March 20, 2016 - Blessed Trinity


March 20, 2016 - Blessed Trinity
Phone: ( 727) 867-3663 ~ Fax: (727) 864-2679)
Office Hrs M-F 9 AM - 4 PM Closed for Lunch Noon to 1 PM
Palm Sunday ~ March 19/20, 2016
Wayne C. Genereux,
Msgr.Anton Dechering
PastorEmeritus (Retired)
Deacon Lionel Roberts
Deacon Bill Lovelace
Sister JeanBarrett,O.S.F.
Saturday: 4:00 PM Vigil
Sunday:8:00, 9:30, 11:30 AM
Holy Days: 7:30 AM: 9:00 AM
& 7:00 PM
Weekdays: 7:30 AM Mon.- Fri.
Saturdays 3:00-3:30 PM
or by Appointment
Please call Eileen Plasse in the
Parish Office for information on
a Pre-Baptism Class before
scheduling a Baptism.
Please call the Parish Office for
an appointment with a parish
priest before setting a date.
Every Diocese in Florida
requires at least six months
preparation before marriage.
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
March 20, 2016
Thoughts Worth Sharing
By Father Wayne C. Genereux
This week I am sharing with you some thoughts by Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York. With
Holy week this week, his thoughts are timely.
“One of my favorite memories of baseball is about the pitching legend Sandy Koufax. This cherished
recollection about one of the game’s greatest pitchers did not occur on the mound, however, it came in 1965
when Sandy informed the manager of the Dodgers that he would not be able to pitch on the Jewish high holy
day, Yom Kippur. For Sandy, his faith was more important than even baseball.
Last week I was taking a walk in Central Park and stopped at a cart for a bottle of water. But, the attendant
was not to be seen. I walked around the cart hoping to find him, and there he was, a faithful Moslem on his
knees for his duty of prayer.
How about the movie Chariots of Fire, the true story about the committed Christian Olympic runner, Eric
Liddell, who would not compete on Sunday, the Sabbath? Remember?
And now I understand the Jewish members of the senior class at Baruch University have asked that their late
Friday afternoon graduation ceremony be rescheduled earlier so as not to interfere with the Sabbath. God bless
What about us Catholics?
From what I can detect, instead of fidelity to communal acts of penance, we write in for “dispensations” for the
measly eight days of fasting left – Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent.
We continue to schedule celebrations, parties, and fundraisers during what should be forty somber days of
As for observing the Sabbath, only 25% of us attend Mass, instead of loyalty to Sunday, when we seem to
prefer Starbucks and sporting events – even sponsored by the CYO!
Our Catholic colleges will compete in “March Madness” even on Good Friday, and coaches in our parishes
will complain that CYO games cannot be scheduled on Holy Thursday and Good Friday.
The Bible tells us we need fasting, penance, holy days and the Sabbath.
Sociologists tell us that a religion needs what they call “markers” to flourish, external sings (Sabbath
observances and fasting to flow from internal conviction).
Am I exaggerating when I ask if we Catholics have lost it?
Where’s the Catholic Sandy Koufax?”
(Continued Next Page)
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
March 20, 2016
This week we will begin the holiest week on the Church calendar. I encourage everyone to take some time
away from other pursuits and follow Jesus to the glory of the resurrection. The whole panorama of our faith
opens up before us this week. Don’t miss it.
Thanks to Karen Kasper and her crew for a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day dinner last Saturday. The dinner was
excellent and I appreciate their dedication to the parish. They are always available and sometimes we forget
the many sacrifices that are made to serve all of us.
Two weeks ago I announced a Parish Synod indicating in this next year and a half that we will examine all
aspects of our parish life to Create a Vision for the Future. Next month the Pastor’s Advisory Group will
undertake Faith Formation through the life of the parishioner. We will also be talking about Communication.
As we discuss these topics we will then ask for parishioner input on a variety of issues pertaining to these
two topics. Then we will move on to other topics. There will be multiple ways in which every parishioner if
they want to participate will be able to actively be a part of this process. There will be meetings, surveys,
and votes in the bulletin, on line from our website, as well as, group meetings, and one on one sessions. We
will be preparing for all of this during the summer months, and will begin the interaction with one another in
Our Winter Residents are most welcome to participate in this process. Simply send in your name, address,
and phone number to Father Wayne indicating your willingness to participate and we will see to it that a
packet is mailed to you when our topics are discussed. You are very important to us, and we value your
With the exception of those individuals who are a part of our Holy Week Liturgical Ceremonies, and support
staff, I am asking that there be no meetings during this time. Holy Week is the holiest week on the Church
calendar and should be a time of coming closer to Jesus in thought and prayer. Otherwise this will be just an
ordinary week with no meaning. I will not be taking any appointments during this time unless it is a pastoral
emergency. All the priests will be with the Bishop most of the day on Tuesday for the Chrism Mass. This is
the day that we also traditionally renew the promises we made on the day of our ordination to the priesthood.
