New Student`s Guide (pdf version)
New Student`s Guide (pdf version)
A NEW STUDENT’S GUIDE TO LIBRARY AND IT SERVICES 2015/2016 Information Services CONTENTS About this Guide ............................................................................ 3 1. Study Locations .............................................................................. 4 1.1 Opening Hours ........................................................................................................ 5 1.2 Group Study Rooms ................................................................................................. 6 2. Considerate Studying ..................................................................... 7 3. Getting Help and Advice ................................................................ 8 3.1 IT Training and ECDL ................................................................................................ 9 3.2 Students with Disabilities....................................................................................... 10 4. Student Computing ...................................................................... 11 4.1 Finding a Computer ............................................................................................... 11 4.2 Logging into the Computers ................................................................................... 13 4.3 Wireless Network Access (WiFi) ............................................................................. 14 4.4 Your Queen’s Drive ................................................................................................ 16 4.5 Printing, Scanning and Photocopying ..................................................................... 17 4.6 Free Microsoft Office 365....................................................................................... 20 5. Email ........................................................................................... 21 5.1 Logging into your Queen’s Email ............................................................................ 21 5.2 Finding Out More .................................................................................................. 23 6. 7. Accessing Information Using Queen’s Online (QOL) ..................... 24 6.1 Accessing Queen’s Online ...................................................................................... 24 6.2 Course Materials on Queen’s Online ...................................................................... 26 6.3 IT Training Materials .............................................................................................. 29 6.4 Queen’s Drive Web Access ..................................................................................... 30 6.5 Qsis ....................................................................................................................... 32 6.6 Booking a Group Study Room in The McClay Library ............................................... 34 6.7 Changing your Password ........................................................................................ 35 6.8 Logging Out ........................................................................................................... 35 Your Student Smart Card.............................................................. 36 Page 1 7.1 What can I Use my Smart Card for? ........................................................................ 36 7.2 Managing your Smart Card through QOL ................................................................ 38 8. 9. Library Facilities ........................................................................... 42 8.1 How do I Find Books, DVDs, etc? ............................................................................ 42 8.2 Short Loan Material ............................................................................................... 46 8.3 How do I Find Journals? ......................................................................................... 47 Logging Off the Computers .......................................................... 49 Page 2 ABOUT THIS GUIDE Welcome to Queen’s! This guide provides you with information about the key Library and IT facilities you’ll need to use, now that you are a student at Queen’s. Useful information on the locations and opening hours of the Libraries and Student Computing Areas, how you can access the WiFi and where you can get help is included. Also, this guide will show you how to: Save files to your Queen’s drive (Q: Drive) Use your Queen’s email account Use Queen’s Online (QOL) to access module resources and manage your Student Smart Card Search for an item in QCat Library Catalogue As we are continually updating the facilities available to students, the information in this guide is subject to change, so keep checking the Student and Library web pages. You can scan the QR codes shown - if you are not sure how QR codes work, go to You will see QR codes that link to useful videos and webpages throughout this guide and across the campus. For the latest news on the IT and Library facilities at Queen’s, you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter: BelfastLibrary Page 3 1. STUDY LOCATIONS There are lots of places on campus where you can study or work on assignments. In addition to the Libraries, there are Student Computing Areas (SCAs) situated throughout the campus where you can use computers for independent study, or you can book a group study room, equipped with a PC and whiteboard, for group work. The main study locations are: Watch our Getting Online short video for more information on the SCAs Page 4 1.1 OPENING HOURS The typical opening hours of the SCAs are listed below: Opening Hours: Teaching Weeks Location Mon – Thu Friday Saturday Sunday The McClay Library 08.00 – 02.00 08.00 – 02.00 10.00 – 02.00 12.00 – 02.00 Medical Biology Centre (MBC) The Medical Library (RVH) Peter Froggatt Centre (PFC) 08.00 – 22.00 08.30 – 21.00 08.30 – 21.00 08.00 – 22.00 08.30 – 18.00 08.30 – 21.00 08.00 – 18.00 09.30 – 12.30 08.00 – 18.00 Opening Hours: Non-Teaching Weeks Location Mon – Thu Friday Saturday Sunday The McClay Library 08.00 – 20.30 08.00 – 18.00 08.30 – 17.00 09.00 – 17.00 08.00 – 17.30 08.00 – 18.00 08.30 – 17.00 09.00 – 17.00 10.00 – 17.30 08.00 – 18.00 09.30 – 12.30 08.00 – 18.00 Medical Biology Centre (MBC) The Medical Library (RVH) Peter Froggatt Centre (PFC) Opening hours may vary from the above during examination periods and at other times outside of normal teaching weeks. You can check the current opening hours for the SCAs at: Note that Library and SCA opening hours may vary. For current Library opening hours, see: Page 5 1.2 GROUP STUDY ROOMS If you wish to study with some of your fellow students, for example to work on a group assignment or presentation, you can use a group study room. Group study rooms are available in The McClay Library, the Biomedical Library and the Medical Library. Note that group study rooms are not completely soundproof! Make sure that you do not disturb other students by t alking loudly and remember to enter and leave group study rooms in the libraries quietly. Don’t forget to turn off all equipment and leave the facilities as you would wish to find them. THE MCCLAY LIBRARY There are 23 group study rooms in The McClay Library which can be booked for up to three hours. Bookings can only be made for the same day or the following day and must be made through Queen’s Online (see Section 6.6). Group study rooms have a whiteboard, PC and a plasma screen/data projector and are suitable for groups of 2-13 people. BIOMEDICAL LIBRARY (MBC) There is one group study room in the Biomedical Library (MBC) which can be booked up to one week in advance at the Borrower Services Desk. MEDICAL LIBRARY (RVH) The Medical Library (Mulhouse Building, RVH) has three group study rooms which can be booked at the Borrower Services Desk up to two weeks in advance. Two of these contain a data projector but none have a PC in situ. However, laptops can be borrowed from the Borrower Services Desk if you need PC access in the group study rooms. Page 6 2. CONSIDERATE STUDYING The Libraries and Student Computing Areas (SCAs) are there to provide you with convenient facilities to assist you in your academic studies. We want all students to be able to work in a pleasant and quiet environment and you can help. Remember to: Switch your mobile phone to silent as soon as you enter a Library or SCA. Keep talking and noise to a minimum – you can book a group study room if you need to work with others. Eat only in designated areas (drinks with secure lids are permitted in all areas). Keep your password secret and log out of the computer before leaving – any misuse from your account is your