Program Part - UIC Commencement - University of Illinois at Chicago
Program Part - UIC Commencement - University of Illinois at Chicago
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E AT C H I C A G O a132nda commencement C L A S S of 2 0 1 4 The Physicians ’ Oath Now being admitted to the profession of medicine, I solemnly pledge to consecr ate my life to the service of hum a nit y. I will give to my teachers the respect a nd gr atitude that is their due. I will pr actice medicine with conscience a nd dignit y. The health a nd life of my patient will be my first consider ation. I will hold in confidence all that my patient confides in me. I will m aintain by all the mea ns in my power, the honour a nd the noble tr aditions of the medical profession. My colleagues will be as my fa mily. I will not per mit consider ations of age, disease or disabilit y, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationalit y, political affiliation, r ace, sexual orientation, social sta nding or a ny other factor to intervene between my dut y a nd my patient. I will m aintain the utmost respect for hum a n life. I will not use my medical k nowledge to violate hum a n rights a nd civil liberties, even under threat. I m ake these promises solemnly, freely a nd upon my honour. a W o r l d M e d i c a l A s s o c i at i o n D e c l a r at i o n o f G e n e va — 2 0 0 6 a Gr eetings FROM the Chair of the Boar d of Trustees N CHR ISTOPHER G. KENNEDY Greetings to the Class of 2014: On behalf of the trustees of the University of Illinois and the 11 million residents of our state whose best interests we represent, I want to congratulate all of you in the Class of 2014. In the future, when historians write about our time, I hope it will be about you as students and your actions as graduates and about your contributions to our state and the global community as alumni. I hope you are proud to be here today, proud to be at the University of Illinois, which is the greatest institution of its kind in the United States. Nothing is more important to the future of Illinois, our citizens and communities, the health of the economy of this state, our quality of life and the competitive positioning of this state on the national and global stage than is the University of Illinois. All of you who are graduating today must be relentless voices for excellence and for the notion that we should be the best in the world at what we do. We must protect and preserve the pride that everyone who has been affiliated with the university has in that association. Today, you join the ranks of one of the largest alumni associations in the world. We want you active, and we want you involved. You have a great legacy, and together, we can build on it. If you have ideas, reach out to your college dean, the chancellor, the president, the alumni association, the foundation, or the board of trustees. We all look forward to working with you. Congratulations and best wishes. Christopher G. Kennedy Chair of the Board of Trustees GR EETINGS FROM THE pr esident’s Office N Robert A. Easter Congratulations to the Class of 2014! Just a few short years ago, many of you were receiving your student white coats, listening to speeches and looking ahead to a tomorrow that was unlike any you’d faced before. In some ways, it probably seems like yesterday; in others, a lifetime. Your years on this great campus have prepared you for a lifetime of success and happiness, and as you head off today to begin that next chapter, I hope you take time to reflect on everything you’ve accomplished and how much you’ve grown. Your time here has truly been transformative – uniting your talent and passion with UIC’s world-class faculty and academic programs to unlock the doors to your dreams. It has transformed the arc of your lives, which will be forever guided by the broad-based knowledge, critical thinking skills, and sense of purpose that you nurtured here. Tomorrow, you again face a future of new opportunities and new challenges. But you and the more than 7,000 other members of the Class of 2014 have proven that you are ready to make your mark in our world’s rapidly changing workplace. Remember the commitment and hard work that brought you here today. Remember everything you have learned. Remember that education is a journey that unfolds for a lifetime. And remember the example of the more than 200,000 alumni who have shown the heights that are within reach with a UIC degree. Today, we celebrate you, Class of 2014, joined by the proud family and friends who have supported you along the way. Enjoy your day, and come back often. Like the lessons you learned here, your bond with UIC lasts a lifetime. Robert A. Easter, PhD President 3 Gr eetings FROM the cha ncellor N paul a allen-mear es Dear 2014 Graduates: Congratulations. On this day you celebrate an enormous achievement. Your family, partners, friends, fellow students and professors all join me in honoring your hard work and the sacrifices you’ve made to attain your degree. We are proud of you, as you must be of yourselves. As students you have been serious, eager, and devoted to learning. You are aware and concerned about the world beyond this campus. Many of you are the first in your family to attend college, and many have worked one or more jobs to pay for your education. Today, you reap the benefits of all you have put forth. You are now UIC alumni. As you build your life with your education as a foundation, you remain a part of our community. We want you to feel a lifelong connection to UIC, whether you return to attend cultural and athletic events,mentor students following in your footsteps, or continue your own education. You are an essential part of our growing community. Today we are here to recognize your achievements. As UIC alumni, I offer you my best wishes on all your future endeavors and I urge you to return to UIC often. Sincerely, Paula Allen-Meares, Chancellor, University of Illinois at Chicago Vice President, University of Illinois John Corbally Presidential Professor GR EETINGS from the dea n N dimitr i T. Azar Esteemed Members of the Class of 2014: Congratulations! Today marks the beginning of your careers as graduates of the College of Medicine at the University of Illinois, one of the premier medical schools in the nation. This is a special day and a proud achievement by you! It is not only recognition of the rigorous training that you have received here but also the demanding schedule that you have successfully completed. You have worked hard to reach this day so take great satisfaction in your accomplishments. Soon you will matriculate to participate in equally arduous post-graduate programs and residencies; I urge you now to celebrate, with family, friends and colleagues, what you have achieved. As your careers advance and you continue to increase your knowledge, you will uphold the tradition of lifetime learning, which has been a corner-stone of the educational mission of the College of Medicine. The training you have received will provide a strong foundation for you to excel in your chosen field of specialization, assume leadership positions and take great pleasure in mastering new skills, applying novel ideas, and solving difficult problems. For those of you who are graduating with a doctoral degree in medicine, you will discover that becoming a physician means committing to a lifetime of service and inquiry—initially, in your residency and fellowship, and later, in your practice. Providing outstanding service using evidence-based medicine, though challenging at times, will remain one of your greatest rewards as a physician. The pursuit of this intellectual stimulation is why many of your fellow College of Medicine graduates have remained active in our profession, decades after their own commencement. We take pride in the fact that one out of six practicing physicians in Illinois have trained at our college. During your professional life, you will most likely interact with some of the more than 25,000 masters and doctorate graduates of the College of Medicine worldwide, who are themselves passing along the torch of knowledge to others; I encourage you to do the same. You represent the finest examples of the college’s mission to enhance the health of those patients in our care. It is my sincere hope that you will forever apply the principles of what you have experienced as students at UIC: passion in your pursuits, compassion for patients, and excellence in every aspect of your lives. Best wishes for continued success, Dimitri T. Azar, MD, MBA Dean, College of Medicine B.A. Field Chair of Ophthalmologic Research Distinguished Professor of Ophthalmology, Bioengineering and Pharmacology University of Illinois at Chicago 5 COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER BIOGR APHY N t wo thousa nd a nd FOURTEEN UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E AT C H I C A G O Commencement Speaker a BECHAR A CHOUCAIR, MD a Bechara Choucair, M.D. serves as Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Public Health. Appointed on November 25, 2009, Dr. Choucair is re-shaping the department to meet the public health challenges of the 21st century. Most recently, with the full support of Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Dr. Choucair unveiled “Healthy Chicago,” the first city-wide comprehensive public health agenda. Healthy Chicago is a call to action for all Chicagoans to work together on a common vision of making Chicago the healthiest city in the nation. Under Dr. Choucair’s leadership, the Chicago Department of Public Health became the first big city public health agency to receive national accreditation. Born in Beirut, Lebanon, Dr. Choucair earned a Bachelor of Sciences degree in Chemistry (with distinction) in 1993 and a Medical Diploma in 1997 from the American University of Beirut. 2014 132 nd commencement N universit y of illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Dr. Choucair unveiled “Healthy Chicago,” the first city-wide comprehensive public health agenda. Healthy Chicago is a call to action for all Chicagoans to work together on a common vision of making Chicago the healthiest city in the nation. From 1997-2000 he completed his Family Medicine Residency at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. In 2009 he earned a Master’s Degree in Health Care Management from the University of Texas at Dallas. From 2001-05, Dr. Choucair served as Medical Director of Crusader Community Health in Rockford, Illinois. From 2005-09, he was Executive Director of Heartland International Health Center. He holds an Adjunct Associate Professor title at the Department of Family & Community Medicine at Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University. 7 Commencement Cer emony N fr iday, the NINTH day of m ay, t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN Commencement Ceremony Commencement Score The Br assWor ks Br ass Ensemble Pr elude Dukas, “Fanfare From La Peri” Elgar, “Pomp and Circumstance” Ceremonial Opening Declaration of the Opening of the 2014 Commencement Grand Marshal George T. Kondos, MD, Professor and Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs, Department of Medicine University of Illinois at Chicago Banner Carrier Jacob Jensen, MD Candidate Graduate College Banner Carrier Lila Gollogly Glotfelty, MD/PhD Candidate College of Medicine Banner Carrier Christopher Hicks, MD Candidate Processional Pl atfor m Part y Dea ns a nd Affiliates Marshal Dimitri T. Azar, MD, MBA, Dean Marshal Alex Stagnaro-Green, MD, MHPE, Rockford Regional Dean Chancellor Paula Allen-Meares, MSW, PhD Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost Lon Kaufman, PhD Department Heads a nd Facult y Vice Chancellor for Research Mitra Dutta, PhD Marshal Timothy B. Erickson, MD, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Interim Senior Associate Dean for Graduate and Continuing Medical Education Vice President and Associate Chancellor for Alumni Relations Arlene Norsym Alumni Council Commencement Speaker Bechara Choucair, MD Marshal Adrienne E. Segovia, MD, Chair, Medical Alumni Council Award Recipients Henry Dove, MD Ghanshym Pandey, PhD Joseph A. Flaherty, MD Ca ndidates for the doctor of philosophy degree a nd ca ndidates for the m aster degree Marshal Karen J. Colley, PhD, Dean, Graduate College Ca ndidates for the Doctor of Medicine Degree Marshal Kathleen J. Kashima, PhD, Senior Associate Dean of Students and Interim Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education Singing of “A mer ica the Beautiful” Mary Cronin, Office of Undergraduate Medical Education 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago Proceedings GR EETINGS Dean Dimitri T. Azar, MD, MBA Chancellor Paula Allen-Meares, MSW, PhD Adrienne E. Segovia, MD Confer r al of Doctor of Philosophy Degr ees Provost Lon S. Kaufman, PhD Dean Karen J. Colley, PhD Pr esentation of Awar ds Pr esentation of Degr ee Ca ndidates Dean Dimitri T. Azar, MD, MBA Associate Dean Timothy Erickson, MD Senior Associate Dean, Kathleen Kashima, PhD Bellur Prabhakar, PhD Associate Dean for Research Distinguished Faculty Award Presented to: Ghanshym Pandey, PhD Dean’s Distinguished Service Awards Presented to: Henry Dove, MD Timothy Erickson, MD Emeritus Dean Recognition Presented to: Joseph A. Flaherty, MD Class of 2014 Golden Apple Award Recognition M1 Year: Norman Lieska, PhD M2 Year: Fred Zar, MD M3 Year: Richard Stringham, MD M4 Year: Parkash Talwar, MD William J. Grove Award Presented to: Lisa Zhang, MD Candidate Introduction of the Commencement Speaker Dean Dimitri T. Azar, MD, MBA Commencement Addr ess Bechara Choucair, MD Confer r al of M aster Degr ees Provost Lon S. Kaufman, PhD Dean Karen J. Colley, PhD Hooding Cer emony, Doctor of Philosophy Degr ee Ca ndidates Dean Karen J. Colley, PhD and Candidate’s Academic Advisor Confer r al of Doctor of Medicine Degr ees Provost Lon S. Kaufman, PhD Dean Dimitri T. Azar, MD, MBA PR ESENTATION OF DEGR EE CA NDIDATES Jorge Girotti, PhD, Associate Dean for Admissions and Special Curricular Programs Hooding Cer emony, Doctor of Medicine Ca ndidates Faculty Hooder Fred Zar, MD Senior Associate Dean Kathleen J. Kashima, PhD MD Cl ass R em ar ks Victor Nwankwo, MD Candidate, President, Class of 2014 The Physicia n’s Oath Dean Dimitri T. Azar, MD, MBA, and MD Class of 2014 Cer emonial Closing George T. Kondos, MD R ecessional PR ESENTATION OF DEGR EE CA NDIDATES Ara Tekian, MD, Associate Dean for International Programs and Associate Professor, Department of Medical Education The BrassWorks Mouret, “Rondeau” R eception Hooding Cer emony, M aster Degr ee Ca ndidates Dean Karen J. Colley, PhD and Candidate’s Academic Advisor Student Services Building 1200 West Harrison Street (directly across from the UIC Pavilion on Racine Avenue) 9 FACULT Y A ND STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT AWAR DS N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN FACULTY AND STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS The Distinguished Facult y Awar d The Distinguished Faculty Award is presented to a faculty member in Chicago on the basis of national or international recognition of excellence in research, service to professional organizations or distinction as an educator. 