January Good Newsletter 2016 - Holy Trinity Episcopal Church


January Good Newsletter 2016 - Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
As many of you know, we are striving to begin music ministry programs for our
children and/or youth at Holy Trinity. Being that this opportunity has not been available
for some time, it will take some effort before we know what we have the interest and
capability to sustain. To that end, I write to inform you of three options for children’s/youth
music ministry at Holy Trinity.
Older Children’s Choir (2nd – 5th
Growing in Grace curriculum by
Choristers Guild
Rehearsal dates:
Wednesdays January 6 – May 4
4:30-5:30 pm
Worship participation dates:
February 14
March 20 (Palm Sunday)
May 8 (Mother’s Day)
Young Children’s Choir Seminars
(Age 4 to 1st graders):
Seminar I
Rehearsal dates: Wednesdays February
24 and March 2, 9, 16 from 4:15-4:45
Worship Participation: March 20 (Palm
Seminar II
Rehearsal dates: Wednesdays April 13,
20, 27 and May 4 from 4:15-4:45 pm
Worship Participation: May 8 (Mother’s
Youth Choir Festival Experience (6th – 12th graders):
Segue Youth Choir Festival at Campbell University - Mass youth choir experience
Saturday, February 27
Registration fee $25
DEADLINE: Registration deadline: December 30Registration fee $25
Kick-off retreat and preparation rehearsals will be set based upon participants’
If you are interested in any of these opportunities for your youth/child, please contact me
(rector@holytrinityfay.org) or Donna (threesajoy@aol.com) and/or fill out the registration
form in this Newsletter as soon as possible. Please share this information with others. A
personal invitation is the most effective way to reach out!
Faithfully, Jeff+
The Bishop is coming Sunday, February 7, 2016
Would you like to be Confirmed, Received or Reaffirmed?
The sacrament of confirmation is the opportunity for individuals already baptized
(in an Episcopal Church or in another Christian denomination) to make a mature, public
affirmation of their baptismal vows and receive the laying on of hands by our bishop. Any
members of Holy Trinity who have not yet been confirmed, and who will turn 16 years of
age by the end of 2016 will be eligible for this sacrament.
Reception will be offered for any individuals who have been confirmed in another
Christian denomination, but who would like to reaffirm their baptism vows and be received
into the Episcopal Church by the laying on of hands by our bishop. I have spoken to
several members of Holy Trinity, new and seasoned, for which this option might apply.
This is the manner in which one would officially become “Episcopalian.”
Reaffirmation is open to anyone who has previously been confirmed (or received)
as an Episcopalian, yet desires to publically reaffirm their baptismal vows and receive the
laying on of hands by our bishop. The opportunity for reaffirmation is open to anyone,
and I have personally experienced how helpful it can be for one’s journey of faith.
Therefore, if your journey of faith at present is such that you desire this experience, I invite
you to be reaffirmed on Sunday, February 7th.
The preparation for Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation will essentially be
the same. I will be offering four classes leading up to the bishop’s visit: Tuesdays,
January 12th, 19th, 26th and February 2nd from 6-8pm at the Church in the library or
sanctuary. These classes will delve more deeply into what it means to be an Episcopalian
in preparation for Bishop Rob’s visit on February 7th.
In addition to participants in the class, I would like to find others who might pray
with and offer hospitality for the individuals in this class. Whatever your current spiritual
practice and theological foundation, I invite you to prayerfully consider participating in one
of these three opportunities. If you are interested in being a part of these classes, I ask
that you email me (rector@holytrinityfay.org) before January 5, 2016.
Labyrinth Walk – January 7 at 7:00 pm. The January evening labyrinth walk
will take place on Thursday, January 7, between 7 and 9 pm. Please come
promptly at 7 pm if you wish to view the optional orientation video; otherwise,
please arrive no later than 8:15 pm if you just want to walk it. Candles and soft
music accompany the walk. Joyce Loughlin
January 30-31
February 9
February 21
March 3
Ski Trip
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
Rite 13 Spaghetti Lunch Fundraiser
Youth Group Labyrinth Walk
END OF THE YEAR DEADLINE: The last day to turn in any money to be attributed
to your 2015 account is NOON on Monday, December 28, 2015.
