Views from the Cliffs - The Cliffs at Princeville


Views from the Cliffs - The Cliffs at Princeville
Views from the Cliffs
Newsletter of the Cliffs at Princeville—Fall 2010
General ManaGer’s report
Kimo M. Keawe
After a long trial period, we have finally found what we feel
is a good solution to the access issues we have had at the pool. Earlier this month we installed an electronic lock similar to the locks on
Club and Resort units and now require that all whole unit guests,
long term renters and owners register at the front desk to gain access to the pool. This has reduced the number of outside individuals
who are not allowed to use the facility. It also provides us with information about who is authorized to be on property. So far the system
is working well. In addition, our long time owners help us by asking
individuals if they are in-house guests.
We finished Bldg 6 on time and checked the first guests in
on October 1st . We had some challenges with valances and bedspreads but, these were solved in time to meet the schedule. Our
appliances and electronics arrived on time and we finally got the right
size bifold mirror doors which had been a real headache in the past.
For the previous buildings, we had to scramble to make these fit as
the manufacturer kept deviating from the measurements we submitted. We completed this project under budget and on time. With
just one building left to renovate we feel very confident that we have
a proven system that will work well for any future unit renovation
We finalized the contract for a new wireless internet system. This system will offer our guests 24 hr service with one phone
call. In addition, it will provide greater coverage with very little in
the way of system maintenance. We are currently working on scheduling the installation early in 2011.
The clearance sale of intervals for both CCIOA and
CRVOA exceeded our expectations and will help us as we enter the
2011 operating year. We still have intervals available as a result of
owners who did not close on the previous offering. If you are interested in acquiring more intervals please contact Rosarie Kelekoma
our Owners Services
A draft of the Master Landscape Plan for the 12 theme gardens has been completed along with a new front entry design. The
theme garden plans include plant lists and quantities for each of the
designs and once finalized will allow us to install both hardscapes and
plants in accordance with the overall objective of mauka and makai
and the preservation of native Hawaiian plants within this area. This
is a long term project to possibly be implemented over the next 3 to
5 years.
The addition of Sheila Berry as our new controller has
brought new improvements and a renewed sense of excitement for
that department. Although her tenure with us as an employee will
end at the end of 2010, we look forward to continue to work with
her as a consultant going forward. She has done a great job in working with all of the department heads to solve concerns. One of her
main goals is to work towards a true paperless system and has made
several changes with many of our vendors and our bank to receive
statements and invoices online and also to pay them online. In addition, she has looked at each of the functions within the department
to evaluate the work flow and made changes accordingly.
One of the biggest improvements is in the Annual Budget
process. For the first time, all of the draft budgets were completed
for AOAO, CCIOA and CRVOA well in advance of the meeting
As a licensed CPA in Hawaii, her expertise will be invaluable as we take on complex projects like solar that may have major
tax implications and would require collaboration with our auditors
and other consultants to make sure we take full advantage of the
new alternative tax incentives. She is currently evaluating our accounting software to see if there are better and less costly alternatives available to meet our needs.
We have recently filed an application for a Federal ―take‖
permit based on records that reflect a history of Newell Shearwaters
found on our property during the fledging season. This is a result of
leaving their nesting sites high up in the mountains of Hanalei on
their way to the ocean. They become disoriented by lights and will
circle a source of light until they can’t fly anymore and fall to the
ground. The fledging season is from September 15th to December
31st. each year. This particular bird is on the endangered species list
and as such is protected by Federal law.
In an effort to save this species from extinction, the combined state and federal governments are having businesses and the
local County government fund a program for this effort. Each entity
involved will pay a ―take‖ fee based on an estimate of an average
number of birds downed in a season. This more than likely will be a
long process as our local power company has been trying to get a
permit for eight years and still has not been granted one. We have
hired an environmental consultant to help us through this complex
and complicated government process.
Here’s wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year.
Mele Kalikimaka and Hauoli Makahiki Hou!
Mark Barra, President
Aloha from the Cliffs.
I have just returned from
our Quarterly Board meetings and as always have plenty
of good information and progress to share with all of our
members. As many of you know, October is when we
complete our annual budgets for the upcoming year.
This year has proven to be quite a challenge given the
economic times we are all facing and as always, the Finance committee lead by Treasurer Tom Selders, along
with our new Controller Sheila Berry and our GM Kimo
Keawe spent considerable hours formulating a solid
budget that not only meets the needs of the property,
but also does everything in our power to control costs.
