Value Added Services in BSNL - NFTE
Value Added Services in BSNL - NFTE
Value Added Services in BSNL (VAS SECTION) MP Telecom Circle, Bhopal Prepared By: Anil Singh, SDE VAS Important Value Added Services Of BSNL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. BSNL LIVE. BSNL PRBT STK (SIM Tool Kit) SBI Mobile banking through USSD Email 2 SMS. Bharat Sync. Xgen Plus Mobile TV( Hello TV, Mobi TV , NexG TV, Zinga TV) Dial A Video(51010 Video Portal). IVR Based Service. USSD Based Services. Cell Broadcast Service. Video presentation bsnllive BSNL LIVE Through ‘BSNL Live' you can watch LIVE TV (Hello TV) and movies on your mobile, download exciting Videos clips games, songs and personalize your mobile phone with wallpapers and ringtones of your choice. To access BSNLLive wap portal visit site ‘ ‘ from your mobile phone and experience the thrill. BSNL LIVE "You can ask for the settings by sending <make> space <model> of your handset to 58355 by SMS e.g. <Nokia> space <N79> to 58355 . Setting can also be downloaded through web portal After you send the SMS you will in response get several settings on your handset viz. ‘bsnllive', ‘bsnlstream' ,’bsnlnet’ .’bsnlmms’ Services in BSNLLIVE Tariff 1. Video, Wallpapers and Ringtones Download @ Rs 10 2. Live TV like hello TV, Model TV, Zinga TV, Mobile TV etc can be subscribed at various tariffs Starting from Rs 1/day, Rs 10 for 3 Days, Rs 35 per week ,Rs 29 per month, and Rs 99/month all chls pack etc. 3. Exciting Games Download starting from @ Rs 50 per Games 4. Budget Movies @ Rs 25 and Bollywood Movies @ Rs 40 BSNLLIVE other Portals Subscription on these portals can be done offdesk i.e. on PC also 1. One rupees Store Download your favorite videos @ Rs one only 2. Video Portal 3. Music Portal PRBT or BSNL Tunes on BSNL Mobile Dial 56700 to subscriber and select a song. Rs 30/- per month as subscription and Rs 12/- per song. Dial 56777 for PRBT LITE (Only Rs 25/- per month for old songs ). Dial 5670033 for quarterly ,six monthly and yearly subscription @ Rs 60 ,110,200 respectively . Dial 5670055 for Chota pack subscription @ Rs 1 / day or Rs 7/week Dial 56799 to search a song. Dial 5670011 to gift tune to your friend . Dial USSD Code *567# to select a song. You can also visit and subscribe through web page Name PRBT Service Greet your Caller from your Name like Thanks to calling Mr. XX ……… Dial 5670087 and follow the announcement or send SMS “ NT <name > to 56777 “ to subscribe the service . Subscription Rs 30/- ,Tune Rs 12/- Per Month PRBT On Land Line Presently available in 5ESS and EWSD Exchanges of M.P. Circle (Bhopal , Indore ,Gwalior, Jabalpur, Mandsaur , Morena & Ratlam ) Shortly will be launched in C-DOT Exchanges. Dial 56700 and follow the announcement to subscribe the service Subscription Rs 30/- Tune Rs 12/- Per Month STK Services (32 K SIM ) Main Category MY PORTAL NEWS Sub category(A) Sub category(b) Preview Downlaod Delete Breaking National International Others Stocks FINANCE FOREX Dating Jokes Contests ENTERTAINEME NT Movies TV SCHEDULE Sports Serials Railway Train Schedule TRAVEL Seat Availability Airlines Business entertainement Sports Health Infotech NSE BSE NASDAQ PNR Status National(Jet) National(Indian Airlines) National(AIR SAHARA) Logos Top Logos Operator Logos poll Cinema Music Cricket World cup Bat Acro Celeb Book Astro Travel Comin All channels HBO star movies Hallmark Z MGM Z Cinema Star DD Ten sports ESPN DOWNLOAD S Ringtones Top ringtones Regional Ringtones Picture Messages Picture Maps Top Picture Horoscope ASTROLOGY Numerology Shubh Kaal BIrtrhdayforecast Scores News CRICKET Match TOD OTHERS Health tip Dictionary STK service Mobile Banking Solution for SBI on USSD Platform Spice Digital Limited *595# SBI M Banking Mobile Banking Solution for SBI on USSD Platform Dial *595# for SBI Mobile Banking service and Register for free. No Internet connectivity required, service