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Invitation DANISH DISTRICT HEATING ROAD SHOW POLAND-NORTH WEST POMERANIA & POMERANIA FROM 4 TO 8 OCTOBER 2015 In cooperation with the Danish Embassy in Warsaw and The Polish Chamber IGCP, DBDH takes pleasure in inviting you to join a District Heating Road Show in Poland, which will take place during four days from 4th October till 8th October in the northern part of Poland. The proposed road show is a follow-up on our good relations with IGCP, developed over the years during the study tour visits to Denmark (2014), roadshows to Poland (2013-2014) and last year’s Royal visit to Poland. Stæhr Johansens Vej 38 · 2000 Frederiksberg · Tlf.: 3818 5440 · DANISH DISTRICT HEATING ROAD SHOW POLAND-NORTH BACKGROUND The focus of the road show will be to strengthen the Danish-Polish cooperation within the district heating and cooling touching on topics like: energy efficiency, smart energy, cooling, and how to introduce renewable energy to the district heating system. The main topic of this years Heating Roadshow is how to create low emission economy in district heating. Key bullet points for the investment areas in Poland in the District Heating sector are low emission economy, climate priorities of EU and Polish energy policy • More CHP fuelled by gas, biomass and solar • More flue gas cleaning systems • More efficient heat production • Reducing the energy losses Especially when it comes to RES and energy efficiency and looking at the quality level of district heating in Denmark, IGCP is convinced that Denmark has successfully dealt with the problems and the DH sector in Poland would like to learn from the Danish experience. IGCP is convinced that Danish experience can be followed in the current challenging areas for district heating in Poland. According to the statement of Secretary of State of Polish Ministry of Economy, Jerzy Pietrewicz of 13 April 2015, at the debate on Modernisation of district heating and energy sector in Poland, Polish district heating sector is in front of huge modernisation challenges. The main areas of intervention concern support for production units within highly efficient cogeneration, modernisation of existing district heating network, and new investments within district heating network to expand number of reciepients. Minister Pietrewicz admitted the innovations would be the way to change that. NB. A more thorough overview of the Polish DH market is found enclosed to this invitation. The major expected outcome of the Road Show will be the heating/cooling knowledge and technology transfer from Denmark to Poland, contributing to the Danish export increase in the district heating market and at the same time developing the Polish market for district heating and cooling into a more innovative and energy efficient one. Stæhr Johansens Vej 38 · 2000 Frederiksberg · Tlf.: 3818 5440 · DANISH DISTRICT HEATING ROAD SHOW POLAND-NORTH THE PROJECT The Road Show will bring a Danish business delegation to Poland for a four-day event with round table meetings and site visits taking place at Polish DH companies' sites in the northern part of Poland, the Pomerania and West Pomerania. This year, the visits will take place in 4 main district heating companies plus smaller district heating companies with low emission plans approved. The participants of the events are the representatives of local municipalities and district heating companies in Szczecin, Kolobrzeg, Slupsk and Gdynia, plus surrounding municipalities and district heating companies. The Polish DH companies have been identified in advance in cooperation with the Polish Chamber IGCP. The identification has put focus on finding those DH companies in Poland that are planning investments in DH renovation or development (i.e. transformation to another energy source, CHP, etc. NB. You will find a detailed description of the District Heating utilities enclosed to this invitation. The agenda for the Road Show in Poland will cover the most interesting topics for the Polish and Danish group with a view to future possibilities for cooperation. The general formula of the event will cover company presentations plus site visits. In brief, the visits begin with a theoretical introduction - a short presentation of the Polish hosting company (its technology, solutions, business scope and challenges) and presentations by the Danish delegation members, touching upon solutions and new technologies offered by their companies. The presentations are followed up by a round table discussion. The Danish delegation is also offered a site tour around the running heating plants in Poland to see the challenges in practice. The visits during the week will give your company a firsthand insight in the challenges and need of your potential customers in Poland, and bring you in close contact with the sector and companies that are prioritizing new investments in the District Heating Sector with a wish to cooperate with Danish companies. In this way, we aim to create a great sales platform for Danish companies which will enhance the business relations between Polish and Danish entities. Stæhr Johansens Vej 38 · 2000 Frederiksberg · Tlf.: 3818 5440 · DANISH DISTRICT HEATING ROAD SHOW POLAND-NORTH TENTATIVE PROGRAMME Sunday 4 October • Flight from Copenhagen to Berlin SAS 15:00 CPH – 15:55 SK0679 (55min, direct) + bus transfer to Szczecin • Accomodation: Radisson Blu Szczecin Hotel • Joint welcome dinner Monday 5 October - Szczecin • Round table discussions hosted by SEC Szczecin. Further expected participants from other utilities and city representatives (in charge of infrastructure) in the region (i.e. Stargard Szczecinski, Lobez, Mysliborz) • Site visit at SEC Szczecin • Afternoon and dinner in Szczecin (own cost) • Transfer to Kolobrzeg (135 km, approx. 