2011-12-25-2012-01-01 - St. Cecilia Catholic Community
2011-12-25-2012-01-01 - St. Cecilia Catholic Community
CHRISTMAS 2011 St. Cecilia Catholic Church 2900 Hoover Avenue Ames, IA FAITH FORMATION Faith Formation Office Hours: Mondays 8:30am – 7:30pm & Wednesdays 8:30am – 8:15pm Tues., Thurs. & Fridays 8:30am – 3:30 pm Faith Formation Classes will Resume the week of Jan. 2, 2012 NO FAITH FORMATION week of Jan 9 due to Catechist in-services SECOND GRADE PARENTS: - First Eucharist Parent MeetingMon., Jan 16 at 6:15PM in the Social Hall OR Wed., Jan 18 at 4PM in the Social Hall Middle School Youth Ministry Merry Christmas from the EDGE! Our next EDGE Night will be Wed., Jan. 11; EDGE Casino Night, 7-9PM. Hosted by the Knights of Columbus Happy New Year from EDGE! Join us on Fri., Jan. 27 for Roller Skating at Spinning Wheels in Ogden! Cost is $12 and Drivers are needed! Please sign up by Mon., Jan 23 CONFIRMATION Jan. 8 & 17: Confirmation Retreat Team Meetings, Contact Anna to join! Mandatory 10th Grade Confirmation Retreat: Jan. 20-22, 2012 10th Grade Rite of Covenant: Sun., Jan. 29 Next Confirmation Class: Feb. 5 9th Grade Confirmation, 4-6PM (St. Louis Room) 10th Grade Confirmation, 7-9PM Life Teen Mass for all Parishioners & Families, 6PM High School Youth Ministry – Grades 9 -12 Jan. 8: Follow the Recipe (A Life Night on the Visible of Invisible Reality of the Sacraments), 7-9PM Jan. 15: Alpha Omega (A Life Night on the Sacraments of Initiation), 7-9PM Enjoy your Christmas Vacation!! Catholic Heart Work Camp Update Feb. 4: Amore Meal Fundraiser Mar. 1: 2nd payment Due ($300) Small Group Ministry High Schoolers are encouraged to join a weekly small group bible study. To join a small group, please contact the Faith Formation Office to receive your Group Leader’s information! View the St. Cecilia Youth Ministry calendar at www.stcames.org/youth-ministry. Have you found us on Facebook? Search for “StCecilia LifeTeen”! www.saintcecilialifeteen.net ADULT BIBLE STUDY No Bible Study on December 26 & 27 or January 2 There will be Bible Study on January 3 Mon., 6-7PM (Spanish) in St. Louis Room – Evangelio según San Juan Mon., 7:30-9PM in the St. Louis Room – Isaiah 40 - 55 Tues., 10-11AM in the St. Louis Room – Letter to Ephesians Social time begins at 9:30AM Wed., 6:30PM, St Cecilia Good Shepherd Center, Jewell (Sunday readings) NCYC Show & Tell: Stop by the Social Hall after all the masses on January 14–15 to hear more about our experience at the National Catholic Youth Conference. Our 90 participants will be available to show you their pictures, trading items and give witness to their encounter of Christ at NCYC 2011. Theology on Tap: Young adults in their 20s and 30s are invited to join ToT at Olde Main Brewing Co. at 7PM on Jan 2. Topic is: Faithful Citizenship. Join the Facebook Group "St. Cecilia Theology on Tap" for more information. Come and bring a friend! See you there!! Christmas, 2011. We thought we knew where to find you; we hardly needed a star to guide the way, just perseverance and common sense: why do you hide yourself away from the powerful and join the refugees and outcasts, calling us to follow you there? Wise God, give us wisdom We thought we had laid you safe in the manger; we wrapped you in the thickest sentiment we could find, and stressed how long ago you came to us; why do you break upon us in our daily life with messages of peace and goodwill, demanding that we do something about it? Just and righteous God, give us justice and righteousness. So where else would we expect to find you but in the ordinary place with the faithful people, turning the world to your purpose through them. Bring us to that manger, to that true rejoicing, which will make wisdom, justice and righteousness alive in us. (Stephen Orchard. The Complete Book of Christian Prayer p. 378) May our celebration once again of the birth of Jesus be also a renewed birth of his Spirit in each of us enabling to see him in the persons and life circumstances of every human being we encounter, especially the poor, the outcast