With this in mind, I am pleased to say that the annual
dues for 2011 will only increase a modest 3%. Considering the huge increase in Energy, normal wage increases
for our employees and significant Real Estate Tax increases throughout the islands, I think being able to keep
the increase modest at 3% is a fairly good outcome.
Keeping annual dues payments in mind, I am
sending out a plea to all our owners to please begin to
utilize our new online bill paying system and online voting
system. You will hear much more about this in the coming weeks, but in a nutshell, we are now able to pay our
fees online through the website as well as do all our annual voting online. These enhancements will save all of us
literally thousands of dollars which directly translates to
dues savings. All we need from you is a good, current
valid email address to make the effort a success. PLEASE
PLEASE PLEASE provide the Cliffs with a good valid email
address right away and let’s begin the savings to all of us
right away!
With respect to our ongoing renovations, we
are in the home stretch. We recently completed Buildings 5 & 6 which leaves only Building 4 to be completed.
Building 4 is slated to commence renovations in March
2011 and will be completed by June. This will bring the
renovations to full completion and all our units will then
have the updated and award-winning look we are now
We also had wonderful success with our summer clearance sale we had with our inventoried intervals.
We sold over 130 intervals to our members which
greatly helps our budget for 2011. As often happens with
programs such as these, some members who won the
lottery to obtain an interval at these greatly reduced
prices for whatever reason were unable to close on the
transaction. Because of this we do have a few intervals
still available and the Board has decided to keep the pricing in place until the end of 2010. If you are interested in
this opportunity to increase your ownership in the Cliffs,
contact Rosarie at (
right away to see if any inventory from this program still
is available.
As always, I want to take a moment to thank all
our staff at the Cliffs for their dedication to all of us, the
owners. The staff we have at the Cliffs is second to none
and we would not be half the property we are without
them. A special welcome and thank you to Shelia Berry
our new controller for jumping right into the fire with
enthusiasm and a fresh set of eyes. As we all head into
the Holiday season, on behalf of your Board of Directors
and our Board Advisors, let me wish all our owners and
all out staff at the Cliffs a Healthy, Happy, Joyous and Safe
Holiday Season and a Wonderful New Year to all. Please
come out to the Cliffs and enjoy the slice of Heaven we
have there and while you are there, take the time to
thank any of our staff for the great work they do.
A warm Aloha to all
Mark Barra
approximately a 3.3% increase over the previous year. Bad Debt is
increased, Utilities are all increased, Directors expense saw a spike in
air-fare and an increased Reserve for our Roof problem all contributed to our Budget increase.
System wide wireless, as discussed previously, will be available to AOAO whole unit owners once we have campus wide installation, perhaps in early Spring. We will let you know the Opt-in
charge and monthly Fee when we are sure it is up and running. It is
tremendously economic, providing you are geared for wireless reception on your equipment.
Your President has charged the Long Range planning committee with a ―new vision‖ to complete the needs of our exterior
campus. In that regard, a revised presentation for specific plant goals
unique to each building was presented with a revised entry-way design. As we grow and adopt a ―new vision‖ I am sure we can all be
pleased with new long range planning. If you have some ideas or
suggestions please forward them to our General Manager.
One of our current concerns is the Shearwater issue which
relates to protecting endangered species. This is an issue of Federal
Migrating Bird Act as well as Hawaii State Environmental law. There
is a move to secure a fund for protection of certain species. They
Another value packed Board of Directors meeting has just define this as a ―fee‖ for a ―take‖. A ―take‖ is a species found on your
been completed. We had a few owners present and for those of you property which is harmed. The ―fee‖ can be $10,000 to $30,000 per
unable to attend, I will recap our efforts.
―take‖ as currently described with higher fees not being exempt in
As mentioned in the last President’s report, we scheduled a the future if they so deem it appropriate. Obviously this is of vast
complete roof evaluation by a company who specializes in roof con- concern to the Cliffs. We do not intend to initiate a ―take‖, but it
dition assessment. Specifically we needed to evaluate (1) cause of
could be accidental or the normal course of a Birds lifespan or somemost recent roof leaks, (2) structural condition of roof to serve as a one just dropped it on your property. The ―fees‖ could impact us
platform for Solar panels, and (3) general condition of roof shingles
severely, depending on the number of ―takes‖ we are charged with.
and their remaining lifespan.
