April 2013 Part Two


April 2013 Part Two
Exclusive Interview with
Rev. Roger Christie
After several attempts to reach Roger Christie
in Federal Prison, we were finally able to make
contact. The following is an exclusive interview,
part one. According to Christie, National Geographic and Newsweek were denied access to
interview him.
Q: The readers ask about you regularly, most
believe you are a “Political Prisoner”, in the
War on Marijuana. They ask, how is Roger doing, and what is the latest on his case.
A: “Aloha to thee from prison cell 104 on the
5th floor of the Federal Detention Center at the
Honolulu airport.”
“After 32 months as a “pretrial detainee” held
without bail/bond or visitors as a “danger to my
community” I’m doing surprisingly really well,
thanks to everyone for asking. “I feel in better shape than ever mentally, emotionally, and
spiritually in spite of my challenges, or maybe
because of them. I spend a lot of time studying, researching, writing, reading, watching a
little tv, and listening to talk radio and Coast to
Q: Why are you the one behind bars, fighting
the good fight, for all of us?
A: “I have been working toward this goal for
most of my adult life, so I’m ‘in the zone’ doing
the meaningful work that I was born for. I’m
grateful every day for all of my many blessings.
Imagine when we win this?”
Q: What is the legal status of your case?
A: “The government tries to tie our hands behind our backs and force a plead guilty deal,
and to get unfair advantage in all court proceedings, but Share and I are getting much
stronger as time goes on.”
“We know that we’ve been sincere about practicing our religion, so we feel completely innocent of all the charges against us. It’s exciting
to be able to put our legitimacy and our evi10
dence on the federal court record. Stay tuned
for positive developments.”
“Follow our case online at www dot The-LastMarijuana-Trial dot com. We have three motions pending that will be decided any day or
week now. One is to dismiss all of the 17,000
wiretap phone calls, and two motions are to
dismiss all of the charges against us. Please
visualize us winning before a trial is even necessary. And so it is.”
“My needs: I need $400.00 each month in donations to keep going strong. Email alone costs
me about $200.00 monthly at $3.00 per hour.
Donations can be sent by phone through Western Union with my name and number, Roger
Christie 99279-022. Call 1-800-325-6000. Mahalo. I could use an online email helper about
1/2 hour a day to send me news articles and do
a little research. Email Share at ShareChristie@gmail.com if your interested.”
Stay tuned, next month we will update you
with the outcome of the upcoming court cases, mentioned above. Also, watch for monthly
contributions from Christie along with the second part of the Exclusive Interview.
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Butane Honey Oil
Vacuum & Purging System
BHO (Butane Honey Oil) aka 710, Dabs,
Dabbing, Mrs. Dabalina, Oilers, Globs,
Buddah Shatter, you get the picture. It
always has been just a little bit more refined than when I first came across BHO
in the early 1970’s. Seven gram vials
were going for $75, it was amber clear
and head ass strong, and we were just
putting it on top of our herb through the
ol’ bamboo bong. Fast forward to 2013
baby!!! Dabs are here to stay. The process of which many people are inclined
A Veterans Point of View
After recently moving to this truly breathtaking paradise you all call home, I have
encountered a multitude of fellow military
war veterans. I have served two tours in
Afghanistan---the latter deployment originating in Kuwait---all within four years!
Having witnessed the absolute atrocities
of the devastation that war can cause
among peoples of the world (and the world
to use is still the back yard method of using a PVC tube and regular butane (none
refined), I used to also, until the great experience of being mentored in why not to
use those methods, now days it is Glass
or Stainless Steel Extracting Tubes, Pyrex dishes and Vacuum Purging, 5x-7x or
pure NTane Butane. NON REFINED is
a waste of money and has actually only
30% butane inside a can. The rest is cut.
Butane does not evaporate through warm
bath purging alone. Vacuuming is a key
step in insuring as much butane is sucked
out and not still residing in your Honey.
