2011 Annual Report
2011 Annual Report
S Food For Free 11 Inman Street Cambridge, MA 02139 e! e the Dat v a Food For Free Annual Report 2011 The Party Under the Harvest Moon will be Friday, October 19 at MIT’s Morss Hall. Join us for great food, live music, and a chance to support our Produce Rescue program. 2011Year-At-A-Glance January: Home Delivery began the year with 51 clients. This program, which brings food to low-income seniors and people with disabilities, was funded by the City of Cambridge’s Community Development Block Grant Program and The Bushrod Campbell-Adah Hall Charity Fund. February: Didriks held its third, annual, month-long fundraiser for Food For Free. March: Produce Rescue and Distribution began deliveries to Pine Street Inn, with support from the Liberty Mutual Foundation. Produce Rescue also began serving two of the Hildebrand Family Self Help Center’s family shelters. April: Food For Free hosted the Cambridge Forum with Andrew Rimas, editor of the Improper Bostonian and co-author of Empires of Food: Feast, Famine, and the Rise and Fall of Civilizations. July: Boston Area Gleaners made their first delivery of the year of fruit and vegetables gleaned from local farms. By year’s end, we would distribute 26,800 pounds of BAG’s gleanings. Food For Free began providing rescued produce to Haven from Hunger, in Peabody. Chef Erwin Ramos, of Olé Mexican Grill, cooked a benefit dinner at Whim, the restaurant at Smolak Farms, with proceeds going to Food For Free. August: Field of Greens harvested 1,216 pounds of beets, cabbage, carrots, and collards this month, on their way to a harvest of 4,400 pounds by season’s end. September: Operations Manager Dennis McCarthy injured his knee, necessitating some time away from his routes. Thankfully, Metro Pedal Power was available to pick up a number of deliveries, making it possible for us to keep serving all of our partners during the busy autumn months. The City of Cambridge honored Dennis McCarthy, Operations Manager, and Simon Walsh, Home Delivery Driver, for their outstanding contributions to the quality of life in Cambridge. October: May: November: After several years of partnering to rescue food from Farmers’ Markets, Metro Pedal Power began delivering food to some of our smaller recipients. The first beneficiaries of MetroPed’s deliveries were Prospect Hill Academy and the Fletcher Maynard Afterschool Program. This work was supported by Community Health Network Area 17. June: The Transportation Partnership marked its first anniversary. This program picks up food orders from the Greater Boston Food Bank and delivers them to Cambridge food programs that do not have their own transportation. By year’s end this program would deliver 676,000 pounds of food. Food For Free’s annual fundraiser, The Party Under the Harvest Moon, raised more than $50,000 for our Produce Rescue program. Rendezvous in Central Square held its second, annual Giving Thanks Benefit Luncheon, hosted by Chef Steve Johnson and General Manager Nicole Bernier. December: With support from the Clipper Ship Foundation and the Klarman Family Foundation, Food For Free purchased a new, larger truck to replace our old Hino. Fully recuperated, and with a new knee, Dennis McCarthy returns to his role as Operations Manager. Harvest Co-op Market helped shoppers support Food For Free and The Greater Boston Food Bank by offering gift cards at its registers. Individual Donors (continued) 2012 Dates to Remember May 30 First volunteer day at Field of Greens. Email: fieldofgreens@foodforfree.org to volunteer. June 11 Farmers’ Market Rescue season starts. Volunteers are needed to collect food from markets in Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville. Email director@foodforfree.org to sign up. June 30 David Leslie’s last day as Executive Director. August 20 Tickets go on sale for the Party Under the Harvest Moon. October 19 Party Under the Harvest Moon, at MIT’s Morss Hall. November 17 Rendezvous in Central Square’s Giving Thanks Benefit Luncheon. Jonathan and Andrea Plate, Janet Pletcher, Oakes Plimpton and Patricia Magee, Sherry Pollack, Charles Popper, Christopher Porter, Rosemary Porter, Meyer Potashman, Suzanne and John Pratt, Adele Pressman, Cindy Quense and Tim Hughes, Dana Quinn, Joseph Quinn, Carol Rainwater, Kyle Ramey, Greg Raposa, Kirthi Reddy, Fred Reece, Meg Rehrauer, John Reinhardt, Hank Reisen, Nicole Reitz, Phil and Bev Reitz, Suzanne Renna, Audrey Resutek, Joanna Revelas and Rick Montgomery, Laura Rice and Lee Haack, Jane and Robert Richards, Michael Richards, Margaret Richardson, Paul Richardson, Jennifer Riley and Karl Klapper, Andrew Rimas, James Robbins, Stephen and Becky Robbins, Jackson Robinson, Abby Rockefeller and Lee Halprin, Mitchell and Carol Rose, Judith Rosen and Charles Dresner, Wendy Rosen and Ellen Sippel, Lawrence Rosenberg, Alice Rothchild and Daniel Klein, Amy Rothstein, Laurie Rothstein, Susan Rowley, Birendro Roy and Tara Binetti, Beth Rubenstein, Melissa Rubinsky, Amy Rugel and Peter Norris, Mary Russell, Ruth Ryals, Scott Sahl and Ellen Turetsky-Sahl, Dan Salera, Virginia Sammett, David Sandberg and Dina Mardell, Karen Sangster, John and Kathy Santosuosso, Annie Santulan, Nunzi Sapuppo, Maria Sauzier, Dennis Scannell and Jane Kamensky, Jay Scheide, Adam Schepp, F.M. and Barbara Scherer, James Schmidt and Pam Vlahakis, Anita and Daniel Schoen, Andrew and Whitney Schutzbank, I.Z. Schwaab, Barbara Schwartz and Brad Bennett, David Schwartz and Jane Price, Emma Schwartz, Jeffrey Schwotzer, Grenell and Bruce Scott, Regina Scotti, David Sears and Janet Stein, Marina Seevak, Michael Seiden, Jayashree and Pralay Senchaudhuri, Mary Ann Serra, Nancy Sevich, Brian Shannon, Steven Shapin, Ryan and Rebecca Shawgo, Patrice Sherman, Ronnie Sherwood and Robyn Ferrero, Mary Shillie, Anne Shuhler, Gail Shulman, Susan and Stanley Shuman, Mark Sideris, Judith Siemen, Vaughn Sills and Lowry Pei, Rae Simpson, Joyce