2015 June Draft- V2.3 5-31-15


2015 June Draft- V2.3 5-31-15
The Triple Nickel
Published Exclusively for the Members of
American Legion Matthew Blount Post 555
Volume 2 - Issue 6
In This Issue
National Commander
Commander’s Corner
Public Relations
Adjutant Area
Judge Advocate
Veterans Recognition
2nd Vice Commander
Post Information
Oratorical Committee
Family Night Photos
State Convention
1st Vice Commander
Memorial Day
Post 555 Baseball
Boys State
District Meeting
Officer Installation
Legion Riders
Memorial Week
June 2015
Post 555 Greet National Commander
Commander Mike Helms was greeted upon his
arrival at the Alabama National Cemetery by a
contingent from Matthew Blount Post 555.
Following introductions and media interviews
by Birmingham New, Shelby County Reporter
and Channel Six Fox News, Commander
Helms was taken on a tour of the facility by
Post 555’s 2nd Vice Commander and Director
of the ANC.
Following the tour, Commander Helms and
Commander Blount visited the grave site of
Post 555’s sake, Matthew Blount, son of
Commander Blount.
Commander Blount presented Helms with a
Matthew Blount Post 555 coffee mug as a
moment of his visit with Post 555. In turn
Commander Helms presented Post 555
members with a National Commander hat pin.
Helms group then departed to continue their
tour of other Alabama Posts.
Standing Meetings
Where: Pelham
Senior Center
When:1st Thursday
7:00-8:00 pm
Next Meeting
June 4, 2015
Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL
June 2015
Photos by Chic Cecchini - Post 555
Commander’s Corner
Fellow Legionnaire,
I want to thank you again for
selecting me as your Commander
for the coming year. I think the
Lord is blessing us in so many
ways. As we continue to grow (over 70 members
now!) establishing an American Legion baseball
team, sending 2 young men to Boy State and 2
young ladies to Girl State this year this was not
something I thought was possible to accomplish
in our first year, but the funds have been
provided and we are able to us to pass on the
blessing to others.
We are fortunate to have the to be selected as
host for the Destrict baseball tournament in
Pelham this July for the American Baseball
League. This means we will need your help to sell
tickets at the gates! Contact 1st Vice Commander
Kenneth Paschal, if you can help support this
program. This is an excellent opportunity to
serve our community with a fun, family
supportive program.
or discharge papers indicating honorable
discharge on our members. If you do not already
have one, you can request a copy of your DD-214
or discharge paper through the government. If
you need help making the request, we will be
happy to help. We need a Copy on file – be sure
to mark out your Social Security Number on our
copy. Also, please let your family know where
your copy is filed should need arise if they (or
you) need it to file for benefits with VA. That is
the first thing the VA will ask for.
We will be adding more programs or services so
please step up and ask ‘what can I do’? We have
several positions that we need help with!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our
meeting Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 7pm.
Barry K. Blount
This year we plan to begin programs that will
identify benefits that you may be entitled to as a
veteran. Stay tuned for more information.
The Post has received a 501(c)19 tax exemption
approval. It was made clear that if we are
audited, the first thing they look for is a DD-214
Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL
June 2015
Adjutant Area
Public Relations
Post 555 is about to close out its
first year of existence , 2014-2015.
I would like to express my thanks
to all that have supported the Post
and its activities by contributing
many hours that have lead to the the success of our first
The Post has gained 40 additional members since it
received its charter and expect it to continue to grow.
The membership is currently at seventy with a goal of
reaching one hundred by the end of 2015.
We have had a great beginning in meeting our mission
with 32 events through May 2015 involving the
community, veterans and youth. The major youth
programs being Oratorical Scholarship, Boys State, Girls
State and most recently, the Baseball program.
