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we are jaycees - lockhavenjaycees.com
Exec. Articles
PA Jaycees Business
Outstanding Young
Across the Commonwealth
Recruiting Ideas
Jaycees Pets
Jaycees Spotlight Event
Carla Kramer, President
7th Issue * 1st Volume
July 2012
I am going to split my article into two sections this month. This is because I
am about to leave for Des Moines, Iowa for the US Jaycees National
Convention. So here we go…
Before National Convention…
As I pack my bags for National Convention there are so many things
running through my head including the last few things I still need to pack,
little trinkets I want to take with me for my Jaycee friends that I only get to
see once in a awhile and of course, all the PA Jaycee stuff I work hard on
every day of this exciting year. I can say with 100% honesty that I have not
gone one single day in 2012 without doing something Jaycee related.
And quite frankly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I understand I am
probably not “normal” and you are currently thinking I might be a bit crazy
but that’s okay with me. I have so many ideas for our great organization
and only so long to make them happen
One idea that came to me recently (inspired by Matt Myers of the
Phoenixville Jaycees) is to help our current PA Jaycee members that are
business owners.
Kramer article continued on next page….
List of Attachments
*GALS Registration
*August Board Info
*2012 Individual Award
*ID Entry Form
*DJ Contract
Kramer article continued….
I used to be a business owner and LONG time ago and know the value of advertising. So, as another added
benefit of being part of the PA Jaycees, we will begin offering FREE advertising to members that are also
business owners. See the first edition of this in this newsletter and on our website. I hope to have more ads
coming in every day!
Another hot topic on my mind is membership. Up to this point we have not had to work too hard to grow each
month. We are now to a point where we do need to put a little extra time in to growing each month but I am
confident we can continue the trend for the remainder of the year. Every chapter has the ability to access the
membership database online. If you are not doing this already, please let me know. Knowing your roster
(according to nationals) is a key element to being on top of your membership.
My final thought for now (pre-Iowa) is this: motivation. We all have times of needing motivation, new energy,
inspiration and get-up-and-go. And even though I mentioned earlier that I Jaycee every day, I suffer this from
time to time as well. But I know that going to the National Convention is the CURE! I am so excited to see old
friends, make new friends, talk about how awesome the PA Jaycees are, hear new ideas for members and
chapters, and finally, to come home ready to take on any challenge you can throw my way and to share this
motivation across Pennsylvania!!
Back from National Convention…
WOW!! I had a GREAT time at National Convention in Des Moines, Iowa and I think the rest of the Pennsylvania
delegation did as well. It was very fast-paced, action-packed, information-filled and so much fun! Our efforts of
2011 were recognized with several awards. Pennsylvania finished #6 in the Parade of States for 2011!!
Congratulations to everyone that made that possible. It is definitely a team effort to achieve this
accomplishment. I also want to congratulate Nicole Dapp and Carrie Reich for receiving the Horiuchi Memorial
Award for their commendable work as State Program Managers of the Outstanding Young Pennsylvanian
Program. And to Brian Byers for receiving the Trafton Award for his remarkable work as the State Webmaster.
Kathy Main also received recognition for her position as State President in 2011. While I am very proud of our
award winners I want to share an Aristotle quote that goes right to the core of the Jaycees mission: “In the arena
of human life, the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action.” That being said,
we receive our honors and rewards when we put our efforts into action within our communities.
Another amazing experience from Iowa was attending the Ten Outstanding Young Americans (TOYA) banquet.
Our very own Kyle Pagerly was selected as one of the recipients and his wife, Alecia and daughter Savannah
accepted on his behalf. It was very evident that Kyle and Alecia’s story made an impression on everyone there,
including the other recipients.
I want to wrap up with a finishing thought regarding membership. While in Iowa, we continued to “work
membership” in an effort to grow in June. After many phone calls, emails and Facebook requests…WE DID IT!!
We grew in June by two! To date, we are +25 for the year. We are still working on two extensions: Pittsburgh
and Poconos. If you know anyone in those areas, please let me know so we can reach out and share the
Jaycee experience with even more people. Keep up the great work!