responsibility. Keep your belongings with you at all times. Thieves work fast! Leave the equipment and facilities as you would like to find them – use the recycling bins provided. Show consideration for others by not lingering, especially during peak times when someone may be waiting for a PC or study space to finish important coursework. Always ask for permission before taking a photograph/video of someone. Respect copyright and codes of conduct for computer use. Please do not reserve computers or study spaces by leaving coats, bags or other personal items on chairs or desks. Items left unattended may be removed to allow other students to use the space and computers will automatically log out if left inactive for more than 20 minutes! NEED A BREAK? All the Libraries and SCAs have refreshment areas with vending machines or a café where you can go if you need to take a break. Please do not eat in the study areas as it is distracting to other students and may result in damage to furniture and equipment. Drinks with secure lids may be consumed in the study areas. EVACUATION AND FIRST AID Please make yourself aware of the first aid points and evacuation procedures in all buildings. In the case of an emergency, a continuous warning bell will ring and you should leave the building immediately. Any accident or sudden illness should be reported to any member of staff and assistance will be provided. Page 7 3. GETTING HELP AND ADVICE There are lots of sources of help and advice available to you. Further information about the Library and IT services, user guides and training resources can be accessed at any time from the websites and we will keep you up-to-date with any changes to our services through our Facebook and Twitter feeds: BelfastLibrary If you have a specific query, just ask a member of staff. We’re here to help! Library Assistants Enquiry Desks Your Subject Librarian Computer Helpdesk (IT Service Desk) Don’t forget to watch our Getting Help and Advice short video Page 8 3.1 IT TRAINING AND ECDL The IT Training and Assessment Unit, based in The McClay Library, can help you develop your IT skills. You can follow them on Twitter at @ITTrainAtQUB or on Facebook at for useful tips and advice. NEED TO SHARPEN UP YOUR IT SKILLS? The IT Training and Assessment Unit have developed a range of training materials aimed at providing you with the key IT skills you will need during your studies at Queen’s, including File Management, Word Processing, Spreadsheets and Presentations. These are available to download from the IT and Library Guides folder on your QOL Home page (see Section 6.3). GOT THE SKILLS? THEN PROVE IT! While at Queen’s, you may be interested in obtaining an additional qualification to prove your IT skills to future employers. Students can take the ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) or ECDL Advanced qualifications through the IT Training and Assessment Unit, allowing you to gain an internationally recognised IT qualification while studying at Queen’s. If you are working towards the Degree Plus Award, your ECDL accreditation will be formally recognised as one of your achievements. For more information contact or check out the website ( Page 9 3.2 STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES If you have any difficulties accessing any of our services due to a disability, please contact Disability Services by phoning 028 9097 2727 or by emailing Information Services will liaise with Disability Services, if necessary, to endeavour to resolve your query. All the computers in the SCAs have access to some Assistive Technology including screen reading software and reading and writing tools: ZoomText allows users with a visual impairment to access a PC through screen magnification and voice synthesizer feedback. ZoomText reads documents, web pages and email, which the user is able to listen to using headphones or the computer's speakers. Mindview is a visual learning tool widely used for building mind maps. Mind maps are diagrams used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged around a key word or idea. They can be used as an aid in study, organisation, problem solving, decision making, and writing. Read & Write Gold is a literacy support tool designed to assist users when reading or comparing text. Functions include text-to-speech, phonetic spell checker, word prediction, speaking dictionary and a scanning facility. The McClay Library also has the following equipment that may be of use to students: A Zoom-ex scanner is available to borrow from the Borrower Services Desk. This lightweight, portable scanner turns the computer it is used with into a scanner, reader and magnifier for blind or visually impaired students. A desktop CCTV magnifier is located on Floor 2 of The McClay Library. Adjustable tables are available on each floor of The McClay Library. For further information regarding Assistive Technology, visit the Disability Services website at the following address: Page 10 4. STUDENT COMPUTING During your studies you will be required to use computers regularly to check your emails, access module resources and produce assignments. This section provides you with some useful information about the IT facilities at Queen’s. 4.1 FINDING A COMPUTER You have plenty of choice in where you use the IT facilities at Queen’s. The table below lists the Student Computing Areas (SCAs) where you can access a desktop PC. SCA Room Type Location PCs Medical Biology Centre Teaching Room Open Access Group Study Teaching Room Peter Froggatt Centre (Floor 3) Teaching Room The McClay Library (All Floors) Open Access Anatomy Wing Anatomy Wing Biomedical Library 0G/108 0G/122 01/109A 01/109B 03/028 03/030 03/031 Extended Hours Area Atrium Language Lab 1 Resource Room Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Ground Floor Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Mulhouse Building 64 27 1 25 28 85 76 36 22 25 107 Teaching Room Open Access Medical Library (RVH) Group Study (1 PC per room rooms are bookable via QOL) Open Access 170+ 24 27 80+ 100+ 89+ 4 5 9 5 46 Teaching rooms are only available for independent study if they have NOT been booked for teaching. Check that a class is not in progress before entering a teaching room! To find out where there are free PCs in The McClay Library, go to: Page 11 Limited computer access is available on the ground floor of the Peter Froggatt Centre (PFC) and beside the Security Desk in the Medical Biology Centre (MBC). There are also some computers in The Space and The Enterprise Centre in the Students’ Union, and there is a computer suite with a Multi-Functional Device (MFD) for photocopying, scanning and printing in the Treehouse in Elms Village. There may be additional computing facilities available within your School. IT POLICIES As a student at Queen’s, you must abide by our Computer Resources – Acceptable Use Policy. This policy applies not just when you are using our equipment, but also when you are accessing our online facilities using your own device. You can download a copy of the policy, along with the Student Computing at Queen’s – Acceptable Use Guide at: Social media is becoming an important means of communication for staff and students at Queen’s and is a great way of keeping up-to-date with everything that is happening. Our Social Media Policy is there to help you to use social media in a way that will not adversely affect your studies or future career. You can download a copy of the Social Media policy, along with the Social Media Guide for Students at: Page 12 4.2 LOGGING INTO THE COMPUTERS To login to the computers at Queen’s (including Library laptops) you will need your username (student number) and your password. You must only login to the computers using your own username and password or a temporary username and password which have been given to you by a member of staff. You are responsible for all activity on your account. It is a disciplinary offence to allow someone else to use your username or password to access our facilities! HELP! I CAN’T GET LOGGED IN! If you have forgotten your password or it does not work, it will need to be reset. You can do this at the Information Desk in the Student Guidance Centre or the Computer Helpdesk (IT Service Desk) in The McClay Library. You will need your Smart Card for identification. For any other problems with your password, email or Queen’s Online account, contact the Computer Helpdesk (email: or telephone: 028 9097 3760). SOFTWARE AVAILABLE Once you have logged in, you can access a range of software including: Microsoft Office 2013 (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access) Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome Screen reading software and reading and