PDF - The Cliffs at Princeville


PDF - The Cliffs at Princeville
John Young
General Manager
February, 2015
continue in her supervisory role and manage the daily operations of
the Front desk. Rosaries’ duties are adjusting as well. Reservations
will again report to her. More than 50% of the Reservations Department is Owner based so it only makes sense that this department
should report to Owner Services. Rosarie will also oversee the daily
operations of the Cliffs Realty Group. Rosarie is excited to take on
this role and is looking forward to these new opportunities.
“The only constant in life is change…”
Housekeeping and Grounds/ Facilities
4 Years ago I was in Bangkok Thailand waiting for the birth
of our little girl, Jessie, who blessed our lives on 1/18/2011. Four and
a half months after that came her little brother, Tyler, but that’s another story. We knew then it was time to move West where we planned
to raise our family back in Hawaii. Luck did smile on us and we were
blessed with the opportunity to return to Hawaii and join The Cliffs
Ohana. 2 years ago we were just getting settled into the swing of “All
Things Cliffs”, looking at a beautiful property and trying to figure out
how to put it back on the map in this new fast-paced and everchanging world. Well, put it on the map we did and now here we are
in 2015 in full blown renovation mode on the CCIOA & CRVOA
units in buildings 1, 2 & 3.
Kimo has retired and paddled off into the sunset after 14
amazing years with The Cliffs and left a VERY large pair of shoes to
fill. However, as I have said to many of our owners, I’m not planning
on filling his shoes. Those shoes need to be bronzed and placed on the
mantle with all the other accomplishments that he achieved over the
past 4 decades. I have a new pair of shoes and hope to pick up the
vision he presented and take it to the next level. As mentioned above,
the ‘next level’ has already begun with the next round of renovations.
But we’re not stopping there. In addition to the renovations already
underway the following are also in the works: Implementation of Solar panels property-wide, Upgraded cabling throughout the property to
improve internet, TV and phone services, Plumbing upgrades, Landscaping plans to follow the Solar project, Resurfacing the Tennis
Courts, Purchase of a Dryer Vent Cleaning system to service our dryer
vents in-house, Additions to our keiki playground area, Tenting of
buildings 1 & 2, Continued additions to our Sales & Marketing efforts, Staffing adjustments to adapt to our owner’s changing expectations, Enhanced Trading options and Sales efforts to bring in the next
generation of owners. And that’s what is already “on the books”. I
have only been in the GM slot officially for a few weeks so I’ll not
ramble on. Suffice it to say I will do my very best each and every day
to make The Cliffs at Princeville the standard for independent properties for years to come. Meanwhile, following are some updates from
our operations:
Ann continues to perform minor miracles on a daily basis.
She and her crew have helped keep the renovations schedule on the
mark by stepping up when extra hands are needed. Being ahead of
schedule has allowed our Contractor to start earlier on loft enclosures.
A new drain was installed by the back spa to alleviate the pooling and
related safety issues. Exhaust fans were checked on buildings 1-5 and
we prepped for an access road to enter the employee parking lot which
will serve as the staging area for solar. Drain pipes and valves were
also changed out in buildings 1-3 as the old ones were in serious need
of upgrading. You’ll notice the entryway trees were trimmed back and
we continue efforts to ‘take back’ some of the valley and area near the
hammock. We also repaired broken valves and pipes as the problems
presented themselves and most of all continued work on getting the
putting green back in “LPGA” form. Regular maintenance of the pool
area takes at least 1-2 hours per day and more when issues arise. We
secured a bid to replace the sand in the pool filter and worked all the
kinks out of the tiki torches. We continue to monitor the water temperatures to keep at a comfortable level year-round. Additionally, we
did some parking lot striping, stairwell painting and cleaning of vinyl
siding in the entry areas.
Guest Services and Owners Services
Resort Wireless Network Update: Since installing “G” APs
in Bldg. 8, the complaints appear to have lessened on connecting to
the internet. The login page was done away altogether by request of
the board at the October 2014 meetings . We are still gathering data to
determine the best direction with regards to updating the property
cabling system. We have received some promising information and
expect to have more solid data to report in March. The main focus is
to utilize the most modern technology available but also to stay away
from untested technology as we do not want to be a ‘beta’ property on
this very important facet of our business.
We are doing an accounting “system overhaul” on ordering,
inventory, billing and payment services to ensure we are securing the
best value for the dollar, utilizing our staff efficiently and taking advantage of technology wherever possible.