and all those we tend to label “as not like us” or avoid for whatever reason. “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). Praying an abundance of Christmas grace for you and your loved ones at Christmas and in the New Year. In Christ’s love, Father Jim Secora BAPTISM PREPARATION All parents seeking baptism for their child are expected to attend a preparation session even though they may have attended previously. Please call 233-3092 for registration. Godparents are also expected to attend. Next session is Feb. 9, 2012 at 6:30PM in the St. Louis Room. ** Note: Sessions are normally scheduled on the second Thursday of the even numbered months.** Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy. . .For today. . .a savior has been born for you who is Christ the Lord.” God appears in surprising ways and in Christ we are given courage and challenged to do unbelievable things. Are you ready to seek Christ in the waters of Baptism? If you are an adult or know an adult or child over the age of 7 interested in becoming a Catholic and celebrating Baptism, Confirmation or First Eucharist with this community, contact Jo Anne Dalhoff at RCIA@stceciliaparish.org or call the parish office at 515-233-3092. Parishioners are also needed to support this ministry. ****************** Period of Inquiry “What does it mean to be Catholic?” St. Cecilia Church is now offering a seven-week series of Catholic understanding and formation. This series will be repeated several times during the coming year on Thursdays from 7 - 8:30 PM in the St. Louis Room. Session #1: Thursday, January 12, 2012 RCIA & The Structure of the Church Presenter: Jo Anne Dalhoff, Pastoral Associate 2 SCHOOL NEWS School News Monday, 01/02: Classes Resume Wednesday, 01/04: 9 AM-All School Mass and 2:15 PMEarly Dismissal Wednesday, 01/11: 9 AM-All School Mass and 2:15 PMEarly Dismissal Thursday, 01/12: End of 2nd Quarter Monday, 01/16: Teacher In-Service/NO SCHOOL OR PRESCHOOL Monday, 12/19 to Friday, 12/30:Christmas Break— NO SCHOOL OR PRESCHOOL Monday, 01/02: Classes Resume Scrip: Orders received by 9AM on any Mon. will be ready to be picked up by 9AM on Fri. Order forms are available in the Narthex, the School Office, the Parish Office and on the School web page. Profits from Scrip sales benefit all education programs at Saint Cecilia, the Day School and Faith Formation Classes. Please support St. Cecilia education by purchasing Scrip certificates. For more information on Scrip, please contact Connie Vaclav at 232-8343, vaclav@iastate.edu or go to www.glscrip.com. Mark your Calendars for Gala 2012! February 11, 2012, Gateway Center Hotel. Plans are underway for the 2012 Gala and we’d like to hear from you! Please go to the following link for more information and a brief survey about Gala: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/B83J7QXIf you prefer, you may pick up a paper copy in the office to fill out. The 2012 Gala co-chairs are Lisa and Troy Weary, Matt and Jessica Loecke, and Nate and Lezli Pelzer. Bread for the Journey #38 Communion Procession (Part ii) If you are the body and members of Christ, then it is your sacrament that is placed on the table of the Lord; it is your sacrament that you receive. To that which you are you respond “Amen” (“yes, it is true!”), and by responding to it you assent to it. For you hear the words, “the Body of Christ” and respond, “Amen.” Be then a member of the Body of Christ that your Amen may be true. If we have a hymn of thanksgiving after communion, it should be sung by the entire assembly while standing (rather than as a “meditation” by the choir or cantor alone)—as directed by the liturgical books. The communion procession has a purpose: to bring those who are to receive communion to the Table. While it has become common for those not receiving communion to join in the procession and receive a “blessing” instead, perhaps this is a good time to rethink this practice. While some argue that including everyone in the procession is an act of hospitality, it also ‘says’ something that is not