It has a deeply personal meaning to me because at the Chrism Mass of 1997 I brought the Holy Oils to St.
John Paul II, in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Priests need to be attentive to this time of Spiritual renewal, if
we are to be effective at all to the responsibilities we have as a representative for Christ.
I encourage everyone to make this week and time of Spiritual renewal.
Kind personal regards,
Fr. Wayne C. Genereux, Pastor
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
March 20, 2016
Liturgical Ceremonies Calendar
Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter
Daily Masses Monday March 21-March 23 are 7:30 a.m. No 9:00 a.m. Masses
March 19-20 Palm Sunday
Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 p.m.
Sunday Masses 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday, March 22, Chrism Mass
11:30 a.m. Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle,
Celebrant: Most Reverend Robert N. Lynch, with the Priests, Deacons and the Lay Faithful of the
Holy Thursday, March 24
9:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
7:00 p.m. Mass of the Lord’s Supper / Church closes at 10:00 p.m.
Good Friday, March 25
9:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
12:00 Noon Stations of the Cross St. Matthew’s
3:00 p.m. The Lord’s Passion
7:00 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet Novena Begins
Holy Saturday, March 26
No Morning Mass or Morning Prayer
7:00 p.m. Divine Mercy Novena Chaplet
8:00 p.m. Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday, March 27
6:30 a.m. Easter Sunday Sunrise Mass (Parking Lot – If it Rains - in the Church)
8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Divine Mercy Novena Chaplet
Divine Mercy Novena Chaplet Continues after Easter
Beginning Monday March 28- April 2 Divine Mercy Novena Chaplet
Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction.7:00 p.m. each night
Sunday, April 3, Divine Mercy Sunday
Masses : 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
Vigil, March 19
4:00 PM
Elaine DeMonicor
Sun., March 20
8:00 AM Jim Doheny
9:30 AM Blessed Trinity Parishioners
11:30 AM Pauline Lesperance
Mon., March 21
7:30 AM Jean Mount
9:00 AM No Mass
Tues., March 22
7:30 AM Ava Kahlipa
9:00 AM No Mass
Wed., March 23
7:30 AM Vocations
9:00 AM No Mass
Thurs., March 24 HOLY THURSDAY
7:00 PM Mass of the Last Supper
Fri., March 25 GOOD FRIDAY
10:00 AM STATIONS - St. Matthew’s
7:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena Begins
Sat., March 26 NO a.m. Mass
Vigil, March 26
7:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena
Alina Domagla
Sun., March 27 EASTER SUNDAY
8:00 AM William Bedinghaus
9:30 AM Blessed Trinity Parishioners
11:30 AM David Britnell
March 20, 2016
All too often we tend to think of spiritual
achievements as something we accomplish.
That can lead to a crippling perfectionism,
wherein we assume falsely that God is
interested in us only insofar as we are
perfected and can offer Him only what is pure.
When we think that way, we miss the central
Christian mystery, which is that the
redemptive acts of God’s Son that we
commemorate in Holy Week are what save us
despite our sins. If we wait until we think we
are sinless, we will never open our hearts to
God. Let us follow the steps of our Savior this
last week of Lent … Steps that RENEW us
for life. ~ Henri J.M. Nouwen
Tuesday, March 22 ~ 11:30 am
Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle
5th Ave. No. and Tyrone Blvd., St. Petersburg
ood Friday, March 25th beginning at 12 Noon,
the Churches of South St. Petersburg will gather
at St. Matthew’s Church, 738 Pinellas Point Dr.
South, for a brief worship service with hymns and a
homily following which we will process outside to
walk the Stations of the Cross. Everyone is welcome.
Your Blessed Trinity
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
March 20, 2016
March 20, 2016
Palm Sunday
I tell you, Peter, before the cock crows this
day, you will deny three times that you
know me.” ~ Luke 22:34
How many times have you heard someone
make a disparaging comment about Jesus
or the Catholic faith? How do you react?