There are exciting changes and challenges in 2015.
In my travels around the world and even here on Hawaii in
It is sad to say, but one of my favorite quotes came from a
the past few years it is clear that the needs of the guest are changing
“Life is a Journey, Enjoy the Ride”. Right now it
and the traditional Front Desk and Concierge departments are no longer efficient for today’s traveler. It is no different here so we made the feels like I grabbed the tail end of a comet! Anyone care to join me?
decision to combine the two departments under one umbrella with the
goal of cross training staff to assist on either side of the ‘line’ to better
service our guests. I’m happy to announce that Natasha, our Guest
Activities Manager will now be the Guest Services Manager and also
oversee the Front Desk. With further staff changes Kate Moss will
February, 2015
George Bruns
Aloha to all AOAO owners,
ed that management continue to obtain permits from
Princeville Community Association for our planned new
signage and to develop contracts for the construction of the
rock bases and signage.
AOAO Responsibilities - At its meeting, the AOAO
board clarified the October vote on responsibilities of the
Association. The motion was modified to read (modified or
new text in italics): “That effective October 30, 2014,
AOAO will provide owners: 1) exterior window washing a
minimum of two times a year, not including lanai sliding glass
doors and lanai kitchen windows and 2) repair or replace all
windows (including exterior screens) and lanai sliding glass
doors, as required and except when damage is due to owner negligence. Sliding screen door repairs are the responsibility of owners. Entrance doors, excluding lock systems and
interior painting, are the responsibility of AOAO.”
The Associations met for their winter meetings from January 19-22. In our AOAO meetings, the focus was on moving
Survey – A Joint Survey Committee has been formed to
several large projects forward.
develop a questionnaire for all owners, both whole unit
Solar Project – Elsewhere in this newsletter you will find a owners and timeshare owners. The purpose of the survey,
which we expect to be prepared by a professional vendor
report on the progress of the solar project, which is being
to ensure the validity of questions, is to determine owners’
shepherded by the Joint Solar Committee. Trenching has
been delayed in permitting, but is expected to begin during desires for the future of the resort, including the ambiance
of the resort, its amenities, and resources. This is not inMarch. As noted in our last newsletter, we plan to install
conduits for new telephone and cable TV lines to all of the tended to be a satisfaction survey, such as timeshare owners and guests receive following a visit, but is a long term
buildings. In recent meetings with our solar supplier, we
have been working on the location and size of meter boxes strategic view of what owners want the resort to be. It will
be used by all of the associations, and in particular, by the
for each building with a goal of minimizing the impact on
residents and guests. These changes will also be subject to Joint Long Range Planning Committee in planning future
projects and the use of our reserves. We will report on
the development and delivery of the survey in future newsletters.
The majority of our whole unit owners have now signed
and returned their copy of the AOAO Community Power
Program Submetering Agreement (informally called the “opt Other Projects – Our management has undertaken to
expand our recycling efforts by delivering items that can be
-in” agreement) by which owners join the solar project.
We hope to receive the remaining copies by the requested recycled to Lihue with the objective of reducing our trash
deadline of February 28. The Legal Committee has begun to pickup from three to two pickups per week. As the propinterview two potential providers of billing services, both of erty is now over thirty years old, we are beginning to note
which are nationally recognized companies and offer flexible deterioration of cast iron drain pipes. We are investigating
technology that will help us to determine the extent of the
billing plans.
problem and means of preventing future leaks.
“Tenting” and Landscaping – CCIOA’s and CRVOA’s
Finance – Our financial statements for the 2014 calendar
renovation of their units in Building 1 is well under way.
year are being audited. When the audit has been received
Upon its completion, in March, the building will be tented
for termites. Residents have been notified that tenting will and approved by the board, owners may receive a copy upbe March 10-11. Similarly, Building 2 will be tented follow- on request.
ing the renovation of its CCIOA units (Tenting May 26-27).
Upon the completion of the renovations in both buildings,
we will begin the new landscaping of these two buildings, as George Bruns, President
described in our last newsletter.
Tennis Courts to be Resurfaced – Our contractor has
scheduled the tennis courts to be resurfaced in the month
of April. This will include crack filling, smoothing the surface, recoating and restriping.
Signage – The Construction Committee has recommend-
Mark Barra
From the
President’s Desk
A warm Aloha to all of our 5400 plus Ohana at the cliffs.
