MagazinE - Angst+Pfister


MagazinE - Angst+Pfister
No. 10 2012
M aga z i nE
International Engineering Solutions
4 Mass Transportation
Glass fibre-reinforced plastic
­profiles in the latest generation
of double-deck trains
16 Renewable Energies
Development of proprietary industrial
components for wind turbines
18 Food and Beverage Industry
Accurate timing belts perfectly
positioned for the production
of coffee capsules
Magazine No.10 2012
Dear Customers,
Engineering Services
As a leading supplier of technical com­ponents and
comprehensive engineering solution provider for a wide
range of industries, Angst + Pfister has been ensuring
business continuity and serving the world’s leading
manufacturers for over 90 years. Learn from our experts
about the latest developments and solutions within your industry and how we
can support you with our customized engineering solutions.
Angst + Pfister’s international team of highly
specialized application engineers focuses on
providing effective solutions regardless of
where our customers are in the production
process. Getting us in­volved at the beginning
accelerates the time-to-money of your new
design projects. Our engineers have amassed
expertise across a broad range of industries
and can develop innovative tailor-made solutions and recommend standard components for
practically any application within our five
core product areas.
Mass Transportation
Renewable Energies
Food and Beverage Industry
Antivibration Technology
Customized Engineering Solutions
Electronic Order Processing
Huge range of Standard Articles
Angst + Pfister News
We save our customers
hundreds of thousands of
euros each year through
customized engineering
solutions, enhan­cing procurement efficiency and
optimizing supply chain
Virtual design and detailed product specifications with clearly defined industry norms
are created, and our state-of-the-art production
facilities can quickly deliver fully functional prototypes and samples. Our excellent knowledge of materials and deep u
­ nder­standing of production processes
helps our customers systematically reduce total cost of ownership. From the
initial engineering assessment to the final series production phase, our team of
highly qualified application engineers can work with you onsite across
Europe and China.
Would you like to know more about our engineering solutions or how you can
increase procurement efficiency and improve your working capital? Our experts
will be happy to advise you!
Dr. Robert Eberlein
Chief Technology Officer, Angst + Pfister Group
© Copyright by Angst + Pfister 2012
Subject to alteration.
All technical specifications for information only.
Engineering Services – Mass Transportation
Custom-fabricated glass fibre-reinforced plastic profiles for window
structure applications in the latest generation of double-deck
trains produced by Stadler Rail AG High mechanical strength is one of
the key c­ haracteristics frequently cited for construction elements. Additionally,
advantages of the Angst + Pfister solution include low weight, thermal insulation,
fire pro­tection plus high corrosion and chemical resistance.
The globally operating Stadler Rail Group
Demanding material requirements The windevelops and manufactures innovative mass
dows of rail vehicles are subjected to extransportation vehicles. In addition to city,
treme strains particularly at tunnel entrances
regional and suburban
and railway crossings
rail transport, the
approached at high
group’s area of operaspeeds. The enormous
tions has recently exforces generated by
panded to include interhigh velocity pressure
regional and intercity
must be absorbed and
rail vehicles. Stadler
safely transmitted to the
Rail’s modular vehicle
Glass fibre GFK profiles offer aluminum coach body.
families built using aluTo this end it is necesmany versatile solutions.
minum lightweight consary to interrupt the therstruction components
mal bridges from outoptimally satisfy the deside to inside. The loadmands of passengers
bearing profile must
and the requirements of
thus fulfill special materailway operators.
rial requirements: in addition to having high
mechanical strength and good thermal insuJointly drawing from experience As a longlation properties, it must keep expansion
standing development, supply and logistics
caused by temperature fluctuations to a minipartner, Angst + Pfister maintains close conmum. The profile material must be designed
tact with the development departments at
in accordance with the geometric requireStadler Rail AG. Over this period of extenments (for double-deck coaches) and must
sive cooperation, Angst + Pfister has accumualso meet extensive fire safety requirements.
lated a deep knowledge about the demands
placed on modern railway vehicles within
the industry. Angst + Pfister successfully incorporate its multifaceted rail industry experience in the development of the KISS doubledecker train, the newest generation of Stadler
Rail vehicles.
Pultrusion UP-GFK plastic profiles can offer
many versatile solutions The complex requirement specifications were discussed in
close cooperation between Stadler Rail’s designers and Angst + Pfister’s plastics specialists. Experience in developing the FLIRT and
GTW vehicle generations and profound plastics technology expertise with regard to materials and process technology contributed to
finding the optimum solution and implementing it successfully. The jointly developed
product is based on pultruded UP-GFK profiles from Angst + Pfister. These are glass fi­
ber-reinforced profiles with a matrix of unsatu­rated polyester resins.
Special challenge – groundbreaking achievement The innovative profile solution meets all
of the mechanical and thermal requirements
that were defined in advance. Moreover, this
UP-GFK modification meets the strict fire safety requirements pursuant to CEN TS 45545-2
(2009) and DIN 5510-2 (2009). A special
challenge was posed by the complex installation situation in the upper passenger deck,
whose curved window geometry necessitated several profile forms. Angst + Pfister succeeded in pultruding a UP-GFK profile for the
Plastics that are almost as
strong as metal in addition
to being electrically and
thermally insulating, yet are
only half the weight !
Upper deck with curved windows – their geometry poses special design requirements
vertical fastening element in the defined radius of the ceiling and window curvature – a
groundbreaking achievement for this fabrication process.
Versatile deployment possibilities UP-GFK
profiles are not just ideal for use in the KISS
trains. The construction elements with their
exceptional properties have virtually unlimited application possibilities. The high-quality
Angst + Pfister profiles lend themselves as a
solution, especially in cases where metals offer the desired mechanical strength but not
the necessary corrosion resistance or electri-
cal and/or thermal insulation properties.
Their low weight makes them suitable for
lightweight construction, and they are exceptionally UV- and weather-resistant and are
excellent for bonding. In addition to various
standard profiles, customized geometries
can be produced as well.
Angst + Pfister will be glad to advise customers on the versatile application possibilities for UP-GFK profiles. Our plastics experts
are always open to new tasks and challenges. With constructive collaboration, even innovative new projects can be successfully
completed with optimum results using customized plastics solutions.
Your contact: Christian Rieser
Product Application Engineer
Engineering Plastics Technology
Angst + Pfister, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)44 306 63 62
Advantages of glass fiber-reinforced plastics
Glass fibre-reinforced
plastic profiles are
manufactured through a
pultrusion process
Self-extinguishing &
Low weight
Resistant to corrosion
and chemicals
High cost-effectiveness
Linear stress-strain
Fast and easy
Deployment temperature range of –100 °C
to +180 °C
Electrically insulating
High strength
UV- and weatherresistant
Angst + Pfister Magazine No. 10 2012
Engineering Services – Mass Transportation
The EPDM Kevlar® insulating tube How is it possible to develop hose
assemblies for deionized water that ensure optimum cooling of the converters
while providing perfect electrical insulation? Angst + Pfister was contracted
by the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) company to tackle this question.
How is it possible to develop hose assemblies
for deionized water that ensure optimum
cooling of the converters while providing perfect electrical insulation? Angst + Pfister was
contracted by the Swiss Federal Railways
(SBB) company to tackle this question. Every
electric locomotive is equipped with a converter that generates a three-phase current in
two stages as well as a variable frequency
for power supply and for regulation of the
motor speed. The heat generated by the converter requires a powerful cooling system.
The hoses employed in such systems must first
of all have excellent dielectric properties.
Angst + Pfister has developed a cost-effective
solution that ideally meets all these requirements.
Angst + Pfister components for an efficient
cooling system A two-stage process takes
place in the converter. First, the alternatingcurrent component of the single-phase operating voltage is rectified and impeded by
capacitors and an L/C absorption circuit in
order to obtain a continuous as possible reference voltage. Then, a variable-frequency,
ICN electrical converter
variable-amplitude three-phase voltage is
feeder cables to the interphase transformer.
generated to power the asynchronous tracTransporting the deionized coolant mixture
tion engines. In order to maintain the ideal
inside the converter, requires the use of di­
temperature in the converter at all times, the
electric hoses because the significant voltage
GTO thyristor and the restrictor of the abdifferential between the connection terminals
sorption circuit must be connected to a powmust be completely absorbed by the tubes’
erful cooling system equipped with fluidinsulating elements. The connecting hoses
ling and sealing
must not conduct even
technology components
the slightest voltage,
from Angst + Pfister. A
and they must not be
mixture of deionized
susceptible to any elecwater and antifreeze
trical charge differenwith a conductivity of
tials themselves. The
less than 2 μS is used as
multi-year deployment
The EPDM Kevlar sleeve
the coolant. The permaof the hose lines places
for excellent electrical
nent voltage differential
a dditional high de­
between the connected
mands on their dura­
components is 2,600 V,
bility. The connectors
and the direct-current
attached to these hoses
voltage to be mainby Angst + Pfister, ideally
tained over a period of eight years is 2,800
meet the required material property speci­
V/m. Moreover, the operating temperature
fications. The hose lines also meet the posican fluctuate between –25 °C and +60 °C.
tioning and installation requirements necessitated by the restricted space inside the
Cooling hoses that meet the toughest deconverter.
mands As it circulates, the coolant is fed
through a total of four tubes to the GTO thyristor carriers and through two tubes at the
Special connecting ducts with 90° double bend,
covered with shrink tubing sleeve for better
electrical insulation
Overhaul of ICN trains
EPDM insulating sleeve with Kevlar® insert The
solution devised by Angst + Pfister consists of
an EPDM tube with a Kevlar® inner lining.