REMINDER: Second Quarter Certs are
REMINDER: Chapters please get your
due July 19 for eCerts or July 12
by postal mail.
Direct them to www.pajcs.net/ecerts for
details and submission form.
Blue Chip mid-year evaluation to Program
Manager Nicole Dapp by July 29 so she can
then forward it to Nationals by July 31. Any
questions should be directed to Nicole.
Katy Lemmer, Vice President
Hello Pennsylvania Jaycees!
With the Fourth of July holiday just around the corner (& the US Jaycees GALS convention coming up in
September!) I was reflecting about how fantastic it is to live in Pennsylvania and what impact our state has
on the rest of the country.
I live in York, PA which is located in the South Central part of the State. It also means we are very close to
some great historic places within a short drive:
Harrisburg – State Capitol – 20 minutes
Philadelphia – City of Brotherly Love- 90 mins
Washington DC – 90 mins
Baltimore, MD- Star Spangled Banner was written- 45 mins
What’s my point? When you come to GALS in September in Harrisburg you will be so close to “true”
America. I highly suggest taking a few extra days to travel & see some of the great things we have to offer.
Since I am from York I thought I would point out a little history about my city that many may not know:
The City of York, Pennsylvania - named for York, England - was part of the building of our nation, a
little-known part of history that many tend to forget, or just don't know. As Yorkers know, their City was the
birthplace of the Articles of Confederation and it was here that the words "The United States of America"
were first spoken.
That big bombshell out of the way, (and yes, we have proof,) we can begin with York history sometime
before 1741, when two surveyors laid out a town on the banks of the Codorus Creek That town would
become York. Baltzer Spengler and Ulrich Whisler are given credit for forming the first town west of the
Susquehanna River. Both were surveyors with the William Penn family, the family that gave our state its
In September of 1777 the Continental Congress, under threat of the advancing British, moved the location
of the colonies' central government from Philadelphia to Lancaster. Since the State of Pennsylvania's
Government was also located in Lancaster, officials decided that a move across the Susquehanna would
separate the two sufficiently and the Continental Congress set up shop in the Town of York.
It was in York that the Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, proclaimed the first National Day of
Thanksgiving, and signed the French Treaty of Alliance. All of these events occurred in the nine months York
remained Capital of the United States - until June 27, 1778. That is where The City of York made history for
the United States!
I hope everyone is planning on attending GALS & invite you to stop by York to say Hi!
Katy Lemmer – VP
Megan Erin Brehony, Government Development
Young Voters
With the 2012 presidential election right around the corner it is important for our chapters to be
knowledgeable about young voters. Especially since today’s younger voters will be the voice of our future.
These younger politically aware individuals are the people that we as Jaycees should not only inspire to vote
but also to participate in our civically minded organization.
With 44 million eligible young voters in the United States today, and young people making up one of
the largest demographic of voters, we as Jaycees have an untapped resource in the young voter. Young
people today are one of the most diverse groups; they are activated, engaged in their communities,
passionate about issues, and politically aware.
Forty-four million strong young people make up the largest generation in history to represent more
than one-fifth of the electorate. These individuals also possess a unique socially conscious world-view that
has been shaped by the world wide turmoil that they have witnessed as children and teenagers. These
moments of national crisis have forced this younger generation to turn to their elected officials for leadership,
and the decisions those leaders have made have directly impacted their lives. Everything these young voters
have experienced has taught them this fundamental truth: deciding their leaders means deciding their
2nd Quarter Board Meeting- August 3rd-5th, 2012
Registration Cost - $40 by July 15th – After July 15th - $50
Hotel Information: Comfort Suites, 450 Station Road, Grantville, PA
Room Rate: $99.00 plus 11% tax
Call (717) 469-8181 for reservations (Group: PA JAYCEES)
Michele Umberger, Regional Director Dist. 3
Happy Summer Fellow Jaycees!
As school has ended and summer begins we all tend to get pretty busy! Please make sure to email me any
and all events your chapter is doing so I can come and visit or another Jaycee may visit if I am unable to.