I know we have a wide variety of owners from all over
the USA, Canada, Asia and other places, but to those of
us who live in the Northeast and are being relentlessly
battered by snow this month, doesn’t spending a week
(or more) in sunny beautiful Princeville Kauai sound awfully nice about now? It sure does to me.
In any event, our January meetings have concluded and
as always it was a very busy week. From the CCIOA
standpoint, our biggest project currently underway continues to be the interior room renovations which began
in Building 1 in early January and will go through building
2 and 3 over the coming months. I can say first hand
that the units look great. And I am very sure you are
going to absolutely love the new look (modern at long
last) of the two bathrooms, which will be the biggest
change in this phase. That and a MUCH improved lighting scheme all of which will brighten the units considerably. The project so far is actually a little ahead of schedule and right on budget. Going forward after buildings 1,
2 and 3, we are going to take a pause, take a breath,
and re-evaluate the needs of building 4-9. Our furnishings from the previous renovation for the most part have
held up remarkably well and we continue to get wonderful reviews for the décor and feel by our owners and
guests alike. So in an effort to be fiscally prudent, we
will take the attitude that “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”
We will be taking a much more surgical approach to
these building and replace only what is wearing and
needs attention. As always, we will be constantly reviewing this and making adjustments as needed. So bottom line, while buildings 4-9 have that wonderful ocean
view, we have been able to make the units in Buildings 1
-3 stand out in a way that will make many people request these units first. And when the landscape plan
discussed by the AOAO President are completed……we
may have a waiting list to get into these three buildings.
The other “new” area in 2015 of course is our new General Manager, John Young sitting firmly in the captains
helm. John of course took over for Kimo Keawe officially
on January 1st and has jumped in with both feet, arms
legs and more. He is doing a great job and is coming up
with many new, exciting ideas to keep the Cliffs the top
destination in all of Hawaii. When you are visiting the
Cliffs, stop into the offices and say Hi to John and get to
know him a little bit. I think you will like what you find.
Financially while we are on solid ground, we did have a
little set back in 2014. Operationally we did fine, but we
did fall short on projections in a few key areas such as
Timeshare re-sales (the sales of our own weeks taken
back from owners) and room rental income ADR
(Average Daily rate). Plans are being put in place on
both these fronts, as well as a fully revamped activities
area, to make up these revenues in 2015.
We also said goodbye to June Sundberg, our Front Desk
Manager, in January. June was with the Cliffs for a number of years and was a familiar smiling face to all our
guests who passed through. What many of you may not
know is June is also an owner at the Cliffs. She will be
exploring new opportunities and we wish her nothing but
great success.
Lastly, its election season again. In April we will hold our
annually elections and have two board seats up for election. The terms of Donald Jacobs and myself are up and
we will have elections for both those seats. Both incumbents’ along with at this time, 5 other candidates will be
on the ballot. Ballots will be mailed roughly the first
week of March.
As always, I am honored and humbled to not only serve
on this board but also to be your President for 5 of the
last 6 years. All 5400 plus of you are the reason we do
what we do and when we hear that you like what the
cliffs looks like and enjoy coming back every year, that’s
all the satisfaction we need. Please let us know what
you like, what you don’t like and what you would like to
see the Cliffs be over the next decade. Soon you will
seeing a detailed survey coming your way on just this
issue, but there is no need to wait for the survey. Your
input is always welcome and highly sought.
Aloha and see you all at the Cliffs!
Mark Barra, President
Cliffs Club Interval Owners Association.
From the President’s Desk
Christopher Stawski
You will note that this Newsletter contains a call for candidates for the CRVOA’s
Board of Directors. As noted in the call for
candidates, there are two Board positions
currently up for election. One of those positions is currently held by Treasurer Mark
Barra and the other currently held by James
The call for candidates has instructions regarding how to transmit the necessary information to us. While the necessary
information could be sent to The Cliffs via
snail mail, it is our preference that the materials either be e–mailed or faxed to The
Cliffs. This will insure that we receive the
necessary information in a timely fashion
and have sufficient time for the Nominating
Committee interview each candidate for the
2015. We will hold both a regular Board
meeting and our annual meeting that day.
The times of the meetings have not yet
been determined. It is at the annual meeting that the election will take place. If you
would like to see your Board operate in person, we’d love to have you join us!!
As you may be aware, the CRVOA recently implemented what we have termed
the Rent Plus Program to help us utilize
open weeks to generate income.
pleased to report that the CRVOA finished
2014 at 86% occupancy and on budget.
