united states district court southern district of new
united states district court southern district of new
Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587 Filed 06/08/15 Page 1 of 3 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ---------------------------------------------------------- x NML CAPITAL, LTD., : : Plaintiff, : : v. : : THE REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA, : : Defendant. : ---------------------------------------------------------- x : : AURELIUS CAPITAL MASTER, LTD. and : ACP MASTER, LTD., : : Plaintiffs, : : v. : : THE REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA, : : Defendant. : ---------------------------------------------------------- x : AURELIUS OPPORTUNITIES FUND II, LLC : and AURELIUS CAPITAL MASTER, LTD., : : : Plaintiffs, : : v. : : THE REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA, : : Defendant. : ---------------------------------------------------------- x 08 Civ. 6978 (TPG) 09 Civ. 1707 (TPG) 09 Civ. 1708 (TPG) 14 Civ. 8988 (TPG) 09 Civ. 8757 (TPG) 09 Civ. 10620 (TPG) 10 Civ. 1602 (TPG) 10 Civ. 3507 (TPG) (captions continued on next page) DECLARATION OF MARC G. FARRIS IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ MOTIONS FOR LEAVE TO AMEND AND SUPPLEMENT COMPLAINTS 3076926.1 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587 Filed 06/08/15 Page 2 of 3 ----------------------------------------------------------- x : AURELIUS CAPITAL MASTER, LTD. and AURELIUS OPPORTUNITIES FUND II, LLC, : : : Plaintiffs, : : v. : : THE REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA, : : Defendant. ----------------------------------------------------------- x : BLUE ANGEL CAPITAL I LLC, : : Plaintiff, : : v. : : THE REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA, : : Defendant. ----------------------------------------------------------- x : OLIFANT FUND, LTD., : : Plaintiff, : : v. : : THE REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA, : : Defendant. ----------------------------------------------------------- x 10 Civ. 3970 (TPG) 10 Civ. 8339 (TPG) 10 Civ. 4101 (TPG) 10 Civ. 4782 (TPG) 10 Civ. 9587 (TPG) I, Marc G. Farris, declare as follows: 1. I am an associate at the law firm of Friedman Kaplan Seiler & Adelman LLP, counsel to Plaintiffs Aurelius Capital Master, Ltd., ACP Master, Ltd., Aurelius Opportunities Fund II LLC, and Blue Angel Capital I LLC (along with NML Capital, Ltd. and Olifant Fund, Ltd., “Plaintiffs”) in the above-captioned actions. -23076926.1 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587 Filed 06/08/15 Page 3 of 3 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-1 Filed 06/08/15 Page 1 of 3 Exhibit 1 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-1 Filed 06/08/15 Page 2 of 3 Page 1 9 of 21 DOCUMENTS Copyright 2013 Factiva ®, from Dow Jones All Rights Reserved (c) 2013 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Dow Jones Global News Select June 27, 2013 Thursday 2:05 AM GMT LENGTH: 413 words HEADLINE: Repsol Rejects YPF Compensation Offer BODY: MADRID--The board of Spanish oil firm Repsol SA (REP.MC) unanimously rejected Wednesday a $5 billion proposal from Argentina to compensate it for last year's expropriation of most of Repsol's stake in YPF SA (YPF, YPFD.BA), saying the offer was "unsatisfactory." The proposal would have given Repsol 47% ownership in a new company with drilling rights to 6.4% of Argentina's giant shale-gas field Vaca Muerta and $1.5 billion in cash and bonds that can only be invested in the project. The Argentine government valued this offer at $5 billion, said Repsol. However, the company added that this valuation "is constructed on overvalued assets far from market values seen in recent transactions." In exchange for such a deal, Repsol would have had to drop a $10.5 billion legal claim against the Argentine government. Repsol said it would welcome engaging in further negotiations with Argentina. It said the board hopes that the Argentine government maintains "an open attitude to dialogue.. negotiated through the appropriate corporate channels, with the necessary serenity and balance and which represents a fair compensation and the end of the claims surrounding the expropriation." The rejected proposal was brokered by one of Repsol's largest shareholders, Petroleos Mexicanos, or Pemex, in lieu of direct talks between Repsol and Argentina. The Mexican state-owned oil giant holds a 9.37% stake in Repsol. YPF denied that Argentina's government made an official offer to Repsol. Rather, it said there were talks between Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-1 Filed 06/08/15 Page 3 of 3 Page 2 Repsol Rejects YPF Compensation Offer Dow Jones Global News Select June 27, 2013 Thursday 2:05 AM GMT YPF representatives and Repsol shareholders aimed at finding a solution to the dispute. "YPF highlights Repsol's attitude of indicating its openness to dialogue to reach a negotiated settlement satisfactory to the interests of both