The Future of Sustainability


The Future of Sustainability
The Future of
Annual Report ‘09
Ray Lynn Showalter is founder and
owner of Mole Hill Gardens in Virginia’s
Shenandoah Valley. He grows lettuce
hydroponically in a greenhouse on land that
has sustained his family for generations.
Ray Lynn, founder of Mole Hill Gardens,
checks on his lettuce seedlings.
85% of Ray’s business is wholesale and DC
Central Kitchen is his largest customer. The
remaining 15% goes to small restaurants in
Harrisonburg. The venue for the majority of
his sales is the Shenandoah Valley
Produce Auction.
Many faces of
The word “sustainability” is a popular term these
days. We’ve taken a hard look at what that word
really means and how it specifically relates to our
community and our organization.
In 2009, we trained and found employment for 81
students of our Culinary Job Training program.
During the course of one year, these graduates will
contribute more than $250,000, in payroll taxes
alone, to our local economy. This does not include
the spin-off revenue these formerly unemployed
men and women will spend on rent, food, clothing,
and other goods and services for themselves and
their families. Instead of taking money out of
the “system,” these graduates are now putting
significant resources back into our community,
making it far more sustainable.
Our heavy investment in our Farm to Kitchen
program continues to have profound effects on
every aspect of our operation. By purchasing
produce, dairy, and protein locally from
independent farmers, we have:
local food system, combating the long-term and very
expensive diseases of diabetes, high blood pressure,
and obesity;
“The Shenandoah Valley can do a lot of
growing for cities in the area. This is a
source of employment for families, a source
of income, and I hope it will prove to be a
sustainable enterprise,” comments Ray as
his son helps Louis, DC Central Kitchen’s
Transportation Representative, load 43 boxes
of Romaine and Bibb lettuce onto the
DC Central Kitchen truck.
And dramatically cut the cost of purchasing food to
supplement what we cannot receive through donations.
In addition, this program has become a significant social
enterprise venture. We are now partnering with other food
service institutions who not only want to purchase locally,
but who want to be part of our mission not as charity but as
a business model.
Over the last several years, the Kitchen has worked very
hard to remind people that we are not simply a “charity”
but a business that has the social good as its number one
goal. One could argue, in fact, that the traditional charity,
the idea of giving that which is left over – food, clothing,
money – is, in and of itself, unsustainable. For this reason,
we continue to develop business and social enterprise
models to generate more revenue for our programs
while employing more of our graduates…that’s what
we call sustainable.
Economic Footprint
Michael F. Curtin, Jr.
Chief Executive Officer
to kitchens
DC Central Kitchen was the link we needed to connect us to DC.
I hope that the work of the Kitchen
continues to spread and provide more
opportunity for small family farms like us.”
From June 1 – October 31, 2009,
we purchased 46% of our fresh produce
from local farms, putting $19,015 back
into the farming community.
Engaged thousands of more volunteers
to process this product;
Put healthier, more nutritious food into the
Linking farms
This past fall, Ray Lynn and his family visited
the Kitchen to volunteer, prepping their very
own products. “My experience with the
Kitchen has been a blessing.
Created a revenue stream for local farmers
and growers that did not exist before;
Hired more graduates to supervise this work;
“People come to the auction because it
provides local products. The customer wants
to know us and we want to know them,”
concludes Ray. He views city schools and
hospitals as a market that could benefit from
local product. With this in mind, and because
of the significant business he does with the
Kitchen, he’s currently building a second
greenhouse to expand his production and
better coordinate his growing season with
the school year.
Michael F. Curtin, Jr.
Chief Executive Officer of DC Central Kitchen
Louis Goode, DC Central Kitchen Transportation Representative,
picks up lettuce from Ray’s farm all year round.
Covenant House is one of the largest
national, privately-funded childcare agencies
in the US, serving homeless and runaway
youth ages 18 – 21 years old. As one of 21
locations, Covenant House in Southeast DC
serves 5,000 youth every year.
DC Central Kitchen provides
Covenant House with
34,675 meals a year.
In addition to residential, employment, and
educational services, Covenant House has
an outreach program, which works to build
relationships with youth on the streets, so
when they are ready for change, help is there.
Meals from DC Central Kitchen are an
essential aspect of Covenant House
programming. Carlette Mack, Director of
External Affairs, states, “Covenant House is
not equipped with a full-service kitchen, nor
do we have the funds to hire a kitchen
staff or private catering service.
It’s just not practical.”
However, DC Central Kitchen provides meals
at an economical cost that Covenant House
can afford so that none of their other
programs receive a decrease in funding, staff,
or attention. The Kitchen provides two meals
every day for youth in both the crisis shelter
and the community center.
Corey Poole is the Director of Youth
Development at the Perry School’s afterschool center in Northeast DC. From building
literacy skills for preschoolers to college
readiness classes for highschool seniors,
Mr. Poole has a lot on his plate.
Corey Poole, Director of Youth Development
at the Perry School, works with the Kitchen
to foster healthy eating habits.
“Our biggest obstacle is overcoming learned
behaviors, and one of those is unhealthy
eating habits,” explains Mr. Poole.
That’s where DC Central Kitchen enters the
picture. In addition to the 40 meals provided
daily, Lauren Statman, Healthy Returns
Coordinator and Nutrition Educator, began a
monthly nutrition series for students at the
Perry School. Recently, the students learned
the benefits of whole grains and how to read
nutrition labels to find healthy foods.
Providing low - cost, nutritious
meal service
Carlette comments that
“our relationship with DC Central Kitchen is very important.
Part of our mission is to provide
homeless and runaway youth
with basic needs like nutritious
meals. We couldn’t do it without
the Kitchen.”
Brian Brown, graduate of DC Central Kitchen’s
Culinary Job Training Program, works to prepare meals.
“We believe that these nutrition
classes will plant the seeds for
healthy eating throughout
their lives,” says Mr. Poole.
Planting seeds for
healthy eating
DC Central Kitchen offers nutrition classes to
all meal-partner agencies, totaling about 100
classes each year.
“These kids grew up on fried food, so we’re
grateful that DC Central Kitchen provides
a healthy alternative,” comments Mr. Poole.
“And if we didn’t have the meals, it would
harm our programming. A hot meal is an
incentive for kids to participate.”
Lauren Statman, Healthy
Returns Coordinator and
Nutrition Educator, teaches
kids at the Perry School how
to identify whole grains.
“We’re fighting against obesity in this
community,” says Lauren. “But we can change
kids’ concept of nutrition from carry-out to
whole grains, lean proteins, and
fresh fruits and vegetables.”
Economic Footprint
Economic Footprint
Last year, our Meal Distribution
program prepared 1.46 million nutritious
meals for our 100 partner agencies,
saving the local nonprofit community
$3.5 million in food cost annually.
Today, about 1 in 3 children are overweight.
By teaching healthy eating habits and
supplying healthy snacks and meals, DC
Central Kitchen can help reduce obesity, type II
diabetes, and asthma – having a significant
impact on the future health of our nation and
reducing health care costs.
Lillian was married with four children in
Charlottesville, VA. After her husband tired
of her drug use, they separated and Lillian
retreated from society, moving to DC. She
became homeless, residing under Whitehurst
Freeway and then in a park on N Street NW.
Debra and James Johnson began
volunteering at DC Central Kitchen because
they wanted to commit to something and
have a new outlet in their lives.
The mother and son duo have joined the
Kitchen’s 11,000 yearly volunteers – some of
which come from other states or countries,
but many are local like the Johnsons.
After 13 years of homelessness, she met Bill
Hepler, a First Helping Outreach Specialist.
“I was nasty and unresponsive. I didn’t want
their help,” says Lillian.
“The benefit of being a regular volunteer is
that we get to know the Kitchen staff and
they get to know us. When Dawain, one of the
Kitchen staff, had his first daughter, we got to
see pictures,” explains Debra.
