Issue 3 - Kaulana Na Pua


Issue 3 - Kaulana Na Pua
Please Mr. President,
Help Maile...
Page 22
The Miraculous Powers
of Cannabis
Page 26
Jari & Maile (MJ) Kaneshiro
These are the Doctors who will help you get your License
Gary Greenly,DO
549 Halemaumau
Honolulu, HI 96821
Medical Marijuana
Daniel Susott
Kevin Baiko, MD
Matthew Brittain
Remember to tell your doctor where you found him, he needs to know!
Kaulana Na Pua
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Let not the courage
of others be in vein.
their courage and convictions ing your publisher, I enjoy this
they will always have visitors. magazine, and I present it as
It has been a fun, exciting, ad- my gift to you. Lynn & I work
venturous, eye opening experi- hard here, but it is a labor of
Digital Vacuum
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and Friends, As always, before ly. Change is on the horizon, community. I ask you readers,
I begin, let me thank the good take advantage of your rights people of Hawaii let us know
Lord for another successful and your hard won victories. what we can do, what we
issue, and awesome year. Let not the courage of others should do and what we must
Here we go, another awesome be in vein. There is strength in do. Kaulana Na Pua magazine
month, another awe- some numbers, and with that being has made its mark we are here
issue. Dear readers, a lot said, I would like to say that to Stay. All are welcome on the
has happened since our last it might appear that my dear journey. Thank you dear lord for
meeting. We have had some friend Roger Christie is com- this blessing and all the others
visitors, unexpected, yet not ing out of prison soon. He will that you have showered upon
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really! Those of us who stand need all the support and love me. I love you, and give you
up for others, who fight for we can muster. He has had his all the honor, glory and praise.
justice, equality, and fairness, share of visitors also. Let his
those who stand up and say next group be a crowd of lovhear our voices, these people ing friends, families, and well Call me, 808-443-4907, and
are the patriots, the pioneers, wishers. People I have a good lets talk story! May God bless
the leaders of change. And for feeling inside of me, I enjoy be- you and your loved ones. Aloha,
©2014 Kaulana Na Pua.
rights reserved. Kaulana Na Pua
is published by Kaulana Na Pua,
LLC. The words, views and opinions expressed in this publication
are not necessarily the views of
the editor and/or publisher. For
retractions, corrections, questtions, or comments, please email:
Reproduction in part or whole
without permission is prohibited.
Aloha, A Hui Hou,
(till we meet again)
Buddy - Publisher
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Across Intl
Editor’s Note
Dear Readers
time has come when we need to stand
up and scream for change. People do not
need to die and/or suffer needlessly, this
must stop NOW!!! The cover story of our
first issue over 3 years ago was ‘We are
Patients, NOT Criminals’, and I say the
same thing today, with even more conviction, WE ARE PATIENTS, NOT CRIMINALS!!! Patients use cannabis to deal
with their ailments, what ever they are,
this does not make a criminal. We must
change the law!!!
Since becoming a magazine 3 months
ago, we have seen some things! For
example, the cover story about baby
Maile who lives right here in Hawaii. Her
mother is fighting to change the laws in
order for her baby to be able to acquire
her medicine here in Hawaii. Currently,
it is not available, and very hard to find
or grow. But if Hawaii had dispensaries,
and laws that allow patients safe access,
Maile would be able to get the medicine
she so desperately needs. There are so
many things that cannabis can help and/
or cure, if only our government would
face the truth. People are dying every single day, needlessly. They are subjecting
themselves to harmful radiation, chemo
therapy, and prescription medica- tions
because that is the only thing our doctors
know to do. They are not educated about
cannabis because our government would
not allow research or studies. Well the
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Green Fever
The North American Gold Rush of the 1800’s many who were in pursuit of getting rich quick from mining gold out of the hills of the old West
caught what was known as Gold Fever. Gold Fever is not an actual physDispensaries Exposed
ical illness or ailment, but an extreme mental state in which a person
becomes so greedy that they will go to any lengths to get their
hands on the gold and become rich over-night. Today it is being called the Green Rush due to the legalization of marijuana
along with the multi-billion dollar opportunities that this booming industry has brought before the American people. Cannabis
is and always has been a very giving, not to mention healing,
cash crop. Making it very obvious in this industry who is in it for
the money and who cares about the healing of the patients. You
can start by observing how an individual conducts their medical dispensaries. Medical grade cannabis should be grown naturally and without the use of harmful toxic chemical fertilizers to
ensure that the recipients aren’t ingesting or smoking poisons
such as Ammonium Nitrate which is the base chemical that is
used in most non organic plant foods. Ammonium Nitrate is
extremely poisonous to the human body and even with flushing the soils at harvest time, the final dried, prepared and sold
products still contain trace amounts of this very toxic poison.
Why do most medical marijuana dispensaries on the mainland choose chemical fertilizers over organic? The answer is
simple. It is Green Fever at its best, and a most dispensary owners only care about making money. Growing organic medicine has a lower weight in the end and takes some true know-how, which is more difficult
than cultivating marijuana with chemicals. Chemical fertilizers have only two functions once it is absorbed
into a plants root system. First- it deprives the plants of the nutrients that they actually need to produce
the maximum potency and quality that we truly seek in the end product. And secondly- it takes all of those
nutrients and forces your plants into focusing only on fast growth equaling more weight and less potency.
This extra weight after harvest equals more money after it is sold at the dispensaries. Greed is fueling this
behavior today and we don’t need this sort of business here in Hawaii. I call it Green Fever as the greed
is very evident. I am originally from Colorado and moved back to Denver from the Big-Island. I lived there
for a year and a half in 2011-2012, and sampled hundreds of different kinds of cannabis strains that were
sold at several different medical dispensaries across the state of Colorado, and this is what I experienced.