Singer, Janine Sirignano, Stephen Skuce, Saul Slapikoff, Randolph Slaughter, Vicky Slavin and Stephen Pinkerton, Zoya and Seymour Slive, William Small, Pamela Smalley, Anne Smith, Frank and Alice Smith, Isabel (Leigh) Smith and Pam Chatis, Jeanne Smith, Jefferson Smith, Kimberly Smith and Adam Kahn, Rhonda Smith, Helen Snively, Lydia Snover, Cynthia Snow and Irving A. Kurki, Betty Snyder and Sarah Smith, Robert and Kristina Snyder, Maxwell and Joanne Solet, Stuart and Judith Solomon, Elizabeth Sommers and Loocie Brown, Wendy Soref, Keith Soucy and Mona Vachon, Dee Spears, Maria Speck, Joan Squeri, John St. George, Matthew and Betsey St. Onge, Brenda Stanfield, Ashara Stansfield, Martha Stearns, Barbara and Tobias Stein, Virginia and Michael Stein, Robert S. Steinberg, Sherry Steiner, Victoria Steinitz and Elliot G. Mishler, Mark Stern and Lynn Barker, Rosann and Randall Stern, Brooke Stevens and Thomas McCorkle, Lois Stiles Edgerly, Wesley and Patricia Stimpson, Kim Stocking, Holly Stoehr, Cynthia Stolarek, Susan and Arthur Strang, Lise and Miles Striar, Lucy and Daniel Stroock, Marcia Stubbs, Nadine and John H. Suhrbier, David and Catherine Sullivan, Michael Sullivan, Judy Summersby, Anna Marie Svedrofsky, Kara Swanson, Bruce Sylvester, Ann Szczepanski, David Szlag, Diane Tabor, Carole Talley, Martha Taub, Prabhu Tegur, Christopher and Alexis Teixeira, Kevin Tierney and Kimberly Knickle-Tierney, Ted and Mary Tierney, Timothy J. Toomey, Anthee Travers, Shane Treadway, Thomas Treat, Louis Tucker, Ivy Turner, Lawrence Tuttle and Patricia Martin, Anne Umansky, E. Kelly Umstott, Maria Valenzuela, Beth Van Belle, Yasemin (Minka) vanBeuzekom, Jordan Vance, James Vath, Tanya Vellaringattu, Herb and Dorothy Vetter, Francois Vigier, Magdalene Voelmle, Mary Ellen Vogler, Alice Wadden, Stephen Walch and Linda Williams, Richard Wallace, Catherine Walthers, Stephen Warley, Anne Warner, Lyle Warner, Rebecca Warner, Karen and Gary Warrington, Craig Watkins, Fan Watkinson, Peter Watkinson, Thomasine Watson, Robert Weber, Carol Weinhaus, Judith and Douglas Weinstock, Susan Weir, Richard Weissbourd and E. Avery Rimer, Michael Wessels and Patricia Maher, Marjorie Westerman, Susan and Peter White, Suzanne Wilkinson, Andrea Williams, Brandon Williams, Cana Williams, Jane Williams, Loren Wilson and Phyllis Kutt, Jeanne Winner, Julia and Rex Withers, Alice and Robert Wolf, Alicia Wolfe, Cathy Wolff, Lisa and Wing Wong, Ping Wong, Amy Woods, Carolyn Woollen-Tucker, Henry and Sheli Wortis, Susan Woskie, Peter and Patricia Wright, G. Elizabeth Wylde and Lance Drane, Marilyn Yee, Stephanie Yesner, Robin Young, Alan Zaslavsky and Noel Jette, Geraldine Zetzel, Robert Zevin, Lise Zieg, Alec and Elizabeth Zimmer, Janet Zimmern, Dorothy Zinberg, Margaret Zirker and Scott Warmkessel, Gerald Zuriff, and Charles Zymaris. Please let us know if we have inadvertently left your name off this list, if you would prefer to be listed differently, or if you would prefer not to be listed. We apologize for any errors. Home Delivery reaches full enrollment of 60 clients. Produce Rescue sets a new record, delivering 1,020,000 pounds of food in 2011. Food For Free Annual Report 2011 9 Board of Directors From the Executive Director Peggy Kutcher Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose President Robert Snyder Vice President Dana Philbrook Treasurer Joanna Vanden Clerk Anne Cushman Steve Landau Maggie McNally Janet Murray John Musser Staff David R. Leslie Executive Director Michelle Holcomb Development Director Dennis McCarthy Operations Manager Produce Rescue Dann Friedman Driver Christian Oviedo Driver Adam Collins Drivers’ Assistant Julio Francisco Drivers’ Assistant Home Delivery Simon Walsh Home Delivery Driver Field of Greens Sally Velez-Guzman Farm Manager Administration Blake Roberts Administrative Assistant Early in 2005, soon after I began my tenure as executive director, I wrote in our 2004 Annual Report: “Food For Free - sounds simple. We rescue food soon to be discarded, supplement that with purchases of fresh produce from the wholesalers at the N.E. Produce Center and, on occasion, non-perishables from the Greater Boston Bank. Then, we give it away—for free!” Since then, a lot has changed. As a nation, we›ve experienced the worst economic times since the Great Depression. Some of us, and many of our neighbors in the communities where we live, have suffered greatly as a result. More people than ever confront the challenges of food insecurity, and hunger, on a daily basis. Too many families find it ever more difficult to put a healthy meal on the table, especially for their children. Obesity as a potential epidemic in our society seems more likely with every passing year. Health issues related to what we in America eat, such as diabetes and heart disease, apparently are more prevalent than ever. And, as oil prices go up, so does the cost of food—especially for fresh, nutritious foods like the vegetables and fruits which are so important to a healthy lifestyle. So, too, has the work of Food For Free changed. In 2011, we delivered nearly three times as much food as in 2004. We serve more than thirty more programs than we did then. We serve fifty percent more home delivery clients. We go to the Greater Boston Food Bank everyday now rather than just twice a week. We now collect more than twice as much fresh produce from local farms which we typically deliver no later than the following day. We still rely greatly on volunteers—for home delivery, on the farm, on our truck routes, in the office, for our annual Party Under the Harvest Moon, and, of course, on our Board of Directors. But, we also now have Adam and Julio on our staff to assist our drivers—and given all the extra expectations, both of them have made a huge contribution to the success of our daily work. Yet now, as I approach my retirement at the end of June (and my entrance into my Medicare years!), I can look back