This tube has been specifically designed for
transporting deionized water because the
end pieces in particular are exposed to high
electric voltage. EPDM has excellent resistance to ozone and oxygen and can also
withstand severe weather conditions with­out any problems. It therefore possesses the
paramount properties for this specific application since the electrical installation itself
may produce a certain ozone concentration.
The long-term durability of the EPDM tube
has proved to be outstanding and ensures
the desired longevity of the hose lines. The
valuable experience that Angst + Pfister has
gained in similar applications proved to be
an inva­luable competitive advantage and
proof of quality in devising this solution (see
also the article in Angst + Pfister Magazine
no. 5/2008, p. 16 and 17).
Limitless application spectrum The EPDM
tube with Kevlar® insert is used to great success in a large number of specific installations. Thanks to its excellent suitability for
transporting demineralized water, it is above
all used in all types of cooling circuits that
require excellent electrical insulation. The array of deployment possibilities is virtually
unlimited and ranges from electromagnetic
devices and automotive and railway applications to transformers and electrically operated industrial furnaces.
neering know-how make Angst + Pfister an
expert collaboration partner that always has
ideal solutions at the ready even for ambitious fluid-handling and sealing technology
Your contact: Christophe Ruch
Product Application Engineer
Fluid Handling Technology
Angst + Pfister, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)22 979 28 29
Comprehensive product assortment combined with a wealth of experience The
high-grade special tubing is part of
Angst + Pfister’s extensive fluid-handling and
sealing technology product assortment and is
available from stock in numerous standard
variations. Special variations can be supplied on request. In addition, a full range of
connectors and fittings for all types of needs
is available to customers. The tubes of course
can also be supplied as ready-to-install hose
assemblies. Inventiveness and extensive engi-
Connection of multiple electrical-converter
cooling hoses
Angst + Pfister Magazine No. 10 2012
Engineering Services – Mass Transportation
Turning down the noise from Geneva’s tramway tracks Due to the
continuously increasing demands for public mass transportation, it was necessary to
expand the TPG Geneva Public Transport Service. The newest tramway network
is installed in densely populated neighborhoods. In order to reduce the vibrations and
loud clatter caused by passing tramways, all of the rail sections are equipped with
antivibration mechanisms supplied by Angst + Pfister.
Angst + Pfister in Geneva: over 20 years of
during which the various insulating materials
railway experience Since 1990, the TPG has
available on the market were compared with
been relying on antivibration systems with
one another, the canton of Geneva chose the
vibration-damping plates from Angst + Pfister.
antivibration solutions from Angst + Pfister.
One of the very first systems was built for the
Today, Geneva has many kilometers of track
Rue Ancienne track section in Carouge.
that are equipped with the mass spring sysWhen the insulating system was inspected by
tem made from polyurethane elastomers.
the Acoustic and Environmental Physics DeEfficiency and construcpartment of the cantonal
tion techniques using
Centre for Ecotoxicology
trusted materials When
(ECOTOX), it achieved
designing mass spring
A wide product selection
outstanding results. This
insulating systems, the
of highly flexible polyuretrack section is still in
construction technique
operation and continues
chosen for the functionthane elastomers makes
to fulfill the original deality and cost-effectiveit possible to reduce the
mands placed upon it.
ness of the application
toughest structural-borne
is decisive. With flexible
Flawless functionality of
antivibration insulation
mass spring system The
covering the entire surantivibration system
face, the lowest resowith vibration-damping
nance frequency of the
plates designed by
suspended system oscilAngst + Pfister is what is known as a “mass
lates between 14 and 25 Hz. This is suffispring system.” Depending on the damping
ciently low to achieve a very good insulating
requirements, the system consists of a cement
effect and translates into a reduction of up to
pad that is supported by a spring made of
30 dBA for structural-borne noise in many
Sylomer® or Sylodyn® polyurethane elastocases in the field. Strip insulation is particumer. With this system, the track infrastructure
larly well-suited for mass spring systems that
is dynamically separated from its environcombine pre-built and onsite manufactured
ment, thus reducing the transmission of strong
protective cement elements. Compared to
vibrations and structural-borne noise. The insurface insulation systems, strip supports
sulation of the vibration emissions takes place
enable better damping values with resoat the precise spot where it is the most effinance frequencies of between 8 and 15 Hz
cient – directly underneath the track foundafor the system. Whether it is an entire surface
tion. After an extensive evaluation campaign,
layer or a partial strip damping system,
Angst + Pfister always offers cost-effective,
efficient and sustainable technical solutions.
Top technology on the rise A result of our increasingly mobile society is an increase in
noise and vibrations, and is a phenomenon
that is omnipresent in urban settings where
public transport is located in close proximity
to residential buildings. This development is
detrimental to the quality of life for local residents and poses a new construction challenge in the area of mass public transportation in our cities. With mass spring systems,
Angst + Pfister makes solutions for tramway
networks available that represent the cuttingedge of technology in this sector.
You can take advantage of the experience and know-how of Angst + Pfister as well.
We are happy to send you detailed information about polyurethane elastomers solutions
and look forward to solving your most demanding applications.
Polyurethane elastomer Sylomer ® surface
insulation (Rue de la Servette)
Polyurethane elastomer Sylomer ® mass spring
system under construction (Onex)
Sylomer® and Sylodyn® are registered trademarks
of Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH.
Your contact: André Zwahlen
Product Application Engineer
Antivibration Technology
Angst + Pfister, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)22 979 28 78
A Geneva tramway at the Bel-Air stop
Geneva tramways – right at your doorstep
The TPG has both a tramway network, trolleybus and regular bus lines. With the commissioning of the new TCMC track section
(tramway from Geneva’s Cornavin main railway station to Meyrin and to CERN) in 2010
along with the TCOB line (from Cornavin station to Onex and Bernex) at the end of 2011,
the tramway network was dramatically mod-
ernized and now covers more than 35 kilo­
meters. When both of these new track sections were connected to the existing public
transportation network, critical application
zones appeared due to the high residential
density in certain neighborhoods. In these
areas, the tramway tracks are required to run
right beside existing buildings and threatened to cause loud structural-borne sound
emissions. The canton of Geneva contracted
the architectural and engineering office of
Résonance Ingénieurs-Conseils SA to identify
the critical zones and carry out a compatibility study of the structural-borne sound emissions caused by the passing tramways. Additionally, they defined the extent and degree
of effectiveness of the required vibrationdamping mechanisms. Based on the measures set forth in this report, Angst + Pfister
made available the best possible vibrationdamping solutions, which can be specificially
tailored to any situation from both a technical
and cost-effective perspective.
Sylodyn® polyurethane elastomer in strip form
(Rue des Deux-Ponts)
Angst + Pfister Magazine No. 10 2012
Engineering Services – Mass Transportation
PRAG v3®: Certified for improving high-speed rail LCC Total life-cycle
cost (LCC) improvement is one key topic that drives R&D teams, especially
in the capital intensive Railway Industry. Here it has been proven that under
sleeper pads (USPs) can greatly improve LCC. For this reason, Angst + Pfister
co-patented a state-of-the-art USP called the PRAG v3® that will be installed in
the new high-speed TGV line connecting Nancy to Strasbourg.