1981 Paul Heller, MD 1991 Ananda Chakrabarty, PhD 2003 No Awardee 1982 George Gee Jackson, MD, PhD 1992 Ervin G. Erdös, MD 2004 Ronald Hoffman, MD 1983 Lloyd M. Nyhus, MD 1993 Tapas Das Gupta, MD, PhD 2005 Peter Gettins, DPhil 1984 Sheldon Dray, MD, PhD 1994 R. John Solaro, PhD 2006 Mahmood F. Mafee, MD 1985 Olga Jonasson, MD 1995 Harris Ripps, PhD, DSc 2007 No Awardee 1986 Michael Bárány, MD, PhD 1996 Edward L. Applebaum, MD 2008 Rochelle S. Cohen, PhD 1987 Max Samter, MD 1997 Boris M. Astrachan, MD 2009 Robert Gibbons, PhD 1988 Morton F. Goldberg, MD 1998 Mark M. Rasenick, PhD 2010 Mrinalini C. Rao, PhD 1989 Lawrence M. Solomon, MD 1999 Arthur S. Elstein, PhD 2011 Alessandro Guidotti, MD 1990 Geula Gibori, PhD 2000 Gerald Fishman, MD Thomas J. Layden, MD C. Thomas Bombeck, MD (posthumously) 2001 Dharmapuri Vidyasagar, MD 2012 Judith A. Cook, PhD 2002 Lawrence A. Frohman, MD 2013 Martin Harrow, PhD 2014 Ghanshyam Pandey, PhD Dea n’s Distinguished Service Awar d The Dean’s Distinguished Service Award is selected by the dean of the college and presented to any member of the College of Medicine community who has demonstrated extraordinary commitment, dedication or service to the advancement of the College of Medicine. 2012 Benjamin D. Williams, PhD 2013 Martin A. Lipsky, MD 2014 L. Keith Todd Henry Dove, MD Timothy Erickson, MD The R aymond B. Allen Golden Apple for Teaching Awar d The Golden Apple Awards were established by the Student Council for the University of Illinois College of Medicine in 1947, and subsequently named for Raymond B. Allen, MD (1902-1986), who served as the Dean of the College in the 1940’s. Golden Apple faculty in Chicago are voted by each medical school class near the end of each academic year and recognizes those instructors who, in the students’ estimation, have shown helpfulness, excellence, and interest in their instruction to the greatest degree. Cl ass of 2014 Golden Apple R ecipients M1 Year: Norman Lieska, PhD, Anatomy & Cell Biology M2 Year: Fred Zar, MD, Internal Medicine M3 Year: Richard Stringham, MD, Family Medicine M4 Year: Parkash Talwar, MD, Radiology 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago Willia m J. Grove Awar d The William J. Grove Award is presented to an outstanding graduating senior(s) who best exemplifies the qualities of Dr. Grove— a combination of intelligence and skills with excellence in academic achievement, high-level involvement in medical school affairs, commitment to the medical community, altruistic pursuits and leadership qualities. 1993 Joseph Garber Alison Van Egeren 1994 Shelia Dugan John Port 1995 Austin L. Belton Ted J. Jagielo 1996 Gregory Bussell Daniel Richard 1997 Raj Shah 1998 Cinnamon Danielle Bradley 2006 David Jho 1999 Jaspal Sodhi 2007 Andrea Pappalardo 2000 Young H. An 2008 David James Ramsey 2001 William W. Ashley Jr. Matthew D. Weiss 2009 Tara E. Brennan 2010 Jason Carroll 2002 Stephanie L. Banaszak 2011 Michael E. Kralovec 2003 Joyce Li 2012 Daniel N. Pugliese 2004 Nirali N. Shah 2013 Stephanie Gallitano 2005 Jacqueline K. Le 2014 Lisa Zhang Michael a nd K ate Bárány R esearch Awar d The Michael and Kate Bárány Research Award, established in 2002, is presented to a graduating MD or MD/PhD student for outstanding research achievement while enrolled in the UIC College of Medicine at Chicago. This award recognizes the significance of research to medical education. Michael and Kate Bárány were internationally renowned muscle physiologists. Dr. Michael Bárány was a distinguished faculty member of the College of Medicine and a University Scholar. Dr. Kate Bárány was the recipient of several teaching awards and the 1996 Woman of the Year award. 2002 Kris Alden 2006 David Jho 2010 Amy Bellmeyer 2003 Tatiana Grzeszkiewicz 2007 David Moons 2011 Shripaad Y. Shukla 2004 Todd Novak 2008 Masakatsu Nanamori 2012 Imo J. Akpan 2005 Jennifer Layden-Almer 2009 Evan C. Osmundson 2013 Janai Carr 2014 Jonathan Waxman Drs. Ervin G. & Sar a F. R abito Er dös Pr ize for Excellence in Basic Sciences The Drs. Ervin G. and Sara F. Rabito Erdös Prize for Excellence in Basic Sciences is given to a University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine medical student in recognition of significant research accomplishments in the basic sciences. 2009 Mark Alexander Pilkinton 2012 Yalda Rassouli Afshar 2010 Sheila Barry 2013 Jennifer Kwan 2011 Ananda-Kriiya Satya Fine 2014 Aurora Shehu 11 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN Iv y Eliz abeth Abr aha m Yousuf A. Ahmed Hometown: Downers Grove, Illinois Hometown: Oak Brook, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2009 Education: Benedictine University, BS, 2010 Specialty: Internal Medicine Specialty: Internal Medicine Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Residency: St. Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri Fida Abuisneineh Michael Alex a nder Hometown: Orland Park, Illinois Hometown: Highland Park, Illinois Education: Education: University of Wisconsin, Madison, BS, 2008 Specialty:Pediatrics Specialty: Internal Medicine Residency: Advocate Christ Medical Center, Oak Lawn, Illinois Residency: New York Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, New York University of Chicago, BA, 2010 Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society Neha Agnihotr i A m a nda Allison Hometown: Morton Grove, Illinois Hometown: Bellevue, Washington Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2010 Education: Specialty: Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Specialty:Pediatrics Residency: University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles, California Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society, AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation With Honors University of Washington, BS, 2008 Residency: University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington Ifeom a Va nessa Agua nunu Im a n M ahdi Alsaden Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: Duke University, BA, 2007 Education: Brown University, BS, 2009 Specialty: Transitional Year Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency: Weiss Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Illinois Recognition: Combined MD/MPH Program Residency: The University of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago, Illinois 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF MEDICINE World-Class City, World-Class Education ... R ESEARCH a CLINICs a COMMUNIT Y SERVICE M artin Ar a mburu Emily Chou Bar r ett Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: River Forest, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS/BA, 2003 Education: Cornell University, BS, 2007 Specialty: Family Medicine Specialty: Emergency Medicine Residency: McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois Residency: Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California Favin S. Babu Willia m J. Beeler Hometown: Glendale Heights, Illinois Hometown: Waterloo, Illinois Education: Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Specialty:Surgery Specialty: Emergency Medicine Residency: Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, Illinois Residency: University of Missouri Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation With Honors Br ia n Charles Ba mberger R achel K athryn Ber nar d Hometown: Glen Ellyn, Illinois Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2006 Education: Washington University, St. Louis, BA, 2010 Specialty: Internal Medicine Specialty: Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency: University of Illinois St. Francis Medical Center, Peoria, Illinois Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Recognition Gold Humanism Honor Society, Combined MD/MPH Program 13 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN Lillia n Rochelle Ber ns Leah M. Bruno Hometown: Northbrook, Illinois Hometown: San Diego, California Education: University of Southern California, BS, 2009 Education: University of San Diego, BA, 2006 Specialty: Internal Medicine Specialty: Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency: McGaw Medical Center. Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois Residency: Tulane University Hospital and Clinics, New Orleans, Louisiana Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society Michael A. Bl asco M atthew Robert Bur ns Hometown: Lake Forest, Illinois Hometown: Evanston, Illinois Education: Education: University of Notre Dame, BS, 2010 Oberlin College, BA, 2001 Specialty:Otolaryngology Specialty:Neurology Residency: Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan PGY1: Internal Medicine Northshore University Health System, Evanston, Illinois PGY2: The University of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago, Illinois Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation With Honors Eliz abeth Ohenewa Bonsu John K. By un Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Los Angeles, California Education: Education: Harvard College, BA, 2008 Specialty: Radiation Oncology PGY1: Transitional Year, MacNeal Memorial Hospital, Berwyn, Illinois PGY2: Rutgers – New Jersey Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2008 2015 Residency Match Participant Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society Jacqueline Brom Haydee Ca ntu Hometown: Wheaton, Illinois Hometown: Mundelein, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2008 Specialty: Family Medicine Specialty: Family Medicine Residency: Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, Illinois Residency: Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, Illinois 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago Ruben Car doso Jr. Michael Charles Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: DePauw University, BA, 2006 Specialty: Emergency Medicine Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Specialty: Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Tia na M. Car r illo Calderón Thom as Chen Hometown: Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2009 Education: University of Illinois, Chicago, PharmD, 2009 Specialty: Family Medicine Specialty: Internal Medicine Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine / Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois Residency: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland Recognition: Graduation With Honors Pr iscill a Medeiros Carvalho Susa n Cheng Hometown: Goiania, Brazil, Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: Education: University of Chicago, BA, 2010 Specialty:Pediatrics Specialty: Internal Medicine Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Residency: University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida Edwina Cha ng Cl audia Chr istm a n-Sk ieller Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Redwood City, California Education: Johns Hopkins University, BA, 2009 Education: Stanford University, BA, 2008 Johns Hopkins University, MS, 2009 Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery University of California – Santa Barbara, BA, 2007 Specialty:Radiology PGY1: Internal Medicine, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, Illinois PGY2: The University of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago, Illinois Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society Residency: University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington Recognition: Graduation with Honors 15 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN M ateusz K a mil Ciejk a Robert Czuprynsk i Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Forsyth, Illinois Education: University of Chicago, BA, 2010 Specialty: Emergency Medicine Education: Residency: Wayne State University Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Specialty:Surgery Residency: St. Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri Joseph D. Cooper Sheer a z Daudi Hometown: Roscoe, Illinois Hometown: East Lansing, Michigan Education: Washington University, St. Louis, BS, 2009 Education: Michigan State University, BS, 1996 Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery Northwestern University, MS, 2001 Residency: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation With Honors Specialty:Radiology-Diagnostic PGY1: Preliminary Year, University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois PGY2: Presence Saint Francis Hospital, Evanston, Illinois Patr ick M. Coutur e JohnM ar k Der ryber ry Hometown: Palos Park, Illinois Hometown: Tulsa, Oklahoma Education: Education: Oral Roberts University, BS, 2003 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, MS, 2005 University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Specialty:Radiology PGY1: Internal Medicine, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois PGY2: Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee Specialty:Pediatrics Residency: Advocate Christ Medical Center, Oak Lawn, Illinois Shirley Cueva Sa njaya Dhar m apur i Hometown: Jamaica, New York Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: Cornell University, BA, 2008 Education: Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialty:Psychiatry Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Reed College, BA, 1997 Residency: Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago We are committed to supporting the research community and believe this foundation will give our patients the best care possible. R E S E A R C H a C U R E S a H E A L I N G Abdulr ahm a n Dia Innessa M. Donskoy Hometown: Orland Park, Illinois Hometown: Buffalo Grove, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2010 Education: Specialty: Internal Medicine Residency: The University of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago, Illinois Boston College, BS, 2010 Specialty:Pediatrics Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation With Honors Nicole M ar ie Dia z Khushboo Doshi Hometown: Palos Hills, Illinois Hometown: Skokie, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2009 Education: Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialty: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency: The University of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago, Illinois Residency: Xavier University, BS, 2009 McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University/ Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Chr istine P. Ding K ather ine A nn Duff y Hometown: Clarendon Hills, Illinois Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: Washington University, St. Louis, BS, 2009 Education: Tulane University, BA, 2001 Specialty: Internal Medicine Specialty: Family Medicine Residency: University of Minnesota Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota Residency: McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois 17 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN M ary K athryn Dunca n Eben Eno Hometown: Bloomington, Illinois Hometown: Columbia, Maryland Education: University of Notre Dame, BS, 2010 Education: Wichita State University, BS, 2009 Specialty: Internal Medicine Specialty: Internal Medicine Residency: McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois Residency: Cooper University Hospital, Camden, New Jersey Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society, AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation With Honors Jonatha n Gr aves Dunlop Melinda A. Eshelm a n Hometown: Indianapolis, Indiana Hometown: Elmhurst, Illinois Education: Washington University, BA, 2003 Education: University of Iowa, JD, 2007 Specialty:Psychiatry Residency: University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor, Michigan Vanderbilt University, BE, 2009 Specialty:Anesthesiology Residency: Univerity of California Irvine Medical Center, Orange, California Gary Edwar ds Joseph R. Espar a z Hometown: Provo, Utah Hometown: Decatur, Illinois Education: Brigham Young University, BS, 2009 Education: Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery Specialty:Surgery Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2010 Residency: University of Illinois – St. Francis Medical Center, Peoria, Illinois Recognition: Graduation with Honors Joseph L. Einhor n Olubadewa Adey emi Fatunde Hometown: Olney, Illinois Hometown: Katy, Texas Education: Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, BS, 2009 Education: University of Texas, BS, 2006 Specialty: Emergency Medicine Specialty: Emergency Medicine Residency: Stanford University Programs, Stanford, California Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society Residency: Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, Colorado 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago A ndr ea Michelle Feijoo Cassy Fr iedr ich Hometown: Quito, Ecuador, Hometown: Havana, Illinois Education: North Park University, BS, 2010 Education: Southern Illinois University, BS, 2009 Specialty: Family Medicine Specialty: Psychiatry/Family Medicine Residency: Advocate Christ Medical Center, Oak Lawn, Illinois Residency: University of California Davis Health System, Sacramento, California Shir a z Salim Fidai Xochil Galea no Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Matagalpa, Nicaragua Education: Loyola University Chicago, BS, 2010 Education: Specialty: Pathology-Anatomic and Clinical Specialty:Pediatrics University of Florida, BS, 2007 Residency: The University of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago, Illinois Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Chr istina Ofelia FOR EM A N Victor Osor io Gappm aier Hometown: Palos Park, Illinois Hometown: Salt Lake City, Utah Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2010 Education: University of Utah, BS, 2010 Specialty: Emergency Medicine Specialty: Emergency Medicine Residency: John H. Stroger Hospital of Cook County, Chicago, Illinois Recognition: Combined MD/MPH Program Eliz abeth R. Fr iedm a n Hometown: Lisle, Illinois Education: Tufts University, BS, 2009 Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency: Grand Rapids Medical Education Partners, Grand Rapids, Michigan Residency: McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois Sa m a ntha Gha nayem-Bouik idis Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Specialty: Family Medicine Residency: Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, Illinois 19 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN L aur a C. Giegler Lil a Gollogly Glotfelt y Hometown: River Forest, Illinois Hometown: New York, New York Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2007 Education: Harvard University, BA, 2004 Specialty: Family Medicine Specialty: Internal Medicine Residency: University of Minnesota Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota Recognition: Combined MD/MPH Program Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Recognition: Combined MD/PhD Program Ekua Baidua Gilbert-Baffoe Ada m Br adley Glusk in Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Buffalo Grove, Illinois Education: Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Specialty: Internal Medicine University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2010 Specialty:Surgery Residency: University of California San Francisco — East Bay, San Francisco, California Residency: McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation With Honors Alessa ndr a Gl aser Aaron L. Goldstein Hometown: Tower Lakes, Illinois Hometown: Long Grove, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Education: Northwestern University, BS, 2010 Specialty: Family Medicine Specialty: Internal Medicine Residency: Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Rochester, Minnesota Residency: Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, Illinois Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society Phillip Joseph Glivar R eyna Ter esa Gonz alez Hometown: Macedonia, Ohio Hometown: Los Angeles, California Education: Northwestern University, BA, 2009 Education: Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery Specialty:Surgery Residency: Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California California State University, BS, 2007 Residency: Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago More new physicians earn their medical degrees at the University of Illinois College of Medicine than at any other medical school in the country, and one out of every six physicians currently practicing in Illinois is a graduate of the college. Sea n Zigm as Goodin David H. Heimberg Hometown: Red Bud, Illinois Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: Education: Michigan State University, BS, 2005 Loyola University of Chicago, MA, 2009 Specialty: Emergency Medicine Southern Illinois University, BA, 2009, BS, 2009 Specialty:Radiology-Diagnostic PGY1: Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois PGY2: Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia Residency: Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation With Honors A meer a Sa’Diyya Haa mid Ja mes Bouchar d Hendele Hometown: Aurora, Illinois Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: Jackson State University, BS, 2010 Education: Specialty: Emergency Medicine Specialty:Surgery Residency: John H. Stroger Hospital of Cook County, Chicago, Illinois University of St. Andrews, BS, 2006 Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Da niel Elliot Hawthor ne M atthew Car se Her na ndez Hometown: Potosi, Bolivia Hometown: Wheaton, Illinois Education: Wheaton College, BA, 2009 Education: Specialty: Family Medicine Specialty:Surgery Residency: West Suburban Medical Center, Oak Park, Illinois University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2009 Residency: Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Rochester, Minnesota 21 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN Chr istopher Hick s Jacob Jensen Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Morenci, Arizona Education: Education: University of Arizona, BA, 2003 Touro University, MS, 2006 Specialty: Emergency Medicine University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2009 Specialty: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency: Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois Residency: Wayne State University Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan Robin A nn Holmes Ca n “A ngel a” Jia ng Hometown: Homewood, Illinois Hometown: Columbus, Indiana Education: Oberlin College, BA, 2009 Education: Duke University, BS, 2007 Specialty: Family Medicine National Louis University, MA, 2009 Specialty: Family Medicine Residency: Alaska Family Medicine Center Providence Hospital, Anchorage, Alaska Residency: O’Connor Hospital, San Jose, California Ruth Hsiao A nnek a Michelle Johnson Hometown: Rowland Heights, California Hometown Chicago, Illinois Education: University of California, BA, 2008 Education: University of Pittsburgh, BS, 2006 Specialty: Internal Medicine Loyola University, Chicago, MA, 2008 Specialty: Family Medicine Residency: University of California San Diego Medical Center, San Diego, California Recognition: Graduation with Honors Residency: St. Joseph Hospital, Chicago, Illinois Zubair M. Ilyas Krystle Alexis Johnson Hometown: Lombard, Illinois Hometown: Brooklyn, New York Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2010 Education: Duke University, BS, 2009 Specialty: Internal Medicine Specialty: Emergency Medicine Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Residency: SUNY Health Science Center, Brooklyn, New York 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago Veronica R enee Johnson M artin Kosztowsk i Hometown: Long Grove, Illinois Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: University of Michigan, BS, 2007 Specialty: Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Education: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, BS, 2007 Residency: Tulane University Hospital and Clinics, New Orleans, Louisiana Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society Specialty:Surgery Residency: University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California A m a nda L. Joseph Da niel Lee Hometown: Schaumburg, Illinois Hometown: Naperville, Illinois Education: University of Pennsylvania, BA, 2008 Education: Specialty: Radiology — Diagnostic Specialty:Psychiatry Residency: University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, New Mexico University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2009 Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society Asr ar Ahmed Kha n David Taehee Lee Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Buffalo Grove, Illinois Education: Northwestern University, BA, 2010 Specialty: Internal Medicine Education: Residency: Barnes Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2009 2015 Residency Match Participant Sum a nth K ida mbi Ina Ha n Lee Hometown: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Hometown: Rockville, Maryland Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2005 Education: University of California at Berkeley, BA, 1999 Specialty: Thoracic Surgery Specialty: Pathology-Anatomic and Clinical Residency: Stanford University Programs, Stanford, California Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation With Honors Residency: University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland Recognition Combined MD/PhD Program 23 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN Sylvia Wei Li A m a nda Chr istine Lipon Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Darien, Illinois Education: Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Specialty:Anesthesiology Specialty: Emergency Medicine PGY1: Internal Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois PGY2: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland Recognition: Graduation with Honors Washington University, St. Louis, BA, 2010 Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society M ar iko Limpar Hometown: Bolingbrook, Illinois Education: Dartmouth College, BA, 2007 Specialty: Family Medicine Residency: MacNeal Memorial Hospital, Berwyn, Illinois Br ia n J. Lin Hometown: Naperville, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BA, 2010 Specialty: Emergency Medicine Residency: New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York Cassa ndr a M ar ie List Hometown: Miami, Florida Education: Loyola University Chicago, BS, 2009 Specialty: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation PGY1: Transitional Year, Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare, Milwaukee, Wisconsin PGY2: Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Jennifer Michelle Loeb Hometown: Buffalo Grove, Illinois Education: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, BS, 2010 