f - InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort
f - InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort
..f i I r ,..'-l:- 11 p *>a;ll' ! . -J',,. .!ri,. ws, ;'r&ji&*..r,$S L&-gl.; .' NEWS LOCAT O T EARTY BIRD N TRONG NUOC HALONG BAY F1€dtage Lnle has a 10% urveil€dits 2013 early bird -i " '. 'o'i v"\ .p ' r,6, vill P dis.ount forbookings made 60 days nl r,,. r.r advatlc€ on the Ging€r and Jasmi e vessels, both nuthentlc Indo.hinejunks. Programs ar€ avarlable for one and two nights and include al1 meals and excrLrsions. l leritage Line Co. Ltd, 68 t. 10 Trtln 'I rong CLo1g, Tan Thuan DongWard, DisL. 7 , HCMC; Tel: (08) S 3773 8555; w|rur.heritage lile.com O HERITAGE TINE KHUYEN MAI ,,.1r.",-l.,L,r i.,ri l-..n]\ Liird l1rL.l.ho Ti l/5khj.h 1r,,,,:,,r.rr..t H,r Lorrg: dung cho \':r I .1Lr kh.n l, dLr kh.icL kl.irrr pl.i rirh hhrs.1Le. si.nn !$ri 1rl klr.nr fhj rinh I I,t I org i,r (;irg.r \di.i. bnr,ri rhinh so,ur \:r l)glrr ,,,,:,,,,,,1,.Ii l'..,, r r i . l r,r\.,1r...1"r h.' .hi riii: (- f TNHH H.,i.,r+' / ,r.. aS Nr: //, t.. I .,1',.,.'. I tl-.t-'t.t..I Tl'.1 l(:N1. t) I : it)t) .)77.; /irre, r,rrr I 5jj5,'u u u l;cri.]se O INDUSTRY INSIDER DEAT GdM GA DAC BIET TAI The swiss-belhotel Golden Sand Resort & Spa Hoi An's ne,"!,Tourism Industry Ratc offers thosc nr thc business th€ opportunityto stay atthe heavlly djs.ount pri.e of \'fiD 2,079,000 pcrroom per night, phrs a stayfourpay three dcal until Ortober 31. Pa.kage pi-ices arebased on double occrLpancy GOTDEN SAND RESORT & SPA HOI AN andrnclude a 30 rninute foot massagc, a 25oi, dis.ount ot1 th{: spa fa.iliti€s, a 25% dis.ount on food in the 6ve dining venues, VI.P check in, and a daily shuttle to HoiAn's an.i€nttown, among oth€r fh.rj fl,r .l darr: l'hang tian .hLrilr hLr6ng \Lri)r. r.iLiilrrg d()i. t.:.nrq -lll fhril rrr.6\.rge .hirr. Si.uD !.i.i l5'1i r,it r.r ..i. dl.h !! t.ri Sp,r, Sl.rn la,; ir) rL6.g t.ri nhi h:ng. \t du,r dfir drto rhoi F[.j .o I l()l An. rien fhi $iii. iinr rL'rrris \:r truns triiD t.r| dri rh.lo. rhc h h. llrr l!': -Siri\s 1)e1r.L/ beneits. Guests willalso receive a 20% dis.ount on sele.ted tour pa.kages. S,,tiss belhotel Goldcn SaDd Resort& Spa Hoi An;(ar0) goldensandrcsort 20 o 3927 sss;m14a,. spa. com.w I Nhiri dip k\ .i.].8 r)ilf thl.h li-P Srrs b,lhotil (lolL]e,, S,!,J llcsort & St.r Hoi Ar rhL.r. hi('rr g(ti k|tlyair rl.li birr .ho .i. drii t.i. [] hinh llr l. l.,o d)i,tr'ir 11. l( 'll)l.i: .hr 1.1)79.1)1rl)(1 pLnng .1tDr iir rhcrrr ru drli (i l ttitr.1)1 d,rr Golr /1, s.rrr/ ltcvrr lr. Qr,rrrs' rr .t ALri t)7r SP] ll)iAtt. f/)a lt)) .)927 rrrr: .