This along with heat at various temperatures captures the Flavinoids (Terpenes &
Pinatenes) of the flowers. Hair dryers and
the like just dry out the matter and leave
the residue still encased in the extracted
oils. Remember you’re putting this into
your body, so be as clean as you can, in
your process. What to use: flowers, bud
shake, or fan leaf. Scratch the latter, and
focus on high quality bud shake or pure
bud. The return you get does depend on
the matter you use. 4-5 grams per oz of
bud is pretty damn good. 2.5 - 3.5 grams
per oz for bud shake. Most shoot with
two cans per ounce of material; one can
is usually enough or 300ml of butane. In
any event run it till the butane is clear, it
initially is an amber color then goes clear.
the change over last year in adapting ones
old bong to smoke it out of, using nails &
domes many “Direct Inject” Oil rigs are
being made by the glass industry. Prices range from $65.00 - $20,000.00 for a
Custom HITMAN piece. Stay ‘Dabbed In’
for phase 2 on Juicing & Vacuum Purging
Methods. Until then ‘Hempee Dabbing’!
itself), I can only imagine the horrors that
my brothers and sisters of service have
seen; now, and in years past. The point of
all this rambling is that a number of these
war veterans return home with symptoms
and syndromes that can seem incurable
or even leave the person feeling a sense
of hopelessness. Prescription medications are given to a patient as a sign of
help, when really only masking post-traumatic stress related issues NOT eliminating them.
We have come to a point in history when
the truth about our human nature and potential is challenged daily by the propaganda that is fed to us in the media. This
is no different when it comes to marijuana
and its endless uses for medicinal purposes. One might find it strange that our
educated physicians are dishing out drugs
fueled by the very opiates being planted
in a country our troops just happen to be
in. We have allowed ourselves to become
complacent to the point that people actually FEAR cannabis. An infinite number
of people, our own loved ones included,
will continue to suffer from potentially fatal
side-effects of opiate-filled medications if
cannabis is not allowed for medicinal use.
The oppression of the human mind is the
only thing to be afraid of. My only hope is
to live to see the day when all people of
the world can unite in love. On this day,
the legalization of marijuana will forever
be set in stone---no pun intended.
By: Mark Nelson
Cloud 9 Emporium
BHO Dabbing Rigs
See Cloud 9 Emporium Ad on page 15
for details about BHO & Dabbing.
By: Mark Ricks 3-2013
grabbed onto it for dear life. The solid momentum
of the freight train picked my body up completely
sideways as I flew vertically like a rag doll for what
seemed like an eternity. After my body had caught
up with the momentum of the box car seconds
later, I painfully smashed back onto the bottom of
the metal steps that I was still somehow managing
to hang onto. I rode the freight train west through
the Moffat Pass, which contains the longest train
tunnel in the United States and travels directly
through the Continental Divide.
The true story of one hippie’s path to
Many of the small Rocky Mountain towns that
are located on the western half of Colorado have
always had a certain kind of people that are known
for their love of quality cannabis. The Rocky
Mountains are also known for having a long history
of hippies and flower children from the 60s and
70s who have lived deep in the discrete canyons
of Colorado, in mountain-top cabins, specifically
to grow some of the most absolute top-quality
cannabis in the safety of such a remote location.
