Mar 20 - Our Lady of Loreto Catholic Parish
Mar 20 - Our Lady of Loreto Catholic Parish
The Loreto Letter “In Christ Jesus you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.” Ephesians 2:22 CELEBRATIONS OF THE EUCHARIST Monday-Friday: 7:00am Wednesday-Friday: 7:00am, 5:30pm Saturday: 7:30am, 5:00pm Sunday: 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 5:00pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 8:30am-10:00am or by appointment PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday: 8:30am-5:00pm 18000 E ARAPAHOE RD FOXFIELD, CO 80016 303.766.3800 (Office) 303.766.3700 (Fax) 303.951.8330 (School) Welcome to Our Lady of Loreto Parish! St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of Colorado, teaches that hospitality is the first of all the virtues. I pray you find here a hospitable and virtuous Catholic Christian community. Call upon us if you need us. Know of our prayer for yours and you. Please pray for OLOL and for me. Father Ed, Pastor. Accompany One Another in Mercy Palm Sunday March 20th, 2016 * Volume XIX, Number 17 Mass Intentions for March 19th– March 27th PARISH STAFF PASTOR Msgr. Edward L. Buelt PAROCHIAL VICAR Fr. Nick Thompson DEACON Michael Magee DEACON Richard Miller BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Mrs. Jeanne Norville INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Mr. Joe Heasley COMMUNICATIONS/ DIGITAL EVANGELIZATION Mrs. Joia Farmer FAITH FORMATION Mrs. Shirley McDermott CHILDREN/FAMILY FORMATION Mrs. Joan Deeb PRINCIPAL Sr. Julia Balu, SOLM LITURGY & MUSIC Mr. Charles Nolen YOUTH MINISTRY Mr. Brad Farmer YOUTH MINISTRY ASST. Ms. Kiki Wallyn PARISH SECRETARY Ms. Peggy Burke FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE Mr. Gery Myhre Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday 7:30 am 5:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 am 7:00 am 7:00 am 5:30 pm 5:30 pm 8:00 p.m. 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am PASTORAL SERVICES OLOL Parishioners BAPTISM OF INFANTS Jules Francis Grigg Baptism preparation packets are Andrew Chick available in the religious education OLOL Parishioners area in the narthex or on our website. Joe, Jill & TJ Mattingly Don Alferman+ CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF Greg Thompson+ ADULTS Ministry for the Sick Non-Catholic adults who are Dominic Dogue called to full communion in the Albert Manzot Catholic Church are asked to OLOL Parishioners contact Shirley at 303.414.2255 OLOL Parishioners for further information. Betty and Allen+ Shelly MARRIAGE OLOL Parishioners Spiritual preparation is vital for the Greg Thompson+ Readings for the week of March 20th Sun 1st 2nd Gospel Is 50:4-7 Phil 2:6-11 Lk 22:14—23:56 Mon 1st 2nd Is 42:1-7 Jn 12:1-11 Tue. 1st 2nd Is 49:1-6 Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wed. 1st 2nd Is 50:4-9a Mt 26:14-25 Thu. 1st 2nd Gospel Ex 12:1-8, 11-14 1 Cor 11:23-26 Jn 13:1-15 Fri. 1st 2nd Gospel Is 52:13—53:12 Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9 Jn 18:1—19:42 Sat. 1st 2nd Gospel Gen.1:1-2:2:2 Ex. 14:15-15:1 Rom. 6:3-11 Lk. 24:1-12 Sun. 1st 2nd Gospel Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Col 3:1-4 Jn 20:1-9 Stay in touch, keep informed, connect with the OLOL community! Facebook: Twitter: @mypastor Instagram: @ololoreto celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage. Couples are invited to contact Father Nick Thompson to arrange an individual meeting. CARE OF THE SICK/DYING Please call at the beginning of any serious illness or hospitalization. If you are ill and would like to receive the Eucharist, please call the office. In the case of death, please call Fr. Ed before meeting with the funeral director. ADORATION The adoration chapel is available 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Please contact Fr. Nick if you have questions or would like to sign up for adoration. COR JESU (HEART OF JESUS) An e-mail prayer ministry at OLOL Parish. E-mail to join this prayer group, or to offer your prayer requests. THE GABRIEL PROJECT Pregnant? Need help? Be not afraid. For help, hope and healing, call 1.800.713.3021 COME HOME If you are struggling with a past abortion, please contact Father Ed or Father Nick. A