+r/dcara,lnrot slt.r.cort.tn Ht)i 55i: I THE COASTAL ROAD LEADING FROM DANANG TO HOI AN HAS UNDERGONE A TOTAL TRANSFORMATION IN RECENT YEARS, AND ITS METAMORPHOSIS FROM A STRIP OF FISHING VILLAGES TO A WALL TO WALL RUN OF HIGH END BESORTS CONTINUES TODAY. GOLF RESORTS, SPA BESORTS, PRIVATE VILLA RESORTS, CHINESE RUN CASINO HOTELS AND HIGH-END ALL-ROU NDERS ARE ALL COMPETING FOR A LIMITED CUSTOMER BASE, WHICH SPELLS GBEAT DEALS FOR THE SAVW TRAVELLER, HERE, WETNAM TRAVELLER PICKS FOUR RESORTS THAT STAND OUT FBIOM THE CROWD 6g .. ^"",,,, Iirflii0ltr USION MAIA tieatment rooms, beauty salons, Jacuz:: We love the Fusion Maia concept. steam rooms. srunas. a yoga sludio, a workshop area and a spa library. It may have its beachfront location in common with Furama, Lifestyle and the Nam Hai nearby, but that is where the similarities end. Fusion s guests are the least likelv in Danang to mal<e it much further than the resort grounds due to the temptations that lie within - this is Vietnam's first resort to include all spa treatments in the room rate. Yes, you read that right all treatments. That is quite a deal, considering massages can set guests back ': i This is a 5 star resort and t}le treatments are in line with that ranhing Alongside massage, foot reFexology ani scrubs, w,raps. manicures, pedicures ani hair treatments are all on offer. Maias design is super sleek, with cle= Iines and sharp furnishings. All villas co=,: with their o\^'n private pool and garden, while the beachfront villas feature a huge over US$100 at some nearbyresorts. private pool with views of the ocean. Thi-; is a place to leave your guidebook behind The spa is set in tropical gardens with swimming pool complete with its own waterfall. Facilities include 16 serene and truly unwind. a www.fu si onm ai adanang com VE DEP VI ULCHM RESORT fhe Pulchra Resort is the latest optron to open in the Danrno area, and the 6rst that is Japfnese D*#Htr1t[ip,::,"1-rjil::;'rjT:n*i. .., o":".0*" n.* ol"# 11r . 11i11.3,i." ai",i"r*.r,-,,."1"."'.#".,,. l"^.1"",0:.*" L,f*::::.ol "'"0,.r,,g inspired architecture. "r" .^ilh,,r, rnler'ontinenraJ ptun;].]..";;;'J.]i: sroup *). ,h" " b"ruty of itr.urrouno4ln*." "' "'''"''nt " resort that liv"s r-rp ro the 6,"t .h,- to r,k" tho Respected designer, Bill BensL btought.in ro creaie rhe ch jc, d""i'g";;;;',1 :.i" -*"J'trrouShout " employing d simple andwhiLepalette. black .onr"*por*y ::", l0 hecrares on Non Nuoc lrctch.,Jl "^^f,lr::O!.ill.s stand in chejrowr landscaped tedsr 8m from rhc nexi, "":h :: 1;l1l-o-" unrivaiJed ulenng pdvacyon rho f rn.,rau,r" uiL,;:'jJJ,fi ".ip massive The pick of the accommodation Residence by the Sea ,;;:',",1,1 ^ :il:T includcs ti" .I "t "" i;;;",J :;:::;:'' i.:T':"' rom rne,world.l?Howevet n:'' "Ll fl , " a, ross pjenty ot other 5 srar touchcc are in place, from Bosesorrnd docks to lul,.urious bathrooms. _^4 collection_of bars and restaurants wilr never be shorr ot L:":9.r*,, lne majn restaurant qxq dsran (utsines, while the second stage or_the resort s devclopment wiiJ see more Japanese outlets open. just apened in Januarv ^ .Having P;l:h:: is sn r oft neaa t ::ng "" t*, o www.pulchraresorts., thi\ !"i!i! *r,, om lor tull cletail, "a.oi, is the decadenr Royal ofprjvate For rho,e whose budget doe<n.r rd room c