Bill and outreach specialist Jeff Rustin were
persistent and maintained contact with Lillian,
but it wasn’t until two years later when Bill
found her close to death, lying in the snow,
that she decided she wanted a change.
“Bill came at my darkest hour,” states Lillian.
“I was constantly harassed by neighbors and
police because of my drug activity. A few of
my friends from the streets had passed away.
I was tired of being ill and tired of sleeping in
the snow and the rain.”
In January 2009, First Helping brought Lillian
to detox and Jeff worked with Lillian to
confront her addiction. He agreed to give
Lillian a ticket to visit her children if she
promised to volunteer at the Kitchen twice
a week. The same woman who had received
sandwiches while on the street is
now making them.
This past Christmas, Lillian went home to
reconnect with family. “I love all my kids,”
says Lillian. “Thinking about my kids that
dark night made me want to live.
It changed my mind.”
(Based on National Coalition to End Homelessness
figures for shelter vs. housing costs.)
James is five weeks into his hospitality
and culinary arts classes at Anne Arundel
Community College. His career goal is to be
a master chef and volunteering at the Kitchen
allows him to put his knife and sanitation
skills into practice. “We volunteer at least
twice a week,” chimes in Debra, “but James
would sleep here if he could.”
Connecting people
to family
James says that he learned his love of cooking
from his mother. “In a fast food generation,
it’s important for people to have fresh,
good food,” explains Debra.
11 seniors
placed in housing
(There were no senior
housing placements in 2008)
“We worked with Lillian for two
years and saw her heart. I saw a mother that loved her children,
and I knew that seeing them was
Economic Footprint
key. Lillian just needed to be
linked to the right person and
Our street-outreach team has a unique
ability to “break through.” We placed 81
program,” said Rustin.
individuals into housing, saving tax-payers
almost $650,000 in one year.
Debra and James Johnson volunteer
at the Kitchen twice a week.
70 clients
brought to
70 clients
placed in
PSA Housing
Engaging volunteers
365 days a year
“Not only is the food fresh at the Kitchen,
but the staff are well
trained and they adhere
to that training. They’re
serious about their Kitchen.”
Whether it’s chopping onions or roasting
potatoes, the service of Debra and James
makes a difference. They help produce
the 4,000 daily meals that will feed people in
need, and prep surplus summer vegetables
that we freeze and use in the winter.
50 clients
taken to Detox
Economic Footprint
Lillian enjoys checking out books at the Martin Luther
King Jr. Memorial Library. She recently read
Cane River by Lalita Tademy.
Our 11,000 volunteers per year
provide DC Central Kitchen with
nearly 35,000 work hours annually,
saving us more than $710,000
per year on labor.
(Based on figures from the Independent Sector.)
Edward Porter was living in Carpenter’s
Shelter when he met DC Central Kitchen’s
Recruitment Coordinator. He had “given up on
himself” and had been living on the streets
for over two years.
Edward Porter, graduate of DC Central Kitchen’s Culinary Job
Training program, is now a Prep Cook at Murphy’s Irish Pub.
Duane Drake was released from prison
Duane Drake, Sous Chef at the Washington Jesuit Academy and
graduate of DC Central Kitchen’s Culinary Job Training Program,
is a mentor for the WJA Service Club.
after eight years. He entered the Mount Sinai
Transitional Home, but was unable to find
a job because of his background. However,
he loved to cook, preparing meals for the
residents at Mount Sinai on the weekends.
When he entered the Culinary Job Training
program, he decided it was time to change. “I
knew I was a better person, and I always loved
to learn. I had to humble myself and stop
trying to do things my way,” explains Edward.
He entered DC Central Kitchen’s Culinary
Job Training Program. He comments, “DC
Central Kitchen saved my life. Ron Swanson’s
empowerment classes made me realize that I
wasn’t the only one with hardships. He told me
that I will get out what I put in. That’s when I
decided to not let myself or anyone else place
boundaries on how far I could go.”
Graduation from the program was a
monumental accomplishment for Edward.
“I couldn’t believe I had finished. I had never
completed anything.”
Two weeks later, after volunteering for a week
at Murphy’s Irish Pub in Alexandria, Edward
earned a job. “Chef Lester gave me the
opportunity, and he opened the door for me.”
Murphy’s Executive Chef Lester Fields
believes in giving people the chance to
succeed. “Someone took the time to teach
me. Now it’s my turn to give back.”
From prisons to professional kitchens
Now that Edward has been given a chance,
he’s working hard and says he’s grateful for
the opportunities. “I love my job. I could stay
here for 15 years,” he says.
“The students have a fresh mindset,”
comments Chef Lester. “They’re eager to
learn, always asking questions so they can do
things right. Rather than saying ‘this
is not my job,’ they offer to do more.
These are the
people we need
at a restaurant.”
“I was a statistic,” says Duane.
“I was told that I would never be
anything and I would end up
back in prison. But look at me now.
I’m a Sous Chef at WJA, and I love
my job. DC Central Kitchen
saves lives.”
Economic Footprint
While it cost $10,000 for a student to
receive life changing training, it costs over
$40,000 to keep them in prison for a year.
Our 81 graduates in 2009 will earn more than
$2 million in annual salaries while paying over
$250,000 in payroll taxes – ultimately
giving back to their community.
Chef Lester, Executive Chef at Murphy’s Irish Pub, and Edward
Porter, Prep Cook and graduate of DC Central Kitchen’s Culinary
Job Training program, work together in the kitchen.
Duane found role models both in his
instructors and in the Kitchen staff. “Dawain
and Mike – also graduates of our Culinary Job
Training program – took me under their wing,
helping me with my knife skills and teaching
me about seasonings. They were my mentors.”
Now, after graduating in July 2008, Duane is
the Sous Chef for our contract foodservice
at the Washington Jesuit Academy and a role
model for 100 middle school boys. “They ask
me hard questions about my past. I never
lie to them, so I say that I did things I’m not
proud of and paid my time to society. I explain
that rappers fail to mention the pain they
experience as a result of their lifestyle. Instead
of idolizing these stars, the boys should
idolize their teachers, doctors, and police
officers – people who make an honest living
and put their lives on the line to protect
the community.”
Duane’s work at WJA has become multifaceted. He serves as a mentor by providing
advice and by holding the boys accountable
to getting straight A’s; as chef, he also takes
responsibility for their nourishment. “Many of
them might not receive well balanced meals at
home, and they don’t like to try new things.
I’m trying to set them on a new path.”
Learning also extends beyond mealtime. Every
Wednesday after-school, Duane works with the
Service Club in the Kitchen.
Canary Justice gives a big hug to
every volunteer from the Campus Kitchen at
St. Louis University (CKSLU) who comes to her
door to deliver her meals three times a week.
Josh Mueller (CKSLU)
prepares to deliver meals.
CKSLU was our first Campus Kitchen!
She’s an elderly resident of Council Towers,
a community partner that’s existed since the
Campus Kitchen opened its doors in 2001.
Since then, CKSLU has expanded to serve
2,000 meals every month – most cooked
from scratch using donated raw ingredients
– while fostering the growth of other hunger
relief organizations in the community. When
food donations spiked in 2009, the Campus
Kitchen directed excess food to
other agencies in the city.
CKSLU’s history of Culinary Job Training
continued this year with nine more graduates
receiving their ServSafe Certificates, making
them qualified by the Restaurant Association
to work in a professional kitchen – providing
a powerful form of economic empowerment.
CKSLU has graduated 63 Culinary Job Training
students to date.