Pull-out test process
© Foto: Martial Colomb,
Final inspection
PRAG v3® USPs not only ensure track stability, but also reduce track weight. This has enormous implications for infrastructure and opens up new possibilities
The story starts three years ago. SNCF invitAngst + Pfister, as an international engineered Angst + Pfister to join a development team
ing-driven company, discovered an opportuthat was to create a new standard European
nity to apply its decades of antivibration
USP. Since 1980, SNCF
know-how within this
had been using a pad
working group and focomposed of several
cused on developing a
centimeters of polyurenew USP.
thane covered by a layer of gravel. Those pads
A cross-functional task
This 100% recycled
were heavy, manually
force created to develop
product also protects
produced, and their proa new solution Our first
the environment.
duction quality was indecision was to create
consistent. The expanan R&D team composed
sion of the TGV highof a leading railroad
speed rail network
cross tie (sleeper) manumade it obvious that this
facturer, SNCF and the
technology had become obsolete and that
leading producer of polyurethane mat,
SNCF must quickly devel­op a new solution.
Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH. After rigoros
At the same time, Austria, Germany and
testing a co-patent was created between
other countries were also working on new
SNCF, the Consolis Group, Getzner Werk­
standardized USP solutions. Given the importance of mass transportation, the European
Union created a working group within the
European Committee for Standardization.
stoffe GmbH and Angst + Pfister. Based on
polyurethane technology, this material is
placed under the sleeper and ensures ballast
stability during both load and no load cycles.
Two years after the project kickoff, we presented our solution for certification in February 2011.
PRAG v3® functions
Direct advantages:
• protects the sleeper against ballast
• prevents fast internal ballast abrasive
• preserves ballast geometry
• preserves track design
• prevents rail corrugation
• ensures a better load distribution
inside the ballast under the train axle
Indirect advantages:
• reduces ballast thickness
• reduces life-cycle cost
• reduces infrastructure cost
• extends maintenance interval
Angst + Pfister had to create the PRAG
v3® with a thickness of 5 mm in order to fulfil
all of the technical requirements. In addition,
we implemented a new solution to ensure
adhesion between the PRAG v3® USP and
the concrete. The project team chose a specific mesh that is casted inside the polyurethane and is then laid on the fresh concrete
during the sleeper manufacturing process.
This solution provides a real benefit by optimally binding both components and saves
time in the manufacturing process
Most of the European national railway
organizations are currently in the process of
testing PRAG v3® USPs with the goal of
equipping their tracks with them soon.
Angst + Pfister’s added value was the key
enabler of this success story: We combined
longstanding market experience with technical expertise in antivibration and sealing
technologies, which were crucial for linking
all of the partners together.
Angst + Pfister is also developing products for other railway elements: trains, stations, subways and tramways. Each case
poses its own set of specific challenges, and
Angst + Pfister is accustomed to always providing the best realistically economical technical solutions.
If you are involved in the railway industry, Angst + Pfister is ready to partner with
you to explore mutually beneficial opportu­
Your contact: Pierre-Yves Pina
International Key Account Director
Angst + Pfister, France
Mass Transportation
Mobile: +33 6 69 61 79 92
Angst + Pfister is unique in offering a
comprehensive range of railway
solutions From underneath the track all
the way up to the catenary, we supply
the railway industry with the best components from our five different core
product groups.
APSOfluid® Fluid Handling Technology
Designs and produces metal hoses for
transformer cooling system to DIN EN
15085-2 plus WCs and drinking water.
APSOseal ® Sealing Technology is
developing new sealing profiles for train
doors and windows in accordance with
the latest Fire Protection Certificates and
is an important partner for train brake
APSOplast® Engineering Plastics Technology supplies the railway industry
with a wide range of plastic solutions
such as hinges, pulleys and transparent
screens, and even sliding parts for
bogies compliant to many critical
Norms like DIN 5510-2:2009.
APSOdrive® Drive Technology designs
and supplies the right belts, pulleys
and other parts needed for sliding
doors, conveyors and other positioning
APSOvib® Antivibration Technology has
expertise in track filtration, air conditioner
vibration reduction and floor insulation
with critical Approvals like DIN 6701-2,
DIN 4102 B2 and UL 94 HF1.
Angst + Pfister Magazine No. 10 2012
Engineering Services – Renewable Energies
Perfluorelastomer: an innovative sealing solution for photovoltaic
manufacturing equipment A number of highly corrosive chemical reactions
are involved in the production of solar cells. Angst + Pfister developed a perfectly
dimensioned seal that meets the demanding requirements of Roth & Rau AG and
ensures the maximum operating uptime.
For more than a decade Roth & Rau AG has
Optimally designed Kalrez® PV9100 seals
from Angst + Pfister ensure maximum security
been one of the world’s leading suppliers of
in the equipment. The compound properties
modern production technologies and equipof Kalrez® PV9100 have a translucent amber
ment for the photovoltaic decade. The comcolor and were specially
pany’s main focus is on
developed for use
developing innovative
in thin-film etching and
processes for cost-effideposition processes.
cient mass production of
This material has excelphotovoltaic products.
The material compound isn’t lent sealing qualities in
Its new generation of
everything – seal geometry
such plasma-enhanced
HELiA® manufacturing
equipment, a further admatters.
chemical vapor de­p­
vancement on its SiNA
osition (PECVD) and
and MAiA® systems,
physical vapor deposistands on the cutting
tion (PVD) applications.
edge of photovoltaic
Kalrez® PV9100 is created for use in applications that require high
production technology Optimally designed
purity and ultra-low particle generation in the
Kalrez® PV9100 seals from Angst + Pfister ensure maximum leak tightness in the equipharshest plasma environments. The comment.
pound possesses excellent mechanical sealing properties with a compression set of 21%
New innovations come with considerable
at 250 °C (ASTM D395B using AS568 K214
technical challenges In the sputtering
O-ring test specimens). The manufacturer’s
proc­­­ess, thin films of conductive silicon oxide
recommended maximum continuous service
are applied to the surface of photovoltaic
temperature is 300 °C, which lies at the
cells with the help of a gen­­­­­erated RF plasma.
upper end of the elastomer spectrum. O-rings,
The gasses employed and some of the resultplates and custom-made molded parts can all
ing chemical by-products are highly corbe obtained in this unique material grade.
rosive to conventional sealing materials.
High-performance Kalrez® O-rings
The first Roth & Rau AG prototype HELiA®
coating equipment units were outfitte with
O-rings seals that had a large inner diameter
(>1.500 mm). The seals were manufactured
by DuPont Performance Elastomers by means
of a special fabrication process. Test runs
revealed that inherent design-related low
pressure forces made it impossible to achieve
a reliable seal across the entire circum­
ference. In order to better bridge the sealing
gap, the design of the seal needed to be
geometrically optimized; the seal needed to
be configured to exactly fit the surroundings
of its future point of deployment. Leveraging
Angst + Pfister many years of sealing technology experience, our engineers succeeded in
designing a seal geometry that meets all of
the challenging application requirements.
One of Roth & Rau AG’s core competencies is the new HELiA® equipment series…
…a highly efficient production system for manufacturing heterojunction solar cells
Are but a few of the applications that
benefit from the anti-explosion decompression performance, high H2S chemical resistance and low temperature performance proprieties Kalrez® 9100. Alongside additional
Kalrez® compounds and specialty sealing
materials, Angst + Pfister customers can also
choose from a wide range of standard
elastomers in the HITEC® product family,
such as FKM, silicone, EPDM and others.
Angst + Pfister’s sealing technology experts
will be happy to help you with advice and
customized engineering solutions.
Kalrez® is a registered trademark of DuPont
Performance Elastomers; VITON® is a registered
trademark of DuPont Performance Elastomers;
HITEC® is a registered trademark of ­
Angst + Pfister AG.
Your contact: Bernd A. Lehner
Product Application Engineer
Sealing Technology
Angst + Pfister, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)711 252661 185
Kalrez® PV9100: The application oriented range covers all the dimensions
required for Europe and the USA and is fully certified. Angst + Pfister also offers
solutions for chemically and thermally challenging applications
Angst + Pfister Magazine No. 10 2012
Engineering Services – Renewable Energies
Sustainable solutions for a sustainable industry: industrial components
for the solar industry A lot of attention is being given to the challenges and
achievements in making solar power more economical and attainable for all of us.
Angst + Pfister is a leading solution provider who helps make it happen.
© Foto: Echo,
signing and building the requisite high-quality equipment. Angst + Pfister provides expert
support and the right product range to enable its customers to manufacture such production machinery efficiently and economi­cally.
Numerous components supplied by
Angst + Pfister are used in a vast array of different applications:
• finished and semifinished parts made of
high-grade engineering plastics;
• extra-large silicone sheets for laminator
• seals of all kinds to withstand the most
aggressive chemical environments such
as those found in the production and
processing of silicon ingots;
• hoses made of metal and other mate­
rials, as well as all kind of connectors;
• toothed belt and V-belt solutions for
mechanical drive and conveyance
• gas springs as well as optimized
­vibration dampers, leveling elements
and machine mounts.