This issue affects AOAO directly since it involves the exterior and
What was diagnosed included the following: Roof Shingles grounds of our campus
are in great condition and aging exceptionally well. However, the
Your Board recently adopted their portion of a newly creproblem of leaks was caused by installation that over time has inated Quality Control Manual designed to set standards for maintecreased our vulnerability to leakage. Using our current roof for So- nance of the Cliffs at Princeville. This project has been in process
lar is not recommended. Three objectives will be discussed in Janu- the better part of two years. It is a commitment by your Board of
ary. (1) Repair as necessary and set aside Capital Reserves for conDirectors and Staff to assure the best quality of maintenance and
tinuing years to cover the cost. (2) Repair all roofs where poor
service for our property.
workmanship is discovered or currently evident (therefore a massive
As we progress through the upcoming Holidays, let us ever
repair). (3) Replace all roofs for setting a Solar based platform. Ob- be mindful of sharing the greatest experiences of our Cliff Club
viously we will need a lot of cost analysis and will most likely be inmembers. Where the ―Kama'aina‖ spirit prevails.
volved in this issue for months to come.
While on premises you will note that a new BBQ area and
picnic tables were completed between Buildings 4 and 8. Also that
Mahalo, have a happy season
new pool furniture has been added. In addition the pool gate now
requires a room key for admittance. If you need assistance please
filled with joy and Thanksgiving.
check with the front desk.
According to our records, only half of our owners have
replaced their Hot Water Heaters. ( While I was attending this past
meeting, I received a call that my Hot Water Heater at home (9
years old) was leaking all over the garage floor.) I sincerely request
that because of the age of your Water Heater, you consider immediate replacement. Unfortunately these are installed such that it affects
all rooms around your unit in case of disaster. This can be a costly
problem. Contact the front desk if you need information as to our
install program.
October is always our Budget crunching session for the
ensuing year. This was perhaps one of the smoothest assimilation of
facts and figures that we have endured. The Finance Committee had
numerous prior meetings to pre-determine our financial needs. Our
new controller Sheila Berry was of immense help and seemingly
grasped our data and intent with ease. She has produced a new format for more cognitive presentation. The actual Budget approved is
Chris Stawski, President
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the CRVOA, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our owners best
wishes for the new year. I sincerely hope that many of you have an opportunity to visit The Cliffs in 2011. For those of you who
haven’t been here for awhile, you will be pleasantly surprised by the changes and improvements that have occurred. Interestingly, the majority of the individuals who stay at The Cliffs Resort trade into it through an exchange company. Most of our owners do not visit the property during any given year. While I understand that visiting other places is a great thing to do, there is
no better place in the world to visit than the north shore of Kaua’i. If you haven’t utilized your Cliffs Resort interval for a few
years, come on down and visit us. You won’t be disappointed.
Maintenance Fees Due Soon
By now, I expect that all of you should have received your billing for your 2011 maintenance fees. As with everything
else in the world, you may have noticed a slight increase. There are a couple of reasons for this.
First, The Cliffs Resort shares expenses with the other organizations on site for things like security, pool supplies and
other items that benefit the entire property. For the past several years, The Cliffs Resort was not being charged its proportionate share for these common items. Once this was pointed out to your Board of Directors, we, of course, agreed that we should
be paying our proportionate share of these expenditures.
Next, because of the recent upgrades to nearly every one of our units, our capital reserves need to be replenished.
While our capital reserves are still more than adequate, we want to be sure that we have adequate funds earmarked for future
renovations. We also want to be able to address any pressing maintenance needs immediately.
Finally, as we all know, inflation makes things more expensive every year and our island home is no different than any
place else in that regard. All things considered, your Board of Directors believes that the modest increase in maintenance fees
is reasonable. We just missed RCI Gold Crown status during the last rating period and want to achieve Gold Crown status next
time. We believe that we have a good chance of doing so if we continue to maintain the property as we have in past years.
Intervals Available
Because of the continuing downturn in the economy, a number of our owners have been forced to deed back their
intervals to The Cliffs Resort. As such, we have a substantial inventory of intervals for sale at great prices. Your Board of Directors recently voted to designate Ralph Kitashima of Time Share Solutions LLC to market this inventory. While I can’t detail
the specifics in this article, I can assure you that Ralph is ready to wheel and deal. Contact him at 800-222-5541 if you are
interested in adding another Cliffs Resort interval to your portfolio. There has never been a better time to buy than now.