Please email or send me a facebook message with the events, we do announce these events at other
meetings, events, facebook pages, newsletters and web pages.
I would next like to thank all the chapters that I have already visited for making me and my family feel
welcome! ALL the PA chapters are doing such great things and I am proud to be in this organization!
This is what is happening in the Jaycee world!
July 6th Game Night at Myerstown Jaycee Hall 7pm
July 7th Car Show in Dubois
July 7th Kiddie Carnival at Schuylkill Haven
July 13th Kiddie Camp at Myerstown Jaycee Hall 7pm
19th E-CERTS Due
July 27th Kiddie Camp at Myerstown Jaycee Hall 7pm
July 28th Blood Drive at Myerstown
July 29th Knoebels Picnic N Schuylkill
August 3-5th State Board Meeting
August 10th Kiddie Camp at Myerstown Jaycee Hall 7pm
September- GALS Get your registrations in ASAP!! This will be an awesome event that will go down in
FYI American started here! Just ask Amy Newton.
If anyone has any questions or needs help with anything, please let me know! Hopefully I will see you soon!
Keep up ALL the great things you are doing!
Michele "Missy" Umberger
Myerstown Jaycee Community VP
PA Jaycee District 3 Regional Director
PA Jaycee GALS Marketing Director
Caption describing picture or graphic.
Page 2
Amy Newton, Chief of Staff
Next fall, when you see geese heading south for the winter...flying along in V formation...you might consider
what science has discovered as to why they fly that way.
As each bird flaps its wings, it creates uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in V formation, the
whole flock adds at least 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own.
People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going more
quickly and easily because they are traveling on the thrust of one another.
When a goose falls out of formation it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone and
quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front. When the head
goose gets tired it rotates back in the wing…and another goose flies point.
It is sensible to take turns doing demanding jobs with people or with geese flying south.
Geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.
What do we say when we honk from behind?
Finally…and this is important…when a goose gets sick or is wounded by gunshot and falls out of formation,
two other geese fall out with that goose and follow it down to lend help and protection. They stay with the
fallen goose until it is able to fly or until it dies; and only then do they launch out on their own, or with
another formation to catch up with their group.
If we have the sense of a goose, we will stand by each other like that.
Amy L. Newton
2012 Chief of Staff
PA Statesman #283
USJC Ambassador #4045
JCI Senator #68529
Nicole Dapp, Certs/Blue Chip
Hello Pennsylvania Jaycees,
The next ecerts are due to me by mail by July 12th and email by July 19th. When sending in the sign in sheets for
the projects please put if the project is a social, management project, community project and etc...This makes it a
lot easier for me. The mid-year blue chip is due to me and nationals by July 31st. Please send in a summary for the
Mid-Year Evaluation. The email address is Nationals is bluechip2012@usjaycees.org.
If you need any help with Ecerts or Blue chip please contact me at nicoledapp@yahoo.com
Nicole Dapp
2012 Ecerts/Blue Chip
Scott Johnson
VPScott @pajcs.net
I’m going to deviate… a lot… from my regular column this month. Instead of telling the chapters and individuals about the great
things the Jaycees around the state are doing for the community – and there are a lot of them – I’m instead going to focus on one
of the greatest community servants – and Jaycee – I have ever met.
After a seven-year fight with cancer, Ron “Boomer” Brungard succumbed to the disease on June 19, with his family and friends by
his side.
I had the privilege to know him and his family quite well over the years, and much more during the last few weeks Boomer was on his
death bed. I also had the privilege to write the following newspaper article about Boomer in the Lock Haven Express, published on
Thursday, June 21. For those who would like a copy, please let me know. I think it is a great testament on what a true Jaycee, and a
true human being is.
'Boomer's' influence felt throughout the community and beyond
LOCK HAVEN - Whether he was portraying Santa Claus, umpiring or organizing a ballgame, putting on a fireworks display or
performing one of his myriad of activities, Ron "Boomer" Brungard was always doing it for the community... and with a smile and
personality that made him a true legend in Clinton County and, frankly, throughout the nation.