c a; il;:;J ;.:: i"j,J:.j ;:Jil: i"J,i$ bodv boardins anJ s,,o"r.T,lliilil Tn' s *r* ." olier..rrom .bsses lvirh rhe incJudjng kavaking. fishing. x i;:"-:;::t1"'Ui';:"':;: ll,[: [:::::i:i;li:: The resort we.v".om. *,.Xj:T::jluf:l:,,h In terms ofactiyities, there is nle r.sidenr rai .hi masl";. ;;;",;"i:::11:n oprions. sert e) bolh wesLern in v jernam . r." .,he s, a nda r Each prjvate r.iJJa (omes wjlh irs uwn *._.. prrvare pool, a garden bath tub wirh sky \,.iew, dnord decli(aLcd .on( i"rg" who wilJ be on nand to cater to guests 24 hours 'ns a sepdr aLe pr,"ri.'a"",lj..jlltlm 'pare. rhe uirJa up high on sLiirs. A pr;,are, j 3m poot JJoi;;;;;;:t :"' "tsed romes with a rirJJl. briJt' n bar whrte r h"-;;;;;j:"'i.":' srorked ind TV like jn other 5 srar propertres; in ract, there are no TVs *;; flagship restaurant. ",.In nelln srd, thef. Mirhaet ii: i:;:;' 1888, is headed by rhree R.* ,:'Ii'::, alreadv earn"d stronS reriew), whil" extremelv th;;r;ffi;li 'as ,\ an exrremery werJ rh.";;;; ffi;*i?l,i::i;,;3;i;;;"n .",;* We have no doubt this place is soi ,Iisls in che comins v"".. il:.;:::::: www.ichotelsgroup.com; doubles to be making plenry or besr or ftom tJS$22o IieiiEh' lroa o""..0,. 69 - .: ''i FEATURE H' \uoc, Hyart :, Spa chi clt \lll. l(lrtl n! ,.i.ich slD ti!' ::ri r dn!5 ldn ;:n cl"'p, 27 .ri b.r Phbll1 ,:i hi6n dai \ i:ln sin tlenl :.rng ra bietr :.1 tii n1Qt. l :rbng lighi .-r ANANG SUN PENINSUIA UTCHRA RESORT flre 1)ulclrt:r l{csort li lUx chgrr r116i rrhit mrig khu vuc l)i N:iIs, \'i cirrlg li lcsolt I)i'rr ur J.ru ili',r.l.utc Lilt tti l)oi lr.ll-riii Nhrit' l, rl-lrr, .l , I rO ..t. .rt,.\r.( \1 il .lrr Krr rr rr r\rr''r 6i : :i.nr1 iiLr liel l.li (lel)tr' PtrillipPir)c\' V:r khi . :: \.,r11. ln()t aong thlic rrit)tlg tu clr-rrlc llhilllll llgtlijj l)lrl:hl'r kh:ic -,.,,r3 ,"r.r, r r,i ,li,,g tlci t1o ut[ :rlor ' . .:',1:l r'rli r,-11 nlllllllq resorl tl-ollg virlg V) l)tllchr:r ' 1-:..._ t.ttr llrrr vdi .ilrl Ll'illg tii kiell tnic Cll rllp'i cd' ' ' Lr'r rr(rr t" lr'r.rr'' l'"i lricr \''r' \r''' 'tl . rr, trttrlr': l,r.l 'l.r( r'i.r';:' 'rroi l 'l1r ' .l' ,.,i r t,.r,r .r..l tl .' l.ror ' ' l \ r ' l ' . , ,l',r " . i ' rr r r lci()ll llito slirh t1[oc frortg rrl6i vill't. . : : j:tlrit . ,.-,, .. ih.l;,rg tl,." nIOt rllirl hl r tivi ldn rrhti nhtiug , ,., ,,:i,, J,io,rg r s,,o khJc' l{horlg ccl ulot rlirrl hirlh I I *, ..,l.ul inuc tiiu cur rrgudi tr.ro dtjrrq nit khtr . - r.rr ].1 rhu giil Yit t nh \:r thrr gi(ii iltr io Ttlr tii clilr:irlr ,,.':-,. ,'r rhiiLr iicn rlghi r r'io khJc tliu co -. r Llire trii tirit Lri phblgtinr v xr' \1oi \ ii.l rii'nc biet diu cci bi boi cllq' nlot _ , ,.,,,, n,r,r* tr.,dn kl)ollg gi:lr1 l1r() \'i l1r9l 'l!ch vrt : ,r--l.rgt phic Itr kh.ich nghr clb:il bit ki rhdl di'ur :r illg 11gi) \1,,! b(l \utr t.iP nhi hilng vi qul r b'rr tilrrrrr'blo L . ,, ,,- l'. ' li' Ilrii I 'rl ' ll'.'rl ''r'' Nr'r r''' rrl, l,,r.,' 1r.. rr... ,..,', ', .,. \,,r