Mahalo Pennie
I am sad to report that one of our finest employees recently left The Cliffs. I’m not sure how many of you had the
opportunity to meet Pennie Wyatt, Kimo’s former assistant and the property’s human resources manager. I had the pleasure of
dealing with Pennie on many occasions and found her to be a great person to work with. Her enthusiasm, sense of humor and
strong work ethic will be missed by everyone associated with the property. I would like to take this opportunity to say mahalo to
Pennie for her service to The Cliffs and wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors.
Activities: thank you Sabrina, Sarah and Sonya
for the organisation of our trips and your knowledge
of the island.
Pennie: Met her for the second time only in
Hi Mark: We just wanted to express our thanks for
everything that the team at the Cliffs do for us each all the years that we have been coming. Thank you
so much for keeping us up to date with the newsletyear. It is ―one hell of a journey‖ each year and
costs us a fortune but it is worth every cent to visit ter.
James: Met James for the first time this year.
our dear friends at the Cliffs every year.
great chap. You have a tremendous asset in
We own quite a few timeshares all over the
having ―beach access‖ albeit very difficult. If you
world but we can honestly say that this is our best
annual experience and is soon to become a ―twice a could somehow create a path, that would be absoyear visit‖ rather than our single visit each summer. lutely wonderful as people will always go down there
even as things stand at the moment. Believe me I
We have so many ―thank you’s‖ so I will be
understand the difficulties with regard to health and
safety as I am Director of a Health and Safety ComThe Committee: Thanks for all your hard
work and for approving the superb refurb that is go- pany in the UK but if it could be done you would be
utilizing an amazing untapped asset.
ing on and for the wonderful new pool. If I lived
Housekeeping: What a superb job Ann does
nearer I would have tried to help you but travel
in keeping the apartments so beautiful. Thank you.
costs would prevent my applying
Kimo & John: Don’t see much of them but
they are so friendly and welcoming when we meet.
Rosarie: An absolute angel and could not do
more for us if she tried. We look upon her now as a
dear friend.
Reservations: Barbara, Kapua and Vicki are
likewise absolute angels to us and go out of their
way to give us superb accommodation each year.
They are wonderful and we look upon them also as
dear friends.
Front Desk: They don’t have an email so I
Mark, if we have missed anyone out then we
cannot copy them in. These are your true ―front
are sorry. A great team, dear friends and a wonderline‖, as you well know, and they are truly a credit to
the image that the Cliffs portrays. June, Kate, Mark, ful resort.
Jenny, Glenda, Gary are absolutely delightful and
Best wishes,,
could not do more for us in any way. They always
Mike and Penny Cook
make us feel so welcome when we arrive.
At the thirty-first Annual Meeting to be held on April 15, 2011, the Cliffs AOAO will elect three
Directors to the Board.
The terms of James Moyes, Gus Daal and Norman Litell end in April 2011. Candidate Review
Committee Chairman Lou Genett announces that all paid up members who are interested in serving the
Association are encouraged to apply.
The Cliffs is self-managed and Board members are responsible for the oversight management of
all functions. Candidates with strong financial (accounting), legal and/or management background are
encouraged to apply. Directors are appointed to committees and are responsible for introducing or
revising policies for the AOAO. Directors attend four meetings a year and participate in as many teleconferences as are needed. AOAO reimburses for all related Board expenses, including coach air travel,
ground transportation, lodging and meals.
Interested members are asked to submit brief biographical sketches stating their principal qualifications, education and a written statement of intent to run should be sent to the AOAO Committee on
Candidate Review: The Cliffs at Princeville, 3811 Edward Road, Princeville, HI 96722. Documents may
also be faxed to the Cliffs at 808/826-1272 or by e mail to All information must be received no later than Monday, January 31, 2011
Board Meetings at the
Wed. 01.19.2011 – Joint Meeting of the Boards
01.19.2011 – CRVOA Regular Meeting
Thur. 01.20.2011 – CCIOA Regular Meeting
Fri. 01.21.2011 – AOAO Regular Meeting
Wed. 04.13.2011 – Joint Meeting of the Boards
04.13.2011 – CCIOA Regular Meeting
Thur. 04.14.2011 – CCIOA Annual Meeting
04.14.2011 – AOAO Regular Meeting
Fri. 04.15.2011 – AOAO Annual Meeting
04.15.2011 – CMG Regular Meeting
04.15.2011 – CMG Annual Meeting
Tues. 07.26.2011 – CMG Regular Meeting
Wed. 07.27.2011 – Joint Meeting of the Boards
07.27.2011 – CRVOA Regular Meeting
07.27.2011 – CRVOA Annual Meeting
Thur. 07.28.2011 – CCIOA Regular Meeting
Fri. 07.29.2011 – AOAO Regular Meeting
Thur. 11.03.2011 – Joint Meeting of the Boards
11.03.2011 – AOAO Regular Meeting
Fri. 11.04.2011– CCIOA Regular Meeting
Meeting itinerary subject to revision
Nominating Committee Chair Don Jacobs announces that at the 26th annual meeting in Princeville, Kauai, interval owners of the CCIOA will have the opportunity to elect two members to the
Board of Directors. The terms of Jerry Hempenius and Lou Genett expire in April 2011.