Green Fever Continued
Most of the strain names that are sold at Colorado dispensaries are mostly made up and not actually from
the genetic line that they claim it to be. This is to promote selling their lower quality cannabis at a faster rate
and at a higher price than it is actually worth. The MMJ customers in most states that have Medical Marijuana Dispensaries seem mostly happy with this because they are being told that they are smoking exotic
strains of Cannabis from around the world when in fact they are only being given whatever name is chosen
at that exact time to sell the product quick. It is a very bad situation because most of the medical marijuana patients in these states don’t know any better and are just happy to have access to legal marijuana at
all. To say the least, after living in Hawaii, I was extremely disappointed in Colorado’s medical marijuana
scene. So I then moved to Seattle in 2012 in hopes of a better quality medical cannabis situation there, and
Washington had just become the second leading state in the US to legalize cannabis use both medically
and recreationally. I lived in Washington for over a year and sampled Cannabis from many dispensaries in
and around the Seattle area and could not find any organic top shelf bud at all! Seattle, like Denver, also
made up most of their strain names to sell it faster at a higher market price. For instance, Blueberry never
smells or tastes like true Blueberry genetics and growers like us know better than this. Most Purple strains
are never actually purple but a dark, odorless, flavorless bud with no kick or stick in the end- leaving us the
customer feeling ripped off at $50 an 8th when all is said and done. Sometimes, because I am a severe
asthmatic, I wouldn’t even be able to smoke the medicine I had just spent a small fortune on because there
were so many chemicals left inside the final flower that it would force me to use my breathing machine. I use
cannabis to treat my asthma so it is no longer medicinal when it causes asthma- you see my predicament.
For both Colorado and Washington being considered the two leading states in the legalization of marijuana
today they sure don’t have anything on Hawaii’s quality local grown medicine as far as potency goes. Do we
want this sort of business here in Hawaii? Hawaii has some of the world’s most flavorful, not to mention knock
you straight on your ass, cannabis strains and it is due to our rare and exotic tropical environment here. I was
relieved to get back home to Hawaii where the marijuana is truly medicinal and naturally grown with love.
When Hawaii opens the doors to their first medical marijuana dispensaries, we the people need to make sure
that the cannabis being supplied to our island’s medical patients has been locally and organically grown.
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The black plant-killing mold, botrytis has become a huge
problem for growers here in Hawaii over the last decade.
Due to this serious mold problem we need to put down the
chemicals and turn to better cannabis genetics that are
naturally mold resistant by being cultivated in wet conditions for generations. There are a few locations found
around the
world that have
even wetter
conditions than
Hawaii and can
still successfully produce
outdoor cannabis without any
botrytis contamination. One of
these locations
is Humboldt
County in northern California
where it rains
during harvest
season in
certain mountain valleys
where large amounts of outdoor cannabis is being grown.
I turned to the genetics of the old school Humboldt growers and got my hands on some robust seeds. I decided
on the name Purple Yeti due to this strain originally being
cultivated in the Pacific Northwest where there are literally
hundreds of Bigfoot sightings every year. I knew this variety would prosper well here in Hawaii. I grew this Purple
Yeti using completely organic techniques and it turned out
to be some of the most unique tasting and smelling smoke
I have ever grown. Very different from other purple strains.
Purple Yeti is a strain that is here to stay in the islands,
and we encourage local growers to seek out and bring
other mold resistant strains to naturally and organically
cultivate healing medicine that won’t be lost to botrytis
here in the rainforests of Hawaii.
Pakalolo Pointers
For a medical cannabis grower, the most important
aspect to understand is the influence that the photo-period has on your plants. Cannabis plants are particularly
sensitive to the amount of hours of day and night in each
24 hour period. For instance, a plant releases certain
hormones depending upon if the days are getting longer
or shorter which makes up our long and short seasons
here in Hawaii. In other words, your plants will remain in
vegetative growth and only produce food leaves as long
as the days are getting longer. As soon as we reach the
fall season the days start to get shorter. This shortening
of days triggers the cannabis plants to release a separate
hormone which induces flowering. To avoid a most common mistake among growers we need to understand our
plant’s needs. When a cannabis plant is in vegetative state
and is only producing food leaves it needs ample amounts
of nitrogen. There are many organic and natural forms of
nitrogen that you can feed your plants during the vegetative stage. If by chance, you happen to know a local fisherman, which is often the case here on the islands, then you
automatically have access to free organic nitrogen-based
fertilizer via the fish heads and guts that are normally
thrown out. Chicken droppings, cow, and horse manure
are also all great examples of fertilizers that the islands
provide us with for free. This mistake usually happens
when the plants start to flower and they are still being fed
nitrogen. A cannabis plant does not need nitrogen once
it enters into the flowering stage of its life cycle. When
a cannabis plant begins to flower it only needs ample
amounts of phosphorus and potassium to finish with big
thick heavy buds. Potassium can be fed to your plants via
coffee grounds and watering with a coffee water mixture.
Growers who continue to feed nitrogen to their plants
during the flowering process can end up with leafy, sparse,
low-quality flowers that have a harsh, hay-like flavor. The
tip of the month is, cut all nitrogen from your plants as
soon as you see the first signs of pistils, flowers, and/or
budding, and then focus on feeding your plants potassium
and phosphorus to finish them up the right way- happy,
healthy, and organic. continued on page 26...
An excerpt taken
from the yet to be
released book…
……it was just a matter of time…Drug
Testing. The concept of a Drug Free
Workplace began in 1914 when large
companies initiated a movement to
establish sobriety programs to gain
consumer support. Ford Motor Company was the first big company to
step forward with an inaugural “drug
free workplace” program. By the mid
1980’s the federal government recognized that drug use was having a serious adverse effect on the workforce
and billions of dollars was lost in productivity each year. I personally considered myself the exception to the
rule. I was an outstanding employee;
my attendance record was impeccable; and my lists of acknowledgments
and achievements go on forever…
But, 1988 saw Ronald Reagan sign
an executive order that banned the
use of drugs both on and off duty for
federal government employees. This
presidential order led to the “DrugFree Workplace Act”, which defined
a “drug-free workplace” as a “site
where work is done and an entity in
which employees are prohibited from
engaging in the manufacture, distribution or possession of identified drugs”. Hawaii’s legislators quickly got on
board and “looked for a scapegoat” to
enact their own programs. Of course,
because the executive act singled
out federal government workers, our
state government sought to identify
“civil servants” as their “guinea pigs”.
Police, Fire and EMS were the obvious immediate targets. Because
of flawed procedures, as well as no
clear guidelines or laws regarding
workplace drug testing, unions were
suspiciously defiant of any type of
“deal”. Back then, the “old boys” began their “strong-arm” tactics. The former HRT bus transit system, stuck in
what was an ongoing strike, was now
the newly created MTL and somehow
fell under the city’s supervision. MTL
was the first to “submit’ to pressure
and quickly enacted their workplace
drug policy. Drivers were tested for
the least of infractions and MTL soon
realized without guidelines for personal assistance, their testing policy
not only wasn’t achieving its goal,
but they were falling short on employees. You see, initially, agreement
was made for zero tolerance, immediate termination, and there were no
replacements on the horizon. There
were no set terms to assist the employees, simply “identify and remove”.