Labyrinth Walk opened during the week: The mid-week labyrinth walk will be closed
for the Christmas holidays, December 23rd through January 4th. The labyrinth mid-week
walks will restart on Tuesday, January 5th.
Join your Holy Trinity family and friends for the lobster dinner fundraiser in
support of Holy Trinity's preschool.
Date: February 6th
Time: 5 p.m.
Place: Holy Trinity Parish Hall
Just use the attached "Claws for a Cause" form to order
your lobster. Be sure to indicate that you will be attending the dinner - your
lobster will be waiting for you when you come! Please bring 2 dishes to share side dish, salad, or dessert. Tea, coffee, and lemonade will be provided. Hot
dogs are available for $1.00 each for non-lobster eaters. (Leftover lobsters will
be sold starting at 5:30.)
Note about birthdays: Our database was migrated to the “cloud” and only birthdays with
the year you were born converted. If you don’t see your name in the birthday list, please
call the office and give us the year you were born. Thank you, Janice
2 Elaine McKay, Amanda Taheri* 3 Justin Schwamm, Jr. * 4. Sharon Paz*
6 Brenda Thomas, Lacy Kells* 11 Linda Barnwell* 12 Katherine Whaley,
Sue Harris * 14 Walter Clark, Rita Udoh * 15 Duncan Goodwin* 18 Mariam
Harris, Rob Richardson, Theodore Schwamm * 19 Sam Jordan, Sean
Kelly, Mary Russell *20 Sid Gardner, Elizabeth Moorman, Litton Robert* 22
Will Grantham, Tom McCollum* 24 Adlai Wood* 25 Joshua Baker, Scott
Harris* 29 Heidi Witty* 30 Chelsea Alecca* 31 Glenn Allen
Rite 13
Bible trivia
Holy Trinity youth groups had
their Christmas party on
December 13th. They played a
rousing game of Christmas
Jeopardy, tried a new game
called “Family” and had a
Yankee gift exchange.
PRAYER LIST: Cheri Adams, Frank Allison, III, Baby Louisa, Diane Browne,
Jean Canham*, The Honorable Jimmy Carter, Mary Elizabeth Council, The
Presiding Bishop Curry, Eli Davis, Clifford Dillon, The Family of Dudley Buck, The
Family of Tom and Nancy Holt, The Family of Robert Yoakum, The Family of Karen
Saracen, Ed Fields, A.C. Greene, Jr., Louise Hall, Joe Harrison, Sandra Hawke,
Floyd Jenkins, Gloria Kelly, Susanne Kohrman*, Doris Leggett, Shannon Lipe, The
Mercer family, Anne Mizelle*, Gaye Moser, Marie Parker*, Margaret Peterson*, Ann
Plemmons, The Family of David Pless, Paul Reichle Jr.*, Isolene Robertson, Angela
Rowley, Joe Running Sr., Hilda Saleeby, Chuck Seidel, Pat Spears, Zachery Sine, Scott
Surrett, Mary and Harold Syms*, Jimmy Teachey, Eddie Thomas, Jeanne Thompson,
Wesley, Frank Whaley, Grace White and family, Melissa Yoakum, John and Carol
Watkins, Our Friends at St. Joseph’s
*Visitation and Prayers
Leroy, John, Cedric, Daven, Scott, Daniel, Mike, Jon, Stephanie, Sam, Trey, Ed, Amanda,
Robert, Augustus, Roger, Kyle, Brian, Oliver, Alex, and Thomas.
Calendar of Christmas Services
Thursday, December 24th, Christmas Eve
4:00 p.m. – Holy Eucharist with Christmas Pageant and the singing of Silent Night
10:30 p.m. – Festive Prelude
11:00 p.m. - Holy Eucharist with Chancel Choir, Handbells, incense and the singing of
Silent Night
Friday, December 25th, Christmas Day -10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist without music
Sunday, December 27th -9:30 a.m. – Combined service with Holy Eucharist with music
Wednesday, December 30th Noon Eucharist is canceled. 5:30pm Evening Prayer
The Holy Trinity Office will be closed:
Thursday, December 24th at noon
Friday, December 25th through January 3rd
The office will reopen on January 4th
The Poinsettias in the church are given to the
glory of God and
In Memory of:
Our parents, and Tim and Jerry Holt
Nancy and Tom Holt
Sarah Timmons Morketter
Michael and Ann Morketter
Mary Campbell Carmichael
Michael and Ann Morketter
Joseph Hollinshed
Jane and Harry Horrocks
Alston Horrocks
Jane and Harry Horrocks
Georgianna Hancock
Glenn and Bill
Caroline Harsant Whitley
Pam and Dave Harsant
Edward Reeder, Sr.