writing tools SPSS (statistical package) Other software recommended by your tutors CD WRITING FACILITIES Desktop PCs in The McClay Library can read/write to CD and read DVDs. Page 13 4.3 WIRELESS NETWORK ACCESS (WIFI) If you have your own wireless-enabled laptop or mobile device, you can access WiFi in all locations across campus. To access the WiFi, select the _QUB_WiFi option on your device and follow the on-screen instructions. Using the WiFi service, you can use your own laptop, tablet or smartphone to access the Internet and other facilities, including your Queen’s drive (see Section 4.4) and your Queen’s email account (see Section 5). WiFi access via eduroam (education roaming) is available for QUB staff and students to use when visiting other eduroam-enabled educational organisations. For more information about the WiFi network and eduroam, go to: Desks with sockets are provided in various areas across campus – DO NOT unplug any equipment to charge your devices! To print from your laptop, or from a PC off-campus, go to: Mobile devices including smartphones can be connected to your email account. For instructions on how to do this, go to: If you have any problems connecting your device to the WiFi, bring it to the Computer Helpdesk (IT Service Desk) in The McClay Library and staff will check your settings. Page 14 WANT TO BORROW A LAPTOP TO STUDY IN THE LIBRARY? Laptops are available to borrow from The McClay Library, the Biomedical Library (MBC) and the Medical Library (RVH) for use within those Libraries. They have full WiFi network access and have the same facilities as the computers in the SCAs, including your Q: drive, email and Queen’s Online. Printing facilities are also available. Ask at the Borrower Services Desk in the Biomedical or Medical Libraries, or, in The McClay Library, use the self-service lockers on the ground floor. To operate the self-service lockers, just swipe you Smart Card in front of the reader. Watch our short video clip explaining how to use the library laptops Note! Use of WiFi network access at Queen’s is subject to the same policies as the other computing facilities. CAN I ACCESS THE INTERNET FROM THE HALLS? If you are staying in Queen’s accommodation, a networking and Internet package provided by the external commercial supplier Ask4 is included in your accommodation fee. This provides you with a dedicated Ethernet connection and WiFi access. For more information, go to the Queen’s Accommodation and Hospitality website at: Page 15 4.4 YOUR QUEEN’S DRIVE Once you have logged into the network at Queen’s, you can access your Queen’s (or Q:) Drive. This is 3Gb of network storage space for you to store your files and folders. If you are saving or opening a file from a computer in the SCAs, it will automatically default to the Q: Drive. Files saved to your Queen’s Drive cannot be viewed by other users but can be retrieved by you from any computer in the SCAs or, when off-campus, through the Queen’s Drive Web Access facility in Queen’s Online. A brief overview of this facility is provided in Section 6.4. If you download a file from the internet, make sure you save it to your Q:Drive if you want to keep a copy of it. Files saved to the temporary Downloads folder will be deleted as soon as you logout! It is recommended that you use your relating to your studies. You may work to a USB flash drive; however, can stop working unexpectedly Queen’s Drive to store any documents also wish to save a back-up copy of your you should be aware that USB drives and are easily misplaced! Your Queen’s Drive is a secure area for you to store files relating to your studies and should not be used to store music files, video clips or digital photographs. If space on the network becomes limited, these files will be removed without warning! Make sure that you regularly delete files that you no longer require to free-up space. To access your Queen’s Drive from a computer in the SCAs, double-click the Queen’s Drive shortcut on the Desktop. You will see some folders already in your Queen’s Drive that are required for the operation of your account. Do not change or delete these folders or the files within them! A range of self-study training materials aimed at helping you improve your IT skills, including File Management, Word Processing, Spreadsheets and Presentations, are available to download from the IT and Library Guides folder on your QOL Home page in Queen’s Online (see Section 6.3). Page 16 4.5 PRINTING, SCANNING AND PHOTOCOPYING You can print, scan and photocopy in all of the SCAs and Libraries using our Multi-Functional Devices (MFDs). You can also print from wireless laptops or from anywhere you have access to the Internet, including Queen’s accommodation. The print job will remain in the print queue for up to three hours and can be released from an MFD in any of the SCAs. To print from your laptop or via the web, go to: Watch our short video guide about printing on campus When sending a document to the printer, make sure you select the correct print queue: Mono (black & white) or Colour! Mono/Colour Size Single-sided Double-sided Mono (black & white) A4 5p 10p Colour A4 20p 40p Mono (black & white) A3 10p 20p Colour A3 40 80p Warning! If you send a document to the colour queue, it will be charged at 20p per side even if it is black and white! Note that the colour MFDs can be used to print black and white documents sent to the Mono queue. When printing or photocopying using the MFDs, you can produce double-sided documents that are stapled and hole-punched! Just make your selections from the Printer Properties box before sending your document to print, or on the MFD display when photocopying. Page 17 PAYING FOR PRINTING AND PHOTOCOPYING In order to print or photocopy using the MFDs you will need to load money onto your Smart Card. Two purses are available: Personal Cash Purse - You can add money to this purse using one of the cash uploaders located near the MFDs in The McClay Library, Biomedical Library (MBC) or Medical Library (RVH). Or you can use the Smart Card application in Queen’s Online to add money using a debit or credit card (see Section 7.2). Print & Copy Purse - Money can only be added to this purse using the Smart Card application and a credit or debit card or by transferring funds from a Student Experience Bursary. Money added to this purse online will be increased by 20% - £5.00 taken from your credit or debit card will purchase £6.00 worth of printing or photocopying. This is the recommended option as it gives you the best value. Colour printing costs 20p per A4 page (compared to 5p for black and white). PRINTING USING THE MFDS When you send a document to the print queue it does not print immediately but waits in the queue until you release it. When you wish to print the job you should go to the MultiFunctional Device (MFD) of your choice and insert your Smart Card into the card reader attached to the MFD. You should then follow the instructions on the display. It will invite you to press the OK button to use the MFD for printing or press the Stop button to use if for copying. When in print mode, press the OK button to print the displayed job or press Stop to skip that job and move to the next. Any job that is in the queue for more than three hours will automatically be removed from the queue. The reader will initially try to deduct the money from the Print & Copy purse on your card. If there are insufficient funds in the Print & Copy purse, but enough in a combination of the Print & Copy purse and Personal Cash purse, the system will take what is in the Print & Copy purse and the remainder from the Personal Cash purse. If there is nothing in the Print & Copy purse and enough in the Personal Cash purse, the system will take the money from the Personal Cash purse. Page 18 F OLLOW ME PRINTING If there is a queue of students waiting to print at the MFD nearest to you, you can go to any MFD and insert your card in the reader attached to that MFD and print your jobs – this is known as ‘follow me’ printing. For more information about printing at Queen’s, visit: Watch our short video guide about using your Smart Card to pay for printing: See Section 7 for more information about using your Smart Card. CREATING A POSTER PRESENTATION? Large scale printing services (up to A0) are available for academic posters. Email or telephone the Computer Helpdesk on 028 9097 3760 for more information. Please allow four working days for posters to be printed. SCANNING USING THE MFDS You can scan documents to a USB device or to email using the MFDs – there is no charge for this service. For more information about scanning, visit: Page 19 4.6 FREE MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 The latest version of Microsoft Office is available to download for students at Queen's, all free of charge. You can install it on up to five devices including PCs, Macs, phones or tablets and it will be free for as long as you are a student at Queen’s. You can also purchase reduced price software, and other products direct from suppliers. For instructions on how to download your free version of Office 365, or for information on other IT products for students, go to: Page 20 5. EMAIL You have been allocated a web-based email account using Outlook Web Access (OWA) which you MUST use when emailing staff at Queen’s. You can access your email using a web browser, not only within the University, but from anywhere via the Internet. Your tutors, together with a wide range of Queen’s services, will communicate with you by email; therefore, you MUST regularly check your Queen’s email account. In addition to email facilities, OWA includes other useful tools such as Contacts, Calendar and Tasks. This section will provide you with the information you need to get started with your email account. There is a more detailed guide available from the IT and Library Guides folder on your QOL Home page in Queen’s Online (see Section 6.3). 