Optimization of performance potential with expert support
Collaborating with Angst + Pfister also enables you to largely consolidate your C-parts
supplier network, thus creating additional
cost-cutting potential.
Enabling safe and durable rooftop installation Optimal utilization of available roof or
wall space is a prerequisite for fully harnessing solar energy. Angst + Pfister can help to
optimize the installation with cost- and energy-saving solutions and components such as:
• special corrugated hoses made
to measure;
• tool-free collector connectors;
• insulated flexible metal solar piping;
• roof ducts;
• innovative mounting and covering
• special hanger bolt seals for covering
larger bore holes.
© Foto:
In order to drive the trend to sustainable enAchievements in efficiently developing and
ergy, Angst + Pfister actively supports its cusmanufacturing solar collectors When develtomers by
oping new solar collectors, a key role is
• defining, designing and supplying the
played by details such as specially designed
most suitable componon-outgassing sealing
nents for the specialgaskets, weatherproof
ized manufacturing
seals for grommets, new
equipment required
types of plug connectors
in this industry;
for solar thermal collecTackling the challenges
• providing co-design
tors and gaskets meetin the solar industry
engineering services
ing the UL photovoltaic
with Angst + Pfister’s
to develop the best
norms of electrical plugs
com­prehensive services.
solutions for overto the converter. Anothcoming technical
er of Angst + Pfister’s archallenges;
eas of expertise lies
• creating new
in developing solutions
esthetical design
for special equipment
manu­facturers. Solar thermal and photovol• improving ease-of-use and flexibility
taic panel manufacturing requires extensive
of installation processes, and
product and process know-how on the part
• reducing costs savings by bundling
of all partners invol­ved when it comes to de­
logistic services and optimizing
supply chains.
Big challenge: making
solar power more economical
and attainable
Employing intelligent HVAC technology Solar
collectors are the core of solar installations,
but their efficiency would be in vain without
the high-performance peripheral equipment
connected to it. Pumps, storage tanks, heat
exchangers, controllers and fittings contrib-
ute to efficient, dependable, hygienic and
economical operation. Moreover, they should
also be flexibly adaptable to space constraints and should be space-saving and easy
to install while not having a negative vibration or noise effect on the adjacent ­living
With their many years of experience in
­supporting customers in countless projects,
the engineers at Angst + Pfister are there to
Angst + Pfister supplies a vast range
of suitable components meeting
the various re­gulatory requirements
for the water industry and the photo­
voltaic industry:
seals and gaskets;
molded parts;
hoses of all kinds and couplings
enabling flexibility in the installation;
• corrugated stainless steel hoses
certified for use in drinking water
• plastic covers and spacers;
• machine mounts and vibration-­
damping elements.
support engineers in the field of solar energy
in situations where additional core competence is required. Solar technology engineers
bene­fit from Angst + Pfister’s vast technical
expertise and comprehensive portfolio of
­services, which features for example: de­signing and optimization support using CAD and
CAE tools, specification and procurement of
optimal materials and requisite regulatory
compliance certifications, provision of industry-specific technical seminars and training
We are pleased to consult you!
Your contact: Mario Perin
International Key Account Director
Angst + Pfister, Italy
Mobile: +39 335 7488774
Angst + Pfister Magazine No. 10 2012
Engineering Services – Renewable Energies
APSOvib®: Customized elastomeric mounts for wind turbines
Alternative energy from wind has grown tremendously in recent years, with global
installed capacity growth of around 30% per annum. In 2008, the Angst + Pfister
Group decided to develop proprietary industrial components designed to specifically
meet the needs of this rapidly evolving market.
APSOvib® generator mounts in operation
This article illustrates how product developthe Angst + Pfister Group, and we derive a
ment works at Angst + Pfister and shows how
substantial portion of our earnings from this
components are effectively adapted to meet
business area, particularly in the highly comcustomers’ specific needs. At the end of
petitive Chinese market.
2008, there was already
Customized components
120,000 megawatts
for wind turbines Since
(MW) of installed wind
entering the wind enerpower capacity worldgy market in 2008, we
wide. Almost 30,000
have achieved success
European engineering
MW of new capacity
in directly marketing
successfully tested on wind
was installed in 2008
numerous components
farms in Inner Mongolia
alone, and similar
from our very extensive
growth momentum was
array of standard parts.
already being regisHowever, particularly in
tered in the years before
the area of antivibration
that. During this time, it also became appartechnology, there was also a need for new
ent that China was emerging as a new core
product developments to supplement the exmarket in the wind power industry. China
isting range of elastomeric mounts on the
has since developed into the world’s most
market for giant wind turbines. In order to
dynamic wind energy market, and today it
ensure full structural integrity, Angst + Pfister
boasts a bigger installed capacity base and
uti­lizes state-of-the-art virtual product develfaster growth rate than any other country. So
opment technologies when devising new
when Angst + Pfister first got involved in wind
energy technology in 2008, we logically
concentrated on the Chinese market and
achieved our first joint development and
sales successes there. Today, wind energy
technology is a core industrial segment for
It goes without saying that before an initial prototype is built, technically demanding
pro­d­ucts like elastomeric mounts for wind
turbines are first exhaustively simulated on a
com­puter to verify their suitability for day-today use. We do this with the help of our longstanding, broadly proven expertise in polymeric materials, which pose especially tough
challenges for realistic computer simulations
due to their pronounced nonlinear material
behavior. A realistic analysis of elastomeric
mounts thus combines all three possible
­causes of non-linear component behavior:
the material itself, operating conditions and
component geometry. We also kept a steady
eye on modularizing the product to a large
extent, which optimizes the total cost of
ownership lowering production costs.
Angst + Pfister elastomeric mounts for wind
turbines To provide an example of one
of the elastomeric mounts developed by
Angst + Pfister, we present here a machine
foot that is utilized as a generator mount for
February 2011: 2-MW
wind turbine prototype
in Inner Mongolia,
China. This prototype is
equipped with a manifold of Angst + Pfister
components among
which the generator
mounts play an essential
role. The turbine has
been in operation without interruptions since
September 2010.
2-megawatt wind turbines. This mount not
only meets all of the requirements for day-today operation, but is also designed to withstand critical stress forces such as those that
occur, for example, if the wind turbine drive
train accidentally jams. Furthermore, the
mount’s rugged temperature resistance even
in cold environments makes it deployable in
nearly all of the world’s climate regions. The
elastomeric mount was developed and tested
over a period of twelve months under strict
compliance with all of the relevant industry
specifications. It was particularly also tested
and certified for conformity with the Germanischer Lloyd “Guideline for the Certification
of Wind Turbines.”
In China, more than 100 wind turbines in
the 2-MW class have already been successfully equipped with Angst + Pfister generator
mounts since mid-2010. A variety of other
components from our Antivibration Technology, Sealing Technology, Fluid Handling
Technology and Engineering Plastics Tech­
nology product groups round out Wind Power Industry product basket.
If you are looking for a strong internationally present technology partner that is capable of supplying a wide range of high-grade
products, profound engineering expertise
and customized logistics concepts for the
wind energy sector, then Angst + Pfister is the
right address. We are eager to work with
you to develop wind turbine solutions.
Your contact: Robert Eberlein
Chief Technology Officer
Wind Power Industry
Angst + Pfister, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)44 306 64 82
Virtual product development and state-of-the-art simulation of real working
conditions of the APSOvib® generator mount prior to prototype manufacturing
Angst + Pfister Magazine No. 10 2012
Engineering Services – Food and Beverage Industry
Accurate timing belts perfectly positioned for the packaging industry
Rychiger AG develops and manufactures machines for the production of coffee
and tea capsules. The prefabricated capsules must be moved into exact position
at individual processing stations such as filling and sealing stations. The use
of custom-made timing belts designed by Angst + Pfister makes it possible to meet
these precise positioning requirements.
State-of-the-art machines for the filling and
ers. The Rychiger FS 910 (illustration 3) assealing prefabricated capsules and customsembles, fills and seals prefabricated capized solutions for complete packaging prosules of all types. The machine, designed for
cesses are the core competency of Rychiger
dry cleaning, built around five modules that
can be combined and supplemented with
AG. The company based in Steffisburg, Switother modules or funczerland, is one of the
tions as needed. Custom
world’s leading supplimade timing belts from
ers in this field. Rychiger
Angst + Pfister measuring
AG has been fully meetA key success factor in
up to 20 meters in
ing customers’ high delength transport the capmands for many years
the development is
sules from station to stanow, with a product
Angst + Pfister’s early
tion through the marange that is always at
chine and ensure ultrathe cutting edge of new
precise positioning.
technology. Intelligent
Thanks to light- and
selection of materials
air-tight barrier materiand profound technoals and nitrogen flushing of the capsule conlogical know-how form the foundation of the
tents, the fabricated capsules without envicompany’s success. The use of innovative
ronmental packaging materials have a shelf
barrier materials such as multi-layer plastics
life of up to 12 months. The capsules are put
or aluminum combined with precision filling
through a series of production steps as they
and sealing technology guarantees safe, duare moved through the machine on carrier
rable and customer-friendly packaging for
plates (illustration 2). Up to 1,440 capsules
Rychiger AG’s clients.
with a diameter of 37 millimeters can be
filled per minute.