2h) • Accommodation: Diune Hotel Tuesday 6 October - Kołobrzeg • Round table discussions hosted by MEC Kolobrzeg. Further expected participants from other utilities and city representatives (in charge of infrastructure) in the region (i.e. MEC Koszalin and others) •Lunch • Site visit at MEC Kolobrzeg • Transfer to Słupsk ( 110 km, approx. 1h 45m) • Accommodation: Dolina Charlotty (10km from Słupsk) Wednesday 7 October - Słupsk • Round table discussions hosted by Cofely EC Slupsk. Further expected participants from other utilities and city representatives (in charge of infrastructure) in the region (i.e. PEC Torun, KPEC Bygdosz, EMPEC Ustka) • Lunch (own cost) • Site visit to Cofely EC Slupsk • Transfer to Gdańsk (118 km, approx. 2h) • Accommodation: Radisson Blu Gdansk Hotel Thursday 8 October - Gdansk • Round table discussions hosted by GPEC Gdansk. Further expected participants from other utilities and city representatives (in charge of infrastructure) in the region (i.e. OPEC Gdynia, others) • Lunch (own cost) • Site visit at GPEC Gdansk • Official Dinner at: Restaurant Villa Uphagena / Filharmonia • Bus transfer to Gdansk Airport • Flight from Gdansk to Copenhagen 18.50 – 20.05 (direct) Stæhr Johansens Vej 38 · 2000 Frederiksberg · Tlf.: 3818 5440 · DANISH DISTRICT HEATING ROAD SHOW POLAND-NORTH TRAVEL ARRANGEMENT Hotels in Poland will be prebooked by the Danish Embassy. The hotel price level is approx. 250-450 PLN/ night. Prices DBDH has applied for co-financing from the Trade Council of Denmark, and provided support is granted, the price based on 12 participating companies will be: DKK 9,900 ex. VAT (one representative per company) DKK 13,900 ex. VAT (up to three representatives per company) The price includes all shared costs of the project. Only individual costs like flight tickets, meals and accommodation are not included. Do you want to join? Please register using the link before 14 August, 2015: Press here for registration For more information, please contact Royal Danish Embassy DBDH Izabela Jakobsen Pia Zimmermann Tel: +4529260380 Tel: +48 691 844 410 Stæhr Johansens Vej 38 · 2000 Frederiksberg · Tlf.: 3818 5440 · DANISH DISTRICT HEATING ROAD SHOW POLAND-NORTH MARKET OVERVEIW 20 138 km of networks DKK 24 billion sector turnover 455 companies The district heating companies - operating on the basis of concessions issued by the Energy Regulatory Office (URE) - generate approx. 57,8% of the heat produced in Poland. The number of companies with concessions granted i.e. with heat sources above 5 MW stood at 455 entities in 2013. They employed over 33 946 people and maintained an installed thermal power of 56 521 MW. The income level of the heating sector was approx. DKK 32,4 billion (PLN 17,5 billion). At the same time, the length of operated heating networks was approx. 20 138,5 km. The share of heat generated in co-generation with electricity production accounted for 62%. Fuels In general the fuel used for DH in Poland is still very heavily relaying on fossil fuels. Figure 1 below shows the share of different energy sources used as fuel in DH-plats in 2013. Even though there have been some small changes, the need to change the fuel structure used for heat production is among the key challenges of the sector for the coming years. Since 2013, Polish heating companies are obliged to buy 20% of the required CO2 emission rights. The share of hard coal in heat production dropped only moderately since year 2002, where it accounted for 79.1%, while the share of biomass increased by 2.3% points. The CO2 emission regulations have clearly mobilized the district heating sector for raising voices urging Polish authorities to introduce regulatory changes that would promote new investments and modify the current heat tariffs system. Said more direct there is a great need for new green technology on an area where Danish companies are well known and recognized in Poland. Stæhr Johansens Vej 38 · 2000 Frederiksberg · Tlf.: 3818 5440 · DANISH DISTRICT HEATING ROAD SHOW POLAND-NORTH MARKET OVERVEIW Sector structure 1/4 of power produced comes from 8 biggest power plants 58 % of power sources below 50 MW 30% heating companies mixed ownership First of all, the district heating sector is still much diversified. The mixed ownership structure is getting more popular, even though the majority of the companies are still public owned. Secondly, the market is dominated by rather small players with capacities below 50 MW. Finally, it is worth noticing that there is a growing number of companies exclusively (70-100% of their turnover) focused on district heating activities and a diminishing number of industrial companies involved in heat production and distribution. The share of the first group in total number of concessioned companies increased from 53% in year 2008 to 62% in 2013. Economic situation and investments 25% increase of companies investing in modernization and development (compared to 2002) DKK 77 / GJ average net price in 2008 = PLN 