Two-photon exchange contribution in elastic
Two-photon exchange contribution in elastic
Two-photon exchange contribution in elastic electron-proton scattering: measurements at VEPP-3 1 I. A. Rachek, J. Arrington, 4 V. V. Gauzshtein, V. V. Kaminsky, 1 V. V. Neufeld, 1 2 L. M. Barkov, 1,3 R. A. Golovin, B. A. Lazarenko, 1 D. M. Nikolenko, 3 V. N. Stibunov, 1 1 1,3 V. F. Dmitriev, 1 A. V. Gramolin, 1 S. I. Mishnev, N. Yu. Muchnoi, 1 D. K. Toporkov, Yu. V. Shestakov, 4 H. de Vries, and V. N. Zhilich 1,3 1,3 R. Sh. Sadykov, 1,3 2 R. J. Holt, 1 S. A. Zevakov, 1 1 Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 2 Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, USA 3 Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia 4 Nuclear Physics Institute at Tomsk Polytechnical University, Tomsk, Russia 5 NIKHEF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Baryons-2013 I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 1 Proton electromagnetic form factors The EM form factors are essential ingredients of our knowledge of the nucleon structure and this justies the eorts devoted to their experimental determination In one-photon (Born) approximation: Nucleon Current Operator Γµ (q ) µν Γµ (q ) = γ µ F1 (q 2 ) + i σ2Mqν F2 (q 2 ) Sachs Form Factors Electric Form Factor 2 2 2 Q GE (Q ) = F1 (Q ) − 4M F2 (Q ) ( 2 ) non spin ip Dirac Form Factor 2 F2 (q ) spin ip Pauli Form Factor F1 q 2 Magnetic Form Factor 2 2 2 GM (Q ) = F1 (Q ) + F2 (Q ) GE ≈ GM /µp ≈ GD ≡ (1 + Q 2 /0.71)−2 in non-relativistic limit GE and GM describe charge and magnetization distribution in nucleon I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 2 Measurements of Proton form factors Study with elastic ep scattering The Rosenbluth separation method at constant Q 2 Rosenbluth Formula Rosenbluth, 1950 h i dσ τ dσ 2 2 = · · GE + GM dΩ d Ω Mott (1 + τ ) τ −1 2 2 2 where τ = Q /4M and = 1 + 2(1 + τ ) tan (θ/2) Polarized beams and targets and recoil polarimeters Form factor ratio from polarization transfer GE GM = PT PL Akhiezer,Rekalo, 1968 ×K where PT and PL - transverse and longitudinal polarization components of proton, K p = − τ (1 + )/2 I.A. Rachek kinematic factor Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 3 Inconsistency ? 1.6 Unpolarized data: Walker (1994), global analysis 1.2 Qattan (2005) µ GE ⁄ GM 1.4 1 0.8 0.6 Polarized data: 0.4 Jones (2000), Punjabi (2005) 0.2 Gayou (2002), Puckett (2011) Puckett (2010) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q2, GeV2 Clear discrepancy between unpolarized and polarized data is observed. I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 4 Inconsistency ? 1.6 Unpolarized data: Walker (1994), global analysis 1.2 Qattan (2005) µ GE ⁄ GM 1.4 1 0.8 0.6 Polarized data: 0.4 Jones (2000), Punjabi (2005) 0.2 Gayou (2002), Puckett (2011) Puckett (2010) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q2, GeV2 Clear discrepancy between unpolarized and polarized data is observed. Radiative corrections, in particular, a short-range Two-Photon Exchange (TPE) is a likely origin of the discrepancy I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 4 Radiative Corrections to elastic (ep) scattering Elastic scattering (e MBorn ± p → e ± p): M2γ Bremsstrahlung (e ± p Mvac Mevert Mpvert Mpself Meself → e ± p γ ): Mebrem Mp brem σ(e ± p ) = |MBorn |2 ± 2 Re M†Born M2γ + + 2 Re M†Born Mvac + 2 Re M†Born Mevert + 2 Re M†Born Mpvert + . . . † + |Mebrem |2 + |Mpbrem |2 ± 2 Re Mebrem Mpbrem + . . . • Standard (soft photons) RC: dominant (infra-red) part can be factorized in the observables. I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 5 Radiative Corrections to elastic (ep) scattering Elastic scattering (e MBorn ± p → e ± p): M2γ Bremsstrahlung (e ± p