magazine - Angst+Pfister


magazine - Angst+Pfister
No. 7 2009
Architekturfotografie A. Gempeler
internat ional
Angst + Pfister – your partner for
custom engineering services
Dear Angst + Pfister customer,
Did you know that Angst + Pfister can
actively support you in co-design
projects? In addition to our extensive
range of products and services, we
can also provide you with solutions developed by our engineering specialists
to meet your specific requirements.
Take advantage of the comprehensive
array of engineering services offered
by Angst + Pfister, which range from
personal consultations to discuss your
requirements to specialist customer
seminars where we provide support by
proposing solutions to help you choose
the right material for your application
or to optimize your products. We also
offer you the latest in measurement
technology, thorough material testing,
virtual product development, digital
designs for specific components or entire subassemblies, 2D and 3D CAD
models, as well as realistic simulations
of operating conditions. In order to
give you real added value, we bundle
our engineering capabilities into our
product portfolio to enhance the value
of our overall service package. It is
our inducement to you and a core element of our corporate strategy to offer
you top-quality solutions at an attractive
High-performance plastic for
cutting-edge measurement technology
“And the Oscar goes to…”
Sales task force: Seals in express time
Hose lines for cryopumps –
cool connecting components
Silicone hoses – frying without risk
Cooling towers – new applications
for Angst + Pfister drives
Laying telecommunicat ion cables
is a breeze thanks to APSOdrive®
Do you need support with the mechatronic design of a drive unit, the conceptual dimensioning and design of
a sealing system or the dynamic optimization of a subassembly? Give us a
call – our experts will be happy to advise you! In these challenging economic times, our engineering know-how
could help to give you just the competitive edge you need to get ahead when
the economy begins its next upswing.
Robert Eberlein
Chief Technology Officer, Angst + Pfister Group
Your access to Angst + Pfister products
via our sales channels
© Copyright by Angst + Pfister 2009
Subject to alteration.
All technical specifications for information only.
Right on target – the new APSOvib®
range of buffers
Living in the heart of the city –
in style and without vibrations
Enjoying leisure time safely
Your access to Angst + Pfister products
via our sales channels
Whether you order by telephone, e-mail or fax, contact us
directly for a consultation, buy online with a click of your
mouse or pop down to one of our authorized sales partners
in your area, our sales channels put all procurement options
at your disposal.
Hans Luginbühl, International Key Account Director, Angst + Pfister Group
The Angst + Pfister Group supplies a worldwide customer base of more 75,000 companies of varying
size. Our sales strategy enables you, the customer, to flexibly and efficiently put our wide range of highgrade products and engineering expertise to work for you at any time. Whether you order by telephone,
e-mail or fax, contact us directly for a consultation, buy online with a click of your mouse or pop down
to one of our authorized sales partners in your area, our sales channels put all procurement options at
your disposal.
As a leading international technical
distributor and service provider, the
Angst + Pfister Group makes sure that
its high-grade industrial components always reach you at the right time. Doing
that requires a sales strategy that enables us to meet your needs and to
cover different markets. To meet all of
the different requirements of the market, Angst + Pfister bases its sales strategy on three pillars: the direct sales
channel, the APSOparts® online shop
and the indirect sales channel via
certified Angst + Pfister partners.
The direct channel
The direct channel gives you access to
Angst + Pfister’s entire spectrum of products and services in every country in
which Angst + Pfister directly operates.
At present you can find Angst + Pfister
in a variety of locations spread throughout Switzerland, Germany, Austria,
France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium,
the Czech Republic and China. There
you can take advantage of services
such as consulting, engineering, special logistics solutions, product customization and quality management.
Consulting and engineering
Quality management
Put the Angst + Pfister specialists’ experience, engineering know-how and
materials expertise to work for you and
profit from shorter product development
times, lower development and production costs, and more competitive products.
The Angst + Pfister Group rigorously enforces ISO 9001:2000-certified quality
management at all process and logistics stages, guaranteeing total quality
assurance on all work performed and
complete traceability of the products
delivered. This enables you to seamlessly integrate Angst + Pfister as a partner in your own quality management
Special logistics concepts
You choose the solution that best meets
your needs to obtain a secure parts
supply with little administrative overhead and minimal inventory carrying
costs. Angst + Pfister offers a variety of
different logistics concepts as well as
state-of-the-art electronic ordering and
billing procedures.
Customized products
Our modernly equipped and efficient
production center enables us at the customer’s request to perform certain modifications on the products we supply.
That allows you to reduce the number
of steps in your manufacturing process
and to concentrate on your core competencies. The spectrum of available
fabrication services ranges from cutting, stamping, lathing and milling to
laser and water-jet contour cutting, TIG
and plasma welding, and continuous
welding of polyurethane toothed belts.
The indirect channel
We are there for you!
Our multichannel strategy combines
different sales models in a practical
manner and enables you to flexibly
select the sales channel that best meets
your needs in any given situation. Our
three sales channels guarantee a continuous supply of exactly those goods
that you need for your production –
anytime and anywhere.
APSOparts® –
Angst + Pfister’s online shop
The Angst + Pfister Group opened its
own online shop in mid-June 2008 with
its launch of APSOparts®, which features practically the entire Angst + Pfister
assortment of high-grade industrial
components and accompanying
information in multiple languages.
APSOparts® enables you to quickly
access Angst + Pfister’s tried-and-tested
product range encompassing more
than 100,000 standard items with just
a few mouse clicks. User-friendly navigation, smart search mechanisms and
well-developed shopping functions
allow you to place orders quickly and
easily – around the clock and from
anywhere in Europe.
The indirect sales channel offers the
possibility and flexibility of employing
an individualized sales strategy precisely tailored to the situation in any
given market. The indirect channel involves authorized sales partners.
Angst + Pfister has been operating already for many years now in a variety
of different countries via certified partners or authorized resellers. As a customer of one of our partner companies,
you have access to the entire spectrum of market services provided by
Angst + Pfister.
Your contact:
Hans Luginbühl
Angst + Pfister Group, 8052 Zürich, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)44 306 62 93
APSOparts® is a registered trademark
of Angst + Pfister.
High-performance plastic for cutting-edge
measurement technology
ter of 101.6 mm and are 100 mm long.
During assembly, eight weighing cells
ensured that the total load was evenly
distributed on the TORLON® supports by
means of disc springs. The TORLON®
cylinders at one end are fitted into steel
Thomas Blum, Product Application Engineer
Unusual specification profile
The Max Planck Institute for
Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg,
Germany, is collaborating on
the GERDA (GERmanium Detector
Array) research project, which
aims to provide experimental
proof of a special theorized type
of radioactive decay of germanium-76. Highly sensitive measuring equipment is used for the
challenging experiments being
conducted at the Gran Sasso
National Laboratory in Italy.
The equipment includes a tank
filled with argon that houses the
germanium detectors. The highperformance plastic TORLON®
from Angst + Pfister’s APSOplast®
product range is used for balanced and vibration-free mounting of the tank.
