Homecoming 2009 - University of the Ozarks


Homecoming 2009 - University of the Ozarks
Monday, Feb. 9, 2009 * Volume 11, Issue 9
A bi-weekly newsletter published by the University of the Ozarks Public Relations Office
Theatre students
to direct plays
Ozarks theatre students Grace Anne
Harnish, Annie Mitchell and Phillip Perez
will each direct one-act performances on
Feb. 12 and 13 in the Seay Theatre.
The performances will begin at 7:30
p.m. each day. Admission is free for the
campus community. The three student
directors are presenting the plays as partial
fulfillment of the advanced directing class.
Harnish, a senior theatre major from
West Fork, Ark., will direct Words, Words,
Words by David Ives. The play recalls the
adage that three monkeys typing into infinity
will sooner or later produce Hamlet.The
cast includes Joshua Ryan Tarvin, Chip
Robison and Rebecca Arnold.
Mitchell, a senior threate major from
Yellville, Ark., will direct Foreplay, or the
Art of Fugue by Ives. The play tells the
story of Chuck, a would-be Don Juan in
three rounds of seduction with different
women on a miniature golf course. The cast
includes Justin Hughes, Brigitte Bridoux,
Andrew Heim, Kalea Bennett, Martin
Morales and Jordyn Campbell.
Perez, a senior theatre major from Fort
Worth, Texas, will direct Christopher
Durang’s For Whom the Southern Belle
Tolls, a hilarious parody of the classic
Tennessee Williams play The Glass
Menagerie. The cast includes Jacqueline
Jurcik, Travis Perusich, Brandon Heard
and Lindsey Humphries.
The crew for all three productions will
include Huston Hall as light board operator;
Catalina Ruiz as sound board operator,
Danielle Stover as stage manager; Erin
Fuller as box office manager; Jena Moreau
as house manager; Professor Bruce B.
Brown as technical director; Professor Pat
Farmer as class instructor; and Lissa
Malcom, Harnish, Perez and Alex
Chandler as stage crew ushers.
Homecoming 2009
The University's 2009 Homecoming royalty included (from left) Martha Vasquez, Mindy
Choo, Taylor Jacks, Lea Rana, Brett Spahn, Melanie Fitts, Queen Emma Bottoroff,
King Shaun Renfro, Lydia Rodriguez, Kristina Mariswamy, Zach Doty, Taylor
Crutchfield, Jack Rossmaier and Joey Hughes.
Female pop quartet visiting campus
The Lascivious Biddies, an all-female
pop quartet out of New York City, will
perform at Ozarks on Tuesday, Feb. 17, as
part of the Walton Arts & Ideas Series.
Tickets are free for the campus
community. The concert begins at 7 p.m. in
the Walton Fine Arts Center on the
Clarksville campus.
The Lascivious Biddies are known for
blending jazz, pop, and cabaret with fourpart harmonies for a fresh, genre-defying
sound. The quartet includes Deidre Rodman
Struck on piano, melodica and vocals; Lee
Ann Westover on lead vocals; Saskia Lane
on bass and vocals; and Ila Cantor on guitar
and vocals.
The band has gained a steady following
and has performed its energetic and tightly
woven show in some of the nation’s hottest
venues. They have appeared on The Food
Network, The Discovery Channel and
Fuse TV, and their music has been featured
on National Public Radio and the BBC.
They have released two CDs and two EPs,
including Love You Mean It in 2007.
The Washington Post calls them
“Manhattan’s hippest girl group,” and The
Austin American Statesman states, “If the
Donna’s are rock’s answer to girl power,
then The Lascivious Biddies are jazz’s
answer to female singularity.” The
Orlando Sentinel said, “Surprising also
might describe The Lascivious Biddies, a
charming, musically skilled and stylistically
diverse group that reflects the broad range
of influences of its members.”
