st. peregrine healing mass being catholic


st. peregrine healing mass being catholic
June 19th, 2011
The Most Holy Trinity
Katie Korzeniewski, Barbara Johnson, Marie Vera, Noah
Doughty, Richard Mosher, Theresa Carreras, Lois Klatt, Joyce
Staley, Geraldine Wolmering, Laura Schrantz, Josephine
Szynski, Jennifer Joy, Robert Ware, Albina Homitz, Jane
Block, Richard Eaton, Pete Scott, Lucille Coniglio, Joe Trippi,
Nancy Gotowka, Dianne Powers, Ted Sek, Omie Wilson,
Anthony Chillemi, Jewell Stevens, Yolanda Wolf, Kathy Ann
Jones, Susan & Agnes Hooven, Ken Sikora, Ann Saeli, Sarah
Ricotta, Jean DiPalma, Ernie Maslach, Danielle Pecoraro,
Barbara LaMar, John Geffert, Alice Wagner, Brian Ranney,
Jessica Saunders, Nancy Negro-Smith, Dorothy Patterson,
Kate Mcrae, Marge Polichetti, Denise Michalski, Joseph
Siracuse, Emerson Speziale, Theresa Zambotti, Angie Gatto,
Gillis Mancuso, Ed Warren, Carolyn Corsoro, Jim Hens,
Michael Anderson, Barb Restivo, Jackie Formanowicz, Aida
Rosas Santiago, Brandi Pryll, George Corsoro, Gabriella
Conley, Maureen Matteson, Robert Dunbar, Tony Shiavone,
Kari Huels, Antoinette Graziano, Lisa Speziale, Sal Favata,
Josephine Bielaszka, Riannon Kuell, Joseph Seminatore,
Jillien Allen, Joe Catalano, Grace Testa, Msgr. Kevin O’Neill,
Sue Hurley, Hal Leavitt, Patricia Baker, Pura Wakefield, Clelia
DiPalma, Florence Ricotta, Dave Lancaster, Denise Joy, Tom
Higgins, Henry Gagnon
We would like to extend our sincere sympathy to the
family of Bernice (Taddio) Sottile. As we remember you in
our prayers, we ask God to give you help & strength at
this difficult time.
If you would like prayer for a special intention, please call
Mary Galardo at 366-2616 from 4-5 PM & she will notify the
prayer group.
Trinity Sunday
Discipleship is not easy. One would think that being with
other disciples would make it easier; however, we are too
often the greatest stumbling blocks to each other. It is normal for people to have disagreements and different priorities. The problems become obstacles when we insist that
our views are the “right” ones and refuse to consider other
views and will not tolerate compromise. The Spirit speaks
through each one of us but that message is always filtered
through our personal faults and blind spots. We need to
listen respectfully to each other. To reflect prayerfully and
seek to learn what the Spirit is trying to tell us so that we
can move forward together.
“Encourage one another . Live in harmony and peace, and the
God of love and peace will be with you.” -2 Corinthians 13:11
Exodus 34:4-6, 8-9
2 Corinthians 13:11-13
John 3:16-18
Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14-16
1 Corinthians 10:16-17
John 6:51-58
Chuckles— When my back seized up, I called my Doctor’s
office, explaining that I was a minister and was in too much
pain to deliver my sermon. I heard a loud voice announcing,
“I have a minister on the phone who can’t stand to preach.”
Are you ready for summer fun?!
Mark your calendars: The Holy Trinity Picnic Weekend is July 16 & 17. We’re hoping
to change a few things so please keep
watching the bulletin for details as we get closer! This year we’re having a weekend of festivities starting with a movie night beginning at
dusk on Saturday, July 16 (more information to follow).
Our picnic will be on Sun., July 17 starting with 11 AM Mass in the
church with an outdoor picnic immediately following. We will be serving Bert Weidner’s Chicken dinner (1/2 chicken) with buttered spuds,
coleslaw & roll/butter. Dinner will also include a piece of sheet cake
made by Holy Trinity’s own Father Joe!
This year we will be charging $6 per dinner and you will need to sign
up and buy your tickets after masses (or at the rectory) starting June
18/19. As in years past, we will provide a free hot dog & chips dinner
for children under 12 (but they also need to be signed up!).
We will still be having the annual Theme basket raffle, 50/50, kids
games, & much more so check your bulletin for details! Appetizer
donations on disposable containers would be most appreciated and
the basket committee is looking for donations too. Volunteers are always needed – you may either check the volunteer box when you sign
up or call Tonia Piede (363-7954). The next meeting for the picnic
committee is Tues., June 28 at 7 p.m.
In the vestibules you will find Father’s Day cards. Please
place your donation in the envelope provided and return
the envelope with your requested intentions. There are
also envelopes in your July envelope packets.
On Tues, June 21st at 7 PM, the Being
Catholic group will meet in the conference room
in the rectory. Come be a part of it!!
June 29th at7 PM here at Holy Trinity
A Healing Mass in honor of St. Peregrine, the patron Saint of
cancer, will take place on Wed., June 29th at 7 PM at Holy
Trinity. Rev. David A. Bellittiere & the Friends of St. Peregrine cordially invite those that are afflicted with cancer or
need special healing, who wish to receive the Sacrament of the
Sick to attend this Mass. For more info, call (716)283-0011.