5.1 LOGGING INTO YOUR QUEEN’S EMAIL To log into your email account you need your username (student number) and password. To access your Queen’s email account from one of the computers in the SCAs, double-click the Email icon on the Desktop. If you are using a computer outside of the SCAs, you will need to open a web browser such as Internet Explorer and go to: The email login page will appear. Enter your username and password into the appropriate fields and click Log On. WHERE CAN I FIND MY EMAIL ADDRESS? You have already received your email address when invited to register and enrol. It is also displayed in the Contact Information section of your Student Center in Qsis (see Section 6.5). It will take a format similar to the following: Page 21 CAN I RE-DIRECT MY QUEEN’S EMAIL ACCOUNT TO MY PERSONAL EMAIL? No. Your Queen’s email account is regularly used by University staff to communicate with you and it is important to maintain its security. Therefore, you must log into your Queen’s email account directly in order to access your email. However, it is possible to set up your Queen’s email on a range of smartphones. For more information about accessing your email using a smartphone, go to: ATTACHMENTS You will need to have the appropriate software (such as Microsoft Word or Adobe Reader) installed on your computer to open a file attachment. If you open an attachment before saving it, it will be put into a temporary folder. Make sure you use Save As to save it to a suitable location (e.g. your Q: Drive) or it will be deleted when you log out! CAUTION! Viruses are often spread through email attachments. DO NOT OPEN AN EMAIL ATTACHMENT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT IT IS SAFE! If you are unsure about the origin of a file, save it to a flash drive and run a virus scan on it before opening. Queen’s will NEVER send you an email requesting your login details or asking you to ‘verify’ or ‘update’ your account. If you receive an email that you are unsure of, contact Further information on how to protect your computer from viruses is available at Page 22 EFFECTIVE EMAIL During your studies (and in your future career) you will probably make considerable use of email. Below are a few tips to help you keep your emails professional: Give your message a meaningful subject, for example, Draft essay. Greet the person using the appropriate title, for example, Dear Dr Jones. Starting an email with ‘Hey’ will not impress your lecturers! If appropriate, include the module title and your tutorial group. Think about the content of your message and use correct spelling and punctuation. Do not write an email the way you would text your friends! Sign off the message so that the recipient knows your name and, if necessary, provide contact details other than email. For example when emailing a tutor or University administration, include your student number. Do not say anything to others by email or online that you would not say to them personally in a room full of people. Never reply immediately to something that annoys or upsets you. Be careful with humour or sarcasm – they are often misinterpreted online! Remember that emails directed to one person may well be forwarded to others or filed for later reading by someone else! 5.2 FINDING OUT MORE Further information on your Queen’s email is available online, where you can also download the Outlook Web Access User Guide to find out about the other features of OWA: When you have finished, it is important to log out of your account to keep your details secure. Page 23 6. ACCESSING INFORMATION USING QUEEN’S ONLINE (QOL) Queen’s Online (QOL) provides you with secure Internet access to a wide range of personal and course specific information, including module resources and exam timetables. Note that QOL is being continually developed, therefore screens may appear different or the facilities may vary slightly from those described here. 6.1 ACCESSING QUEEN’S ONLINE To access QOL from a computer in one of the SCAs, double-click the Queen’s Online shortcut on the Desktop. If you are using a computer off-campus, open a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, and go to: Or, you can access some features of QOL from your smartphone or mobile device at: The Queen’s Online Login page will be displayed (see Figure 6-1). Click the Login to Queen’s Online link. FIGURE 6-1 QUEEN’S ONLINE LOGIN PAGE Page 24 If you are using a computer in one of the SCAs, you will be taken directly to your QOL Home page (see Figure 6-3). If you are using a computer off-campus, you will need to enter your user name and password first. Note that you must type ads\ before your student number in the User name box to log into Queen’s Online (see Figure 6-2). FIGURE 6-2 LOGGING IN TO QUEEN’S ONLINE Your QOL Home page (see Figure 6-3) contains links to your timetable, course materials and other services, including your email account, Queen’s Drive Web Access and Qsis. FIGURE 6-3 QOL HOME Page 25 6.2 COURSE MATERIALS ON QUEEN’S ONLINE Most tutors use Queen’s Online to make resources available for each module and to communicate with students taking that module. It is important that you access QOL on a regular basis to find the latest course resources, read messages from your tutor and participate in module activities. Note that it is possible for your tutor to see if you are using the resources and the discussion forums. LEARNING HOME Your School may provide resources which are not associated with a particular module, for example, guidelines for submitting assignments or announcements to all students in the School. To view these resources, under Modules, click the Learning Home link (see Figure 6-4). FIGURE 6-4 MODULES ON QOL HOME MODULE RESOURCES Click on the current academic year (2015/16) to view the module codes for the modules that you have enrolled on (see Figure 6-4). To view resources associated with a module, click the module code. Note: It may take up to 24 hours for newly registered students to see their modules. Once you have selected a module from the Modules list, the Home page for that module will be displayed, showing any recent announcements, plus links to library resources for this module (see Figure 6-5). Page 26 FIGURE 6-5 MODULE HOME PAGE To view contact details for the staff involved with the module, click Staff Involved under Information on the left (see Figure 6-5). The Resources section is where you can find resources (for example, Word files, PowerPoint slides and web links) that your tutor has provided for this particular module. Resources may be grouped into folders by your tutor, for example, Week 1, Week 2, or Lectures, Practical Exercises, and so on. To view the resources available for the module, click Resources under Information on the left of the Module Home page (see Figure 6-5). To return to the module page at any time, click the Module Home tab near the top of the page (see Figure 6-5). TUTORIAL GROUPS Within the module site there may be separate resources and facilities for each tutorial group. Tutorial groups (if available) will be listed under Tutorial Navigation to the right of the Module Home page (see Figure 6-5). To access materials and facilities for a particular tutorial, click the appropriate link for the tutorial under Tutorial Navigation. Page 27 DISCUSSION FORUM Some modules may have discussion forums where staff and students can participate in subject-related discussions, exchange ideas or ask questions. The discussions are recorded as a series of messages listed