Much of the success of this Program is attributable to our new GM, John Young. Mahalo to John and everyone else involved in
the Rent Plus Program for helping make it a
tremendous success. We are looking forward to even better occupancy figures and
greater income in 2015.
Last year, the CRVOA began selling
intervals through the newly created entity
called the Cliffs Realty Group. In 2014,
there were a total of 52 CRVOA intervals
sold. The profit of $77,000 from the sales
was utilized to help offset the organization's
expenses. We still have inventory available
for purchase.
You should contact Bill
Malish at The Cliffs if you are interested in
purchasing a yearly or every other year inBallots are expected to be mailed to terval.
you in June. When you receive your ballot,
Christopher Stawski
please return it as promptly as you can.
We would like to hear from as many owners
as possible regarding this very important
The Cliffs Resort Vacation Owners
Association’s Board of Directors will meet
on site at The Cliffs on either July 15 or 16,
CRVOA Call for Candidates
Two CRVOA directors will be elected at the 2015 CRVOA Annual Meeting which will take place during the week of July 13-17, 2015. The CRVOA’s
nominating committee invites paid up members with strong accounting, legal
and/or management backgrounds to submit a brief biographical summary stating their principal qualifications, education and experience as well as a letter of
intent to run. These items may be submitted by fax to (808) 826-1272, via
email to czadel@cliffsatprinceville.com or by mail to CRVOA Nominating
Committee, Cliffs at Princeville, 3811 Edward Road, Princeville, HI 96722. Each
candidate will then be personally interviewed by a member of the Nominating
Committee. CRVOA directors serve three year terms.
Directors are appointed to committees and are expected to attend 2 onsite board meetings a year as well as participate in as many teleconferences as
needed. The CRVOA meets by phone telephonically twice per year and will occasionally have telephone conferences to discuss other issues. Board related
expenses are reimbursed in accordance with the board’s approved expense
policy. To be considered for a board position, all information must be received
no later than Wednesday, May 13, 2015. Mahalo.
Know your Board of Directors
These are the folks that work so very hard for all of you CRVOA Owners
Paul Cannings
Christopher Stawski
Vice President
Mark Barra
James Moyes, MD
James Quisenberry
CMG Call for Candidates
Cliffs Management Group
There is a correction to the statement that went out in the last newsletter regarding CMG call for
Candidates. The correction is there is only one spot open on the Board of Directors. We had
previously stated there were two openings and that is incorrect.
All other information remains the same.
Interested shareholders should send in a brief description of their background in a narrative form,
stating their intention to run for the CMG Board to Tom Selders via email at Tom@selders.org or
by mail to Tom Selders, 1357 43 Ave., #55, Greeley, CO. 80634.
Submissions must be received by March 1, 2015 in order for the candidate name to appear on the
Dear Owners:
We need your e mail address! We promise not
to share it; it is just for Owners and
staff of The Cliffs and we will keep it
private. We are striving to become paperless and you can help by sending
your e mail address to Admin Assistant
Cathy. Those who have sent one in the
past, please update if you have a new
one. Just click here, send to Cathy and
she will update your owner’s record(s).
Did you know that there is NO Front Desk
Fee for whole unit owners??
A Request for our Valued
Whole Unit Owners:
If you have scheduled or are scheduling renovations of your units could you please let us
know so we can advise all owners and guests
staying in your building? It would be so helpful for everyone to know ahead of time so
they are not surprised by any noise or disruption. Construction hours are always MondaySaturday 9-5 (Princeville rules). To let us
know, either contact Cathy in the Admin Office or Kate Moss, Supervisor of the Front
Mahalo for your kokua
Our Solar Project
Construction is very close to starting!
Tom Selders, Solar Committee
The Cliffs Solar Project construction is about to begin. Trenching for cables
and installation of some of the important equipment will be underway very soon.
Solar Committee co-chairs Dale Sands and Gus Daal are participating in bi-weekly
telephone meetings with key Cliffs’ staff and vendor representatives. While on site,
recently, Dale and Gus, along with General Manager John Young met with key contractor, Kaua’I County and Kaua’I Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) personnel.
Their ongoing discussions include scheduling, necessary engineering and design decisions and approvals and all the minute details needed for the project.
Trenching, the first construction activity to begin, will provide the underground pathways for the cables necessary to connect the system to all component
parts and to the KIUC electricity grid. Additionally the trenches will include space
for the future addition of fiber optic cables or similar cables/parts which will be used
for upgrades of telephone, television and internet service to our units. While we
recognize there will disruptions during the construction activity, all efforts will be
made to reduce those impacts and the inconvenience to guests, while maintaining a
safe working environment.
During the installation of the solar energy system safety will be of upmost
importance. A detailed safety plan is in place to insure that the contractors and
Cliffs staff personnel involved perform their work properly and that guests and Cliffs
residents are not in any danger while this project is underway.
Again, just a reminder to all, that once the system is operational, we will ask
that you consider planning your maximum usage of electricity (Washers, dryers,
and electric ranges) during the daylight hours. It is during the day that we are able
to produce electricity at a cost that is so much less than what is paid for energy
(from KIUC) in the hours of darkness.
Stay tuned for continued updates on our solar energy system in future Cliffs newsletters.
The team also did it’s very best to assist
guests and owners with alternative plans to work
around the noise issues and I’m proud to report
that there were very few problems here as well. I’m
the first to acknowledge that having to deal with a
construction site during your time in Paradise is not
fun, but working with our concierge team to get out
and enjoy this beautiful island and all it has to offer
continues to minimize disappointment. We followed
Aloha Cliffs Owners,
the same format during the roofing project and will
do so again during the solar project as we work to
It is official, renovations to CCIOA &
upgrade your facilities.
CRVOA units in Building 1 are in full swing. It has
We will take a two week break upon the
been a wild ride these past 4 weeks but amazingly
completion of Building One and then right back at it
enough we are on schedule and have not had any
on Building Two. However, behind the scenes we’re
major catastrophes!
already working on landscape upgrades for buildings
In fact, after just 4 short weeks, we’re already 1 and 2 to commence as soon as the renovations
are done and the trenching that will accompany the
starting to place the final touches on the first few
solar project. Our goal is to go chemical free by reunits and working on furniture installation. It has
been nothing short of amazing to watch all the dif- viewing our landscape master plan and identifying
ferent moving parts that make this happen all come where we can eliminate weed issues with alternative
ground cover and changing some of the border
together. Ann Hermosura, our Executive Housekeeper is to be commended for her amazing ability plantings. We’re excited to be on the cutting edge
of taking the project green!
to keep on top of the master schedule and make
However, no rest for the weary as we now
sure we stay on track. James Sarme, our Facilities
begin a program to increase our recycle efManager is also appreciated for ensuring his crew
forts and reduce the number of trash pulls we take
were always available to assist where needed to
keep us on schedule. And hats off to Kimo Keawe, on a weekly basis. We pull 3 times/week and our
goals is to drop to 2 times/week by the end of the
acting as our Project Manager (you remember
year by increasing the % of materials that goes into
Kimo?) for keeping on top of all the contractors
to make sure they are meeting specifications. Your the recycle bins by 30%.
Renovation Committee, most notably Gus Daal and
One final note; is has been an amazing whale
Tom Selders should also be noted for double check- watching season, with whales jumping on a regular
ing the numbers and keeping the project on budget. basis. If you have not been here in the winter, do
As with any construction project, there has been
yourselves a favor and plan a trip. You won’t be disnoise, dust and debris and I would never try to conappointed!
vince anyone otherwise. However I’m very proud of
our teams efforts and the efforts of the General
A Hui Hou,
Contractor, Barry Toy of Barto Construction for
The Renovations Committee
the amazing efforts to keep disruption at a minimum. Additionally we worked with the local Rotary
Club to donate items for the club’s annual Garage
Sale fundraiser. We also worked with Habitat for
Humanity to recycle any and all pieces/parts that can
be reused. And finally, the balance of the tear-down Owners please make your reservations for 2015 as
soon as you can. Due to the renovation and the fact
materials were ground up by a local firm who will
that we have such high occupancy we will be very
use the waste as filler on other projects, so essentially, less than 10% of the materials will go into a
limited so get your dates in soon!
landfill. I think that is amazing!
****Exciting New Travel Benefits For You****
Love to travel and want more flexibility?
The Cliffs has joined with Holiday Systems
International (HSI), a trading company with
global reach to join their Global Travel Benefits (GTB) program to offer you, ALL owners
at The Cliffs, one of the travel industry’s most
valuable programs.