A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to all who spent some
time at the 2011 Relay for Life. This year’s event raised over
$103,000 for cancer prevention research & advocacy! And there
were 155 enrollees in the American Cancer Society’s
Cancer Prevention Study-3. What an amazing day!!
Visit the Holy Trinity Website for Bulletins, Podcast and much more… (under construction)
This Week
MON. 6/20
TUES. 6/21
WEDS. 6/22
7 PM—Disciples of the Eucharist—Parish Ctr
7 PM—Being Catholic—Conf. Rm—Rectory
9 AM—Liturgy Mtg.—Parish Ctr.
7 PM—Ministerial Council Clean-up
THURS. 6/23
6:30 PM—Choir Practice
7 PM—Rational Recovery-Parish Center
5:30 PM—Serenity Garden—Parish Ctr.
Corpus Christi—Holy Hour after 11AM Mass
2 PM Eucharistic Procession Outdoors
Reception following in the School Hall.
FRI. 6/24
SUN. 6/26
Mission Co-op envelopes can go in the 2nd collection.
Cemetery envelopes can go in the regular collection.
Taking the Word of God to the World
Fr. Paul Ladda will be here next weekend to speak
about the mission in Tanzania & the Diocese of Shinyanga. The Mission Co-op envelopes can be placed in
the collection baskets that weekend. Please be generous as we
help those who share the Word of God throughout the world.
MANY THANKS...For the wonderful cupcakes & coffee
under the tent, we wish to thank all those who brought the
multitude of festive treats, Dunkin Donuts for the coffee, &
most especially, thank you to Sr. Elizabeth and her helpers
for putting it all together. What a great way to celebrate the
birthday of the Church!!
Please consider donating a gift basket or items to be placed
in a basket no later than July 10th for the July 17th church
picnic theme basket auction. Donations can be dropped off
at the doors of the church or at Tonia Piede’s, Lisa VerHague’s or Judy Piwowarksi’s homes:
Tonia Piede: 630 Central Ave., Dunkirk, 363-7954
Lisa VerHague: 234 Chestnut St., Fredonia, 672-6757
Judy Piwowarski: Gardner Street, Fredonia, 672-8748
The committee will be assembling baskets on Monday & Tuesday, July 11
& 12 from 6-9 PM in the Rectory if anyone would like to help.
June 25/26—Fr. Paul Ladda speaks at the Masses
June 29—St. Peregrine Healing Mass @ 7 PM
Ministerial Council Meeting—Church Clean up
June 22nd at 7 pm, the Ministerial Council will meet in
the church for a good, old-fashioned spring cleaning.
Bring a bucket and a rag...dust will be provided.
God bless all of our Fathers, Godfathers, Fathers to be,
Grandfathers and those who stand in for Fathers. Guide
them to be good role models and loving to all their children. Help them to be a father like You are. Give them
the grace and patience to handle situations in a loving
way. May those they guide, respect them and love them.
We ask this blessing through Christ our Lord.
SAT. June 18
4:00 PM
SUN. June19
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
MON. June 20
8:15 AM
TUES. June 21
5:00 PM
WED. June 22
8:15 AM
Mass Intentions
Father’s Day Novena
Father’s Day Novena
Living & Deceased of Holy Trinity
Father’s Day Novena
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
Father’s Day Novena
St. Paulinus, St. John Fisher &
St. Thomas More
Father’s Day Novena
THURS. June 23
8:15 AM
FRI. June 24
8:15 AM
SAT. June 25
4:00 PM
Father’s Day Novena
SUN. June 26
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
Father’s Day Novena
Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Father’s Day Novena
Living & Deceased of Disciples
of the Eucharist
Father’s Day Novena
Sanctuary Remembrance for the week of
June 19th is in Memory of
James, Josephine &
James Jr. Leone
Paul & Marie Luczkowiak
Sacrament of Baptism
Congratulations to Landon Jude Trippi who was recently welcomed into the Church as he received the
Sacrament of Baptism. May God be with him always.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
Father Raymond Donohue will be Spiritual Director
on his 20th visit to Medjugorje, Croatia from
September 28th to October 8th, 2011.
Since 1981, it has been reported that Our Lady, Queen of Peace
visits this village each day, bringing messages of Prayer, Fasting &
Conversion. Hundreds of Thousands of pilgrims visit this Holy Site
each year to be refreshed & renewed. We will stay within walking
distance to the Church of St. James for daily Mass in English, & visit
with the Visionaries & enjoy Spiritual talks. Confessions are available
every day by hundreds of priests. Visit the Hill of Apparition, Cross
Mountain, & take a side trip to Dubrovnik on the Adriatic Sea.
All transportation, air fare, meals, your room & private bath, private guide, & free taxi service included. The weather is Mediterranean
climate; it is one of the most beautiful times of the year to visit. Total
cost for the 10 days all inclusive is $2365. For reservations or deposit please call Jack Dempsey at 614-563-7474. Deadline is 6/27.
Contact us online: