Dear Parents, Simon Barber
Dear Parents, Simon Barber
1 2 3 Spring Term 2015 Dear Parents, It is good to be able to write to you all again at this half way stage in the Easter term. In this newsletter we have lots of news and events to tell you about, information about the achievements of our pupils and tips on how you can help our students, as they prepare for SATS, Options and GCSEs. We would also like to consult with you about changing our session times for the secondary phase. As always it has been very busy in school. We celebrated Epiphany shortly after our return with several worships in school trying to learn lessons from the story of the wise men, those being always to prepare well and see your plans through to the end and to embrace and enjoy life. They were indeed Wise Men! We have started to form a good relationship with a school in York called Manor Academy. In January a number of our pupils travelled to York to spend a day in a different school’s classrooms making new friends and engaging in a number of activities. We hope they will come and return the visit to us soon and that our link with them will grow and flourish. In February we took some of our young leaders who follow the Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award to Bishopthorpe Palace to visit the Archbishop and tell his invited guests about how the award has helped them develop and grow as young In this issue… 2 Consultation on Secondary Phase Session Times… 2 Testing Times… 3 SIMS Learning Gateway… 4 Safer Internet Day… 5 In the News… 7 Gallery… 7 INSET Days… 8 Sports News… people. It was a great evening and they made us feel very proud. Before half term we launched our Lenten charity focus which is Baby Basics. This is a Barnsley-based charity, which supports mothers and babies who are in poverty and need practical help with toiletries, Moses baskets, mattresses etc. All classes and forms are being encouraged to donate gifts and money to support this charity, let’s hope we can raise as much money as we can and provide lots of gifts. I’ll let you know how we got on at Easter. Thanks for your support this year. Kind regards, Simon Barber continuing 1 2 Holy Trinity 2 Newsletter Spring 2016 Testing Times Year 11 have now received their mock exam results and are working full tilt towards their GCSEs in May. Parents support at home will really help and we would encourage you to do all you can to help our students prepare as thoroughly as possible for their exams in May. A suggested revision timetable was recently sent home to help students prepare. A copy of this can be found on the school website at: In the coming weeks, we will be deciding option pathways for our students in Year 8 and Year 9. I do hope pupils are discussing these options with parents and taking advice from school staff. The options evening will take place shortly after the half term holiday. Our Year 6 children are preparing for their SATs tests in May. As with Year 11 any help you can offer them will be a great support and enable them achieve as well as they can. Consultation on Changes to Secondary Phase Session Times We would like to consult with you about changing our session times for the secondary phase from next year. As you all know, the secondary phase currently has an hour for lunch. An analysis of lunchtime behaviour has shown that most behavioural incidents occur at the end of lunchtime, when pupils start to get bored. An hour seems to be too long. We would like to propose a 45minute lunch break and a 15minute earlier start at the beginning of the day so that both phases of the school don’t finish at the same time. This means for secondary there would be an 8.45am start, with lesson periods as follows: Period 1: 8.45am – 9.45am Period 2: 9.45am – 10.45am Period 3: 10.45am – 11.00am Form: 11.00am – 11.15am Break: 11.15am – 12.15pm Period 4: 12.15pm – 1.00pm Lunch: 1.00pm – 2.00pm Period 5: 2.00pm – 3.00pm Some of you will remember that when we set the school up, we wanted this time frame but decided against it because of bus times. It is now clear that the vast majority of our pupils walk home or catch buses from different stops. We know there are pupils who would want to catch the bus from one of the school stops, or pick siblings up from the primary phase and we would accommodate them temporarily for 15 minutes – just as we accommodate primary phase pupils now. The primary phase would be unaffected by these changes. We will be sending a letter home to canvas opinion on the proposed changes and also to establish which pupils use which buses to get to and from school, before we talk to the bus companies. The governors will make the final decision but will take into account the views of parents that are given as part of the consultation, so please do have your say. Holy Trinity 3 Pilates Classes Catering Service Holy Trinity is running Pilates on Tuesday evenings; there are two classes, from 6.15 7.15 and 7.15 - 8.15. Our latest staff members to achieve the Skillsfirst Award NVQ Level 2 Certificate in Customer Service are: Everyone is welcome, we have men and women coming along. Why not join us? All you need is something comfortable to wear. Please feel free to bring family and friends. Kitchen staff: Zoe Platts, Gaynor Hebden, Emma Fox, Kate Cochrane, Teresa Taylor SMSA: Louise Williams, Wanda Wells, Nicola Pursley, Nancy Allott, Tina Proud, Sam Yates, Belinda Black, Sharon Lassu, Tanya Broadrick, Andrea Ingram, Sarah Clarkson, Andrea Graham. Cost: £3 staff £4 non staff. For more information, please call Helen, on 07581591290. Well done all! SIMS Learning Gateway After February half-term, support for the SIMS Learning Gateway will end and parents will not be able to use it. Instead, parents can now access information about their children via the School Gateway, which is the same system as for online payments. Newsletter Spring 2015 Catering Service The school catering service has implemented