Students serving
“The Campus Kitchen brings peace
to my mind. When I met them, I had
just been getting over an illness. They
kept me well fed when I wasn’t able
to take care of myself. ”
As this annual report so richly illustrates,
trailblazing nonprofits like DC Central
Kitchen are far from threadbare charities – we
are powerful economic engines in every
community. The Kitchen is but one of more
than 10,000 nonprofits that serve our region
and one of 1.4 million that help preserve
a civil society in America. Collectively,
nonprofits in America produce almost 8%
of our country’s GNP. We employ 14 million
Americans and channel the volunteer energy
of another 60 million people, yet they are
seldom included in candidate visions or party
platforms. Just as DC Central Kitchen worked
to insure that the “homeless” were included in
our city’s growth, we now seek the same
thing for nonprofits.
The V3 Campaign – a national education
project of DC Central Kitchen – is dedicated
to giving candidates for office up-to-date
information about the economic role that
nonprofits play in every community. In
addition, the V3 Campaign helps nonprofit
employees learn how they can legally
advocate on behalf of the causes and
constituents they serve.
DC Central Kitchen Founder and V3 Campaign
leader Robert Egger spoke in 85 communities in
2009, rousing audiences with a bold vision of
nonprofit unity and economic opportunity.
Advocating for the
nonprofit sector
The V3 Campaign is a nonpartisan project.
It does not support any party or candidates.
It is solely dedicated to insuring that, as
America seeks to recover economically, the
entrepreneurial energy and ideas of the
nonprofit sector are included.
– Canary Justice of Council Towers, St. Louis
Economic Footprint
Students continue to power our hunger-relief
efforts by supporting local economies with
over 48,000 hours of volunteer service, with a
cash value of $975,000. While adding free
workforce hours to the community, Campus
Kitchens across the country saved partners a
total of $560,000 through free meal service,
recovering more than 300,000 lbs of food
that would have gone to waste.
Just as DC Central Kitchen was a pioneer
in challenging the stereotype of hunger and
homelessness, we are once again stepping
forward, bravely, to challenge another
inaccurate image.
Ernesto Varias, graduate of DC Central Kitchen’s
Culinary Job Training program, is now a
Production Assistant at the Kitchen,
helping make 4,000 meals every day.
Canary Justice of Council Towers, St. Louis.
Fresh Start Catering offers gourmet,
“conscious cuisine,” as it presents a powerful
opportunity to use your purchasing power as
philanthropy. Prepared by graduates of the
DC Central Kitchen’s Culinary Job Training
program, our product uses local, seasonable
and sustainable foods whenever possible in
order to help support regional farms and
families. Specializing in contract foodservices,
business breakfasts, luncheons and drop-off
meals, Fresh Start’s mission makes it
easy and delicious to eat local and do good.
At our 6th annual Capital Food Fight
Fresh Start Catering staff.
at the Ronald Reagan Building, nearly 1,000
sponsors and supporters gathered to cheer
on top area chefs in live on-stage battles and
savor dishes from 55 of the best restaurants
in town. Since its inception in 2004, the Food
Fight has raised over $1,500,000 for our
unique brand of community empowerment,
becoming the hottest event ticket for area
chefs and foodies.
Capital Food Fight 2009 All-Star Cast
Some of the clients we were proud to serve in
2009 include the Red Cross, Washington
Theological Union, Marriott International,
U.S. Institute of Peace, Destination DC,
Conservation International, and the National
Association of County and City Health Offices.
To see our current seasonal menus,
please visit our website at:
You can also reach us at:
202-234-0707, x125
We look forward to serving you and adding
you to our list of clients in 2010.
José Andrés, Event Chair and Host
Chef/Owner, THINKfoodGROUP
Host of PBS - TV’s Made in Spain
Ted Leonsis, Co-Chair
Majority Owner of the
Washington Capitals
Anthony Bourdain, Co-Host
Conscious Cuisine
Author and Host of Travel Channel’s
No Reservations
Restaurant Supporters
1789 Restaurant - 701 Restaurant - Argia’s - Aria
Art and Soul - Bastille - BGR The Burger Joint
Black’s / Black Salt - BLT Steak - Blue Duck Tavern
Blue Ridge Restaurant - Bourbon Steak
Cacao Fine European Chocolates
Café Atlantico / minibar by José Andrés
Cava / Cava Mezze - Michel Richard Citronelle / Central
Chipotle - Co Co. Sala - CommonWealth Gastropub - Cork
Darlington House - Dolcezza Argentinian Gelato - Equinox
Eventide - Fresh Start Catering - Good Stuff Eatery
Goodstone Inn & Estate - Harry’s Tap Room - Hook
IndeBleu - Indique - INOX - J&G Steakhouse - Jaleo
Kaz Sushi Bistro - Kora by Morou - L’Academie de Cuisine
Lebanese Taverna - Marcel’s / Brasserie Beck - Mie N Yu
Morrison House - Murphy’s Irish Pub
Neighborhood Restaurant Group - Occidental
Old Ebbitt Grill - Oyamel - Poste Moderne Brasserie
Proof - PS7’s - Ronald Reagan Building - Santa Lucia Estate
Coffee - SEI - Spezie - Taberna del Alabardero
Teatro Goldoni - The Source by Wolfgang Puck
THINKfoodGROUP - Vermillion / Tallula - Vidalia / Bisto Bis
Volt - Westend Bistro by Eric Ripert - Willow
Zaytinya - Zengo - Zola
DC Central Kitchen’s 2009
In-Kind Donors
$50,000 and up
District of Columbia
$25,000 - $49,999
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
$10,000 - $24,999
American Airlines - CPR Multimedia Solutions DC Magazine - THINKfoodGROUP - Wegmans - Venable, LLP
- Fiesta In a Box Catering - Gonzaga College High School
$5,000 - $9,999
Capital Meats - Hadco / Viking Stoves - Holland America
Line - MacNair Travel - Ritz–Carlton, Washington DC Tasty Concepts - Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP
- LA Times - Soup Man
$2,500 - $4,999
D’Artagnan - Reflections Photography and Video
Production - OXO - Perfect Settings
Mark Kessler, Emcee
Battling Chefs
Mike Isabella, Zaytinya
Michael Mina, Bourbon Steak
Tracy O’Grady, Willow
Barton Seaver, Blue Ridge
Bryan Voltaggio, Volt
$1,000 - $2,499
All Stage and Sound, Inc. - Basignani Wines - Fiji Water Honest Tea - Republic National Distributing Company
- S. Freedman & Sons - Washington Wholesale William Grant & Sons - White Oak Storage
$250 - $999
Chris Laich - Gina Chersevani - Mike Cherner - Sawtooth
Winery - J.H. Bridgins - NIH Dining Services (Compass)
Ted Allen,
Host of Food Network’s
Food Detectives
Eric Ripert, Executive Chef, Le Bernardin
Carla Hall, Top Chef finalist
Owner of Alchemy Caterers
Design & Copy by Elizabeth Monachello,
Communications & Development Associate
Editing by William Neuheisel, Communications Manager
Richard Lee, graduate of DC Central Kitchen’s Culinary Job
Training program, is now a cook for Fresh Start Catering.
Buy tickets online for
Capital Food Fight 2010!
Photography by Ezra Gregg, Freelance Photographer
Anthony Bourdain and Carla Hall
compete in a surprise battle at the
Capital Food Fight.
Printed by:
C & R Printing, Inc.