true: that everyone can and may receive the Eucharist. It also changes the meaning of the rite, making the reception of communion and the reception of a blessing somehow equivalent. Catholic Messenger Series-- Liturgy of the Eucharist: The Communion Rite (Part 3) by Deacon Frank Agnoli, Davenport, IA. Permission granted for reprinting. St. Cecilia Parish is blessed to offer scheduled Eucharistic Adoration each Sun. at 6PM through Sat. at 12PM noon continually throughout the day and night. At least one adorer is needed to cover each of those hours. With 2 adorers on the same hour, there is rarely a need to find a substitute. Starting Jan.10, 2012, the adorers who regularly cover the Tues. 6AM hour will be in warmer climes until late Apr. This would be an ideal hour for someone to try an hour on a trial basis, but could also continue on as the 2nd adorer. The hour will be covered by substitutes if necessary, but someone who can cover the hour would be greatly appreciated. Orientation and substitute help are provided, and Eucharistic Adoration is suspended in cases of inclement weather. Call Cyndi Volcko 451-4749 for more information. 3 MEETINGS & EVENTS St. Gerard's Circle will meet on Thurs., Jan. 5 at 7PM. in the South Social Hall. Jo Anne Dalhoff will be our speaker, talking about the "Duties of a Pastoral Associate". If you have any old religious items you would like to donate, please bring them as we will be sending a box to the missions. Adult volleyball will resume on Tues., Dec. 27. They meet every Tues. at 7PM in the St. Cecilia gym. Drop in and play for fun. All skill levels welcome. Any questions contact Jim Schoenrock 232-1149. Fellowship For Parents/Playgroup will no longer meet due to lack of interest. If you are interested in playgroup but the time does not work, please email Jon Ryan at sjryan2@isunet.net or 232-2075 and we will try to reschedule. Thank you. English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes at St. Cecilia's Catholic Church meet from 10-11:30AM and 7-8:30PM on Thursdays and are usually one tutor to one student depending on numbers. Please contact Lloyd Anderson (515-296-1002) for morning classes or Karl Gwiasda (232-7582) for evening classes. Saint Cecilia Life Teen cordially invites you to attend our 3rd Annual Amore Dinner on Sat.., Feb. 4! Support a Saint Cecilia teenager attending Catholic Heart Work Camp in the Summer of 2012. We will treat you to an elegant Italian dinner and excellent service. Our Special is Spaghetti Marinara donated by Barilla, served with house salad, garlic bread, fabulous desserts and wine. Please call 232-3514 to make your reservation by Wed., Feb. 1. Walk-ins will also be welcome. Eucharistic Adoration will be suspended from 12PM Noon, Saturday, December 17, until 8AM Tuesday, January 3. Food at First, which provides free meals in Ames nightly, is seeking donations of used or new Corelle dishes of any color or pattern for use in the program. Many of the heavy glass dishes have been accidentally broken and need to be replaced. Please call Doreen Berg (956-3414) for pick-up of your donation. (Note: St Cecilia volunteers cook and serve the Food at First meals every Tuesday night.) Mount Mercy University in Cedar Rapids seeks a Campus Minister to work 40 hours/week during the 10-month academic year. This is a full-time position with a full benefits package. Requirements include a Bachelors degree (Masters preferred) in ministry, scripture, or theology or religious studies, acquaintance with contemporary issues in Catholic higher education, and a significant understanding of the essentials of young adult ministry. Please submit cover letter (include salary requirements), resume and references as MS Word or Adobe Acrobat attachments to: hr@mtmercy.edu with the subject line “Campus Minister.” Only applications emailed to this address will be considered. The Saint Cecilia Social Justice Committee has been working with members of the Holy Family Cluster (of Wright County) to assist their sister parish in Haiti. Another medical mission trip