Pam and Dave Harsant
Martha Claire Sutton
Mary Miller Griffin
Jon, Mike, and Kyle
Jon, Leah, Andy, Mike, Allison,
Kyle, and Precious
Kevin Christmas
Kristin Smith
Frank Allison, Jr.
Angie Allison
Maria R. Cunningham
Angie Allison
Judith Barratt
Bethany Barratt
Madge Jewett
Bethany Barratt
Edward Harrison, Sr.
George and Jean Harrison
Benton and Leta Stuart
George and Jean Harrison
Frank and Ellen Ballo
Barbara and Terry Lowinger
Joe and Elizabeth Lowinger
Barbara and Terry Lowinger
Arthur C. Stang, III
Pat Stang
Arthur and Frances Stang
Pat Stang
George and Elsie Novatka
Pat Stang
Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Stringer
Mike and Anna Marr
Charles Lipe
Joyce Lipe
Nick, Jean, Chris and Gloria Silverio
David and Martha Booth
George and Marie Hall
David and Martha Booth
Rob and Evangeline Roberts
David and Martha Booth
Raymond Booth, Jr.
David and Martha Booth
My husband, Lacy Dickson McFadyen, Jr.
Janice McFadyen
My parents, Dr. Stanko and Eileen Guldescu
Janice McFadyen
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Garner
Charles and Connie Koonce
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Koonce
Charles and Connie Koonce
Bishop Sidney Sanders
Tommy Koonce
Don and Helen Ditzler
Tommie and Toy Brown
James and Virginia Brown
Tommie and Toy Brown
Ernest A. Suguitan
Ernie and Eden Suguitan
Vicente and Felicisima Agustin
Ernie and Eden Suguitan
Calixto and Ponciana Suguitan
Ernie and Eden Suguitan
Dot and Bob King
Mary Erwin and Hunter Olive
Mary DuBose Stewart
Edith Olive Binkley
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Saint-Amand
Champ and Sylvia Saint-Amand
Sharon Buck
Dudley Buck, Jr.
Mary Yarborough Moorman
Her Family
In Thanksgiving For:
Our children, their spouses and our grandchildren
Nancy and Tom Holt
Emma and Thomas Driscoll
Jimmy and Patricia Driscoll
The Rev Raju and Mrs. Latha George and
Mrs. Loretta Walker
Leslie Allison and Deepu George
Mr. Bill and Mrs. Lorraine Miller
Leslie Allison and Deepu George
Mr. Oliver and Mrs. Georgia Thornton
Leslie Allison and Deepu George
Our children and granddaughter
Pam and Dave Harsant
Leah, Andy, Mike, Allison, Kyle and Precious
Holy Trinity Supporters and Prayer Groups
Heather Christmas Quick
Kristin Smith
Frank Allison, III
Angie Allison
Patsy Allison Feimster
Angie Allison
Alison, Jennifer and Caleb
Brenda and Jim Thomas
Our children and grandchildren
Pat and Cheryl Spears
Annie and Jeff Thornberg
Pat and Cheryl Spears
Our family
George and Jean Harrison
Our children, Zachary and Zoe
Keith and Amy St. Peter
Our family
Mike and Anna Marr
All of God’s Blessings, especially Jesus Christ
David and Martha Booth
and Rachel
Our grandchildren, Carl, Annie and Lilly
Walter and Martha Clark
Robin and Tommy Koonce
Charles and Connie Koonce
Lynne and Saro Kirec
Ernie and Eden Suguitan
Wendy and Adam Huss
Ernie and Eden Suguitan
Champion Davis Saint-Amand, Jr.