The MPI for Nuclear Physics initially assigned Angst + Pfister the task of finding
a semifinished stock made of a material
that – in accordance with the original
To rule out every risk, the MPI commissioned the TüV NORD Group to perform
low-temperature pressure tests on suitable test specimens. At temperatures
as low as –190°C, the specimens were
subjected to a load of 10 kN – much
more than the load expected in the actual project application. The test results
matched the expectations: the tension
values remained within the permitted
Inner container with aluminum foil casing
TORLON® supports assembly, with and without
protective covering
GERDA – an ambitious experiment
The Max Planck Institute (MPI) for
Nuclear Physics is one of a total of 78
research institutes of the internationally
renowned Max Planck Society. It conducts fundamental research in the fields
of astroparticle physics and quantum dynamics. The activities of the Max Plank
Society are largely financed by public
funds; its annual budget for 2007 totaled approximately 1.4 billion euros.
The first experiments of the GERDA
research project are currently being performed in an underground laboratory
in the Gran Sasso massif in the Abruzzo
region of central Italy. The so-called
neutrinoless double beta decay of germanium-76 is being researched. With a
half-life of up to 1025 years, the germanium-76 isotope takes an extremely long
time to decay.
Schematic diagram of experiment setup:
GERmanium Detector Array (GERDA)
material exhibits excellent properties:
high mechanical stability and rigidity,
good impact resistance, and very minimal creeping tendency.
The project can be described in simple
terms as follows: During the form of
radioactive decay known as beta-plus
decay, an elementary particle called
a neutrino is emitted. In the theorized
neutrinoless double beta decay process,
the emitted neutrino is simultaneously
reabsorbed back into the nucleus in a
second beta decay. In order for this
to occur, the neutrino must be its own
antiparticle. In the experiment, the
researchers measure the energy of the
released electrons. The neutrinos themselves cannot be directly detected; they
contribute, however, to the reaction energy. Provided that the energy of the
electrons released during decay is measured with high accuracy, the neutrinoless double beta decay can be differentiated from the neutrino-accompanied
double beta decay. If neutrinoless double beta decay can be experimentally
proven, this means that the neutrino
would indeed have to be its own antiparticle. With this proof, neutrinos can
be better understood – their mass can
be determined, for example. Since neutrinos play a fundamental role in understanding our universe, the experiment
is of enormous scientific interest.
Cutting-edge measuring technology
To prove the existence of neutrinoless
double beta decay, high-precision measurements must be made while blocking
out the background noise of radioactive
and cosmic radiation. To do that, the
germanium detectors are inserted into a
double-walled tank with a diameter of
four meters that is filled with argon. The
space between the walls is evacuated
for thermal insulation and covered on
the inside with multiple layers of reflective foil and cooled to approximately
–190°C. The tank filled with argon is in
turn encased in a water tank with a
diameter of approximately ten meters.
Both casings work together to shield
against interfering radiation.
The argon tank is stood on eight hollow
cylindrical supports made of TORLON®
4503. The TORLON® supports serve as
spacers and provide thermal insulation
between the inner and outer walls of the
tank. The walls of the supports are
subjected to a continual temperature difference ranging from approximately
–190°C at one end to approximately
+20°C at the other end. The hollow
cylindrical supports have an exterior diameter of 174.6 mm, an interior diame-
specification profile – can bear a
load of 160 tons over a period of ten
years while being subjected to a
continual temperature span ranging
from –196°C to +20°C. Together
with the project staff at the MPI,
Angst + Pfister set about defining the
specifications that the material and
geometry of the semifinished stock had
to meet for the application at hand:
• resistance to temperatures
down to –196°C;
• high load-bearing capacity with
minimal deformation under load;
• low creep tendency;
• no embrittlement;
• maximum retention of impact
• minimal thermal conductivity;
• no or extremely minimal radioactive
TORLON 4503 PAI – an ideal material
TORLON® 4503 PAI, a polyamideimide
combined with TiO2 and PTFE, optimally
meets this set of specifications, also from
an economic standpoint. At both high
and even the lowest temperatures, the
limits, the material negligibly embrittled
and, after removal of the load, the
deformed specimens returned to their
original shape.
“I felt that I was well advised by
Angst + Pfister’s application technology
specialists,” concludes Dr. Bernhard
Schwingenheuer, the project leader
at the MPI for Nuclear Physics, about
the successful teamwork. We at
Angst + Pfister are proud to have been
able to make a small contribution
to this important research project.
Angst + Pfister’s newly launched
APSOplast ® range of plastics offers
you a broad selection of products and
solutions for an even wider spectrum
of applications. Order our APSOplast ®
overview brochure!
Your contact:
Thomas Blum
Angst + Pfister GmbH, 70565 Stuttgart, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)162 2632 754
TORLON® is a registered trademark
of Solvay Advanced Polymers.
APSOplast ® is a registered trademark
of Angst + Pfister.
“And the Oscar goes to…”
Ortwin Knaipp, Business Unit Leader, Angst + Pfister Austria
First-class product quality,
speedy delivery and personalized customer service with quick
response times – these attributes
are self-evident principles in the
eyes of Angst + Pfister. For the
Knorr-Bremse group, a traditionrich international manufacturer
of braking systems, longstanding satisfaction with its supplier
of a wide array of sealing,
fluid-handling and plastic components is worthy of a special
accolade: Angst + Pfister has
been awarded the “KnorrBremse 2008 supplier Oscar”.
Stars and glamour are usually associated with Hollywood. Oscars as a
rule are awarded to actors, directors
and other artists in recognition of
outstanding cinematic achievements.
But why not also pay tribute to exceptional performances in the industrial
sector as well? The Knorr-Bremse group
posed this question and came up
with a “supplier Oscar” that it awards
each year to a dependable supply partner. The awarding of this trophy to
Angst + Pfister acknowledges the good
teamwork between the two companies.
In 2008, the world’s leading manufacturer of braking systems for rail and
commercial vehicles more than doubled
its volume of orders for components
from Angst + Pfister compared to the
previous year.
O-rings with a special feature
Würfelbild folgt
Angst + Pfister supplies Knorr-Bremse
with flat gaskets and O-rings from its
standard product assortment, but also
with a variety of custom-fabricated
ones. The components must meet extreme demands in some cases. KnorrBremse braking systems are installed in
commercial and rail vehicles that are
not just underway in central European
latitudes. A train that wends its way
through the Siberian tundra has to withstand lower temperatures than trains
here at home. The same goes for its
countless individual components. The
seals from Angst + Pfister possess a
special property: they are resistant to
frigid temperatures down to –40° C,
surpassing conventional seals on the
market by 10° C. They additionally
meet the strict quality specifications set
by Knorr-Bremse and the Deutsche
Bahn (German Rail) corporation. For
example, the time elapsed between the
fabrication of a seal and its moment of
delivery may not exceed one year.
Innovative brakes thanks to sophisticated seals
The Knorr-Bremse group employs more
than 15,000 personnel in more than 60
locations in 25 countries. Extensive investments in research and development
have made the Knorr-Bremse name synonymous with innovative brakes and
modern onboard systems. But a product
always is only as good as its individual
components. Sophisticated seals contribute to the functionality and reliability
of Knorr-Bremse products. And KnorrBremse itself has been relying on
Angst + Pfister already for more than a
decade. High product standards and
fast delivery make Angst + Pfister a compelling supply partner.
Highly efficient supply system
Whether in Europe, America or the
Asia-Pacific region, Knorr-Bremse
always has an adequate supply of
O-rings and flat gaskets on hand
thanks mainly to an efficient Kanban
system that keeps supply replenishments from grinding to a halt. Nearempty bins are replaced by full ones
before they run out. The fully automatic
supply system not only safeguards
the brake manufacturer from O-ring
The ÖBB railjet is equipped with braking systems from Knorr-Bremse.
shortages, but also saves the company
money because it substantially reduces
inventory carrying costs and eliminates
time-consuming inspection of incoming
goods at Knorr-Bremse.