This program has the most variety and flexibility in the industry offering over 500,000 hotels, 8,000 tour packages, 39 cruise lines,
5,000 sports travel packages, 60,000 condos/
apartments/castles/bed & breakfasts, 4,000
golf courses at up to 68% off, custom vacations, 250+ airline carriers, 400,000 destination activities and much more! GTB travel
pricing is backed by the world’s most generous best-price guarantees. You can trade
your timeshare weeks (whole unit owners can
do so as well), or convert your weeks to
“Cash Points” and redeem them for bestprice travel, CASH or even reward redemptions at your properties. “Cash Points” never
expire until used. This allows you to convert a
(use-it-or-lose-it) perishable interval into nonperishable “Cash Points”. Convert your week
to “Cash Points” and enjoy maintenance fee
relief when you need it. Converting to “Cash
Points” affects only one week at a time. You
decide when to convert so you remain in full
control of your ownership. If you just want to
travel without exchanging or using “Cash
Points” you can take advantage of GTBs’
“best price guarantee” for your every travel
need. They guarantee you will get the best
pricing when you book through them or they
pay double the difference in cash! There is an
easy on-line system to use or you can call;
phones are answered by people, not machines.
The Global Travel Benefits program is open
to ALL owners (CCIOA, CRVOA and WholeUnit Owners) and is complimentary for the
first year. Second year is $79. It is a voluntary
program, has no requirements and no personal information is required to sign up.
There is a low $99 exchange fee for trading
your week and you can request online or by
phone. There will be a link to GTB from the
Cliffs website soon. There will be “Trader
Training” classes to show how to best utilize
this program as well.
Qualified Exchanges are fixed weeks, floating
weeks, club points and fractionals. Exchange
your home resort or third-party vacation ownerships. Imagine being able to exchange and
go to sporting events like the Olympic
Games, World Cup, NASCAR Getaways or
NFL Football Tours. Or, enjoy the world’s
most luxurious cruise ships including every
major cruise line and itinerary. Global Travel
Benefits will create your perfect vacation by
assembling the travel components you want
for the most unique and personal travel experience all at the guaranteed lowest price.
Combine resort or hotel stays with activities,
a chauffeured tour, a cruise, a private excursion, a tour and even more to build an itinerary that has exactly what you want. And your
personal concierge agent will assist you.
To contact HIS, go to www.gtb4me.com
Your temporary login user name and password is:
User name: CliffsP
Password: your ACCOUNT NUMBER
(CCIOA example: 1234-56-7)
(CRVOA example: CF1234-56-7)
(Whole unit owners example: use your unit number)
Or contact us Toll free 877-304-4604 (US & Canada)
Or email Service@AdvantageProgram.net
Join the Cliffs Exchange Club
Coming home to the Cliffs just
got easier!
Ever wish you could handle all your Cliffs interval banking and exchanges right here at the resort? Now you
can! The Cliffs is proud to introduce the Cliffs Exchange
Club, an alternative banking program where Cliffs Club &
Cliffs Resort Owners can now bank and exchange their interval weeks within the Cliffs Club membership without having to go outside to another exchange company. No more having to give your
week(s) to bank or exchange to come back at another time with an outside company. The Cliffs Exchange Club (CEC) can now make your return to the Cliffs much easier. The best part is that we’re
located right here at the resort- and who better to service your vacation needs than those who
know your resort the best? As members of The Cliffs Exchange Club you can:
*Bank or accrue your use week(s) for a maximum of two years
*Have the option to extend the expiration on your banking for
another year for a fee
Membership is required. To become a member, complete and sign the CEC Membership Form, available in the Owner’s section of the Cliffs website. We hope you will join us in this exciting new program. We look forward to your return to your home away from home.
e mail: exchange@cliffsatprinceville.com or
call Alanne at Cliffs Exchange Club phone (808) 826-2020
Exhange company membership alert: It has been reported to us that there are scam letters being sent to timeshare exchange members (II, RCI,
etc.) saying they need more accurate personal account information from them. Letters may look legitimate but if you receive a letter requesting
account information we caution you to contact your exchange company in a different way then a link or phone number provided in the letter
you receive. Just check for sure so your information is not compromised. Better safe than sorry!
Add More Weeks with CRG
Thinking about purchasing more weeks? Cliffs Realty Group and the in-house sales
team are offering great savings on resale weeks. If it was ever the time to buy, it is now!
Happy Owners are now able to spend more time on Kauai at their beautiful Cliffs at
Princeville. And the deals are GREAT! E mail us here at the resort if
you want to know more resales@cliffsatprinceville.com call (808) 8262015 or see us when you get here!
**Please note: we do not currently purchase owner weeks
What’s Happening at The Cliffs?
Come Join the Fun!