Timing belts – from station to station with millimetric precision Coffee capsule systems
­(illustration 1) have quickly become bestsell-
Expectations fully met The conveyance system for the unusually long machine had to
meet high expectations with regard to positioning and linear precision. The wish to position capsules at different manufacturing
step stations simultaneously with a single
conveyor element presented the engineers
with a great challenge. Initially, an attempt
was made to achieve the required rigidity
with welded standard timing belts. In order
to circumvent weak points in the welding and
splicing inaccuracy, Angst + Pfister divided a
BRECO® 50 AT20 timing belt into two 25-milli­
meter-wide belts and then welded these to
the required length of 18,720 millimeters.
Afterwards, the belts were also welded laterally so that the belt connection was staggered by 180 degrees. The positive result
was a significant increase in strength and
stiffness in the critical area.
Focused expertise At the same time, the accuracy of the partition in the AT20 profile
could be doubled by staggering of the belts.
To achieve optimum coherence of the two
belts, the back of the belt was ground down
to the steel reinforcement and reextruded
Illustration 3: Custom-made BRECO® timing belts
from Angst + Pfister measuring up to 20 meters
in length transport the capsules from station
to station through the machine and ensure ultra-­
precise positioning
Illustration 4: Attachment of capsule carrier plates
to the timing belt
Protective coating
Heat-seal coating
Heat-seal coating
Protective coating
with a polyurethane surface. Two BRECO®
50 AT20/18720-V timing belts of this type
that are manufactured in pairs are employed
in the Rychiger FS 910 (illustration 3). They
move the capsule carrier plates that are perpendicularly attached to them safely and reliably through the entire machine (illu­stration
4). The close collaboration between Rychiger
AG’s skilled engineers and Angst + Pfister’s
drive technology experts resulted in a highly
efficient, reliable and economically feasible
solution. The deciding factor for this excellent
outcome was the early combination of technological and solution expertise into a productive joint-development team.
Engineering and Experience – a strong team
Application-specific solutions in the field of
drive technology are one of Angst + Pfister’s
great strengths. Our drive technology experts
will be glad to consult with you onsite. Or
simply tell us the parameters of your individual application and our engineering team
will pull out all the stops to develop an ideal
solution for you.
Your contact: Ueli Tamborini
Product Application Engineer
Mechanical Drive Technology
Angst + Pfister, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)44 306 64 01
Mobile: +41 (0)76 444 64 01
Diversity with guaranteed longevity
Angst + Pfister’s timing belts meet our customers’ highest demands and can be adapted to any application in accordance with the
construction spe­ci­fications and deployment
conditions. A wide variety of materials, special steel cord designs and diverse coating
options are available, and there is also the
possibility of mechanical finishing. For conveyance and transport tasks, the high-quality
drive elements are also available with weldon or bolt-on flights, while internal steel cable
reinforcements provide high load capacity.
More­­­over, the use of polyurethane as a
­substrate also makes the timing belts extremely abrasion-resistant and thus especially durable.
Illustration 1: Structure of capsule systems
Illustration 2: Capsule manufacturing step sequence
Angst + Pfister Magazine No. 10 2012
Engineering Services – Antivibration Technology
Maximum measuring accuracy thanks to highly efficient vibration
dampers The ultra-innovative x-ray “free-electron laser” (FEL) that is currently
being developed at the Paul Scherrer Institute will reveal information previously
inaccessible to humans. To keep the FEL accurately functioning, Angst + Pfister
devised a customized solution that reduces vibration to an absolute minimum.
Design of the machine frame with customized bearing elements
From a wide assortment to a focused product
selection The toughest challenge was designing the vibration insulation for a machine
frame equipped with a total of 15 high-performance vacuum machines. Using a mobile
vibrometer, the vibrations from a single vacuum pump were recorded onsite. The relevant interference frequencies could then be
determined by means of a frequency analysis. On the basis of other parameters such as
mass, centre of gravity and structure,
Angst + Pfister finally selected a number of
appropriate vibration dampers and proposed them to the PSI. For optimal comparability, the relevant specific property values
for the following Angst + Pfister products
were juxtaposed in a chart:
• Sylomer®
• Gerb spring assembly
• APSOvib® air spring
© Foto: Monty Rakusen,
Selected APSOvib®
air spring
Details make the difference As a basis for
tion, the air spring elements supplied by
decision-making, Angst + Pfister explained in
Angst + Pfister are the best possible solution
detail to its customer the advantages and
for effectively eliminating vibrations at the
­disadvantages of each vibration insulating
SwissFEL facility. The natural frequency of
technology. The highest
this setup is in the 4 Hz
insulation efficiency was
range at a load of apachieved with the air
proximately 260 kg per
springs. But in contrast
bearing. An extensive
Optimum vibration insulato the other proposed
product range coupled
products, this option is
with the know-how of a
tion: A key to enable
not maintenance-free.
distinguished expert in
high precision instruments
The solution proposal
the field of antivibration
and production.
employing helical spring
technology resulted in an
elements achieved an
optimum solution for this
intermediate degree of
application. Two instituinsulation. Finally, the
tions with decades of
polyurethane strip bearing was the least extechnical expertise, Angst + Pfister and the
pensive solution on the one hand, but on the
Paul Scherrer Institute designed and impleother hand it offered the lowest insulation
mented an optimal solution for this challengefficiency.
ing engineering assignments.
We will be happy to work out a customHarnessing engineering know-how to devise
ized solution for you using our wide range of
the ideal solution After carefully weighing all
standard or custom designed product.
of the criteria, the project managers at the
Your contact: Erich Schmid
PSI opted for the mounting solution with the
Senior Engineer
highest insulation efficiency. In terms of funcAntivibration Technology
at the source. This is a task perfectly suited to
Angst + Pfister’s Senior Engineer in Antivibration Technology.
Angst + Pfister, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)44 306 62 36
terials and into the physical processes taking
place in them. The goal of SwissFEL is to enable scientists to obtain new detailed information about various processes that previous
research methods could not unveiled. The
peak intensity of the planned SwissFEL facility will be approximately ten billion times
higher than that of PSI’s existing synchrotron
Swiss Light Source (SLS).
A specialist in antivibration technology Highprecision measurements are the key to success for a facility like SwissFEL. It is therefore
obvious that all vibration interferences must
be reduced to an absolute minimum directly
Insulation Efficiency vs Deflection
Resonant Frequency [Hz]
The Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) conducts
globally recognized large-system research
and provides, among other things, worldclass research workplaces and infrastructure.
The new SwissFEL testing facility is being
built to provide instructive insights into the
internal structures of materials. The novel
cutting-edge technology places high demands on all components. The x-rays generated by this system enable interdisciplinary
teams from the fields of biology, chemistry,
physics, and material sciences to gain deep
new insights into the internal structures of ma-
Insulation Efficiency [%]
The novel cutting-edge technology places
high demands on all components
Limited space available for installing
the machine frame
Deflection [mm]
Sylomer® Gerb spring assembly Resonant Frequency
APSOvib® air spring
Overview of insulation efficiency and resonant frequency as a function of deflection
Angst + Pfister Magazine No. 10 2012
Engineering Services – Customized Solutions
Customized engineering solutions for your individual needs From the
initial engineering assessment to the final series production phase, Angst + Pfister’s
team of highly qualified ­application engineers can work with you onsite across
Europe and China to shorten time-to-money and reduce total cost of ownership.
Quality Certification Documents and Engineering Services
Manufacturer certificate of
compliance 2.1
EC 10204-2.1
Certification of delivery in compliance with the order specifications
Manufacturer certificate of
­compliance 2.2
EC 10204-2.2
Certification of delivery through manufacturer’s quality-control department
Manufacturer certificate of
­compliance 3.1
EC 10204-3.1
Certification of compliance with the order specifications including results
of specific testing
Manufacturer certificate of
­compliance 3.2
EC 10204-3.2
More rigorous certification of compliance with the order specifications
­including results of specific testing
Declaration of conformity
EC ISO/IEC 17050
Certification that the specific properties of a certain good or version meet ­recognized standards
IMDS entry
VDA 231-106
Entry in International Material Data System and Global Automotive ­Declarable Substance List
Initial sample test report
pursuant to customer
Initial sample test report in accordance with customer requirements
Initial sample test report in
­accordance with PPAP Level 3
ISO/TS 16949,
VDA volume 2, QS 9000
Special initial sample test report in accordance with customer requirements ­(automobile industry),
i.e. design FMEA, control plan, sample product
Test protocol
Test protocol in accordance with customer requirements
Engineering Services
Engineering consulting charged per hour
Services comprise product and material design and testing, failure analysis,
computer aided engineering, etc.