After a seven-year battle with cancer, Boomer passed away at age 67 with his wife, Sue, and family at his side on Tuesday.
"When I think of Boomer, I see a guy in a Santa suit, with a baseball glove in one hand, a bowling ball in the other, a Jaycee hat on
his head, and smiling kids on his shoulders, with a roomful of happy people," said longtime friend Dan Decker.
Through the various clubs and groups and activities that consumed Boomer's life, it was perhaps his decades-long commitment to
the Lock Haven Area Jaycees - along with the state and national Jaycee organizations - that he is most known for., along with his
love of baseball and softball.
"It started out that he was my Pony League coach at the age of 5 until 14, then for two years, I was a batboy for the Jaycee and
Grand Central Beer Distributor softball team," his son, Eric said. "Then, at 16, I joined the softball team, with my dad. He as my coach,
my father and my teammate."
Eric said his father instilled a sense of community throughout his entire family.
"Not only with me, but the entire family, community comes first and the family comes second," he said. "We were all involved with
the Jaycees. We all remember growing up as JC kids and going to state and national events, those were some of our biggest
memories, especially the national conventions in Nashville, Tenn. It is a family-oriented organization and something brought the
family together all the time."
"There are a lot of heroes out there. For seven years, my brother battled this disease. Right now, he is my biggest hero," said brother
Robert "Bump" Brungard. "He has given so much to everyone in the community. There is not a volunteer person that I can remember
who gave as much as he did. His last gig with the Jaycees was with their radio auction (on April 7). That really lifted him up for a
When people were asked about their recollections of Boomer, it always came back to his infectious smile, his giving personality and
all that he gave to the community.
"My fondest recollections go back to our old Jaycee days. It was a grand experience for all of us," said Jim Eckert, who is the only
member of the Lock Haven chapter to serve as state president back in 1975-76. And, he owes a large part of that to Boomer.
"Ron was a very integral part of my statewide election, both he and his family supported us wholeheartedly," Eckert said. "He drove
us to the various parts of the state. I was a vice president, then president, and he was a very integral part of the leadership back
here in the district.
Johnson article continued on next page…
Johnson article continued…
"One of the most important things is, I was always impressed about how he was so giving and so loving to other people. He
never said no to anyone and, I don't mean this to be negative at all, but sometimes it was to the neglect to his own self or his
family," he continued. "He was always there helping out others in the community."
That giving nature, Eckert said, was most evident in the last several years as Boomer battled cancer. "He was suffering so much
with his health. Despite his illness and his dilemma, he was always out in the community. He was a very loving soul and
constantly gave to the people around him. I'm sure he will be remembered for that and very badly missed in his community.
"He is a great example to the community. Has always giving of himself. It's a sad passing, but I'm glad his suffering is over,"
Eckert, who was also a chapter president in 1974-75, continued. "His family can be very proud of the example he's lead
throughout his whole life and doing for the Jaycees.... not just in Lock Haven, but all over the place. He was integral in the
success of a lot of Jaycee chapters in many communities."
One such chapter Boomer helped to form was the Beech Creek/Blanchard chapter, which, unfortunately, has since folded,
said long-time friend, Len Wensel, who helped him with state regional duties for many years, as well as being chapter president
in 1983-84. Some of those members continue to help the community as "The Community Hands" organization.
"I remember a lot of times in the early days going to Beech Creek trying to make it go," he said. "We spent a lot of fun times with
people in that chapter and area."
In addition, Wensel said, Boomer was instrumental with the recent move of the Lock Haven Moose to its current building along
Hanna Street, and his impact is still being felt throughout the community.
"His impact was far beyond the Jaycees," he said. "He gave time to the various Little Leagues, umpiring baseball or softball.
Whenever somebody contacted him, Ron would never say no.
"He was also very active with the Pennsylvania Moose and won a lot of awards there, too," Wensel continued, noting Brungard
was the administrator of the local lodge for approximately 10 years.