and see how much the work of Food For Free is the same as it was in 2004—and, too, as in 1981 when Food For Free was founded. We still get a whole lot done without lots of extra expense. In 2005, Dennis was our Operations Manager, Christian and Dann were our regular drivers, Simon directed our Home Delivery program, and Michelle led all of our development efforts from our 96 square foot office in the enclosed second floor back porch of the CEOC building—and she has to share that limited space with me! In 2012, we’ve added some hours, especially for Dann, Simon, and Michelle, but we’re all still here, and the Food For Free team has been an amazingly committed and effective group. All you need to do is ask all the people with whom we work and serve, and, I can assure you, you’ll find out. And at Field of Greens, we still grow all that wonderful food with just two very part-time—and very hard working—farm managers—and lots of enthusiastic volunteers. When I first came on board I commented: “That’s the essence of our mission, but it takes a whole lot of work by our truly dedicated staff and board of directors to make it happen. Moreover, it also requires the generous contributions of a diverse group of food wholesalers, retailers, distributors and producers. And it is essential that we receive the support of our contributors—scores of business sponsors and supporters, foundations and hundreds (now thousands!) of individual donors. It may sound simple, but, if we are to continue to fight locally the essential fight against hunger and food insecurity, it is critical that all of us continue to work together to make our communities truly livable for our neighbors.” I feel so very fortunate for my time here at Food For Free. I truly thank everyone who’s played a part in our work—and, to be sure, in supporting our efforts, too—over these past years for the opportunity I’ve had to be a part of something so important and so fundamental to the health and welfare of our cities and towns. I hope to stay connected with Food For Free in the years ahead, as the need for our work will still be there, only, as there is now compared to 1981, or even 2004, there’s likely to be a lot more work, trying to meet what likely will be an ever-growing need. Food For Free Annual Report 2011 1 2011 Expenses Salaries 197,723 Fringe benefits 73,469 Transportation23,646 Food purchases 21,307 2,900 Bank & credit processing fees Payroll fees 1,656 Miscellaneous 9,676 7,291 Outside services Printing and postage 19,811 1,800 Rent Depreciation 5,257 Office 897 3,611 Telephone & Communications Insurance 8,446 Dues 340 Repairs 414 Total Expenses for 2011 378,244 Food For Free Programs Produce Rescue 2011 Food Sources Produce Rsecue & Purchasing Programs Pounds of Food Received from Each Source Greater Boston Purchased Food Bank, Wholesale, 176,964 254,150 Rescued from Farms & Farmers' Markets, 115,620 Rescued from Produce Wholesalers, 21,010 Rescued from Retailers, 398,575 Can Drives & Other Donations, 62,338 Field of Greens, 4,400 2011 Food Distributed by Type of Recipient Shelters & Residential Programs 14% Meal Programs 12% Pantries 63% Youth Programs 5% Home Delivery 3% Hospitals & Clinics Child Care 2% Programs 1% 2 Food For Free Annual Report 2011 Five days a week, our drivers visit the New England Produce Center where they solicit donations of fresh fruits and vegetables that might otherwise go to waste. They then visit grocery stores, bakeries and farms, where they gather produce, baked goods, and other foods. May through November, we collect from nine Farmers’ Markets, annually rescuing 100,000 pounds of local produce. We distributed 1,020,000 pounds of food in 2011. The Transportation Partnership This new program picks up food from the GBFB and delivers it to 13 food programs that lack their own transportation. Field of Greens Hosted by Lindentree Farm, Field of Greens supplements the food we rescue with vegetables grown by our own staff and volunteers. In 2011, we harvested 4,400 pounds of organically grown vegetables. Home Delivery Home Delivery brings monthly deliveries of food to 60 low-income Cambridge seniors and people with disabilities. 2011 Recipient Agencies Regular Delivery Sites Pantries Boston Medical Center: Elders Living at Home Program Boston Medical Center: Preventive Food Pantry Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee Food Pantry Cambridge Senior Center Food Pantry Cambridgeport Baptist Church Food Pantry East End House Food Pantry Elizabeth Peabody House Food Pantry Grant Manor Apartments Food Pantry Haven from Hunger Food Pantry & Meal Program LBJ Apartments Food Pantry Margaret Fuller House Food Pantry Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church: Epic Food Pantry Pentecostal Tabernacle Food Pantry Project Soup: Home Delivery Program Rosie’s Place Groceries St James’ Episcopal Church: Helping Hand Food Pantry St. Paul’s African Methodist Episcopal Church Food Pantry Transition House Food Pantry Western Avenue Baptist Church Food Pantry Zinberg Clinic Pantry I (Cambridge Hospital) Zinberg Clinic Pantry II (Somerville Hospital) Meal Programs Campus Kitchens Project at UMASS Boston First Parish Church Tuesday Meals Food Not Bombs Harvard Square Meals Hearty Meals for All Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church: Meal Program MIT Feed the Hungry Project Pilgrim Church: Loaves and Fishes St. Peter’s Episcopal Church: Common Cares Union Baptist: Project Uplift Shelters, SROs, & Special Needs Residences CASPAR: Albany Street Shelter CASPAR: New Day CASPAR: Womanplace Catholic Charities: St. Patrick’s Shelter Commonwealth Land Trust: 523 Massachusetts Avenue Commonwealth Land Trust: Bowdoin Manor Community Resources for Justice: Somerville Transition Shelter First Church Shelter Heading Home Hildebrand Family Self-Help Center Pine Street Inn Ruah, Breath of Life YMCA Central Square Wellmet Project, Inc.: Leonard Avenue Residence Wellmet Project, Inc.: William Street Residence Fletcher Maynard Afterschool Program Frisoli Youth Center Gately Youth Center King Afterschool Program King Preschool King Open School Extended Day Program Morse Afterschool Program Morse Preschool Peabody Afterschool Program Peabody Preschool Prospect Hill Academy Charter School West Cambridge Youth Center Willis D. Moore Youth Center Drop-in Centers & Other Programs Cambridge Cares about AIDS: Needle Exchange Program Cambridge Cares about AIDS: Peer Support Program Heading Home: Up and Out On The Rise The Ruby Rogers Advocacy and Drop-In Center The Women’s Center Seasonal Delivery Sites Youth Program: Breakthrough-Cambridge (Jun.