Mvac Mevert Mpvert Mpself Meself → e ± p γ ): Mebrem Mp brem σ(e ± p ) = |MBorn |2 ± 2 Re M†Born M2γ + + 2 Re M†Born Mvac + 2 Re M†Born Mevert + 2 Re M†Born Mpvert + . . . † + |Mebrem |2 + |Mpbrem |2 ± 2 Re Mebrem Mpbrem + . . . • Standard (soft photons) RC: dominant (infra-red) part can be factorized in the observables. • Hard photons in box and ×-box: integral over o-shell proton intermediate state contributions must be made. I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 5 Example of calculation of the TPE contribution P. G. Blunden, W. Melnitchouk and J. A. Tjon, Phys. Rev. C 72 (2005) 034612 without TPE contribution with TPE contribution ⇒ If this model is correct, the contradiction in the measurements p p of GE /GM is resolved I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 6 (e + p )/(e − p ) Ratio of elastic cross sections: Direct method to measure a contribution of 2γ -process: To measure a cross section ratio for elastic scattering of electrons and positrons on the proton ⇒ interference term can be extracted (after applying standard RC): 2 σ ∼ α(1γ) + α2 (2γ) + · · · = α2 (1γ) + α3 Re [(1γ)(2γ)] + · · · + (2γ) σ(e p ) ≈ 1 + 2α · R ≡ σ(e − p ) (1γ) Three experiments to measure R = σ(e + p )/σ(e − p ) kinematical coverage CLAS-2011 area 2.5 OL YM Q 2 (GeV/c)2 2 PU S- VE PP un 1.5 1 20 3, R I (2011/12) VEP P3, R 1 un II 2 JLabCLAS: run is completed in February-2011, 0.5 3 0 0 ε≡ NovosibirskVEPP-3: 2 runs Ebeam = 1.6 GeV (2009) and 1.0 GeV 12 0.1 0.2 Q 1+2(1+ I.A. Rachek 0.3 0.4 ε 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Ebeam = 0.5 ÷ 4 GeV DORISOLYMPUS: run is completed in December-2012, Ebeam = 2 GeV 1 2 /4Mp2 ) tan2 θ/2 Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 7 Milestones of the Novosibirsk experiment • The proposal was published (Aug 2004): nucl-ex/0408020 • Data taking runs: Run Duration Ebeam Engineering run MayJuly 2007 1.6 90 12 Run I SepDec 2009 1.6 1100 320 Run II Sep 2011 Mar 2012 1.0 2350 600 GeV , Number of + − e +e cycles R luminosity, pb−1 • Some preliminary results were published (Dec 2011): D. M. Nikolenko proton, et al., Two-photon exchange and elastic scattering of positrons/electrons on the PoS ICHEP 2010, 164 (2010). A. V. Gramolin at VEPP-3, et al., Measurement of the two-photon exchange contribution in elastic ep scattering Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 225-227, 216 (2012) [arXiv:1112.5369 [nucl-ex]]. • Final results of the data analysis are expected in 2013 I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 8 VEPP3 electron-positron storage ring VEPP3 is a booster for the VEPP4M electron-positron collider. VEPP3 parameters for Electron energy Mean beam current Energy spread RF HV magnitude revolution period bunch length E I e− 0 0 ∆ E /E U T 72 σL ∗ vertical beam size σz ∗ horizontal beam size σx ∗ vert. β -function βz ∗ horiz. β -function βx E İ VEPP-3 beam: 2 GeV 150 mA 0.05% 0.8 MV 248.14 ns 15 cm 0.5 mm 2.0 mm 2 m 6 m Internal Target Area Injection beam energy inj 350 MeV 9 −1 Injection rate 1.5·10 s inj ∗ parameters in the center of 2nd straight section (in Internal Target Area) Largest e I.A. Rachek + current: 60 mA Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 9 VEPP3 Internal Target section target thickness I.A. Rachek = 1 − 2 × 1015 at /cm2 Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 10 Novosibirsk experiment at the VEPP3 storage ring A precise measurement of the ratio R = σ(e + p )/σ(e − p ) at the energy of electron/positron beams of 1.6 GeV (run I) and 1.0 GeV (run II). Kinematic parameters of two runs Parameter Run I LA Ebeam , GeV Ibeam dt , kC R Ldt , pb−1 R θe ± Run II MA SA LA MA 1.6 1.0 54 100 320 600 55◦ ÷75◦ 15◦ ÷25◦ 8◦ ÷15◦ 65◦ ÷105◦ 15◦ ÷25◦ Q 2 , GeV2 