Electromagnetic track brake
Wishes fulfilled promptly
Isabel Schwacha, an internal sales assistant at Angst + Pfister Austria, makes
sure that the contents of the bins are
correct. She is the brake manufacturer’s
direct liaison for all matters. She takes
note of the customer’s wishes and immediately sets about fulfilling them.
Angst + Pfister’s worldwide span of operations has enabled the group over
the years to attain an increasingly important position in Knorr-Bremse’s sup-
plier network. In the area of sealing
technology, multiple component orders
have been bundled and transferred
to the Oscar-award-winning partner.
The “Knorr-Bremse 2008 supplier Oscar” fills Angst + Pfister with ambition
and confidence: bit by bit we aim to
capture new untapped ground.
Your contact:
Ortwin Knaipp
Angst + Pfister Ges.m.b.H., 1210 Wien, Austria
Telephone: +43 (0)1258 4601 30
The “2008 supplier Oscar” went to Angst + Pfister.
Sales task force:
Seals in express time
Frank Marcel Dietrich, Project Leader for Prototyping Sealing Technology
Who hasn’t had this experience at least once? The machine is working at full speed, the time window
is narrow, and then … a breakdown – rien ne va plus. Diagnosis: defective seal! The needed seal, a custom-fabricated one of all things, is not in stock in the warehouse. Now you have to scramble to obtain a
replacement part as fast as possible. Cut to a different scene: You are working feverishly to implement a
new product idea, and then … you discover that you’re missing the right seal! A prototype is needed,
and pronto. In both scenarios, it can take several weeks to procure the needed parts. But it doesn’t
necessarily have to be that way! Angst + Pfister has recognized this problem and has set up an effective,
lightning-fast sales task force that swings into action precisely in such situations.
In the area of sealing technology, one
often encounters custom-made items.
The type of seal, the choice of material,
the size and the profile are factors that
combine to yield an enormous variety
of possible variations. Keeping all conceivable seal variations ready at hand
in stock is simply impossible. That’s
why prototyping is often called for in
order to be able to supply the needed
seals – with the consequence that
“more-than-generous” delivery times
have to be put up with. This has
prompted Angst + Pfister to offer its
customers an uncommon service: on
1 November 2008, the Angst + Pfister
Group launched a task force for prototyping of lathe-cut (or turned) seals.
The task force is capable of supplying
custom-made seals in emergencies or
for the rapid implementation of new
product ideas – in top quality and with
minimal delivery times.
The Angst + Pfister Group employs its longstanding experience and sophisticated engineering expertise to develop new types of seals.
Ultimate worst-case scenario: Stoppage
The scenarios described at the outset of
this article can set off a perilous chain
of self-propelling events. The machine
stands idle, and so does your production. Delivery deadlines cannot be met.
Your customers in the best case are
merely upset – in the worst case they
switch to a competitor. Depending on
the industry and type of process, production stoppages can cause considerable direct harm as well as knock-on
damage. A tarnished reputation can
be expected in any case.
A stoppage during the development
phase of new machines is also anything but desirable. It results in delays
and idle capacity, and solutions must
be found as fast as possible. A typical
multiweek delivery lead time for customized seals is simply out of the
question. Here’s where Angst + Pfister
springs into action.
The sealing elements are machined using a high-speed precision lathe.
Angst + Pfister task force – lightningfast, customer-specific and dependable
Nothing is impossible –
thanks to our own seal-cutting lathe
The task force has two overriding
objectives: to provide optimal support
in the development of new seals and
profiles, and to supply the needed seals
in next to no time.
The sealing elements are machined using a special professional high-speed
precision lathe. The customer thus
saves time and is spared from having
to spend additional money on production tools.
If new seal types are being developed,
the Angst + Pfister Group works very
closely together with its customers and
brings its longstanding experience and
sophisticated engineering expertise into
play. Lathe-cut prototype seals are often used in the experimental stage, and
later, when the perfect seal has been
found, they are injection-molded in
large-batch series production.
A key feature is the high product quality, which justifies the higher purchase
price for lathe-cut seals, even for demanding small-batch series.
And what about those delivery times?
Standard profiles, special customized
seals and finished parts in any dimensions with diameters ranging from 10 to
2,000 millimeters can be delivered
within two to ten workdays. In critically
urgent cases, express delivery is possible; quantities of up to around 20
units with a diameter of up to 700 millimeters can be dispatched to customers within 24 hours.
The task force can supply any conceivable type of seal – from wipers, piston
and rod seals, backup and support
rings, special O-rings and rotational
seals to finished plastic parts. Whether
you need standard seals or customfabricated ones makes no difference –
the task force is equipped for any
The seals and finished plastic parts
are fabricated from high-quality materials such as PUR, NBR, EPDM, FPM,
VMQ, POM, PA and PTFE, among
others. We can of course supply seals
to meet a wide array of certifications
such as FDA conformity.
Lathe-cut seals are valued items not
just in the maintenance, repair and
overhaul (MRO) business; their importance meanwhile has now also been
discovered in the field of product development and for small-batch series
production across numerous industries.
Whether it’s seals for mechanical engineering, the chemical and process
industry, the aerospace sector or renewable energy applications (such as
wind energy), the Angst + Pfister task
force is on the move.
Service and know-how –
an unbeatable combination
The new task force combines two key
attributes of Angst + Pfister: providing
customers with the best possible service
and technical know-how.
Many years of close contact with customers has heightened the Angst + Pfister
Group’s awareness of problem situations that need to be addressed. This
knowledge of customers’ needs combined with our sealing technology experts’ extensive know-how creates a
service package that is second to none.
Your contact:
Frank Marcel Dietrich
Angst + Pfister Group, 8052 Zürich, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)44 306 61 29
To guarantee fast delivery times,
Angst + Pfister employs a sophisticated
logistics setup that combines an extensive warehouse inventory with the ability to supply custom components on
very short notice.
Hose lines for cryopumps –
cool connecting components
Urs Nötzli, Product Application Engineer
The term “cryogenic pumps” is
almost automatically associated
with the Sefco AG name.
Sefco AG, located in Bottmingen,
Switzerland, is a leading manufacturer of these sophisticated
machines. Attributes such as exceptional quality, reliability and
functional safety of products
and outstanding customer support are all part of Sefco AG’s
day-to-day corporate culture.
No wonder, then, that the
Angst + Pfister Group has been
closely connected with Sefco
as a supplier of components and
services for almost 20 years.
After all, strong partners like to
work with strong partners.
ed to rigid pipes, the connecting hose
lines have to meet another requirement:
they have to be highly flexible. Vibrations, which inevitably occur when
using cryopumps, have to be compensated for in the same manner as for
installation inaccuracies or the typical
expansion- and contraction-related tensions that arise in connection with extreme temperatures or variations in temperature. If, for example, liquid nitrogen
is conveyed at –196°C through the
pipes, that subjects the connecting hose
lines to a real breaking test: the rapid
drop in temperature causes rigid pipes
to shrink by around 2 to 2.5 millimeters
per meter. Flexible hose lines have
to counterbalance the resulting tension.