under topic headings. To view the discussion forums for the current module (if available), click the Discussion Forum link under Communication on the Module Home page (see Figure 6-5). The Discussion Forum page for the current module will open (see Figure 6-6). To join in an existing discussion, on the Discussion Forum page, click once on the name of the forum under Subject. FIGURE 6-6 DISCUSSION FORUM To create a new discussion, click new discussion (see Figure 6-6). The Discussion Forum – New Item window will open (see Figure 6-7). Enter a title for your discussion in the Subject field and enter your message in the Body field (see Figure 6-7). When you click Save, your discussion will be added to the forum for that module. FIGURE 6-7 CREATING A NEW DISCUSSION Page 28 OTHER RESOURCES Some tutors may use QOL to manage assessments or to provide details of assignments. To view assessments or assignments for your module, click the Assessment or Assignment link under Other Resources on the left of the Module Home page. Follow the instructions provided by your tutor for completing the assignment/assessment. Note: There is a 50Mb limit to Assignment files. If your file fails to upload, check that the file size is not too large. For further information on using Queen’s Online, check out our FAQs at: If you have a question regarding specific module information, assignments or resources, you should contact the staff involved with that module. 6.3 IT TRAINING MATERIALS You will find a range of self-study training materials that can help you improve your IT skills in the IT and Library Guides folder in the University Documents section of the QOL Home page (see Figure 6-8). There is also a guide to Outlook Web Access and information on using the Assignment Tool in QOL. FIGURE 6-8 IT AND LIBRARY GUIDES To view the training materials available, click the + to the left of the IT and Library Guides folder. Tip! Fed up being repeatedly prompted for your login details in QOL? Check out the Preventing Multiple Logins document. You can also access a wide range of training materials at Page 29 6.4 QUEEN’S DRIVE WEB ACCESS You can access files stored on your Queen’s Drive when off-campus using the Files (QDrive) link on your QOL Home page. To access your files through Queen’s Online, click the Files (QDrive) link on your QOL Home page (see Figure 6-3) to go to the Queen’s Drive Web Access page. Enter your Username and Password. Note that your Username is your student number (there is no need to add ads\) and your Password is your Queen’s Online password. When you have logged in successfully, the files and folders in your Queen’s Drive will be displayed (see Figure 6-9). FIGURE 6-9 QUEEN’S DRIVE WEB ACCESS Delete Download file Move Rename The following table explains the icons you will see in Queen’s Drive Web Access: Return to your Home folder Reload the current folder to show any changes that have taken place Create a new folder in the currently viewed folder Save a file to your Queen’s Drive Download the file from your Queen’s Drive and save it to the local computer so that you can view or edit it Rename the file or folder within your Queen’s Drive Permanently delete the file or folder from your Queen’s Drive Move the file or folder to another location within your Queen’s Drive Page 30 DOWNLOADING FILES To download a file from your Queen’s Drive so that you can view or edit it offcampus, click the name of the file. A File Download box will appear, asking if you want to open or save the file. Click Save and save the file to a suitable location on your local computer, such as My Documents. When the file has been saved, a Download Complete box will appear. Click Open in the Download Complete box to open the file. You should save a file before (and after) editing it. If you open a file before saving it, it will be put into a temporary folder. Make sure you use Save As to save it to a location on the computer (e.g. My Documents) or you will lose any changes you make! UPLOADING FILES Any changes made to a file on your computer will NOT be automatically saved to your Queen’s Drive – you need to upload the file again to your Queen’s Drive. When off-campus, you must save the file to a suitable location on your local computer, such as My Documents, before uploading it to your Queen’s Drive in order to avoid losing any changes you have made. To upload a file from your local computer to your Queen’s Drive, click the Upload Files button in Queen’s Drive Web Access. An Upload Multiple Files to Queen’s Drive Web Access box will appear. Click the Browse button and select the file that you wish to upload and click Open. When you have finished selecting files, click the Upload button. The selected file(s) will be saved to the current folder on your Queen’s Drive. Be careful when uploading files to your Q: Drive as existing files with the same name will be overwritten without warning and cannot be recovered! GETTING HELP AND LOGGING OUT For Help on using Queen’s Drive Web Access, click the Help link at the top of the screen. To protect your files, make sure that you logout when you have finished. To logout of Queen’s Drive Web Access, click the Logout link at the top of the screen. Page 31 6.5 QSIS By now you should already have used the Qsis Enrolment and Registration Wizard to complete the enrolment and registration process. Throughout the year, you can use the Qsis Self Service facility to: Change your module enrolments Check your timetable View information relating to your Advisor/Supervisor/Personal Tutor Maintain your address/phone/email/emergency contact details View your fee/finance details Access exam timetable and results (when available) View any holds or issues with your Library Account (for example blocked access to the Library services due to non-payment of fines) Track any tasks in your To Do list Register for graduation (when applicable) Keep your contact details up-to-date! If there are any changes to your contact details, such as your term-time address, you MUST update your details on Qsis. To access Qsis to change or view your student details, click the Qsis Home link on your QOL Home page to go to the Qsis Sign In page (see Figure 6-10). FIGURE 6-10 QSIS SIGN IN PAGE Page 32 Once you have signed in, click Self Service under Menu to go to the Self Service menu page (see Figure 6-11). FIGURE 6-11 SELF SERVICE MENU Click Student Center to view a summary of your academic information including your personal details, email address, finances and the name of your advisor. Click Enrollment to go to the Enrollment menu where you can add or drop classes (modules), view your weekly schedule (timetable), view your grades and view your anonymous ID for examinations. Click Campus Personal Information to go to the Campus Personal Information menu where you can check your personal details, add emergency contacts, or make amendments as required. It is important that your personal information is accurate as the University will use these details when communicating with you. Note that some details cannot be removed or edited using Qsis. For changes to course-related information you should contact your advisor of studies; for any other changes contact the Student Administrative Services and Systems (Student Records) Office at or call in to the Student Guidance Centre. SIGNING OUT OF QSIS Make sure you sign out of Qsis when you have finished to protect your personal details. To sign out, click the Sign out link near the top of the screen and close the browser window. Page 33 6.6 BOOKING A GROUP STUDY ROOM IN THE MCCLAY LIBRARY To book a group study room in The McClay Library, click Administration under Services on your QOL Home page and click the Group Study Room Booking link. The availability for each of the study rooms for today will be displayed (see Figure 6-12) available slots will be displayed in green. Click the dropdown arrow to view the availability for tomorrow, if required. FIGURE 6-12 GROUP STUDY ROOM AVAILABILITY Select the Room you wish to book and the Day from the dropdown lists at the bottom of the screen and click Go (see Figure 6-13). FIGURE 6-13 SELECTING A STUDY ROOM Select the Duration you wish to book the room for and the Start Time from the dropdown lists (see Figure 6-14). Enter the number of people who will be using the room in the Number Expected box. Click Book it to book the room. If you have successfully booked a room, you will receive a confirmation email for your booking. FIGURE 6-14 GROUP STUDY ROOM BOOKING Page 34 6.7 CHANGING YOUR PASSWORD It is possible to change your password using the Change Password facility link. Caution! Do not change your password until you have finished using the computer facilities for the day as there may be a time delay in activating your new password and you may not be able to access the facilities that require your password for some time. Never disclose your password to anyone but keep a note of it somewhere safe in case you forget it. To change your password, click the Change Password link under Quick Links in your QOL Home page and follow the onscreen instructions. Your new password should: Be between 6 and 14 characters long Use a mixture of letters and non-letters (but NOT the £ symbol) Include at least 1 number and 1 capital letter Be easy to remember, but not too easy to guess Your new password should not: Be a word that can be found in the dictionary Be a word that is known personal information Points to Note: When you change your login password, you are also changing your Queen’s Online, Qsis, email and Library password. It may take some time before you can log into the system using your new password. Keep your password safe and remember to always log off before leaving the computer. 