Specialty: Internal Medicine Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Jer ed DIEGO Linar es Hercules D. Logothetis Hometown: Cicero, Illinois Hometown: Riverwoods, Illinois Education: Illinois Institute of Technology, BS, 2010 Education: Specialty: Internal Medicine Specialty:Ophthalmology Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Northwestern University, BS, 2009 PGY1: Transitional Year, Resurrection Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois PGY2: McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago Establish contact with the spirit within the patient ... L I S T E N I N G a L E A R N I N G a r e s p e c t i n g A nthony David Lucero Nicole M a ndich Hometown: Laguna Hills, California Hometown: Naperville, Illinois Education: Vassar College, BA, 2009 Education: Miami University, BS, 2009 Specialty: Emergency Medicine Specialty: Internal Medicine Residency: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, California Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society Residency: Olive View—University of California Los Angeles Medical Center, Sylmar, California Elisa M. Lunde A NITA M ATHEW Hometown: Plano, Illinois Hometown: Burr Ridge, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2009 Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2010 Specialty: Emergency Medicine Residency: Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Rochester, Minnesota Specialty: Anesthesiology PGY1: Pediatrics Preliminary, Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals, Milwaukee, Wisconsin PGY2: University of North Carolina Hospitals, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Gr ace L. M aloney M ary K athryn McCauley Hometown: Naperville, Illinois Hometown: Geneva, Illinois Education: Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2009 Specialty: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation PGY1: Internal Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Orland Park, Illinois PGY2: Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital, Wheaton, Illinois University of Notre Dame, BS, 2010 Specialty:Pediatrics Residency: Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, Illinois 25 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN Va nessa Cur r agh McFadden David Mitchell Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: Education: Benedictine University, BS, 2007 Specialty:Pediatrics Specialty: Radiology — Diagnostic Residency: Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals, Milwaukee, Wisconsin PGY1: Surgery, St. Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri Recognition: Combined MD/PhD Program PGY2: Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals, Milwaukee, Wisconsin M at thew Gr egory McK night Sachin Moonat Hometown: Sugar Grove, Illinois Hometown: Moraga, California Education: Washington University, St. Louis, BA, 2005 Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, DDS, 2011 2015 Residency Match Participant Specialty: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Brown University, BA, 2006 Recognition: Integrated Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery—Doctor of Medicine Degree Program University of California at Berkeley, BA, 2002 Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation with Honors, Combined MD/PhD Program Da nielle L. McNeil A m a nda Munoz Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Medinah, Illinois Education: Duke University, BS, 2009 Education: Northwestern University, BA, 2010 Specialty: Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency: University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida Emergency Medicine Residency St. Joseph Hospital, Chicago, Illinois Sar ah A nne Mihalov M ary Br enna n Naughton Hometown: Bannockburn, Illinois Hometown: Orland Park, Illinois Education: Northwestern University, BA, 2009 Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2010 Harvard University, MPH, 2014 Specialty: Internal Medicine— Emergency Medicine Specialty: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation PGY1: Internal Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Orland Park, Illinois PGY2: McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University/ Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago Chisalu Tessa Nchekwue Ta m ar a Eliz abeth O’Neal Hometown: Merrillville, Indiana Hometown: La Porte, Indiana Education: Northwestern University, BA, 2007 Education: Purdue University, BA, 2002 Specialty: Internal Medicine Specialty: Emergency Medicine Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Victor T. Nwa nkwo K ichul Pak Hometown: South Barrington, Illinois Hometown: Glenview, Illinois Education: Education: Loyola University of Chicago, BS, 2004 Post Doctoral Research Fellowship: Burke/Cornell Medical Research Institute, New York, New York University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2008 Specialty:Psychiatry Residency: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland Jer ry Chider alum Nwobodo Neel K. Pa ncholi Hometown: Enugu, Nigeria Hometown: Naperville, Illinois Education: Iowa State University of Science and Technology, BS, 2007 Education: Case Western Reserve University, BA, 2010 Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery Specialty: Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Residency: SUNY Health Science Center, Brooklyn, New York Residency: Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona Louisa Thompson Olushoga Paul John Par k Hometown: Jersey City, New Jersey Hometown: Glenview, Illinois Education: Education: Dartmouth College, BA, 2008 2015 Residency Match Participant Northwestern University, BA, 2008 Specialty:Ophthalmology PGY1: Transitional Year, Weiss Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Illinois PGY2: Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, Illinois 27 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN Ahm ad Parvinia n Mohini Pathr ia Hometown: Libertyville, Illinois Hometown: Orland Park, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2008 Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2010 Specialty: Radiology — Diagnostic PGY1: Internal Medicine, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois PGY2: Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Rochester, Minnesota Specialty: Internal Medicine Residency: Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation with Honors Kushal R aj Patel Paige E. Penrod Hometown: Edwardsville, Illinois Hometown: Barrington, Illinois Education: Washington University in St. Louis, BA, 2009 Education: DePauw University, BA, 2010 Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery Residency: Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society Mil a n N. Patel Er ic Per ez Hometown: Flushing Meadows, New York Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: University of Illinois, Chicago, BS, 2010 Education: North Park University, BS, 2009 Specialty: Radiology — Diagnostic Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery PGY1: Internal Medicine, West Suburban Medical Center, Oak Park, Illinois Residency: Grand Rapids Medical Education Partners, Grand Rapids, Michigan PGY2: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society Sonny Gha nshya m Patel Er in Per k ey Hometown: Des Plaines, Illinois Hometown: Lemont, Illinois Education: University of Iowa, BS, 2006 Education: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, MS, 2009 Specialty:Pediatrics 2015 Residency Match Participant Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2009 Residency: Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago Be what a physician should be: a healer and helper of all mankind. B e c u r i o u s a n d i n q u i s i t i v e A mber NICOLE Pr ice K eerthi R a nga nath Hometown: Indianapolis, Indiana Hometown: Lisle, Illinois Education: Indiana University, BS, 2005 Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2009 Indiana University, BS, 2006 Specialty: Internal Medicine Purdue University, MS, 2009 Specialty: Pediatrics/Medical Education Track Residency: The University of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago, Illinois Residency: McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation with Honors Pablo Nicol as Quinta na Cassie R im Hometown: Berwyn, Illinois Hometown: Wilmette, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2009 Education: Specialty: Internal Medicine Residency: Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2009 Specialty:Anesthesiology Residency: New York Presbyterian Hospital— Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, New York Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation with Honors A nisa Fatim a R ahm a n Na nc y R ios Hometown: Morton Grove, Illinois Hometown: Coahuila, Mexico, Education: Northwestern University, BS, 2010 Education: Specialty: Child Neurology Specialty:Anesthesiology Residency: University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles, California Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2008 Residency: Case Western Reserve University Hospitals, Cleveland, Ohio 29 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN Luis R iver a Faith Rohlk e Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Los Angeles, California Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BA, 2010 Education: Specialty: Family Medicine Specialty:Psychiatry Residency: McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois University of California, Berkeley, BA, 2006 Residency: San Mateo Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, San Mateo, California Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society Emilie C. Robinson R achel Eliz abeth Rosenfield Hometown: Chester, Illinois Hometown: Glenview, Illinois Education: Education: Washington University in St. Louis, BS, 2008 Specialty:Surgery Specialty: Emergency Medicine Residency: Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois Residency: SUNY Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, New York Recognition: Graduation with Honors Recognition: Graduation with Honors Lizbeth Rodr iguez Jessica Caryn Roth Hometown: Norridge, Illinois Hometown: Northbrook, Illinois Education: DePaul University, BS, 2009 Education: Northwestern University, BA, 2010 Specialty: Family Medicine Specialty: Internal Medicine University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Residency: West Suburban Medical Center, Oak Park, Illinois Residency: Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, Illinois Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society L aur en Rogowsk i Sa muel M. Rubinstein Hometown: St. Charles, Illinois Hometown: Skokie, Illinois Education: Education: Northwestern University, BA, 2010 Specialty: Internal Medicine University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Specialty:Pediatrics Residency: Washington University St. Louis Children’s Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri Residency: Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation with Honors 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago Da nil Rybalko Da niel Savage Hometown: Wheeling, Illinois Hometown: Jacksonville, Illinois Education: Harvard University, BA, 2006 Education: Xavier University, BA, 2003 Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery Specialty: Emergency Medicine Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Residency: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation with Honors Yusuf Sal ah Jeffr ey Schechtm a n Hometown: Bridgeview, Illinois Hometown: Highland Park, Illinois Education: Education: Northwestern University, BA, 2010 Specialty:Psychiatry Residency: University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois Dartmouth College, BA, 2008 Specialty:Anesthesiology PGY1: Internal Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois PGY2: McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois Sheena S. Sa mr a Jacob R. Seiler Hometown: Naperville, Illinois Hometown: Crystal Lake, Illinois Education: Education: Loyola University, Chicago, BA, 2009 Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Specialty:Otolaryngology Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Residency: Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals, Milwaukee, Wisconsin A na nd Sa ndesar a A nish Nitish Shah Hometown: Glenview, Illinois Hometown: Buffalo Grove, Illinois Education: Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2009 Specialty:Pediatrics Specialty: Family Medicine Residency: Case Western Reserve University Hospitals, Cleveland, Ohio Residency: La Grange Memorial Hospital, La Grange, Illinois University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2009 Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society 31 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN Jason P. Shah A ndr es E. Silva Hometown: Park Ridge, Illinois Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: Education: Northwestern University, BA, 2009 Specialty: Internal Medicine University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2002 Residency: Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York Vik r a m John Shar m a Br itta ny Simmons Shaheen Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Monmouth, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2010 Education: Specialty: Family Medicine Specialty:Ophthalmology Residency: Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana University of Chicago, BA, 2004 PGY1: Internal Medicine, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois PGY2: University of Rochester Flaum Eye Institute, Rochester, New York ELIZ ABETH SHAY VALLE Lillia n Soong Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Champaign, Illinois Education: California Institute of Technology, BS, 2007 Specialty: Surgery Education: Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2009 Specialty:Neurology Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Jenna Caroline Spencer Auror