Chahine El-Hage, Project Contact: 703-802-0800
Statement of Financial Position
for the year ended December 31, 2009
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Prepaid Expenses
Fixed Assets
$ 548,026
$ 825,041
$ 312,988
Total Assets
Accounts Payable
Line of Credit
Other Liabilities
$ 155,674
$ 100,000
$ 336,233
Total Liabilities
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$ 591,907
Sources of Total Revenue
Statement of Activities
Federal Government Grants and Contracts
Local Government Grants and Contracts
Other Contracts
Retail Food
Special Events, Net
Other Income
Donated Goods and Services
Total Support and Other Revenue
2 In-kind Donations - 21%
4 Individual Donors - 9%
5 Government Grants - 6%
6 Capital Food Fight - 4%
7 United Way - 3%
8 Other - 1%
$ 101,405
$ 148,207
$ 841,293
$ 309,575
$ 157,438
Program Services
Food Recycling/Meal Distribution
Campus Kitchens Project
Culinary Job Training
First Helping
Fresh Start Catering
National R&D
Total Program Services
$ 416,500
$ 303,909
$ 795,852
$ 193,009
Support Services
Management and General
Total Support Services
$ 366,409
Total Expenses
Excess of Support and Revenue Over Expenses
$ 661,156
Investment Gain
$ 291,078
$ 952,234
Change in Net Assets
The Government of the District of Columbia United Way of the National Capital Area Walmart Federal Government Relations
$50,000 - $99,999
The William S. Abell Foundation, Inc. - J. Willard and Alice
S. Marriott Foundation - Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz
Foundation - World Bank Community Connections Fund - Clark
Construction Group, LLC - Ted and Lynn Leonsis - Naomi &
Nehemiah Cohen Foundation
$25,000 - $49,999
Support and Other Revenue
1 Revenue Generating - 33%
3 Corporate and
Foundation Grants - 23%
(excluding in-kind donations)
for the year ended December 31, 2009
Liabilities and Net Assets
7 8
$100,000 - $500,000
46% of our revenue came from
Revenue Generating Programs
Net Assets, January 1, 2009
Net Assets, December 31, 2009
*DC Central Kitchen’s Financials are audited by an outside organization every year.
For full audited financials, please visit our website at:
The Samuel, Nadia, Sidney and Rachel Leah Fund of the
Montgomery County Community Foundation - Evelyn
Stefansson Nef Foundation - Bank of America Foundation - John
E. Fowler Memorial Foundation - Marpat Foundation - The
Morningstar Foundation - The W. O’Neil Foundation
- Venable Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Kathryn P. Brown - Clark–Winchcole Foundation - The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region - Great
American Restaurants - The Herb Block Foundation - Thrill Hill Productions, Inc. - Hindu American Community Servies,
Inc. (HACSI) - America’s Charities - Agua Fund - Harris Teeter, Inc. - Inter-American Development Bank: DC Solidarity
Program - Howard R. Norton III and Patsy Norton - Prince Charitable Trusts - TD Charitable Foundation - Wachovia Wells
Fargo Foundation - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - Geico Public Affairs - Lisa and Michael Avery - Nightclub
930, Sledge, Inc. - Bloomberg - Chevron Corporation - Cooper Thomas, LLC - Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman - Mars
Foundation - Gregory B. and Kendall J. Norton - O’Melveny & Myers, LLP - The SAP Charitable Fund - Sheldon and Audrey Katz
Foundation, Inc. - The Jack D. and Fredda S. Sparks Foundation - WashingtonPost.Newsweek Interactive - Wegmans
$5,000 - $9,999
Washington, DC / Suburban Maryland Chapter: National Association of Industrial and Office Properties (NAIOP) - Julian J.
O’Rear - The Philip L. Graham Fund c/o The Washington Post - Betsy McDaniel and Philippe Briandet - Neighborhood Restaurant
Group III, LLC (Rustico) - Jim Stanley - McGuinn Family Foundation - Nancy Leigh Miller - Fannie Mae SERVE Matching Gift
Program - Elizabeth Delaney - Panera Bread Foundation - Walter A. Bloedorn Foundation - Amy Rao - Google, Inc. - Quinby
Fund - St. John’s Church, Lafayette Square - The Ritz-Carlton Hotels - American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) - Prince and
Company, Inc. - The Aaron and Cecile Goldman Family Foundation - Gregor Bailar and Terry Hong - BAND Foundation - M.S.
Berman - Carl M. Freeman Foundation - Cecchi Family Foundation - Corina Higginson Trust - EagleBank - Finnegan, Henderson,
Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP - Gannett Foundation - Gleason Family Foundation - Illogic, Inc. - Emily and Kyle Jones - Keany
Produce Company - Lainoff Family Foundation, Michael Lainoff, and Kathryn Kincaid - Patrice and Herbert Miller - Odd
Fellows Temple - Helen and Daniel O. Omer - Rosenthal Companies - Sysco Food Services of Baltimore - The Torray Family
Foundation - Robin J. Uler - William S. Paley Foundation
$2,500 - $4,999
Whole Foods - Joan Dombroski - The Waterwheel Foundation - Todd Koons - Charles and Margaret Levin Family Foundation - John
Gorman - Jerry Knoll - Marjorie Windelberg - Kiplinger Foundation - IBM Employee Services Center - Ari Appel - Fidelity
Charitable Gift Fund - Calvert Asset Management Co., Inc. - Paul Clark - Marshall B. Coyne Foundation - Scott Sinder and Jodie
Kelley - Verizon Foundation - Good Sports of Arlington, Inc. - Emergency Food & Shelter National Board Program - Shalin
Desai - The Jain Society of Metropolitan Washington - Emergency Food & Shelter National Board Program - Lola and Arthur
Bardos - Judith E. Burke - Scott and Munam Goodwin - Joe Higdon and Ellen Sudow Fund of the Community Foundation for
the National Capital Region - Corrina Miller - Philip D. and Monica - H. Rosenthal - Michael and Kathleen Curtin - Kendra
Carter - District of Columbia - Freddie Mac Foundation - Jill Stacey - Debby Ratner Salzberg - The Council of Insurance Agents
and Brokers - Josh Carin - Occasions Caterers - International Monetary Fund - Employee Fund - Jose R. Andres - Linda and
James R. Beers - Judith A. Brown - Bureau of National Affairs - Carol A. Campbell - CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Corporate
Giving Program - Paul Carliner - Clearwater Seafoods Limited Partnership - Covington & Burling, LLP - DC Lottery and Charitable
Games Control Board - Shaun Donovan - The Dozoretz Family Foundation - Anne Haney - Catharine A. Hartzenbusch - Conni
Kunzler - The Kuwait–America Foundation - Lockheed Martin Corp. Foundation - Judith Mazo and Michael Seidman - Robert
and Catherine Miller Charitable Foundation - Chris Miller and Jenn Young - Ellen and James Myerberg - Michael Quattrone - Gail
Rosseau - Angelyn and Jeffrey Shapiro - Peter R. and Claudia A. Sherman Charitable Giving Fund of the Community Foundation
for the National Capital Region - Sri Siva Vishnu Temple - Megumi Tice
$1,500 - $2,499
Harry’s Clarendon, LLC (Harry’s Tap Room) - Wiley Rein,
LLP - Clifton W. Middleton - Steven J. Chad - Chevron
Employees - Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program - Jim
Burke - Wallace Family Philanthropic Fund - Edwin and
Sondra Schonfeld - Housing In Transition, Inc. - Sean
Greene - Brian Baczkowski and Alison Serino - Valerie
and Chris Bayham - Adam and Karen Berkowitz - Linwood
Boomer & Theresa Katsky Boomer - James L. Brooks - Lauren
P. Caudill and Michael S. Caudill, Jr. - Charles Delmar
Foundation - Ann and David Cook - Crystal Crippen - Dimick
Foundation - Alisa Field - GBP, LLC (Tackle Box) - Jack E.