is being made in January; a St. Cecilia parishioner, Sarah Ledvina, will accompany them on this trip. We are collecting the following for ALL ages. These items must be current & sealed to get through customs: Vitamins (chewables/ infant drops/adult)—Need lots(poor nutrition); Tylenol, Aspirin, Motrin, similar (Pain/fever); Tums/Pepto Bismol/Maalox/Anti Diarrheal—Lots of GI distress; Anti-Fungal/Antibiotic/Hydrocortisone creams; Chapstick, Hand cream (DRY, parched skin); Allergy meds (Claritin/Zyrtec etc.). Please bring these items to the parish office by Dec. 31. Coffee and donuts will be not be served on December 25 or January 1 due to the holidays. Catechism of the Catholic Church Stewardship: Dec. 25: The shepherds who heard the joyous news from Part one: Section Two Chapter One - I believe in God the Father Article 1— I Believe in God the Father, Creator of Heaven & Earth, Paragraph 7. The Fall III. Original Sin The consequences of Adam's sin for humanity IV. "You Did Not Abandon Him to the Power of Death" 411 The Christian tradition sees in this passage an announcement of the "New Adam" who, because he "became obedient unto death, even death on a cross," makes amends superabundantly for the disobedience of Adam. Furthermore many Fathers and Doctors of the Church have seen the woman announced in the Protoevangelium as Mary, the mother of Christ, the "new Eve." Mary benefited first of all and uniquely from Christ's victory over sin: she was preserved from all stain of original sin and by a special grace of God committed no sin of any kind during her whole earthly life. the angels on the first Christmas night and then hurried to find the infant Savior must surely have been changed by that experience. How has His coming changed my life? Jan. 1: The first reading today recalls God’s special blessing upon the Israelites. The Lord has been gracious to us as well, pouring into our hearts that spirit which know Him as Father and makes us His children. May we, like Mary, treasure these things in our hearts and live gratefully! Nativity of the Lord "Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord." This is our response to the psalm today. At first some sticklers for English grammar might take exception to the present tense in the sentence. After all, wasn't Jesus born more than two thousand years ago? Yes, that's true. In Bethlehem in Judah in a stable a child was born. He was heralded by angels and honored by shepherds. He was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger, hardly an auspicious beginning for the King of all the world. But Christmas is much more than remembering the birth of a child two millennia ago. That is because his birth has real effects for each of us today! The birth of Christ affects our lives. That is why we proclaim, "Today is born our Savior." Think about it. In the run up to Christmas many of us opened our hearts and our wallets to those in need. Why did we do that? We did it because we believe what Jesus taught us: to love our neighbor as ourselves. In doing so, Christ is born in our hearts. Many of us sent greeting cards with good wishes to others. Why did we do that? Because we believe what Jesus taught us: to announce the good news to others. In doing so, Christ is born in our hearts. We come to worship on Christmas day just as we do on any Sunday. Why do we do that? Because we believe what Jesus taught us: to love God with all our heart, and mind, and soul. In doing so, Christ is born in us. When Christ is born in us, he is born again in the world. As men and women baptized in his name, we carry him in our hearts to others: to those who walk in darkness, to those who are burdened, to those who feel forsaken. Today is born our Savior! At Home with the Word 2012 is available in the parish office for $5.00. From today’s Gospel, John tells us: “From his fullness we have all received, favor upon favor.” Consider attending Lincoln Highway Christian Experience Weekend at Pilgrim Heights and thank God for the favors he has extended you. The Men’s CEW is Feb 24-26 