companies," YPF said in a statement. Repsol has long said that it wants a negotiated settlement to the dispute but that Argentina has rejected several attempts to start discussions. Argentina's presidential spokesman Alfredo Scoccimarro didn't respond to requests for comment. A Pemex spokesman declined to comment. Pemex became involved following a failed attempt by Repsol's largest shareholder, Caixabank SA (CABK.MC), to reach a compensation deal with Argentina. Argentina last year passed a law which expropriated of 51% of YPF, the country's leading oil-and-gas company, leaving Repsol with 6.4%. -Ken Parks and Laurence Iliff contributed to this article. Write to Christopher Bjork at christopher.bjork@wsj.com [ 06-26-13 2205ET ] NOTES: PUBLISHER: Dow Jones & Company, Inc. LOAD-DATE: June 27, 2013 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-2 Filed 06/08/15 Page 1 of 2 Exhibit 2 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-2 Filed 06/08/15 Page 2 of 2 Communication Executive Managing Division Tel.: +34 91 753 87 87 www.repsol.com prensa@repsol.com PRESS RELEASE Madrid, 25th November 2013 1 page In relation to the press release issued by the Government of Argentina, Repsol will submit the outlined heads of agreement to the consideration of its Board of Directors, which will evaluate the terms and conditions. To this end, the Board of Directors of Repsol, at its meeting to be held on Wednesday 27 November, will analyze and resolve as it deems appropriate in the sole interest of the company and its shareholders. An official notice will be published at the end of the Board meeting. 1 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-3 Filed 06/08/15 Page 1 of 5 Exhibit 3 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-3 Filed 06/08/15 Page 2 of 5 Official Notice Repsol International Finance, B.V. Koninginnegracht 19 The Hague NL-2514-AB The Netherlands Tel. 31 703141611 www.repsolinternationalfinancebv.com The Hague, February 26, 2014 In accordance with Article 14 of Law of 9 May 2006, on market abuse, Repsol International Finance, B.V. is filing the attached English translation of the official notice published on February 25, 2014 by Repsol, S.A. (Guarantor of the Euro 10,000,000,000 Guaranteed Euro Medium Term Note Programme of the Company), related to the approval by the Board of Director of Repsol, S.A. of the execution of an agreement over the expropriation of YPF for US$ 5.0 billion, subject to ratification of the General Shareholders’ Meeting. The Spanish version of the press release has been also filed today by Repsol, S.A. with the Spanish Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores). Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-3 Filed 06/08/15 Page 3 of 5 Official Notice c/ M éndez Álvaro 44 28045 M adrid España Tel. 34 917 538 100 34 917 538 000 Fax 34 913 489 494 www.repsol.com ARGENTINA AND REPSOL REACH A COMPENSATION AGREEMENT OVER THE EXPROPIATION OF YPF The agreement approved today by Repsol’s Board of Directors must be ratified by the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting and by the Argentinean Parliament The agreement reached between the Republic of Argentina and Repsol (“Convenio de Solución Amigable y Avenimiento de Expropiación”) recognises the company’s right to receive US$5 billion as compensation for the expropriation of 51% of the shares of YPF and stipulates guarantees for effective payment as well as the termination of all judicial and arbitration proceedings and the reciprocal waiver of future claims. The agreement does not enter into force until a number of conditions precedent are met, including its approval by Repsol’s Annual General Meeting followed by approval of a law especially sanctioned by the Parliament of the Republic of Argentina. Makeup of Public Debt The agreement stipulates that the Government of Argentina will transfer to Repsol dollar-denominated public debt, as follows: 1) A fixed package with a nominal value of $5 billion, made up of: - Bonar X: US$500 million. - Discount 33: US$1.250 billion. - Bonar 2024: US$3.250 billion. 2) A complementary package, with a maximum nominal value of $1 billion, made up of: - Boden 2015: US$400 million. - Bonar X: US$300 million. - Bonar 2024: US$300 million. The transferal of the complementary package will be adjusted so that the market value of all the Argentinean bonds delivered to Repsol is no less than $4.670 billion and up to a maximum nominal value of $6 billion. The market value will be calculated through quotations from international financial institutions. The complementary bonds will be delivered to Repsol by earliest maturity first up to the limits indicated in each bond. Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document Official 587-3 Notice Filed 06/08/15 Page 4 of 5 The closing of the transaction will be completed with the delivery of the bonds in Repsol’s favor with full guarantees in their deposit through an international financial clearing institution. Repsol is free to sell these bonds. If the sale proceeds were to exceed US$5 billion (excluding costs and interest), the excess would revert to the Republic of Argentina. Guarantees The Republic of Argentina’s debt will be transferred to Repsol “pro solvendo,” that is that the debt due to Repsol will not be considered to be extinguished until full payment, be it through the sale of bonds or through ordinary payment through the bonds’ maturity. As an additional guarantee, the Republic of Argentina recognises that if the debt were restructured or there were a failure to pay, Repsol has the right to accelerate debt payment and seek payment of the outstanding amount up to $5 billion through UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law.) The compensation agreement is protected by the Bilateral Treaty between Spain and Argentina for the Protection of Investments (Acuerdo de Promoción y Protección de Inversiones entre España y Argentina.) Agreement with YPF Simultaneously with the execution of the agreement, Repsol will enter into an agreement with YPF and YPF Gas by which – mainly - all parties will agree to desist from all legal action initiated by them as well as certain waivers and indemnities. Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document Official 587-3 Notice Filed 06/08/15 Page 5 of 5 ANNEX 1 INITIAL PACKAGE Bond Nominal (US$) ISIN Coupon Maturity Bonar X 500,000,000 ARARGE03F441 7.00% 17/04/2017 Bonar 2024 3,250,000,000 To be confirmed 8.75% Discount 33 (*) 1,250,000,000 ARARGE03E113 8.28% Total initial package 5,000,000,000 10 years from the issue date. Yearly payment at 16.66% of the face value between years 5 y 9 and 16.7% in year 10. 31/12/2033. From June 2024 paid in 20 half-yearly payments. Each of the 20 payments includes the proportional part of the capitalized interest accrued until the first payment (7.01%) ADDITIONAL CONTINGENT PACKAGE Bond Boden 2015 Bonar X Bonar 2024 Nominal (US$) Up to 400,000,000 Up to 300,000,000 Up to 300,000,000 Up to 1,000,000,000 ISIN ARARGE03F144 ARARGE03F441 To be confirmed (*) This bond includes capitalized interest worth $500 million. Coupon 7.00% 7.00% 8.75% Maturity 03/10/2015 Described in initial package Described in initial package Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-4 Filed 06/08/15 Page 1 of 5 Exhibit 4 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-4 Filed 06/08/15 Page 2 of 5 Bekanntmachung Freiverkehr (Open Market, Quotation Board) Einbeziehung Folgende Wertpapiere werden in den Freiverkehr (Open Market, Quotation Board) der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse einbezogen: Aktien Nr. ISIN Name Land Notierungsart Kleinste MIC handelbare Code Einheit Flat CBF Nr. Erster Instrument Handelstag Typ Handels Einzelau Spezielle Quote Quote Handels Abrechnungs CCP ab modell ktion Auktion Provider Provider währung währung ID Subgroup CCP bis Endfälligkeit Letzter Handelstag 1 DE000A1YDAZ7 SendR SE Deutschland Stücknotiz 1 XFRA 7814 23.01.2015 EQU 093 nein nein WSTFR QP1 EUR EUR 2 CA2692811011 EXO U Inc. Kanada Stücknotiz 1 XFRA 7881 23.01.2015 EQU 093 nein nein BALFR QPA EUR EUR 3 CA87163U1030 Synodon Inc. Kanada Stücknotiz 1 XFRA 7881 23.01.2015 EQU 093 nein nein BALFR QPA EUR EUR Nr. ISIN Name Land Notierungsart Kleinste MIC handelbare Code Einheit CBF Nr. Handels Einzelau Spezielle Quote Quote Handels Abrechnungs CCP ab modell ktion Auktion Provider Provider währung währung ID Subgroup CCP bis Endfälligkeit Letzter Handelstag 1 XS1106574129 361 Degrees International Limited Kaiman-Inseln Prozentnotiz 1000000 XFRA 7633 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein WALFR QP1 CNY EUR 12.09.2017 2 XS0834486796 Intu [Jersey] Ltd. Grossbritannien Prozentnotiz 100000 XFRA 7637 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein MJAFR QPS GBP EUR 04.10.2018 3 US38148LAA44 The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. USA Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 7637 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein MJAFR QPS USD EUR 23.04.2020 4 US38148LAC00 The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. USA Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 7811 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein UHEFR QP2 USD EUR 23.01.2025 5 US00724FAC59 Adobe Systems Inc. USA Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 7812 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein ICFFR QPC USD EUR 01.02.2025 6 DE000HSH4WJ9 HSH Nordbank AG Deutschland Prozentnotiz 1000 XFRA 7812 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein ICFFR QPC EUR EUR 23.01.2030 7 DE000HSH4WH3 HSH Nordbank AG Deutschland Prozentnotiz 1000 XFRA 7812 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein ICFFR QPC EUR EUR 23.01.2025 8 XS1174472511 JPMorgan Chase & Co. USA Prozentnotiz 100000 XFRA 7812 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein ICFFR QPC EUR EUR 27.01.2020 9 DE000NLB8FQ5 Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale Deutschland Prozentnotiz 500 XFRA 7812 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein ICFFR QPC EUR EUR 23.01.2025 10 US912828WU04 United States of America USA Prozentnotiz 100 XFRA 7825 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein UHEFR QP3 USD EUR 15.07.2024 11 XS1175865028 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Kanada Prozentnotiz 100000 XFRA 7864 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein BALFR QPF EUR EUR 28.01.2020 12 XS1173792059 Citigroup Inc. USA Prozentnotiz 100000 XFRA 7864 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein BALFR QPF EUR EUR 28.01.2025 13 XS1133920618 Commerzbank AG Deutschland Prozentnotiz 100000 XFRA 7864 23.01.2015 BON 093 ja nein BALFR QPF EUR EUR 05.11.2024 14 US46625HKB59 JPMorgan Chase & Co. USA Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 7864 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein BALFR QPF USD EUR 23.01.2020 15 XS0253013238 Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Vereinigte Arabische Emirate Prozentnotiz 100000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 09.05.2016 16 US00101JAH95 ADT Corp. USA Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 15.06.2023 17 US00101JAF30 ADT Corp. USA Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 15.07.2022 18 US00101JAK25 ADT Corp. USA Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 15.10.2021 19 US00101JAM80 ADT Corp. USA Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 15.03.2020 20 US00101JAG13 ADT Corp. USA Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 15.07.2042 21 AU3CB0227064 African Development Bank Südafrika Prozentnotiz 1000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 AUD EUR 03.02.2020 22 US36186CBY84 Ally Financial Inc. USA Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 01.11.2031 23 US02005NAV29 Ally Financial Inc. USA Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 30.09.2024 24 CH0244692569 Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Kanton Schweiz Prozentnotiz 5000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 CHF EUR 15.07.2019 25 ARARGE03H413 Argentinien, Republik Argentinien Prozentnotiz 1 XFRA flat 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 07.05.2024 23.01.2015 Anleihen Flat Erster Instrument Handelstag Typ 1 / 4 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-4 Filed 06/08/15 Page 3 of 5 Anleihen Nr. ISIN Name Land Notierungsart Kleinste MIC handelbare Code Einheit Flat CBF Nr. Erster Instrument Handelstag Typ Handels Einzelau Spezielle Quote Quote Handels Abrechnungs CCP ab modell ktion Auktion Provider Provider währung währung ID Subgroup CCP bis Endfälligkeit Letzter Handelstag 26 XS1174217320 Bank of Montreal Kanada Prozentnotiz 100000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 GBP EUR 29.01.2018 27 XS0155141830 Barclays Bank PLC Vereinigtes Königreich Prozentnotiz 1000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 15.01.2098 28 DE000A11QJ08 Bremen, Freie Hansestadt Deutschland Prozentnotiz 100000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 EUR EUR 22.01.2025 29 US212015AQ46 Continental Resources Inc. [Okla.] USA Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 01.06.2044 30 US212015AH47 Continental Resources Inc. [Okla.] USA Prozentnotiz 1000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 15.09.2022 31 CH0242193974 Emissionszentrale für gemeinnützige Wohnbauträger EGW Schweiz Prozentnotiz 5000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 CHF EUR 08.05.2029 32 CH0217579777 Emissionszentrale für gemeinnützige Wohnbauträger EGW Schweiz Prozentnotiz 5000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 CHF EUR 24.07.2023 33 XS0283714896 Heta Asset Resolution AG Österreich Prozentnotiz 50000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 EUR EUR 24.01.2017 34 US472319AL69 Jefferies Group LLC USA Prozentnotiz 5000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 20.01.2023 35 CH0240109600 Julius Baer Gruppe AG Schweiz Prozentnotiz 5000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 CHF EUR 15.01.2098 36 US195325CU73 Kolumbien, Republik Kolumbien Prozentnotiz 200000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 15.06.2045 37 XS0859367194 Libanon, Republik Libanon Prozentnotiz 1000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 27.01.2023 38 XS0769530238 Libanon, Republik Libanon Prozentnotiz 1000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 12.10.2017 39 XS0859366899 Libanon, Republik Libanon Prozentnotiz 1000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 29.11.2027 40 XS0471737444 Libanon, Republik Libanon Prozentnotiz 1000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 03.12.2024 41 US637432ND31 National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. USA Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 27.01.2025 42 US637432NC57 National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. USA Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 