41.30 Decrease of sector fix assets depreciation indicator The technical and financial situation of the Polish district heating sector is very challenging. Despite a growing value of investments, ongoing privatization procedures and the inflow of international investors the need for replacement investments is evident. The average age of the used equipment amounts to 35 years which results in the increase of power losses. What is more, the lengthening of power lines also contributes to this process. Apart from that, old equipment produces more pollution and CO2. Stæhr Johansens Vej 38 · 2000 Frederiksberg · Tlf.: 3818 5440 · DANISH DISTRICT HEATING ROAD SHOW POLAND-NORTH INFORMATION ON DISTRICT HEATING UTILITIES INCLUDED IN THE ROAD SHOW SZCZECINSKA ENERGETYKA CIEPLNA SP. Z O.O. • Sales of heat – 3 370 000 GJ • Ordered power – 570 MW • Fuel – coal, natural gas and oil • Production, transmission, distribution Szczecinska Energetyka Cieplna is a district heat generator and distributor. 20 per cent of total heat demand in Szczecin is covered by SEC’s coal-fired regional heat plant “Dabska” and 40 local gas-fired coal plants. The remaining 80 per cent of distributed heat is sourced from a third-party generator. Szczecinska Energetyka Cieplna and other energy-sector heat companies together form a corporate group, SEC. The core business of each company involves generation and/or distribution of heat and hot water. The company operates to the common standard and what sets individual companies apart are their geographical coverage, heat generation and distribution technologies (heat is supplied via a district heating network or from local plants), and client settlement models (institutional vs. individual). SEC also generates electricity via a combined heat and power plant “Sasiedzka”, and is an active electricity market player offering competitively priced electricity in the open market. MIEJSKA ENERGETYKA CIEPLNA W KOŁOBRZEGU • Sales of heat - 805 224 GJ • Ordered power - 113,211 MW • Fuel - coal, natural gas • Production, transmission, distribution The company produces power from the 4 coal boilers. The company also owns the laboratory thanks to what it can control its influence on the environment and it can improve its performance. The area of Company’s activity is not simply to produce the heat but more importantly to cooperate with the industries like health resorts (also providing them with the new technologies), or works as the advisor in the heating area. The company runs and plans numerous investments aimed to improve the infrastructure. KOMUNALNE PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO ENERGETYKI CIEPLNEJ SPÓŁKA Z O.O. W BYDGOSZCZY • Sales of heat - 4 500 000 GJ • Ordered power - 866 MW • Fuel - coal • Production, transmission, distribution Komunalne Przedsiebiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Spółka z o.o. (Ltd.) in Bydgoszcz provides services in production and distribution of district heat and complete heat investment management, starting from construction documentation and ending on execution and operation of heating devices. What is more, the company also offer contracting for installation, repair, maintenance of measurement, control and test instruments and devices, as well as equipment and transport services. The heat received by the KPEC Clients is produced in ca. 80% in cogeneration process. KPEC Spółka z o.o. (Ltd.) has 7 heating plants (Błonie, Białe Błota, Osowa Góra, Solec Kujawski, Szubin, Nakło nad Notecia, Koronowo) at its disposal, which produce heat to be supplied to Consumers.. The total length of heat distribution networks is 437.96 km (as per 31.12.2013). Stæhr Johansens Vej 38 · 2000 Frederiksberg · Tlf.: 3818 5440 · DANISH DISTRICT HEATING ROAD SHOW POLAND-NORTH INFORMATION ON DISTRICT HEATING UTILITIES INCLUDED IN THE ROAD SHOW OKREGOWE PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO ENERGETYKI CIEPLNEJ SP. Z O.O. W GDYNI • Ordered power - 566 MW • District heating network – 325 km • Fuel – coal and natural gas • Coal boiler – 50 MW • Gas boiler – 37 MW • Production, transmission, distribution OPEC Gdynia covering 60% of heat demand in Pomorskie region, delivering heat to 4 cities including Gdynia, Rumia, Wejherowo and Sopot . Gdynia district heating system is intergrated with the system in Rumia, where OPEC owns 30% of inhabitants. In Sopot the heat is delivered to 35% of inhabitants form the gas plant and small modernized gas plants. Wejherowo is powered in 70% with heat from own source in Nanice, which is the most modern district heating plant in Poland of medium level. COFELY EC SŁUPSK • Sales of heat – 9 372 000 GJ • Ordered power – 127.7 MW • Fuel – coal • Production, transmission, distribution Cofely Słupsk is a part of the Cofely Group which operates also in Koszalin, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Ustka and Złotów. The owner of the group is GDF SUEZ ENERGY SERVICES INTERNATIONAL S.A. (HQ in Brussels) – 98,93% of shares. The energy is produced in two boiler plants powered with fine coal of power 159,4 MW. Heat distribution is managed and controlled using fully automated systems. Apart from the production and distribution the Company builds, modernizes and reconstructs the power and heat grid to provide more services and to develop the power and heat market in the region. Stæhr Johansens Vej 38 · 2000 Frederiksberg · Tlf.: 3818 5440 ·