-Aug.) Shelter: Harvard Square Homeless Shelter (Nov.-Apr.) Youth Program: Phillips Brooks House Association, Refugee Youth Summer Enrichment Program (Jun.-Aug.) Occasional Delivery Sites Pantry: Salvation Army Meal: Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services Meals on Wheels Drop-in/Other: Child Care Resource Center Transportation Partnership Delivery Sites Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee Food Pantry Cambridge Senior Center Food Pantry Cambridgeport Baptist Church Food Pantry East End House Food Pantry Loaves and Fishes Meal Program Margaret Fuller House Food Pantry Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church Epic Food Pantry Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church Meal Program St James Episcopal Church Helping Hand Food Pantry St Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church Food Pantry Zinberg Clinic Food Pantry Youth Programs Area 4 Youth Center Cambridge Cares about AIDS: Youth On Fire Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee Daycare Centro Presente: Pintamos Nuestro Mundo Youth Program Community Art Center Food For Free Annual Report 2011 3 2011 Food Donors Farms & Farmers Market Vendors Atlas Farm Battle Road Farm Big Sky Bakery Blue Heron Organic Farm Breadsong Corner Bakery Brox Farm Clear Flour Bread Danish Pastry House Dick’s Market Garden Drumlin Farm Enterprise Farm The Farm School Farmer Al Fertile Crescent The Food Project Full Bloom Market Garden Gaining Ground Gore Place Grateful Farm Hamilton Orchards Hansen’s Farm Heaven’s Harvest CSA Hi-Rise Bread Company Hmong Farms at Flats Mentor Farm Hutchins Farm Iggy’s Bread Keown Orchard Kimball Fruit Farm Land’s Sake Farm Lanni Orchards Lindentree Farm Nicewicz Family Farm Parker Farm Red Fire Farm CSA Siena Farm Signal Rock Farm Silverbrook Farm Smolak Farm Stone Soup CSA The Farm School Verrill Farm Waltham Fields Community Farm Weir River Farm 4 Food For Free Annual Report 2011 Wholesalers Boston Tomato & Packaging Gregg Dziama, Inc. J. Bonafede Co. J. Maheras Co. Peter Condakes Yell-O-Glow Bananas Retailers Boston Organics CostCo - Waltham Great Harvest Bakery Harvest Co-Op Market - Cambridge Shaws - Sidney Street Target Trader Joes - Fresh Pond - Memorial Drive Whole Foods - Prospect Street - River Street - Fresh Pond When Pigs Fly Bakery Wine and Cheese Cask Other Sources Boston Area Gleaners Curves The Greater Boston Food Bank National Association of Letter Carriers Party Under the Harvest Moon Committee Julia Auger Dianne Butt Anne Cushman Christine Hannon Michelle Holcomb Peggy Kutcher David Leslie Maggie McNally Patrick Mertens John Musser Robert Snyder Joanna Vanden Special Guests Doug Berman, Mary C. Huntington, Tom and Ray Magliozzi, Andrew Rimas, Debra Wise, and Robin Young. Food For Free’s Founders Bill August, C. T. Butler, Brian Feigenbaum, Mary Russell, and Jai Wilson. Musicians One Thin Dime Generous Contributors and Incredibly Helpful People Stephen Barck and Linda DeFranco Barck of Tables of Content Catering, Michelle Kinberg and the team from Cambridge Savings Bank, Julija Corbin, Diane Downing, Stefan Economou, Pam Lingel, John O’Leary, Alison Paddock and everyone at Classic Graphx, Jam Spot, Peterson’s Party Rental, and the team from Boston Cares. Party Under the Harvest Moon 2011 Harvest Sponsors Harvard University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Communications Sponsors Neighborhood Sponsors Alexandria Real Estate Equities Boston Organics Cambridge Trust Company Casella Waste & Recycling Classic Graphx Harvard/MIT Coop Microsoft New England Research and Development Center 1369 Coffee House Supporting Sponsor Mount Auburn Hospital Food and Beverage Donors Andala Coffee House Baraka Café Cambridge Brewing Dave’s Fresh Pasta Diesel Café/Bloc 11 Café Flour Bakery & Café Henrietta’s Table Middle East Olé Mexican Grill Pacific Street Café Petsi Pies/Tupelo Redbones Rendezvous in Central Square Royal East Stone Hearth Pizza Tables of Content University Wine Auction Donors America’s Test Kitchen, Nina Barwell, Lucy Borodkin, Boston Organics, Boston Red Sox, Cafe Escadrille, Cambridge Common, Carol Faulkner Yoga, Celebrity Series of Boston, Central Square Theater, Christopher’s Restaurant and Bar, Cortiva Boston, Craigie on Main, Didriks, Elephant Walk, Emerald Rose Restaurant & Pub, Fleming’s Steakhouse, Flour Bakery & Cafe, Formaggio Kitchen, Gellar’s Snackbar, Inc., Martha Gold, Good News Garage, Kathe Gregory, Christine and Dick Hannon, Hotel Marlowe, How2Heroes, Hungry Mother, Huntington Theatre Co., Improv Asylum, Irving House, JFK Library Foundation, Joie de Vivre, Landry’s Bicycles, David Leslie and Clare Walker Leslie, Lobster Pound, Priscilla Lopes, Marriott Boston-Cambridge, Maggie McNally and Alex Krutsky, Rachel Mello, Patrick Mertens and Connie Karpinski, Morrison’s Home and Garden Showplace, John Musser, Christine Palamidessi and Mathew Bagednow, Parker Farm, Pear Tree Hair Design, Dana and Linda Philbrook, Picco Restaurant, Plimoth Plantation, Ricky’s Flower Market, Andrew Rimas, Safar Coiffure, Salon Acote, Sculler’s Jazz Club, Shear Madness, Maria Speck, Ashara Stansfield, Lois Stiles Edgerly, Stop and Shop, Sweet Lemons, The Abbey, The Beech Tree Inn, The