Cryogenic pumps are used in extremely
low temperature ranges. They pump, for
example, liquid gases such as liquid
oxygen and nitrogen. Temperatures as
low as –200°C are standard. Sefco AG
cryopumps, whose area of application
ranges from air separation equipment to
gas liquefaction to petrochemistry, have
to meet the highest quality standards.
But even the most well-engineered
pumps can only achieve full productive
efficiency if all other components meet
the same high standards. Hose lines
and their connecting parts are a key
element of the cryotechnical system. For
many years now, Angst + Pfister has
been supplying perfect components with
its APSOfluid® ASSIWELL® metal hose
APSOfluid ® ASSIWELL® metal hoses –
the perfect complement
Hose lines for extreme deployment
For years, Angst + Pfister has been successfully confronting these difficult operating conditions with its APSOfluid ®
ASSIWELL® metal hoses. The enormous
spectrum of possible operating temperatures for APSOfluid ® ASSIWELL® metal
hoses alone is exceptional – it ranges
from –272°C to +600°C. The typical
temperatures that occur in the operation
of cryogenic pumps are no obstacle for
APSOfluid® ASSIWELL® metal hoses.
Another element of their wide performance spectrum is that the metal hoses
are suitable for pressure and high vacuum exposure due to their 100% vacuum
What kind of performance do hose
lines have to provide when they are part
of a cryotechnical system? Naturally they
should be able to withstand extremely low temperatures in the area of
around –200°C. If the system is connect-
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APSOfluid® ASSIWELL® metal hoses are custom-configured and custom-finished.
Flanged versions that comply with a variety of different standards.
APSOfluid® ASSIWELL® metal hoses are attached axially to the cryopumps.
resistance. The flexibility of APSOfluid®
ASSIWELL® metal hoses also predestines
them for use in cryotechnical systems.
The corrugated stainless steel
APSOfluid® ASSIWELL® 100 hose and
its heavier APSOfluid® ASSIWELL® 133
“brother”, which are preferentially
deployed in Sefco AG’s cryotechnical
systems, both distinguish themselves
through their utmost flexibility due to
their design.
APSOfluid ® ASSIWELL® hoses aren’t all
that’s flexible
But APSOfluid® ASSIWELL® metal hoses
aren’t the only things that are highly flexible: a deciding factor for the longstanding partnering collaboration with Sefco AG is the high degree of flexibility
that the Angst + Pfister Group demonstrates in fulfilling the specific requirements of its customers. Depending on
the requirements, the nominal widths of
the hoses vary from 20 mm to 300 mm.
There are suitable APSOfluid® ASSIWELL®
metal hoses available for all requisite
pressure stages. And where connecting
fittings are concerned, Angst + Pfister
offers solutions for practically every situation. Highly skilled technicians weld
the metal hose lines to the proper fittings in Angst + Pfister’s own production
center. Years of experience and vast
technical expertise go into the welding
process. The result is fissureless and
burr-free welded pipework that is adapted precisely to the operating conditions. The ready-to-install hose lines
fabricated by Angst + Pfister naturally
comply with all requisite regulations
such as the PED pressure equipment
directive. Speedy delivery times and
onsite consultation are other standard
features of Angst + Pfister’s range of
Angst + Pfister as a partner
Angst + Pfister Group’s longstanding collaboration with Sefco AG is shaped
by loyalty and a close, continuous interchange based on trust. Together the
companies seek out and develop customized solutions. Both partners’ enormous
expertise flows into the manufacturing.
Thanks to this longstanding partnership,
the cryogenic systems offered are wellengineered, reliable and meet the highest quality standards.
APSOfluid® ASSIWELL® metal hoses, partially equipped with
added outlet nozzles
ists’ knowledge and our technical
expertise, we develop optimum fluid
handling technology solutions for
you for a vast variety of applications.
Your contact:
Urs Nötzli
Angst + Pfister AG, 8052 Zürich, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)44 306 64 41
The range of uses for APSOfluid®
ASSIWELL® metal hoses extends far beyond the application described in this
article. We would be happy to provide
you with further information. Using
our wealth of experience, our special-
APSOfluid® is a registered trademark
of Angst + Pfister.
ASSIWELL® is a registered trademark
of Angst + Pfister.
Silicone hoses – frying without risk
The hose is stowed away practically.
Jacques Vaudroz, Product Application Engineer, Angst + Pfister Switzerland
Olivier Bryois, R&D Manager, Frifri SA
Fryer oil 70 degrees Celsius hot
is dangerous for the person
who is handling it. In awareness
of the burn risks for kitchen
personnel, the Frifri SA company, in close collaboration
with Angst + Pfister, developed
a system for changing fryer
oil that employs a UNISIL™ R
silicone hose. This solution
is as safe as it is easy, and it is
embraced enthusiastically by
kitchen staff.
Frifri SA develops and assembles renowned “cooking systems with oil” that
are very highly regarded in the foodservice industry. The company specializes in manufacturing tabletop, freestanding, and built-in fryers. Frifri SA is
a subsidiary of the US-based Middleby
Corporation, a global leader in the
professional foodservice equipment industry and famous worldwide for
the quality of its products. The fryers
are welcome fixtures not just in the
kitchens of employee cafeterias, restaurants and fast-food outlets, but also
in the haute-cuisine sector, where they
are praised first and foremost for
their versatility. Frifri SA works together
with Fabio Tachella, one of the great
Italian master chefs. The Frifri kitchen
appliances are more than just fryers –
they are true giants in the foodservice
The system used to change fryer oil
is very important because fryer oil must
be changed regularly. This was previously done by means of a drain valve
connected to a rigid pipe. The waste
oil was drained into a catch container,
which was then emptied by hand into
a metal drum. This task was very dangerous because the container was very
heavy and the oil was hot. In its quest
for a better solution, Frifri turned to
Angst + Pfister. Both companies had already been working closely together
for years and maintained excellent relations. So it’s only natural that Frifri
decided to involve Angst + Pfister in the
project to optimize the oil-changing
After studying the specification book, it
was decided to attach a hose to the
back side of the fryers. The hose not
only had to be flexible, but also FDAcompliant, resistant to fryer oil at a
temperature of +70°C, easy to clean
and simple to handle. It goes without
saying that handling safety was the top
The system proposed by Angst + Pfister
consists of an emptying-and-filling unit
composed of a UNISIL™ R silicone
pressure hose and an inlet bend with
an integrated pipe. The hose is
equipped at both ends with quick-release couplings. The unit enables oil to
be drained from the fryer well without
risk. The hose assembly is attached to
the fryer well, and the oil is pumped
out of the fryer by means of a practical
manual control mechanism affixed to
the inlet bend. This new system eliminates having to handle the hot catch
container! The emptying-and-filling unit
can also be used to rinse the interior
walls of the fryer well and the heating
element. Reusable oil is pumped back
into the fryer well. Waste oil can be
pumped directly from the fryer well into
an external container using the same
system. At the end of the oil-changing
process, only the emptying-and-filling
unit needs to be disassembled and
The UNISIL™ R silicone hose is not only
FDA-compliant, but is also tasteless,
odorless and heat-resistant to temperatures up to +180 °C (or brief temperature spikes up to +250 °C). In addition,
it is easy to clean and simple to handle
because its exterior surface is smooth.
The sleeve of the quick-release coupling
is equipped with a stop valve and is
thus completely dripless.