the Revised Food Standards across both Primary and Secondary services. Menus have changed slightly to ensure the service is offering food that is compliant with the standards that came into effect in January. Information regarding the revised standards can be found on the Children’s Food Trust website: This is a very interesting site that gives lots of information about School Food. It also has a useful section for parents, where you can find more information about school meals, as well as ideas for cooking with children at home. Also from 13 December 2014, new legislation required all catering services to conform with The EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation (No.1169/2011). If you have not registered with the school gateway, its simple! • • • • • Navigate to Select the New User tab Enter your email address and mobile number we have on record and press the SEND PIN button. A PIN will be sent to your mobile. Log in with your email address and this new PIN. If you get a message saying that the email address and mobile number combination is not recognised, please contact the School to update your details. This regulation requires all food services to supply information about the allergenic ingredients found in the food that they provide, so that anyone with an allergy is better informed about the food they are buying. If you would like more information about the new regulation, it can be found on the Food Standards Agency website: Holy Trinity 4 Newsletter Spring 2015 Revenue for Romania In the Autumn of 2014 a group of Y10 pupils visited Romania as volunteers to help families much less fortunate than themselves. Many enjoyed the experience but soon realised that the lasting change we wanted to see could not be done in one visit. With this in mind, a trading company called Revenue4 Romania was formed as part of the IKIC programme. The aim is to raise money to fund future support to these people. A variety of small-scale events have taken place and the group have now created a sophisticated online appeal fronted by TV personality Stephanie Hirst who has agreed to be the patron of the company. Please visit our Facebook page Revenue 4 Romania, watch the video of our work, share it with your friends and if you can please support us via the PayPal link. Every penny raised makes a difference. Safer Internet Day Safer Internet Day 2015 will be celebrated around the world on Tuesday 10th February with the slogan: ‘Let’s create a better internet together’. Premier Inn Visit for Hospitality Students On the 10th February, ten Y11 GCSE Hospitality students visited the Premier Inn and Glass House Public House in Barnsley. The pupils took part in a carousel of activities which included a tour of the premises and a food and beverage talk, a quiz and information session about the business and a viewing of the rooms and a bed making demonstration and competition. The Premier Inn were very accommodating and the students thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon which gave them a real insight into working within the Hospitality and Catering Industry. This experience is invaluable and helps improve their vocational knowledge ahead of their GCSE examination. The day is coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre and calls upon young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers, and wider, to join together in helping to create a better internet. Ultimately, a better internet is up to us! By supporting Safer Internet Day Holy Trinity have joined a worldwide community dedicated to creating a better internet. On Tuesday 10th February our school provided opportunities to highlight positive uses of technology and to explore the role we all play in helping to create a better and safer online community. Pupils took part in a safer internet quiz, awareness was raised about the safety of their profiles on social networking sites and they also learnt about cyber-bullying. Parents and carers can access resources linked to safer Internet via the school’s website. Holy Trinity 5 Newsletter Spring 2015 In the News… Holy Trinity has featured in the news quite a lot recently, with stories about our achievements in the local newspaper and you might have seen our Head Teacher on the Look North sofa a few weeks ago too! These are some of our recent reports: Message of Hope for Ebola Medics Our students gave army medics a welcome Christmas surprise when they sent cards and gifts to cheer members of the Ministry of Defence Medical Unit, (MDMU) as they worked to help victims of the deadly Ebola virus. Archbishop's VIP Invitation The Archbishop of York invited Holy Trinity pupils to meet VIP guests at Bishopthorpe Palace. Callum Bailey, Jenny Baldwin and Niamh Wood are part of the Archbishop of York Youth Trust Young Leaders Award, which encourages young people to be ‘leaders of change’ in their own communities. They work under the Trust’s motto; “Be the change you want to see. Callum, Jenny and Niamh told a supporters about the work they have done, what impact it has had and how the Trust will benefit them in the future. Jenny said, “It’s good to be part of the Young Leaders Award and to help people in need. You get to make bonds with people you wouldn't usually get to meet and see the impact you can have by being the change you want to see. It’s really inspiring.” The Archbishop said, “The students from Holy Trinity are showing us how young people can inspire everyone in our communities to join in helping others. To be the change you want to see is a very encouraging message for us all and I know that these young people will go on to do even greater things. They are inspiring leaders!” Simon Barber also attended the event and gave a speech. He said, “I am very proud to see Holy Trinity pupils making such a difference to the world around them. It was a huge honour for them to be invited by Archbishop Sentamu; it demonstrates just how much they