and the Women’s CEW is Mar. 2-4. We invite you to come join us. We are making preparations now to celebrate the blessings God has given you. Call Alan Christy 515-231-8099. Parish Office will close at Noon on December 30 and will be closed on Monday, December 26 and January 2. Student Tuition Organization (STO) Charitable Contribution If you have charitable contributions to make before 12/31, please consider St. Cecilia Parish and STO. Iowa tax law gives a STO tax credit of 65% of the cash contribution. E.g, if you contribute $100 you will receive a $65 tax credit meaning a cost of only $35 to you. And if you itemize on your Federal Income Taxes, you can list the $100 contribution there as well and receive credit according to your tax bracket. If you are in 25% Federal tax bracket you will receive an overall credit of 90% meaning a $100 contribution will cost you only $10 after the $90 credit. Please contact your tax preparer to determine your specific tax impact. COMMUNITY ©2011 Liturgical Publications Inc Poverty IS too often a reality for many Iowa families: There are many people in poverty across Iowa. These people are in your community struggling to get by day-to-day. You may not know who they are, but they are our brothers and sisters in Christ. Nearly 12 percent of Iowans are living in poverty. January is National Poverty Awareness Month. Throughout Iowa communities, Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) assists people through services that provide education and set goals that can help break the cycle of poverty. For more information, visit LSI at www.LSIowa.org or join us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/LSI.iowa END OF YEAR GIVING— Need year end deductions? The Student Tuition Organization of Iowa helps fund catholic school for elementary children who need help with the tuition. Log On to www.OurFaithSTO.org for more information and deadlines. If you choose, you may contribute directly to the St. Cecilia School Tuition Fund in Ames. Just make check payable to St Cecilia and indicate “school tuition fund”. REMINDER: ALL YEAR END CONTRIBUTIONS TO ST CECILIA MUST BE POSTMARKED before January 1, 2012 In order to reflect on your 2011 Contribution Statement. Thanks to all of you, St Cecilia is able to pass on the Catholic Heritage to those in central Iowa. Many of our parishioners re-evaluate their giving to St. Cecilia Parish at year end. For some families, it may be in thanksgiving for the many blessings they received during the year. For others, it is to take advantage of tax incentives. Whatever the case, and because IRS regulations are strict and date sensitive, it is important for you to give your money on or before Dec. 31. Please call the Parish Office at 233-3092 if you have questions. Request from Bethesda Community Food Pantry: We are experiencing a great need for our services at this time. Ours is a community food pantry, offering food to anyone who asks. This is an all-volunteer effort – our costs are not included in the church budget and we have no paid staff. Food can be dropped off in the marked bin inside the west door of the church. Financial contributions can be mailed to: Bethesda Community Food Pantry, c/o Bethesda Lutheran Church, 1517 Northwestern Avenues Ames, IA Does your spiritual life need a new focus in 2012? A Christian Experience Weekend (CEW) can help. The CEW weekend is an adult renewal experience offering participants a better understanding of old and new aspects of their Christian faith. The 2012 weekends will be Jan. 27-29 for women and Feb. 17-19 for men at Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart Church in Ankeny. If you have questions, call Debbie Landuyt at 597-2263 or the parish office at 964-3038. More information is also available at www.olih.org/cew 4 Your Financial Stewardship 12/6-12/12 YTD Contributions Year Ago Building Improvement fund $ 458,971 $ 444,141 $ 35,630 $ 30,634 $ 22327 $ 105 Mass Schedule Weekend: Saturday 5:00PM; Sunday 8:30AM, 10:30AM & 5:00PM (Misa en Español) Weekday: Tuesday-Friday 