When Boomer started becoming active, the Moose was located in a little house in Castanea, Wensel said. It then moved to
beside the Hand-In-Hand Fire Co. and Sons of Italy in Lock Haven before moving to its current location along Hanna Street.
"He kept thinking this is nice, but it's also nice to have a building to call your own," Wensel said. "He was instrumental in leading
the fundraising for that. Unfortunately, about the time they were ready to move, that's when his cancer started, and he fought
that for seven years. We all thought he was going to make it. Just about the time the cancer was stopped in one place, the
cancer spread to another."
Decker first met Boomer when they played in the Central Baseball League, he for the Salona-Rote team and Decker for the
Blanchard Bees. “After playing against each other, we got together at the shop and he said, 'Hey. How about you playing
softball for the Jaycees. We are going to the districts and we could use some help for the softball team.' He eventually talked
me into that."
At that time, Decker said, the teams were lucky if they had shirts and/or hats and the teams played in a couple of cow
pastures, but "that's when I started to know Boomer."
"It was an unbelievable friendship in a phase of my life I wouldn't have experienced without Boomer," Decker said. "His love of
the Jaycees was infectious, and he just wouldn't give up on you. He wanted to help out the Jaycees and just wanted to be
your friend."
Decker said he kept on making excuses why he didn't have time to join the Jaycees. But, "after running out of excuses," Boomer
invited Decker to the Exceptional People's Picnic. "What unfolded there was a remarkable realization for me to have a picnic
for the exceptional kids and to see the joy and reaction to just be able to catch a fish, or to bait a hook," Decker said. "Then,
Santa Claus came out and seeing the children sit on his lap... The joy I saw that afternoon was incredible. Boomer was the
highlight of the day for those kids.
"The kids might have caught the fish, but he caught himself a Jaycee. I was hooked," he continued. "To see Boomer in all of his
glory baiting the fish and helping them catch the fish, how couldn't you have become hooked?
"He wanted to make the Jaycees as big as it could be, both with its sports and in its stature. "What emerged from Boomer's
commitment, not only in the state of Pennsylvania, but throughout the country, was the chapter grew, the Regatta grew, the
donations from the community grew... And we also won titles in softball, bowling and even darts."
Johnson article continued on next page…
Johnson article continued
Holly on next page
Those state championships include ones in softball in 1987, 1991 and 1993, as well as a second place finish in 1995 and a
fourth place finish in 1984. The chapter also was a state bowling champ in 1984, and had the Pony League state champions in
1980. In addition, the chapter won numerous district and regional sports awards.
Decker then called the next 20 years of his life, under the guidance and friendship of Boomer, "remarkable."
"Everywhere we went, everyone knew him. And, if for some strange reason he wasn't there, everyone was asking about him,"
he said. "He was the Jaycees."
Boomer served as a chapter president in 1975-76, with Decker following in his footsteps in 1987-88. The Jaycees is a young
persons' leadership organization for those ages 18-41 (21-35 during many of Boomer's years with the chapter), with the
thought of the members then becoming part of the various Kiwanis and Rotary clubs.
"Boomer never did and I never did," Decker said. "When you have such a great bond with the Jaycees, it's hard to go
somewhere else. They were always so highly energized and something was always going on, always doing projects."
Decker said he and Boomer eventually turned some of their efforts to the Lock Haven Moose. "And look at it now, we,
especially Boomer, helped the Moose to the point that they now have their own building, a great sports program with the
local Moose Club, playing all different sports," he said.
"Boomer was the face of the JC chapter and the Moose Club. That they still exist, Boomer should take a lot of credit for that,
not only with recruitment and being a politician, but that infectious smile and personality was irreplaceable. I just never seen
him grow up... He was a big, lovable kid."
Boomer's legacy continues through the efforts of DuWayne "Wizzard" Kunes, who remains an active Jaycee member, though
he aged out more than a decade ago, along with many other community organizations and efforts.
"I just think of the influence this man had on me when I first started with the Jaycees," he said. "I looked on him as my mentor
and I was following in his footsteps. I always told him, 'I learned from the best.'"