The Nominating Committee invites paid up members with strong financial (accounting), legal
and/or management backgrounds, to become candidates. The Directors will be serving three-year
Directors are appointed to committees and are expected to attend four meetings a year as
well as participate in as many teleconferences as needed. Board related expenses are reimbursed in
accordance with the approved expense policy.
Applicants are to submit a summarized biographical background stating principal qualifications,
education and experience and a letter of intent to run by fax to 808/826-1272, via email to or by mail to CCIOA Nominating Committee, Cliffs Club, 3811 Edward
Road, Princeville, HI 96722.
2010/2011 AOAO Board Committees
Lou Genett, Chair
George Bruns, Rolf Ramelmeier
James Moyes, Chair
Norman Litell
Don Jacobs, Chair
Gus Daal, George Bruns
Mark Barra, Chair
Don Jacobs, George Bruns, Norman Litell
Don Jacobs, Chair
Lou Genett, Rolf Ramelmeier
Lou Genett, Chair
Gus Daal, George Bruns, James Moyes
Gus Daal, Chair
George Bruns, Rolf Ramelmeier, James Moyes
President Jerry Hempenius
Vice President Lou Genett
Secretary James Moyes
Treasurer Mark Barra
CRVOA Board of Directors/Committees
James Moyes
James Moyes, , Chair
Chris Stawski
Chris Stawski
Mark Barra
Chris Stawski
James Moyes
President Chris Stawski
Vice President, Chuck Gehrke
Secretary James Moyes
Treasurer Mark Barra
Tom Selders, Chair
Jerry Hempenius, Lou Genett, Jim Ricker, Alice Berntson, Barry Kinman
Jerry Hempenius, Chair
Lou Genett, Gus Daal, Don Jacobs, Tom Selders
Don Jacobs, Chair
Gus Daal
Don Jacobs, Chair
Jerry Hempenius, Tom Selders, Lou Genett, Barry Kinman
Lou Genett, Chair
Tom Selders, Jim Ricker
Gus Daal, Chair
Jerry Hempenius, Tom Selders, Jim Ricker, Lou Genett,
Alice Berntson, Barry Kinman
Jerry Hempenius, Chair
Gus Daal, Lou Genett, Alice Berntson
Jerry Hempenius, Chair
Don Jacobs, Jim Ricker, Alice Berntson
Gus Daal, Chair
Tom Selders, Don Jacobs, Alice Berntson
Lou Genett, Chair
Jerry Hempenius, Gus Daal, Barry Kinman
President Mark Barra
Vice President Gus Daal
Secretary Lou Genett
Treasurer Tom Selders
On-Site Activities at the Cliffs
( P lease sign up for activities at the Concierge Desk )
The island orientations are held at 8:30 AM Saturday, Sunday and
Monday . All guests are invited, whether this is your first or fiftieth
time to the island, the concierge desk prides itself on always learning new and exciting information about Kaua’I to share with you!
Scuba Diving: Gregg Winston, our PADI certified instructor will meet
at the pool every Sunday and Monday at 1:00 p.m. He will give you
diving instructions and talk about the delicate marine life in our waters.
Ukulele Lessons:
This class is FREE and FUN! If you have ever wanted to try to SCUBA
Tuesdays @ 2:00 p.m. $40 per person
dive, this is the way to go or if you are certified and need a refresher,
meet Gregg at our pool for more information
Yoga Class
Diane Cline is a registered
yoga teacher, with over 13
years of experience. She is
published and also has an
award-winning DVD and
audio CD. Her classes are
held in the Recreation
Room 5 times/wk.
All levels cost is $15.00 per
person (3 person min.)