The organization’s structure is in place with with all
officer positions filled and thirteen functioning
committees for now. All existing committees require
additional staffing. We expect more to be needed as we
work to expand our programs in the future. Those that
want to get more involved, there are plenty opportunities
to find a place to utilize your expertise, experience and
Please review the organizational chart that is included in
this mailing and contact either myself or Commander
Blount if you find an area you would be interested in
There will be seven of our ten allotted delegates
attending the State Convention in June. The Post
deadline was June 1, 2015 for registration, however,
individual registration will be open at the event.
Two articles were sent to the Shelby
County Reporter in May.
Article on Alabama Boys State was sent to
The Shelby County Reporter and The
Pelham City news on May 19, 2015. The
article explains that Alabama Boys State is one of he highest
honors granted to Alabama Students. Students from across the
state are chosen based on their demonstration of leadership, hard
work, strong morals and motivation in school and community
Post 555 is sponsoring Drayton Cullen son of Jean Roberson and
Lon Cullen of Pelham, Al. and Aaron Wilkes, son of Patricia and
Wesley Wilkes of Pelham, Al. Both young men are juniors at
Pelham High School.
Article on the New American Legion Baseball Program was also
sent to the Shelby County Reporter and The Pelham City News on
May 27, 2015.The article was issued as a Press Release and listed
first games to be played.
The American Legion Baseball stands behind the traditional values
upon which it was founded in 1925. American Legion Baseball
teaches young Americans importance of sportsmanship, good
health and active citizenship.
Matthew Blount Post 555
Next meeting: June 4, 2015 7:00 pm
Food provided by
Nino’s Italian Resturant
We are looking forward in carrying our past year’s
momentum into the 2015-2016 year.
Pelham Senior Center
For God & Country
Ron Koonce
Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL
Web: www.alpost555.com
June 2015
Dates to Remember
Judge Advocate’s Corner
Documents Required
The National American Legion and
the IRS requires all active Posts to maintain a copy
on file of each if its members a DD-214 form or
Discharge Documents in the case of WWII
The most critical is the requirement of the IRS now that
the Post has received a 501(c)19 Non-profit tax
exempt status.
The Post could lose this highly coveted status if in the
event it is audited which is expected within the first 24
months of receiving the status.
We urge each of you to submit a copy of the
appropriate version that applies to your service served.
Please mark over your SS number on your
copy before submitting for security reasons.
It is not used for identification.
Submit your copy by:
Email to: ron.koonce@alpost555.com
Hard Copy mailed to :
American Legion
Matthew Blount Post 555
50 Racquet Club Parkway,
Pelham, AL 35124
Hard Copy hand delivered to:
Ron Koonce, Adjutant or Barry Blount, Commander
Where can I obtain the DD-214 form?
If you do not have a copy of your DD-214 or
Discharge documents, you can obtain one by
contacting the National Personnel Records Center
(NPRC). Their website for veterans to request a copy
of your DD-214:
Veterans Recognition Committee
The following upcoming activities are on the Blue Star
Salute calendar in the upcoming months. Triple Nickel
members are encouraged to join the Blue Star Salute
Foundation for the $25.00 membership fee and
participate in any or all of these activities.
#1SonRun – 10K Memorial Run-Leeds Memorial
USMC League Convention – Montgomery –
AMVETS National Convention –
2nd Vice Commander
Program Report
Special guest will be presented at the next meeting,
Thursday, June 4th. Please come out and help us
recognize and show our appreciation to Pelham's
Police and Fireman of the Year.
Also SSG David Lee will share his
experiences from his recent
motorcycle ride from Alabama to
Washington D.C., to visit the
Vietnam wall.
Looking forward to seeing you
there...invite a veteran.
Food will be provided by Nino's.
For God & Country
Quincy Whitehead
2nd Vice Commander
Chuck Kiser
Judge Advocate
Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL
June 2015
2016 Post Officers
Post Commander
Barry Blount
David Coram, Jr.