a Shehu Hometown: Benton, Illinois Hometown: Elbasan, Albania Education: University of Notre Dame, BS, 2010 Specialty: Internal Medicine Education: Saint Norbert College, BS, 2001 University of Illinois at Chicago, PhD, 2008 Specialty:Dermatology PGY1: Internal Medicine, The University of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago, Illinois PGY2: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago A m a nda L. Stephenson Monique Br idgette Sutherl a nd Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Uniondale, New York Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2010 Education: University of Florida, BS, 2008 Specialty: Pathology-Anatomic and Clinical Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency: McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois Residency: Louisiana State University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana Daine Stevens Br ea na Lynese Taylor Hometown: Payson, Utah Hometown: Lynwood, Illinois Education: Education: Brigham Young University, BA, 2008 2015 Residency Match Participant University of Illinois at Chicago, BA, 2010 Specialty:Neurology Residency: University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington Eliz abeth M ar ie Strom Noor M. Ta zudeen Hometown: Dixon, Illinois Hometown: Danville, Illinois Education: Vanderbilt University, BS, 2008 Education: Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialty:Dermatology Residency: University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles, California Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation with Honors Washington University, BA, 2009 PGY1: Internal Medicine, University of Illinois College of Medicine, Urbana, Illinois PGY2: University of Wisconsin Hospital/ Clinics, Madison, Wisconsin Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society T yler Jonatha n Sur m a Hatim Thak er Hometown: Tuscola, Illinois Hometown: Bolingbrook, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Education: Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery Residency: University of Missouri — Columbia Program, Columbia, Missouri Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation with Honors Northwestern University, BA, 2010 Specialty:Urology PGY1:Surgery, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California PGY2: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 33 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN M ay K yaw Tha zin SOLIZ A nn Tr a n Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Evanston, Illinois Education: Northwestern University, BA, 2010 Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2005 Specialty: Family Medicine Specialty: Family Medicine Residency: The University of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago, Illinois Residency: St. Joseph Hospital, Chicago, Illinois Cor ey J. Thompson Sergey Y. Tur in Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: Western Michigan University, BA, 2001 Education: Northwestern University, BA, 2005 Western Michigan University, MA, 2003 Specialty: Plastic Surgery (Integrated) Specialty:Psychiatry Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Residency: McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation with Honors Jaime Tor r es Sabr ina Uddin Hometown: Berwyn, Illinois Hometown: Carol Stream, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2008 Specialty: Internal Medicine Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BA, 2009 Specialty: Internal Medicine Residency: Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois Residency: Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, Illinois Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society Thalia A. Tor r es Crystal Unzueta Hometown: Bogota, Colombia Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: Oberlin College, BS, 2003 Specialty: Internal Medicine Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2009 Specialty: Family Medicine Residency: McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois Residency: California Hospital Medical Center, Los Angeles, California 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago L awr en Va ndeVr ede Chr istina Victor ia War ner Hometown: Berrien Springs, Michigan Hometown: Joliet, Illinois Education: Education: Johns Hopkins University, BA, 2007 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, MHS, 2008 Florida State University, BS, 2006 Specialty:Neurology PGY1: Internal Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts PGY2: Brigham & Womens Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation with Honors, Combined MD/PhD Program Specialty:Surgery Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Albert Chia-Le Vien Jonatha n A. Wa xm a n Hometown: Darien, Illinois Hometown: Freehold, New Jersey Education: Loyola University Chicago, BS, 2009 Education: Rush University, MS, 2010 Specialty:Otolaryngology Specialty: Emergency Medicine Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois University of Pennsylvania, BSE, 1998 Residency: Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan Recognition: Combined MD/PhD Program BR A NDON LEE WALK ER K ir sten Carly Webb Hometown: San Diego, California Hometown: Arlington Heights, Illinois Education: University of California— Santa Barbara, BS, 2006 Education: Roosevelt University, MS, 2008 Specialty:Dermatology Specialty: Transitional Year Residency: Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, Washington University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 PGY1: Internal Medicine, McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois PGY2: Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, Illinois Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society Garth Nya mbi Walk er Fr a nk Donald Weinberg Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Highland Park, Illinois Education: Education: Case Western Reserve University, BA, 2003 Northwestern University, PhD, 2010 Specialty: Internal Medicine University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BA, 2009 Specialty:Orthopaedics Clinical Research Fellowship: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Residency: University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor, Michigan Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society 35 DOCTOR DOCTOR OF MEDICINE OF MEDICINE CA NDIDATES CA NDIDATES N N t wo t wo thousa thousa nd nd A ND A ND FOURTEEN TEN Asher Weisberg Jonatha n Yin Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Shanghai, China Education: Education: University of Chicago, BS, 2007 Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Specialty:Surgery Residency: Henry Ford Health Sciences Center, Detroit, Michigan Residency: Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation with Honors Natalyn G. Wong Ja na Zawadzk i Longtine Hometown: Darien, Illinois Hometown: Guayaquil, Ecuador Education: Northwestern University, BA, 2010 Education: North Dakota State University, BS, 2009 Specialty: Emergency Medicine Specialty: Internal Medicine Residency: Resurrection Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois Residency: St. Mary Medical Center, Long Beach, California Gr ace Melinda Wu Dawen Zha ng Hometown: Lisle, Illinois Hometown: Lisle, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2010 Specialty: Internal Medicine Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2010 Specialty: Internal Medicine Residency: Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida Residency: The University of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago, Illinois Recognition: AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation with Honors Sha n Sha n Xie Lisa B. Zha ng Hometown: Beijing, China Hometown: Lisle, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2008 Education: Specialty: Family Medicine Specialty:Dermatology Residency: MacNeal Memorial Hospital, Berwyn, Illinois University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2010 PGY1: Transitional Year, Memorial Sloan-Kettering, New York, New York PGY2: Icahn School of Medicine at St. Luke’s, New York, New York Recognition: Gold Humanism Honor Society, AΩA Honor Medical Society, Graduation with Honors, William J. Grove Award Recipient 127 th commencement Doctor of Medicine Candidates N universitUniversity y of Illinois MEDICINE of COLLEGE Illinois OF College of Medicine at peoria Br ia n Joshua Zider Hometown: Buffalo Grove, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2009 Specialty:Anesthesiology Residency: The University of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago, Illinois Brian James Andonian Sam Zafar Awan Thelben A. Burrell Brant Clatterbuck Benjamin Claytor Larisa Coldebella Mindy Cheree Colgrove Geoffrey Crandall Brendan Daley Matthew K. Fischer Lisa Fosnot Michelle Sy Go James Joseph Gullo Joseph Van Hanovnikian 33 37 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd of A ND TEN Doctor of Medicine Candidates of Illinois College Medicine at peoria | University Hans J. Henriquez C. Charles Jain Laurence Jiang Adam Kahn Theodore Kim Jason William Lang Franklin Lee Kayla Renee Miller Meghna V. Motiani Ganesh Nagaraj Cara Coughlin O’Brien Abimbola Olayinka Bradley Ryan Oliver Anand Anil Oroskar Ryan David Overmeyer Angelo Perino Jr. commencement N |universit y of OF Medicine MEDICINE at peoria Doctor127 ofthMedicine Candidates University ofIllinois Illinois COLLEGE College of Establish contact with the spirit within the patient ... G u i d a n c e a a d v i c e a c o u n c i l Kristina Marie Prus Daniel S. Rossi Rasleen K. Saluja Deepak Sambhara Andrei Scumpu Maulik B. Sheth Shalimar Small Deepika Ratna Sriram Obada Subei Toral Bharat Trivedi Joanna Stephanie Troulakis Eric Velazquez Christopher Verdick John Yerkes Timothy J. Young Huayi Zhang 39 33 Doctor of Medicine Candidates | University of Illinois College of Medicine at rockford Jason P. Alvarado Michelle L. Apple Caesar J. Arturo Rashi Bamzai Todd V. Bierman Maxwell H. Busch Anne E. Catalano Christopher A. Chesnut David W. Chiang Jessica L. Chiang Carlos D. Concepcion Emmett H. Culligan Denisse Diaz David J. Dorsa Adam F. Duley Eric C. Elleby Doctor of Medicine Candidates | University of Illinois College of Medicine at rockford Andrew W. Grim Eran C. Gwillim James J. Han Patrick J. Holland Jenny M. Jun Mallory J. Kelly Michael R. Kennedy Theresa L. Kowalski Joshua M. Lawrenz Joon K. Lee Scott W. Lotz Mackenzie S. Lowery David A. Morales Lolita T. Ontiveros Jordan K. Orr Samantha K. Pabich 41 DOCTORCandidates OF MEDICINE NDIDATESofN t wo thousa nd ND TEN at rockford Doctor of Medicine University Illinois College ofAMedicine | CA Kunal S. Patel Joseph R. Puetz Hayley A. Ralph Allison K. Retzer Jessica J. Richardson Schon C. Roberts Nicholas J. Royal Jefree J. Schulte Michael T. Stanek Karla M. Talavera Lauren A. Wallace Rick Wang Laura J. Watt Susan M. Wcislak Chris B. Yoo Fatima N. Zaheer 127 th commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Doctor of Medicine Candidates | University of Illinois College of Medicine at URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Establish contact with the spirit within the patient ... G u i d a n c e a a d v i c e a c o u n c i l Thomas M. Anderson, PhD Wanda A. Averhart Brent C. Beenders, PhD David G. Cervantes, PhD Lexington Culpepper Claudia Gabriela Nevarez Flores Philip H. Goering Alejandro J. Hernandez Evelyn Huang Chenara Alexis Johnson, PhD Acacia C. Lamb, PhD Stefani M. Martin, PhD 43 33 Doctor of Medicine Candidates | University of Illinois College of Medicine at URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Claire M. Miller, PhD Oluwasegun S. Osholowu Alexander A. Parent, PhD Nicholas J. Riley, PhD Jasmine Saleh Paul D. Simonson, PhD Sylvia Soo Justin Stano You are in one of the GREATEST professions on earth! We Become PHYSICIANS to help people doctor philosophy Degr CA NDIDATES t wo thousa nd ND FOURTEEN 127 th of commencement Neeuniversit y of N Illinois COLLEGE OFAMEDICINE Emm a nuel A nsong Esther Lilia Calderon-Gier sz al Hometown: Bronx, New York Hometown: Lima, Peru Education: Oakwood University, BS, 2009 Education: Walsh University, Canton, BS, 2004 Dissertation: Selenium Binding Protein 1 in the Etiology of Cancer Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, MS, 2008 Dissertation: Directed Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells to Prostate: Novel Models That Unravel the Effects of Bisphenol A on Human Prostate Development Thessicar Evadney A ntoine Ya Ting Cha ng Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Hometown: Taiwan, Taipei Education: Oakwood University, BS, 2009 Education: National Taiwan University, BS, 1999 Dissertation: Herpes Simplex Virus Infectivity and the Development of Therapeutics Against Viral Invasion Far na z Bakhshi Robstein Lovejoy Chidavaenzi Hometown: Whittier, California Hometown: Harare, Zimbabwe Education: California State University, BS, 2006 Education: University of Zimbabwe, BSc., 1995 Dissertation: Mechanism of Caveolin-1 Degradation National Yang-Ming University, MS, 2003 Dissertation: Regulation of Telomere Maintenance by the Shelterin Complex in Fission Yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe University of Zimbabwe, MPhil, 2007 Dissertation: Development, Protein Composition and Function of the Rat Inner Ear Vestibulo-cochlear Striated Organelle M atthew Robert Bur ns Auditi DebRoy Hometown: Evanston, Illinois Hometown: Kolkata, India Education: Oberlin College, BA, 2001 Education: University of Calcutta, BSc., 2006 Dissertation: The Role of CK2-Mediated Fast Axonal Transport Dysregulation in Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia University of Calcutta, MSc., 2008 Dissertation: Stromal Interacting Molecule 1 signaling and lung vascular barrier functionl 45 33 OF MEDICINE CACA NDIDATES thousa nd A ND TEN doctorDOCTOR of philosophy Degr ee NDIDATESNNt wo t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN Lil a Glotfelt y Ina Lee Hometown: New York, New