rA.rr,rr':klrr c'ic tlrtrtl si cd ..,,,.,,-u. dolll hai cil.i rcsor-r . r,(rrg gl.ii rll;i t16 tllli ei'ur vi _ rhlitr lr,ui thirl ','cii Sp:r Uclrr trCrl rllQt ll!'ql1 tlbi ,,,.'J.i, Lh,rt,,g ui"s'tul'lt viii kbi nqinl hoiurg ht)tl .: , .: [tLirl Nirir. l'ulchrr cling : .:::rLli (.irlr Tll;rch. \ iir JLI(j. rrl() ctil , 72 Ll6r1 1:r thich thillg 1 nilll llav' :.:ir.r hierl drrlg cd lrhitr"l chLidng tr_lnll khLlvc'l1lll1li . .l't'1..i tn"''r' Ilr "'r lt'"'rlrrrr'l'rrl'lrl"r''' 'tt'' .i ' \r tl "rl rlrj'lr- rrrr ''lri ricL I Co le b:in cleo Sot 'fr:r dtioc tao r:r clci cLrnlr :.h() rlhainc res(,_t. Cii nginl r]x:r lntel(lontincl duQc nllllr 'l:'il",r",,g Sir', P",ri,,.,.th, L4n si cltr tlrit''rdrrorrS' s' Lr'irl rjr'g c'rr '- ' rrolq L'ierr r"' 5c'r t, u ,.1 , L.rrtl M.'. .Lt HelJcy Liill rfr"' ltlrt I 'li r''o l tt' 'tr ,,.1,, ,h "r'-. ki.r' 'l 'r'lr .ffi ,..l -., i"t 1," rt' th' Hcrrcr rrri.ir rrn. Sor' I rr rr 't Ji rrror rrr'r dqp J'1c 'n'r : ri \--Sri hdr hdp lip dil rlr6i c:rl pbirng' suile' Pcnthouse lrri ' rr''J e t'n ( .,i ri,,, ,ro',, a.,,',,a,,.,t. " lr kct lroP 'rc 'r" l'1r l;i hnJ \J ,:..,; ; t. i;,, " tilrurr:''rrr'r 'odr'rr d"i '";; ,';*,," r-rr'rtrr dLr dirr rr:oi rr"lrr Vui .--"' , , ,','i',' r a .1,, ','1, 'l ll'''r' [)lnll ' r" (ll'l 'l'r I''' plr.'r. t'lt' r'' "r"rr ,''r,,' -i;i f , rr.r, ',"-lri :Lr r l" ,i,,'trr- lrr nrr lrR"r''l l{r'rr " .;. r,,; -,."1 ;,r : t,t'r,," ' g 'o rurrr di(rrtt'lr 'lortr,rri ,roi o' 'i,, a-, ,.i,'r,..rtr^, r.,1 Jrrrrr': t lt higr burr \ii\ 'l'r' LJ( LJo - oir.,rs rrr '' ,..,,:,,, l't'rlr tri qrr'1" b rr oclr'r' I .1o,,.,,,g ;,",;:,.,,;". "''1'rre'rl ''r'l' d' tlr lrriorri r" i,..,,i',.,',', t,'' rrrrLr,r; ri I'r ''r"-clLr vr rrL i,, ,j l ,;,,.' ,a i:, ar,n.r rh, Lrrr ' '': 1'lri'rr; ri'tr ' lrrr.r hl' r"r r'l'r' 'rtr ' r.i'.,. ,,'''l t.1,''lrr,., Irr.,r' O Sun I)eniDsuh, nghr cliclng 1i nrot khii rrienl !htlc lraf' ho'll dOng da)' hdDS tru t ,e a.,.1. irlr" ",r (rr, I'rr'r\irr5 'rttc' htot tlr' ' l',,. il',i ri,,,, ,J,,,,.t, '1r,r'r'. R(tu11 ' rrrlrl'r'r'ir' tlrrrrrJ' ,f,,.f,.,, *.', l'.ri bicr,. lr rr lro. l.ri rrli-nh trong rrhirng rh' .f,u.'ii.'.ir.t,l, a, ,,go.'i lcu "tii t':t ndti "rev nirr' biin cci tr. rrtr ' 't,.rt rlr. \ i r..' .ll r,r 'lo. *1,' 1,,'1.rr^i 'i(.rsIIM'ri"'r) rshx'rr'rrr'r'l'rr 'lrorl"''i " I' l'r.r,llr',.r ,',i ,,q|,'q,i, ,rrl rlltrc d'l lriqt \''i rrhrrrr! 'rrur fll-! ,,'..,,*'r,,,,'-,.,.1'..'r,rlr1tI'll''1'rlrnlalrlorKlllrrrir'Jl)l R Mi'h(l trrr"rrg lJ'p LLr" f':l t.rr l- birrr rri l)L''r rh'rrl '.,r.i,i., .ltrr.,.,t'.\ "ro. LJ(rr "rrlr di BtrtLrl' Li rr drroc ll-ict Li Uriq'r''t' ;i i,. t'' rrlri kr 'ogrrr"J'rrrr'l'' ' ",, ,,,,",,.1,,,",'r.:r ll'l'1"-S,' V", ,.'r . ., ' 1,,', .,f 'l'' clr" ''r drrr- rp r)l)Jt kllolrjtl' lqlll I'r 'l)rn rlrrrrg rrrnr 'lrrt l'(t,ir\l,l.rR('-'lt.l..r' I ,rl(r Lh,, brt (Ll .li clcrrll'l Nrrlg' ri H.,, , \\ \\1\ ,, Jlnr('/'{ ng rioi rn US$-??{)' /ri-, .Jr,: gi;i pl U nr rP'' "'r ': ' phirng tci