That learning led to Kunes becoming chapter president in 1993-94, and 1995-96. "I would not be as active with the Jaycees
without the influence Boomer had on me. I could have gone on forever with this story. But, I present this to you, my fellow
Pennsylvania Jaycee members, as an example as not only how we should live our lives for the community every day, not only
as a Jaycee, but as a human being.
He is truly my hero. And, I say is because he is still with us, with his legacy. It is now up to us to continue that legacy. Are you up
to the task? I know I surely am.
As an aside, the family, to give Boomer a proper send-off has directed all memorials to go to either his church or to the
Boomer Brungard Lock Haven Area Jaycee Fireworks Fund, c/o Lock Haven Area Jaycees, P.O. Box 13, Lock Haven, Pa. 17745
with all the money to go on top of the money the Jaycees already allocated to the fireworks to be set off the Sunday night,
Sept. 2, of the Labor Day Regatta.
Jaycee individuals and chapters throughout the state, and, frankly, throughout the nation, are encouraged to donate what
they can to what will be a magical send-off to Boomer.
Details have already been discussed with the fireworks company and his son – a certified pyrotechnics operator – along with
friends and family will run most of the show. Some of his ashes will be put into a shell casing to be cast out above the
Susquehanna River that night, and more of his ashes will be spread somewhere in the Lock Haven Jaycee Hall.
The family will also provide the opening ceremonies for the Labor Day Regatta on Saturday, Sept. 1.
In Loving Memory - Ron “Boomer” Brungard
Boomer (R) with DuWayne
"Wizzard" Kunes (L) during
a Lock Haven Jaycee
Installation Ceremony
several years ago
Boomer in 2011 year
during the Clinton
County Relay For
Kathy Main, Chairman of the Board
Task Force Report
The Task Force has been busy working on updating the PA Jaycee by-laws and policies
and would like to vote at the August Board of Directors meeting on August 4, 2012 on the
proposed by-laws and policies, attached. This is a 30-day notice in order to vote at the
August meeting. Attached to the newsletter you will find the by-laws and policies and
what is cross-out and in red are the proposed. Once again, thank you to all who helped
on this committee especially to Beth Newill for all her hard work. Hope to see you all at the
meeting so we can vote on some important business!
Credentials Report
I hope that all of you are thinking about what you would like to do to help the PA Jaycees
out in 2013. Do you want to serve as President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary, Program Manager,
etc.? Whatever it maybe, August is your time to announce. At the end of the Board of
Director Meeting on Saturday, August 4th, you may announce your intentions on what
office (position) you would like to be next year. Also you may not campaign until after the
announcement. If you are interested in any of the offices please contact me for the
proper paperwork and instructions.
By-laws are attached for review.
Thank you,
Kathy L. Main
COB PA Jaycees
Pennsylvania Jaycees Requesting Invitation to Bid on DJ Services
See attached letter for details regarding invitation to bid on DJ
services for November and February State Conventions. Inquiries
and bids should be forwarded to President Carla Kramer by July 31,
PA JAYCEES Business- Connect
Check out the businesses that PA Jaycees around the state own and
operate. Would you like your business spotlighted in our newsletter? Just
let Summer know by reaching her at summery08@gmail.com. Thanks!
Mickey By Matt Travel
302-559-8383 mickeybymatt@gmail.com
Sherry Stambaugh
Independent Consultant
M-Tech Computers Services, LLC
Outstanding Young Pennsylvanian
OYP Program Gets Overhaul
Hello PA Jaycees!!
My name is Andy Phipps and I am your PA Jaycee OYP chairman. As your OYP Chairman, I wanted to give all of
you an update on the OYP program. There are some changes that were proposed to the Exec Team by a
committee that was formed to look at how this program could be improved. The Exec Team overwhelmingly
approved the proposed changes. I also wanted to let you know about this year’s banquet that will be held at the
November Board Meeting.
The first (and probably largest) change is that OYP is no longer OYP. It is now called the Distinguished Service
Awards Program or DSA for short. The main reason behind this change is that while we are still honoring
Outstanding Young Pennsylvanians (OYP), we thought that the program should also recognize why we are
honoring our award winners: for their Distinguished Service to their communities.