* price based on requirement
Value Adding Manufacturing Services
Sealing Technology
• Stamping of flat gaskets
• Mechanical workshop: ­turning, milling and drilling of hydraulic and pneumatic seals,
flat gaskets and rotary seals
• Rubber cutting: cutting of rubber boards and rolls
• Finishing (WABE): cutting profiles and O-Ring sets
Fluid Handling Technology
• Mechanical workshop: ­turning, milling, drilling and broaching of fittings
• Assembling hoses: pre-­cutting of long hoses and assembling of hoses
• Finishing (WABE): pre-­cutting of short hoses
• Welding of metal hoses: pre-cutting of metal hoses and welding of metal hoses
Plastic Engineering ­Technology
• Mechanical workshop: turning, milling, drilling and broaching of parts
• Plastic cutting of sheets, ­tubes, rods, foils, pre-cut parts and profiles
Drive Technology
• Belt cutting to length, ­punching and welding
• Mechanical workshop: ­turning, milling, drilling and broaching of pulleyes, couplings, gears
• Finishing (WABE): cutting, punching, welding, labelling belts/repairing safety lamps,
changing safety lamp battery, labelling ­electrical drives, mounting metal belts
Antivibration Technology
• Cutting and stamping of sheets
• Broaching and drilling of rubber-metal rails
• Turning and crosscutting of urelast springs
Virtual design and detailed product specifications are created, and our state-of-the-art production facilities can quickly deliver fully functional prototypes
and samples
Engineering assessment Over the years,
Angst + Pfister has amassed expertise across
a broad range of industries. Getting us involved at the beginning accelerates he timeto-money of a new design project. Under the
APSO (Angst + Pfister Solutions) brand, our
engineering specialists develop tailor-made
solutions for practically any application within our five core product areas.
Design-in and cost-out Our application engineers’ excellent knowledge of materials and
deep understanding of the manufacturing
• Calibrating gas springs from 50 N to 2,000 N
process make Angst + Pfister the ideal partner
for customer-specific product solutions. Our
experts consider the entire production process and help our customers systematically
save money by reducing total cost of ownership.
Prototyping and samples During the development process, Angst + Pfister saves time for
customers not only by quickly creating prototypes, but also by manufacturing pilot series.
We also provide declarations of conformity
with a wide variety of industry regulatory
norms and leading industry-specific certifications.
Series production Drawing on a wide international network of manufacturers, Angst + Pfister
supplies the technical component that exactly
complies with the detailed product specifications and all pre-agreed quality certifications
and industry standards.
Your contact: Robert Eberlein
Chief Technology Officer
Angst + Pfister, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)44 306 64 82
We create your custom-cut components using our high performance computerized cutting equipment
Angst + Pfister’s
expertise in
and cost-out
and samples
– Industry and application
Obvious customer
– Virtual design
– Total cost of ownership
– Customization workshops
deliver full functionality
– Global sourcing
– Production scheduling
– Feasibility studies
– CAD, CAE drawings
– Fast prototyping
– Blanket purchasing contracts
– Innovative ideas
– Numerical analysis
– Pre-series production tests
– Just-in-time/kanban
– Clearly defined norms
– Detailed product
– Quality certification
– Supply chain solutions
­documents and testing
Angst + Pfister Magazine No. 10 2012
Electronic Order Processing
APSOparts® NetScan Quickly reordering
inventory is easy with the integrated
APSOparts® scanner and barcode labels.
Customers can implement this practical solution in a few easy steps, creating ready-toprint barcode labels and then simply scanning the desired item’s barcode and enter
the desired quantity (Figure 1).
Pushing one button, you will automatically be logged in and the data will be transferred to APSOparts®. With two additional
clicks the order is already in our system,
ready to be processed (Figure 2).
APSOparts® upload module What about the
possibility of composing your orders offline
and then uploading the
final list directly into
your shopping cart with
a few easy clicks?
Our easy upload
module enables you to
import order files into
We are specialists in situa­APSOparts® in the most
tions where administrative
common formats: Microcosts for ordering C-parts
soft Excel (.xls), plain
are higher than their actual
text format (.txt), comorder value.
ma-separated values
format (.csv), xml, and
SAP IDocs.
upAPSOparts ®
loads work with the
Angst + Pfister item numbers, or we can synchronize your own item numbers with
Angst + Pfister’s based on previous orders. It
is then possible to place orders or upload
shopping lists using your inhouse item numbers.
EDI “light” and “full”
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the next
step up in our EOP portfolio of procurement efficiency solutions. EDI is
ideal for sustainable
supply chain management improvements and
for ordering both standard catalog parts and
custom-made special
items. Angst + Pfister
handles and accommodates all of the current
EDI standards on the market to exactly meet
our customer’s needs.
Angst + Pfister’s EDI solution is so flexible
that it can be easily expanded to include
electronic invoicing (Swiss VAT compliant).
The EDI “light” (Figure 3) and EDI “full”
(Figure 4) solutions give Angst + Pfister customers a further choice of Electronic Order
Processing options. EDI “light” is especially
designed to reduce the time and cost of implementation: we can go live with EDI in the
span of just a few days!
We also have more specific and tailoredmade EDI solutions to meet the requirements
of the most demanding customers.
Figure 1: Barcode scanning
E-platforms E-platform connections are part
of our daily business. We have developed
Angst + Pfister and the most common e-purchasing platforms: Swisscom IT Services,
Ariba, io-market and cc-hubwoo, to name
just a few. So for customers affiliated with
these platforms, ordering Angst + Pfister products becomes even easier because they can
benefit from one-stop shopping through a
unique purchasing process interface with all
of their suppliers.
C-parts logistics suppliers Angst + Pfister
works in close collaboration with industryleading C-parts logistics suppliers of fastening technology such as Bossard Smart-Bin,
Debrunner Acifer, SFS unimarket and Würth
Industrie Service. Adding Angst + Pfister
products to an existing logistics supplier’s
basket offers our customers additional procurement efficiency (Figure 6).
We would be glad to discuss all of our
electronic ordering processing solutions in
greater detail with you. Together we will find
the one that will enable you to improve supply chain management to thus make you
even more successful on the market. We’re
looking forward to providing you with more
details – just contact us!
Your contact: Giuseppe Basile
Group Channel Marketing Manager
Angst + Pfister, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)44 306 63 13
Figure 3: EDI “light”
The order file can be simply sent via e-mail.
Order confirmation
Figure 4: EDI “full”
Truly integrated communication between Angst + Pfister and customer ERP systems.
APSOparts® The Angst + Pfister Group’s online shop is your source for more than
100,000 catalog items and is a platform for
creating customized items. APSOparts® is a
state-of-the-art e-commerce platform where
you can find low market prices, real-time
product availability and delivery information. If you would like further information
about APSOparts®, visit us online or contact
Punch-out catalog Many of our customers order standard parts at irregular intervals due
to small production runs, variable product
ranges, or maintenance, repair and overhaul
(MRO) work.
In order to keep procurement costs and
warehouse inventories low, customers use
ERP software to coordinate C-parts orders.
Angst + Pfister’s punch-out catalog uses
Google functions to select products in the APSOparts® online shop and then to import
them, with all of the agreed-upon conditions,
into the customer’s ERP system. The order then
automatically goes via EDI to Angst + Pfister.
Our solution is available for SAP, ARIBA or
any ERP system that supports the standard
OCI interface (Figure 5).
Order response
Communication protocols:
Figure 5: Punchout catalog
Product enquiry
Product info upload
Save time and money in procurement with Electronic Order Processing
At Angst + Pfister we offer a wide range of Electronic Order Processing (EOP)
solutions to manage order-related information in an integrated way. So what is your
benefit? It is simple: less manual work, fewer mistakes and reduce the process
costs per order by as much as 60%.
Order response / Invoice
Figure 6: C-parts logistics suppliers
Angst + Pfister products
Logistic Partner
Invoice / Order response
Figure 2: Availability and order overview
Angst + Pfister Magazine No. 10 2012
Standard Articles
Huge assortment of more than 150,000 standard articles Outsource
your global ­sourcing to Angst +Pfister and leverage the economies of scale
from our huge procurement volumes. Our global network of approved manufacturers
ensures consistent quality and best price across our massive range of standard
and customer-specific items.