This unique influence of low oxygen mixed with
a high altitude atmosphere is just one of many
contributing factors to why Colorado produces
some of the best cannabis that one can find in
the Midwest. Colorado’s super quality strains
of cannabis are mostly produced indoors or in
greenhouses due to the short summers and long
hard winters that make it extremely difficult to grow
outdoors. Though I have personally witnessed
some secret Colorado outdoor strains that were
grown near the town of Ward and did finish
before first frost, and the plants produced very
dense, sticky, purple buds that were absolutely
outstanding. When I turned 18 I had decided that I
was going to travel to all of the major pot growing
destinations in the US. I packed up my duffel bag
and walked to the nearest mountain town by my
house, which was Rollinsville. I camped out by the
railroad tracks for 2 days waiting for a slow enough
train to safely jump onto. When the slowest train
came it was still going too fast for me to get on,
but I wasn’t going to wait any longer. I threw my
duffel bag that held all of my supplies up onto an
open box car that was passing by. I knew that
there was no turning back unless I wanted to lose
everything in my duffel bag, which was everything
I owned at that point. When I saw the last box car
coming with the side ladder hanging off the back
of it, I knew what I had to do. As my adrenaline
dumped into my bloodstream it induced a rush,
and I bolted directly toward the last box car ladder
about to pass by, leaped crazily into the air and
After getting off of the freight train somewhere
near Roseburg Oregon, I then decided to
hitch-hike the rest of the way down to Northern
California. Two days of hitchhiking, I finally ended
up in Humboldt County, in a small little town by
the name of Garberville. An older Native American
gentleman who introduced himself as Silver
Bear from Kodiak Alaska asked me if I needed a
place to camp. Exhausted from the long journey,
I thankfully agreed so I could finally rest. Silver
Bear then told me to follow him as we hiked
several miles deep into the Redwood forests.
When we finally came to a large clearing in the
trees I could see a huge campsite nestled into the
surrounding mountainsides. When I took a good
look around to figure out where to set up my tent I
finally realized that this was the exact situation that
I had come all this way for. Countless cannabis
plants were literally growing out of everywhere the
eye could see. There were 6 people at the camp.
Everyone was trimming, cleaning, and manicuring
large mounds of cannabis that was laid out
across several tarps. I had never seen this much
cannabis in my life and I knew that I had found
what I thought then was heaven on earth. The deal
was that I could stay at the camp as long as I was
willing to work doing whatever chores that needed
to be done to keep the camp running. Silver Bear
explained to me that it is extremely hard work, but
if I chose to stay and work for the camp, he would
teach me all of his personal redwood cannabis
growing techniques. I only lasted a few months
roughing it in the cold wet Redwood climate. But in
that short amount of time I had learned a lot about
outdoor growing on the West Coast. After living in
Humboldt I knew that I wanted to take my whole
experience a step further except in a warmer
kinder type of climate, but with just as good if not
better quality bud. I just didn’t know how I would
get there or where it would be.
When my mother asked my wife and I to take
care for her while she was extremely ill, with the
stipulation that we must move to Hawaii with her,
I knew the heavens had opened up and sent me
a life-changing blessing. When I got to the Big
Island I learned how the local Hawaiian people
have very different growing techniques than any I
had experienced before. Hawaii as we all know, is
an active volcano that is considered by geologists
to have some of the most nutrient-enriched natural
soil in the world. You cannot buy soil of this quality
from any kind of gardening store or nursery. You
have to live in Hawaii to have access to this kind of
rare environment. The extremely unique growing
climate of Hawaii along with its natural tradewinds,
latitude & longitude, and nutrient-enriched volcanic
soils are only a few of the contributing factors as
to why Hawaii can produce such outstanding and
unsurpassed quality buds. Cannabis that is grown
in Hawaii is both recognized and considered by
many professional growers and seed banks in
Amsterdam and around the world as some of the
finest quality cannabis found anywhere. If there
is one thing that I have learned from growing
cannabis in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado,
Humboldt County of California, and the Hawaiian
Islands, it is that everyone has their own form
of turning their personal environments into top
quality medicinal grows. And to each and every
different strain that I have been lucky enough to
try, all of them have their own individual traits and
flavors that come directly from each of their own
unique locations. And for this I would like to thank
all of the cannabis growers and kind people that
have shared their unique secrets and growing
techniques with me throughout my many travels,
in turn making it possible for me to share this
wonderful story with you today.
By: J.R. DePew
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“Those who have the knowledge to know, have the duty to act.” Albert Einstein
Horoscope 420 - April
Aries March 21-April 19
Cancer June 21-July 22
Libra Sept.23-Oct. 22
Capricorn Dec. 22- Jan. 19
How blessed you are, Aries to be
able to concentrate on some very
close work. Perhaps drawing, sewing,
jewelry making, or creating a new
strain. Enjoy your time.