There was no help for the employee
with the so-called, “drug problem”.
I personally was always against random drug testing. There was no way
to ensure a 100% accuracy, nor was
there ever any way to provide total
anonymity for the identified employee;
can there ever be an assurance that
protected information will never be
divulged? In other words, I felt, they
were “fishing” and once “caught”, the
employee was thrown to the wolves,
at the mercy of their accuser. Sort
of an illegal search and seizure with
unlawful “emotional imprisonment”;
an invasion of privacy; A fine line between the Fourth and Fifth Amendments…reasonableness and due
process. Our union wanted a way to
provide assurance to the public that
their officers were “clean”, trustworthy
and accountable. The Honolulu Police
Department needed a way to convince
the public that integrity was held to the
highest expectations, yet there was
still a need to provide the same assurances to our officers who deserved
a certain level of trust and privacy. In
the late 1980’s some states made it
a mandate that testing occur amongst
civil servants or those involved in the
transportation industries. SHOPO
submitted…it was just a matter of time.
Laws on random and pre-screening
drug testing have evolved to somewhat protect the user in that it is a
requirement that drug testing be “advertised’ by the employer before any
such testing occurs. In my opinion
the main goal of a drug-free workplace should be to identify those employees who require treatment and
then help them overcome their substance abuse issues. This is done
so that they may return to work and
maintain a certain level of productivity in their jobs. However, because
sending employees into rehabilitation can be expensive for companies,
many employers choose to employ a
pre-employment drug testing policy.
This policy is put in place to screen
applicants so that the company does
not hire a person who already has an
existing substance abuse problem. In
this case, the user has been notified
about the pre-employment testing
and it’s up them to “clean up”. Most
companies now do have a rehabilitation process and most treatments are
covered by company provided health
insurances. Does this still make drug
testing okay? Workplace drug policies
cover the “workplace” and should not
infringe on your private doings. Can
random drug testing completely identify use occurred “at the workplace” as
opposed to private use? I mean there
are issues in which the user is identified as using at the workplace…but
then again that’s another chapter…on
drug use “stupidity”. Hey, you abuse
the rule, the rule abuses you…right?
Continued on page 14
Where can I find Kaulana Na Pua Magazine?
You can find them at the following locations. Please thank them for carrying the magazine
and let us know if there is another location you would like to add to the list.
Matthew Brittain, LCSW
Hilo Town Tavern
Ohana Greenhouse
Conscious Riddims
Island Naturals
Irie Hawaii
Bear’s Coffee
Hilo Burger Joint
Jungle Love
Pahoa Feed & Fertilizer
Hirano Store
Paka’s Smoke Shop
Pahoa Fresh Fish
The CD Wizard
Volcano Store
Fresh Farm Garden & Supply
Verna’s Too Drive Inn
Cloud 9 Emporium
Kroh Acres
Hilo Tobacco
Kahuku Mini Mart
Vitality Clinic Sally Boyd
Mental Minds Media
Hawaii Kai
Dr. Greenly
Boston Pizza
Keneke’s Plate Lunch
Serg’s Mexican Kitchen
Waiamanalo Beach Cafe
Sweet Home Waiamanalo
Cafe & Market
Tersty Treats Fish Market
Keolu Hills
Kelou Market
Teddy’s Bigger Burgers
Keolu Beers
The Shack
Koolau Farmers
Island Paddler
Big City Diner
Times Coffee Shop
Boots N Kimo’s
Teddy’s Bigger Burgers
Whole Foods
Pali Shoppe
Aloha Tattoo
Porky’s Sports Pub & Grill
808 Skate
OG Glass
Discount Smoke Shop
Mental Minds Media
Fly HI Hawaii
Boston Pizza
Suckum Up
Pipe Dreams
Wailana Coffee Shop
Skin Deep Tattoo
Hawaiian Holy Smokes
Island Paddler
Downing Hawaii
Local Boy Cafe
Eight O Eight Smokes
Honolulu Bowls
Asashi Grill
Lava Mocha Cafe
Ronnie’s Lunch Wagon
Bagel Shop
The Best Drive-In
Hawaiian Hydroponics
& Garden
Cannabis Energy Drinks
Green Hands of Aloha
Soul Signature Tattoo
OG Glass
Jackie’s Diner
Island Silver
Non-Stop Liquor
Ko’olau Farmers
L&L Drive-Inn
Hawaiian Holy Smokes
Teddy’s Bigger Burgers
He’eia Kea Pier General Store
Mililani Restaurant
The Shack
Hygeinic Store
Sunshine Arts
Country Market
Fine Ass Chocolate
Waikole Nursery & Garden
Crouching Lion Restaurant
Uncle Bobo’s
Kaya’s Store
North Shore Tacos
Cherie’s BeachSide Hair Cuts
Masa’s Market
North Shore
Lum’s Inn
Nancy’s Kitchen
Loco Moco
Eight-O-EightSmoke Shop
KC Lunch & Deli
Alecia’s Market
Boston Pizza
Hawaiian Holy Smokes
HI-Tech Glass
Ted’s Bakery Rack
Shark’s Cove Grill
Ono Polynesian Mart
Haleiwa Surf & Sea
Global Creations
Motsimoto Shave Ice
Lanikai Juice
HIC Surf Shop
Bonzai Sushi
Twelve Tribes Internaitonal
Raging Aisle
Cholo’s Mexican Food
Coffee Gallery
North Shore Smoke Shop
Celestial Natural Foods
Polynesian Tattoo
One Love Surf Shop
Brown Bottle
North Shore Organic &
Pa’ala’akai Mini Mart
Pipeline Smoke Shop
Choke Smoke
Hawaiian Holy Smokes
Hi Supply Smoke Shop
Kaneohe Market
Still Smokin
Honolulu Bowls
Hi Supply Smoke Shop
Waianae Express
The Waianae Store
In & Out BBQ
Huion Restaurant
L&L Drive Inn
Pipeline Smoke Shop
Central Liquors
Rasta Headquarters
Ohana Greeenhouse
Still Smokin Smoke Shop
Hawaiian Holy Smokes
West Side Vibes
Maui Mana
Dream On 13
Maui Upcompfrey Comforts
Dr. Kevin Baiko
OG Glass Smoke Shop
Knick Knack Shack
Ohana Smoke Shop
Tamisium Extractors
Vitality Natural
Medicine Clinic
15-2891 Pahoa Main St
10am - 5pm,Mon, Tues, Thurs.
