Habitat Preferences of Redband parrotfish (Sparisoma viride) and
Habitat Preferences of Redband parrotfish (Sparisoma viride) and
Habitat Preferences of Redband Parrotfish (Sparisoma viride) and Stoplight Parrotfish, (Sparisoma aurofrenatum) as Determined by Fishery-Independent Visual Census Surveys in the Florida Keys Alison Johnson, Alejandro Acosta and Marie Tellier Mean Abundance by Size Stoplight Parrotfish Reef Rubble (RR) Stoplight and redband parrotfish were more likely to be observed on continuous, spur & groove and isolated reef and less likely to be found on reef rubble and seagrass. Presence / Absence Stoplight Parrotfish Presence / Absence Redband Parrotfish Total Number of Surveys = 3542 a Total Number of Surveys = 3549 a Juvenile Redband Parrotfish Redband Parrotfish Female Redband Parrotfish Male CR SG IR RR CR SS SG IR Surveys: 298 Surveys: 865 Surveys: 298 Surveys: 192 Surveys: 863 CR Surveys: 1031 b RR SS Habitat Type When present, stoplight and redband parrotfish were equally abundant across all habitat types. CR SG IR Habitat Type RR SS a ab ab ab b IR RR Fish: 330 Fish: 675 Fish: 246 Fish: 447 Fish: 3464 Fish: 2905 SG SS Habitat Type Parrotfish do exhibit habitat preferences but size doesn’t matter! 1) Stoplight and redband parrotfish were more likely to be observed on reef rather than non-reef habitat. 2) Stoplight parrotfish and redband parrotfish were equally abundant on all habitat types. Although, statistically, stoplight parrotfish were more abundant on isolated than contiguous and spur and groove reef whereas redband parrotfish were more abundant on spur and groove reef than sand and seagrass. This is likely due to large sample sizes. Although ontogenetic feeding shifts have been observed for blue and stoplight parrotfish, this study did not confirm these trends (Overholtzer & Motta 1999; Bruggemann 1994a). Literature and photographs were obtained from the following sources: Bruggemann, J. 1994. Comparative analysis of foraging and habitat use by the sympatric Caribbean parrotfish Scarus vetula and Sparisoma viride (Scaridae).. Marine Ecology, 112: 51-66. Bruggemann JH, van Oppen MJH, Breeman AM (1994a) Foraging by the stoplight parrotfish Sparisoma viride. I. Food selection in different, socially determined habitats. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 106:41-55. Munro, J. L. 1983. Caribbean Coral Reef Fishery Resources. ICLARM, Manila, Philippines, 276 pp. Neu, C.W., C.R. Byers, and J.M. Peek. 1974. A technique for analysis of utilizationavailability data. Journal of Wildlife Management 38:541–545. CR SG IR Habitat Type RR Surveys:187 Fish: 1005 Surveys:115 Fish: 693 Surveys:938 Fish: 6369 Overholtzer KL, Motta PJ (1999) Comparative resource use by juvenile parrotfishes in the Florida Keys. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 177:177–187. Surveys:762 Fish: 5540 Surveys:56 Fish: 157 Surveys:44 Fish: 96 Surveys:689 Fish: 2232 ab Number of Surveys with Fish: 2883 Number of Fish: 19447 Surveys:881 Fish: 5840 b Surveys:487 Fish: 1286 b ab a Mean Relative Abundance Redband Parrotfish Mean Number of Fish per Habitat Type Number of Surveys with Fish: 1760 Number of Fish: 5076 Surveys:484 Fish: 1305 Mean Number of Fish per Habitat Type Mean Relative Abundance Stoplight Parrotfish Fish: 3521 Fish: 2701 Mean Number of Fish per Habitat Type Fish: 116 Fish: 79 Fish: 17 Fish: 41 SS Stomach content analysis for stoplight and redband parrotfish has confirmed that diet consists primarily of algae and to a lesser extent, seagrass (Munro 1983). Thus, our observations agree with that finding. This study involved a collaboration between four agencies. Stoplight and redband parrotfish were identified, enumerated and visually sized to the nearest cm. ANOVA’s were run on the entire dataset to obtain abundance and presence / absence values for each species. The datasets were then subdivided into juveniles and adults and ANCOVA’s were run using “size” as the covariate. For stoplight parrotfish, all fish 15 cm and over were considered adults, while juveniles were less than 15 cm. Redband parrotfish 10 cm and over were considered adults and under 10 cm were considered as juveniles. RR How do our results compare with other studies? Habitat Type The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission conducted fish population surveys during 2008 and 2009 under a collaborative arrangement with the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association, National Parks Service and the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science to evaluate abundance, spatial distribution, and size structure of reef fishes in the Florida Keys. The surveys are carried out by SCUBA divers who collect information on fish abundance as well as other parameters including habitat type. IR Juvenile Adult 3) Ontogeny did not significantly impact habitat preference. Surveys: 1163 b b b Percent Fish Present a Surveys: 1160 Stoplight Parrotfish Male a a Surveys: 1029 Stoplight Parrotfish Female Percent Fish Present a Stoplight Parrotfish Juvenile SG Number of Juveniles: 8747 Number of Adults: 10700 Habitat Type Surveys: 192 Two commonly observed parrotfish were studied. CR Fish: 1324 Artificial Reef (AR) Studies have shown that blue parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus), demonstrate an ontogenetic feeding shift from algae to sand as they progress from juvenile to adult. We are interested to see if the stoplight and redband parrotfish also demonstrate an ontogenetic trend: Fish: 908 Sand and Seagrass Matrix (SS) 2) When present, which habitats have the greatest abundance of stoplight and redband parrotfish? Fish: 1011 Isolated Reef (IR) Fish: 275 Spur and Groove Reef (SG) Fish: 923 Continuous Reef (CR) Mean Number of Fish per Habitat Type Number of Juveniles: 1623 Number of Adults: 3453 1) In which habitat are you likely to find stoplight and redband parrotfish? 3) Does ontogeny affect stoplight and redband parrotfish abundance in these habitats? Mean Abundance by Size Redband Parrotfish Fish: 2019 Parrotfish, so called for their tightly packed teeth which form a parrot-like beak are important herbivores to coral reefs. They use their specialized beak to rasp algae from dead coral and other substrates thus contributing to bioerosion and controlling algae. Stoplight and redband parrotfish also consume seagrass such as Thalassia testudinum and Halimeda opuntia, and are consequently observed feeding in a wide variety of habitats from coral reefs to seagrass beds. In light of these dimorphic feeding habits, this study asks two questions: No ontogenetic trends in habitat preference were observed for either the stoplight or redband parrotfish. Fish: 3139 Six distinct habitat types were surveyed, but Artificial Reef was removed from analysis due to low sample sizes. Fish: 382 Parrotfish are found in all of the worlds tropical and sub-tropical oceans. SS Parrotfish photographs by Reefnet (reefnet.ca). Habitat photographs by Alison Johnson.