The number of components in this system is kept to a minimum to ensure
easy handling and to minimize costs.
Angst + Pfister proposed a hose with
press-fitted stainless steel rings because
hose clamps can injure operating staff
and might damage the hose. The pressfitting is performed by experienced
technicians in Angst + Pfister’s workshops. The customer thus benefits from
traceability of the press-fitting and
consistent quality of the end-product.
food industry because the UNISIL™ R
hose also conveys hot air very well.
Frifri SA has been a synonym for quality for more than 60 years. Frifri always works at the technological cutting
edge to meet the needs of an ever
more demanding market. Frifri found
a reliable and powerful partner in
Angst + Pfister. Put our experience to
work for you as well! We would be
happy to advise you.
Connection to the fryer
Your contact:
Jacques Vaudroz
Angst + Pfister SA, 1219 Genève-Le Lignon, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)22 979 28 33
The new oil-changing system presents a
very good value proposition for the
reasons cited above. It is dependable
and safe, and is thus also highly regarded by Frifri SA’s customers. The
new solution that is supplied for all
models with one or two fryer wells has
become practically a must-have.
The fryer well is rinsed and filled.
The UNISIL™ R silicone hose has a
wide array of uses. Its excellent thermal
resistance and good electrical insulting
properties make the hose very suitable
for conveying water in the vicinity of
induction stoves. It is also readily used
in industrial refrigeration and in the
The hot oil is pumped out of the fryer.
UNISIL™ R is a registered trademark
of Angst + Pfister.
Editor’s note:
The Middleby Corporation has since decided to close the
Frifri plant in Switzerland and to incorporate all of its
operations into its Giga Grandi Cucine subsidiary in Italy.
The Frifri story in Switzerland thus drew to a close at the end
of January 2009.
Cooling towers – new applications
for Angst + Pfister drives
Rainer Bachmann, Product Application Engineer
Heat is a byproduct of energy production. The cooling systems marketed by the Rehsler company in
Lindau, Germany, have proven extremely effective around the world in balancing thermal effects
in power plants, as well as those resulting from operational processes in industrial plants. The cooling
tower motor from Angst + Pfister that is installed in wet cooling towers is especially powerful, robust
and low-maintenance. Foreign matter such as dust, or even flooding with water, cannot damage this
durable drive.
Cooling water is an effective medium
for dissipating heat produced during
industrial processes. For cold water
temperatures of up to 25° C, cooling
towers are mainly deployed. Rehsler
Kühlsysteme GmbH, which was founded in 1972 and employs a staff of 35,
is a specialist in the field of industrial
heat exchange. Rehsler’s product portfolio ranges from assembly of cooling
towers and construction of turnkey
installations to refrigerating machines
and water chillers. In wet cooling towers mass-produced in GRP-composite
construction, the water to be cooled
is atomized and finely sprayed over
what are known as cooling tower fills.
The heat is removed from the water
through evaporation, absorbed by the
air and transported away. If ten grams
evaporate from a kilogram of water,
the temperature of the water falls by
about six degrees. Additional cooling
as a result of convection is caused
by contact with the air, which in turn
warms up.
A standard-setting motor
It takes a highly effective ventilator motor to achieve a sometimes very high
cooling capacity while still keeping operating costs down. The cooling tower
motor from Angst + Pfister meets all
quality requirements. Since cooling
Single- and twin-cell counterflow cooling towers for medium to high performance requirements.
Single-cell cooling tower with circular silencer, and container installation with cooling tower on top.
towers are located outdoors and the
motor is constantly exposed to damp
air, the requirements with regard to
weather resistance are particularly exacting. With enhanced IP 66 protection
against the ingress of dust and water,
as well as additional sealing, coating
and corrosion protection measures
for insulation, casing, screws and shaft,
the three-phase asynchronous motor
employed reaches a technical level that
sets new standards in cooling tower
High power density
Wet cooling towers have a very high
power density resulting from the utilization of evaporation, depending on
which system is used. A highly efficient
relation between expended energy
(= ventilator capacity) and heat-exchange performance particularly makes
wet cooling towers the best solution for
medium to high cooling requirements.
COP (coefficient of performance) values
of up to 60 can be achieved, which
means that with an electrical input of
1 kW, a heat-exchange performance of
up to 60 kW can be achieved. With
closed-loop open-air cooling systems, in
contrast, a maximum COP value of
around 30 is possible. With compressor
coolers, the estimated COP value is
only between 3 and 5.
The robust cooling tower motor from Angst + Pfister meets the
most demanding quality and performance requirements.
Low maintenance costs
Indestructible drive systems
In stock and ready for delivery
The material-intensive construction of the
cooling tower motor and the generous
design and utilization of the motor geometries enable the drive to achieve efficiency rates that can also accommodate the user’s desire to conserve energy
during operation. Particularly in the face
of changing climate and weather conditions and upcoming harsher environmental conditions, the Rehsler cooling towers
are ideally equipped for the future, and
at a price that represents excellent value
for money. Large-scale production guarantees attractive pricing and consistent
high quality. Thanks to their robust construction, the asynchronous motors work
very reliably throughout their entire lifetime. Low maintenance costs increase
the return on investment.
For more than a year now, Rehsler
Kühlsysteme GmbH has been putting
its trust in Angst + Pfister’s robust asynchronous motor technology, which
is also used in the mining industry. The
decision to utilize the powerful cooling
tower motors was preceded by an intensive test phase to determine whether
the drive could provide the necessary
performance values in cooling tower
construction. Rehsler’s new partner not
only supplies it with virtually indestructible drive systems, but also provides
the company with convincing sales arguments for its own customers. After
all, a stable ventilator motor has a beneficial impact on the service life of the
cooling tower.
Rehsler places value on rapid delivery
times. At the Angst + Pfister logistics
center, the motors are in stock and
ready for delivery to Rehsler. Thanks to
the optimized product availability,
Rehsler has flexible access to the asynchronous motors in accordance with
the company’s own needs and can thus
reduce its own warehousing costs.
Single-cell counterflow cooling towers for medium performance requirements mounted on
the roof of an industrial plant building.
Your contact:
Rainer Bachmann
Angst+Pfister AG, 8052 Zürich, Switzerland
Telephone: +49 (0)7334 921344
Laying telecommunication cables
is a breeze thanks to APSOdrive®
Mark Winges, Product Application Engineer
Cable jetting is a method of
installing telecommunication
cables. Plumettaz SA is a specialist in this area, designing
cable-laying equipment that
uses a blowing technique. Since
the compressed airflow alone
is not powerful enough to blow
the cables through the ducts, a
mechanical drive is employed
to provide additional pushing
force. Plumettaz has chosen
APSOdrive® mechanical drive
units from Angst + Pfister for
its MINIJET® P400 model. The
MINIJET® P400 is equipped with
timing belts developed specifically for the cable jetting process, and it stands out for its
power and performance, to
the satisfaction of customers
MINIJET® P400 from Plumettaz.
Plumettaz SA, a company located in
the town of Bex in western Switzerland,
specializes in cable winches and cablelaying equipment (for electric and
telecommunication cables), equipment
for installing overhead lines, and installation systems for telecommunication
cables. The company is also known for
OEM products such as rescue winches,
industrial winches, circulation pumps
for transformers, speed regulators, and
components for railroad-crossing gates.