6.8 LOGGING OUT To maintain security always log out of Queen’s Online; do not simply close the browser window. To log out of Queen’s Online, click your name at the top right of the screen and click Sign Out to exit Queen’s Online. A dialog box may appear, asking if you want to close this tab/window. Click the Yes button. Page 35 7. YOUR STUDENT SMART CARD Your Student Smart Card is your student ID and should be carried at all times when on campus. You will have received your Smart Card at your initial Registration and it is expected to last for the full duration of your stay at Queen’s. You will need to bring it with you each year to Registration so that it can be revalidated. 7.1 WHAT CAN I USE MY SMART CARD FOR? You can use your Smart Card to perform a number of functions on site, including electronic payment for various services (using your Personal Cash purse, Print & Copy purse or Student Experience Bursary), access to buildings and Library services. Up-to-date information about the Smart Card can be accessed online: For more information on your Smart Card, visit: Email any queries to: ELECTRONIC PAYMENT Some of the services you can pay for using your Smart Card include printing, photocopying and Library fines. You can also use your card in the Students’ Union Shop, the Welcome Centre, and for food in all catering outlets. If you receive a Student Experience Bursary, you can use your Smart Card for: Purchase of books in Blackwell’s Bookstore in the Students’ Union or order online by clicking the link under Quick Links in Queen’s Online. You can pay for purchases at one of the terminals in the libraries or the foyer of the Students’ Union. Payment in Queen’s Sport Physical Education Centre (PEC), Queen’s Film Theatre (QFT), the Language Centre (The McClay Library), Careers (Student Guidance Centre), ECDL (IT Training and Assessment Unit), and certain ‘educational’ items in the Students’ Union Shop and Welcome Centre. Other functions may be added during the year. Page 36 Money from the bursary purse can be transferred to the Print & Copy purse to enable it to be used for printing and photocopying. You can do this using the Smart Card application on Queen’s Online. Note that there will be a delay of 5 minutes before transfer takes place. ACCESS TO BUILDINGS Your Smart Card has a printed bar code and built in proximity technology. Both of these can be used for access to certain areas within the University. You will need your Smart Card to gain access at the turnstiles in The McClay Library and the PEC. In addition, you may need to use your Smart Card to enter School buildings after hours or to gain access to high security areas such as laboratories. This will require the card to be swiped at a reader, close to the door. If you believe you require access to a restricted area, please contact your School office. It is a disciplinary offence to allow someone else to use your Smart Card to gain access to buildings or facilities! LIBRARY SERVICES The Smart Card can be used to enable several services within the Library, including: Self-issue of books Issue of books and other resources at the Borrower Services Desks Payment of Library fines Self-issue of laptops in The McClay Library The McClay Library has a temporary card machine, located in the corner of the foyer, where you can get a ‘day pass’ if you forget your Smart Card. This will allow you to access the library, but not all of the facilities, and is valid for 24 hours. You will not be able to use your Smart Card for access during this time. Watch our short video clip showing you how to use your Smart Card to access The McClay Library Page 37 7.2 MANAGING YOUR SMART CARD THROUGH QOL You can use the Smart Card facility in Queen’s Online to do the following: Add funds to the card Deactivate (hotlist) a card that has been misplaced Reactivate (unhotlist) a misplaced card that has been found Check the recent transaction history for all purses Check the status of a student bursary To go to Smart Card Options, click the Smart Card link in the Smart Card section on your QOL Home page (see Figure 7-1). FIGURE 7-1 SMART CARD The Smart Card Options page will appear (see Figure 7-2). FIGURE 7-2 SMART CARD OPTIONS Page 38 ADDING FUNDS TO YOUR STUDENT SMART CARD Your Smart Card has a number of purses: Personal Cash purse - This is for general use and can be used at any location that takes electronic payment using the Smart Card. You can add money to this purse either using the cash upload machines in The McClay Library, the Biomedical Library (MBC) or Medical Library (RVH), or through Queen’s Online with a debit or credit card. The limit on this purse is £150. Print & Copy purse - This is a dedicated purse which gives you preferential rates for printing or photocopying. There will be a 20% increase to the value loaded, for example, £5.00 taken from your credit/debit card will add £6.00 into this purse. You can only add money to this purse through Queen’s Online using a debit or credit card or, if you receive a bursary, by transferring funds from your Student Experience Bursary. The limit on this purse is £80. Student Experience Bursary - This purse is updated automatically if the University receives confirmation from the Student Loan Company that you are entitled to a bursary (provided that you indicated on your Student Loan Form that you consented to the Student Loan Company sharing financial information with the University). The limit on this purse is £500. The Smart Card operates by having the money stored directly on purses on the card. If you add money to the card using a credit or debit card it will be added to the Smart Card the next time you insert the card into a card reader. To add money to your Personal Cash purse or your Print & Copy purse using a credit or debit card, click Add Funds in the Smart Card section of your QOL Home page (see Figure 7-1) or on the Smart Card Options page (see Figure 7-2) and select the Purse that you wish to add money to and the Amount you wish to add. Click Pay Now to be transferred to a secure payment page where you can enter your card details. If you have a query about a ‘failed’ transfer, you should contact: Page 39 Don’t lose money!! • When inserting coins into the cash upload machine, the system takes a few seconds to add the money to your card. Wait until the machine has completed processing one coin before inserting the next or removing your card. • Money remaining on your Smart Card will remain on the card for use in the following year. There will be NO REFUNDS for money remaining on the Smart Card at the end of your course. It is expected that final year students will manage the use of their Smart Card to ensure that all stored money has been used. If graduating students have money in their Print & Copy purse, they can request a transfer to the Personal Cash Purse and use it for purchases at any of the appropriate locations. Note: In the year that you graduate any unspent bursary on the card will be removed at the end of July. CHECKING YOUR STUDENT EXPERIENCE BURSARY If you have received a Student Experience Bursary, you can check the status of it in Queen’s Online. It will be paid to eligible students as soon as possible following enrolment via the Student Smart Card. To view the status of your bursary (if eligible), click the Student Experience Bursary tab on the Smart Card Options page. Any unspent money on your bursary will remain on your card for use in the next academic year. For students who will not be returning, any unspent money on the bursary will be transferred to the Student Hardship Fund. Page 40 HOTLISTING YOUR STUDENT SMART CARD If your Smart Card is stolen or lost you must deactivate it as soon as possible to prevent it from