Dec 2014/Jan 2015 - Waukesha Old Car Club


Dec 2014/Jan 2015 - Waukesha Old Car Club
Waukesha Old Car Club
December 2014
Waukesha Old Car Club
PO Box 645
Waukesha, WI 53187
Cover Pictures
Factory Five Kit Car owned by
Jerry and Gayle Oesterreich
Ron Wichinski
Vice President
Steve Heinemann
Jim Young
Roy Tomasczak
Board Members
Joe Couture
Nic Gengler
Jim Haas
Victor Perugini
Harry Rozanski
Bob Schumann
Wes Sodemann
Mel Stark
Tom Sznaider
Frank Wilke
Editor/Board Member at Large
Bob Merner
Member dues are $25.00 per year and are due
on February 15 of each year. Members receive
a 50% discount on dues by working a minimum of 4 hours for the club throughout the
year. Members who have not paid their dues
by the due date will not receive credit for
hours worked and will have their name removed from the roster.
Club Meetings
The club meets the second
month at 7:30pm at Fox
The board meets the first
month at 7:00pm at Fox
Monday of the
Run Lanes in
Monday of the
Run Lanes in
Spark and Sputter
The club newsletter is published 6 times a
year on the even numbered months. The
deadline for putting articles and photos in the
newsletter is 2 weeks prior to the newsletter
being published.
Send items to be published to Bob Merner or
email at
I first thought about building a car from scratch in the early
60's when I was attending Milwaukee Institute of
Technology. I took the engine from my '56 Chevy to
school, rebuilt it and reinstalled it in my car. It actually ran!
I had a lot of fun with that car, until the trunk fell out and I
had to look elsewhere for driving entertainment. I heard
about an company called Fibre Fab, and got some literature
from them on how to build a sports car. One of the guys I
worked with at the gas station said he knew of a Triumph
TR3 being parted out. I ended up buying its rolling chassis.
I had it media blasted and primed and then it got parked
behind the gas station. However, I needed something to
drive in the meantime. I found a '57 Corvette with fuel
injection to drive, for $788 and sold the '56 Chevy. Two
years later, in 1966, with the TR3 chassis still behind the
gas station with no Fibre Fab body, I found myself in the
U.S Navy on the way to Vietnam, and my Corvette up on
blocks in my parents' driveway. Two years later, after my
stint in the Navy, I returned to my old job, sold the TR3
chassis, and that was the end of that project.
Many years later, after having been married to my wife
Gayle for 37 years, who also enjoys special cars, and
buying a retirement home in Virginia, I had to look forward
to the task of hauling the Corvette and all it's many spare
parts collected over the years to Virginia. I reluctantly
decided to sell the Corvette. Well, plans change. We are
still in Wisconsin. We still have the second home in Virginia
but not the Corvette. So in 2007 I started looking for a
replacement. Factory Five Racing caught my attention and
my research helped me make up my mind. Steve
Heinemann told me about Wes Sodemann, who was in the
process of building a Factory Five Daytona Coupe. He
suggested we go visit him at his shop. It turned out to be a
great idea. Wes gave me some wonderful hints on
constructing a car from scratch.
The next year, after more research, I ordered a Factory
Five Mark 3.1 Roadster, which replicates the 1965 Cobra,
and is designed to use a Mustang as a donor car. Since I
ordered what was designated as a "complete" kit, it needed
fewer donor parts from the Mustang. Therefore, I only
needed the engine, transmission, PCM, wiring harnesses
(to be modified), fuse panels, fuel pump driver module,
and a few other items. Also, wheels and tires were
reuseable. Since donor Mustangs are more rare and costly,
I decided to use a 1997 Lincoln MK VIII as a donor for the
4.6 liter engine and the automatic transmission. I
purchased new wheels and tires. I used run-flat tires, since
there is definitely no room in the trunk for a spare. Dyno
tuning took it's toll on the transmission and it had to be
replaced. A new convertible top was installed, along with a
passenger side roll bar and heated seats. So after 5 years,
the Cobra was titled, licensed, insured and legally ready to
drive. It may not have anything more than a flat-black
primer finish, but it drives well and gets a lot of
"Thumbs up" and "Nice Car".
WAUKESHA OLD CAR CLUB Regular Meeting October 13, 2014
The meeting was called to order. Officers and Board members were introduced there were no new members or
guests present at the meeting.
Sunshine Committee– no report, all is good!
Secretary’s Report– Roy Tomasczak read the minutes from the September meeting. The minutes were accepted
as presented
Treasurer’s Report– Jim Young gave a treasurer’s report for the month of September. He had just received the
invoice for the food at the car show. The report was accepted as presented.
Vice-President’s Report– Steve Heinemann reported that he had received an application for a new member. He
is now collecting dues for 2015. He asked that you submit either the correct change or pay by check as it is
difficult to make change. He has club hats for sale. They are available in khaki/ black or tan the cost is $12.00
each. He encouraged members to visit the club website and to submit pictures of their vehicles to be included in
the section labeled member cars.
President’s Report– Ron Wichinski had no report however he talked about the Fall Tour to Doc’s Harley-Davidson
near Shawano, he said that it was a nice day but chilly. See pictures on page 3.
Committee Reports
Len Litt and Tom Garibaldi talked about the Halloween Party. It will be held at the Eagles Club on Grandview
Blvd. It will take place from 7-11pm on November 1, the cost is $6.00 per person in advance or at the door. It is
open to the public so bring your friends. There will be snacks and drinks available but no other food. There will be
cash prizes for the best costumes, $75.00 for First, $50.00 for Second and $25.00 for Third. Music will be provided
by Nostalgia. We will be inviting other clubs.