Hairston, Jr. - George Hornig - John Hussman - Lawrence & Mary
Ellen Kasdan - Richard Kring and Lisa Lacorte-Kring - LovettMcLuckie Family Trust - Melissa Kroning and Michael
Lowe - Mad Baker, LLC - Robert Mandell - Melike Oncu - Anne
Pajcic - Julie and Will Parish - Elsie B. Paull - Boggarm
Setty - Alison and John Shulman - Mari L. Snyder - David
Sobel and Elizabeth Critchley - Ruben Stemple - James
Steyer - The Safeway Foundation - Toigo Orchards II - Catherine
Van Way - Eugene Weil - Wesley Weissberg - Gail and Mark
Welch - Sean Wilsey - Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative
Corporation - Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice, PLLC - Linda
and Robert Yahn - Leo E. Zickler - Laura Ziskin - Power,
Rogers & Smith - Dawn–Marie Bey - The Liaison, An Infinity
Hotel - Jim Burke - William Fuchs, Jr. - Robert A. Mann–
Thompson - Kanchi Kamakoti Seva Foundation (KKSF) - Darwin
Goodsell - Elizabeth J. Bramlet - Lynn Deavers - American
Bankers Association - Siddharth and Malavika Bhattacharji The Capitol Hill Community Foundation - Luke Cole - Ronald
Dabrowski - Dow Lohnes, PLLC - Food Lion Charitable
Foundation - The Four Lanes Trust - Hook Restaurant / Pure
Hospitality, LLC - Michael D. Hutter - Adrienne Jamieson - Rory
and David A. Jones - Elizabeth and Stephen Kahn - Margaret
Keeley - Holly Ann Ketchel - Robin and Jack Lavin - Patricia
Andorn and Robert G. Liberatore - Nion McEvoy - Philip
Mead - Ellen Mendell - David and Nicole Mitchell - Dori
Peterman and Charles Mostov - Laura Pennycuff and Sander
Glick - Susan Pitman - Dr. Monica L. Randles, Mstr. - Christiane
Liselotte Roehler - Christine and Richard Rudisill - Vanessa
Ruiz - Donna and Robert Sokol - Lynn and Mark Spates Sri Venkateswara Lotus Temple of Virginia
- Cathy Weiss - Dana Welch
DC Central Kitchen values each and every supporter as
an important part of our organization. While our annual
report only lists our major contributors, all donations are
valuable to our community-building efforts. We work hard
to ensure the accuracy of our information and apologize
for any errors or omissions.
$1,000 - $1,499
Immanuel Presbyterian Church - Aramco Services Company - Gary Paul - Brut, LLC - DBA Proof Restaurant - Carrie Eshman - Kiplinger
Washington Editors - Thomas R. Jacobson - David Kassir - Mie N Yu / JJC Georgetown, Inc. - Academy for Educational
Development - Sunnyside Group, LLC (Good Stuff Eatery) - Susan Clyde and Peter Siegwald - Patricia Friedman - Valerie Briggs
Solomon - John Stoody - Jonathon L. Wiggins - Feinstein Foundation - Wallace and Wallace Insurance Agency, Inc. - J. Burton LeBlanc - Mary
and James Powers - Hope for Humanity - Mary Laschober and Steven Honegger - Thomas Zeno and Linda Bruggeman - David Jones - Michelle
Rago - Mary and Robert Stoddard - Adamstein & Demetriou, Inc. - Albert & Lillian Small Foundation - Michael Alexander - Sara Lemkevon Ammon - Joseph Andresen - Berit Ashla - Catherine A. and Gary D. Bachman - Thomas K. Baker - Matilda Tillie and Murray
Blackstone Foundation / Joseph A. Baldinger - Kristin Bear - Laurie Becklund - Madeleine Beckwith - Mark A. Bernard - Cherry J.
Beysselance - Cathleen Black - Ronald E. Blaylock and Judith I. Byrd - Joan C. and John E. Broughton - Anthony Browne - Denise E.
Bruner, M.D. - Melinda Beeuwkes Buntin and John Buntin - Ruth C. and Maurice B. Burg - Susan and Dixon Butler - Bruce Carhart - Daragh
Cassidy - Center for Student Missions - Ruth and Robert Clark - Patricia Cliff - Marsha Cohen - Edmond B. Cronin, Jr. - CrossCurrents
Foundation - Amy Cunningham - Jonathan A. Dach - Linda Daly - Daubers, Inc. of Washington, DC - Erro Davide - Laura DeBruce - Grace
and Daniel Denman - Xavier DeShayes - Lynne Diamonod - Valerie Haselton Drescher and Patryk Drescher - Danielle Drissel and David
Webster - Debra Duncan and William Tito - Eleanor Dunn - Karen and Anthony Epstein - Mehrdad Etemad - Jodie Evans - Susan and
Lester G. Fant - Lois Fingerhut - Alan Fleischmann - Whit Fletcher - George Frampton - Susan and Alan Friedman - Cleo and Michael
Gewirz - Daniele Menache and Mark Gompertz - Jamie Gorelick - Rachel Goslins - Tamara Gould - Lawrence D. Greenberg - Thomas F.
and Elysia M. Gudas - Deborah Hales - Edward William Hallen - Joseph M. Hassett, Esq. - John Hauge - Rachel and Jeffrey Hayden - Connie
and Mark Heller - Giselle Hicks - Susan and Russell Holdstein - Henry Holgate - Richard Hoskins - Hotel Association of Washington DC,
Inc. - Michael Hunseder - International Gourmet Foods, Inc. - Rita and Ian Isaacs - Gail and Benjamin Jacobs - Clay Johnson - Tracey
and Ryland Johnson - Ann Jones - Juniper Networks, Inc. - Carolyn J. Kaplan - Michael M. Kazhdan - Jeff Kelley and Hung Lui - Michael
Kellogg - Robert Kellogg - Charles F. Keyes and Marilyn Rauber - Edward Kohan - Elizabeth Werner and Carl Kravitz - Gerald Kunde - Shankar
Kurra - Diane Lackner - Mary and Andrew Lang - Jill LaZare - Christopher Le Mon and Rachel Taylor - Robert Lederman - Kathleen and
Kenneth Lemelin - Rosalyn Lemieux - Marian D. Lemle - Dale Lenzner - Gordon Litwin and Anne Luzzatto - Dr. Carl Marci - Martha Stewart
Living Omnimedia, Inc. - Stephanie Martz - Lynn Matheny - Kathryn Mayo-Hudson and David Hudson - April McClain-Delaney - Susan
D. McCluskey - Sophia McCrocklin and William Isaacson - Patricia G. and J. Michael McGinnis - M. Margaret McKeown and Peter F.
Cowhey - Patrick McLain - Robert S. and Helen C. McMillan - Jeffrey Menick - Michael & Susan Gelman Philanthropic Account - Mark
Michael - Rebecca Michelman - Perry Mizota - Terry G. Mogil - Amy Moran - Julie H. Mounts and Janet K. Magner - Nancy Voorhees Fund
of the Montogomery County Community Foundation - Matthew Nemeth - Tamar Newberger - Margaret and Michael O’Neill - Richard
Paisner - Michael S. Paukstitus - Joseph Perpich - Heather Perram - John and Mary Petersen - Gordon W. Peterson - Joy Plemmons - Rosalinda
and Patrick Raher - Larry Remer / The Primacy Group - Sharon Roberts - Rocklands Barbecue and Grilling Company - Edward M.
Rogers - The Rorer Foundation - Donna and Benjamin Rosen - Paul Rudd - Wendy Rudolph - Barbara Saidel - Peter Schechter - Elizabeth
Schueler - Jonathan Schwartz - Sevatec - Shafran Family Foundation - Lynn and John Shane - Shirley Brownrigg Charitable Trust - Susan
Shreve - Judy and Jerry Shulman - Samuel Simon - Dixon Singerland - Tina and Albert H. Small, Jr. - Michael Smith - Patricia M. and
H. William Smith, Jr. Foundation - Shelton Smith - St. Alban’s Transformation Partnership - Elizabeth Stanton - Morna and Douglas
Steiger - Mary Lou Steptoe - Linda and Gerald Stern - Nageeb Sumar - Susan W. Agger Family Fund of The Community Foundation
for the National Capital Region - Robert M. Sussman - Rita Svec - Lynn Taliento - Tartt Holdings, LLC - Chris Tavlarides - Douglas and
Alix Thompson - Peter Thompson and Barbara Strom Thompson - Nina Totenberg - Triad Foundation - William Tucker - USI Insurance
Services, LLC - Vedapurisan and Thara Viswanathan - Dr. Donna L. Vogel - Judd Volino and Julia Kazaks - Malin Vollmer - Mark and Liz
Vorsatz - Ayelet Waldman - Veronica Walgamotte - Susan Walker - Christopher and Lorraine Wallace - Diane Wallerstein - The Warren Capital
Foundation - Edwin and Caryn Wechsler - Caryn and Steven Weschler - Anne and Tim Whipple - Robert O. Wilder Family Fund - Deborah D.