Join us in the morning Activities Briefings held on Saturday, Sunday and Mondays starting at 8:30 a.m. They are
so popular and folks really can get the inside track on what they want to do while on the island. You can tell by
this crowd that it is great fun. If you want more info, contact the Concierges at extension 2005.
Kauai adopted a ban on plastic shopping bags so
take your own bags to the store. Recycle your
steel, tin, aluminum cans, #1 & #2 plastic, HI-5
containers and glass bottles & jars as well as cardboard in the recycle bins either
by Bldg. 4 or by the Maintenance building. We are currently creating new signs to
identify what to recycle in each bin as well as putting new recycling containers in
the units. Please help save energy too-turn off all ceiling fans, TVs and lights in
your unit when not in use. Please help protect beautiful Kauai's’ fragile environment.
Around the Island and In The News
The Rotary Club of Hanalei Dedicated a plaque to commemorate the
completion of their project to refurbish and reconstruct the historic
Hanalei Pier structure. The Mayor,
Kauai Council Members and about
80 visitors and residents attended
the blessing in December.
Carolyn Russell
is a long-time
whole unit owner at the Cliffs
and Secretary of
the AOAO
Board of Directors.
Way to go,
Cathy’s Kitchen
makes a 9" pie
Serves 4
1 lb lean boneless pork butt or
shoulder, trimmed and cut into
1” cubes
2 c water
2 Tbsp white vinegar
4 oz canned diced green
chiles (or more)
1 large clove garlic, minced
1 tsp dried Mexican oregano
1 tsp dried ground cumin
salt to taste
4 large flour tortillas
3 tbsp butter or margarine,
1-1/2 c shredded cheese (Jack, cheddar, whatever your
choice is)
1 c sour cream (optional)
Salsa Fresca and a green chile sauce
Place meat in a 2-3 qt pan. Cover and cook over medium heat to
draw out juices (about 10 min). Uncover and cook over high
heat, stirring often, until liquid has evaporated and meat is well
browned. Add water to pan, stirring to scrape up browned bits.
Bring to a boil over high heat; reduce heat, cover and simmer
until meat is very tender when pierced (about an hour). Uncover and boil over high heat until all liquid has evaporated. Reduce heat to low.
Add vinegar, chiles, garlic, oregano and cumin. Stir to scraped
up browned bits. Remove from heat. Shred meat with 2 forks
and correct seasonings (I usually add more oregano and green
chiles). Add salt if it needs it. At this point you can cover and
refrigerate for up to three days. Reheat before using.
To assemble each chimichanga, brush both sides of a tortilla
with melted butter. Place some cheese down center. Spoon
filling down center and enclose, lapping ends over filling then
folding sides to make a packet. Place chimichangas seam sides
down in a baking pan or jellyroll pan. Bake at 500 degrees for 810 minutes or until golden brown.
When plating I sprinkle cheese over the top after saucing with
both green and red salsas (salsas next to each other not on top
of each other). Use sour cream if you like.
1/3 lb corn oil margarine,
2 cups crushed pretzels
1 Tbsp. sugar
1-1/2 quarts vanilla ice
cream, slightly thawed
4 oz frozen limeade concentrate, thawed
2 oz Gold Tequila
1 shot Cointreau or Triple Sec
1 whole lime, juiced and zested
1 lime for garnish
fresh mint (optional)
Melt margarine. Crush pretzels in food
processor or by hand. Stir crushed pretzels and sugar
into melted margarine and mix well. Press mixture in a
9" pie pan bottom, pushing a bit up the side. Freeze 1
hour. Combine ice cream, limeade, tequila, Cointreau, lime zest and lime juice in a mixer. Whip at medium speed until well mixed and thick. Pile into the
pie crust and freeze for at least 4 hours until firm.
Garnish with thin slices of lime, lime peel curls and
fresh mint.
Making something special in your kitchen while at The Cliffs but can’t find
the kitchen stuff you need?
Just call Housekeeping; they stock
many things like a rice cooker, crock
pot, cookie sheets, different pot and
pan sizes even a juicer. They will try
their best to accommodate your needs.
“People who love to eat are
always the best people”
-Julia Child
Board of Directors committee mission statements
CCIOA, CRVOA and AOAO have a total of 17 committees relating to all operations and projects at The Cliffs. Here is the mission statement for one of them
Joint Quality Control/Maintenance
Mission Statement
The mission of the Joint Quality Control/Maintenance Committee is to ensure that all of the buildings, recreational areas, equipment, furnishings and services
are operational and maintained at a level that consistently exceeds the expectations
of our owners and guests.