1.26÷1.68 0.16÷0.41 0.05÷0.16 0.71÷1.08 0.07÷0.17 ε 0.37÷0.58 0.90÷0.97 0.97÷0.99 0.18÷0.51 0.91÷0.97 1.1% 0.1% 0.3% ∆R /R , stat. The smallest angle regions were used for luminosity monitoring only. I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 11 Detector Package for the Run I wide aperture non-magnetic apparatus ϑe acceptance: ϕe acceptance: I.A. Rachek 8◦ 2 ÷ 13◦ × 60◦ ,15◦ ÷ 25◦ and 55◦ ÷ 75◦ Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 12 Detector Package for the Run II e NaI CsI * * Drift chambers Proportional chambers CsI NaI e+/e- beam E = 1 GeV Storage cell (hydrogen target) Scintillators * (polystyrene) p * CsI * NaI ϑe acceptance: ϕe acceptance: I.A. Rachek 0.5 m 15 2 ◦ × ÷ 25◦ and 65 ◦ ÷ 105◦ ◦ 60 Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 13 Suppression of the systematics: alternation of During data collection e− and e+ beams were swapped regularly. This allows us to suppress eects of slow drift in time of the target thickness, detection eciency e One cycle ( + and e− e − and e + etc. beams) per 1 hour approximately. 1100 cycles in Run I, 2350 cycles in Run II Starting and ending values of beam currents and beam lifetime for e− and e+ beams in each cycle were kept as close as possible. I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 14 Suppression of the systematics: beam position Using the VEPP3 beam orbit stabilization system. Continuous measurement of the beam position at the entrance and exit of the experimental section by pick-up electrodes. Periodical absolute beam position measurements using movable shutters. Determination of beam position in the target from data analysis. Two symmetrical sets of detector arms: the sum is insensitive to vertical shifts of e e ( + / − )-beams. Measurement of beam position by the I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 2P3 pick-up electrode: June 24, 2013 15 Suppression of the systematics: beam energy Reconstruction of beam energy (at ∼ 0 .1 MeV accuracy) from an energy spectrum of laser photons backscattered on beam particles. Ebeam = 0.5 · ωmax · 1 + q 1 + me2 /ω0 ωmax This allows us to tune the VEPP3 operation regimes and to monitor the beams energy during the experiment. VEPP3 energy measurement - positrons 1 MeV - electrons I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 photon spectrum June 24, 2013 16 Suppression of the systematics: No Magnetic Field! Non-magnetic Detectors Magnetic_eldfree target area ⇒ Exactly identical acceptance for electrons and positrons Entries Run II 142644 3500 3000 e--p e+p 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 epsilon I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 17 Suppression of the systematics: No Magnetic Field! Non-magnetic Detectors Magnetic_eldfree target area ⇒ Exactly identical acceptance for electrons and positrons Entries Run II 142644 3500 3000 e--p e+p 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 epsilon Total systematic error is < 0.3% I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 17 Selection of the elastic scattering events correlations characteristic for two-body nal state: φp ) → coplanarity θp ) → collinearity in CM angle and proton energy (θe ± vs. Ep ) angle and electron energy (θe ± vs. Ee ± ) e Correlation between azimuthal angles (φ ± vs. e Correlation between polar angles (θ ± vs. Correlation between lepton scattering Correlation between lepton scattering particle ID: Time-Of-Flight analysis for low-energy protons ∆E E analysis for middle-energy protons Energy deposition in EM-calorimeter for electrons/positrons angular correlations φ-angles correlation Entries 77505 4000 3500 GEANT4 3000 DATA 2500 2000 σ = 0.7o 1500 1000 500 0 176 178 180 182 Θ-angles correlation 184 ϕe - ϕp, deg