Mel
Page 8
Enjoy more time at The Cliffs at affordable
weekly rates.
Our spacious one bedroom and one
bedroom with loft condominium suites start
as low as $800 per week for four people.
Call us toll free and ask for Rent
P.O. BOX 223419 x PRINCEVILLE, KAUAI, HI 96722
Prices subject to change without notice
Subject to availability
g{x VÄ|yyá
Board Meeting Calendar
Cliffs Property
June 8, 2005……..CRVOA Regular
June 8, 2005……..Annual Meeting
Cliffs Property
July 21, 2005…….....Joint Meeting
July 21, 2005…….....CCIOA Regular Meeting
July 21, 2005…….....AOAO Regular Meeting
September 2005….CRVOA (date TBA)
Cliffs Property
October 20, 2005....Joint Meeting
October 20, 2005….AOAO Regular Meeting
October 21, 2005….CCIOA Regular Meeting
December 2005…...CRVOA (date TBA)
Cliffs Property
January 19, 2006….Joint Meeting
January 19, 2006….AOAO Regular Meeting
January 20, 2006….CCIOA Regular Meeting
Cliffs Property
April 19, 2006………Joint Meeting
April 19, 2006………AOAO Regular Meeting
April 20, 2006………AOAO Annual Meeting
April 20, 2006………CCIOA Regular Meeting
April 21, 2006………CCIOA Annual Meeting
April 21, 2006………CMG Regular Meeting
April 21, 2005………CMG Annual Meeting
Meeting dates do not reflect special
teleconferences or special on property
scheduled by each Board President
throughout the year. Meeting dates,
times and meeting locations subject to
Visit The Cliffs Website at
Association of Apartment Owners of the
Cliffs at Princeville
P.O. Box 223420, Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii, 96722-3420
DONALD JACOBS (Denver, CO), President, Director Term 2004-2006
GUS DAAL (Ontario, Canada), Vice President, Director Term 2005-2008
JAMES QUISENBERRY (Urbana, IL), Secretary, Director Term 2005-2008
MARK BARRA (Sandy Hook, CT), Treasurer, Director Term 2004 -2007
GERALD HEMPENIUS (Arroyo Grande, CA), Director Term 2003-2006
ROLF RAMELMEIER (Sykesville, MD), Director Term 2003-2006
ROBERT EBERHARDT (Princeville, HI), Director Term 2004-2007
CHRISTOPHER STAWSKI (St, Francis, WI), Director Term 2004-2007
JAMES MOYES (Lubbock, TX), Director Term 2005-2008
Cliffs Club Interval Owners Association
P.O. Box 223419, Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii, 96722-3419
GUS DAAL (Ontario, Canada), President. Director Term 2004-2007
GERALD HEMPENIUS (Arroyo Grande, CA) Vice President, Director Term 2005-2008
LOUIS GENETT (Charlotte, NC), Secretary, Director Term 2005-2008
MARK BARRA (Sandy Hook, CT), Treasurer, Director Term 2004-2007
JAMES HUNT (Naples, FL), Director Term 2004-2007
DONALD JACOBS (Denver, CO), Director Term 2003-2006
CLYDE HAMPTON (Alexandria, VA), Director Term 2003-2006
CLIFFS RESORT Vacation Owners Association
3811 Edward Road, Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii 96722
2004-2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Board Election to take place June 8, 2005)
CHRISTOPHER STAWSKI (St. Francis, WI), President, Director Term 2004-2006
CHARLES GEHRKE (Phelan, CA), Vice President, Director Term 2003-2005
JAMES MOYES (Lubbock, TX), Secretary, Director Term 2004-2005
TERRENCE CANNINGS (Westlake Village, CA), Treasurer, Director Term 2004-2006
RONALD RAINE (Rancho Cucamonga, CA), Director Term 2004-2006
P.O. Box 223419, Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii 96722-3419
CLYDE HAMPTON (Alexandria, VA), President, Director Term 2005-2008
CHARLES GEHRKE (Phelan, CA), Vice President, Director Term 2005-2008
JAMES MOYES (Lubbock, TX), Secretary, Director Term 2004-2007
GREGORY BARRIS (Clinton Twp., MI), Treasurer, Director Term 2003-2006
JAMES HUNT (Naples, FL), Director Term 2003-2006
SUSAN COLLINS (West Seneca, NY), Director Term 2003-2006
JACK ORLVE (Lincoln, CA), Director Term 2004-2007
Resort Management Team
KIMO KEAWE, General Manager
JULIE MONROE, Controller
FRED CONSTANTINO, Director of Administration
ROSARIE KELEKOMA, Director of Owner Services
ANN HERMOSURA, Director of Physical Operations
FREDA YEOMANS, Accounting Manager, HR Director
KEN VAN MARK, Facilities Manager
LIZ HOM-WEAVER, Activities Director
SHANOA CABERTO, Front Desk Manager
g{x VÄ|yyá
3811 Edward Road
Princeville, Kaua`i HI 96722

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