being used fraudulently by someone else. To deactivate your Smart Card, click the hotlist card icon on the Smart Card Options page (see Figure 7-2). The Hotlist Card screen will appear. Click the Hotlist Card button. Points to Note: Once you click the Hotlist Card button, your Smart Card will cease to be operational for electronic payments or access to buildings using the proximity functionality. Note that the barcode will still be functional and will still enable access to The McClay Library and the issue of books. Make sure you deactivate and report a lost Smart Card as soon as possible. The system records all transactions for your card. If a new card has to be issued, it will contain the balance that was on the previous card at the point that it was hotlisted. If the card is used for access to buildings or self-issue of laptops then this functionality may only become available overnight as the systems synchronise over night. If anyone tries to use a Smart Card that has been hotlisted the system will block the card. It can then only be reactivated by a systems administrator. If you lose your Smart Card there will be a £10 charge to provide a replacement. Lost or stolen cards should be reported as soon as possible to the Student Administrative Services and Systems (Student Records) Office (, telephone 028 9097 2727). If you find your Smart Card again, you can reactivate it through Queen’s Online by clicking the un-hotlist card icon on the Smart Card Options page. Once a Smart Card has been replaced the old card cannot be reactivated for financial payments or proximity access – the barcode will continue to work. Note that there is an issue number on the card which is incremented each time the card is replaced. For more information on your Smart Card, visit: Email any queries to: Page 41 8. LIBRARY FACILITIES This section will provide you with some key information about the Library facilities at Queen’s. You can find out more about Library services and resources online at: - in particular, see the ‘Using the Library’ pages. These can help you get started by providing basic information on accessing Library services, getting help and finding books. 8.1 HOW DO I FIND BOOKS, DVDS, ETC? To find a book or other item in the Library, you need to look up its shelfmark in QCat Library catalogue which you can connect to from wherever you have Internet access. It also provides secure access to most of our electronic resources. You can access QCat Library catalogue under Library in your QOL Home page or online at: To search for an item, enter your search term, e.g. ashley medieval conduct to search for Medieval Conduct edited by Kathleen Ashley, into the Search box (see Figure 8-1) . FIGURE 8-1 QCAT LIBRARY CATALOGUE Click Submit to be taken to the list of results (see Figure 8-2). Click see all to view the available copies. Note the location, shelfmark and loan type of the book, or click on the title to see further details. Alternatively, you can click on the link to access the E-Book. Page 42 FIGURE 8-2 QCAT LIBRARY CATALOGUE RESULTS The shelfmark, which indicates the subject of an item, is the combination of letters and numbers printed on the spine (and/or front cover) of each item. Everything in the Library is shelved alphabetically and numerically according to the shelfmark. Consult the floor plan or signs in each Library to guide you to the correct place on the shelves, or ask a member of Library staff. Tip: Use the My Cart facility to gather items of interest to a personal list during your search session. As you are browsing the list of results, hover over any item you wish to save and click the shopping basket symbol to add it to My Cart. You can also email the reference or export it to RefWorks. Watch our short video clip explaining how to use QCat Library catalogue to find items in the Library Page 43 BORROWING BOOKS Your Queen’s Smart Card is your Library Card and is required to gain physical access to The McClay Library at College Park. You will need your Smart Card in any library when you are borrowing books from a Borrower Services Desk or when using a self-service machine. The number of standard/1 week loan items you can borrow depends on your user category: Undergraduate Taught Postgraduate Research Postgraduate 4 weeks 4 weeks 12 weeks 15 books 25 books 30 books Short Loan material may also be borrowed for 1, 2 or 7 nights (see Section 8.2). With a current Smart Card you can start borrowing books immediately. Just bring the books you wish to borrow to any self-service station in the Library, or to the Borrower Services Desk. You will not be able to borrow books if: You don’t have your Smart Card You have unpaid fines You have overdue books To avoid fines accumulating, return books by the due date, or, if possible, renew them. MY ACCOUNT To view the status of your current loans and requests, or to renew a loan, click the My Account link on the Library Home page and login with your student number and QOL password. Alternatively, you can access My Account by clicking the link in the Library section on your QOL Home page (see Figure 8-3). FIGURE 8-3 LIBRARY IN QOL Page 44 RETURNING BOOKS Books can be returned at Borrower Services Desks in all Queen's Libraries. You may also return books at the self-service Book Returns facility at the ground floor, near the Borrower Services Desk in The McClay Library, College Park. A self-service issue and return station is available in the Biomedical Library (MBC). RENEWING BOOKS There are three ways to renew standard and 1 week loan items: Online using My Account via the Library Home page or Queen’s Online In person at the self-service stations or at the Borrower Services Desk By phone - see Library contacts The following items may not be renewed: Reserved items Short Loan items PLACING A REQUEST You can request standard and 1 week loan books that are on loan using QCat Library Catalogue. To do this, search for the item in the catalogue (see page 42). If all the copies are on loan, click the Request it link. If you haven't already logged in, you will need to enter your student number and password. From the dropdown list, select the location you would like to collect the book from and click the Submit button (see Figure 8-4). FIGURE 8-4 PLACING A REQUEST When a copy is available for you to collect, you will be notified through your Queen’s email account. You can also check your Library account on Queen’s Online or via the Library Home page to see if your requests are available. You can have up to five requests at a time. Please cancel your request if you no longer need a book - other people may be waiting for it! Page 45 8.2 SHORT LOAN MATERIAL THE MCCLAY LIBRARY The Short Loan Collection provides students with access to reading list material. It contains multiple copies of recommended texts as well as other material, such as DVDs, to support taught courses. There are four short loan categories: 1 night, 2 night, 7 night and reference. You can borrow up to 7 short loan items (excluding reference). 1 night loan The loan period is 24 hours and the fine rate for late return is 50 pence per hour (or part hour). 2 night loan The loan period is 48 hours and the fine rate for late return is 50 pence per hour (or part hour). 7 night loan The loan period is 7 days and the fine rate for late return is 50 pence per day (or part day). Reference Cannot be borrowed and must be used in the Short Loan area. The McClay Library has an extensive collection of DVDs, videos and CDs available for loan. You can browse the collection in the Short Loan are or check availability in the Library catalogue. These items are 1 night loans and can be borrowed as part of your Short Loan entitlement (7 items). There are self-service machines within the Short Loan area. The exit gate is alarmed so make sure that any books, DVDs, videos and CDs you want to use have been issued to you before you leave the area. My Account will help you to keep track of the items you have borrowed so use it to find out when they are due back. Short Loan items should be returned at the ground floor self-service station at the Borrower Services Desk. It is not possible to renew or request this material. : Watch our quick video guide to borrowing and returning books Page 46 THE MEDICAL LIBRARY AND BIOMEDICAL LIBRARY 2 night loan material is available in the Medical Library and the Biomedical Library. The loan period is 2 nights and the fine rate for late return is £2.50 per day. It is not possible to renew or request this material. 