Entries 64809 2500 GEANT4 2000 DATA 1500 σ = 0.8o 1000 500 0 -4 -2 0 2 4 θp - θp(e), deg I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 18 Standard radiative corrections: new event generator Elastic Scatterring of Electrons and Positrons on Proton ESEPP A. Gramolin more precise calculation of bremsstrahlung instead of soft photon approximation (Fadin, Gerasimov, and Feldman) evaluation of the bremsstrahlung with excitation of ∆-isobar generator used for simulation of the detector with GEANT4 Comparison of the results of calculations γµ 1.07 Soft photon approximation (SPA) Γµ Calculation by Fadin & Feldman (FF) 1.06 elastic electron scattering electron vertex correction electron self-energy diagrams Calculation by Fadin & Gerasimov (FG) vacuum polarization proton vertex correction proton self-energy diagrams box and crossedbox diagrams Ratio RMC 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 inelastic amplitudes 1 0 from Maximon&Tjon PRC 62(2000)054320 2 4 6 8 Cut on angular correlation (∆θ = ∆φ), degree 10 I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 19 Radiative Corrections for e± Ratio 1.08 R as a function of kinematic cuts e± Ratio No Rad Corr 1.08 e± Ratio Mo&Tsai dipole FF 1.08 1.07 1.07 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1 0.26 1.07 ∆=1.5 o ∆=3.0 o ∆=6.0 o 1.06 1.05 1 0.36 epsilon 0.46 0.26 Maximon&Tjon Puckett FF 1 0.36 epsilon 0.46 0.26 0.36 0.46 epsilon RUN II: single point with various event selecting angular correlation cuts Left panel before any RC applied big dierence! Middle panel conventional Mo&Tsai approach for RC, proton FF in dipole form Right panel approach of Maximon&Tjon, proton FF parametrization by Puckett I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 et al. June 24, 2013 20 MC simulation of background processes GEANT4 detector model MAID2007 and 2-PION-MAID based event generator for single- and double-pion electro-production ESEPP event generator for elastic (ep) scattering with bremsstrahlung Missing mass spectrum, reconstructed from energy and direction of particle detected in LA arm, assuming this is elastic scattered e − soft cut on e (for E ± =1 GeV) (∆φ, ∆θ) DATA and ESEPP+MAID2007+GEANT4 ∆φ,∆θ < 6.0 o 8000 e p → e' p (γ ) 7000 5000 e p → e' n π+ e p → e' p π0 + γ* p → n π -γ * p → p π π+ 4000 MC Total 6000 DATA 3000 2000 1000 0 700 800 I.A. Rachek 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 Missing Mass, MeV Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 21 MC simulation of background processes GEANT4 detector model MAID2007 and 2-PION-MAID based event generator for single- and double-pion electro-production ESEPP event generator for elastic (ep) scattering with bremsstrahlung Missing mass spectrum, reconstructed from energy and direction of particle detected in LA arm, assuming this is elastic scattered e − standard cut on e (for E ± =1 GeV) (∆φ, ∆θ) DATA and ESEPP+MAID2007+GEANT4 ∆φ,∆θ < 3.0 o e p → e' p (γ ) 7000 5000 e p → e' n π+ e p → e' p π0 + γ* p → n π -γ * p → p π π+ 4000 MC Total 3000 DATA 6000 2000 when all cuts applied: 1000 0 700 Nbackground /Nelastic < 1.5% 800 I.A. Rachek 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 Missing Mass, MeV Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 21 Comparison of Three TPE Experiments VEPP-3 OLYMPUS EG5 CLAS Novosibirsk DESY JLab Beam energy 2 xed 1 xed wide spectrum equality of e± beam energy measured assumed reconstructed precisely (measured?) half-hour 8 hours e + /e − e + /e − swapping frequency lumi monitor elastic low-Q2 elastic low-Q2 , simultaneously from simulation Möller/Bhabha energy of scattered e± proton PID e + /e − detector acceptance luminosity systematic error EM-calorimeter ∆E /E , TOF mag. analysis mag. analysis