Winters and Daniel Onstad - Richard Wolffe - Jonathan Wolman - Sibyl and Elton Wright - Catherine York - Jean Schiro-Zavela and Vance
Zavela - Nancy M. and Harold Zirkin
Thank you
$500 - $999
United Way of Delaware, Inc. - Peter A. Larsen - Café
Atlantico - Eileen Geier - Shaheedah Cantley
Muhammad - Lebanese Taverna Group - Old Glory DC,
LLC - Covenant Presbyterian Church - American Psychological
Association - Arent Fox, PLLC - Jean Ramsay Bower - Sally
Brice O’Hara and Robert F. O’Hara - Bates White, LLC - Ellen
Haas - Lisa Ingall - Gail Chambers - Krista M. Fogleman and
Todd Crawford - Sarah Molseed - E. Shashaty - Lena and Marc
Trudeau - Latham & Watkins, LLP - Sandra Braunstein - Joanne
B. Grossman and John H. Seesel - Lenzner Family Foundation
(Margaret & Terry Lenzner) - Andrea Maher - Chitra
Rajagopal - Stacy Roach - Elaine Ron - Jason Storch - Marie
L. Tibor - Doyle and Joan Weishar - Denise Bode - Brad
Mendelson - Craig O’Brien - William A. Roberts - American
University - Alan Berube - Comsys - Steven Charles Salop and
Judith R. Gelman - Todd Hettenbach and Anna Laitin - Paula
Kerger - Katherine and Eric Kravetz - Mark Kurish - Witney
S. and Courtenay M. Slater - United Synagogue of
Conservative Judaism - The Washington Post Company - Thea
MacQuaid - Employee’s Community Fund of the Boeing
Company - Les Weisbrod - Sulu Ayya - Robert J. Grossman and
Susan B. Tarnofsky - David M. Torok - Black River Systems
Company, Inc. - Howard Kaufman - Heritage Presbyterian
Church - Odd Squad, LLC - J. Paul’s DC, LLC - Chitra and
Kandadai Venkatraman - Steven and Nancy O. Breth - James
Campbell and Nancy Hooff - Cara - Rosalind C. Cohen - Joaquin
Fajardo - Christopher Floyd - Michael A. George - Charles
Gray - Jordan Kough - Linda and Jacob Locker - Linda
Mazawey - Lisa Orange - James and Lori Prendergast - Andrew
Richards - Laurie and Clinton ShatzervHelene O’Neil
Shere - Jennifer Sipala - Robin Stombler - The Samuel &
Grace Gorlitz Foundation - Barbara Timm–Brock - Jennifer
Visick - Swati Ghosh - S. and R. Nagula - National Academy of
Elder Law Attorneys - Fan–Li Chou - Linda Keely - Charles Roe
Mills - Daniela Stoia - Nedra Agnew - Catherine Davies - Margo
Dunn - Ali Malik - Althea M. Forrester - Jennifer L. Gera - Barry
W. Johnson - Ivan G. MItchell - William C. O’Connor - Kenneth
Forsberg - Emily van Agtmael - Sanford K. Ain and Miriam
Ain - Barbara Alterowitz - ASAE Services - Alp Atabek - Judith
Auerbach - Nilofer Azad - Balakrishna Babu - Bank-Fund
Staff Federal Credit Union - Stefano Baroni - Joanne E.
Beck - Morton Bender - Deborah Blank - Leslie & Sandra
Nanberg Charitable Foundation - Brian Brennan - Ellen
Brown - Gregory Butler - Chinese Women’s League - Faye and
Fred Chitty - Patricia Ciazza - Hal Cohen - Dana Conroy - Susan
R. Cunningham and Philip Eliot - Christine Davis - Andrea
Dean - David Deramus and Rosemary Regis - Mark
Drajem - Belle and Ronald Elving - Ezekiel Emanuel - Mary E.
Esslinger - Elizabeth Farrell - Alison and Peter Fenn - Jennifer
Fischer - Steven Fistere - Matthew Fogarty - Marc Foglia - Paul
Friedman - Daniel P. Froomkin and Paige M. Fitzgerald - Fry
Heating and Plumbing Corp. - Mary Futrell - Maria Teri
Galvez - Dr. David L. Gardner - Robert Giloth and Kari
Moe - Henry H. Goldberg - Wendy Goldberg - Harold P.
Goldfield - John S. Gomperts and Katherine J. Klein - Thomas
and Linda Cleek Gray - Harrah’s Entertainment, Inc. -
Alan M. Harter - Cary Havert - Mary and R.J. Heath - Jennifer L.
Hogan - Bonnie Holland / The Holland Foundation - Maurita E.
Horn - Jeffrey Huther - Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. - Linda
and Claude Kacser - Russell Katz - Andrew Kauders - Judith R.
Kaufmann - Anne Kennedy - Peter Kester - Catherine King - Maria
Kopsidas - Kraft Foods - Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program - Grant
Kraus - Cara Lichtenstein - Margo Lion - Erika Ferrari Lopez and
Leonard Lopez - Frank Loy - Stephen J. Lynton - Dan Lyons - Sandra
Marks - Lane McBride - Jan McCarthy - Leon G. Mcrorie - Thomas P.
and Marren Meehan - Andrew Meltzer - Martha Membrino - Clifford N.
and Tammy Bobb Mendelson - Michael Meunier Fund - Florence and
Laurence Meyer - Michelle Miles - Stephen G. Milliken - Stephen F. Moseley
and Barbara M. Ogrady - James Murphy - Joseph C. Nalls, II - Phyllis
and Rex Naylor - John Northrop - OnSale - Glenna D. and
David M. Osnos - Betty Ann Ottinger - Robert Pallansch - Virginia N.
Pape - Shari Pfleeger - Mara Polan - Elissa Preheim - Kurt Rakouskas - Ada
M. Rivera - Kenneth Roberts - Maria E. Romash - Patty Rose - Rowny
Foundation - Elaine Ryan - John Schram - Jill Schuker - Richard L.
Schwartzbard - David Sherwood and Hillary Sheldon - Virginia Sloan - Mark
H and Carol F. Steinbach - Stone Family - Thomas Strikwerda and Donna
Steinstra - Joseph Stuever - Jack D. Summer - Darian Swig - Michael
Swinburne - Barbara Taylor - Eva Temkin - Shannon Tews - Willard Tom
and Natalie Lichtenstein - Diane Straus Tucker - Vanguard Charitable
Endowment - Vocus - Barbara Washburn - Arch Whitehead - Ann L.