The Mountain Eagle Returns
Building the annual budget is always a challenge, but the
2009-2010 budget has been the most challenging one since I
have been President. There were no easy decisions. We
had hoped to do so much more within the budget than we
were able to accomplish, and I am disappointed by that. I
do not need to explain the state, national, and international
economic situation. We are all being affected in negative
ways, personally and professionally, and the outlook for the
new year is not much better. It may be of little consolation,
but we are in better shape than many of our peer
The major goals as we developed the 2009-2010 budget
were two-fold: (1) not to diminish the current quality of
education for students; and (2) for us to maintain what we
already have and not add anything new. While other
campuses are incorporating budget cuts, hiring freezes, and
personnel reductions in their 2009-2010 budgets, we built a
budget to keep what we have in place. Even that was a
challenge. Several other campuses have implemented midyear cuts and/or tuition and fee increases, increases that
took affect this January.
Budgets are framed around revenues and expenses. In
troubled economic times, revenues shrink while expenses
continue to grow. That is what we are facing, and it is
reflected in the budget. I appreciate the work that Jeff
Scaccia, Chief Financial Officer, does to monitor our budget
on a daily basis and to keep us on a positive fiscal track.
I want to thank the members of the Campuswide
Budget Committee for their advice, insights, and assistance.
If you have questions about the new budget, anyone of us is
available to try and answer them.
President – Rick Niece
Executive Vice President – Steve Edmisten
VP for Academic Affairs – Daniel Taddie
VP of Enrollment Management – Kim Myrick
Business Manager – Darrell Williams
Chief Financial Officer – Jeff Scaccia
Dean of Residential & Campus Life – Sherrie Arey
Chair, Division of Business, Communications, & Government
– Robert Hilton
Chair, Division of Sciences and Mathematics – Frank Knight
Chair, Division of Humanities and Fine Arts – David Strain
Chair, Division of Education – George Stone
Jones Learning Center Director – Julia Frost
Director of Institutional Research – Randy Peterson
Director of Athletics – Jimmy Clark
Director of Library Operations – Stuart Stelzer
The University's newspaper, The Mountain Eagle, was resurrected
this semester after a 10-year hiatus thanks to an energectic and
determined group of communications students and their advisor
Holli Weiss. The Mountain Eagle staff includes (front row, from
left) Robyn Crow, Editor-in-Chief Kristina Mariswamy, Mayra
Hoch, Janine Armstrong, Jessica Reed, Leyla Tuckler, (back row,
from left) Andrew Swindler, Taylor Jacks and Todd Koch. Not
pictured are Rebekah Reed and Mindy Choo.
Kilgore photography is featured
The University’s Stephens Art Gallery will host the exhibit,
Andrew Kilgore: Portraits of Arkansas, throughout the month of
February as part of the Artist of the Month Series.
The exhibit will run through Feb. 27 in the gallery, located in
the Walton Fine Arts Center.
The Portraits of Arkansas exhibit is comprised of selections
from the Arkansas Arts Center Foundation Collection. It contains
highlights from three photographic series by Kilgore: We Drew
a Circle, Fayetteville Townsfolk, and Developing Character at
the Arkansas Repertory Theatre. Each of the series provided an
intimate glimpse into a community of people within the state of
A native of Charlottesville, Va., Kilgore is a former Protestant
minister, Peace Corp volunteer in India, and mobility instructor
for blind and disabled children in Texas. He helped develop the
photography program at the University of Arkansas in the mid1970s before becoming a commercial photographer.
Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees – Brian Hardman
University Senate Moderator – Doug Jeffries
Elected Faculty Representative – Bill Doria
Elected Professional Staff Representative – Sherry Davis
Elected Support Staff Representative – Tom Willis
Student Representative – Travis Murnan
Student Representative – Martha Vasques
Student Representative – Zi Jian Khor
Dr. Rick Niece
Intramural 5-on-5 Basketball Sign-ups
begin Monday, Feb. 16, in the Student Life
Office. Contact Bo Funderburk for more
information ... Walton Arts and Ideas
Series presents The Lascivious Biddies
Tuesday, Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. in Walton main
theatre ... Falstaff Submissions are due
to cshannon@ozarks.edu by Feb. 20 ...
RA Applications are available in the
Student Life Office. Completed forms
must be submitted by Friday, Feb. 20.
