Feb 2015/Mar 2015 - Waukesha Old Car Club


Feb 2015/Mar 2015 - Waukesha Old Car Club
Spark and Sputter
Waukesha Old Car Club
February 2015 — March 2015
Cover Pictures
Owned by Roy and Jan Rathke
Jerry Kawatski
Vice President
Steve Heinemann
Jim Young
Mel Stark
Board Members
Joe Couture
Nic Gengler
Jim Haas
Victor Perugini
Al Schultz
Bob Schumann
Mel Stark
Mark Steffen
Tom Sznaider
Frank Wilke
Editor/Board Member at Large
Bob Merner
Member dues are $25.00 per year and are due
on February 15 of each year. Members receive
a 50% discount on dues by working a minimum of 4 hours for the club throughout the
year. Members who have not paid their dues
by the due date will not receive credit for
hours worked and will have their name removed from the roster.
Fords were all new in 1935,
longer, wider, more stylish,
with ‘Center Poise’ ride.
Their theme was ‘Greater
Beauty’ ‘Greater Comfort’
and Greater Safety. This
Deluxe 5 window coupe was
one of the best looking models made that year.
Interior: Mohair Tan
Engine: Flathead V-8
Displacement: 221 CID
Horsepower: 85
Weight: 2643 lbs.
Wheelbase: 112 Inches
New car sales plummeted during the Great Depression but
this cars good looks brought its sales past that of Ford’s rival,
Chevrolet. This was the only year Ford out-sold Chevrolet
during the 1930’s.
Among the cars earliest champions were lawmen who used its
explosive speed to chase crooks and the crooks who stole
them to outrun the law. Public Enemy, John Dillinger wrote a
letter to Henry Ford stating that he preferred stealing Fords
because their V-8 engine could out run any car.
Our 5 window coupe was featured in the movie Public Enemies. I can be seen driving past the Biograph Theater where
John Dillinger was shot. Blink your eyes and you’ll miss seeing
it. Even though Dillinger was killed in 1934, cars for the movie
included cars through 1935 and 1936 due to the difficulty in
finding original cars from that era.
Club Meetings
The club meets the second
month at 7:30pm at Fox
The board meets the first
month at 7:00pm at Fox
Monday of the
Run Lanes in
Monday of the
Run Lanes in
This was the last year to feature exposed horns. The
Standard model had one black horn and the Deluxe model
had two chrome horns.
Pin stripping on the car was done by two men. One on
each side of the car as it left the assembly line.
The Ford Deluxe Coupe sold for approximately $500.00.
Whitewalls were extra. The optional radio was a $50.00.
The depression made the optional radio very rare and
hard to find today. Especially hard to find is the speaker
that is mounted between the sun visors.
Spark and Sputter
The club newsletter is published 6 times a
year on the even numbered months. The
deadline for putting articles and photos in the
newsletter is 2 weeks prior to the newsletter
being published.
Send items to be published to Bob Merner or
email at romer512@gmail.com
This was the last year wire wheels were produced by
Ford. In 1935 they were available in Black, Red or Apple
Come Join the Fun
Waukesha Old Car Club
Member Appreciation Banquet
Where: Bullwinkle’s (Pano’s Char House)
20290 W Bluemound Road
(same location as past few years)
When: Saturday, February 28, 2015
Cocktails at 6pm with dinner at 7pm
Purchase tickets from Mel Stark at
the club meetings, by mail or by phone
Member tickets are $20.00 per person
Or $40.00 per couple
No tickets sold after February 21, 2015
Open to Members only.
ds !
Gene and Sue Blaedow
35 year pin
Mel and Marge Stark
35 year pin
Bob and Sue Mangan
25 year pin
Ron and Bonnie Herman
10 year pin
Jim and LuAnne Holsen
10 year pin
Greg LaFratta
10 year pin
Tim and Judie Parworth
10 year pin
Tom and Trina Sznaider
10 year pin
Jon Weisenthal
10 year pin
Al Wisch and Patti Pearson
10 year pin
Tony and Sue Crimi
5 year pin
William Hatcher
5 year pin
Chadwick and Amy Niles
5 year pin
WAUKESHA OLD CAR CLUB Regular Meeting December 8, 2014
The meeting was called to order. Officers and Board members were introduced. There were no new members or
guests present at the meeting.
Sunshine Committee– no report.
Secretary’s Report– Roy Tomasczak said that he was not at the November meeting, therefore, he had no
Treasurer’s Report– Jim Young gave a treasurer’s report for the month of November. He said that he will be
passing the can at this meeting to collect money for charity. The money collected will be added to the money that
the club budgets each year to donate to six Waukesha charities.
Vice-President’s Report– Steve Heinemann reported that he has hats for sale. He is looking for sponsors for the
Spark and Sputter. If you have a business or know of a business that would like to advertise in the Spark and
Sputter email or call him with the name and contact information. He is currently collecting dues for 2015. Dues are
$25.00 per year. Members are eligible for a 50% discount if they worked a minimum of 4 hours for the club. A
typical member family pays $12.50 in dues and receives back $55.00 in benefits from the club.
President’s Report– Ron Wichinski reported that this was his last meeting as president and wanted to thank the
membership, the board and the officers for their help and cooperation during his time as president.
Committee Reports
Mel Stark talked about the Member Appreciation Banquet. It will be held February 28, 2015 at Panos Steak
House, same as last year. It is being held on that date so as not to conflict with the World of Wheels Show at State
Fair. Everything remains the same, $20.00 per person or $40.00 per couple. The actual cost to the club is $33.00
per person. The club makes up the difference. Mel will have tickets available at every meeting between now and
February 21. No tickets will be sold after February 21, as Mel needs a head count for the dinner. Just a note,
Pano’s has a 75 person minimum for the dinner. Last year we only had 68 members attend. For more details see
page 3.