Word from Father Foxfield Approves West Wing! Ed Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Even as we enter into Holy Week, I share with you the good news that the Board of Trustees of the Town of Foxfield has given approval for the parish to begin construction of the west wing of the St. Joseph Ministry Center. (You will recall that the west wing includes a gymnasium; six classrooms; a pre-school and kindergarten complex; offices and work spaces dedicated to the school; and a bridge to connect the current east wing with the new west.) There are one or two minor conditions which must be met before we are granted a certificate of occupancy; these, however, will be easily attended to in the next eleven months. As far as timing goes, you may actually see some preconstruction work occur as early as tomorrow (Monday), including the moving of a construction trailer on site; the placement of construction fencing and barriers, etc. After Easter, that is, once the Mylar's are signed by the appropriate town and archdiocesan officials and recorded with the county, actual construction should begin in earnest. It is foreseen that it will take eleven months to conclude construction. During construction the interruption of parish activities and ministries will be negligible. School and ministry activities will be able to take place as scheduled without interference. Access and egress traffic patterns will change a little, but not much. The north-south service road in the middle of the campus will be closed preventing cars from exiting north onto Arapahoe Rd. Persons will not be able to park on the north side of the ministry center and reach the church without walking all the way around the church (to the east) or back to the campus’ west drive. Those needing to access the Holy Family Hall kitchen or basement store room will still be able to do so from the north parking lot. Otherwise one should encounter no complications or construction headaches. I thank the Town of Foxfield for its partnership with the parish in this regard. Even moreso, I thank everyone in the parish and our partners in business who have worked hard and contributed to this project and to making Our Lady of Loreto Parish the holy, healthy, and growing Christian community that it is. Psalm 127 teaches us that “[u]nless the LORD build the house, those who build it labor in vain.” It is the LORD who has and continues to build the house of Loreto. We, you and I, are but his humble servants. And because the Lord builds this house it is built with firmer foundation, stronger walls, and a more secure roof. Congratulations to all who have anticipated this beginning and who look forward to its completion. May the LORD grant success to the works of our hands. Father Ed G UIDED BY THE H OLY S PIRIT , O UR L ADY OF L ORETO C ATHOLIC P ARISH IS A E UCHARISTIC COMMUNITY THAT SEEKS TO LIVE THE WORD OF G OD , INSTILL THE LEGACY OF FAITH , AND PROCLAIM THE LOVE OF THROUGH SERVICE C HRIST TO ALL . Adult Formation This Week: Sunday: RCIA, 9:00am Mass w/Dismissal—Session in JPII RCIA Thank you!! The RCIA sponsors and team offer our thanks to all those present at the Masses for the past four Sundays. Also our thanks to the parish community as a whole, who prayed for and with our candidates during the RCIA Penitential Rite and our elect during the RCIA Scrutinies. Please continue to pray for our elect and candidates as they enter their final week of preparation for the sacraments of initiation. For more information on the RCIA process, please contact: Shirley McDermott at 303-414-2255 or Mar 20 “OCEAN OF MERCY” DVD 3 Lives 1 Vision—No Limits Mar 24-26 The Easter Triduum This Week: March 20th Sunday: RCIC Class, Room 112 RCIT Class, Room 111 Monday: First Eucharist Classes, 5:45-7:00 Tuesday: RE Classes, No Class/Holy Week RCIC and RCIT March 24: Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lords Supper, 7pm March 25: Divine Mercy and Stations, 3pm Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion, 7pm March 26: Rehearsal: Sponsors & Godparents, 10am, Church April 1: Rehearsal Baptized Candidates at 6:30pm April 2: Candidates Mass, First Eucharist/Confirmation, 10am 2nd and 3rd First Eucharist Classes March 21: We have