This is your month, Cancer. You will
have a lot of fun and meet some
interesting people. Go for it!
You might unexpectedly find yourself
entertaining some young visitors,
Libra. Whatever you do, this might
be a great time to bring out the Purple
Kush you were saving for a special
A strange and wonderful conversation
could take place, Capricorn. It could
outline new growing possibilities. If it
feels right, grow for it.
Taurus April 20-May 20
Leo July 23-Aug. 22
Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Use that extra feel good energy to clean
your garden. For a cluttered garden
parallels a cluttered mind. Blaze a joint
with a friend and get started.
Enjoy the moment Leo. Get with
your grow partner, blaze a fatty, and
discuss current world events. Then
blaze another fatty. Have a dawg
gone good time.
Relish the good news Scorpio. Enjoy
the company of a good friend. Get
together and plant a garden of love.
Enjoy this moment, love the energy,
share the beauty, Aquarius. For this is
what life is all about.
Gemini May 21-June 20
Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Sagittarius Nov. 22- Dec. 21
Pisces Feb.19th-Mar. 20
You are blessed with a sharp and
penetrating mind, Gemini. It will help
you notice more, learn more, and
retain more.
Lie back and close your eyes, enjoy the moment, Virgo. Sing as if no
one is listening, dance as if no one
is looking. And grow as if no one
Enjoy the long overdue rewards for
the work you did, Sag. Then come
back down to earth and celebrate with
a fatty.
Enjoy your new friends, Pisces. You
think alike, and you are pleased with
each others company. Bring out the
Rig and happy Dabbing.
Just below Costco, 73-5574 Maiau St #5 Kona 326.9000. Open: 7 daze a week. 10am -6pm Mon-Sat.
Sunday 10-420 pm or whenever. Follow us on FB @ Cloudnineemporium, or Instagram. Largest
selection of glass on Hawaii Island, Fullest inventory of Concentrate Gear, all your 710 needs, Oil Rigs
T2 & Quartz Nails, Pumps, Vacuum Chambers, honey tubes, Butane, buy a can, a case or pallet. Storage
Containers all sizes & shapes. Bulk Tobacco & Tubes, Cigars, 35 flavors of Blunt Wraps, 75 type of
rolling papers, Electronic Cigarettes, e liquid and cartridges. Vaporizers, Water Pipes, hand pipes, scales,
grinders, posters, Books, High Times, Bubble Bags:
Cloud Concentrate Pens
BHO Tubes Pump & Chambers
Water Pipes by ZOB & Medicali
Glass By: Jerome Baker, JBD, Bob Snodgrass Family, MW Studios, Bern, Ozzie Glassman, Dizzle,
Franticus, Dynomite, ZOB, HVY, HITMAN, Joel, Moe Biscuits, Jellyfish, Trident, HOM, Popa, UPC,
Zong, Blue Dot, Medicali, OG Tubes 808 Glass, Glass Bottom, Gravitron & Helix.
MEDICAL MARIJUANA: If you are looking to see a Dr, for qualifying and renewals of any Medical
Marijuana cards, Dr. Berg and Dr Webb (The Mum Clinic) are located at the Cloud 9 Building, and are
available to see 2 days a week.
Honolulu - 2001 Democrat St. Honolulu, HI 96819
Haiku - 810 Haiku Rd. #107 Haiku, HI 96708
Hilo - 797-A Kanoelehua Ave. Hilo, HI 96720
Kona - 73-5581 Lawehana St. #4 Kailua Kona, HI 96740808-331-8710
Kaneohe - 46-208 Kahuhipa St. Kaneohe, HI 96744
Kahului - 320 Hoohana St. #13-16 Kahului, HI 96732 808-871-6393
15% Discount on Rapid Rooted Replacement Plugs
Our most popular seedling/cutting starter
Limit 1 per customer Hawaii’s number 1 store for all your grow needs!