The company employs around 100 personnel and has around 60 international
sales representatives. Plumettaz SA’s
products are marketed under the
PLUMETT® brand name, and more than
90% of its production gets exported.
Jetting: The smart way to lay cables
Cable jetting is a method of installing
conventional and fiber-optic telecommunication cables. A stream of compressed air pushes the cable through
guide and protection ducts. Plumettaz
SA manufactures a variety of devices
that employ this technology, including
the MINI JET® P400, a cable-laying machine that uses a blowing or floating
technique to lay telecommunication
cables (fiber-optic, coaxial and multistrand cables) in preinstalled ducts.
The cables have a diameter of between
4 and 16 millimeters, and the ducts
have an outer diameter of between
8 and 40 millimeters. Depending on
the type of cable or duct and the installation method, a cable length of up
to 3,000 meters can be laid. Up to
60 meters can be laid per minute. The
thrust generated can exceed 300 N.
The cable jetting technique.
To achieve excellent results when installing cable, the compressed airflow
must be reinforced by a mechanical
drive. On its search for a suitable and
durable drive, Plumettaz SA turned to
Angst + Pfister for advice. This marked
the beginning of a close collaboration
between the two companies.
A precision landing in terms of meeting
A perusal of the specifications soon
made it clear that a conventional drive
system would not be adequate for the
task at hand. With a standard polyurethane belt, the friction forces between the belt and cable would be too
weak, and so a unique solution was
required. In the end, the choice went to
the BRECOFLEX® T5, a timing belt perfect for high-precision positioning applications. The belts are custom-made
and equipped with special cord tension
members and a specially designed
coating for moving coaxial, multi-strand
or fiber-optic cables.
Two timing belts, one positioned above
the other, sandwich the cable and push
it forward using friction. This has proven to be the right solution, and it precisely fulfills Plumettaz SA’s expectations for the following main reasons:
• the cables can be installed and
extracted easily, without the use of
additional tools;
• the system is maintenance-free;
• the belts can be replaced quickly;
• no vertical alignment adjustments of
the dual timing belt assembly;
• self-centering.
Advantages of the APSOdrive® solution
Thanks to their high rigidity,
BRECOFLEX® T5 drives are especially
suited for precise high-performance positioning applications. Their robust steel
cord tension members and abrasionresistant polyurethane belt body make
the timing belts very durable. They also
offer other advantages:
Collaboration bears fruit
By selecting Angst + Pfister as a partner,
Plumettaz SA not only chose quality
products, but also quality services
provided by Angst + Pfister. When the
MINIJET® P400 was still in the development stage, Angst + Pfister’s specialists
were already contributing technical
advice, calculations and design ideas
for the drive. The APSOdrive® solution
is the fruit of this close cooperation.
It perfectly fits the MINIJET® P400 and
thus plays a role in its success.
Our APSOdrive® solutions can be
used in a wide variety of applications.
Order our “APSOdrive® Drive and
Transmission Solutions” overview
brochure or contact us for a personal
Your contact:
Mark Winges
Angst + Pfister SA, 1219 Genève-Le Lignon, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)22 979 28 18
high level of power transmission;
good shape stability;
high bending fatigue strength;
excellent resistance against ozone,
solar radiation, gasoline, simple
lubricants and greases;
• resistance to temperatures between
–30° C and +80° C;
• choice of different coatings
PLUMETT® and MINIJET® are registered trademarks
of Plumettaz SA.
BRECOFLEX® is a registered trademark
of BRECO Antriebstechnik Breher GmbH & Co. KG.
APSOdrive® is a registered trademark
of Angst + Pfister.
Right on target – the new APSOvib®
range of buffers
Walter Oertli, Senior Engineer
Small, black, made of rubber, and unobtrusive – buffers from Angst + Pfister do their valuable work discreetly in the background. These indispensable antivibration elements are employed in the most diverse
manufacturing sectors as isolating elements or stop buffers. The current range of APSOvib® buffers is more
varied, better balanced and more clearly arranged than ever before. The APSOvib® buffer assortment has
been completely restructured so that customers will now be able to find the right product even more quickly. Selection is also made easier thanks to a consistent declaration of key data.
Are you looking for a stop buffer made
of natural rubber for equipment mountings or for a round buffer as a vibrationisolating fixing element? Angst + Pfister
customers receive the exact components
they need for their applications. In the
past, the huge variety of buffer type designations on the market sometimes
proved too confusing for many customers. A market analysis performed by
Angst + Pfister revealed a clear need for
optimization. The APSOvib® product
line has been restructured to eliminate
possible stumbling blocks on the way to
finding the ideal buffer. Angst + Pfister
has standardized the naming concept
for buffers and has switched from specifications of hardness to relevant spring
Seek and you shall find
Practical search functions enabling
products to be found quickly are the
alpha and omega for a product catalog. The saying “seek and you shall
find” – enhanced by the attributes “easily” and “fast” – rings truer than ever
in Angst + Pfister’s antivibration technology product line. The assortment of
APSOvib® buffers is arranged on the
basis of customer-friendly aspects. Even
first-time visitors to Angst + Pfister’s new
APSOparts® online shop quickly find
their bearings even though the range of
buffers consists of around 1,000 different items. Round buffers and stop buffers in all possible shapes and sizes are
ready and waiting to fulfill their purpose
in machines, appliances and vehicles.
As complete as possible
With its APSOvib® range of buffers,
Angst + Pfister is better equipped than
virtually any other supplier. The balance and sensible gradation of our
product line sets it apart. The highgrade components largely meet DIN
standards 95363 and 95364, are
RoHS compliant, and are in stock and
ready for delivery. Declaration of all
relevant technical data helps you quickly locate the right buffer. Each individual buffer is clearly defined by its dimensions, such as diameter, height, thread,
and spring characteristics. Load rating,
spring travel and spring stiffness are
characteristic parameters of antivibration elements. Unlike in the past, the
respective spring characteristics of all
buffers are now always an integral
Custom consulting
The new APSOvib® range stocks the
ideal buffer for practically any application. If not, it goes without saying
that Angst + Pfister can devise a customized solution tailored to your specific
application. In addition, our skilled employees naturally stand at the ready
to provide their support because, at
Angst + Pfister, custom consulting is
something you can fully count on. The
same goes for our custom-fabricated
buffers and special buffers, which –
like the entire range of standard versions – are available at fair prices.
component of the product information.
This way, Angst +Pfister is thus setting
a trend toward user-driven product intermediation.
A matter of strain
Two factors are relevant when selecting
a round buffer. The first is the static
load (represented in the drawing by the
left arrow). The weight force exerted
on each individual bearing depends on
the weight of the construction in kilograms and the number of mounts. The
second factor is the dynamic load (represented in the drawing by the right arrow) resulting from movement of the
construction, which may be caused by
accelerations or torsions, i.e. angular
motion. The necessary natural frequen-
Designing of an application
Mass (kg)
Frequency (Hz)
Number of supports
Insulation (%)
Static load per supports
Natural frequency (Hz)
Rubber and metal round buffers are utilized in a vast array of industrial sectors.
cy of the spring-mass system and the
necessary deflection of the antivibration
element can be calculated from the vibration generator frequency and the
isolation efficiency level. Weight and
deflection are therefore the two parameters that form the basis for selecting
a buffer. Each of the thirteen buffer
shapes in the Angst + Pfister assortment
is available in three grades of hardness: “medium” as standard and “soft”
or “hard”. If the optimal standard round
buffer with medium hardness is not
ideal for your application, the soft or
hard models offer an additional possibility for fine-tuning.