27.01.2020 43 CH0126325353 New South Wales Treasury Corp. Australien Prozentnotiz 5000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 CHF EUR 26.04.2041 44 US655044AE52 Noble Energy Inc. USA Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 01.03.2041 45 US65504LAJ61 Noble Holding International Ltd. Kaiman-Inseln Prozentnotiz 2000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 15.03.2022 46 USY8793YAK83 Pakistan, Islamische Republik Pakistan Prozentnotiz 100000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 31.03.2016 47 USY8793YAM40 Pakistan, Islamische Republik Pakistan Prozentnotiz 100000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 01.06.2017 48 US706451BR12 Petróleos Mexicanos Mexiko Prozentnotiz 10000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 15.06.2038 49 US71656MAN92 Petróleos Mexicanos Mexiko Prozentnotiz 10000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 27.06.2044 50 US71654QBR20 Petróleos Mexicanos Mexiko Prozentnotiz 10000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 23.01.2045 51 CH0239840124 Pfandbriefbank schweizerischer Hypothekarinstitute AG Schweiz Prozentnotiz 5000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 CHF EUR 14.11.2024 52 CH0224397106 Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft Schweiz Prozentnotiz 1000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 CHF EUR 22.06.2031 53 XS0287015787 Standard Bank PLC Vereinigtes Königreich Prozentnotiz 85000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 31.12.2018 54 XS0462883603 The Bank of East Asia Ltd. Hongkong Prozentnotiz 100000 XFRA 8710 23.01.2015 BON 093 nein nein RELFR QP2 USD EUR 15.01.2098 2 / 4 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-4 Filed 06/08/15 Page 4 of 5 Handelsaufnahme Folgende Wertpapiere werden in den Handel an folgenden Handelsplätzen (MIC Code) in den Freiverkehr (Open Market, Quotation Board) an der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (FWB) aufgenommen. Die Notierung an anderen Handelsplätzen im Freiverkehr (Open Market, Quotation Board) an der FWB bleibt unberührt. Aktien Nr. ISIN Name Notierungsart Kleinste MIC handelbare Code Einheit 1 US71654V1017 PETROL.BRAS.PFD ADR/2 O.N Stücknotiz 1 2 BRPETRACNOR9 PETROLEO BRAS.SA PET. Stücknotiz 1 3 BRPETRACNPR6 Stücknotiz 1 PETROLEO BRAS.SA PET.PFD Erster CCP ab Handelstag Instrument Typ Handelsmodell Instrument Gruppe Handels Abrechnungs währung währung XETR 23.01.2015 EQU 030 SAM0 EUR EUR XETR 23.01.2015 EQU 030 SAM0 EUR EUR XETR 23.01.2015 EQU 030 SAM0 EUR EUR Frankfurt am Main, 22.01.2015 Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse i.A. Linda Guziurová i.A. Andrea Benczik Sollten Sie noch Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an: If there are any questions, please contact: Primary Market Listing Services 069 211 13555 Market Supervision 069 211 11400 3 / 4 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-4 Filed 06/08/15 Page 5 of 5 Bekanntmachung Regulierter Markt (General Standard) Handelsaufnahme Folgende Wertpapiere werden in den Handel an folgenden Handelsplätzen (MIC Code) in den Regulierter Markt (General Standard) an der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (FWB) aufgenommen. Die Notierung an anderen Handelsplätzen im Regulierter Markt (General Standard) an der FWB bleibt unberührt. Aktien Nr. ISIN Name Notierungsart Kleinste MIC handelbare Code Einheit 1 Catalis SE Stücknotiz 1 NL0010447306 Erster CCP ab Handelstag XETR 23.01.2015 Instrument Typ Handelsmodell Instrument Gruppe Handels Abrechnungs währung währung EQU 030 EUR LUX0 EUR Frankfurt am Main, 22.01.2015 Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse i.A. Linda Guziurová i.A. Andrea Benczik Sollten Sie noch Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an: If there are any questions, please contact: Primary Market Listing Services 069 211 13555 Market Supervision 069 211 11400 4 / 4 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 1 of 17 Exhibit 5 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 2 of 17 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 3 of 17 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 4 of 17 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 5 of 17 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 6 of 17 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 7 of 17 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 8 of 17 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 9 of 17 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 10 of 17 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 11 of 17 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 12 of 17 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 13 of 17 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 14 of 17 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 15 of 17 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 16 of 17 Case 1:09-cv-08757-TPG Document 587-5 Filed 06/08/15 Page 17 of 17