class this Monday March 28: No class/Happy Easter April 4th: Children have class/Parents have “Parent Night” in Holy Family Hall with Deacon Mike. RE K, 1st and 3-6 grade No class this week. Please attend Triduum celebrations. RE Family Retreat RE Family Retreat it will be re-scheduled date TBD. Keep an eye on the Bulletin! “Ocean of Mercy” DVD available on Formed The story of St. Pope John Paul II, St. Faustina, St. Maximillian Colby, and Divine Mercy FREE Access at Parish code BJ6J9M" What is the message of mercy? God is merciful! He is love itself poured out for us and He wants no one to escape that merciful love. God wants us to turn to Him with trust and repentance while it is still a time of mercy, before He comes as the just Judge. This turning with trust to Him who is Mercy itself is the only source of peace for mankind. Turning to and imploring God’s mercy is the answer to the troubled world. Jesus, I trust in You. to light the spiritual reality for parents CHILDREN & FAMILY FORMATION Divine Mercy Sunday Novena begins on Good Friday and ends with celebration on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3rd. A plenary indulgence (the forgiveness of all temporal punishment resulting from sins that have already been confessed) is granted on the Feast of Divine Mercy if to all the faithful who go to Confession, receive Holy Communion, pray for the intentions of the Holy Father, and "in any church or chapel, in a spirit that is completely detached from the affection for a sin, even a venial sin, take part in the prayers and devotions held in honor of Divine Mercy, or who, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed or reserved in the tabernacle, recite the Our Father and the Creed, adding a devout prayer to the merciful Lord Jesus (e.g. 'Merciful Jesus, I trust in you!')." The 3 O'Clock Devotion: Saint Faustina recorded these words of Our Lord in her diary: "At 3 O’clock, implore My mercy, especially for sinners; and, if only for a brief moment, immerse yourself in My passion, particularly in My abandonment at the moment of agony. This is the hour of great mercy for the whole world. I will allow you to enter into My mortal sorrow. In this hour, I will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request of Me in virtue of My Passion." From this has come the practice of reciting the Divine Mercy Chaplet every day at 3 P.M. Easter Celebration Continue your Easter celebration the day after: Monday, March 28th, 7pm-8pm in the church Eucharistic Adoration, Exposition & Benediction along with moving, professionally led worship music, and thoughtful reflection. We call it Infinite. Open to all ages! Families are encouraged to attend and pray together. Teens and families are especially invited, but this is a parish-wide event. YOUTH MINISTRY This Week: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: High School Youth Group, 7pm, JPII 6th Grade Youth Group, 7pm, JPII Confirmation Track 1, 7pm, JPII No 7th & 8th Grade Youth Group Spring Break There will be no 7th & 8th grade youth group on Holy Thursday, 3/24. All groups will NOT meet during Spring Break, March 28 through April 1. Join us for Infinite Adoration & Praise on Monday, March 28th instead! Need more info? Contact Brad at SOCIAL MINISTRIES LITURGY & MUSIC This Week: Tuesday: Treble Choir - Probationers & Novices, 5:00pm Cantati Loreti, 7:00pm Wednesday: Holy Thursday rehearsal, 4:00 PM - church Good Friday rehearsal, 4:30 PM - church Saturday: Easter Vigil rehearsal, 9:00 AM - church All rehearsals are in Room 107 of the St. Joseph Ministry Center. Easter plants & decor donations—Help us decorate the church for Easter! Today is the deadline for Easter décor donations to be acknowledged in the bulletin! Each $35 donation can be in honor of, or in memory of, a loved one. To sponsor our Easter decor, please fill out an “Easter Plants & Decorations” form (on a table in the narthex) and enclose it with your donation in an envelope. Please place all envelopes in the collection basket at Mass. Submit donations no later than today, March 20, to be acknowledged in the bulletin. As always, your generosity is greatly appreciated! Bring back your palms! Today’s the day to bring your old palms back to