Balanced and varied:
the new APSOvib® range of buffers
Angst + Pfister’s APSOvib® range of buffers
provides a comprehensive and balanced
­array of round buffers and stop buffers. Our
clearly structured product offering with its
distinct buffer type designations ensures clarity and makes it easy to quickly find the ideal
buffer from an assortment of more than1,000
different items, whether for use as equipment
mountings or as vibration-isolating fixing elements. Each type of deployment places specific demands on buffers: load capacity,
spring deflection and spring stiffness must
be precisely coordinated. Thirteen different
buffer shapes available in three different
grades of hardness and produced according
to the international standards DIN 95 363
and DIN 95 364 cover every conceivable
The ideal buffer effortlessly shoulders the
weight force that acts upon it while also
­providing the right amount of spring deflection for the given circumstances. To help you
select the right APSOvib® antivibration elements, the product descriptions for each individual buffer provide information on their
spring characteristics, dimensions, hardness
and fastening method. It goes without saying
that custom-fabricated buffers tailored to
your specific needs and expert advice are
also part of Angst + Pfister’s APSOvib® service offering!
Order directly via our online shop
APSOparts® and benefit from our high
product availability:
APSOplast® Semifinished Plastics
for any application:
innovative solutions involving plastics
Our European logistics center stocks an extensive assortment of semifinished products
in more than 120 different types of plastic;
ranging from simple standard plastics to ultrahigh-performance plastics. Specially modified plastics are also available to meet application-specific requirements such as ATEXcompliant explosion protection. For uses in
the food industry and medical technology,
we provide the requisite product conformities
and certifications such as ISO 10993, USP
and FDA.
Ready-to-use finished parts are manufactured on a customer-specific basis, i.e. from
drawings, sketches or samples on powerful
CNC or conventional machine tools using
methods such as turning, milling or drilling –
whether as prototypes, in small batches or
all the way up to mass production series.
Angst + Pfister also supplies outline-cut finished parts processed by means of stamping,
water jet cutting and laser cutting. Hot forming of transparent plastics, casting of poly­
urethanes, and extrusion and injection molding of thermoplastics round out our offering.
High-performance computerized cutting
equipment guarantees precision cutting to
size and angle in accordance with customer
With our cut-to-size configurator,
you can also easily calculate
and order custom-cut plastic plates
from our APSOparts® online shop at
APSOplast® Semifinished Plastics
APSOseal® O-rings and Rotary Seals
from one single supplier:
Benefit from our extensive product assortment
With its specific know-how and more than
90 years of experience in sealing techno­
logy, the Angst + Pfister Group has made it its
mission to provide customers with skilled and
solution-minded advisory support. Our experienced application engineers assist you in
• defining the right material
• optimally designing the groove and
• optimizing assembly
More than 150,000 standard articles
available for your individual needs
Our wide assortment of O-rings covers the
full spectrum of standard and high end applications while presenting an excellent
price-performance proposition. In addition,
we also supply optimum sealing solutions
even for highly specialized applications.
APSOvib® range of buffers
“We appreciate the broad range
of customized products and
the absolute supply punctuality.”
“Angst + Pfister’s know-how
and delivery reliability
help keep our production
running like clockwork.”
Florian Wenger, LNS Europe SA
Dominik Huber, Digmesa AG
Angst + Pfister Magazine No. 10 2012
Standard Articles
(Continued from page 27)
Angst + Pfister provides the optimal O-ring
­assortment to successfully cover your most
demanding specifications regardless of media and tempe­rature resistance. Our standard assortment of O-rings encompassing well
over 10,000 different dimensions in four
quality grades and a wide range of materials
already covers most application requirements.
Angst + Pfister also stocks an inventory assortment of standard rotary and radial shaft
seals in a huge variety of shapes and mate­
rials. Items in this standard product range
can be used for a vast array of applications.
Benefit from our excellent product availability
and a very good price-performance propo­
sition. Our extensive product assortment,
coupled with our ability to procure custom
fabricated O-rings and seals, makes us the
ideal partner to help you consolidate your
supplier base or to optimize your inventory
carrying costs while ensuring maximum
­supply security and quality.
Easily buy standard sealing products
in our APSOparts® online shop:
Angst + Pfister Nano Tension Meter:
tiny measuring device with big benefits
The newest Angst + Pfister Drive Technology
product is small, practical and highly efficient. Whether during the installation, final
check or start-up of machinery equipped with
belts, the handy Nano Tension Meter, which
is hardly bigger than a matchbox, today
forms part of the standard toolkit for all drive
belt technicians.
Nano Tension Meter
What was once often measured simply
by means of thumb pressure is today one of
the most important configuration parameters
for drive belts. Whether toothed belt or Vbelt, the high demands placed on these drive
and power transmission elements can now
only be met with precise belt pretensioning.
Noise emissions, vibrations and belt life
largely depend on correct pretensioning.
The Angst + Pfister Nano Tension Meter
acoustically measures the belt span vibration
frequency and displays it digitally. The device enables you to make sure that the belt is
set with the calculated optimum tension so
that you can rely on a perfectly tuned drive
at all times.
flexible user-friendly hoses
for the food-and-beverage industry
The high-grade COLLECTOR® suction and
pressure hose is ideally designed for applications on milk collection trucks. The hose’s
white inner lining made of natural rubber is
absolutely odorless and has no effect on
taste. Additionally, this lining is unaffected by
raw milk and many commonly used detergents. Cleaning is easy because this hose is
also resistant to hot water at temperatures of
up to +70 °C; the temperature can even be
raised to +90 °C for periods of up to 20 mi­
nutes. Steam sterilization is even possible at
temperatures of up to +130 °C for a maximum
of 20 minutes.
One special feature of this hose is its ultraflexibility, which makes it very easy for the
operator to handle. Its natural-rubber outer
layer is extremely abrasion-resistant and is
also resistant to UV radiation and ozone. It
goes without saying that COLLECTOR® and
COLLECTOR® FLEX hoses meet all of the respective national food hygiene regulations.
The COLLECTOR® with its integrated steelwire helix is a high-quality product that has
proven itself over years of use. It is available
from stock in the following nominal widths.
New: The COLLECTOR® FLEX with an
­integrated plastic helix is an advancement
on the tried and trusted COLLECTOR®
hose and is available on request.
APSOseal® O-rings and Rotary Seals
Angst + Pfister News
News Angst + Pfister is continuously expanding its technical competence
for your benefit. We are further investing to serve you even better by
expanding our already enormous assortment and by developing sustainable
technology solutions. We are pleased to inform you about our latest
inno­vative news!
Stromwerk: Sustainable solar power for
the industry Angst + Pfister is firmly committed to developing technologies for renewable energy and driving solar power for
industries across Switzerland. In line with
this vision, Angst + Pfister has found a dynamic, innovative partner in the Swiss solar
power industry: Stromwerk AG, headquartered in Zurich. As of September 1, 2011,
Angst + Pfister holds a 50% equity stake in
Stromwerk AG that builds and operats its
own photovoltaic power plants in Switzerland since 2008. The renewable solar electricity that it generates is sold to environmentally conscious enterprises who want to
benefit from this locally and sustainably
produced energy.
Solar power from your own industrial rooftop without any investment risk is Stromwerk AG’s business model. This solar energy contacting business takes over for its
customers the entire financing, planning
and construction of solar power plants and
assumes responsibility for operating and
properly maintaining them over their full
life cycle. In return, customers contractually
agree to buy all of the solar power and
enjoy the huge ecological added value
produced by the photovoltaic installations
for a period of 20 years. In contrast to
building one’s own solar installation, this
The Micasa building in Dübendorf near the Zurich
Stettbach rail station houses a solar power plant
operated by Stromwerk AG.
partnership solution spares customers from
having to bear any technical or project-related risks: instead of facing long-term investment and operating risks, customers get predictable and transparent electricity costs.
Solar energy contracting by Stromwerk AG
coupled with a 20-year solar power supply
guarantee gives customers maximum energy
The economic and ecological added value is
clear, additionally utilizing solar power produced on your companies own roof generates enormous boost to your company’s public image, lower investment costs and is useful for complying with environmental
regulations and certifications. A roof-mounted solar power plant is often a compelling
Angst + Pfister receives ISO 14001:2004
envi­ronmental management certification
Angst + Pfister is firmly committed to building
a sustainable future through ecologically
sound business practices. After intensive preparatory work, we attained the ISO
14001:2004 environmental management
certification in November 2011.
