sandbox days peoria beerfest - Bloomington


sandbox days peoria beerfest - Bloomington
April 2009
What’s Inside
• sandbox days
• peoria beerfeest
• from the president
• chili’s fundraiser
• social corner
• 5k walk/run
• wine tasting
• management memo
• my jaycee memory
• idvp corner
• member/new member
of the quarter
• picture pages
P.O Box 42
Bloomington, IL 61702
Membership meetings:
Second Wednesday
Of every month at Central Station
in downtown Bloomington @ 7:00
sandbox days
saturday, may 16
by craig bryce, chair
andbox Days 2009 is
coming soon! We are
delivering on Saturday, May 16th,
starting at 9am. Depending on the
number of orders we have, we
will need two to three teams delivering sand to the children’s
sandboxes, local
daycares, and
maybe even
school playgrounds. A call
for volunteers
was made at the
April 8th
meeting. If you were unable to
attend and have interest in participating please e-mail Craig Bryce
In the past this has been a
very successful event, and we
hope to continue this tradition and
make the numbers grow. The sand
is donated from Rowe Construction, and the truck is donated from
Johnston Contractors. The flyers
are printed at a reduced rate by
BOPI Printing. The impact on the
Bloomington-Normal Jaycees is
amazing! Everyone has wonderful
time delivering
sand to children all over
the community
and the kids we
deliver to are
very excited.
The flyer and order form for
the event have been included at
the end of this newsletter for easy
reproduction. Please ask your coworkers, family, friends, and
neighbors if they would like to
benefit from this great fundraiser.
Orders can be called into (309)
823-0509 or faxed to Alicia at
(309) 994-3436.
peoria beerfest
by chad bevers
he Peoria Beerfest is
coming up soon, and
we’re looking for some volunteers
to help them out. We’ll carpool
over there to make it easy on everyone that would like to attend.
We would like to show our support for their event, and hopefully
they’ll be able to send some folks
our way to help us out with
Bruegala this year.
Their festival is
April 17th and
18th. I think it
would be nice to get a group together for the Saturday portion as
that is their busiest time. Anyone
that is interested please contact
Chad via email at .
Mark your
from the president
timothy bill, 2009 president
Don’t Forget We
Are Still a
ast month my
letter encouraged everyone to have fun during
their time as a Jaycee. This month
I want to follow up with a reminder that we are a group dedicated to service to our community.
Success in the community service
arena takes time and effort from us
Service to our community is a
great quality of the Jaycees. It is
our way to give back to the community that gives us so much.
Community service allows us to
make our community a better
place. Community service is so
important to our organization that
we have a dedicated board member to this aspect.
To ensure we are able to do
great work in our community we
need to raise funds. Not only for
charity, but for our chapter, allowing us the funding to run our community service projects. We find
fundraising is such an important
aspect of our organization we have
a dedicated board member to this
aspect as well.
What does community service
and fundraising have in common?
They both take a lot of time, effort
and, specific to this article, volunteers. Without volunteers many of
our projects would not be nearly as
successful as they are. We would
not be able make as much of a
difference in our community without volunteers.
It is easy to get caught up in
the social portion of the Jaycees
and forget that there are other aspects to our organization. Like I
mentioned in past articles, we
should try to have fun with everything we do, be we have to remember what it is we do. We build leadership through community service.
In order to build leadership through
community service we need to volunteer.
• April 14
book club
• April 15
chili’s pepper profit program
• April 19
5k walk/run
I encourage you all to volunteer for the next project in which
you are dreading. Chances are if
you are hesitating to volunteer for
that project, someone else is hesitating as well. If everyone who is hesitating doesn’t volunteer then the
event may be short on the volunteers needed for success. Try calling your fellow members and asking if they are going to attend. If
they are, decide to go. If they are
not, decide as a group to all go.
Also, please do not assume there
will be enough volunteers at an
event, because that may not be the
This article is not suggesting
everyone has to volunteer for every
Jaycee event. We all know people
can get burn-out from volunteering
too much. However, I ask that you
realize not every event will be an
incredibly exciting experience, but
volunteer for a couple of those
events anyway. Besides, the event
will be what you make of it.
We should still focus on having
as much fun as we can this year;
yet, remember our success depends
greatly on volunteers
Here’s to a great 2009!
Timothy Bill
Save the Date
Jaycee Garage Sale
May 30th
More details to come!