Tennis Clinic Eric Lutz is back and his tennis skills are better than
ever.. Eric is a certified USPTA Professional and has over 20 yrs of
Lei Making:
Every Monday @ 4:00 p.m. $15 per person
teaching experience . Lessons are as follows:
1 Hr. Private: $60 per person
1/2 Hr. Private: $35 each
1 Hour Semi-Private (2) $30 each.
(4 or more) $15.00 each or $10 each (junior)
Clinics are held Tues & Thurs
Coconut Postcards: Coconut postcards make a great gift and
one of the best ways to tell people back home how much fun
you are having on Kaua ’ i. Robyn will bring the coconuts, already stamped with an Agricultural Stamp of Approval to mail or
bring back to the mainland. Paint and brushes are provided.
This fun class is held Mondays in the Recreation Room at 10:00
a.m. Classes are $15. per coconut. *additional fees apply for
Massage: Start or end your vacation with a relaxing in-room
massage. The licensed massage therapist will come right to
Watercolor Classes: Wendy, our amazing watercolor specialist
your room and treat you to one of the most relaxing experi-
comes to you with vast knowledge and skill. Wendy meets at
ences of your vacation. Let your stress be massaged away.
the Recreation room on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m.
60 or 90 minutes!
She brings all the materials needed to paint a beautiful picture
to bring home. Wendy ’ s classes are about 2 hours long and
are $40 per person.
Natural Historic Building & Taro Farm Tour
*The only way to see Hanalei Valley up close –l
*learn about Hawaii’s agriculture & cultural history
*View 5 endangered bird species & more—
*the last & only Historic Rice Mill in Hawaii.
*learn about taro cultivation, endangered wildlife, and history of 6 generations keeping the tradition alive
Includes smoothie, lunch & refreshments from farm fresh ingredients
your visit, donations and purchases support free education programs & restoration efforts
(Owners book directly with Concierge and save 5%)
Kauai Surfing Legend & Three-Time World
Surfing Champion Andy Irons gone at the
age of 32
Surf writer Jake Howard, of ," recalls ―we
went on a trip to Cabo a couple years ago. "Kids came up
and started asking him for stuff. He didn't have anything,
so he literally gave one kid the shirt off his back."
Paddle outs were held in his honor all over the world. To view a
Excerpts by Brad Melekian from
WHEN THREE-TIME world surfing champion Andy
Irons was found dead on Tuesday, November 2, in a Dallas hotel room, the news reverberated far beyond the
sport's core of devoted fans and followers. The second
was the date of crucial midterm elections throughout the
United States, but the most frequent Google search that
day was for a person who had nothing to do with politics:
Andy Irons. His passing was covered by hundreds of media outlets all over the planet, a clear measure of the impact Irons had during his amazing athletic career.
ANDY IRONS GREW UP in Hanalei, Kauai, a small
north shore community. His father, Phil, a carpenter and
surfer and one of nine children, had moved to Hawaii
from California in 1970. Andy and Bruce, who is 16
months younger than Andy, spent most of their childhood
competing with friends and cousins for the island's perfect
BOTH BROTHERS eventually surfed professionally, but
few of the many that took place, see the following videos:
Pine Trees, Hanalei, Kauai
Snapper Rocks– Gold Coast—Australia t
New Pier Durban, South Africa
Huntington Beach, CA
Puerto Rico
it was Andy who broke out in 1996, winning the HIC
Pipeline Pro, on nearby Oahu, at age 17. A few months
later, still relatively unknown, Irons showed that it wasn’t
a fluke by winning another pro event—this time at Tahiti's
deadly Teahupoo.
IRONS WAS OBVIOUSLY a major talent, and over the
years he earned a loyal following for his go-big style. He
was the most fearless surfer at some of the world's heaviest breaks, often riding deep inside the tube at dangerous
spots like Pipeline and Teahupoo. But he was still skilled
enough at riding small waves to win at every stop on the
World Tour. No other surfer offered such a complete
package—except Kelly Slater, holder of a record ten surfing world championships.
Porta Del Sol, Puerto Rico 2010 Rip Pro
This paddle out was led by fellow Kaua’i surfer Roy Powers and
Dusty Payne. from Maui
3811 Edward Road
Princeville, Kauai, HI 96722
Lou Genett
Aloha, you’re invited to join our staff at the Cliff’s Welcome Reception
on Monday . at the Hale Ho’Onanea Rec. Room at 5 p.m.
Come and enjoy our delicious pupus, door prizes and meet fellow owners and guests .
June Sundberg
Front Office Manager
John Mahoney
Executive Assistant Manager

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