1st Vice
Kenneth Paschal
Sgt. at Arms
Geoffrey Eggleton
Service Officer
Rick Mazzone
2nd Vice
Quincey Whitehead
Finanical Officer
SSG. David Lee
Items for publication are
accepted on Executive
Committee approval and
available space.
Ron Koonce
Ron Koonce
Judge Advocate
Chuck Kiser
The Triple Nickel is
published monthly for members
of Matthew Blount Post 555.
50 Racquet Club Parkway
Pelham, AL 35124
Richard Kaster
William Wigginton
Bill Midlik
Submit articles prior to the 10th
of the month for publication the
following month. We reserve the
right to edit any submission for
the purpose of publication.
Letters to the Editor must include
name, address & telephone
number. Names will be withheld
upon request.
Send email to Ron
Copyright 2014
American Legion Post 555
50 Racquet Club Parkway
Pelham, AL 35124
The American Legion Mathew
Blount Alabama Post 555 Post
Commander Barry Blount and
Oratorical Chairman Richard
attended the Pelham City High School's Senior
Awards night and presented each with scholarship
money to the 1st Place winner
Lindsey Jinright and 2nd place to Jacob McKinstry.
Additionally, Post Commander Barry Blount
presented the school with a wooden plague to
commemorate the first American
Legion Oratorical contest winner engraved name
plate and several additional blank plates for future
contest winners.
The American Legion Oratorical contests are held
annually for eligible high school students under age
The Oratorical contest presents participants with an
academic speaking challenge that teaches important
leadership qualities,
the history of our nations laws, the ability to think
and speak clearly, and an understanding of the
duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges of
American citizenship.
Dates to Remember
Post 555 Baseball
June 3, 2015
Boy’s State
May 31-June 6,2015
June 6, 2015
Heart of Dixie Harley
Davidson -Bike Night
Girls State
June 7-June 13, 2015
June 14, 2015
Flag Day
Pelham Civic Center
June 19, 2015
Heart of Dixie Harley
Davidson - Bike Night
2015 Depart.
June 19-21, 2015
Huntsville , AL
Post Officers Report
July 1, 2015
Barry Blount
Rickard Kaster
Jacob McKinstry
Post Consolidation
Report Due
July 1, 2015
Post Fiscal Year
2016 Membership
July 1, 2015
Lindsey Jinright
Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL
June 2015
Barry Blount
Rickard Kaster
May Family Night
May 7,2015
Photography by
Chic Cecchini
Post 555
Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL
June 2015
Just before flying away he says, “Now, you look like an Alice to
me”. My challenge to us is that we examine our lives, seek the Lord
and truly see if we are being the person and doing the things we were
created to do. So that when our Heavenly Father looks at us, He can
gladly say, “Now, you look like a (your name) to me”.
Chaplain ’s
Alice and the Caterpillar
I am sure you may remember the childhood tale of Alice
in Wonderland. How she met many colorful characters
throughout her journey through wonderland, and learned
many lessons along the way.
Recently, I was watching a modern remake of this classic
story. In one of the scenes of the movie, Alice is having a
conversation with a large caterpillar that is sitting on a
mushroom repeatedly asking her, “Who are you”?
Despite Alice’s attempts to identify herself to the
caterpillar, he still keeps asking the question, “Who are
you”? After one final attempt to identify herself to the
caterpillar, the caterpillar finally responses with the
statement, “You don’t look like an Alice to me”.
This statement struck a chord with me. We were all
created by our Creator for a specific purpose and a
specific reason. Unfortunately, many times in our lives
we try to act like someone else, or we try to follow the
desires of our heart versus listening to the heart of God. I
wonder if many times, He looks at us and makes the
statement, “He does not look like the (your name) I
created”. We are all human and by virtue of this fact, we
are going to make mistakes in our lives. I once heard one
of my commander say, “You are going to make mistakes,
so go ahead and get them over with now so that we can
move on to the mission at hand”. But the good news is we
serve a Savior that loves us in spite of our mistakes and
poor decisions, and gladly forgives us when we fail Him.