Contact Student Life for more information
... Student Directed One-Acts featuring
plays directed by Grace Harnish, Phillip
Perez and Annie Mitchell will be Thursday
and Friday Feb. 12 and 13 in Walton at
7:30 p.m. Convocation Credit will be
available ... Presbytery of Arkansas
Weekend is Friday and Saturday Feb. 20
and 21 ... CAB Free Movie Weekend is
Friday through Sunday Feb. 20-22 ...
2/9- Basketball Home, 5:30 & 7:30 p.m.
2/10- Assessment Day, Chapel*, 11 a.m.
Amnesty 9 p.m., Angel Hall
2/11-Administrative Council 2 p.m., Planet
Club Movie Screening*, 6:30 p.m., WH/
133, Mindfullness Series*, 7 p.m., BOT,
OBS 7 p.m., S/B 129
2/12- Facilities Meeting, 11 a.m., Ozarks
Otakus, 6 p.m., S/B 129, Student Directed
One Acts*, 7:30 p.m., Walton
2/13- Baseball Home, 1:30 p.m., Student
Directed One Acts*, 7:30 p.m., Walton
2/14- Basketball Home, 1 & 3 p.m., Sports
Hall of Fame, CAB Dating Game, 7:30
p.m., Student Center
2/15- CCM Mass*, 4:30 p.m., Chapel
2/16- CHANGE: Movie Night*, 7 p.m.,
2/17- Chapel*, 11 a.m., MCM, 12 p.m.,
Angel Hall, Baseball Home, 1:30 p.m.,
WAIS; The Lascivious Biddies*, Walton
2/18-History and Film*, 7 p.m., WH-133
2/20-21-Presbytery of Arkansas, Baseball
Home, Movie Weekend
2/22-6:30 p.m. RA Group Process, 9 p.m.
SGA/BOT Movie Weekend
Ashley Teague
Ashley Teague is a freshman strategic
communications major and a member of
the Lady Eagles’ basketball team from
Lavaca, Arkansas. She has one brother,
and a miniture yorkie named Teagan.
What brought you to Ozarks?: No
matter where I went, people would
always say good things about the
University of the Ozarks. It may be a
small campus, but it is known all over
for being a great school. When I
came to visit the campus everyone
was so welcoming, and I could just
see myself making this my new home.
Usually people don’t make their
college decisions until their senior
year, but I knew by the time I was a
junior that this is where I wanted to
be. I’m also getting to play the sport I
love here, so it doesn’t get much
better than that.
What have been some of your
favorite memories so far?: Late
night trips to Dodge’s. You guys
weren’t kidding when you said it was
the greatest. Even if you're not
buying anything the trip is still worth
it. In the car ride over and the car
ride back someone usually does
something pretty unforgettable.
What do you plan on doing after
graduation?: After graduation I plan
on going to Law School, as well as
getting a job somewhere in the
communications field. I hope to one
day be involved in politics of some
kind, and have my own law firm.
What activities/organizations are
you involved in on campus?: Lady
Eagle’s Basketball Team, Peer Board,
and Intramurals.
What were you most scared of
coming into college?: I was probably the most scared of the community bathrooms. I’m kind of a germ-aphobe. Other than that I was pretty
sure college and I would get along
What is your favorite movie?: The
Pursuit of Happyness and Love and
Basketball. The list changes daily,
but those two have managed to stay
at the top.
What is something very few people
know about you?: I have really
random music tastes. When people
first hear my Ipod they’re usually
surprised. I love everything.
If you were stranded on a desert
island, what could you not live
without?: My Ipod. I love to have
karoke sessions, so as long as I had
my music I think I would be okay.
What are some of your hobbies?: I
love playing basketball or any sport,
really, going to the lake, canoeing.
Where is the best place you have
been on vacation?: I would have to
say my trip to Washington, DC. It
was for a youth leadership conference, so it wasn’t really a vacation,
but it was an amazing trip. I had
never flown before, or seen a city
that big.
What is a word you would use to
describe yourself?: Driven.
What do you like to do in your free
time?: I enjoy staying busy, so
playing all kinds of sports, watching
movies, and just spending time with
friends and family.
If you could invite any three people
to dinner, whom would you invite?:
Pat Summit, because she is my hero;
The Breakfast Club --- what a
variety of personalities; and Kenny
Eagles fall at home
to MC and LC
The Eagles' basketball team dropped
to 8-8 in the American Southwest
Conference after home losses to
Mississippi College and Louisiana College
last week.