The second change is we created some categories to help select our winners. The first category is Emergency
Services Personnel. This category is open to anyone in the Fire, EMS or Law Enforcement fields (Fire and EMS would
include both professional/paid and volunteer). The second category is Health Care Provider (including but not
limited to Doctors, Nurses, Physical & Occupational Therapists, etc.). The third category is Educator (including but
not limited to anyone from Pre-School up to College/Secondary Education). All three of these categories are
open to anyone who is of Jaycee age (18-41). We have added another category that is kind of a catch-all
category. This category is for anyone that doesn’t fit into one of the professions listed above, but it also is for
anyone ages 16 to 50. The age range is designed to do a couple of things. First, by setting the lower age at 16, it
could be a potential recruiting tool. Second, by setting the age a little higher than the Jaycee expiration age, it
gives us a chance to honor some “older” folks who normally wouldn’t be recognized for their work in the
community. We would like to have a total of 5 winners across the 4 categories.
And finally, I would like to discuss this year’s DSA banquet. Because this process started late this year, and with all
of the changes that were made, I didn’t think we could do a really good, full DSA banquet this year. I felt that the
program would have suffered. However, because we still needed to do a banquet, the decision was made to
have an OYP reunion banquet. I would like to see how many past OYP winners we can find and invite them out to
the November banquet. This gives them a chance to be re-honored for their work in the community. It also gives
some of our younger and newer members a chance to see what our fellow Pennsylvanians do when not involved
in an organization like the Jaycees. We will also make the formal presentation of all of the changes to the
program at this reunion banquet.
If you have any questions or would like to become involved in this wonderful program, please contact me at
adphipps@verizon.net. Also, if you have any current information on past OYP winners, please forward them to me.
Recruiting Ideas
Want to see your membership increase?? Follow some of the recruiting ideas below to
help build your chapter membership!! New ideas will be posted each newsletter!!
Send a “Special Newsletter” to all prospective Jaycees describing the benefits of
membership and to join a local chapter
Print a newspaper article with information on the Jaycees, and chapter projects with a
photo of a new member being sworn in.
Designate a prospect as a “Secret Prospect.” Whoever recruits that prospects gets a prize!
Jaycees & Their Pets!
Now it’s the pets turn!! Below are pictures of the PA Executive Team’s beloved pets.
I will be sharing them each newsletter. Enjoy!
The fish here are the pets of PA Jaycees Chairman of
the Board, Kathy Main.
Get your stories/photos to Summer by the 20th of
each month to ensure that they make it into the
PA State Jaycees newsletter. media@PACJs.net
Across the Commonwealth
Hanover Jaycees
Forced Fun Event
Mini Golf at Hickory Falls
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Bring a Friend!
RSVP no later than July 16th to kmclapper03@aim.com
Myerstown Jaycees
7th Annual Dale B. Wolfe Blood Drive
Saturday, July 28th
Contact Marsha for an appointment
Jaycees Spotlight Event
National Convention
2011 PA President, Kathy
Main, with award
recognizing Pennsylvania
as the #6 chapter in the
US for 2011.
PA OYP recipient, the late Kyle Pagerly, was
recognized as one of the Ten Outstanding Young
Americans. Accepting on his behalf, wife Alecia
Pagerly surrounded by PA delegation at National
York Jaycees
Myerstown Kid Camp – Kids had a blast!
Jaycees Creed
We believe:
That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to
human life;
(100 points per month)
That the brotherhood of man transcends the
sovereignty of nations;
That economic justice can best be won by free
men through free enterprise;
That government should be of laws rather than
of men;
July – Outstanding Young Pennsylvanians
nomination or donation to program or Mid-Year
August – Governmental Affairs Project or First
Partners Program Donation
That earth s great treasure lies in human
And that service to humanity is the best work of
Do not bite at the bait of pleasure, till you know there is no hook beneath it.
--Thomas Jefferson
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Question or Comments?
Email Summer: media@PAJCs.com
7th Issue
1st Volume
July 2012