So when we get off track all we have to do is turn and
look to the One who created the track, and He will steer
us back to Him.
At the end of the film, Alice is once again in a
conversation with the caterpillar. She is recapping
everything she has learned during here time in
wonderland.Upon completion of the conversation, the
caterpillar is turning into a butterfly.
Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL
Remember He Loves You and So Do I!!!
Chaplain Coram
Post 555 members will attend the Ninety Seventh Annual
Department Convention of the American Legion,
Department of Alabama, Inc., held in Huntsville, Alabama,
Friday, June 19, 2015 through Sunday, June 21, 2015.
PURPOSE: The Convention is called for the purpose of
electing officers for the ensuing year, hearing and
considering resolutions, and for the transaction of such other
business as may be deemed necessary to come before the
Convention and various officer training sessions.
Post 555 has five delegate & five alternate slots assigned
based on Post membership size.
Post Registration deadline was June 1, 2015.
Onsite registration available June 18th-20th.
Barry Blount, Commander
Kenneth Paschal, 1st Vice Commander
Ron Koonce, Adjutant
Chuck Kiser, Judge Advocate
Rick Mazzone, Service Officer
Richard Kaster, Trustee/Service Committee
Frank Lakotich, Events Committee
June 2015
Thanks to the 6 man crew that “Fired a Civil War Artillery” piece to
honor our fallen heroes at the Alabama National Cemetery, Montevallo.
Volunteers were: Don Colvard, David Coram, Richard Kaster, Tom
McDaniel, Kenneth Paschal, and Bill Wigginton.
First Vice Commander
We’re encouraging members be an active Legionnaire recruiter and
invite one potential member to our next meeting in June. As we
continue to grow our membership and presence in the community
we must also grow in our efforts to secure a copy of everyone’s
DD214. I would like to echoes from the Commander’s Corner in
our May newsletter. In any successful organization, there’s always
policies and procedures to follow. To be in compliance with the
IRS requirements we must have members DD-214 on file.
The DD-214 reveals Social Security numbers (block 3), dates of
birth (block 5) and, in some cases, places of birth and medical
information. The American Legion and IRS do not need this
information; the information should be "blacked out or redacted"
and a copy provided to the post for their file. The Legion and the
IRS only need your name, dates of service and character of service.
Documents with this information need to be kept securely.
Awareness and presence:
Thank You:
To Don Colvard and Quincy Whitehead for volunteering to
serve on Post 555 Fundraiser committee. We would like to
have 2-3 more legionnaire to join the fundraiser committee.
Don is the Fundraiser committee chair. If you are interested in
volunteering please email Don at drcolvard@yahoo.com.
Frank Lakotich has been very active in participating and
volunteering for numerous Post events. He has volunteered to
serve on Post 555 Event Committee. If anyone else is
interested in volunteering on the Event committee please let
me know. Our success will depend on other legionnaire’s
May 15th: Allison Moore, Heart of Dixie Harley-Davidson
Office and Event Coordinator for allowing Post 555 to
participate in Bike Night and invitation to the June 6th
Jambore. Post 555 participants during Bike night were:
Richard Calnan, Chic Cecchini, Don Colvard, David Lee,
Frank Lakotich, Quincy Whitehead, Kenneth Paschal, and
Barry Blount.
The commander and I met with Allison Moore and
scheduled Post 555 first Bike Ride for September 19,
2015. Richard Calnan is the Post Legion Rider program
chair and will be the lead on all future correspondences
regarding Bike Night and the Bike Ride.
May 25th: Memorial Day Observance – Thanks to the 6 man
crew that “Fired a Civil War Artillery” piece to honor our
fallen heroes at the Alabama National Cemetery, Montevallo.
Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL
Special thanks to Barry Winn, Adam George, and Quincey Whitehead.