Louisiana College drilled 11 threepointers and Josh Johnson scored 30 points
to upend the Eagles 95-78 Saturday in
ASC action.
The Wildcats hit eight three’s in the
first half to hold a 43-33 lead at intermission.
Ozarks (10-11) held the lead early in the
first half before back-to-back threepointers gave Louisiana College a 27-17
advantage with 10:13 on the clock. Jeremy
Clark’s layup trimmed the deficit to 32-26
five minutes later, but the Wildcats
extended it to 37-26 with a three at the
3:48 mark.
Louisiana College took advantage of
29 second half free throw attempts to
stave off an Ozarks’ rally. Meanwhile, the
officiating crew sent Ozarks to the line just
seven times. The Eagles cut it to single
digits only four times in the final 20 minutes,
the final coming with 12:23 remaining. Tony
Daniels layup with 14:57 left put Ozarks
within 60-52, its closest of the second half.
Chris Williams had 17 second half points,
but Johnson matched that total.
Williams ended with 28 points and 9
Ozarks senior forward Tony Daniels drives around a Missisippi College
defender during a recent game at Mabee Gym.
rebounds. Clark and Blake Mitchem scored
11 and 10 points, respectively.
In last Thursday's 95-80 loss to
Mississippi College, Clark led Ozarks with
16 points.
Ozarks will host UT-Dallas Monday at
7:30 p.m. The game can be heard locally
on KXIO 106.9 FM.
Louisiana College slips past Lady Eagles
Christy Pantallion came off the bench and scored a team-high 21 points, including a
jumper with 39 seconds left and a pair of free throws with 4 seconds to go, to lift
Louisiana College to a 74-70 win over Ozarks in conference play Saturday.
Olivia Fisher tied the game at 70-70 with 2:15 remaining, but Pantallion hit an inside
shot with time running down to put the Wildcats (13-7, 9-7) up 72-70. Ozarks (5-16, 313) then missed on its next possession and the Wildcats snagged the rebound, forcing
Ozarks to foul Pantallion. She calmly sank two free throws to seal the game. Louisiana
College led 34-27 at the half and had a 32-22 lead with 2:47 left, but Ozarks got baskets
from Ally Goddard and Ashley Teague to trim it to 32-27.
The second half saw Lacey Phillips and Olivia Fisher combine for 26 points, with
Phillips hitting three three-pointers in the first five minutes, and her third cutting the
deficit to 42-38. Louisiana College built a 55-44 advantage at the 11:27 mark, however
the Lady Eagles stormed back to get within 56-54 on Phillips’ two shots from the
charity stripe. Trailing 68-62 with 4:37 remaining, Fisher and Teague each had shots to
make it 68-66. Ozarks never took the lead and could only tie it once in the second half.
Phillips hit all five of her three-point attempts and finished with 22 points. Fisher had
16 points and 10 rebounds. Fisher also contributed 6 assists and 3 steals. Teague ended
with 10 points. Ozarks hit 8-of-15 from the three-point line.
Eagles Pound Hendrix
The Eagles baseball team opened
the 2009 season with a 12-4 victory over
Hendrix College before dropping three
straight games at the Wilson/DeMarini
Classic in Jackson, Miss.
Ozarks roughed up five Hendrix
pitchers while holding the Warriors
scoreless in the first three and one-third
innings of play. Ozarks senior first
baseman Todd Koch broke a scoreless
game with a single up the middle to score
a pair of runs in the third. Ozarks scored
four times on four hits in the bottom of
the fourth, highlighted by a two-run triple
by David Smith.
Jonathan Cox went three and onethird innings, fanning five and allowing
just one hit. John Scheuring, Bill Smith
and Bobby Osburn also logged time on
the mound for Ozarks. Ozarks offensive
attack was led by Bruce Cameron’s 3for-4 performance. Smith and Cory
Briggs each went 2-for-5. Smith drove
in 3 runs and scored four times.
In Jackson, the Eagles lost to
Rhodes College 15-8, Millsaps 9-5 and
LaGrange College 7-5 to fall to 1-3 on
the season.