Friday by Appointment
“ I…Anonymous
Continued from page 12
I always stood fast; I would refuse the test if it was ever imposed on me. I was lucky, I guess. My “random number” never came up…
for the first few years anyway. Word went out about an economic crunch, how expensive the tests were, and how the city couldn’t
afford it. I remember my first “brush” with testing came a few years after testing was imposed on us. Apparently our “watch number”
was pulled and testing occurred on my “day-off”. I was called at home and told that upon my first day back, I was to submit a sample.
Really? Am I gonna get overtime pay since you called me and placed me on notice? One call to the union and it was settled, you
“off”, you “off”…I guess I got lucky. Told you I would refuse. A second time came a while later. I remember I had already taken the day
off for one of my children’s doctor’s appointments and went to the station a little early to work out a bit. Yes, I was athletically inclined
back then. Anyway, arriving at the station, I walked up the stairs and immediately realized the yellow tape placed along the hallway
leading to the restroom area…Drug Testing! Forget the workout, I was off. Once again, I get a call that I was required to submit a
sample upon my return. This time I actually had a “doctor’s note” regarding my child’s immediate need for medical attention, I was excused. Internal Affairs even attempted to interview my doctor, who of course employed the “doctor-patient” secrecy rule. Seemed as
though someone was out to get me...but I kept getting lucky. Then, in the early 1990’s as I was teaching a class…on drug awareness
of course, I get a pager notice (remember those unique technological innovations?). “DRUG TEST TODAY, MAKE A 10-1 ASAP!”
There I was at the beginning of my class; in the middle of the day; near the end of my career…it was just a matter of time.
…I.. Anonymous.
What’s So Wrong With Getting High?
By Kevin Patrick Baiko, M.D.
For many medical cannabis patients, getting high is a desired part of the treatment. This desire troubles critics both
in states which sanction medical cannabis use and in states
yet considering to do so. I recently participated in an interview for a North Carolina based radio broadcast exploring
the question of whether or not a medical cannabis program
is right for Carolina, and not surprisingly one concern raised
by my interviewer was that mind-altering effects of cannabis use, namely “the high”, might somehow undermine the
legitimacy of the medicine and, by extension, the legitimacy
of the true motivations of patients who would choose to
medicate with cannabis in a manner imparting psychoactive
effects. Implied in this concern is the opinion that getting
high is at best a necessary evil side-effect of medical cannabis use, an effect best done away with if ever possible.
However, at the risk of the exposing one of the many double standards still circling the cannabis bowl after nearly a
century of baseless anti-cannabis propaganda, I must ask:
What’s so wrong with getting high?
I should say right away that cannabis offers so much more than
getting high to the patients who use it. I can testify as a professional witness: this herb is one powerful medicine! I’ve seen
patients with autoimmune disorders successfully prevent their
symptoms without the use of harsh anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant drugs. I’ve had cancer patients not just treat, but
beat their disease without surgery, radiation or chemotherapeutic
agents. I’ve watched sufferers of chronic debilitating pain conditions not only wean off addicting, mind-numbing constipating opiate medications, not only manage their pain, but actually regain
function and activity. And the list of success stories attributed to
cannabis goes on and on. I never truly loved being a doctor until I
started practicing cannabinoid medicine. It blesses so many lives.
It treats so many health conditions so well, and it does so with
minimal risk. I realize that some people smoke marijuana simply
for the high, but I don’t see how that fact belittles the healing power of cannabis in any way. The veteran treating his phantom limb
pain and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with cannabis
finds relief no less when his stoner neighbors light up for fun. The
patient wasting away with acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(AIDS) stimulates his appetite no less when his cat gets a little
silly on secondary smoke. So, I ask again, what’s so wrong with
getting high?
Continued on page 18...
Severe Pain • Severe Nausea • Cancer • HIV/AIDS • Glaucoma • Seizures • Crohn’s Disease •
Multiple Sclerosis • Wasting Syndrome
Come Visit
Auntie Ruby
Under The Mango Tree
For More Info Call:
*You may qualify under the Hawaii Revised Statute ( §329 - 121 to 128 ) which allows patients to legally acquire, grow, and possess marijuana for medical use.
Small Treasures
Silver Jewelry Designs
North Shore, Oahu
Continued from page 14...
Some condemn getting high on religious grounds. While I’m
not aware of any of the world’s major religious texts specifically condemning cannabis use or its high, I hold the utmost
respect for spiritual ascetics who shun the “pleasures” of this
world in their efforts to atone with God. I have a much harder time respecting logic which regards a cannabinoid high
as sinful while a caffeine buzz or a sugar rush or an alcohol
tipsiness as somehow non-sinful. Patients, doctors and
onlookers who claim getting high from medical cannabis is
somehow immoral, while the psychoactive effects of medications used to treat pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, etc.
are just fine by God, strike me as hypocrites. What about the
natural high felt after prolonged exercise, and now attributed
to an activated endocannabinoid system? Is physical exercise
immoral? Religious morality is often influenced by civil law.
The criminalization of cannabis, along with nearly a century of
baseless fear-mongering propaganda, has led to widespread
condemnation of its use within the ranks of organized religion,
at great cost to our collective advancement as an informed,
compassionate civilization. Fortunately, the more the general
population sees through the politically motivated lies about
cannabis, the more spiritually minded folks are opening up to
its true virtues as one of Creation’s natural healing wonders.
Medical professionals are no less influenced by belief.
There is a certain dogma held by many medical researchers
and practitioners alike that the ideal medicine treats an illness
and/or its symptoms safely with little to no side effects. Given
that most medical side effects are unpleasant and considering
that some side-effects can be so pleasant as to be addicting,
this seems a reasonable ideal, but what about non-addicting
pleasant side effects? I suppose it could be argued that a
medicine’s enjoyability possibly undermines a truly unbiased
scientific assessment as to whether it is treating the symptoms targeted or just helping the patient feel good enough to
not care about said symptoms, but upon further consideration,
such arguments betray an heartless non-holistic paradigm of
medicine which certainly shouldn’t apply to a non-addicting
substance like cannabis. I want my patients to feel good,
to laugh, to relax, to sleep well... You see, I don’t just treat
symptoms in isolation, I seek to treat the body-mind of each
of my patients both as a whole and as part of the whole. That
cannabis’ 60+ naturally occurring cannabinoids safely treat an
almost unbelievable array of symptoms should not overshadow their fundamental supplementation to our general population’s characteristically depleted endocannabinoid system, the
very system that fine tunes physical and mental homeostasis.