• April 23
wine tasting @ a renee
• April 29
new member orientation
• May 16
sandbox days
• May 30
jaycee garage sale
Chili’s fundraiser
by wendy bill, chair
or all of those who went out
to support the Boys and
Girls Club now is your turn to help
your very own organization! We’ve
set up a Chili’s Profit Event for the
Jaycees and 10% of all sales will
come back to the BN Jaycees. The
open to
Wednesday, April 15th, and includes
any DINE IN or TO GO orders purchased with the voucher attached to
this newsletter.
Please try to get a group together
for lunch or dinner. We are having a
Jaycees social that evening at Chili’s
at 6 pm. If you plan to attend, please
RSVP to Wendy Bill at
Please pass out vouchers to
friends, family, co-workers and other
organizations to help support the
The Social Corner
by carol o’connell, 2009 social director
n Friday, March 27th,
the Bloomington Normal Jaycees hosted Single & the
Twin Cities from 4-7 at Fat Jacks;
in years past this event was actually 5 Minute Dating. This year
we changed the outline so that
participants would feel more relaxed, comfortable and able to
mingle with others at their own
We had a turnout of 22 singles, but the most important part
is that a few matches were found
and phone numbers were exchanged. We also have 4 potential new members through the
event! A donation will be made
to the family of Emilio Gravez
from a portion of the proceeds
and through a donation box that
was placed on the registration
This event wouldn't have
been a success without the help of
several donations and your fellow
Jaycees. Thanks for all your help!
First Friday Happy Hours
What a great turnout we've
had for First Friday Happy Hours!
Thanks to everyone who attended
April's First Friday Happy Hour at
Maguire's, we had 23 members
and 8 potential new members in
attendance! A few of us went to
the Prairie Thunder Hockey
Game, but unfortunately we weren't good luck to the team.
Get out your planner and
mark May 1st on your calendar
for the May First Friday Happy
See the personal invitation
info below:
The Atrium Restaurant and
Lounge would like to extend an
offer to the Bloomington Normal
Jaycees to have a Complimentary
Hors d'oeuvres Party at the
Atrium Restaurant and Lounge
located inside the Parke Hotel &
Conference Center -- "Central
Illinois' Only Boutique Hotel."
Executive Chef,
Brad Wagoner and his culinary
Team. They will delight you with
such items as boursin bruschetta,
crab-stuffed mushroom caps,
fresh crudités and a worldly array
of cheeses and crackers, just to
name a few. A cash bar will be
Friday, May 1st
Hors D'oeurves served 4:30-6:30
Cocktails served 4:30 - ?
Honestly, what's better than
FREE hors d'oeuvres and hanging
out with your fellow Jaycees to
wind down the work week!
If you have any ideas for a JC
social this summer, please shoot
me an email! No idea is a bad
idea! Social events are a great
time to bring around friends and/
or co-workers that are interested
in learning more about the Jaycees and show them how much
fun we have!
This event will include a luxurious
setting for you and your colleagues to cocktail and mingle
while enjoying a complimentary,
dazzling display of hors d'oeuvres
prepared by the Parke Hotel’s
NOTE: The date of our July
First Friday Happy Hour will
NOT be on Friday, July 3rd.
More details to come!
The event is coming along so
incredibly nicely, and I am completely amazed at all the support,
interest, and the number of people
who have known someone who
passed away from pancreatic cancer. It's never talked about! And,
maybe it's just because we are
now more aware of the disease
(which is part of the goal, right?)
that we hear about it more. I am
not going to give numbers on sign
-ups, sponsors, etc, because it is
changing everyday, but I will tell
that it's
to be
People from all over the country
are coming out for this event
(farthest I think is California). So,
keep spreading the word, get
those registration forms in, and
can't wait to see you all on April
19, 2009. Keep your fingers
crossed that the weather cooperates.
5k walk/run
katy griesemer, chair
f you have run a project
before, you know how I
am feeling right now, less than
two weeks (one week depending
on when you are reading this)
away from this first time event. I
am stressed, nervous, excited,
humbled, and so many other emotions are coming out of me that I
can't describe. We have the shirts,
we have the bracelets, we have
the sponsors, we have donations,
and we have sign-ups. What more
could a girl ask for in this project?
wine tasting: april 23, a. renee
az wazeer, chair
he Wine tasting was
rescheduled due to a
conflict. Our event will now be
held on Thursday, the 23rd of
April, from 6:30p - 8p. It will be
held at A. Renee.
A. Renee is an eclectic boutique that features artisan wine
(global, small batch), luxurious
gourmet (farmstead cheeses, dips,
olives, etc.), decadent chocolates
(exotic, Belgian, organic, cookies,
etc.), candles, gifts, accessories
and much more!