8.3 HOW DO I FIND JOURNALS? Journals are sometimes referred to as periodicals, serials or magazines. They are published at regular intervals, such as weekly or monthly. Each issue has a volume number or part number and they usually contain a number of articles written by different authors. Most journals can be accessed online. New Scientist and the Harvard Business Review are examples of well-known journals. WHY USE JOURNALS ? Journals provide more up-to-date information than is possible with a book. They also cover specific topics in more detail and they will often be included on your reading lists. FINDING JOURNAL ARTICLES To find a specific article, you need to know the title of the journal and either the year the article was published or the volume number, for example, British Journal of Nursing, Volume 19, Issue 5. You will usually find these details in your reading list. To find a journal article, search QCat Library catalogue for the title of the journal (not the article title). From the results page, click on the title so you can see the link to the online version, if available. Click on the link and select the appropriate year, volume and issue. For a print copy, the catalogue will tell you where the journal can be found. Subject to copyright restrictions, articles from print journals may be photocopied (MultiFunctional Devices (MFDs) are available in all of the Libraries) and articles from online journals may be printed out. You will need to transfer money to the Print & Copy Purse on your Smart Card in order to pay for photocopying and printing (see Section 7). The Article tab on the Library Home page also provides a straightforward way to search for articles about a particular topic or phrase. Enter your chosen words and you will see a list of articles from a range of full text sources. If your search terms are general, you may get a large number of results. You may wish to refine the search using the advanced search option or the range of options along the side of the screen. Try to be as specific as you can with your search term. Subject Librarians are happy to give advice on using specific databases. Tip: Use the to gather items of interest to a folder during your search session. You can email, save or export the bibliographic information. Page 47 READINGS ONLINE Readings Online gives you access to journal articles and book extracts sourced for your module. To view the materials for a particular module, go to the Module Home page on Queen’s Online and click the Readings Online link under Library Links (see Section 6.2). REFERENCING When writing a piece of work, it is essential to give accurate references to all the sources you have used. The Queen's RefWorks subscription enables you to create a personal database of references to books and journals. Instant bibliographies can be compiled in a variety of styles, such as Harvard or Vancouver (your School will advise you on which style you should use). For more information on referencing and online resources, check out the Libguides: KEEP IN TOUCH! All communication relating to your Library account is by Queen’s email. If you have books past their return date, you will be informed by email. You may also receive an email giving you 2 days’ notice that a book is due to be returned, or asking that you return a book within a week if someone else has requested it. Please check your Queen’s email account regularly for Library messages in order to avoid paying unnecessary fines when books are returned! Additional information on Library services is available from the Library website, including information on Library locations, opening times and loan entitlements. The website also has links to online resources for each subject area and is the starting point for access to online journals and Library databases. You can also follow the Library on Facebook and Twitter. BelfastLibrary Page 48 9. LOGGING OFF THE COMPUTERS It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to log off before leaving the computer to protect your account and personal details. Computers left unattended for more than 30 minutes will be automatically logged out so that other students can use them and any unsaved documents will be lost! If you do not log off you are potentially allowing other students to access the files in your Queen’s Drive, read or send emails from your account, or view your personal details. Always ensure that you have saved any files that you have been working on and have closed any open applications before leaving the computer. To log off, click Start and then Log off. After a few seconds, the computer will re-display the CTRL+ALT+DELETE screen, which is the first stage of the logging in process for the next student. Wait until the CTRL+ALT+DELETE screen is displayed before leaving the computer to ensure that you have logged off successfully. Remember – you are responsible for your own account so ALWAYS LOG OFF before leaving the computer. We hope that you have found the information in this guide useful. Enjoy your time at Queen’s! Page 49 INDEX Biomedical Library6, 11, 15, 18, 39, 45, 47 Computer Helpdesk .................... 8, 13, 19 discussion forums ........................... 26, 28 ECDL .................................................. 9, 36 email3, 10, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 45, 47, 48 emergency .................................. 7, 32, 33 Facebook................................... 3, 8, 9, 48 group study room ..................... 4, 6, 7, 34 help and advice ....................................... 8 Internet Explorer ...................... 13, 21, 24 IT Training and Assessment Unit ...... 9, 36 journals ........................................... 47, 48 Libguides ............................................... 48 Library3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 21, 29, 32, 35, 36, 37, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48 Library fines .................................... 36, 37 library laptops ....................................... 15 log off .............................................. 35, 49 log out ......................................... 7, 23, 35 login .............................. 13, 21, 29, 35, 44 MBC5, 6, 12, 15, 18, 39, 45, See Biomedical Library Medical Library ..... 5, 6, 11, 15, 18, 39, 47 MFD .......................................... 12, 18, 19 MFDs17, 18, 47, See Multi-Functional Devices Microsoft Office .................................... 13 Mindview .............................................. 10 mobile phones ...................................... 14 module3, 11, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 48 Module Home ..................... 27, 28, 29, 48 Multi-Functional Device ................. 12, 18 Multi-Functional Devices17, 47, See MFDs opening hours ..................................... 3, 5 OWA...............................21, 23, See email password....... 7, 13, 21, 25, 30, 35, 44, 45 Personal Cash purse ................. 18, 36, 39 Peter Froggatt Centre ...5, 11, 12, See PFC PFC .................................................... 5, 12 PowerPoint ..................................... 13, 27 Print & Copy purse ....... 18, 36, 37, 39, 40 printing ....... 12, 17, 18, 19, 36, 37, 39, 47 QCat Library catalogue ................... 42, 47 QOL3, 9, 11, 16, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 38, 39, 42, 44, See Queen's Online Qsis ............................... 21, 25, 32, 33, 35 Queen’s Drive ............... 16, 25, 30, 31, 49 Queen’s Drive Web Access ................... 31 Queen’s Online3, 6, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 45, 48 Read & Write Gold ............................... 10 Readings Online .................................... 48 RefWorks .............................................. 48 RVH5, 6, 11, 15, 18, 39, See Medical Library SCAs4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 21, 24, 25, See Student Computing Areas shelfmark ........................................ 42, 43 Short Loan ................................ 44, 45, 46 Smart Card3, 13, 15, 18, 19, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 47 smartphone .................................... 22, 24 Social Media Policy ............................... 12 software.............................. 10, 13, 20, 22 Student Computing Areas ........ 3, 4, 7, 11 Student Experience Bursary 18, 36, 39, 40 Students’ Union .............................. 12, 36 The McClay Library5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 34, 36, 37, 39, 41, 44, 45, 46 tutorial group ................................. 23, 27 Twitter ...................................... 3, 8, 9, 48 username .............................................. 13 WiFi ............................................. 3, 14, 15 Word ............................... 9, 13, 16, 22, 27 Zoom-ex scanner .................................. 10 ZoomText.............................................. 10 Page 50