On the contrary, this fact helps explain why cannabis treats so
many symptoms and disease processes so effectively. Why
on earth so many doctors believe they should avoid helping
their patients feel good is beyond me, especially if it contributes to medication compliance, a primary reason patients
prescribed medications with unpleasant side effects fail to get
better. Fortunately, the more research and anecdotal reports
that come in confirming the safety and efficacy of medical
cannabis, the more doctors on the whole are opening up to
its healing potentials, not only as a means to treat specific
ailments and symptoms, but even on a more holistic scale.
Cannabinoid medicine is transforming the practice of medicine in this country.
Kevin Patrick Baiko, M.D. Continued on page 20...
Tipitina, tipitina, can you hear me
calling you,
Hoola walla malla jalla, and a
glass of mellow wine.
That’s Swahili to you my friends.
Professor (Fess) Longhair
Imagine being transported to a dingy
small, smoke-filled room with a piano.
You are sipping on a glass of cheap
red wine, and enjoying the wildest,
wailingest New Orleans street musicians. That was Fess’ Uptown front
living room where many of the legendary musicians of today cut their teeth,
including Dr. John (Mac Rebennack),
Allen Toussaint, Snooks Eaglin, the
Meters, Roosevelt Sykes and Willie T.
Fess was the cornerstone of New
Orleans R&B piano. A whole school
of pianists emerged from his influence including Fats Domino, Art Neville, James Booker and Huey Smith.
You can get his CDs from Rounders’ Records and Amazon. The Big
Kahuna and I survived two separate
condo renovations which lasted one
month each by happy-houring everyday, playing his New Orleans and
Rock ‘N’ Roll Gumbo albums We also
mixed them up with Marcia Ball and
Little Freddie King. Music is the best
elixir for the soul. Just like the written words enabling your imaginations.
Peggy Lou @ WWOZ
Just now the Sunday morning Cajun
music session just ended. Surprise,
Peggy Lou is on to sub for Cousin Demetri. Peggy Lou was on last
evening and she addressed the Big
Kahuna 3 times. WOW, how cool was
that? OZ is the New Orleans music
radio station that broadcasts to the
Universe. You can hear all different
kinds of music (commercial free) and
they also post their scheduled event
calendar. Log on to www. and hit the
LISTEN NOW button on
the left. Sometimes they
air live concerts from the
many street festivals.
The Big Kahuna and I
were on our way out to
the Red Lobster; we were
so excited to remember
that Peggy Lou of OZ,
an NOLA music station,
kept us home. During our
second glass of Prosecco
we heard the Big Kahuna being mentioned 3 times. Laughter and squealing dominated the rest of the evening. Who said elderly don’t have fun!
The Big Kahuna received Federal Recognition this week, so he’s out buying
a new outfit in anticipation of an invite
from the White House. Unfortunately,
his “federal recognition” was merely a nod from our US Postal Service
postman, so he ain’t goin’ nowhere.
The Cannabis Miracle Ever since I’ve
been struck down b Kidney Disease,
at about the same time Glaucoma
appeared, I lived by getting Procrit
shots up to twice a month because
my kidneys stopped producing red
blood cells. Since I started medicating with marijuana for the Glaucoma
in May of 2013, I’ve been getting one
Procrit shot a month. But this Feb.
5 my blood test showed that my red
blood count was 11.6, too high for me
to get a Procrit shot. Miracle, another
miracle!!!!! How cool is that. Maybe
soon I won’t need Procrit shots any
more, just marijuana which I enjoy.
With that in mind, having experienced
the miracles of THC, I talked the Big
Kahuna into joining in a little smoking yesterday during our happy hour.
We are hoping some of his old-age
symptoms will improve by the benefits
of THC also, and we can both enjoy
our old age more. Will report on this.
Perhaps our great country of the United States can afford to do a study on
the benefits of marijuana for some of
the untreatable old-age conditions.
Many seniors are suffering from un
explainable symptoms. Imagine if
their doctors who are tired of listening to their patients can just prescribe
Cannabis and a Vaporizer. Of course
Medicare should pay 100% for both
the medicine and the Vaporizer. I think
it is the responsibility of doctors to
make such treatments available. And
besides, they will make more money
too. Think of all the free samples they
will get from the manufacturers!!!!!!!
Colorado Democratic Part Chaiman
About 6 months ago, I received a
phone call from a gentleman stating that he was the Chairman of the
Colorado Democratic Party, I forgot
his name. He had selected me to
call because it has been on records
that I gave $500 for each of Barrack
Obama’s Presidential campaign, and
that he needed me to give another
$500 to Colorado Democratic Party
because they are close to a breakthrough with their Cannabis laws. I told
him that I don’t give money to politics,
and I’ve only given to Obama because
I wanted to have a “Black Man” in the
White House to ensure my descendants will have a chance in the future.
When he persisted, I told him that I
will give him $500 if he would send
me $500 worth of marijuana of good
quality. He said that he cannot conduct Interstate Commerce. I told him:
“Who said anything about commerce.
I want you to send me $500 marijuana for my birthday, and I will send you
$500 for your birthday. There is no
commerce in this, just good old friendliness and we can even include a birthday card or two.” I think he crossed
my name out of their calling list.
Marijuana Fried Rice
½ pound Char Siu Roast Port – cut
up in small bite size
½ pound Green Peas – defrosted
2 cups Cooked White or Brown Rice
1 tsp Marijuana – finely ground
1 tsp Furikaki of your choice
3 tbsp Salad Oil
Heat non-stick skillet for 3 minutes,
add 1 tbsp salad oil and heat for
another min.
Add Char Siu and stir for 2 min. Add
green peas and stir.
Remove heated Char Siu/peas and
place in bowl.
Continue to heat skillet for 2 min.,
add the rest of Salad Oil and let heat
for 1 min.
Swirl skillet to make sure oil coating
larger area and sprinkle Marijuana in
heating oil for 1 min. to release the
THC into the cooking oil.