Champ and Sylvia Saint-Amand
Libba Pate
The Moormans
In Honor of:
Our parents
Pam and Dave Harsant
Margaret Peterson
Kristin Smith
Our parents, Robert and Wanda Williams
David and Martha Booth
Our brother, Nicholas
David and Martha Booth
Our Holy Trinity Family of Friends
Walter and Martha Clark
Dr. and Mrs. V. C. Andracchio
Champ and Sylvia Saint-Amand
The Christmas tree is given by Norman and Julia Snellgroves to the Glory of God and in
thanksgiving for their families and their Holy Trinity family.
Children / Youth Music Registration
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
Age: _______________ Grade: _____________ Birthday: _________________
Parent(s) Names: ____________________________________________________
Phone #: ___________________________________________________________
Parent Cell #
Youth Cell #
Home #
Email Address: ______________________________________________________
Parent e-mail
Youth e-mail
Registration for:
Older Children’s Choir (2nd – 5th grade) _________
Young Children’s Choir Seminars (Age 4 – 1st grade) ________
Youth Choir Festival Event *(6th – 12th grade) _________
*Please attach $25 registration fee
Parent Support:
Weekly choir assistant _________ Assistant on rotation _________
Accompanist __________ Worship Participation Helper __________
Youth Choir Festival Chaperone ____________
O sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done wonderful things
~ Psalm 98:1 ~
Registration for School Year 2016-2017
Registration forms for church members and families of children currently enrolled in Holy
Trinity Preschool are available and will be accepted in the school office beginning Jan. 5th.
Registration is on a "first come, first served" basis. Waiting lists will begin when a group is full.
Registration will be open to the public starting January 25.
Registration Fee: $100 for first child in family, $75 for each other child.
For withdrawal before June 1st, half the registration fee is refundable.
No refunds after June 1.
Classes Offered and Tuition Fees:
Supply fee - $100 per child, due in August.
(Children must have attained appropriate age by Aug. 31st, 2016)
2 groups (8 children per group, lead teacher and assistant)
 Mon. /Wed./Fri. – 9:15 – 12:10
$1620 per year, payable at $180 per month
 Tues./Thurs. – 9:15 – 12:10
$1350 per year, payable at $150 per month
2 groups (12 children per group, lead teacher and assistant)
 Tues./Wed./Thurs. – 9:15 – 12:10
$1620 per year, payable at $180 per month
 Mon. through Thurs. - 9:15– 12:10
$2070 per year, payable at $230 per month
1 group (2 teachers)
 Mon. through Thurs. – 9:15 – 12:15 $2070 per year, payable at $230 per month
Friday enrichment - $360 per year, payable at $40 per month
Lunch Bunch: (optional)
Extra hour available for 3s and 4s, Mon., Tues., Wed. and Thurs.
$20 per month for 1 day per week, payable with monthly tuition
$30 per month for 2 days per week, payable with monthly tuition
$40 per month for 3 days per week, payable with monthly tuition
$50 per month for 4 days per week, payable with monthly tuition
Lunch Bunch will be offered for 2s beginning in January.
Holy Trinity Preschool’s Annual Lobster Sale
“Claws for a Cause”
Support Holy Trinity Preschool while you enjoy fresh Maine lobster!
Live (or steamed right here on the spot!) lobsters averaging 1.3 pounds each will be ready
for you to pick up Feb. 14th at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 1601 Raeford Rd., 3 to 5 p.m.
All proceeds directly benefit the school.
Order deadline:
Feb. 1st
Pick-up: Feb. 6th
3 to 5 p.m.
Mail or bring your order to Holy Trinity Preschool at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 1601 Raeford Rd.,
Fayetteville 28305. All orders must be paid in advance. Call 484-0250 if you have questions.
Order them live to prepare yourself – or let us cook
them for you!
Here’s my order:
lobsters at $25 each = $_____________
#_____Cooked lobsters at $25 each = $__________
Total = $
Note that no refunds for lobster reservations can be given. Unclaimed
lobster orders will be treated as donations to the Holy Trinity
Preschool. Thank you.
Check below if you will attend the church lobster potluck dinner in the Parish Hall at
5 p.m. Bring 2 dishes to share - side dish, salad or dessert - and join the fun. Hot dogs
available for non-lobster eaters. (Must order cooked lobster.)
______ I will attend the potluck dinner.
______ Number of hot dogs @ $1.00 each.
If lobster is not your thing, donations are always welcome!