Mr. Barry Winn, Sargent in the Alabama division of reenactors provided
the Mountain Howitzer “Civil War Artillery” piece, ammunition, and
training. Mr. Adam George owner, of Alterations, Embroidery, Screen
Printing, & Banners By George in Helena donated the Cannon Crew tshirts. Quincey Whitehead, Director at the Alabama National Cemetery
at Montevallo invited Post 555 to participate in Memorial Day
Nino's Italian Restaurant in Pelham will donate a snack tray to Post
555 during the June Post 555 meeting. The dish will be Baked ziti.
Baked ziti is a baked casserole dish made with ziti macaroni and
sauce characteristic of Italian-American cuisine. Thanks to David
Coram Jr. for volunteering to pick up the tray at 6:00 pm.
Upcoming opportunities in the month of June:
June 6th: June Jamboree from 9am to 5pm at Heart of Dixie Harley
Davidson in Pelham.
This event will be a customer appreciation and will be during normal
business hours of the dealership. It will be held in the front parking lot
with the following attractions:
Barber's Motorsports will display bikes, Food vendors, Merchandise
vendors, Inflatable for kids, Bike washing by Hooter's, and Live music.
We’ll need 4-6 volunteers to man the informational table. If you are
interested in volunteering please email me at 1SGpaschal@gmail.com.
June 14th: Opportunity to setup and informational booth and table at
Pelham’s Cahaba Valley Elks Lodge No. 1738, in conjunction with the
City of Pelham, seventh annual Flag Day Celebration on Flag Day. The
celebration will be held from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm at the Pelham Civic
Center. It is FREE to the public. We’ll need 2-3 volunteers to man the
informational table. If you are interested in volunteering please email me
at 1SGpaschal@gmail.com.
June 19th and each 3rd Friday until October: Opportunity to setup and
informational booth and table at Heart of Dixie Harley-Davidson
Motorcycle Dealership in Pelham during their Bike Night. Event from
6-9 pm. 333 Cahaba Valley Pkwy N. Pelham, AL 35124. This is another
great opportunity to enhance our membership campaign. If you are
interested in volunteering and participating, please email Richard Calnan
at 1414rich@gmail.com.
Communication – the importance of belonging: We ask all members
and their guests to greet each other and share one thing with each other
during the next Post meeting. Direct contact with veterans is a
guaranteed way to boost membership and find out the concerns and
issues that they have, creating a cohesive environment.
June 2015
Memorial Day Activities
May 25, 2015
Photography by
Chic Cecchini & Ron Koonce
Post 555
Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL
June 2015
Post 555 Begins Baseball
On Wednesday, June 3rd at 5:00 & 7:30
pm, Matthew Blount Post 555 American
Legion Summer baseball team will play
their first games. It will be a doubleheaders at the Pelham High School
baseball field, 2500 Panther Cir., Pelham,
Alabama 35124. Tickets will be sold at the entry gate $5.
The American Legion Baseball stands behind the traditional
values upon which it was founded in 1925. American Legion
Baseball teaches young Americans the importance of
sportsmanship, good health and active citizenship. The program
is a promoter of equality, making teammates out of young
athletes regardless of their income levels or social standings.
American Legion Baseball is a stepping stone to manhood for
young men to serve their country or community, raise families
or play the sport at the highest level.
Post 555 Sponsors
PHS Students
Post 555 is sponsoring Drayton Cullen, son of Jean
Roberson and Lon Cullen of Pelham, AL and Aaron
Wilkes, son of Patricia and Wesley Wilkes of Pelham, AL.
Both young men are juniors at Pelham, High School.
They will attend 2015 Boys State at the University of
Alabama May 31st to June 6th.
Both delegates were recognized and presented American
Legion Certificates at the May 7, 2015 Post meeting.
We invite the community, leaders, and legionnaires to attend
and support the youth.
Several games in late May was postponed due to bad weather.
Rescheduled games are to be announced.