Fireplace, The Friendly Toast, The Westin Copley Place, Trephin Salon, Union Bar & Grille, Verrill Farm, Catherine Walthers, West Side Lounge, and Ping Wong Food For Free Annual Report 2011 5 Corporate, Foundation and Government Grants Bushrod H. Campbell & Adah F. Hall Charity Fund, Cabot Family Charitable Trust, Cambridge Action Fund, Cambridge Community Foundation, Cambridge Community Foundation Americo J. Francisco Charity Fund, Cambridge Public Health Commission/ Community Health Network Area 17, Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation, City of Cambridge Community Development Block Grant Program, Clipper Ship Foundation, Draper Laboratory, Inc., Frederick E. Weber Charities Corporation, Liberty Mutual Foundation, Project Bread, Shaws, and Wellesley Congregational Church. Family Foundations and Donor-Advised Funds The Boston Foundation, Robert Strange Family Fund, Bryant Family Fund, Morton & Dinah Danseyar Family Foundation, Feinstein Foundation, Philip S. Harper Foundation, The Klarman Family Foundation, The Perls Foundation, The Sims Maes Foundation Business Donors 1369 Coffeehouse, AAA Southern New England, Amgen, Boston Organics, Cambridge Naturals, Cambridge Savings Bank, Cambridge Trust Company, Cambridgeport Plumbing, Casella Waste Systems, Charles and Sara Goldberg Charitable Trust, Citizens Bank, Community Builder’s Cooperative, Culinary Cruisers, Didriks, East Cambridge Savings Bank, Google, Griffin Properties, Harvard University, Harvard University Employees Credit Union, Harvard/MIT Coop, Harvest Co-Op Markets, IDC Research, Inman Square Hardware, Irving House, Joie de Vivre, Microsoft, Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Association, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc., MIT, MIT Federal Credit Union, Mount Auburn Hospital, New Prospect Foundation, Novartis Institue of Biomedical Research, NSTAR Foundation, Pfizer, Picante Mexican Grille II Inc., Rendezvous in Central Square, Reside Inc., Rovi Solutions Corporation, Smolak Farms, The Games People Play, The GE Foundation, W.T. Phelan, and Wellesley Congregational Church. Employee Giving Programs Google, Harvard University, IBM, Liberty Mutual, and MIT. Volunteers Shelley Armstrong, George Auger, Chris Ayabe, Emma Badra, Sebastian Banker, Shelby Barnett, Lizzie Bell, Gregory Bowe, Joe Butt, Gerard Cogliano, Adam Collins, Julija Corbin, James Crall, Shaleice Crawford, Alan Cushing, Louis D’Angio, Amos Decker, Mike Decker, Tyrell Dixon, Jeff Doody, Janet Doucette, Brian Doucette, Diane Downing, Jasmine Eleftherakis, Ellie Fisher, Jess Forton, Keri Francis, Julio Francisco, Sam Ghazey, John Goldsby, Dan Gore, Sarah Hall, Jade Hinton, Henry Holm, Ian Hunter, Margaret Kelner, Lee Kenney, Grace King, Leslie Kogan, Dan Litrownik, Sharon Lowe, Rebecca Lowe, Rodd Malitsky, Sharon Martin, Roger Martin, Tim Merle, Patrick Mertens, Edward Mertens, Julia Messier, Sarah Mockle, Judy Nathans, Nicole Newman, Kara Oberg, Pat O’Brien, John O’Leary, Jeremy Orenstin, Heather Packard, Sarah Packard, Brian Packard, Alice Ramsey, Maja Ron, Sue Roth, Mary Ruhl, Dean Santamaria-Capetanelis, Mary Rose Scazzafava, Taylor Schoettle, Sarah Schoettle, Emma Schwartz, Jacob Schwartz, Gabe Seevak, Marina Seevak, Janine Sirignano, Nicole Snizek, Jesse Sowell, Brian Sway, Sally Vanderplaeg, Jim Vath, Linda Viens, Eric Vlahakis, Pam Vlahakis, Sam Vlahakis, Mary Watkins, Lauren Wood, Yvonne Yannone, Cake, Joy, Keir, Susan, The Move, Members of Lindentree Farm, and The Global Potential team. 6 Food For Free Annual Report 2011 Individual Donors We are deeply grateful to all who support our work. Ann Aaronian, Gerald Abelow, David Abrams, James Ackerman, Rebecca Acome, Robin Adams, Marthajoy and Kenneth Aft, Robert Alberty, Robert Allen and Shirley Hui, Jane and John Altanucci, Beth Altman and Steve Perlmutter, David Altshuler, Tina M. Alu, Asha Anandaiah, Mary Anderson, Elaine Angelone, Maria Ascher, Jeffry Ash, Christopher Ayabe, Jenny Azzara and Jake Murray, Laura Babbitt, Rae and Morton Backer, Becci Backman and Steve Cotton, Jean Bailly, Timothy Bancroft and Julie Baer, Susan Banker, Kevin Barbosa, Arthur and Betty Bardige, Christopher Barr, Joyce and Paul Barringer, David Barry, Patrick Barton, Vaughan and Jim Barton, Margaret Barusch and Gregory Price, Nina Barwell, Sallie Bass, Timothy Bass and Stephanie Tournas, Gale Batchelder, Patsy Baudoin, Paul Bay and Gretta Anderson, Bonnie Baynes, Carrie Beaulieu, Patricia and Herbert Becher, Joan Beck, Jennifer and John Bemis, Marilyn Bentov, Christopher Bentzel, Alan and Pam Berger, Aron Bernstein and Susan Goldhor, Robert Binstock and Judith Perlman, Catherine Bird and Jonathan Delgado, Laura Bjorklund, Linda Black, Suzanna Black, Laura Blacklow and Peter Fougere, Ran Blake, Marty Blatt and Betty Munson, Ruth and James D. Block, Emily Blood, Jacob and Nancy Bloom, Gerald and Karin Blum, Eric Blumenson and Eva Nilson, Liz Blumenthal, Robert Bois, Kenyon C. Bolton, Michael and Darleen Bonislawski, Penelope Lueders Booth, Lucy Borodkin, Athanasios and Carol Boulukos, George and Prilla Brackett, John Bradley, Steven and Linda BrionMeisels, Katherine Brobeck, Justin (Bing) Broderick, Ellen Brodsky and Ted Rybeck, Miriam Bronstein, Benjamin Brophy and Lisa Downing, Barbara Broussara, Christine Brown, Janice Brown, Karen Brown and Mike Plum, M. Brown, Peggy Brown and Tom Boggs, Alice Bruce, Susan Bruce, Lisa Brukilacchio, Leslie Brunetta and Peter Loftus, Barbara Burg, Rachel Burkhardt, Katharine Fox Burnett, Robert and Morgan Butler, Ruth Butler, Dianne Butt, Dakota Butterfield and Christian Cartter, Kate Byrne and Bill Cavellini, Jonathan Cabrera, Sophie Cahen, Daniel Calano and Kate Thompson, Robert Campbell, James Campen and Phyllis Ewen, Elizabeth Caney, Claude Canizares, Vincent Cannato, Leon and Jayne Cantor, Esme Caramello, Robert Carey, Benjamin Carlson, Neal Carney, Jean Carr, John and Helaine Carroll, Laura Cass, Carol