Wild - Wilmot Wheeler Foundation, Inc. - Matthew Winter - Patricia
Winter - Jeannette Wise - Words & Ideas - Debra Yogodzinski - Linda Young
20,000+ pounds of food
Costco (Fern Street) - Mid-Atlantic Gleaning Network - Capital
Area Food Bank - Cuisine Solutions - Trader Joe’s (Foggy
Bottom) - Gaylord National Hotel
5,000 - 19,999 pounds of food
Eastern Market (multiple farmers) - Monumental Vending - Dupont
Circle Farmers Market (multiple farmers) - Capital Grille - AM
Briggs - Murry’s Steaks, Inc. - Whole Foods (Georgetown) - Burris
Logistics - Heaven’s Grocery Store - Smokey Glen Farm - DC Jewish
Community Center - Centerplate (Convention Center) - New Day
Farm - Prime Foods - Department of Transportation Farmers Market
(Riverfront) - Episcopal High School - Amtrak - Latham & Watkins,
LLP - USDA Farmers Market - University of Maryland
(South Dining Hall)
3,000 - 4,999 pounds of food
Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium - Freddie Mac - ProFish - Kevin
Showalter (Shenandoah Valley Produce Auction) - Farmers
and Hunters Feeding the Hungry - Fannie Mae (4000
Wisconsin Ave.) - Clagett Farm - George Washington University
(Sodexo) - Chipotle (Dupont) - Saval Food Service - International
Gourmet Foods - American University (Letts Hall) - Washington
Hebrew Congregation, DC - Valley Farming (Clifford Rohrer) - KBQ
Real Barbecue - Beauvoir National Cathedral Elementary
School - Sidwell Friends School - Feast of Sharing - George
Washington University Greek Life - Shenandoah University Campus Theatre
65 - 299 pounds of food
Sweet Green - Michael Trotter - Hotel Rouge - Holy Trinity Church - Susan Cohn - Ralph Moss - University of Maryland (Cumberland Hall Dining
Services) - Alchemy Caterers - Anita and Matt Dechleu - Art Institute of Washington - Calvert Group Ltd. - Chevron, Office of Government
Affairs - Courtyard Marriott (Capitol Hill) - Monique Fortenberry - Montgomery College - National City Church - University of Maryland (Denton
Dining Services) - Volkswagon Group - Washington Waldorf School - A7S Security Forces - LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, LLP - USDA People’s
Garden - American Federation of Teachers - Choice Center (Sodexo) - Carnegie Institution for Science - Capitol Hilton Hotel - National Academy
of Science - American Israel Public Affairs Committee - American University (Kay Spiritual Life Cener) - California Tortilla - Congregation Beth
Shalom - Cynthia Burgess - Deloitte Consulting - Farrah Olivia Restaurant - Friends of the National Zoo - International State Centers - Jackie Lussier - Lexie
Applebaum - Mac Rogers - McLean High School - On The Fly - Penn Farm - Sushma Sohi - Café Milano - Aidan Montessori School - American University
(Mary Graydon Center) - Mintz Levin Law Firm - Williams Mullen - George Washington University (Phi Sigma Pi) - Washington Latin School - George
Washington University (Presidents House) - Gary Reese - William Miller - Toketha Wilson - Dave & Buster’s - Grayson Natural Foods - Applied
Engineering Management - Bright Horizons - Christine Connolly - National Alliance to End Homelessness - Sharon Galitzer - Swanne Howard - Takoma
Park / Silver Spring Food Co-op - Eric Hovde - Bates White, LLC - High TechMinds Multimedia - Susan Polston - Brunner Digital - L’Enfant Plaza
Hotel - The Westin Arlington Gateway - National Academy of Sciences - George Washington University (Guthridge Hall) - Sheila Shafaat - Amyx - CocaCola Distributing - University of Maryland (Circle K) - Amy Tyrrell - Eleanor Roosevelt High School (National Honor Society) - Labor of Love Homeless
Institute - Montgomery County Volunteer Center - Jennifer K. Shirley - Calvary Baptist Church - Georgetown University (Students of Georgetown,
Inc) - BOMA International - Church of God International - Community Legal Clinics - DLA Piper - Farmer Mac - George Washington University (South Asian
Society) - Heather Lee - Holy Redeemer Church - James H. Blake High School - Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church - Michael Giles - National
Gallery of Art - Pepco Holdings, Inc. - Ronald Reagan Building / International
Trade Center - Sigma Chi - Smithsonian Insitution - Temple Rodef
1 - 64 pounds of food
Shalom - Theodore Roosevelt High School - World Bank (Sodexo) - Ramesh
Amy Kristol - The Global Alliance for Vaccines and
Jagan - St. Dominic’s Church - District Chophouse & Brewery - District of
Immunisation - Grace Episcopal Church - Hearth, Patio and BBQ
Columbia Housing Authority - Shelley Cohen & Sienna Gala - National Fish and
Association - McDarmah Mill - National Cathedral School - Phi
Wildlife Foundation - Hartley Erickson - James Nelson - Janet Capazo - Nicolle
Beta Sigma - Sis Jessil Gary - Gannett Co. (Sodexo) - TLC
Moore - Seasons Catering Services - Wilmer Hale - George Washington University
Discovery Communications - Animal Health Institute - American
(Intervarsity Christian) - Hotel Monaco - Otai Harley - YMCA (Kensington) - U.S.
Bankers Association - Ariel Wilson - Barbara Appleby - Be The
Department of Labor - Kelly Hastings - Mitchell and Titus - YMCA (Silver
Change–SAALT - Center for Science in the Public Interest - David
Spring) - A+ Events - AT Coento - National Association of Realtors - Rio Tinto
Ronnis - Gensler - Joyce Powell - Kelly Nelmo - Lynn
Services, LLD
Gilbertson - Marilyn Brown - Mauro Lopez - Melinda Fulmer - Neil
Food Donors
1,000 - 2,999 pounds of food 300 - 999 pounds of food
US Food Service - Swiss Bakery and Pastry Shop (Burke) - Zoofari
(National Zoological Park) - Agora Farms - Occasions
Caterers - Keany Produce - St. Alban’s School (Sodexo) - Marine
Corps Marathon - SRA International - Sodexo - Washington
Convention Center - Skadden, Arps - United Way - Longhorn
Steak House - Ward 8 Farmers Market - Immanuel Presbyterian
Chruch - Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel - Department
of Treasury - Marker Miller Orchards - Richard’s Fruit Market - Skin
Cancer Surgery Center - Caldwell Food Group - Chipotle (Dupont
Circle) - EcoFriendly Foods - The Ritz-Carlton - Landon School
(Sodexo) - Coosemans, DC - Panera Bread (Silver Spring) - Sysco of
Baltimore - USA Today (Sodexo) - La Pasta - Six Flags America - Swiss
Bakery and Pastry Shop (Springfield) - Costco - Whole Foods
(Tenleytown) - The Holton–Arms School (Sodexo) - Subway - America
Sings - Fairlington United Methodist Church - Episcopal High
School - Wiley Rein, LLP - Federal Schedules, Inc. - Au Pair
in America - Johnson Towers - Saval Foods - Computer Data
Systems, Inc. - 1600 Capital Associates, LLC - Federal Reserve
Board - Helix Lounge - Walden University - George Washington
University (Circle K) - Shepherd’s Table - Design Cuisine - Jackmont
Hospitality - Accenture - Arlington Food Bank - Mr. Happy’s Sauce
Company - The English Pantry
US Food Service (Manassas) - Toigo Orchards - The Fairfax at Embassy Row
Hotel - Rocklands Barbeque (Alexandria) - Organic To Go - United Communities
Against Poverty - Red Velvet Cupcakery - George Washington Catering - Mosheh
Gains - US–China Business Council - Berman & Associates - City Year - Blair
House (White House guest house) - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - Whole
Foods (Logan Circle) - Chip Guy - Jeffery’s Catering - DC Public Schools - Barry
Johnson - Bon Appetit (Galludet Unversity) - Felix Restaurant - Georgetown
Day School - Belle Haven Country Club - Capital Catering - Northwood High
School - SOC Enterprises - Georgetown University, Levy Hall Kitchen - St. John’s
Church - Westin Hotel - Bancroft Elementry - David Fowler - Flanagans Harp &