In addition to our ISO 9001:2008 quality
management certification, we are now proud
to also provide proof that our enterprise’s
“Angst + Pfister impresses not just
with its extensive know-how,
but above all with its
exemplary customer support.”
Achim Gallinger, Stadler Rail Group
argument in new construction project negotiations.
A core competence of Stromwerk AG
is to provide photovoltaic system installers with expert project management and
complete systems supplies that meet the
industry’s highest quality standards.
Stromwerk AG’s collaboration with
Angst + Pfister leverages synergies both
within Angst + Pfister’s technical engineering expertise and its worldwide procurement platform for industrial components,
resulting in maximum quality and the lowest possible prices for our customers.
Stromwerk AG, your partner – for a strong
and sustainable future from both an ecological and financial perspective.
Would you like to upgrade your building into a solar power plant or to enter a
new business segment with photovoltaics?
We will be happy to work with you to devise a solution tailored to your interests.
Your contact: Sascha Ullmann
CEO of Stromwerk AG
Telephone: +41 (0)44 306 64 44
environmental management systems fully
comply with international norms and standards.
We look forward to continuing to
serve you in the future with the highest and
sustainable quality standards.
Angst + Pfister Magazine No. 10 2012
Complete range of SMC pneumatic products
Angst + Pfister does everything in its power to
constantly enhance the procurement efficiency and strengthen the market position of its
customers. As a result of our close collaboration with SMC, the world’s leading expert in
pneumatic technology, we are now able to
offer you the complete range of SMC pneu-
matic products. SMC is a highly professional
manufacturer characterised by a high level
of innovation and great breadth and depth
of production. This collaboration adds a significant product range to the Angst + Pfister
portfolio. We are delighted to extend our offering of individual engineering solutions by
this extra dimension for you.
Angst + Pfister News
Individual PEWATRON solutions for industry PEWATRON is an
independent company within the Angst + Pfister Group specialising in sensors,
power supplies and electronic components.
Your contact: Mic Wening
Internal Sales Leader
Pneumatic Technology
Angst + Pfister, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)44 306 64 71
Sustainability with ECOGEHR® The trend toward sustainability has long since found its
way also into the plastics industry, for instance through the use of bioplastics. These
are manufactured from renewable raw materials, which means independence from
strongly fluctuating crude oil markets coupled
with a better CO2 footprint compared to conventional plastics.
Typical characteristics of the polyamides
used are good resistance to heat distortion,
high rigidity and tensile yield strength with
low water absorption (high dimensional stability), and low density, as well as improved
chemical and hydrolysis stability. This properties make ECOGEHR® PA 6.10 semifinished
profiles ideal for use in pump components
that come into contact with aggressive media
or simply hot water. Another application area
is cogwheels that have to withstand elevated
temperatures and provide extra dimensional
stability. ECOGEHR® PA 6.10 also provides
advantages in this area thanks to its good
sliding and dry-running properties and its
good resistance to wear and tear.
Pressure monitoring as a core competence
PEWATRON stocks suitable sensors or sentries for almost all applications. The pressure
sensor range includes sensors for pressures
of 20 Pa to 3000 bar; with or without booster conditioning, for assembly on printed circuit boards or in pipes and for price-sensitive
or high-end devices.
The range has been continuously adapted to meet current customer and market requirements by introducing additional products and upgrades. New applications make
ever higher demands on the sensors: for example, digital interfaces are often requested
instead of analogue.
Main fields of application: medical technology, pneumatics, mechanical engineering, vehicle construction, hydraulic systems.
High tech Angst + Pfister ASSIWELL ®
metal hoses for your individual needs
Angst + Pfister is continuosly expanding its
technical competence for your benefit. Our
new automized state-of-the-art welding
machines ensure a highly consitent
quality. Allow our engineers to create the
custome ASSIWELL® metal hose line for
your application.
A huge range of certifications are available:
• Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EG,
module A1
• DIN EN 15085-2 CL1 certification rating
for welding of railway vehicles and their
• DVGW approval for gas applications
­according to DIN 3384
• SVGW approval for gas applications
­according to DIN 3384
• SVGW approval for water applications
according to W/ TPW 119
N 287-1 welder certification
PEWALog data logger – robust multi-talent
with LC-indicator The PEWALog allows four
external sensors with analogue output signals to be connected. The measuring and
storage rates can be adjusted independently
between 1 second and 12 hours. Over two
million measurements can also be stored in
the logger. A catch is included in the scope
of supply to enable the logger to be mounted
easily on a profile rail (TS 35).
The recorded data can be read out on
any laptop or PC with the aid of the supplied
software (set-up, reader and viewer software)
and a USB cable.
The main fields of application are: research and development, medical technology, laboratory technology, food industry,
agriculture and farming.
The compact PEWALog measures and
stores up to four different measurements simultaneously.
We are pleased to consult you!
Power supply units for industry, IT and medical electronics PEWATRON is continuing to
expand the range of high-quality and reasonably priced power supply units manufactured
by Mean Well, FSP Protek and Power Mate
(P-Duke). The universal input for all models is
85-264 or 180-550 VAC, and one to five
output voltages from 3.3 to 56 V are available. Some versions also have an auxiliary
output for activating control electronics or
potential free contacts and functions such as
PFC, Remote, Remote Sense.
Standard designs available include
Open Frame, U-Profile, print solderable modules, desktop units as well as various housings and industrial formats. DC/DC converters are also available as print or chassis
modules. The entire range of power supply
units is available from the online shop. We
will also be pleased to develop solutions
tailor-made to your particular requirements.
Complete range: power supply units 5 W
to 3000 W with one to five outputs in the
following designs: open frame, chassis, print
module and desktop version.
State-of-the-art welding
at Angst + Pfister
Your contact: Pewatron
Telephone: +41 (0)44 877 35 00
Please write us your opinion
on sustainable engineering plastics at
Angst + Pfister Magazine No. 10 2012
Angst + Pfister Group: The Leading Supply and Solutions Partner for
Industrial Components We help our manufacturing clients to save hundreds of
thousands of euros every year by providing custom-engineered components,
a vast product range ­comprising more than 150,000 standard items and integrated
supply chain solutions.
Our core product divisions
Fluid Handling
The Angst + Pfister Group serves its customers
internationally with uncompromisingly highquality products and comprehensive solutions. Our global supplier and distribution
platform enables us to guarantee the same
product quality and price regardless of
whether you are manufacturing across Europe or Asia. The breadth of our standard
product assortment makes us a one-stop shop
that not only simplifies your search, but also
enables you to consolidate suppliers. Our
engineering solutions are designed to seamlessly interface with your R&D in ways that
save you research time and money in the
product development stage.
Angst + Pfister AG
Thurgauerstrasse 66, Postfach, CH-8052 Zürich
Phone +41 (0)44 306 61 11
Fax +41 (0)44 302 18 71,
Angst + Pfister GmbH
Schulze-Delitzsch-Strasse 38, DE-70565 Stuttgart
Phone +49 (0)711 48 999 2-0
Fax +49 (0)711 48 999 2-69,
Angst + Pfister B.V.
Boerhaavelaan 19, NL-2713 HA Zoetermeer
Phone +31 (0)79 320 3700
Fax +31 (0)79 320 3799,
Angst + Pfister SA
Chemin de la Papeterie 1, CH-1290 Versoix
Phone +41 (0)22 979 28 00
Fax +41 (0)22 979 28 78,
Angst + Pfister Ges.m.b.H.
Floridsdorfer Hauptstrasse 1/E, AT-1210 Wien
Phone +43 (0)1 258 46 01-0
Fax +43 (0)1 258 46 01-98,
Angst + Pfister N.V. S.A.
Kleine Laan 26c, BE-9100 Sint-Niklaas
Phone +32 (0) 3 778 0128
Fax +32 (0) 3 777 8398, be
Angst + Pfister S.p.A.
Via Montefeltro 4, IT-20156 Milano
Phone +39 02 30087.1
Fax +39 02 30087.100,
Angst + Pfister Trade (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
Rm 1402, West Tower, Zhong Rong Hengrui Building
No. 560 Zhangyang Road, CN-Shanghai 200122
Phone +86 (0)21 5169 5005
Fax +86 (0)21 5835 8618,
Angst + Pfister SA
Boîte postale 50115, 33, rue des Chardonnerets
ZAC Paris Nord ll, FR-95950 Roissy CDG CEDEX
Phone +33 (0)1 48 63 20 80
Fax +33 (0)1 48 63 26 90,
08.8670.1402 A+P Group/ALL.3000.EN.2012-04_ODW
Engineering Plastics