Do you remain quiet not to cause a
disturbance or worse yet, because you
don’t want your friends or family to think
negatively about you? Pray for the
courage to speak up and enter into a
respectful dialogue.
Blessed Trinity ~ March 12/13
Building Fund
Gift shop
Easter Flowers
$ 9,608.80
$ 11,775.80
Today - March 20 9-11 AM
11:00 am First Comm classes Rm 4
Faith Formation Class - FFC
8:00 pm - AA, Rm 4
Tuesday - March 22
8:30 am Scripture Study, Faith Form. Room
7:30 pm Prayer Group, Parish Library
Wednesday - March 23
6:00 pm Choir
Thursday - March 24
2:00 pm SHARE - Rm 4
9:00 am Morning Prayer
Friday - March 25
9:00 am - Morning Prayer
7:00 pm - Divine Mercy Novena
Saturday - March 26
7:00 pm - Women’s AA, Rm 4
7:00 pm - Divine Mercy Novena
ur Parish is present for those whose loved
ones have died. Hope is provided through a
sharing of group support, understanding and
friendship. Please contact Sr. Jean for further
information at (727) 867-3663, Ext. 303.
omen and Men take the first
step, there is hope! Seek
wholeness through the healing love
and mercy of God. Through Project
Rachel you can begin your
confidential and non-judgmental
journey to healing.
Rachel's Vineyard™ weekend retreats are
scheduled for June 24-26 (English) and Aug. 19-21,
2016 (Spanish). Call 813-924-4173 or email for more information.
To register. Visit:
For reasons of fire safety, votive candles must be purchased
through Blessed Trinity. All others will be removed. Thank
…And Keep in Mind
Please notify the parish office when you or
someone you love enters the hospital. Please
don’t assume that someone else will inform us.
We would love to add you to our Prayer List.
~ ؏ ~
Items for the Bulletin must be submitted on or
before the deadline eight (8) days prior to the
weekend you wish to see your item published, i.e.,
two Fridays before publication. Please submit
copy to:
March 20, 2016
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
Alberson, Michelle
Arasa, John
Barrett, John
Barrimond, Raphael
Beckman, Fred
Beekman, Connie
Bland, Bob
Bogensberger, Rosemary
Brown, Bob & Beverly
Brown, Dorothy
Browning, Bob
Carey, Sam
Christ, Kathryn
Crader, Edward
Dawson, Anthony Peter
Deuel, Fred
Espinet, Brigette
Fazio, Mary & Frank
Feehan, Joe
Forbes, Monica & Thomas
Frallicciardi, Adele
Graeme, Mary
Hamilton, Tom
Hawkins, Barbara
Heffern, Vinnie
Hoyle, David
Huff, Walter & Carole
Ianello, Guy
Irvin, Victoria
Jousta, Carolyn
Mary Joyner & Sons
Kantowicz, Jan
King, Kathy
Kumick, Amelia
Kuruzovich, John
Lanier, Carolyn
Lester, Lynne
Lyons, Laura
Mark, Jacqueline
Mays, Linda
McCall, Barbara
McManus, Elly
McMullen, Jack
Meade, Robinson
Merchant, Geraldine
Mesick, Phil & Nancy
Meyer, Bob & Genevieve
Mitchell, Stella
Miville, Marilyn
Murdock, Cheryl & Evan
Neumann, Janet
Palumbo, Al
Pezzulo, Irene
Privitera, Sandy
Reed, Edward, Jr.
Remp, Al
Rixon, Juliane
Romani, Angelo & Marlene
Rosa, José & Nina
Ryall, Edith
Sanders, Marilyn
Schillaci, Peter
Seitz, Rose Marie
Sharp, Jennett
Sheridan, Samantha
Smith, Anita
St. Pierre, Rick
Stankiewicz, Cy
Steinheimer, Dorothy
Stumph, Donald & Carol
Thore, Isabelle
Thompson, Sue
Timm, Carol
Truby, Ernest
Van Volkenburg, Jean
Watson, Doug & Clare
Wilson, Delores
Weltman, Dolly, Jean
Zellers, Rosemary
Discover more treasures of the faith!
Go to the Blessed Trinity website at In the menu bar
click on Symbolon tab. Scroll to the
bottom of the page and click on the
register image.
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