church! Leave the old palms and take new palms! The old palms will return as ashes for Ash Wednesday 2017. This Week: Monday: St Vincent de Paul Conf Mtg, 7 PM, RGA Saturday: Food Band of the Rockies Mobile Food Bank, 2PM, West Parking Lot Quote: Let us treat others with the same passion and compassion with which we want to be treated. ...if we want life, let us give life. ...The Golden Rule also reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of its development. — Pope Francis, Visit to the Joint Session of the United States Congress (9/24/16) St Vincent de Paul Holy Thursday Food Drive: Items needed: Peanut Butter, Jelly/Jam, Cold Cereals (Cheerios, Raisin Bran, Wheaties, Corn Flakes, Chex), Hot Cereals (Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat), Pasta and Pasta Sauces, Canned Pasta, Boxed Macaroni and Cheese, Hamburger Helper & One-Step Casserole Mixes, Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables (no corn or green beans pls), Canned chili w beans, baked beans, Canned Soups & Stews, Mayonnaise. Please no glass containers — and no expired or about to expire items 8th Grade, Language Arts Teacher Opening for the 2016-2017 School Year Our Lady of Loreto Catholic School is hiring a 8th grade teacher for the 2016-17 school year. Please see below for a general outline of standards and competencies for this position. Candidates must have a current teaching license or qualify for the alternative licensure program. Interested candidates, send your cover letter and resume to Sr. Julia Balu, Principal, at Candidates must: Recognize and support the unique Catholic mission of the school, live Gospel values, and assume an active role in building the school’s faith community. Show instructional proficiency by effectively planning, demonstrating competence in the teaching process, and using effective methods of evaluation. Exhibit classroom management skills including a consistent discipline approach promoting self-direction and positive selfimage and maintaining a functional and pleasant learning environment. Work cooperatively and positively with administration, staff members, students and parents. Demonstrate a sense of professional responsibility and maintain a professional manner. OTHER EVENTS This Week: Sunday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Friday: Charismatic Prayer Group, 7pm, CW Legion of Mary, 7pm, RGB Father’s Challenge Weekend Mtg., 7pm, CO Bulletin Folding, 10:15am, CW Stations of the Cross, 3pm, Church Good Friday Service, 7pm, Church Charismatic Prayer Ministry All are welcome to join us today, Sunday, March 20th at 7:00 p.m in the CHAPEL OF THE WORD for prayer, praise and worship. Our guest speaker will be Margaret DeCrescentis. She will be sharing with us about her Mission of Mercy in Kenya. For more information contact Vicky at 303.699.8927 Cookies, Sandwiches and More provides food for the Holy Ghost Sandwich Line in downtown Denver. Please leave your peanut butter and jelly/honey sandwiches or cookies in the outer entryway to the Adoration Chapel over the weekend of March 26-27. The items will be picked up after 6:30 PM on Sunday. If you have questions, please contact Sarah Warren at OLOL will staff the Soup Kitchen on Fri March 25. Volunteers are needed to help prepare food from 9:00am - 1pm and serve from 2:00pm - 5:00pm. If you wish to volunteer, or have any questions, please call Rosanne at 303-699-9245/720-318-8886. OLOL SCHOOL Upcoming events: March 24th Holy Thursday - NOON DISMISSAL NO SCHOOL MASS March 18-April 1 Easter Break—NO SCHOOL Springtime in Paris Gala - Tickets can now be purchased online on the church website. $125 each or a table of 10 for $1500. REMINDER: There will be no 8:30 school Mass on Holy Thursday, or the week of Easter Break. REGISTRATION NOW OPEN TO ALL FOR THE 20162017 SCHOOL YEAR Registration packets can be found on our school website. If you have questions, call the school office at 303-9518330. $5000 CASH or $5000 Tuition Raffle Tickets on Sale NOW! Contact Cheryl at 720-391-1857 or Rachal at for tickets. Ladies Auxiliary The Ladies Auxiliary meets in the Holy Family Hall on the 2nd Monday of the month. Our next meeting will be on Mon. April 11th. We gather at 6:30 for a social and