Characteristics and influences
To configure the buffers, other features
must also be analyzed. For example,
there are a number of typical methods
of fixing, using threaded bolts or threaded holes or a combination of the two.
Furthermore, ambient influences to which
the antivibration element is exposed
must also be taken into consideration.
Exposure to chemicals, temperatures
and, under certain circumstances, ozone
play a role in choosing the right buffer.
Your contact:
Walter Oertli
Angst + Pfister AG, 8052 Zürich, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)44 306 64 91
APSOvib® is a registered trademark
of Angst + Pfister.
Deflection (mm)
Antivibration element
Control of insulation
APSOvib® round and stop buffers in different models
Living in the heart of the city – in style
and without vibrations
Centrally located top-quality housing
The Trombik Ingenieure AG company
was entrusted with the job of designing
the vibration insulation for the building.
This company headquartered in Zurich
is internationally renowned in the field
of building structural dynamics. The
structural dynamics specialists decided to
bed the entire building on SYLOMER®
mats from Angst + Pfister.
Marco Kölbli, Product Application Engineer
The new business apartments
built in Kreuzplatz in Zurich by
KGP Kyncl Architekten GmbH
are billed as a “stage for individual lifestyle, where beauty
and enjoyment are the things that
matter.” Also emphasized are
the excellent transportation connections with the Forch railway
and tram line, which run past
the building just a few meters
away. The building conceived for
those of discriminating taste is
completely bedded on vibrationisolating polyurethane elastomer
mats from Angst + Pfister.
The mats effectively insulate the
structure of the building against
tremors and vibrations produced
by trams, underground trains
and motor vehicles.
Differentiated elastic bedding of
The permanent static load on the insulating material is the crucial factor in designing the elastic bedding of buildings.
This can vary greatly in different areas
of the foundation surface, depending on
the weight of the superposed building
elements. It is therefore important to use
vibration-isolating mats with varying
densities in order to ensure that the absorption capacity of the entire basement
surface is approximately the same when
using mats of a uniform thickness, for
example 25 mm. Since SYLOMER® mats
are available in nine different densities,
Angst + Pfister was able to meet the differentiated demands of the static load
calculated by the structural dynamics
specialists by intricately positioning the
vibration-isolating mats with varying
Expertly executed
Well-insulated against vibrations despite heavy traffic
In centrally located Kreuzplatz in Zurich,
a residential building also housing
business premises has been built by
KGP Kyncl Architekten GmbH. The
building includes ten two-and-a-halfroom apartments – two of which are
penthouses – and one three-and-a-halfroom apartment. The furnished apartments with loft-like floor plans feature
spacious rooms, panorama windows, a
spa-style bathroom designed for daily
relaxation, and many more details that
create an elegant and stylish atmosphere.
Highest standard of housing quality
The apartments are primarily targeted
at wealthy businesspeople temporarily
stationed in Zurich. The building stands
along a major transportation axis with
tram, underground train and automobile
traffic. That gives the residents excellent
transportation connections right on their
doorstep. However, traffic produces
tremors and vibrations that can be transferred to buildings. Hence, it was very
important to effectively and reliably insulate the oasis of business apartments
designed for people expecting the best
against these nuisances.
Angst + Pfister delivered the pre-cut
SYLOMER® mats to the construction site.
After the mats were positioned on the
base layer according to the plan, the
seams between the mats were covered
with adhesive tape to prevent concrete
from entering. As an added precaution,
before the concrete floor slab was
poured, protective sheeting was placed
on the vibration-isolating mats, which
functioned as lost formwork.
Angst + Pfister’s antivibration technology
specialists supervised and inspected
the installation work to ensure that the
SYLOMER® mats were correctly placed.
Bedding an entire building on SYLOMER®
mats is not a complicated procedure.
The risk of creating acoustical bridges
due to installation errors is very small
and can be avoided by taking simple
precautions. The wall-to-wall bedding
transmits the load forces of the building
to the ground below over a wide area.
Structural vibration of the foundation
slab can largely be avoided by keeping
the bedding surface flat.
Enhancement of market value
is sought after by wealthy apartment
hunters. Bedding the business apartment
building in Zurich’s bustling Kreuzplatz
on vibration-isolating SYLOMER® mats
conjoined the generally incompatible attributes of quiet luxury and central location, thus increasing the building’s market value.
Take advantage of Angst + Pfister’s experience and expertise. Please contact us to
order documentation on SYLOMER® or
to arrange a consultation with our specialists.
Your contact:
Marco Kölbi
Angst + Pfister AG, 8052 Zürich, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)44 306 63 45
Peaceful and luxurious living space coupled with excellent transportation connections in the heart of Zurich is a rare
combination on the housing market that
Optimization potential
Disturbance frequency
25 to 160 Hz
Vibration without antivibration bedding
Structure-borne noise without antivibration bedding
0.2 mm/s
36 dBA
Natural frequency of 25 mm bedding
3 Hz
Mathematical reduction
of total structure-borne noise
–13 dBA
Vibration with antivibration bedding
Structure-borne noise with antivibration bedding
0.15 mm/s
23 dBA
Nine different densities enable a perfect distribution of the static load.
SYLOMER® is a registered trademark
of Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH.
Photos: KGP Kyncl Architekten
Enjoying leisure time safely
Hans Fretz, Product Application Engineer
Thousands of visitors flock
each day to the new Westside
Shopping and Leisure Center
on the edge of the city of Bern
in Switzerland. Safety is a
top priority, even when enjoying shopping and leisure activities. Behind the scenes at
the Westside mall, innovative
multi-control technology from
Angst + Pfister guarantees
absolutely reliable emergency
lighting so that visitors can
enjoy Westside without any
Something is always going on at the
Westside Shopping and Leisure Center:
shoppers hustle and bustle through
the mall’s 55 stores on three floors,
families with children flock to the new
water park and spa, and an 11-screen
multiplex cinema and ten restaurants
invite visitors to linger. In addition, a
144-room hotel and a senior residency
center are directly attached to the
shopping and leisure complex. With
the architectural ensemble created
by star architect Daniel Libeskind, Bern
has gained not only an impressive eyecatcher, but has especially acquired
a lively attraction. Westside celebrated
its millionth visitor just 50 days after
its opening in October 2008.
Challenge for safety technology
The more visitors such an attraction
draws, the greater the safety requirements. For all areas of the Westside
complex, it must be guaranteed that
visitors and residents can quickly and
safely exit the building in the event
of a power outage or fire. The fastest
way out must be signposted in a way
that makes the signs immediately visible from every angle. It goes without
saying that the escape route lighting
must never malfunction, especially not
in an emergency situation. And that
goes for the entire Westside complex
– from the water park to the shopping
mall, to the underground parking
garage and all the way to the hotel
and the senior residency center. A sophisticated emergency lighting system
is therefore hidden behind the facades
of the building. An innovative central
battery system from Angst+Pfister
ensures that the emergency lighting
works 100 percent reliably.
Multi-control central battery system
Exterior view of the Westside Shopping and Leisure Center
The Westside Shopping and Leisure Center opened in
October 2008.
connected, making it possible to power
and monitor up to 6,144 electrical circuits and 122,880 luminaires.
