Indianapolis District Church of the Nazarene Eighty
Indianapolis District Church of the Nazarene Eighty
Volume 55 , No. 4 July/August 2012 Indianapolis District Church of the Nazarene Eighty-Seventh District Assembly Camby Campground Ordination Service Sunday, July 29, 5:00 PM Assembly Reconvenes Monday, July 30, 8:30 AM Dr. Ronald J. Blake District Superintendent District Office: PO Box 46 Camby, IN 46113 317.856.3715 (phone) 317.856.4633 (fax) Dr. J. K. Warrick General Superintendent Camp Meeting 2012 What a wonderful time we had at Camp Meeting 2012! Many received spiritual help; the services were well attended; the Spirit of God was evident! There were spiritual victories throughout the week. I would encourage you to have the Dubbeld family come to your church for a concert. Pastor Beth Bidle and her team did an outstanding job ministering to our children. Thank God for the outpouring of His presence during Camp Meeting 2012!! Upcoming Events: July 27-28 NMI Convention July 29 District Assembly 5:00 PM July 30 District Assembly 8:30 AM Aug. 11 Teen Quiz Aug. 15 Dr. Ron Blake’s Birthday Aug. 18 District NMI Council Mtg. Aug. 25 Children’s Quiz/Coaches’ Workshop Sept. 3 Labor Day Sept. 7-8 Regional NMI Conference Sept. 8 Teen Quiz Sept. 21-22 District Ladies’ Day Sept. 23—30 Sidle NMI Deputation Tour Worshipping . . . . . .Children. . .Teens. . .Adults! MRS. MARTHA BEAN, President 4146 Gambel Rd.,Indianapolis, IN 46221 “THE POWER OF ONE” 2012 District NMI Convention July 27 & 28 Camp Camby Friday Night Live! 7:30-9:00 pm with David Morris & “All Things New” Worship Band from ONU Entertaining…Enlightening…Engaging! Dr. Gustavo Crocker Eurasia Regional Director If you have a call to missions or have questions about a call, you are invited to MISSION QUEST in the Conference Center, immediately following Friday Night Live! Parents are invited to accompany teens and children who are called. Meet Dr. & Mrs. Crocker and ask your questions about becoming a missionary. SATURDAY MORNING 8:30 to 8:55 Registration Donuts & Coffee (Children ages 4-11 in Gymnasium; donuts/milk) NMI Presidents in Leona Moore Dining Facility Browse displays and enjoy fellowship with the district family! 9:00 AM—Convention BEGINS! Children (ages 4-11) will meet in the Gymnasium with Pastors Beth & Toni for a day of missions. Parents must pick up kids for lunch! CONVENTION FEATURES: Dr. Gustavo Crocker, Speaker District Missionaries New LINKS Adoptions Election of Global Convention Delegates Mission Ministries Lattes, Macchiatos & More! Congratulations to Abbie Allen (Martinsville 1st) and Kelia Galloway (Indy Grace Pointe) who were selected to participate in Mission Immersion at Africa Nazarene University in Nairobi, Kenya, July 10-22. Abbie and Kelia are called to be missionaries; have served on the District NMI Council; will be freshmen at Olivet Nazarene University in August; and were members of the First Place Indy District Quiz Team at Regional Celebrate Life. REGIONAL NMI CONFERENCE September 7 & 8 Kankakee First Church, Kankakee, Illinois Registration deadline: August 18 Registrations Fee: $30 (includes 2 lunches) JOSH ROBERTSON, President 52 N. Co. Rd. 500 E., Greenfield, IN 46140 Phone: (317-376-3266) I was humbled by my recent election to serve the Indianapolis District as NYI President. I look forward to serving in this position. Even though I am no longer a youth pastor I still have a heart for teenagers. I want to see them grow and mature in their walk with Christ. I believe God has some exciting adventures ahead for the teenagers of this great district! ~ Josh 2012-2013 NYI Council President Vice President Treasurer Sr. Youth Rep.: Early Youth Rep.: Josh Robertson Jason Crum Aimee Agan Jeffery Gerstenberger Jimmy Southerland Caleb Allen Elizabeth Thompson 2013 General NYI Convention Delegates Ministerial: Lay: Student: Gary Gerstenberger Jason Crum Sara Frakes Tamara Tolley Jeff Gerstenberger Jimmy Southerland The 2012-13 Quizzing will soon be underway. Tamara Tolley will once again be our district quiz director. This year the students will be quizzing over the book of Matthew. The date for the first meet is Saturday, August 11. If you have any questions or are interested in being a part of teen quizzing contact Tamara at DR. KEITH E. GROVE, SDMI Chairman 4797 Tincher Rd., Indianapolis, IN 462221 From the “Chair” It has been my joy and privilege to serve for six years as the Indianapolis District SDMI chairman. I believe that SDMI ministries are the foundation upon which all church ministries build. Strong Sunday Schools, small groups, children's, youth and adult ministries are essential elements for creating an atmosphere for fellowship, discipleship, evangelism and Christian education. During my tenure my goal has been to create an exciting atmosphere for SDMI in the local church and with district ministries. Our annual district SDMI convention and, most recently, the district GAME Day, have been part of the effort to bring renewal to our SDMI ministry. Hopefully these efforts have been beneficial to our district pastoral and lay leadership. I have prayerfully decided not to seek or accept a nomination to continue as the district SDMI chairman. Therefore, effective at our district assembly, July 30, 2012 I will step aside as the Indianapolis District SDMI chairman. This has not been an easy decision for me. I have vacillated back and forth for several months, but I do believe this is the Lord's will and I am at peace with this decision. I will lend my support to the new SDMI chair and council. I believe in SDMI ministry, its purpose and mission to the local church, district and global ministry. Thank you, Indianapolis District, for your support and encouragement to me as the SDMI chair and for SDMI ministries. WORK YOUR SDMI MINISTRIES AND YOUR SDMI MINISTRIES WILL WORK Rev. Phil Edwards and Rev. Keith Grove led the services each night. Dr. Ron Blake, D.S. Camp Evangelist The Fortville Church of the Nazarene issued three Local Ministers License on Sunday, May 13, 2012 to three young men called into ministry. Pictured from left to right: Pastor Phil Edwards; Jonathan Campbell, going to Mt. Vernon Nazarene University in the Fall; Joe Claus, going to Ohio Christian University in the Fall; Neil Ipock, going to Olivet Nazarene University in the Fall of 2013. Jessica Brown, daughter of Mike and Rhonda Brown, from the Fortville Church of the Nazarene was selected to play on the 2012 Indiana Girls Basketball All Star Team. Jessica has participated on the District Regional Celebrate Life teams as well at ONU. Congratulations to Jessica for representing the Church of the Nazarene in this prestigious honor and basketball game against Kentucky. Rev. Beth Bidle Children’s Evangelist Powerful testimony by Blake Whiteley on Youth Night. One year ago he found Christ at camp meeting. Now he’s “rapping for Jesus.” God is moving by His Spirit Moving in all the earth, Signs and Wonders, When God moveth Move, oh, Lord In me The Dubbeld Family, Song Evangelists