Add rice and Furikaki, stirring vigorously until nicely mixed and add Char
Siu/Pea, continue mixing for 2 min.
You now have medicinal Char Sui
Fried Rice.
Continued from page 18...
Even beyond dogmatic objections to getting high, both
“religious” and “scientific”, some view the habit as an avoidance of responsibilities. The stereotype of a middle-age
slacker squandering his potential is no less pitiful than that
of his teenage counterpart, and to be sure this stereotype
accurately describes a small subset of regular users, just as it
does a statistically larger subset of “couch potatoes” procrastinating on Facebook or any number of popular brain drains.
We all find ways to escape or at least temporarily delay the
inevitable, and that’s probably not such a bad thing. As the
Type-B personality advice for Type-A personalities wisely
goes: “1) Don’t sweat the small stuff. 2) It’s all small stuff.”
While cannabis physiologically helps its users “sweat the
small stuff” less, a majority of my patients report that cannabis helps them meet their responsibilities at work, at home
and at play, not only achieving their non-medicated potential,
but actually exceeding it. If the mind-altering properties of
cannabis somehow undermine motivation to excel in life in a
certain subset of users, I can only conclude that this subset is
not inclined to seek my services, as I witness a very different
quality in my patients on the whole. My patients consistently
praise cannabis for the life restoring properties it provides. It
helps them sleep, and this helps their bodies heal naturally,
while restoring the body and mind to face the following day’s
challenges. It not only treats their debilitating symptoms of
pain, nausea and the like, it also works at underlying disease
mechanisms through its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and
homeostatic influences on the psycho-neuro-immunologic
axes. On the whole, patients and their loved ones consistently
report that medicating with cannabis helps them accomplish
far more with their lives. Rather than being the gateway drug
to destructive and addictive lifestyle choices, cannabis has
continually impressed me as an herbal gateway to empowering attitudes, abilities, behaviors and healing breakthroughs.
Drugs which lead to addiction, both illicit and prescription,
are worthy of concern, if not outright condemnation. It’s no
surprise that patients voice such concerns and condemnation
so much, especially over regularly prescribed opiates (like hydrocodone and oxycodone). They commonly describe opiates
as being far more psychoactively debilitating than cannabis at
any dose, and they’re afraid to get hooked on them. Addiction
is a horribly disempowering state, and all the more so when
caused by chemicals that can lead to damaging or deadly
overdose. Addiction alters judgment, leading to devastating
repercussions to the addict and those nearby, all to relive the
original high, or at least avoid anxiety and withdrawal symptoms in its absence. The high that patients experience from
cannabis is, to my knowledge, in no way dangerous. No one
has ever died or suffered organ damage from cannabis overdose. It does not cause addiction or physiologic craving to
relive the experience like heroin or methamphetamine. It does
not “fry” the brain like an egg on a hot skittle, literally or figuratively. If anything, cannabis has been shown to be beneficial
to the nervous system. In fact, the U.S. Government holds a
patent (U.S. Patent 6630507) for its neuroprotectant and antioxidant properties. Most users generally find the experience
pleasant and relaxing. Medical science’s technical term for it
is “euphoria”, which translates as “feeling good.” Now what’s
so bad with feeling good?
Granted, not everyone enjoys getting high. Some find it
unpleasant. Some don’t like feeling out of control. Some get
nauseous. Some get paranoid. And some are just afraid of
the sensation. If there is any common complaint patients
mention about medical cannabis (besides perhaps not having
an adequate supply), it is that they wish they could enjoy its
medicinal benefits without getting high. Even more common
are patients who enjoy the high, but not during the day as it
effects them too much to satisfactorily attend to responsibilities at home and especially at work. Like it or not, being high
at work is generally frowned upon in our stress-ridden society,
and so the majority of working medical cannabis patients abstain from their medicine until night time, when it helps them
relax, rest and recover with a clear head the following morning. That so many adopt such a discipline, rather than just
getting high all the time, speaks volumes on true motivations
of medical cannabis patients on the whole. Their goal is to live
more fully. Often that requires not being high.
Kevin Patrick Baiko, M.D. Continued on page 27...
$75 Vaporizer Pen Kit
with Globe and Case
with $100 Glass
purchase at HI TECH
Glass Design!
one of hawaii’s newest
medical marijuana patients
The face of marajuana users in Hawaii is changing. My name is Jari and I am the mother and
caregiver to an active 5 year old girl name Maile
Jen Hope Kaneshiro, aka MJ who has been
living daily with Dravet Syndrome. Maile is a
new marajuana patient in Hawaii.
Dravet syndrome is a rare and intractable form
of epilepsy. Maile suffers from 5 seizure types
and has failed over a dozen pharmaceuticals,
the ketogenic -high fat diet, as well as non-FDA
approved drugs (stirepentol & clobazam) prescribed by the best pediatric neurologists in the
Over the first four years of her life, Maile has
had numerous seizures a day (estimated 3,000
a day-various types of seizures). She spent
her early years of life riding in ambulances and
having extended stays at children’s hospitals in
Hawaii, Chicago and Miami..She has endured
numerous blood draws, surgical procedures,
medical scares, (intubation, respiratory arrest,
low platelet, med overdose, no breathing, etc)
and countless hours of rehabilitative therapy
“We are true believers that
cannabis helps minimize
her seizures.”
Children with Dravet syndrome do not outgrow
this condition. Treatment options are extremely
limited and the prognosis for these children are
very poor.
We have traveled the country and spend every
resource possible to give MJ the best specialized care possible. We were at the end of the
road for epilepsy management. We needed another option to help prolong Maile’s lifespan and
improve the overall quality of life for this determined, unrelenting little girl.
The use of medicinal marijuana (MMJ) and
Dravet hit the national news when Dr. Sanjay
Gupta broke the story on CNN of a little girl
named Charlotte Figi and her use of a high CBD,
low THC marijuana oil to stop seizures.
Continued on page 24
Continued from page 22
At the age of 4, Maile qualified for a Hawaii state
medicinal marijuana card. Maile consumed cannabis leaves daily to no avail until we developed a
home made THC-A tincture (oil) made from homegrown unknown strains of high THC varieties of
cannabis. THC-A, like CBD, does not have psychoactive properties. A high CBD cultivar would
be preferred, but access is an ongoing issue.