Christmas Parade, Mel Stark reported that his car was the only vehicle from the club in this years parade. The
inclement weather kept other members from bringing out their cars.
Other Business
Tim Hunkins is stepping down as Door Prize chairperson. Jim Haas volunteered to fill that position.
Chuck Krebs, owner of CJ Automotive, a long time sponsor of the club is in the hospital with stage 4 cancer.
Ron Wichinski said that the Board is looking at some summer activities. One of the ideas that was discussed was a
cruise to a drive-in movie in either Jefferson or Racine. Also it was asked if members would be interested in having
a movie shown in the meeting room after the club meeting.
The club is looking for a chairperson or persons for a revised Sock Hop. The question was asked, does the club
have a written procedure for a potential chairperson to follow? The answer was none that anyone was aware of but
there is a possibility that one could be created. Because the fate of the Sock Hop is in limbo the board is exploring
ideas as to how the club can make up some of the income lost by not having the Sock Hop. One idea presented
was to raise the dues from $25.00 to $40.00.
WAUKESHA OLD CAR CLUB Regular Meeting January 12, 2015
The meeting was called to order. Officers and Board members and guests were introduced. We had a new member
at the meeting. Dan Parworth has just joined and has a 1969 Chevelle convertible.
Sunshine Committee– Reported that the club sent flowers to Bob Wiesenthal’s funeral.
Secretary’s Report– There was no secretary’s report.
Treasurer’s Report– Jim Young started his report by asking the members for a moment of silence to pay respect
to Bob Wiesental who passed away on December 31. Jim continued his report summarizing the income and
expenses for the month of December. The treasurer's report was accepted as presented.
Vice-President’s Report– Steve Heinemann said he is collecting dues for 2015. He said that as of this meeting
approximately 25% of the members have not paid their dues. Steve reminded everyone that if you have roster
changes to use the form that is in the Spark and Sputter. The form can be mailed to the club post office box or you
can email the changes to stevewocc@yahoo.com.
President’s Report– Jerry Kawatski asked for a volunteer to be club secretary because we were unable to fill the
position at the December meeting. Mel Stark volunteered to fill the position. Thanks Mel…. Jerry said the board is
looking at reducing the number of board members from 10 to 5. We had 10 when the club was much larger but
with less members we don’t require that many members on the board. The change would require an amendment
to the by-laws. Jerry also said the board is looking into raising the dues from $25.00 to $40.00 per year. The 50%
discount for working a minimum of 4 hours for the club would still apply. This would not require a by-law change.
A motion was made to raise the dues. It was seconded and a vote was taken. The motion passed. The dues
beginning in 2016 will be $40.00 per year.
Committee Reports
Mel Stark talked about the Appreciation Banquet. It will be at Pano’s Restaurant. The meal will be prime rib and
chicken with the usual sides and dessert. The cost is $20.00 per person. We need of 75 members to attend to
make the minimum. The banquet includes the dinner, beer and soda and a nice evening of visiting.
Jerry Kawatski asked for volunteers to be the Audit Committee. Bob Boehnen, Dan Eilbes and Len Litt
volunteered. They will coordinate with the Treasurer to set up a time and location the annual audit of the books.
New Business
Al Schultz brought up an idea for the club to have a plaque listing the names of members who have passed. Mel
Stark said that the club tried that in the past but because of the confusion as to what would be the criteria for
putting someone’s name on the plaque the whole idea was dropped.
My Garage at Streetworks
Streetworks is located a 212 E. North Street in Waukesha. The date is February 14, 2015 from 9am
till noon. WOCC will be providing coffee, juice and donuts during you visit. The best place to park is
in the shopping center across the street.
2015 Officers and Board member
Jerry Kawatski President
Mel Stark Secretary
Joe Couture Board Member
Jim Haas Board Member
Al Schultz Board Member
Mel Stark Board Member
Tom Szniader Board Member
Steve Heinemann Vice President
Jim Young Treasurer
Nic Gengler Board Member
Victor Perugini Board Member
Bob Schumann Board Member
Mark Steffen Board Member
Frank Wilke Board Member
Bob “Weasy” Wiesenthal
Charter Member
Waukesha Olde Car Club
1944 — 2014
Swap Space
If you have an item to sell
contact Bob Merner at romer512@gmail.com
to have it included in the newsletter.
It will be listed it in two consecutive newsletters as
space allows.
Greater Milwaukee Indoor Swap Meet
Washington County Fair Grounds
3000 County Hwy PV
West Bend, WI
February 22, 2015 8:00am-2:00pm
General admission $6.00
For Sale: 1985 Chevrolet IROC Camaro, 305 TPI,
P/S P/B, P/W, T-Tops, fresh repaint, southern car no rust ever
Asking $5,298.00 Contact Jerry Kawatski 262-547-1621
In March we will again be publishing a roster based on the information that we have on file. In order to have
the most accurate roster possible we are asking every member to review their 2014 roster and use the form
below to make necessary changes for the 2015 roster. The form can then be submitted to the Vice President.
Advertise your business here
The newsletter is published bi-monthly.
The newsletter is provided to all members.
The newsletter can be also be found
on the club website
The cost for a business card ad is $60.00 per year
Contact the Club for more information
PO Box 645
Waukesha, WI 53187
February 2
Board Meeting
February 9
Membership Meeting
February 14
February 14
My Garage at Streetworks, Waukesha page 5
February 20-22
World of Wheels at State Fair Park page 9
February 22
Greater Milwaukee Swap Meet, Washington Co Fair Grounds page 9
February 28
Member Appreciation Banquet page 3
March 2
Board Meeting
March 9
Membership Meeting
March 20