York Hometown: Rockville, Maryland Education: Harvard University, BA, 2004 Education: University of California at Berkeley, BA, 1999 Dissertation: Enteropathogenic E. Coli EspG1/G2 Perturb Microtubules and Impede Tight Junction Regulation and Recovery Dissertation: The Role of Specific JNK Isoforms in Huntington’s Disease Pathogenesis Combined MD/PhD Program Combined MD/PhD Program Kr istin Iv y Xiaowen Liu Hometown: New Albany, Mississippi Hometown: Inner Mongolia, China Education: Grambling State University, BS, 2007 Education: Beijing University of Chemical Technology, BEng, 2006 Dissertation: Copper and Cisplatin Entry in Mammalian Cells by Human Copper Transporter, hCTR1 Chinese Academy of Sciences, IOZ, 2009 Dissertation: The “Go” and “Stop” Mechanisms for Neutrophil Migration Natalie K ing Va nessa Cur r agh McFadden Hometown: Huntsville, Alabama Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Education: Oakwood College, BS, 2007 Education: Brown University, BA, 2006 Dissertation: G Protein Signaling in Autistic Endophenotypes Dissertation: Transcriptional Regulation of Hepatitis B Virus Biosynthesis by Bile Acids and Fox A Factorsy Combined MD/PhD Program Er in Eliz abeth Kohler Br it ta ny Mihelich Hometown: Carmel, Indiana Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona Education: Indiana University, BS, 2008 Education: Arizona State University, BS, 2008 Dissertation: The Role of Nanog in Wnt SignalingMediated Endothelial Cell Dedifferentitation and Neovascularization Dissertation: Function and Biomarker Potential of microRNAs in Prostate and Breast Cancers doctor philosophy Degr CA NDIDATES t wo thousa nd ND FOURTEEN 127 th of commencement Neeuniversit y of N Illinois COLLEGE OFAMEDICINE Sachin Moonat L awr en Va ndeVr ede Hometown: Moraga, California Hometown: Berrien Springs, Michigan Education: University of California at Berkeley, BA, 2002 Education: Florida State University, BS, 2006 Establish contact with the spirit within the patient ... Dissertation: The Role of Amygdaloid Chromatin and Synaptic Remodeling in Anxiety and Alcoholism MD/PhD G u i d a n Combined c e a a Program d v i c e Dissertation: Nitrate Chimeras: A New Class of DiseaseModifying Agents for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease Combined MD/PhD Program a c o u n c i l Julie Moua nnes Jonatha n A. Wa xm a n Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Freehold, New Jersey Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2005 Education: University of Pennsylvania, BSE, 1998 Dissertation: Troponin I inhibitory Region’s Role in Cardiac Muscle Regulation and Troponin Structural Dynamics Dissertation: Prediction of Pathophysiological Events: Sleep Disordered Breathing, Vigilance Lapses, and Driving Mistakes Combined MD/PhD Program M aoy u Peng Ta nga nyik a Wilder Hometown: Jingzhou, China Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee Education: Wuhan University, BS, 2001 Education: Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, BS, 2004 University of Illinois at Chicago, MSc, 2008 Dissertation: Tropomyosin Dephosphorylation and the Role of Oxidative Stress in Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Dissertation: The Role of Protein Tyrosine Kinase 6 (PTK6) in the Mammary Gland Epithelium and Breast Cancer Shalina L. Taylor Wa n-Ni Yu Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama Hometown:Taiwan Education: Florida A&M University, BS, 2006 Education: National Taiwan University, Taiwan, BS, 2000 Dissertation: Requirement of Myeloperoxidase for Neutrophil Spatial Sensing National Taiwan University, Taiwan, MS, 2002 Dissertation: The effect of Akt isoforms in Tumorigenesis and Glucose Homeostasis in Vivo 47 33 N t wo DOCTOR OF MEDICINE CA NDIDATES N thousa t wo thousa ndFOURTEEN A ND TEN m aster Degr ee CA NDIDATES nd A ND Ifeom a Va nessa Agua nunu Debor ah Olive East wood Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Hometown: Auckland, New Zealand Education: Duke University, BA, 2007 Education: University of Auckland, BBus Thesis: The High Cost of Saying Goodbye: Actions that should be taken to decrease the cost of end-of-life care nationwide Thesis: Disclosure Practice in New Zealand’s No fault Compensation System Combined MD/MPH Program Br ia n Charles Ba mberger Chr istina Ofelia For em a n Hometown: Glen Ellyn, Illinois Hometown: Palos Park, Illinois Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2006 Education: University of Illinois at Chicago, BS, 2010 Thesis: Capstone Project — To Err is Human, To Fix Divine: A Policy Analysis on Reducing Medication Errors in the United States Thesis: Addressing Health Disparities in Chicago through Improved Translation Services Combined MD/MPH Program Combined MD/MPH Program Khar a Br eeden K athryn A nn Gar ner Hometown: Sugarland, Texas Hometown: Fort Wayne, Indiana Education: Regis University, BSN, 2010 Education: Bellarmine College, BS, 1982 Houston Community College, ADN, 2002 Thesis: Domestic Violence: Improving Identification through Education Indiana University School of Medicine, MD, 1988 Thesis: Appropriate Cervical Cancer Screening in the Adolescent Female K athryn Car son Leah L a mbert Gibbs Hometown: Corpus Christi, Texas Hometown: Gainesville, Florida Education: Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, Texas, BSN, 1995 Education: St. Leo University, BS, 1999 Thesis: Centralized Bed Authority: A Quality Improvement Project for Reducing ED Wait Times Thesis: Pre-analytic Laboratory Errors in Ambulatory Care m aster Degr ee CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN L aur a C. Giegler Mustafa M. Om a mi Hometown: River Forest, Illinois Hometown: Benghazi, Libya Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, BS, 2007 Education: University of Garyounis, MBChB, 2003 Combined MD/MPH Program The Royal College of Surgeons of England, MRCS 2010 Thesis: Isolation and Analysis of Ngn3+/CD133+ Endocrine Precursor Cells From Human Exocrine Tissueh Patr icia A nne Gr a mlich A nna M ar ie Pilk ington Hometown: West Chester, Pennsylvania Hometown: North Kingstown, Rhode Island Education: Albert Einstein Medical Center School of Nursing, BSN, 1985 Education: Rhode Island College, BA, 1992 Thesis: The Impact of Executive Rounding on Patient Satisfaction Immaculata University, BSN, 2011 Thesis: Taking the Helm: Patient Safety Education in Undergraduate Nursing Programs Joa nna Kmiecik K ather ine R iley Hometown: Harwood Heights, Illinois Hometown: Palos Hills, Illinois Education: Jagiellonian University Medical College, MD, 2008 Education: Saint Xavier University Chicago, Illinois, BA, 1995 Thesis: Patient Journaling Loyola University Chicago, MS, 2014 Thesis: Inpatient Falls M arguer ite L a ngl ais Julie Sengstack en Hometown: Gales Ferry ,Connecticut Hometown: Arkansas City, Kansas Education: Molloy College, New York, BSN ,1979 Education: St. Francis School of Nursing-RN Thesis: The impact of training and modeling of disclosure communication on physician self-efficacy toward disclosure Chamberlain College of Nursing-BSN 49 m aster Degr ee CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN Ronald Stahl Ther esa K imur a Yip Hometown: Nevada, Missouri Hometown: Sacramento, California Education: University of Missouri, BA, 1982 Education: California State University, Sacramento, BS, 2011 Thesis: Can a Patient Safety Culture be Achieved in a Correctional Healthcare System? University of Missouri — Kansas City School of Medicine, MD, 1982 Thesis: Using Education With All Operating Room Team Members to Improve Operating Room Nurses’ Comfort in Speaking Up Da nielle Nicole Washington Adr ia n Zhubi Hometown: Plainfield, Illinois Hometown: Gjakove, Republic of Kosovo Education: Saint Joseph’s College of Maine, BSRSA, 2011 Education: University of Prishtina, BS, 1998 Thesis: Barriers and facilitators to patient adherence in radiotherapy treatments University of Prishtina, MD, 2004 Thesis: Alterations of Epigenetic Mechanisms in post-mortem Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) subjects The University of Illinois College of Medicine Alumni Council salutes the Class of 2014 and welcomes you to a community of more than 25,000 alumni across the globe. Just like those who graduated before you, we are certain that you will accomplish incredible goals and that collectively the Class of 2014 will make a powerful impact on the world and on medicine. Using the experience and knowledge you gained from COM’s world-class education, it is now your turn to help build healthier communities, provide world-class health care and touch and save lives. We are confident that you are well-prepared to do just that and look forward to learning of your many future accomplishments. To help ease the transition from student to graduate, COM hosts programs for our alumni. Attending these social, educational, and networking events is not only a great way to stay in touch with friends and former classmates, but also to build new connections within the alumni community. In addition, we host a number of annual events, including Homecoming each fall, and regional receptions around the country to connect with our farther-flung alumni. You can also get involved as a volunteer—we need your help with everything from events to student recruitment and mentorship. No matter where life takes you, the COM looks forward to keeping you informed about the accomplishments of its students, faculty and fellow alumni. Please remember to stay in touch, update your information and share your successes. For more information about events, updates and news, visit, email, or call the Office of Alumni Relations at (312) 996-4470. doctor of philosophy Degr ee CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN A natomy a nd cell biology Phar m acology Matthew Robert Burns Farnaz Bakhshi Robstein Lovejoy Chidavaenzi Alejandra Chavez Auditi DebRoy Erin Elizabeth Kohler Xiaowen Liu Luiza Rusu Shalina L. Taylor Biochemistry a nd molecul ar genetics Ya Ting Chang Kristin Ivy Maoyu Peng Sumeyye Yar Wan-Ni Yu Physiology a nd biophysics Esther Lilia Calderon-Gierszal Electr ical a nd Computer Engineer ing Julie Mouannes Tanganyika Wilder Jonathan Waxman Microbiology a nd immunology Thessicar Evadney Antoine Lila Glotfelty Vanessa McFadden Goutham Pattabiraman Surgery Mustafa M. Omami Neuroscience Natalie King Ina Lee Sachin Moonat Lawren Vandevrede Pathology Emmanuel Ansong Brittany Mihelich 51 M ASTER DEGR EE CA NDIDATES N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN Neuroscience Public Health Brian Bamberger Christina Foreman Ifeoma Aguanunu Laura Giegler Adrian Zhubi Patient Safet y Leadership Khara Breeden Kathryn Lorraine Carson Deborah Olive Eastwood Surgery Kathryn Ann Garner Leah Lambert Gibbs Patricia Anne Gramlich Akwete Kamaria Kershaw Joanna Kmiecik Marguerite Langlais Anna Marie Pilkington Katherine Riley Julie Sengstacken Ronald Stahl Danielle Nicole Washington Theresa Kimura Yip Mustafa M. Omami 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago COLLEGE AND NATIONAL HONORS Cer emonial R ecognition of Honors Graduates may be elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha (AΩA) Honor Medical Society, may earn “Graduation With Honors,” and may be selected for membership in the Gold Humanism Honor Society. Academic commencement ceremonial costume conventions include adornments that depict honors. In keeping with this tradition, the AΩA key, the Graduation With Honors medallion, and the Gold Humanism Honor Society medallion are placed over the doctoral robes of the MD graduates, each hanging by a ribbon. The green ribbon for the Graduation With Honors medallion is the color of the discipline of medicine and signifies living things and medicinal herbs. The burgundy ribbon color for the AΩA key is a tradition of the society. The blue ribbon for the UIC chapter of the national Gold Humanism Honor Society AG O CHIC •P U ED ION CAT RE CA IC ED M AL D RE SE PU ARC H BL IC SE RV IC • UIC C E G E OF M LLEORIA • ROCKFOR E E CIN DIURBANA O signifies the official school color of the University of Illinois at Chicago. E AΩA 1902 H O E NO Est. 1881 R GRADUAT O AG O R EO IA • ROCKF ION CAT RE CA AL DIC OR D RE SE PU ARC H BL IC SE RV IC • UIC C •P U ED E CIN DIURBANA E G E OF M HonorS GrLLaduate E CHIC Honors graduates meet or exceed academic criteria that include a matrix of basic science and core clerkship grades, performance rankings E M E and United States Medical Licensing Exam scores. The medallion design represents the college’s founding goals of education, research, O H 1881 E NO Est. medical care and public service. AT R GRADU Alpha Omega Alpha (AΩA) The purpose of AΩA is to recognize and to perpetuate excellence in the medical profession through promotion of scholarship and research in medical schools; the encouragement of a high standard of character and conduct among medical students and graduates; and the recognition of high achievement in medical science, medical practice and related fields. William Webster Root and five of his classmates founded the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society in 1902 while students at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago. The College of Physicians and Surgeons was incorporated into the University of Illinois in 1913. Currently, medical students at 124 U.S. medical schools are elected to the AΩA annually. The first, or alpha, chapter is located at the UIC College of Medicine. The society key is designed after the manubrium sternum (the chest bone). The letters AΩA engraved on the key represent its name and its motto, “Worthy to serve the suffering.” The Gold Hum a nism Honor Societ y The purpose of the Gold Humanism Honor Society is to recognize outstanding humanistic character and performance in graduating students. Students are selected from nominees who have demonstrated outstanding integrity, excellence, compassion, altruism, respect, empathy and service. The Arnold P. Gold Foundation defines humanism as “encompassing those attitudes and behaviors that emanate from a deep sensitivity and respect for others, including full acceptance of all cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Further, humanism is exemplified through compassionate, empathetic treatment of all persons, while recognizing each one’s needs and autonomy.” The Gold Humanism Honor Society is sponsored by the Gold Foundation, a public, not-for-profit organization established in 1988 by Drs. Arnold and Sandra Gold, colleagues at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City and dedicated community leaders and philanthropists. The UIC chapter of the Gold Humanism Honor Society was formed in 2004. GHHS members are selected at the end of their M3 year by a faculty-student committee from nominations supported by documentation and letters of support. New members are inducted into the international society in a spring induction ceremony. The image on the medallion, a stethoscope in the form of a heart, represents the humanistic goals of the sponsoring foundation. 