have achieved as Youth Trust Young Leaders. The crisis caused by Ebola has led to the MDMU being deployed to Sierra Leone to care for health workers who have caught the disease. Holy Trinity pupils came up with the idea of making sure that soldiers serving with the unit – who were away from their families for three months – had something to open on Christmas Day, after leading a school assembly about ‘hope’. The parcels contained useful items for the soldiers, such as toiletries, which they often run out of and cannot replace, as there are no shops nearby. Jonathan Foyers is in Year 7 at Holy Trinity and was happy to hear from the team, he said, "It was great when we heard that we got feedback from the soldiers. It was also good that they got cards for Christmas.” Year 11 pupil Ailish Pope explained why she wanted to be involved, "It was a nice way to show how we appreciate their work. It was also a touching reply." Private Emma Caton told of how well the gifts had been received, she said, “The parcels absolutely lifted the spirits of everyone that received a surprise parcel from the children. Especially on Christmas Day, as not everyone had something to open from their families. It was really heartwarming that the children had put them together to make us smile on Christmas Day. I'd like to say a massive thank you.” Holy Trinity 6 Newsletter Spring 2015 Year 10 Poppy Art Year 10 GCSE Art pupils have been working on a collaborative Art project inspired by the centenary of WWI and the instillation at The Tower of London 'Blood swept lands and seas of red'. The class has worked as a group to produce a number of ceramic poppies similar to those placed at The Tower of London recently. They have worked to paint them and prepare a wooden structure to hold the poppies as a 3D instillation. The poppies are currently on show in the Chapel. Holy Trinity Twits We try to make sure that you can keep upto-date with events and news as easily as possible. One of the ways we do this is on Twitter. The official school Twitter account is a great way for us to tell everyone about the fantastic work being done by our staff and pupils. We currently have 562 people following us on Twitter, who all get to hear our news, hot off the press! Weather Illness and Absence from School Hopefully, the worst of the winter is behind us now – but you can never be too sure with the British weather! Sometimes absence from school is unavoidable through illness or emergency. We are pleased that despite a bit of adverse weather over the past few weeks, we have managed to keep school open – this is despite some of our staff travelling from areas that were quite badly affected by snow. So that your child does not receive an ‘unauthorised absence’ recorded on their register, will you please contact the school office as soon as possible, at the beginning of the school day. If you need to take your child out of school for a medical appointment or other reason, please arrange this in advance. As a reminder, if we ever do need to close school, we will send a text message notification, as early as possible. You can also check the official school closure list at Dearne FM: It is very important for school to be notified of any reason for absence. The telephone number for the school is: 01226 704550. Holy Trinity 7 Newsletter Spring 2015 Gallery Here are just a few photographs of our school community, taken over the past few weeks: SportFX Every Wednesday evening from 6 – 9 SportFX South Yorkshire run FREE football sessions at Holy Trinity. The scheme is headed by World Cup Referee Howard Webb and recent sessions have seen up to 70 participants! If you would like to join in, just turn up, you don’t need special kit, just appropriate clothing and footwear for playing. Session times are as follows: Years 6-7: Years 8-9: Years 10-11+: 6.00pm – 7.00PM 7.00pm – 8.00pm 8.00pm – 9.00pm Contact Details If you need to contact school, our details are: Holy Trinity, Carlton Road Barnsley South Yorkshire S71 2LF Phone: 01226 704550 Fax: 01226 286798 Email: You can also find us on Twitter & Facebook: @HolyTrinity316 Feedback If you have any feedback about this newsletter, please let us know, by contacting us, using the details on the left. Remember, you can get in touch via email, or you can message us through our Facebook page. INSET Days School will be closed to pupils on the following INSET days: Monday 13th April 2015 Friday 26th June 2015 Monday 20th July 2015 Holy Trinity 8 Newsletter Spring 2015 Trampolining (Picture courtesy of @SYSchoolGames) Holy Trinity Students represented school at the South Yorkshire Trampolining Competition and did us proud! Primary Sports Classes 3 and 4 competed in a sports event at Netherwood, where they came 2nd and 3rd in the relay race competition! Girls Football The Holy Trinity Under-15s Girls Football team had a fantastic 5-2 victory away at Horizon in the South Yorkshire Schools Cup. It was an exciting game, with goals from Dionne Baugh (3), Beth Ayrton and Lauryn Wilcock. The team are now in the semi-finals, where they will play Meadowhead or Hungerhill. Cross Country Holy Trinity Student Scott Nutter became the South Yorkshire Schools Y7 Cross Country Champion, after winning his race at Graves Park, Sheffield. Scott ran a very good race, coming in with a time of 9:20. Teachers Running for Lent Holy Trinity Teachers Chantelle Ainsworth, Kathryn Thomas, Tom Smith, Catherine Newton and Maria Hunt will be running in the Sheffield Half Marathon this year to raise money for charity, as part of the Holy Trinity Lent Fundraising activities. They have decided to include students by turning their fundraising into a form challenge. Whichever form raises the most amount gets to pick a forfeit for Chantelle or Kathryn to complete as part of their training for the half marathon. If you would like to sponsor the runners, please contact school.
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