The Committee achieves its mission through the development and implementation of interior and exterior standards, the adoption of service specifications and approval of processes to satisfy the standards and specifications, and the production of
periodic operational and management reports that ensure that the standards are being consistently satisfied.
The Committee relies on the performance and teamwork of the members of
Cliffs’ management and all staff members in achieving its mission and, to this end, it
ensures that all staff members are fully trained in the responsibilities of their respective positions and understand the standards and roles of consistent service specifications, and processes in customer satisfaction.
The Committee ensures that quality standards are met through an independent audit process. The Committee reports its findings and recommendations to the
Boards of Directors of CCIOA, AOAO and CRVOA from which it draws its
AOAO Board of Directors
President George Bruns
Vice President Lou Genett
Secretary Carolyn Russell
Treasurer Mark Barra
Gus Daal
Don Jacobs
Norman Litell
Jim Ricker
Dale Sands
Board of Directors
2015 /2016 Board Meetings at the Cliffs
APRIL, 2015
Week of April 20-24, 2015
JULY, 2015
Week of July 13-17, 2015
Week of October 26-30, 2015
Week of January 25-29, 2016
Mark Barra, Chair, Norman Litell, Carolyn Russell
Norman Litell Co-Chair, M. Dale Sands
Don Jacobs, Chair, Jim Ricker Gus Daal, M. Dale Sands
Jim Ricker, Co-Chair, Lou Genett, Norman Litell, M. Dale Sands
Mark Barra, Chair; Carolyn Russell, Jim Ricker, Norman Litell
Norman Litell, Chair, Don Jacobs, Carolyn Russell, Mark Barra
Carolyn Russell, Co-Chair; Jim Ricker, Norman Litell, M. Dale Sands
Don Jacobs, Co-Chair; Carolyn Russell, Jim Ricker
Lou Genett, Co-Chair, Jim Ricker, M. Dale Sands
Jim Ricker, Chair; Carolyn Russell, Gus Daal, George Bruns
Carolyn Russell, Jim Ricker
CRVOA Board of Directors
President Christopher Stawski
Vice President Paul Cannings
Secretary James Moyes
Treasurer Mark Barra
James Quisenberry
James Quisenberry
Paul Cannings, James Moyes
James Moyes
Paul Cannings
James Quisenberry
Christopher Stawski
Paul Cannings
James Quisenberry
James Quisenberry, James Moyes
President Mark Barra
Vice President Gus Daal
Secretary Alice Berntson
Treasurer Tom Selders
Don Jacobs
Lou Genett
Fred Rocha
Kris Kepler
Lou Genett, Co-Chair, Tom Selders, Fred Rocha,
Kris Kepler
Gus Daal, Chair, Alice Berntson, Lou Genett,
Kris Kepler,
Tom Selders, Co-Chair, Gus Daal, Lou Genett, Kris Kepler
Tom Selders, Chair, Don Jacobs, Alice Berntson, Kris Kepler
Tom Selders, Chair, Alice Berntson, Kris Kepler
Don Jacobs, Co-Chair, Lou Genett, Fred Rocha, Kris Kepler,
Gus Daal, Chair, Lou Genett
Alice Berntson, Chair, Don Jacobs, Gus Daal, Kris Kepler
Gus Daal, Co-Chair, Lou Genett Alice Berntson, Kris Kepler
Fred Rocha, Chair, Gus Daal, Don Jacobs, Tom Selders, Kris Kepler
Gus Daal, Co-Chair, Tom Selders
Gus Daal, Fred Rocha
Alice Berntson, Tom Selders
CMG Board Officers
Karen Angona President
Debra Wood Vice President
Tom Selders Treasurer
George Bloeser Secretary
Charlotte Hart, Director
Meet our Management Team
Aloha, you’re invited to come and meet our managers at our Cliff’s Welcome Reception
every Monday at our wonderful Hale Ho’Onanea Rec. Room at 5 p.m.
Come and enjoy our delicious pupus, door prizes and meet fellow owners and guests.
John Young
Assistant General Manager
Natasha Troche
Guest Services Manager
Jeanette Liberato
Accounting Manager
Rosarie Kelekoma
Owner Services Manager
Ann Hermosura
Executive Housekeeper
James Sarme
Facilities Manager
Kehau Acob
IT Manager
Cathy Zadel

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