53 ACADEMIC R EGALIA N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN Costume History Academic regalia originated in the 12th century medieval European universities of Bologna, Oxford, Cambridge and Paris. The academic costume that we have today developed from the long robe and hood garments worn by scholars who were primarily monks and friars. Their dress met practical needs and incorporated church and state ceremonial traditions. Academic costumes of the 20th century have origins that even predate the last millennium. Ancient Chinese leaders wore multicolored robes. Biblical high priests wore finely woven linen garments of gold, blue, purple and scarlet that were decorated with precious-stone breastplates. The beautiful robes of Roman popes and the garments of church prelates set the tradition followed by bishops and vice chancellors as they became heads of universities. Universities developed regulations dictating costume styles to distinguish officials from doctors, lesser clerics and townspeople. Early universities were agencies of the church, and incorporating the ceremony and ceremonial dress of religion into university events was a logical extension of tradition. Pragmatic needs for bodily warmth also played a major role, and scholars and students wore long robes and hoods in cold university buildings. A skull cap later replaced the hood as the academic costume evolved. The hood now identifies the discipline of scholarly study by the color of its velvet decoration. The use of academic costumes in this country was limited and sporadic before the Civil War. Subsequently, a renewed interest was spurred by the growth of universities and their graduate programs and by increased contact with European universities. Also, students expressed interest to wear garments other than their “Sunday best” to distinguish them as graduates at graduation ceremonies. The watershed events that precipitated America’s widespread academic regalia tradition were Harvard University’s 250th anniversary celebration in 1886 and the graduation ceremony of Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Harvard was the first to use caps and gowns at a main university event, and Williams College was the first to have a cap-and-gown graduation ceremony. These events gave rise to the tradition we have today. Centuries have passed since academic costumes came into use. While modern fabrics may differ from those available in 1100 and 1200 AD, the basic precept of an academic costume has remained unchanged. Standardized definitions for the ceremonial attire, now routinely used in this country at convocation and graduation ceremonies, were adopted by the Intercollegiate Code of 1895. This code was developed as a cooperative effort between American universities and the Cotrell and Leonard Co. The Costume The 1895 Intercollegiate Code defined the cut, style and materials of the bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s gowns and specified different colors for different disciplines. Additionally, the code provided for a specific definition for each article of clothing to differentiate each one from street clothing. In 1932, the American Council on Education assumed responsibility for the costume code and has updated the code twice, in 1959 and again in 1986. Colors, long a part of academic heraldry, are either symbolic, have historical associations or are related to the colors of older academic disciplines. Green, the color of living things, including medicinal herbs, signifies medicine. The basic medical sciences and other disciplines each have a representative color. The Gown This basic article of academic dress may have sleeves and a back that are pleated or gathered in a yoke and may be faced in front, down each side, in back and/or around the neck in another color or material. The shape of sleeves varies for each of the four degrees (bachelor, master, PhD and doctor), and decoration on the sleeves may be bars or facing that are black or the color of the academic discipline to which the degree pertains. Until 1986, the doctor’s gown for both the MD and PhD degrees was black. In 1986, the American Council on Education changed the code to specify a dark blue gown for the PhD degree. University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine MD graduates wear a black empress-style gown with green velvet bars on the sleeves. PhD degree robes at UIC are red with blue velvet bars on the sleeves. Master’s degree robes are black with oblong sleeves. The Cap The hood worn daily by scholars centuries ago metamorphosed into a cap, now integral to the academic costume of graduation. Academic caps trace back to the 16th century dress at Oxford University and were imported to the American colonies before the Revolution. The cap was first conferred as a symbol of the MA degree. Cap shapes and styles have varied historically from round to square and from soft to stiff. The Oxford cap was a hard, square mortarboard style with a center tuft. A tassel replaced the tuft in the 18th century and remains the standard. N universit 132 nd commencement 127 th commencement N universit y of Illinois y of Illinois COLLEGE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE OF MEDICINE at Chicago This tassel decorates the top center of the cap, and graduates customarily move the tassel from the right to the left side when their degree is awarded. The mortarboard style is thought to have originated either to resemble a hardcover book, as an academic interpretation of a skilled workman’s mortar board, or from the English college quadrangle. College of Medicine medical school graduates don an eight-cornered, black velvet tam with a green tassel. UIC PhD degree candidates wear a red mortarboard style cap. Master degree candidates wear the traditional mortarboard style cap. The Hood The hood is a graduation accoutrement worn over the gown, signifying academic achievement in higher education. It is adorned to identify the subject field studied, the level of degree conferred and the institution awarding the degree. Graduation hoods typically match the gown; black is most commonly used. Three different hood lengths represent the bachelor, master and doctor degrees. The doctoral hood, the longest of the three, is four feet long. It has five-inch velvet edges, the color of which represents the degree; panels at the sides; and a silk lining, the colors of which represent the institution conferring the degree. Our medical school graduates wear black hoods bordered in green velvet and lined in UIC colors, flame and indigo satin. PhD degree hoods are four feet long and red, lined in the same UIC colors. Master degree hoods are three and one-half feet long and lined in the same UIC colors. CER EMONIAL TR ADITIONS The Mace The mace is an ornamental staff that dates back to the Middle Ages when it was a metal-clad wooden club used as a weapon in battle. Its military significance declined as newer weapons evolved, and the mace became a symbol of authority for public officials or legislative bodies. A mace is carried by the presiding convocation ceremony official at each of the College of Medicine’s four educational sites—Chicago, Peoria, Rockford and Urbana-Champaign. Each mace is a wooden, metal-clad staff, three feet tall and adorned by the four site-specific logos and likenesses of some of the major figures in the history of the UIC College of Medicine. Two mace staffs are carried in the Chicago ceremony, one by the grand marshal and one by the senior associate dean of students. The Academic Procession The academic procession is a tradition that dates back hundreds of years. It is a process that manifests and promotes collegiality of thought and action while serving as a mechanism to maintain appropriate distinctions. This academic march embodies the color and glory of academic regalia and recognizes the lofty academic achievement by its primary participants—the graduates. The grand marshal is an esteemed faculty member selected for outstanding leadership in education and for significant contributions to the medical school. This individual has the distinct honor of leading the Commencement ceremony. The College of Medicine Commencement Procession begins with three banner carriers—one who is a designated member of the medical school graduating class, one representing the PhD and master degree candidates and one representing UIC. The grand marshal follows, carrying the mace to the stage to open the ceremony, and announces the order of the procession—the platform party, deans and university officials, department heads and faculty, and the graduates who process in alphabetical order by degree. The Hood College of Medicine graduates are hooded on stage. The honor of bestowing a hood to the MD candidates is shared by the senior associate dean of students and a faculty member chosen by the graduating class. Hooding of the PhD and master degree candidates is done by the dean of the Graduate College and the graduate’s academic advisor. The Stole In a ritual unique to the UIC College of Medicine, graduates wear a stole that symbolizes the specialty training area chosen within the discipline of medicine. A graduate entering a dual medical discipline will wear two stoles, each having a different color to represent each discipline. PhD and master degree candidates wear a stole to signify their discipline of expertise. The stole is a two-foot-long satin neck scarf worn over the hood. Each of the 25 scarf colors represents a different area of medicine and surgery. Students entering a postgraduate training program that combines more than one specialty will be given a stole for each. 55 ACADEMIC R EGALIA N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN STOLE COLOR S A natomy a nd Cell Biology Maroon Psychiatry Navy Blue Libr ary Science Lemon A nesthesiology Eggshell R ADiATION ONCOLOGY Forest Green Medicine Green Biochemistry a nd Molecul ar Genetics Purple R adiology Radiology Gold Music Pink Child Neurology Lilac R ehabilitation Medicine a nd R estor ative Medical Sciences Gold Nur sing Apricot Der m atology Lemon Emergenc y Medicine Teal Fa mily Medicine Turquoise Medical Education a nd Patient Safet y Leader ship Sky Blue Medicine Bright Gold Microbiology a nd Immunology Silver Neurology Royal Blue Neurosurgery Crimson Obstetr ics a nd Gynecology Green Ophthalmology a nd Visual Sciences Pastel Peach Orthopaedics Orange Otol aryngology–Head a nd Neck Surgery Purple Pathology White Pediatr ics Red Phar m acology Maroon Red Physiology a nd Biophysics Brown R esearch/Undecided Burnt Orange Surgery Scarlet Surgical Oncology Oncology Gold Urology Urology Gold Optometry Sea Green Or atory (Speech) Silver Gray Osteopathy Green Phar m ac y Olive Green Philosophy Dark Blue HOOD TR IM COLOR S Agr icultur e Maize Arts, Letter s, Hum a nities White Commerce Accounta nc y, Business Drab Dentistry Lilac Economics Copper Education Light Blue Engineer ing Orange Fine Arts, including Architectur e Brown For estry Russet Jour nalism Crimson L aw Purple Physical Education Sage Green Podiatry–Chiropody Nile Green Public Administr ation, For eign Service Peacock Blue Public Health Salmon Pink Science Golden Yellow Social Science Cream Social Wor k Citron Statistics Light Rose Textiles Rose Theology Scarlet Veter inary Science Gray 132 nd commencement N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE The University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine was founded in 1881 as the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago, commonly known as P&S. The college began as a proprietary medical school established by five physicians, who personally funded construction of a new building bearing its name. The college opened on September 26, 1882, with 100 students and the following year graduated its first class, composed of 52 students who already had completed part of their medical training elsewhere. The curriculum consisted entirely of clinical training during the college’s first decade, but in 1891 it was expanded to include basic sciences. This innovation was supported by the construction of a six-story laboratory building, located next to the original college building and thought to be the first of its kind. Thanks to this educational advancement, applications to the college increased tenfold, and 314 students were enrolled in 1891. The continued rapid growth and increasing prosperity of the college paved the way for its eventual transformation into the University of Illinois College of Medicine. A major step in this process came in 1897, when the university leased P&S as a department of medicine and women were first admitted to the college. The earliest known African-American woman physician, Isabella Garnett, graduated from the college in 1901. Medical schools flourished at the turn of the 20th century, with 150 in operation nationwide, including 14 in Chicago. Unfortunately, the large number of U.S. medical schools with inconsistent admissions requirements and educational