Maile still suffers from seizures but the severity
and quantity has subsided dramatically over the
past 3 months. Her cognitive abilities seem to
be slightly improved while on the THC-A concentrated oil. Her weekly myoclonic /atonic seizures
have diminished by 80% and she is down to 1-2
grand mals a week.
We miss timed the growing cycle and ran out of
the oil for 2 weeks. Her grand mals returned with
a vengeance within a few days. Our new oil formulation using a different variety of cannabis has
yielded no grand mal seizures in 12 days (jumping on wood) with very few myoclonic / atonic
We are true believers that cannabis helps minimize her seizures and understand the seriousness of maintaining a constant, safe and consistent supply of cannabis oil.
At the age of 5, Maile remains significantly developmentally delayed. She is expected to be equivalent to a 10 month old as she does not walk,
talk, eat, or do many things independently. However, seeing the positive impact of cannabis
oil on Maile is giving us the strength to tackle the
mountain before us, legislation.
Since Hawaii does not have any testing labs or
dispensaries, it is difficult to know what dosage
Maile is on, or any other MMJ user for that matter.
In Hawaii it is currently legal to use marijuana, its
oils, and products for medicinal purposes. However, we lack access to global research and technologies which allows us to use these products
properly and to its fullest potential.
Without understanding the compounds in local
marijuana products, obtaining long term seizure
control is highly improbable. Safe access to all
forms of marajuana products from within and out
of state is critical to the advancement of Maile’s
condition, as well as others in Hawaii who could
benefit from the thereputic properties of cannabis.
Continued on page 26
Kevin Patrick Baiko, M.D. Continued from page 18...
Fortunately, a variety of ways exist to medicate with
cannabis without the high. The most obvious is to use it
topically. Cannabinoids are oil soluble, and human skin
absorbs oil. Whether applied as a concentrate as “Rick
Simpson oil” to skin cancers or applied as an diluted
oil infusion over aching arthritic joints, topical cannabis
generally fails to dose the central nervous system sufficiently enough to induce mind altering effects, but it can
treat local symptoms and lesions. Another clever way to
avoid the high is to ingest the cannabis raw, before the
non-psychoactive THC-acid degrades into its psychoactive chemical form (THC), a process triggered by drying
and heating after harvest. Ingested as freshly harvested
leaves and flowers or as a fresh juice, (much like wheat
grass juice,) this non-psychoactive form of cannabis
enables patients to consume substantially higher and
more therapeutic quantities of the other non-psychoactive cannabinoids (most notably CBD & CBD-acid)
than tolerated when THC is present in its inhaled and
cooked edible forms. Of course, a third option is to use
medicine derived from a growing list of cannabis cultivar
strains containing insignificant quantities of THC when
compared to the other cannabinoids (as exemplified
by strains like recently popularized “Charlotte’s Web”.)
However, while a great many of my patients would be
thankful to just have these options, a great many more
would describe a decrease in satisfaction with cannabis
as a medicine if they were limited to such non-euphoric
Continued from page 25
The Miraculous Powers of Cannabis
People often justify the use of cannabis to minimize suffering at
the end of one’s life. We advocate that cannabis should be considered for keiki like Maile, as well as other kama’aina living with
a medical condition in Hawaii to prolong and ultimately improve
one’s quality of life.
You may ask yourself, ‘what kind of mother considers giving their
child marajuana?’ My answer would be, ‘1) one who has tried
every legal medically available option to no avail and 2) one who
wants to do everything within her capacity to ensure her daughter lives another day.’
Children like Maile and their families are behind the change in
legislation occurring across the nation.
New marajuana resolutions are now moving at the Hawaii State Capitol. We understand that
these resolutions may not help Maile immediately, but we remain committed to help structure
the law such that families who may need medicinal marajuana (for themselves or a loved
one) down the road are able to access a safe, lab tested product on a consistent basis. We
hope to spare other families from going through the growing pains we are in balancing marajuana farming, pharmacy and caregiving.
We won’t stop until we take our daughter back from Dravet Syndrome. Mahalo!
THC, the cannabinoid with notorious mind-altering
effects, has medicinal value too. It stimulates the appetite, relieves pain, muscle spasm and nausea, and plays
a synergistic role with its non-mind-altering counterparts,
which is to say it potentiates their medicinal effect. Not
to be overlooked, the high itself can be therapeutic,
especially in the context of physical therapy, because
rather than numbing the body-mind as its opiate counterparts do, it seems to refocus body awareness, facilitating therapeutically directed stretching and exercise
while the pain is rendered less immobilizing, muscles
looser and the mind calmer. It’s not uncommon to hear
patients describe activities like yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates
and even martial arts as making more sense and feeling
more body-centered when practiced while high, with
such enhancements becoming incorporated into their
disciplines even when practiced in a non-high state.
Cannabis is truly a mind-body medicine. Its ability to
ease such symptoms as insomnia, anxiety and irritability is regularly reported, especially amongst sufferers
of depression, psychosis and PTSD. It is obnoxious for
critics who have never experienced nor witnessed such
benefits to discount them.
Let it be clear that I am speaking about patients using
cannabis as a medicine. As a physician who helps
patients go through a process that enables them to
medicate with cannabis legally, I only approve those
who present valid subjective and/or objective evidence
that they are legally qualified by state law. People use
cannabis recreationally all the time simply to get high,
and it’s not too far fetched to assume that some patients
apply to participate in the state’s medical cannabis
program for no other reason than to get high “legally”.
This is often cited by critics as an abuse of the program,
and I don’t deny the possibility that some patients might
misrepresent themselves to me for this very reason.
Naturally, in defense of my own professional reputation,
the legitimacy of my patients’ needs and the viability of
the state medical cannabis program, I cannot condone
nor enable such fraudulent behavior. However, to put it
in perspective, the drug war, and more specifically the
government’s systemic terrorization of cannabis users,
inflicts far more physical, psychological and economic
abuse upon individuals, families and communities than
any damage cannabis has ever been shown to cause.
For all its faults, Hawaii’s medical cannabis program provides a legal safe haven for at least some of the people
who benefit from its use, and I’m thankful to be a part of
it, despite the double standards attached to it.
The criticism of cannabis for its enjoyability is one
double standard most people now reject. The notion that
medical cannabis should be avoided when it causes a
high is about as ridiculous as the notion that driving in a
car should be avoided when it causes enjoyment. Driving is without question far more dangerous than cannabis use, yet many enjoy the experience, at times traveling without practical purpose, merely for the joy of taking
a trip in their vehicle. Why do so many condemn the relatively safe source of enjoyment (and healing) medical
cannabis can provide while simultaneously accepting far
more dangerous sources of nonclinical entertainment?