Tom Garibaldi reported that the Picnic and Auction went well. It was attended by approximately 75 members
who enjoyed the nice day, all the wonderful food and all the treasures that were auctioned off. The high bidder for
Nancy Kelly’s doll was Donna Young. The club matches the high bid and that amount is donated to the charities of
Nancy’s choice. This year the money was donated to St. Vincent DePaul / St Anthony’s by the Lake.
Tom Garibaldi recapped the Wade House Cruise. He had 19 members attend. The tour lasted approximately two
hours, and they had the lunch prepared ahead of time so that there was no waiting. The Wade House was an early
transportation center, that was the crossing of two train lines. The facility was restored by the Kohler Foundation.
Next year they hope to go in September during the Civil War reenactment. See pictures on page 3.
Bob Wiesenthal said that Jefferson Swap Meet was great. A little dry and dusty, but that is much better than the
cold and rain that sometimes occurs. A special thanks to those who came early Friday morning to set up the tent
and those who took it down on Sunday.
Mel Stark talked about the Member Appreciation Banquet. It will be held February 28, 2015. It is being held on
that date so as not to conflict with the World of Wheels Show at State Fair. Everything remains the same as last
year. $20.00 per person or $40.00 per couple. Mel will have tickets available at the December meeting. No tickets
will be sold after February 21, as Mel needs a head count for the dinner. Just a note, Pano’s has a 75 head count
minimum for the hall and dinner. Last year we only had 68 members attend. For more details see page 7.
WAUKESHA OLD CAR CLUB Regular Meeting November 10, 2014
The meeting was called to order. Officers and Board members and guests were introduced. We had two new
members at the meeting. Ryan and Christine Wiley have just joined and they have a 1985 Cadillac Seville.
Sunshine Committee– Reported that Mike “Tank” Ksicinski was in the hospital to have a tumor removed. He is
back home and on the mend.
Secretary’s Report– Roy Tomasczak was not a the meeting therefore no secretary’s report was given.
Treasurer’s Report– Jim Young gave a report of income and expenses for the month of October. Jim reminded
the members that the club annually donates to 6 charities in Waukesha. He will be passing the “can” at tonight’s
meeting and at the December meeting. The money collected will be added to the money donated from the club.
The local charities that are supported are Waukesha Food Pantry, Hebron House, Waukesha Women’s Center,
Christmas Clearing Council, St. Vincent DePaul and Salvation Army. The club only supports charities where the
donations remain in Waukesha
Vice-President’s Report– Steve Heinemann said he is collecting dues for 2015. He asked that you pay with a
check or the correct amount as sometimes he is unable to make change. The Waukesha Christmas Parade will be
November 23. We will be unit #14 and be lining up on Whiterock Avenue. The club website is up and running. We
are looking for more members to submit pictures of their cars and information for the site.
President’s Report– no report
Committee Reports
Halloween Party was well attended by approximately 170 members and non members
Election of Officers and Board members
At the December meeting we will be electing a new president and a new secretary and five
board members. (President) Ron Wichinski and (Secretary) Roy Tomaczak have both indicated that they will not be seeking reelection. Jim Haas, Bob Schuman and Victor Perugini
have indicated that they will accept a nomination for a position on the board. Any member is
eligible to run for office. You can nominate yourself or someone else.
Come Join the Fun
Waukesha Old Car Club
Member Appreciation Banquet
Where: Bullwinkle’s (Pano’s Char House)
20290 W Bluemound Road
(same location as past few years)
When: Saturday, February 28, 2015
Cocktails at 6pm with dinner at 7pm
Purchase tickets from Mel Stark at
the club meetings, by mail or by phone
Member tickets are $20.00 per person
Or $40.00 per couple
No tickets sold after February 21, 2015
Open to Members only.
Gene and Sue Blaedow
35 year pin
Mel and Marge Stark
35 year pin
Bob and Sue Mangan
25 year pin
Ron and Bonnie Herman
10 year pin
Jim and LuAnne Holsen
10 year pin
Greg LaFratta
10 year pin
Tim and Judie Parworth
10 year pin
Tom and Trina Sznaider
10 year pin
Jon Weisenthal
10 year pin
Al Wisch and Patti Pearson
10 year pin
Tony and Sue Crimi
5 year pin
William Hatcher
5 year pin
Chadwick and Amy Niles
5 year pin
If you have an item to sell
contact Bob Merner at
to have it included in the newsletter.
It will be listed it in two consecutive newsletters as
space allows.
Swap Space
For Sale: 1985 Chevrolet IROC Camaro, 305 TPI,
P/S P/B, P/W, T-Tops, fresh repaint, southern car no
rust ever Asking $5,298.00 Contact Jerry Kawatski
@ (days) 262-547-1771, (evening) 262-547-1621
For Sale:1961 Cadillac Coupe DeVille, original 59,000
mile Canada car, fresh repaint no rust ever Asking
$21,980.00 Contact Jerry Kawatski @ (days) 262-5471771, (evening) 262-547-1621
In March we will again be publishing a roster based on
the information that we have on file. In order to have the
most accurate roster possible we are asking every
member to review their 2014 roster and use the form
below to make necessary changes for the 2015 roster.
The form can then be submitted to the Vice President.
Advertise your business here
The newsletter is published bi-monthly.
The newsletter is provided to all members.
The newsletter can be also be found
on the club website
The cost for a business card ad is $60.00 per year
Contact the Club for more information
PO Box 645
Waukesha, WI 53187
December 1
Board Meeting
December 8
Membership Meeting (Election & Pizza)
January 5
Board Meeting
January 12
Membership Meeting
February 28
Member Appreciation Banquet
March 20

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