Next Home games will be June 23rd at Pelham High School vs
Bessemer Post 149 at 3pm, Bessemer vs Pickens at 5:30pm and
Pickens vs Pelham at 8pm.
Drayton Cullen
Barry Blount
Aaron Wilkes
July 8-11 is the district tournament hosted by Post 555 at
Pelham High School.
Post 555’s Baseball support team needs two volunteers to
help sell tickets at the gate.
Volunteer arrival time: 4:00 pm
Location: Pelham baseball field
Game times: 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm
Alan Phillips
Baseball Chair
Jim Hendley Aaron Wilkes Patricia Wilkes
Jim Hendley
Drayton Cullen
Photos by Chic Cecchini - Post 555
Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL
June 2015
Memorial Week Activities
May 21-25, 2015
Matthew Blount Post 555 Hosts
District Meeting
May 17th at 2pm: Post 555 hosted the
District 23 meeting at Nino's Italian
Restaurant On Pelham ParkWay
Post District attendees: 10
legionnaires and 5 Posts
Clay Richardson
Doug Foster
Buck Thompson
Rufus Hill
Charles Duncan
Tim Haney
Tim White
Barry Blount
Chic Cecchini
Jim Hendley
Peggy Hendley
Kenneth Paschal
Post 47 West Blocton
Post 68 Chlidersburg
Post 68 Chlidersburg
Post 68, Chlidersburg
Post 131 Columbiana
Post 131 Columbiana
Post 343 Clanton
Matthew Blount Post 555, Pelham
Matthew Blount Post 555
Matthew Blount Post 555
Matthew Blount Post 555
Matthew Blount Post 555
Elected 2015-2016 District Officers
Commander, Charles Duncan Post 131
District Vice Commander, Commander Blount Post 555
Post 555 Officer Installation
May 7, 2015
The May Post conducted its first installation of Officers with
the incoming 2015-2016 officers conducted by Division 2
Commander , Earl Hutchinson .
The Ceremony was took place at the May 7, 2015 Post
meeting to an audience of family and friends
All family members of the Post were invited to attend .
Dinner was served and provided by Chubb’s Grub Station in
Matthew Blount 2015-2016 Officers
Commander - Barry Blount
1st Vice Commander - Kenneth Paschal
2nd Vice Commander - Quincey Whitehead
Adjutant - Ronald Koonce
Chaplain - David Coram, Jr.
Finanical Officer - SS David Lee
Judge Advocate - Chuck Kiser
Public Relations Officer - Tom Mc Daniel (not Pictured)
Trustees Richard Kaster
Bill Wigginton
Bill Midlik
Photos by Chic Cecchini - Post 555
Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL
June 2015
Legion Riders
Richard Calnan - Squadron Leader
Post 555 Attends
Local Bike Night
May 15, 2015
Post 555 Riders are getting more involved with the local Biker community by having a presence at the
monthly Heart of Dixie Harley-Davison Bike Nights through out the summer.
Allison Moore, Heart of Dixie Harley-Davidson Office and Event Coordinator, has also extended an
invitation to Post 555 to participate in future Bike Nights and an invitation to the June 6th Jamboree.
Post 555 leadership is working with Allison Moore in scheduling Post 555 first Bike Ride on September
19, 2015. Richard Calnan is the Post Legion Rider Program Chair and will be the leader on all future
correspondences regarding Bike Night and the Bike Ride.
Contact Ricard at: 1414rich@gmail.com
Frank Lakotich David Lee Kenneth Paschal Don Colvard Richard Calnan Quincy Whitehead
Photo by Chic Cecchini - Post 555
This is another great opportunity to enhance our membership campaign.
If you are interested in volunteering and participating, please email me at
Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL
June 2015
Memorial Week Activities
May 21 - 25, 2015
TAPS Ceremony May 21, 2015
Photo by Chic Cecchini & Ron Koonce- Post 555
Laying of Flags May 22, 2015
Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL
June 2015
Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL
June 2015
Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL
June 2015