Cerf, Emily Chambliss, Frances Charles, Ariane Cherbuliez and Steven Orzack, Janet Childs, Nancy Chodorow, C. and M. Chryssostomidis, Devereux Clarke, Elizabeth Clement and Frederick Prendergast, Elaine Cobucci, Carolyn Cohen and Alan Dershowitz, Frieda and Joseph Cohen, Deborah Colburn, Edie Coletti, Ann Collette, Georgie Collins and Neil Murray, Suzanne Comtois, Loring and Louise Conant, Elizabeth Conley, Sylvia Contin, Don and Patty Cook, Clarence and Frances Cooper, Nina Coslov and Howie Rice, Russell Cox, Caryn Coyle, James Crall, Peter Crames, Ericka Crouse, Susan and Ned Culver, Jon and Lenore Cummings, Lauren Curry and Robert O’Shea, Matthew Curtis, Anne Cushman, David Cutler, Constance and Henry Cutter, Henry and Judith Cutting, Nancy Brigham Cyr and Edward Cyr, Edward and Mary Dailey, Belden and Pamela Daniels, Jessica Daniels and Paul Blackborow, Nicole Danos and Brandon Creighton, Jon Daries, Susan Darnton, Rosalind Davidson, Margery Davies and Arthur MacEwan, Ray Davies and Susan Griffith, Susan Davies and Richard Talkov, Angela Davis, Henrietta Davis and Richard Bock, Yana Davis and Talya Davis, Lois DeGregorio, Toni Delisi, Eric Derman, Elaine DeRosa and Bonnie Johnston, Trevor Dickie, Estelle Disch, Linda Dittmar, James and Ruby Donohue, Virginia Donovan, Daphne Dor-Ner, Elsa Dorfman and Harvey Silverglate, Susan and Philip Dowds, Richard Downey, John Dsouza, Elizabeth Dunn, Paula Ebbitt, Jennifer Eckert, Ellie Egan, Henry Ehrlich, Mary Eich and Randy Albelda, Katherine Ellin and Gilead Tadmor, Brenda and Monroe Engel, Myra Hope and Molly Eskridge, Lisa Eustis, Alice Evans, David Evans, Lynn Evans, Jonathan Ewing, Christopher Fagan and Suzanne Shaw, Paul Fallon, Richard Fanning, Jody Fanto, Christopher Faraone, Amy Farber, Fariba Fariba, Jean Farrington, Marie Fedele, Brian and Elizabeth Feigenbaum, Helen Fein, Harriet Feinberg, T. Lux Feininger, Lynn Feldman, Harriet Fell, Diana Felton, Michele Ferrari, Barbara Field and Michael Reich, Lorraine Fine, Sylvia Fine and Dexter Eames, Joan FitzGerald, Susan Fleischmann, Megan Foley, Laurie Forcier and Mark Paskowsky, Jean Fordyce, Jessica and Kenneth Forton, Asa and Susan Foster, Edward Fox, Madeline Franchi and Brian Silva, Laurie and Timothy Francis-Wright, Deborah Frank, Kate Frank, Louise Freedman, Susan Freireich, David Freudberg, Susan Frey, Michelle Friedman, Sarah Froio, Jessica Fry, Chantal Fujiwara and Pirooz Vakili, Pamela Fuller, Dianne Furlong, Betar Gallant, Stephen Gallant, Kathy Gallery, Rebecca Gallo, Anthony and Nancy Gallucio, Walter and Anne Gamble, Paula Garbarino, Amanda Gaughan, Debra Gelber and Avi Pfeffer, Jeffrey Gelfand, Elizabeth Gibson, Jewel Gilbert and Cheryl Giles, Mary Gilleece, Arthur Gilman, Michael Gilmore, Susan Glassman, Barbara Glickler, David Golber, Martha Gold, Richard Goldberg and Nancy Seymour, Gary Goldstein and Diane Levin, Kaitlin Goldstein, Richard and Kimberly Goldstein, Mitchell Goldstein, Toby Goldstein, Dorothy and Donald Gonson, Nelson Gore, Samuel Gorton and Catherine Davidson-Hall, Muriel Gould, Renae Gray and Michele Scott, Marisa Greenwald, Paul Gregoire, Kathe Gregory, Richard Griffin and Susan Keane, Mimi Grosser, Dorise Gruber, Richard Grudzinski and Julie Bowden, Leonard Grunenberg and Food For Free Annual Report 2011 7 Individual Donors (continued) Shoshana Pakciarz, Pablo Guevara, Benjamin Gunther, Laura Gurevich, Linda Haas and Richard Driver, Edythe Haber, George and Siobhan Haldeman, Charles and MaryAnn Hales, Alice Hall, Martha Hamilton, Roy and Sylvia Hammer, Jean Hammond and Michael Krasner, Suzanne and Easley Hamner, Patrick and Anneliese Hanan, Edward and Margaret Handy, Sharon Hanen, Christine and Dick Hannon, Fay and Dave Hannon, Beth Harris, Richard and Angelica Harter, Sasha Hartman, Ronald Hasseltine, Ann Haycox and Mark Breneman, Jonathan Hecht and Lora Sabin, Amanda Hegarty, Glenn Heinmiller, Paul Heintz, Ulrike Henderson, James Henry, David Herder, James and Geraldine Herndon, Jill Herold and Jim McSherry, Julia Herskowitz, Mary Hilty, Carol Hirsch, John Hixson and Janet Hobbs, Marc Hoffman and Jane Stolzman, Ross Hoffman and Dorothy Crawford, Michelle Holcomb, Scott Holliday, Jean and Benjamin Horne, Gail Horowitz and Susan Brand, Alene and Larry Horowitz, Arch Horst and Kate Page Kirby, Elaine Hsieh, Keith L. and Catherine B. Hughes, J.M. Hunter, Mary Huntington, Annie Hurd, Robert and Nancy Hurlbut, Peter and Becca Hutchinson, Robert and Faith Hyde, Harry Irwin and Pam Haltom, Stephen Janiak, Andrew Janjigian, Jeffrey and Martha Jenkins, Maria Jobin-Leeds, Nils and Betty Johnson, Kay Johnston, Caroline Jones and Peter Galison, Louis Kampf, Meredith and David Kantor, Heather Karjane, Stephen Kasabula, Susan Kaufman, Rachel Keegan-McGlinn, Dana Keeth, George L. Keleher, Herbert and Rose Kelman, Jennifer Kennedy, Leigh Kenney, Michael and Sara Kenney, George and Mary Louise Kent, Robert Kent, Victoria Kent, Alice and David Kidder, Leslie Kimbrough and Shirley Word Kimbrough, Jean Kindleberger, Sheila M. and William King, Miriam Klapper, Karen Klein, Deborah Knight, Lawrence Kolodney and Heather Nelson, Diana Korzenik, Katharine and Richard Kosinski, Claire Kozower, Gisela Krause-Beyer, Kathryn and Ed Kravitz, Lawrence Kron, Christina and Edward Krutsky, Michele Kubryk, Arleen Kulin, Peggy Kutcher, Terry Kwan, Letizia La Ferla, Mary Laclair, Elizabeth Lacy, Sandra Lagrega, Jessica Lambert, Steven Landau and Claudia Majetich, Carole Landisman, Jonathan Landman and Joan Balaban, Brian Larson, Laurie Lasby, Emily Lawrence, Lynn Lazar, Alan Lebowitz and Nan Levinson, Diane Leclair, Kate Ledogar, Judith Leff, Robert Leff, Janet Lefko, Tom Lehrer, Rena Leib, Manuel and M. Charlene Leitao, Deborah Leitch, Mary M. Leno, Monica and Alejandro Leon, Ellen Leopold, Ilene Lerner, David Leslie and Clare Walker Leslie, Eric Leslie and Jenny Chiang, Ellen Levine, William Levine and Lesley Sager Levine, Persis and David Levy, Amy