standards contributed to a great excess of improperly educated and ill-trained doctors. In 1908, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching commissioned a study of medical education in U.S. and Canadian medical schools, which led to major reforms after its findings were published in 1910. The study found the College of Physicians and Surgeons to be one of only three medical schools in Chicago that were salvageable. In 1913—after two decades of negotiations between the College of Physicians and Surgeons, University of Illinois officials and state of Illinois legislators—P&S became the first state medical school, the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois. Graduate programs in the basic medical sciences commenced in the summer quarter of 1916, with master and doctorate level programs offered in anatomy, physiology and physiological laboratory, pharmacology, and pathology and bacteriology. Recognizing that the existing medical facilities were inadequate to meet the college’s needs, in 1919 the university partnered with the Illinois Department of Public Welfare to construct new facilities. In exchange, the college helped the department to provide care for the indigent sick of the state. The cooperative agreement called for the department to construct research and educational (R&E) hospitals, including a psychiatric institute, a surgical institute for children, an institute for juvenile research, a clinical institute and a new center for the state-funded Eye and Ear Infirmary. In return, the university agreed to provide professional staff for teaching and research into the causes and prevention of disease, endeavors which remain central to the college’s mission today. Adding to the specialty institutes, a 50-bed general R&E hospital opened on April 1, 1925, making many clinical and research clerkships for senior students available for the first time. The hospital’s number of beds increased to 170 by 1930 and to nearly 350 the following year. Between 1941 and 1952, the university assumed control of all the R&E hospitals. The University of Illinois College of Medicine became one of the largest medical schools in the country in 1931. An entering class of 175 became the first in college history to attend classes in the new building at Polk Street and Wolcott Avenue (the current home of the college). To increase access to both medical education and health care throughout Illinois, in 1970 the College of Medicine expanded to include campuses at Peoria, Rockford and Urbana-Champaign. Enrollment rose with the increased availability of medical school sites, and UIC now has the largest medical school in the country. Each year, more than 1,300 students pursue their medical studies at one of the college’s four campuses. Reflecting the increasing importance of scientific investigation in an era of extraordinary advances, the new College of Medicine Research Building opened in 2005. The college is a major research center, currently ranking among the top third of medical schools nationwide in National Institutes of Health funding. Members of the college’s faculty are among the leadership and participants in the University of Illinois at Chicago Center for Clinical and Translational Science, an initiative to promote innovative interdisciplinary health research across the UIC campus and speed the process of turning scientific breakthroughs into clinical treatments. The center has received a $20 million grant in support of its efforts from the National Institutes of Health, the largest grant in UIC history. In October 2007, the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine celebrated its 125th anniversary. Throughout its history, the college has maintained a commitment to educating future generations of physicians, to providing access to excellence in medical care, and to discovering promising new treatments through research. The most recent chapters in the history of the College of Medicine have been marked with the pursuit of the tripartite mission of the College of Medicine to focus on medical education, research and enhanced clinical care. A $20 million bequest from alumnus Ramond Nestor Sweeney, MD ’68 established endowments in support of student scholarships as well as academic and research professorships. Starting in the summer of 2013 the College of Medicine will embark on a year long renovation of the second, third and fourth floors of the historic College of Medicine West building. This space will be designated specifically to support the student experience and include modern, flexible state-of-the-art classrooms and updated auditorium while enhancing much needed student study and lounge facilities. The University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine congratulates the members of this year’s graduating class for being part of this proud tradition and looks forward to seeing them add to it with their own contributions to medicine. 57 administr ation a nd Facult y N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN College of medicine Executive administr ation Octavia Kincaid, MD Curriculum Psychiatry Anand Kumar, MD Dimitri T. Azar, MD, MBA Dean Jean S. Lantz, MA Student Affairs Radiology Charles Ray, MD, PhD, MS DEPARTMENT HEADS Surgery Enrico Benedetti, MD, FACS Timothy Erickson, MD Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Interim Senior Associate Dean for Graduate and Continuing Medical Education Jorge A. Girotti, PhD Associate Dean for Admissions and Special Curricular Programs Kathleen Kashima, PhD Senior Associate Dean for Students and Interim Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education Bellur Prabhakar, PhD Associate Dean for Research David Schwartz, MD Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs Larry Tobacman, MD Senior Associate Dean for Research Patrick Tranmer, MD Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and Executive Director of Medical Service Plan Loreen A. Troy, MHPE Associate Dean for Educational Planning Anatomy and Cell Biology Scott T. Brady, PhD Urology Craig S. Niederberger, MD Anesthesiology David E. Schwartz, MD Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Jack A. Kaplan, PhD PEOR IA Dermatology Lawrence S. Chan, MD R egional Dea n Sara L. Rusch, MD, MACP Emergency Medicine Terry Vanden Hoek, MD Family Medicine John Hickner, MD, MPH Medical Education Ilene B. Harris, PhD Medicine Patricia W. Finn, MD Associate Dea ns Meenakshy Aiyer, MD Academic Affairs Thomas J. Santoro, MD Graduate Medical Education Assista nt Dea ns Microbiology and Immunology Bellur S. Prabhakar, PhD Andrew Bland, MD Faculty Development Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine Jeffrey A. Loeb, MD, PhD Gary Knepp, DO Education; MMCI Neurosurgery Fady T. Charbel, MD Glenn Miller, MD Preclinical Curriculum and Evaluation Obstetrics and Gynecology Mary D. Stephenson, MD Tim C. Miller, MD Education/OSF-SFMC Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences William Mieler, MD (Interim) Linda Rowe, EdD Student Affairs Wendy Weinstock Brown, MD Veterans Affairs Orthopaedics Mark H. Gonzalez, MD Gerald Wickham, EdD Medical Education and Evaluation Henry Dove, MD Graduate Medical Education Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery J. Regan Thomas, MD Abbas Hyderi, MD, MPH Curriculum Pathology Frederick G. Behm, MD Ara Tekian, PhD International Programs Pediatrics Usha Raj, MD Assista nt Dea ns Pharmacology Asrar B. Malik, PhD Todd Van Neck, MPP Associate Dean for Administration William Walden, PhD Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion Chicago Associate Dea ns Geraldine S. Fox, MD, MHPE Graduate Medical Education Physiology and Biophysics R. John Solaro, PhD 132 nd commencement Department Heads/Chairs/ Progr a m Dir ectors Cancer Biology and Pharmacology Sara L. Rusch, MD, MACP (Acting) Program in Clinical Pediatrics and Clinical Medicine Francis McBee-Orzulak, MD Dermatology Allan C. Campbell, MD Emergency Medicine Timothy Schaefer, MD Family and Community Medicine Thomas B. Golemon, MD Medicine James F. Graumlich, MD Neurology Jorge C. Kattah, MD Neurosurgery Daniel Fassett, MD Obstetrics and Gynecology Salvatore J. LoCoco, MD Pathology Roger W. Geiss, MD Pediatrics Pedro de Alarcon, MD Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine Ryan Finkenbine, MD Radiology Terrance Brady, MD (Interim) Surgery Norman C. Estes, MD ROCKFOR D N universit y of Illinois COLLEGE OF MEDICINE at Chicago Assista nt Dea ns Assista nt Dea nS Linda Chang, PharmD, PhD Medical Education and Evaluation Nora J. Few, PhD Executive Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Medical Scholars Program Ramaswamy Kalyanasundaram, PhD, DVM Research Angela Schmidt, PhD Student and Alumni Affairs Farion Williams, MD Graduate Medical Education Department Heads Biomedical Sciences Ramaswamy Kalyanasundaram, PhD, DVM Family and Community Medicine Vivek Kantayya, MD, FEC, ABFP Medicine Glenn Netto, MD (Interim) Obstetrics and Gynecology Timothy J. Durkee, MD, PhD Pathology Gary L. Anderson, MD Pediatrics David Deutsch, MD Psychiatry Robert Slack, MD (Interim) Surgery Samuel Appavu, MD, FACS, FRCS, FCCM, FCCP Alex Stagnaro-Green, MD, MHPE Associate Dea ns Michael Glasser, PhD National Center for Rural Health Professions and Rural Medical Education Program Mitchell S. King, MD Academic Affairs Debora E. McCall, EdM Executive Assistant Dean for Administration Carien M. WIlliams, JD Curriculum Management Department Heads Biochemistry Emad Tajkhorshid, PhD, PharmD (Interim) Cell and Developmental Biology Jie Chen, PhD Family Medicine Christine E. Henrichs, MD Internal Medicine Janet A. Jokela, MD, MPH Medical Humanities and Social Sciences Kathleen L. Collins, MD Medical Information Sciences Bruce R. Schatz, PhD Microbiology John E. Cronan, PhD Molecular and Integrative Physiology Milan Bagchi, PhD Obstetrics and Gynecology Ralph J. Kehl, MD Ur ba na-Cha mpaign R egional Dea n Michelle Mariscalo, MD R egional Dea n Tod A. Jebe, MS Instructional Information Technology Associate Dea ns James W. Hall, EdD Student Affairs and Medical Scholars Program Gregory G. Freund, MD (Interim) Clinical Affairs Pathology Gregory G. Freund, MD Pediatrics Charles T. Morton, MD Pharmacology C. Lee Cox, PhD Psychiatry Emad Tajkhorshid, PhD, PharmD (Interim) Surgery Uretz J. Oliphant, MD Richard I. Tapping, PhD Research Stuart C. King, MD (Interim) Academic Affairs 59 administr ation a nd Facult y N t wo thousa nd A ND FOURTEEN Universit y Officers Ter m 2013-2019 Robert A. Easter, PhD President, University of Illinois Patrick Fitzgerald, Chicago Timothy N. Koritz, Roscoe James D. Montgomery Sr., Chicago Paula Allen-Meares, MSW, PhD Chancellor, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Vice President, University of Illinois Student Member s (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014) Jerry L. Bauman, PharmD Interim Vice President for Health Affairs, University of Illinois Michael A. Cunningham, Urbana-Champaign Jamaal E. Hollins, Springfield Danielle M. Leibowitz, Chicago Walter K. Knorr Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Comptroller, University of Illinois Universit y of Illinois College of Medicine Susan J. Koch, EdD Chancellor, University of Illinois, Springfield, and Vice President, University of Illinois Medical Alumni Council Members Christophe Pierre, PhD Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Illinois Sheldon Cohen ‘53, MD ‘55 Lawrence Schook, PhD Vice President for Research, University of Illinois Phyllis Wise, PhD Chancellor, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and Vice President, University of Illinois Adrienne Segovia, MD ’90, Chair Melissa Dianovsky ’88, MD ’92, Treasurer and Chair of Membership and Nominating Committee Kuntal Rana, MPH ’02, MD ’07, Chair of Marketing and Communications Committee Leelach Rothschild Dekoven, MD ’03 Milton Kramer ’50, ’52, MD ’54 Universit y of Illinois at Chicago Officers Paula Allen-Meares, MSW, PhD Chancellor Lon S. Kaufman, PhD Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost Mark Donovan Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services Mitra Dutta, PhD Vice Chancellor for Research Barbara Henley, PhD Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Jeff Nearhoof Vice Chancellor for Development Arlene Norsym Vice President and Associate Chancellor for Alumni Relations John C. Mason, Jr. ’53, MD ’55, Res ’59, Past Chair Javette C. Orgain ’72, MD ’81, MPH ’05 Stuart Oserman, MD ’78 Holly Rosencranz, MD ‘82 Erin Perkey, Class of 2014 CMSC President Meagan Appleman, Class of 2015 CMSC Alumni Representative Cl ass of 2015 Ushers Jasmine Liu Tenisha McCaskill Sabrina Reed Rhonnie Song Nikita Vashi Jacqueline Wulu The Boar d of Trustees of the Universit y of Illinois Member Ex-Officio The Honorable Pat Quinn, Governor Ter m 2009–2015 Christopher G. Kennedy, Kenilworth Edward L. McMillan, Greenville Pamela B. Strobel, Winnetka Ter m 2011–2017 Ricardo Estrada, Chicago Karen Hasara, Springfield Patricia Brown Holmes, Chicago Commencement Pl a nning A special acknowledgement is due to the many individuals who assisted in planning and producing this year’s Commencement Ceremony. America the Beautiful O be au tif ul for spacio us sk ies, F or a m ber wav es of gr a in , For pur ple mo unta in m ajesties A bov e the fruited pl a in ! A m er ic a! A m er ic a! G od shed his gr ace on thee A nd crow n th y g o od w ith brother ho od From se a to shining se a! K athar ine Lee Bates wrote the or iginal ver sion in 1893, a second ver sion in 1904 a nd a final ver sion in 1913. She wrote, “One day some of the other teacher s a nd I decided to go on a tr ip to 14,000-foot Pik es Peak. We hir ed a pr air ie wagon. Near the top we had to leave the wagon a nd go the r est of the way on mules. I was very tir ed. But when I saw the view, I felt gr eat joy. All the wonder of A mer ica seemed displ ay ed ther e, with the sea-lik e expa nse.” aBest Wishes a uni v er sit y of illinois college of m edicine gr a duates CLASS OF 2014