The answer is ignorance. People have been conditioned
by decades of false propaganda to believe that getting
high generally undermines human and medicinal potential. But what of our potential to feel good in the context
of our healing journey? Must therapeutic massages be
pleasureless? Must healthy foods be rendered bland for
our well-being? Even if the euphoria known as getting
high is viewed as a side-effect of medical cannabis use,
shouldn’t we leave its tolerability to the judgment of the
patient experiencing it? While some don’t like the sensation of being high, most clearly prefer it to the side-effects, both psychoactive and otherwise, of this herb’s
pharmaceutical alternatives. A growing number of my
patients are sincerely scared of pharmaceutical drugs,
both prescription and over-the-counter, knowing full well
that such substances are statistically hazardous to one’s
health. Frankly, I am reassured by this trend as evidenced in patient feedback and in expressions of public
opinion the world over. Though a few retarding holdouts
remain, we as a species are in the process of collectively realizing how the cannabis plant is far more empowering to human and planetary health than its prohibition.
It’s high time we reprioritize our concerns.
Kevin Baiko, M.D. is a Board Certified Diplomat of the American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine.He practices on Kauai and Big Island.
Continued from page 11...
Strain Reveiw
It has been rumored that Bob Marley himself had grown and smoked this specific variety in Jamaica during the 1970s and was one of his preferred island strains. This wonderful plant of the past
is making a huge comeback in the medical marijuana
community today as it is being recognized as having a
very high CBD content giving it the greatest potential for
helping MMJ patients. Jamaican Lion's Herb is a 100%
Sativa that grows best outdoors. At harvest time Lion's
Herb finishes up as a tall plant with very long and slender
spear buds that are light purple with beautiful orange to
red colored pistils and yellow trichomes. After the buds
have been cured they take on an intense deep spearmint
aroma, reminiscent of a stick of Doublemint gum. With
16% THC and a whopping 13% CBD content, this might
be a great strain to cultivate here in Hawaii. Jamaican
Lion's Herb is an effective medication to treat pain, inflammation, anxiety, insomnia, muscle tension,
nausea, and countless others. Several Amsterdam seed banks have attempted to grow the Jamaican Lion's Herb throughout the decades and have had to abandon most of their projects because
this plant, like Hawaiian strains, just simply doesn't reach its fullest potential unless cultivated in
a tropical outdoor environment near the equater. On the inhale it is extremely expanding, and the
exhale brings forth flavors of spices and hints of tropical fruit followed by a heavy cough. Most would
agree that with a 16% THC content, this strain wouldn't seem that potent to a seasoned smoker.
However, those who have reported smoking the true Lion's Herb strain in Jamaica say that it packs
a high that starts off with an extremely speedy heart beat and ends with a knock you down and out
psychedelic experience that will leave you wondering what just happened- all from taking only three
hits off of a pinner joint! Some even report this as the most psychedelic of all cannabis strains and
can compare the experience simular to that of a small dose of mushrooms. This might have been
one of Bob Marley's greatest catalysts in the creation of his purpose as a musician and a leader for
human rights around the world. Jamaican Lion's Herb is any islanders dream come true as one of
the most medicinal strains in existence today and we thank Jamaica for that. In loving memory of
Bob Marley...
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Should Man’s Best Friend be given Nature’s Best Medicine?
Since the days when humans were living in caves and tribes, we have lived alongside and in co-operation with animals.
from the domestication of ancient dogs and wolves to the adoration and worship of Egyptian cats, animals have been an
important part of human life, and they truly are man’s best friends. They stay right by our side when we are sick, giving
their love and loyalty to us at all costs, so why would we deny them the best medicines possible when they are sick?! We
are now using cannabis to cure cancer, treat ailments, and comfort pain – in men, women, the elderly, and yes, even children. It’s time to pass the world’s most painless and side-effect free medicine to our ailing friends in the animal kingdom!
There is evidence of Ancient Greeks using cannabis topically to treat ailing horses, and more recently internal use has
become common in the stables. People are catching on to this very quickly now, and more and more people provide their
testimony of how they are using cannabis and RSO to treat cancer and other painful and deadly ailments in their pets. A
veterinarian in California, Doug Kramer, has developed a cannabis tincture for cats and dogs called Canine Companion
and is using it to treat pain, inflammation, and end of life health issues. On the Rick Simpson facebook page, another pet
owner supplied pictures and testimony of using cannabis to treat a tumor on their dog’s face. That tumor is now gone!
I, myself have treated my own dogs with cannabis since the 90’s. We had a Shetland Sheepdog mix who had been hit
by a car and had his hip crushed. Because he was young enough, they were able to remove the hip and let a sort of
muscular hip develop in it’s place. He was able to walk again, but would limp very hard some days and you could see he
was in pain. He was also on doggie pain killers, which much like human pain killers- were opiate-based, becoming very
addicted to them. eventually he would beg for them and just eat them straight out! Watching him limp around one day, I
came up with the idea of using the cannabis resin from our pipe. I started with the tiniest bit- he was a 30 pound dog, so I
wanted to be mindful of over dosage. All he needed
was a little rice grain sized piece of resin, given with
a bit of cheese or bread. Immediately he was up
and running around, playing with our other dog and
not limping! The effects lasted at least 2 days, then
we would start to see the limp again. 1 rice grain of
cannabis resin for 2 days of complete and happy
pain relief- amazing! Another time, here in Hawaii,
2 males dogs got into it over a female and one lost
an eye. Every morning for 6 weeks, I gave the dog
a rice grain sized bit of cannabis resin from my
pipe- same size dog, same size ball of resin, same
effect. The dog immediately perked up and the eye
seemed to heal at an elevated rate. If I had known
then to put it on topically I would have, but the
fact that I was able to help this little guy at all was
beyond life-changing. At the time, no one knew or
talked about it, so I just kept it to myself- even when
everyone raved about how well the dog was doing
and how it seemed like a miracle. My husband and
I would just look at each other and smile, keeping
it to ourselves. Now we don’t have to. It works! I
want to shout it on the rooftops- It works, and it’s
safe and now we can share it with the world without
being scared! It works and our best friends deserve
to have access to it.