the meeting begins at 7:00 pm. All women of the parish are invited and encouraged to attend. Join us in April as we welcome our guest speakers Brad and Joia Farmer, OLOL youth directors. Joia is also in charge of putting the parish communications including the bulletin. We are looking forward to hearing them speak. Some of our Ladies Auxiliary members are part of the living rosary, which began in 1940 in Poland by praying one decade each day. If more women would like to participate they can contact Mickey at 303-400-5957 The Ladies Endow group is currently studying St. Thomas Aquinas (section 1 of 2) in the Narthex Sacristy weekly on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. If you’re interested in joining please email Cynthia Winslow at: or call her at 303.330.3430 A Holy Week Prayer with the Regis Jesuit High School Canta Belles: Tuesday, 3/22, at 7:00 pm. Regis Jesuit High School will present its annual Holy Week Prayer with the Canta Belles, a musical interpretation of the Passion of Jesus Christ, in the school’s Blessed Rupert Mayer Chapel located in the Girls Division building. Through the Gospels and sacred choral repertoire, RJ’s advanced all-women's SPRINGTIME IN PARIS GALA TICKETS Tickets available this weekend in the narthex! This year we are honoring a wonderful hero in our community, Andy Fitzgerald. In February of 1952, one of the worst storms to ever hit the East Coast struck New England, damaging an oil tanker off the coast of Cape Cod and literally ripping it in half. On a small lifeboat faced with frigid temperatures and 70foot high waves, four members of the Coast Guard set out to rescue the more than 30 stranded sailors trapped aboard the rapidly-sinking vessel. Andy is the the only living member of the rescue team. We will have the opportunity to celebrate his heroics while we raise funds on April 23rd at the Inverness Hotel. Knights of Columbus Council 12336 UPCOMING KNIGHTS ACTIVITIES: 3rd ANNUAL MARDI GRAS CASINO FUNDRAISER SATURDAY, APRIL 9,2016 This event will benefit Catholic Charities/Little Flower & the OLoL Life Closet - which provides food, clothing and counselling to those in need in the Aurora area $20.00 per person includes transportation, $5.00 food credit, $5.00 Quick Play & moreBus departs OLoL parking lot at 9 AM and returns approximately 5 PM Tickets & more details are available at the Knight’s Fish Fries or by contacting Dale Hutchinson 303-693-0638 or ( or Mike Zapfe 303-840-3442 or ( Saturday, April 23rd 5- 0pm Silent Auction and followed by a Live ner Inverness Hotel Tickets are $125 Cocktails Auction and Din- From Knights to Christ: “The only important decision we have to make is to live with God; He will make all the rest.” Author unknown per person, or DID YOU KNOW Our Lady of Loreto tithes back to God 10% of each Sunday’s offertory collection ? The funds are used to support “special collections” designated by the United States Council of Catholic Bishops and the Archdiocese of Denver such as World Mission Sunday, Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Holy Land Support, Catholic Relief Services, Black & Indian Missions, etc. They are also used for various charities selected by Our Lady of Loreto including St Vincent de Paul, Life Closet, Ridgeview Academy, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, and many others. Give electronically at www.OurLadyof or via your smart phone. GIFTS OF TREASURE Offertory Week of March 13th, 2016 Adults Children YTD Actual Offertory YTD Budgeted $53,618 $276 $2,015,320 $1,980,000 (Fiscal year 7/1/15-6/30/16) Capital Funding - Ministry Center West Wing Savings currently held for construction Building an Inheritance of Hope (BIH) anticipated pledges to be collected Total construction funding Project expenses paid from BIH contributions $3,862,000 3,950,000 $7,812,000 $340,000 Debt Debt on Church Mortgage payable through 2031* Debt on St. Joseph Ministry Center Bridge loan payable through 2023** Total Debt Our Lady of Loreto Parish * Pre-payment of mortgage would incur substantial penalties. ** It is to OLOL’s advantage to hold this loan to maturity due to its favorable rate and terms. $7,267,000 1,383,000 $8,650,000
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