Fiddle - Frex Consulting - Gates Hudson - Hines Building - Resurrection Lutheran
Church - Senior Citizens Building - University of Michigan Alumni - Vital
Vittles - Vocus - Wayne Martin (Shenandoah Valley Produce Auction) - Lacy
Tatroult - University of Marylandd (South Campus Commons) - Finnegan,
Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP - 7 / 11 (Garrett Ave) - Mike
Gachan - Congregation Har Shalom - M.E. Swing Coffee Company - Richard
Feldna - United Praise Youth Choir - Park View High School - Geppetto
Catering - Bolling Air Force Base - Immanuel Presbyterian Church - The
Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - George Washington University
(Program Board) - Sibley Memorial Hospital - Ketchum, Inc. - Giant Food (Wisc
Ave) - Washington Youth Garden - United Fresh Produce Association - Hyatt
Regency (Capitol Hill) - Lederer Youth Garden - Residences at Thomas
Circle - Inspire, LLP - Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery (Bethesda) - Hunton
& Williams - Adas Israel Temple - Choice Hotels International - Colleen
McCarthy - DC Office of Zoning - EMG3 - Office of the Republican Leader
Snyder - Parsons Brinckerhoff - Sara Kanach - The Hart Senate
Office Building, Senator Schumer - University of Maryland
(Business Fraternity) - Washington International School - Maryland
Quality Meats - Michael Norton - Sylvia Carter - American Iron
and Steel Institute - George Washington University (Students
for Justice) - Julie S. - Embassy Suites - George Washington
University (Crawford Hall) - Jonathan Watson - Marriott / United
Jewish Communities - Matthew Miller - McDermot Will &
Emory - SFC - Shirdi Sai Mandir - The Falls Church - Washington
Ethical Society - Friends of Blanche Lincoln - American Beverage
Association - Crowell & Moring - Gail Franch - Mohammad
Partovi - Common Good City Farm - Joanna Alexander - New
York Deli Union Station - Vincent Certoma - Café Milano - The
Congressional Hunger Center - David Harris - Superior Court
of the District of Columbia - Howard University (School of
Communications) - Karen McDaniel - Marcus Mitchell - Pecan
Meadow Farm - Rita Reid - Robert Bailey - Jacqueline Boltz - Lynnsie
Schramm - Chartwells - United States Attorney’s Office for
the District of Columbia - Josh Feller - Lauren Kuhn - Obelisk
Restaurant - Sue Kurpiewski - Hamid Shafif - Southern & Venkata
GollaPudi - Administration on Aging - Council of Insurance
Agents & Brokers - Kimberly Epstein - Nicole Horton - Nutrition
Action - Healthletter - Serve DC - FLIK - White House Transportation
Agency - Henry Berry - Jack Shorb - Nick Parrish - Patricia
Hoban - Seth Wikas - Steve Adelson - University of Maryland
(Student Union) - USA Today - Biju Thomas - Lester Swann - Fourth
Presbyterian Church - Lynette Collins - Amber Klott - Department of
Justice - Georgetown University (ASK Program) - Justin Reid - Katja
Eichinyev - MVS Inc. - Russell C. Walker, Jr. - Georgetown University
(Office of Graduate Programs) - J. Laufur - Jane Naland - Supriya
Sinhababa - Wagshal’s Meat Market - Rich Dungan - Sean
Oshea - Capital Meat Company - Intellectual Property Owners
Association - Robert A. Smith - Shannon Goggin - Caroline
Pott - Sherill Sanger - Foodco USA - Arent Fox - Beth Chai
Congregation - Constance Martin
Board of Directors
Robert Egger, Founder & President
DC Central Kitchen
Marie Tibor, Chair
Apartment & Office Building Association
of Metropolitan Washington
LaShon Kell, Secretary
Bracewell and Giuliani, LLP
Lynne Breaux
Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington
Jim Burke*
Sodexo USA
Josh Carin
Geppetto Catering
Gil Crawford
MicroVest Capital Management, LLC
Ken A. Crerar
The Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers
Kevin Tansey
IVC Volunteer
Antoinette Betschart
IVC Volunteer
Thank you
Mary Sue Flanagan
IVC Volunteer
Xavier Deshayes
Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center
Tiffany Godbout
We thank our dedicated IVC Volunteers for their
years of service and for bringing expertise and life
experience to DC Central Kitchen.
for your service
Washington Hospitality Foundation
Ellen Haas
Podesta Group
Ryland Johnson
Zola / Stir Food Group
Jodie Kelley
Business Software Alliance
Rev. Ray Kemp
Woodstock Theological Center
Partner Agencies
801 East Housing Assistance Center: Catholic Charities - Adams
Place: Catholic Charities - Alliance for Concerned Men at Ainger
Place - Alliance for Concerned Men at Morton Street - Angel
Youth Outreach Ministries - Arlington Emergency Winter
Shelter - ASPAN: Arlington Street People Sullivan House
Homeless Bagged Meal Program - Blair House (Coalition for
the Homeless) - CCNV Maintenance - Charlie’s Place at St.
Margaret’s - The Children’s Center - The Children’s Hospital
Teen Life Clubs (TLC), Teens Against the Spread of AIDS (TASA),
Teens with Negative Tests (TNT) - Church of the Brethren:
Brethren Nutrition Program - City Lights Public Charter
School - Clean and Sober Streets - Coalition for Economic
Empowerment - Community of Christ Church - Community
of Hope Education Enrichment Program - Community of Hope
Health Services - Community of Hope: Hope Apartments
- Community of Hope Housing - Concerned Black Men:
Tree of Life Public Charter School - Covenant House
Prevention Services - Covenant House Washington Crisis
Shelter - Covenant House Washington Education and Workforce
Development - Creative Community for Non-Violence Agencies
(CCNV) - Destiny, Power & Purpose - EFFORTS - Eleanor
U. Kennedy Shelter - Emery Shelter (Coalition for the
Homeless) - Emmaus Services for the Aging - Facilitating
Leadership in Youth - The Family Place - Father McKenna Center at St.
Aloysius - First Helping - The Fishing School - Girls’ Inc. - The Girls’
Outreach Program - Greater Washington Field of Dreams - Harriet
Tubman Women’s Shelter: Catholic Charities - Hermano Pedro Women’s
Shelter: Catholic Charities - Iglesias San Juan - John Young Center:
Cathoic Charities - Jubilee Housing - Kennedy Institute, Lt. Joseph
P. - La Casa Multicutural Center (Coalition for the Homeless) - La Casa
Transitional (Coalition for the Homeless) - Lincoln Westmoreland
Community Center - Living Wages of Washington - Jubilee Housing - Mary
House - Meade Memorial Episcopal Church - Metro Teen AIDS - M.O.M.I.E.S.’s
T.L.C. at Brightwood Park and Euclid - Mondloch House II - My Sister’s
Place - Neighbors’ Consejo - New Endeavors by Women - New York Ave
Housing Assistance Center: Catholic Charities - Northwest Church Family
Network - Open Door Shelter - Park Road Transitional House (Coalition for
the Homeless) - Pediatric AIDS / HIV Care - The Perry School
- Rachael’s Women’s Center - R.O.P.E. - Sacred Heart Church - Salvation
Army Sherman Avenue Corps - Sitar Center for the Arts - St. Lukes United
Methodist Church - St. Matthais Mulumba House - Themba, Inc. - THRIVE
DC - Transgender Health Empowerment, Inc. - Webster House (Coalition for
the Homeless) - Wingate Apartments - The Women’s Collective Young Ladies of Tomorrow - Youth Net
Ris Lacoste
Ris Restaurant
Elizabeth Mullins
The Ritz–Carlton
Padma Natarajan
Infectious Diseases Society of America
Chance Patterson
Discovery Networks International
Barton Seaver
Sustainability Consultant
Geoffrey Stricker
Clark Construction
Twanda Thomas
Martha’s Table, DCCK CJT Graduate
Toigo Orchards
Chairs Emeritus
José Andrés
Nancy Torray
ThinkFoodGroup, Inc.
Torray Family Foundation
Rob Wilder
Rhonda Willingham
ThinkFoodGroup, Inc.
Mark Toigo
*designated Campus Kitchens Project Director
425 2nd Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-234-0707
Fax: 202-986-1051
UW# 8233 / CFC# 67538