They are located at 306 N.
Center St., downtown Bloomington (one block North of
Maguire's, same side of street this is a one way street). You can
also visit their website at to see pictures
and further information about
their store.
Tasting Details: The evening
will consist of a progressive
winetasting and nice hors
d'oeuvres spread with guided
reference from our wine
steward, Amy Calhoun .
The extent of the selections will depend on the
number of confirmed people
in attendance, But we will have a
minimum of 5-6 wines based on
the interest generated at our last
membership meeting and more
depending on the number of people attending. I will be responsible for making the payment so
please make sure I get your
check / money ( $15 / person ) by
Tuesday the 21st of April. It can
be mailed to me at: 1108 Show
Creek Lane, Normal, IL 61761
If you have further questions
or want to make alternate payment arrangements, feel free to
contact me on my cell @ 531
Please let me
know if
there are any
that you
would like
(e.g. mostly
like dry
wines, only reds, something from
Chile, etc.), if there are no preferences we will be certain to select
a nice array of different and uncommon items to experiment
I am hoping this will be a
great opportunity to socialize with
each other and any of your
friends / family / co-workers.
Please spread the word - the more
the merrier!
Look forward to seeing you
management memo
shawn hodina, management vp
First off, I would like to
thank everyone who has volunteered to chair events so far this
year. So, to Carol O’Connell,
Chad Bevers, Meghan Swords,
Wendy Bill, and Sarah Cantrell, I
say “thank you” for volunteering
to run these events and for taking
time out of your busy schedules.
The Single in the Twin Cities
event on March 27th was a success. There were 23 participants
present and we brought in $120
for charity. Also, three new members joined as a result. In addition,
there is already interest for next
year’s event.
As far as upcoming events, if
you are going to be in town on
April 15th, please dine in or carry
out from Chili’s sometime during
the day since 10% of the revenue
will be donated back to the Jaycees. The flyers are available
online on the Jaycees website or
via e-mail if you contact Wendy
or Tim Bill. Also, we are having a
social event at the Veterans Parkway location at 6 pm if you can
make it. Again, we are getting
10% of the revenue all day, so
please hand flyers to co-workers
and friends as well. Looking further into the future, the Jaycee
garage sale is scheduled for May
30th at Lancaster Heights and we
are looking
for donations
to this. The
proceeds will go to the Jaycees, so
if you have any goods you would
like to donate, please let Shawn
Hodina or Sarah Cantrell know.
Also, please mark Sept. 11th and
12th on your calendars for
Bruegala, which is our annual
beer festival. This is by far our
biggest fundraiser of the year and
we will need all the volunteers
that we can get for these two
days. Also, Meghan and Chad do
need help selling sponsorships for
the event and committee chairs,
so contact either one of them if
you would like to help!
The Blast features new member profiles each month, but what about
those of us who have been around for awhile? In an effort to allow our
new members to get to know us and the fun we have as a group, each
month we’ve added a new feature, called “Jaycee Memories.” If you’d
like to volunteer to share your favorite Jaycee memory, contact Sarah
my jaycee memory
by sara cantrell
March's I wouldn’t call it a
“misty, water-colored memory;”
hazy and booze-filled might be
more appropriate! My favorite
Jaycee memory, thus far, is of
Bruegala, of course. More specifically, my favorite memory is of
Bruegala Day 2. We were all
scurrying to ice-down beer, orient
the volunteers, and it was getting
close to opening time. While running from building to building, I
looked over at Timmy B., the
event’s official doorman. Instead
of sitting idley, waiting for the goahead to unlock the doors, he was
entertaining a group of about 30
who were
the doors to
waiting for
That was the moment I knew we
had a good thing going. A line?
Waiting to get in to our event?
Right on! And a good thing it
was, indeed. All of the planning,
sweating, and general freakingout were totally worth it. I look
forward to another awesome
event this year, and can’t wait to
make some more memories at
Bruegala and our many other
2009 Jaycee functions.
idvp corner
by joanie spencer, idvp
want to thank all of you
who have agreed to serve
as mentors to our newest members! Your leadership and guidance will help make becoming a
Jaycee an awesome experience
for this group. I hope you can join
Lynn and me on April 29th for the
New Member Orientation. Your
help and direction will make all
the difference!
I’m currently soliciting ideas
for upcoming Individual Development (ID) events. Is there something you’re dying to know more
about and you’d like to learn
it with
closest friends? Have you always
wanted to tour the David Davis
Mansion, but have never found
the time? What about the history
of Bloomington or McLean
County? I’d like to hear what you
have to say. Email me at Let’s learn
something together!