mag. analysis, TOF mag. analysis, TOF identical big dierence big dierence 1.0 2.0 2.5 × 1032 < 0.3% × 1033 1% × 1032 1% Novosibirsk experiment is inferior to the other two in experimental luminosity and in quality of particle ID; however, the detector performance is sucient for reliable identication of elastic scattering events; non-magnetic detector, measurement of beams energy, frequent swapping of e + /e − beams allow lowest systematic error; Novosibirsk is the rst to provide results on precise measurement of I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 R (e ± p ) ratio. June 24, 2013 22 Preliminary results of the Novosibirsk TPE experiment Run I (2009): Run II (20112012): GeV Anderson (1966) Bartel (1967) Anderson (1968) VEPP-3 (Run 1), preliminary 0.95 Ratio R Theory (Blunden et al.), E = 1 GeV Theory (Tomasi-Gustafsson et al.), E = 1 GeV Theory (Borisyuk&Kobushkin), E = 1 GeV Coulomb corrections (Arrington et al.), E = 1 GeV 0.9 0 0.2 2 Theory: 0.4 ε 0.6 1.5 Q2, GeV2 0.8 1 1.05 P. G. Blunden, et al., D. Borisyuk and A. Kobushkin, E. Tomasi-Gustason, et al., J. Arrington and I. Sick, M 1 AR Y 0.9 0 IN Browman (1965), E = 0.85 GeV Anderson (1966), E = 1.2 GeV Anderson (1968), E = 1.2 GeV Bouquet (1968), E = 0.981 GeV VEPP-3 (Run 2), preliminary Theory (Blunden et al.), E = 1 GeV Theory (Tomasi-Gustafsson et al.), E = 1 GeV Theory (Borisyuk&Kobushkin), E = 1 GeV Coulomb corrections (Arrington et al.), E = 1 GeV 0.95 1 0.5 normalization point (standard RC applied) Ratio R IM IN AR Y 1 PR EL I GeV 1.1 (standard RC applied) PR EL 1.1 1.05 =1 Ebeam normalization point = 1.6 Ebeam 0 0.2 1.2 0.4 1 ε 0.6 0.8 0.6 Q2, GeV2 0.8 0.4 1 0.2 0 Phys. Rev. C72 (2005) 034612 :hadronic TPE calculation Phys. Rev. C78 (2008) 025208 :dispersion relations arXiv:0909.4736 :analytical model Phys. Rev. C70 (2004) 028203 :Coulomb corrections error bars are statistical errors, hashed areas show -range and systematic uncertainties; the standard radiative corrections are taken into account. I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 23 Run II data versus theoretical calculations Run-II data at large scattering angle in a single point: Run II Entries 234891 3500 Blunden et al 1.06 3000 Borisyuk&Kobushkin Ratio R (standard RC applied) 1.05 Arrington&Sick counts 2500 Tomasi-Gustafsson et al 2000 1500 1000 500 Run II, preliminary 1.04 0 0 syst errors & ∈-range 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 epsilon 1 1.03 1.02 points on theoretical 1.01 curves are weighted means, obtained with experimental 1 0.99 epsilon-distribution. 0 I.A. Rachek 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 ε 0.5 0.6 Baryons-2013 0.7 June 24, 2013 24 Conclusion A precision measurement of the ratio R = σ(e + p )/σ(e − p ) has been performed. Data taking has been completed, analysis is in nal stage. Systematic errors in VEPP-3 experiment is expected to be lower than those at OLYMPUS and CLAS TPE experiments. It is very important to carefully consider the standard radiative corrections. Procedure of account for RC has been developed (ESEPP event generator + Geant4 detector simulation). Preliminary (nearly nal) results are presented. They are overestimated by the theoretical predictions of Blunden et al and Borisyuk& Kobushkin, but are underestimated by Tomasi-Gustafsson et al. Final results of the experiment are expected by the end of 2013. Support This work was supported by Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; RFBR grants: 08-02-00624-a, 08-02-01155-a; Russian Federal Agency for Education, State Contract P522; Russian Federal Agency for Science and Innovation, Contract 02.740.11.0245.1; US DOE grant: DE-AC02-06CH11357; US NSF grant: PHY-03-54871 I.A. Rachek Baryons-2013 June 24, 2013 25