Lewis, Richard and Mary Jane Lewontin, Anna Leyfell, Laurel Lhowe, Irmhild Liang, Tina Lieu, Dan Linden, Lowell Lindgren, Pamela and Edward Lingel, Lynda Linton, Arthur Lipkin and Robert Ellsworth, Nancy Lippincott, Theodore Live, Alex Long, Priscilla Lopes, Rob and Gwyn Loud, Sharon Lowe, George Mabry, Robert Mack, Scott MacLachlan, Richard and Wanda MacNair, Monique and Ray Magliozzi, Thomas and Joanne Magliozzi, Thomas and K. Phyllis Mahoney, Soren Maloney, Cynthia Manson, Dina Mardell, Edward and Joan Mark, Susan Markowitz, Eric Marshall, Jean Ann Martin, Jessica Martin,Thomas and Jane Martin, Catherine Mason, Jean and Edward Mason, Ellen Mass, Laura Mateo, Alicia May, Rebecca Mayne, Kathleen and Arthur Mazer, Carole McCullough, Timothy McDermott, Lisa McDonnell and Julie Dunbar, Gail McEnroe, Hilary McGhee, Cathleen McGrail, Priscilla McMillan, Dennis McNally and Susana Millman, Maggie McNally and Alex Krutsky, Karen McQuail, Rowan McVey, Althea and Robert Meade, Benjamin and Mary Lou Mehrling, Mary Melchiskey, Rachel Mello, Heli and Michael Meltsner, Daniel Meltzer and Ellen Semonoff, Tomas and Abigail Menard, Manuel Mendez, Phyllis Menken and Toby Yarmolinsky, Elizabeth Merrill and Benjamin Mardell, Peter and Janice Merrill-Oldham, Patrick Mertens and Connie Karpinski, Stacia and Michael Mesleh, Jane and George Metzger, Alan Meyers, Peter Meyersohn and Annette Needle, Jim and Chris Miara, Maria and Lincoln Miara, Rosalind Michahelles, Bob Miller and Louisa Page, James and Deborah Miller, Lindsay Miller and Peter Ambler, Michelle and Eric Miller, Olivia Miller and Ken Kevorkian, Samantha Miller, Stephen Minicucci, Diana Moffo, Carol Monica, James Moore, N.H. Moore, Ellen Moot, Harold Moren and Sally Beecher, Patricia Moriarty, Doreen Morris, Alice Morrish, Kristin Mortimer, Eva Moseley, Katherine Flannery Moss, Joan Muellner, James Murphy, Janet and Jeff Murray, Debbie Musnikow, John Musser, June Namias, Rachel Nardin, Judith Nathans, Cindy and Peter Nebolsine, Barbara Norfleet, Charles and Diane Norris, Judy Norris, Geoffrey and Clare Nunes, Philip O’Neil, Peter and Carmel O’Reilly, Suzanne Ogden, Aaron Oppenheimer, Irwin Oppenhein and Bernice Buresh, Kenneth Osgood, Alyssa Osiecki, Martha and David Osler, Christine Palamidessi and Mathew Bagednow, David Pap, Michael Papish, Arthur Pardee, Patricia Parker, Lucy Patton, Laura Pawle, Doug Payne and Mary Rita Weschler, Jeffrey Pearlin, Theodore Peck, Joanne Peckarsky, Carla Pellicano, Angela Pendleton and Frank Mazer, Evelyn Persoff, Amanda Peters, Penny and Jim Peters, Barbara Petery, Jeffrey and Patricia Petrucelly, Dana and Linda Philbrook, Gerald Phinisee and Karyn Brotman, Joan Pic, Joan Pickett, Michele Pilotte, 8 Food For Free Annual Report 2011 2011Year-At-A-Glance January: Home Delivery began the year with 51 clients. This program, which brings food to low-income seniors and people with disabilities, was funded by the City of Cambridge’s Community Development Block Grant Program and The Bushrod Campbell-Adah Hall Charity Fund. February: Didriks held its third, annual, month-long fundraiser for Food For Free. March: Produce Rescue and Distribution began deliveries to Pine Street Inn, with support from the Liberty Mutual Foundation. Produce Rescue also began serving two of the Hildebrand Family Self Help Center’s family shelters. April: Food For Free hosted the Cambridge Forum with Andrew Rimas, editor of the Improper Bostonian and co-author of Empires of Food: Feast, Famine, and the Rise and Fall of Civilizations. July: Boston Area Gleaners made their first delivery of the year of fruit and vegetables gleaned from local farms. By year’s end, we would distribute 26,800 pounds of BAG’s gleanings. Food For Free began providing rescued produce to Haven from Hunger, in Peabody. Chef Erwin Ramos, of Olé Mexican Grill, cooked a benefit dinner at Whim, the restaurant at Smolak Farms, with proceeds going to Food For Free. August: Field of Greens harvested 1,216 pounds of beets, cabbage, carrots, and collards this month, on their way to a harvest of 4,400 pounds by season’s end. September: Operations Manager Dennis McCarthy injured his knee, necessitating some time away from his routes. Thankfully, Metro Pedal Power was available to pick up a number of deliveries, making it possible for us to keep serving all of our partners during the busy autumn months. The City of Cambridge honored Dennis McCarthy, Operations Manager, and Simon Walsh, Home Delivery Driver, for their outstanding contributions to the quality of life in Cambridge. October: May: November: After several years of partnering to rescue food from Farmers’ Markets, Metro Pedal Power began delivering food to some of our smaller recipients. The first beneficiaries of MetroPed’s deliveries were Prospect Hill Academy and the Fletcher Maynard Afterschool Program. This work was supported by Community Health Network Area 17. June: The Transportation Partnership marked its first anniversary. This program picks up food orders from the Greater Boston Food Bank and delivers them to Cambridge food programs that do not have their own transportation. By year’s end this program would deliver 676,000 pounds of food. Food For Free’s annual fundraiser, The Party Under the Harvest Moon, raised more than $50,000 for our Produce Rescue program. Rendezvous in Central Square held its second, annual Giving Thanks Benefit Luncheon, hosted by Chef Steve Johnson and General Manager Nicole Bernier. December: With support from the Clipper Ship Foundation and the Klarman Family Foundation, Food For Free purchased a new, larger truck to replace our old Hino. Fully recuperated, and with a new knee, Dennis McCarthy returns to his role as Operations Manager. Harvest Co-op Market helped shoppers support Food For Free and The Greater Boston Food Bank by offering gift cards at its registers. Individual Donors (continued) 2012 Dates to Remember May 30 First volunteer day at Field of