Lisa Beohm
Terry Dodds
Michael Kinate
Alicia Lawhun
Virginia Neal
Karyn Schellenger
Kathy Taylor
happy birthday
member of the
For the second year
in a row Nicole Williams has taken the
reigns for Can-athon, one of the Jaycees biggest annual
events. Can-a-thon
takes a lot of effort
and planning. For
this we say thank you Nicole.
Since joining the Jaycees, Katie Reeter
has been involved in
almost every event
we have put on. She
has been fun to hang
out with at our socials
and been more than
willing to help us out
as a volunteer. Katie, we thank
you for your Jaycee spirit.
2009 Bloomington-normal jaycees
executive board
Chairman of the Board.........................................................Lisa Beohm
President .............................................................................Timothy Bill
Administrative VP...........................................................Natalie McKee
Management VP.............................................................Shawn Hodina
Community Development VP...........................................Alicia Lawhun
Membership VP ..............................................................Lynn Sieberns
Individual Development VP ...........................................Joanie Spencer
Secretary ..........................................................................Sara Bowman
Treasurer..........................................................................Troy Kateman
Social Director.............................................................. Carol O’Connell
PR Director.............................................................................Brent Lee
the blast
an official publication of the
bloomington-normal jaycees
Timothy Bill, editor
e-mail submissions to:
Published monthly; e-mailed the
third week of the month. Submissions due the second Wednesday
of the month.
Not Your Ordinary Boxing Match
Having several fatalities under its belt Cystic Fibrosis remains the undefeated champion. Life with c.f. is like a boxing match. Except the rounds last for months and the
fight goes on for years. Not just an hour or two. Like a boxer training before and after
each fight. We do our training before and after each day. Only instead of being in a
gym working out with weights. We’re at home doing over an hour a day of nebulized
breathing treatments and vest therapy. We fight as hard as we can. But no matter how
hard we punch or jab at our opponent. It hits back harder and harder. Then just when
we think we have the fight under control and doing good. BAMM! Out of nowhere
comes an uppercut then a right hook and a left and blow after blow. Then just as our
opponent has us against the ropes getting ready to deliver the final uppercut to put us
out and win. DING!DING! the bell rings. It’s the end of the round. Instead of going to
our corners to talk to our manager and get some water and cleaned up. We go to the
hospital to talk to our doctor and get some IV antibiotics and get cleaned out. After 2-3
weeks of that DING!DING! get out and start next round. Like a boxer going into the
round with a little rest and a few jab wounds. We start out strong then it turns into a repeat of the last round. Then after round after round of the same thing. Like a boxer getting beat up more and more getting weaker and more tired as each round passes. You
keep fighting the best you can. But like a boxer in the final rounds you begin thinking.
“should I give up?”should I throw in the towel?”Like a boxer who really wants the
champs belt. The answer is no. You keep fighting as hard as you can fight as hard as
you can fight and say to yourself. If my opponent wants to remain the champ, he is going to have to earn it. Because we’re not going down without giving it our best. Though
I know I will not be able to defeat my opponent I know it someday will be defeated and
people like me will not have to spend their lives fighting each day they live or for each
breathe they take because they will have the cure to defeat the opponent. I just hope
they think back to those of us who gave our lives. To be studied and monitored and
fights be documented by the c.f. team so they could find a way to defeat c.f. and say Thank you.
Born February 18th, 1986
Passed Away March 23rd, 2009
Cory D. Vance
Will be loved and missed by many!
The Bloomington-Normal Jaycees Present
Each year 35,000 Americans are diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer, in which less than 5% of
those survive past a year. Studies show that Pancreatic Cancer has the highest death rate of
all cancers. WHY????? By the time Pancreatic Cancer is discovered, it is too late. How can
this be changed? With early detection, awareness, and research for a better treatment.
You can help, by participating in the Bloomington-Normal Jaycees 5k Walk/Run for a Cure,
where proceeds from this event will be donated to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
April 19, 2009
1pm - ????
WHERE: White Oak Park Trail
Bloomington, IL
Katy Griesemer
1570 Hunt Drive D2
Normal, IL 61761
Name: ___________________________________________
□ WALK ($20 – Tshirt Included*)
Phone: ___________________________________________
□ RUN ($25 – Tshirt Included*)
Email: ___________________________________________
□ RUN ONLY ($10 – NO Tshirt*)
Shirt: Medium Large XLarge XXLarge
Make checks payable to:
Bloomington-Normal Jaycees
*Each participant receives a bracelet

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