Custom consulting and engineering
The Burkhalter Group, which is responsible for the safety technology at
Westside, decided to deploy a total of
24 multi-control lighting units from
Angst + Pfister. The multi-control emergency lighting system combines
the two most important functions of
a major security system: reliable offgrid power supply and continual control over all emergency lights. Both
functions are absolutely imperative in
a major project like Westside.
Bernaqua water park and spa in the Westside Shopping
and Leisure Center
Architekturfotografie A. Gempeler
One system, two functions
The multi-control units from Angst + Pfister
contain a central battery system that
supplies the emergency lighting with
electricity in the event of power grid
disruptions. All common emergency
lighting such as LED luminaires, fluorescent tubes and low-voltage halogen
lamps can be hooked up to this system.
The central unit gives you free rein
to program whether the lighting is to
remain on continually or to operate
in standby mode. Each of the 19-inch
multi-control units offers the possibility
to optionally interconnect up to 96
final circuits with direct or alternating
The central battery enables you to
check with one and the same system
whether all of the lights and circuits are
working. Even just one malfunctioning
escape route luminaire can lead to
confusion and panic. Defective luminaires therefore must be immediately
located and replaced. The multi-control
unit registers and reports changes in
the connected circuits caused by luminaire failure and stores the measurement results for five years. Angst + Pfister
can also supply the multi-control unit
with a supplementally equipped central
computer monitor that displays all of
the connected luminaires on a graphic
building floor plan. If a luminaire malfunctions, a fault message indicating
the exact location is immediately generated.
For the Westside Shopping and Leisure
Center, Angst+Pfister designed a multicontrol installation with 24 units that
optimally meets the Burkhalter Group’s
special specifications and is perfectly
tailored to the Westside complex. You,
too, can make use of Angst + Pfister’s
consulting and engineering service
for your own custom application.
Angst + Pfister has decades of experience in safety and security technology.
We combine experience and expertise
with enthusiasm for technical innovation. Our engineers will work together
with you to devise the ideal solution for
your custom application.
Your contact:
Philipp Fässler
Angst+Pfister AG, 8052 Zürich, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 (0)44 306 66 03
Deploying the multi-control unit also
considerably simplifies the installation
work: no additional wiring needs to be
laid to control the luminaires. Two to
up to 64 units can be modularly inter-
News flashes
The Elero Junior 0E
Angst + Pfister is supplier of the Elero
Junior 0E – a linear actuator that combines all of the attributes that the Elero
name stands for. Extremely compact
yet powerful, the Elero Junior 0E impressively asserts its claim of being
best in class among comparably sized
linear actuators. It is the only one of
its kind that comes with intelligent electronics. Additional auxiliary switching
devices are superfluous because the
Elero has its own “brain”.
Programming the integrated electronics
of the Elero Junior 0E is child’s play.
Up to four different positions can be
saved and selected using digital signals.
Despite its enormous power density
and outstanding performance, the robust
Elero Junior 0E is offered at a very reasonable price.
BRECO® and BRECOFLEX® timing belts – APSOdrive® solutions for Europe
BRECO® and BRECOFLEX® timing
belts stand for unstinting quality and
a wide selection of variations, and
APSOdrive® stands for expert engineering and maximum customer
service in the field of drive technology. The APSOdrive® solutions developed by Angst + Pfister are individually tailored to customers’ needs.
APSOdrive® solutions stand out for
their unparalleled flexibility and
reflect Angst + Pfister’s uncompromising focus on customers.
As a Europe-wide supplier of BRECO®
and BRECOFLEX® timing belts,
Angst + Pfister guarantees a consistently high service standard for each
country. Customers receive sophisticated drive technology solutions
from under one roof with all of the
attendant advantages: just-in-time procurement logistics lower your costs,
and the high product availability of
BRECO® and BRECOFLEX® timing
belts enables fast delivery times to all
European destinations. And it goes
without saying that this is all continually accompanied by Angst + Pfister’s
experience and technical expertise,
APSOfluid® SILVERPRESS KOTT-GLIDE®: Flexible and durable
KOTT-GLIDE® hose from Angst + Pfister,
there is definitely “much more to it than
meets the eye.” The reason for its
unique properties is concealed behind
its stainless steel braid. Thanks to an
innovative manufacturing process for
the inner hose, the APSOfluid® SILVERPRESS KOTT-GLIDE® is exceptionally
kink-proof and stands out for its extreme flexibility. This gives it a much
longer life expectancy and makes it
easier to handle.
As a connection hose for beverage
vending machines and drinking water
equipment, the APSOfluid® SILVERPRESS KOTT-GLIDE® naturally has all of
the necessary authorizations and compliance certifications such as KTW A,
W 270, DVGW W 543, WRAS,
KIWA, ACS, ETA and NSF 61/9. However, customers benefit from more
than just the excellent quality of the
hose. Its longer service life means
that its price-performance proposition
is also very attractive.
from the first step to the last. Europe
is closing ranks – for APSOdrive® solutions with BRECO® and BRECOFLEX®
timing belts.
Angst + Pfister – Your Supply and Solut ions Partner
The Angst + Pfister Group is a leading international technical distributor
and service provider for high-end industrial components. As a supply
and solutions partner for engineering plastics, sealing, fluid-handling,
drive, and antivibration technology as well as sensors, Angst + Pfister
combines efficient logistics concepts with comprehensive product
application engineering services. Besides providing customer-specific
parts, the group offers a product range consisting of approximately
100,000 standard items.
Our core product divisions
APSOplast ® Engineering
Plast ics Technology
Sealing Technology
APSOfluid® Fluid
Handling Technology
APSOvib® Ant ivibrat ion
Drive Technology
Angst + Pfister AG
Thurgauerstrasse 66
CH-8052 Zürich
Phone +41 (0) 44 306 61 11
Fax +41 (0) 44 302 18 71
Angst + Pfister GmbH
Schulze-Delitzsch-Strasse 38
DE-70565 Stuttgart
Phone +49 (0) 711 48 999 2-0
Fax +49 (0) 711 48 999 2-69
Angst + Pfister S.p.A.
Via Montefeltro 4
IT-20156 Milano
Phone +39 02 30087.1
Fax +39 02 30087.100
Angst + Pfister N.V. S.A.
Kleine Laan 26c
BE-9100 Sint-Niklaas
Phone +32 (0) 3 778 0128
Fax +32 (0) 3 777 8398
Angst + Pfister Ges.m.b.H.
Floridsdorfer Hauptstrasse 1/E
AT-1210 Wien
Phone +43 (0) 1 258 46 01-0
Fax +43 (0) 1 258 46 01-98
Angst + Pfisterr B.V.
Boerhaavelaan 19
NL-2713 HA Zoetermeer
Phone +31 (0) 79 320 3700
Fax +31 (0) 79 320 3799
Angst + Pfister Trade (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
Rm 1402, West Tower
Zhong Rong Hengrui Building
No. 560 Zhangyang Road
CN-Shanghai 200122
Phone +86 (0) 21 5169 5005
Fax +86 (0) 21 5835 8618
Angst + Pfister SA
Boîte Postale 50115
33, rue des Chardonnerets
ZAC Paris Nord ll
FR-95950 Roissy CDG CEDEX
Phone +33 (0) 1 48 63 20 80
Fax +33 (0) 1 48 63 26 90
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