Greens. Email: fieldofgreens@foodforfree.org to volunteer. June 11 Farmers’ Market Rescue season starts. Volunteers are needed to collect food from markets in Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville. Email director@foodforfree.org to sign up. June 30 David Leslie’s last day as Executive Director. August 20 Tickets go on sale for the Party Under the Harvest Moon. October 19 Party Under the Harvest Moon, at MIT’s Morss Hall. November 17 Rendezvous in Central Square’s Giving Thanks Benefit Luncheon. Jonathan and Andrea Plate, Janet Pletcher, Oakes Plimpton and Patricia Magee, Sherry Pollack, Charles Popper, Christopher Porter, Rosemary Porter, Meyer Potashman, Suzanne and John Pratt, Adele Pressman, Cindy Quense and Tim Hughes, Dana Quinn, Joseph Quinn, Carol Rainwater, Kyle Ramey, Greg Raposa, Kirthi Reddy, Fred Reece, Meg Rehrauer, John Reinhardt, Hank Reisen, Nicole Reitz, Phil and Bev Reitz, Suzanne Renna, Audrey Resutek, Joanna Revelas and Rick Montgomery, Laura Rice and Lee Haack, Jane and Robert Richards, Michael Richards, Margaret Richardson, Paul Richardson, Jennifer Riley and Karl Klapper, Andrew Rimas, James Robbins, Stephen and Becky Robbins, Jackson Robinson, Abby Rockefeller and Lee Halprin, Mitchell and Carol Rose, Judith Rosen and Charles Dresner, Wendy Rosen and Ellen Sippel, Lawrence Rosenberg, Alice Rothchild and Daniel Klein, Amy Rothstein, Laurie Rothstein, Susan Rowley, Birendro Roy and Tara Binetti, Beth Rubenstein, Melissa Rubinsky, Amy Rugel and Peter Norris, Mary Russell, Ruth Ryals, Scott Sahl and Ellen Turetsky-Sahl, Dan Salera, Virginia Sammett, David Sandberg and Dina Mardell, Karen Sangster, John and Kathy Santosuosso, Annie Santulan, Nunzi Sapuppo, Maria Sauzier, Dennis Scannell and Jane Kamensky, Jay Scheide, Adam Schepp, F.M. and Barbara Scherer, James Schmidt and Pam Vlahakis, Anita and Daniel Schoen, Andrew and Whitney Schutzbank, I.Z. Schwaab, Barbara Schwartz and Brad Bennett, David Schwartz and Jane Price, Emma Schwartz, Jeffrey Schwotzer, Grenell and Bruce Scott, Regina Scotti, David Sears and Janet Stein, Marina Seevak, Michael Seiden, Jayashree and Pralay Senchaudhuri, Mary Ann Serra, Nancy Sevich, Brian Shannon, Steven Shapin, Ryan and Rebecca Shawgo, Patrice Sherman, Ronnie Sherwood and Robyn Ferrero, Mary Shillie, Anne Shuhler, Gail Shulman, Susan and Stanley Shuman, Mark Sideris, Judith Siemen, Vaughn Sills and Lowry Pei, Rae Simpson, Joyce Singer, Janine Sirignano, Stephen Skuce, Saul Slapikoff, Randolph Slaughter, Vicky Slavin and Stephen Pinkerton, Zoya and Seymour Slive, William Small, Pamela Smalley, Anne Smith, Frank and Alice Smith, Isabel (Leigh) Smith and Pam Chatis, Jeanne Smith, Jefferson Smith, Kimberly Smith and Adam Kahn, Rhonda Smith, Helen Snively, Lydia Snover, Cynthia Snow and Irving A. Kurki, Betty Snyder and Sarah Smith, Robert and Kristina Snyder, Maxwell and Joanne Solet, Stuart and Judith Solomon, Elizabeth Sommers and Loocie Brown, Wendy Soref, Keith Soucy and Mona Vachon, Dee Spears, Maria Speck, Joan Squeri, John St. George, Matthew and Betsey St. Onge, Brenda Stanfield, Ashara Stansfield, Martha Stearns, Barbara and Tobias Stein, Virginia and Michael Stein, Robert S. Steinberg, Sherry Steiner, Victoria Steinitz and Elliot G. Mishler, Mark Stern and Lynn Barker, Rosann and Randall Stern, Brooke Stevens and Thomas McCorkle, Lois Stiles Edgerly, Wesley and Patricia Stimpson, Kim Stocking, Holly Stoehr, Cynthia Stolarek, Susan and Arthur Strang, Lise and Miles Striar, Lucy and Daniel Stroock, Marcia Stubbs, Nadine and John H. Suhrbier, David and Catherine Sullivan, Michael Sullivan, Judy Summersby, Anna Marie Svedrofsky, Kara Swanson, Bruce Sylvester, Ann Szczepanski, David Szlag, Diane Tabor, Carole Talley, Martha Taub, Prabhu Tegur, Christopher and Alexis Teixeira, Kevin Tierney and Kimberly Knickle-Tierney, Ted and Mary Tierney, Timothy J. Toomey, Anthee Travers, Shane Treadway, Thomas Treat, Louis Tucker, Ivy Turner, Lawrence Tuttle and Patricia Martin, Anne Umansky, E. Kelly Umstott, Maria Valenzuela, Beth Van Belle, Yasemin (Minka) vanBeuzekom, Jordan Vance, James Vath, Tanya Vellaringattu, Herb and Dorothy Vetter, Francois Vigier, Magdalene Voelmle, Mary Ellen Vogler, Alice Wadden, Stephen Walch and Linda Williams, Richard Wallace, Catherine Walthers, Stephen Warley, Anne Warner, Lyle Warner, Rebecca Warner, Karen and Gary Warrington, Craig Watkins, Fan Watkinson, Peter Watkinson, Thomasine Watson, Robert Weber, Carol Weinhaus, Judith and Douglas Weinstock, Susan Weir, Richard Weissbourd and E. Avery Rimer, Michael Wessels and Patricia Maher, Marjorie Westerman, Susan and Peter White, Suzanne Wilkinson, Andrea Williams, Brandon Williams, Cana Williams, Jane Williams, Loren Wilson and Phyllis Kutt, Jeanne Winner, Julia and Rex Withers, Alice and Robert Wolf, Alicia Wolfe, Cathy Wolff, Lisa and Wing Wong, Ping Wong, Amy Woods, Carolyn Woollen-Tucker, Henry and Sheli Wortis, Susan Woskie, Peter and Patricia Wright, G. Elizabeth Wylde and Lance Drane, Marilyn Yee, Stephanie Yesner, Robin Young, Alan Zaslavsky and Noel Jette, Geraldine Zetzel, Robert Zevin, Lise Zieg, Alec and Elizabeth Zimmer, Janet Zimmern, Dorothy Zinberg, Margaret Zirker and Scott Warmkessel, Gerald Zuriff, and Charles Zymaris. Please let us know if we have inadvertently left your name off this list, if you would prefer to be listed differently, or if you would prefer not to be listed. We apologize for any errors. Home Delivery reaches full enrollment of 60 clients. Produce Rescue sets a new record, delivering 1,020,000 pounds of food in 2011. Food For Free Annual Report 2011 9 he Dat t e av e! S Food For Free 11 Inman Street Cambridge, MA 02139 The Party Under the Harvest Moon will be Friday, October 19 at MIT’s Morss Hall. Join us for great food, live music, and a chance to support our Produce Rescue program. Food For Free Annual Report 2011
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