8:00AM & 5:30PM (Chapel) NOTE: During the school year, Wednesday Mass will be at 9:00AM in the Church. Saturday, December 24 4:00PM: Priest’s intention 6:30PM: Priest’s intention 10:00PM: Priest’s intention Sunday, December 25 10:00AM: Priest’s intention 5:00PM: Priest’s intention Misa en Español (Chapel) Tuesday, December 27 8:00AM: John Vaclav † 5:30PM: Vasana Patricia Teresa Ripperger Wednesday, December 28 8:00AM: Jack Urbance 5:30PM: Trudy Johnson † Thursday, December 29 8:00AM: Robert G. Ross † 5:30PM: Alvera Irlbeck Friday, December 30 8:00AM: Bob Miller † 5:30PM: Anna Marie Carr Saturday, December 31 5:00PM: Raymond Evans † Sunday, January 1 8:30AM: Parishioners of St. Cecilia 10:30AM: Priest’s intention 5:00PM: Quinn Boylston † Misa en Español (Chapel) Tuesday, January 3 8:00AM: John Richardson 5:30PM: Roberta North Wednesday, January 4 9:00AM: All-School Mass Jason Darland 5:30PM: Mark Anderson Thursday, January 5 8:00AM: Bridget C. Ross 5:30PM: Linus Putz † Friday, January 6 8:00AM: Leo Blanchet † 5:30PM: Lori Reecer Saturday, January 7 5:00PM: Susan Mullay Readings for the Week of December 25, 2011 Sunday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5/Acts 13:16-17, 22-25/Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25 Midnight: Is 9:1-6/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12/Ti 3:4-7/Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10/Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14 Monday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Mt 10:17-22 Tuesday: 1 Jn 1:1-4/Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Wednesday: 1 Jn 1:5--2:2/Mt 2:13-18 Thursday: 1 Jn 2:3-11/Lk 2:22-35 Friday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17 or Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19/Lk 2:22-40 or :22, 39-40 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:18-21/Jn 1:1-18 Next Sunday: Nm 6:22-27/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21 5a Reconciliation Saturday 3:30-4:30PM and by appointment. Parish Office Hours ............. Monday-Thursday 8:30AM-4PM Friday 8:30AM-2:30PM Phone ...................................... (515) 233-3092 Fax .......................................... (515) 233-6423 Priest Residence ..................... (515) 233-9477 www.stceciliaparish.org Parish Staff Pastor ............................Father James Secora jsecora@stceciliaparish.org Pastoral Associate………JoAnne Dalhoff jdalhoff@stceciliaparish.org Deacons ............. Gary Aitchison, Alan Christy John McCully and Ron Smith Director of Music & Liturgy ....Robert Hauser bhauser@stceciliaparish.org Business Manager ......Char VanKerckvoorde cvankerc@stceciliaparish.org Administrative Assistant ..............Kathy Best kbest@stceciliaparish.org Receptionist…………………………Dawn Cowles dcowles@stceciliaparish.org Faith Formation Phone ...................................... (515) 232-3514 Fax……………………………….(515) 232-2875 Director of Faith Formation…..Tom Primmer tprimmer@stceciliaparish.org Youth Ministry Coordinator ....... Anna Steele asteele@stceciliaparish.org Administrative Assistant ............. Patty Streit pstreit@stceciliaparish.org School Phone ...................................... (515) 232-5290 Fax……………………………….(515) 232-2875 Principal ........................... Brandt Snakenberg bsnakenberg@stceciliaschoolames.org Administrative Assistant ...........Lois Vidimos lvidimos@stceciliaschoolames.org Birthright Free pregnancy tests & counseling. Confidential. 108 Hayward Ave.• 292-8414 • www.birthright.org Prayer Opportunities Prayer opportunities held in the Chapel. Scriptural Rosary Monday 7:00AM Intercessory Prayer Group Sunday 9:00-10:00PM Rosary Monday 7:30PM*, Tuesday-Friday before 8:00AM Mass (*The rosary is said for Pro-life the first Monday of each month.) Christians in the Spirit Tuesday 7:15-9:00PM Chaplet of Divine Mercy Friday 3:00PM Liturgy of the Hours Saturday 7:00AM Eucharistic Adoration The chapel is open daily, keypad access only between 10:00PM & 6:00AM. 5b
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