is provided on USSD platform. Service can be used only on registered mobile numbers with their SBI Bank Account. Very low tariff Rs 15 per month or Rs 1 per Request. *595# SBI M Banking New Registration – Getting User ID and MPIN Dial *595# *595# Answer Cancel Wait for a few seconds You will reach the of SBI Main Menu Please wait. If you are not registered, send SMS <MBSREG> to 9223440000 to get User ID. To complete registration process visit SBI ATM/Branch. Welcome to SBI Mobile Banking SBI Menu: 1. Enquiry 2. Fund Transfer 3. M2M 4. Mobile Top up 5. Change MPIN 6. Forgot MPIN 7. De-Register Answer with 1-7 Exit Answer Cancel Select an Option Welcome to State Bank Mobile Banking. Enter User ID or Press 0 to know about Registration Process. Answer Cancel New Registration – Registration Process Press ‘0’ 1. Send SMS<MBSREG> to 9223440000 to get User ID and MPIN Send the SMS to 9223440000 User ID : abc123 Default MPIN : 123456 Dial *595# and change your MPIN. Visit SBI ATM to register your mobile and start using SBI M-Banking service To 9223440000 MBSREG 2. Dial *595#.Login with User ID and Change MPIN Option 5 3. Then register your account through SBI ATM/ Branch Exit Send After sending the SMS, you will receive the User ID and MPIN Exit Exit New Registration – Change MPIN Select Option 5 – Change MPIN, from SBI Main menu. You will be prompted to insert your User ID Welcome to SBI Mobile Banking SBI Menu: 1. Enquiry 2. Fund Transfer 3. M2M 4. Mobile Top up 5. Change MPIN 6. Forgot MPIN 7. De-Register Answer with 1-7 Answer Cancel Answer with your User ID abc123 Answer Cancel Reply with ‘1’ to Accept I accept the terms and conditions of State Bank Mobile Banking Services as displayed on Website Reply 1 to Accept Reply 2 to Decline 1 Answer Answer Cancel Cancel New Registration – Change MPIN Enter your Old/Default 6 Digits MPIN Enter New 6 Digits MPIN Re-Enter New 6 Digits MPIN You will get the Confirmation Enter Old MPIN or Default MPIN Enter New 6 Digits MPIN Enter New 6 Digits MPIN MPIN successfully changed Answer Answer Answer Cancel Cancel Cancel Exit New Registration – Complete Registration at SBI ATM 1. Visit any SBI ATM near you 2. Insert your SBI Card 3. Select the last option at the right side of the Menu, which reads as ‘Mobile Banking Registration’ 4. Enter your SBI ATM PIN 5. Enter your Mobile Number 6. Press Confirm 7. It will display the message - Mobile registered successfully Registered User Dial *595# *595# Answer Cancel Wait for a few seconds You will reach the of SBI Main Menu Please wait. If you are not registered, send SMS <MBSREG> to 9223440000 to get User ID. To complete registration process visit SBI ATM/Branch. Welcome to SBI Mobile Banking SBI Menu: 1. Enquiry 2. Fund Transfer 3. M2M 4. Mobile Top up 5. Change MPIN 6. Forgot MPIN 7. De-Register Answer with 1-7 Exit Answer Cancel Select an Option Welcome to State Bank Mobile Banking. Enter User ID or Press 0 to know about Registration Process. Or press * to subscribe to this service @Rs 15/month/ or press 1 to unsubscribe Answer Cancel Registered User After pressing * After pressing 1 You are subscribed @Rs 15/month for unlimited transaction. You can redial for the service You have been unsubscribed for Rs 15/month for unlimited transaction .you can redial for the service and pay per use Answer Answer Cancel Cancel After subscription Dial *595# Please wait. If you are not registered, send SMS <MBSREG> to 9223440000 to get User ID. To complete registration process visit SBI ATM/Branch. *595# Answer Wait for a few seconds Cancel Exit You will reach the of SBI Main Menu Welcome to SBI Mobile Banking SBI Menu: 1. Enquiry 2. Fund Transfer 3. M2M 4. Mobile Top up 5. Change MPIN 6. Forgot MPIN 7. De-Register Answer with 1-7 Answer Cancel Enquiry – Balance Select Option 1 – Enquiry, from SBI Main menu Welcome to SBI Mobile Banking SBI Menu: 1. Enquiry 2. Fund Transfer 3. M2M 4. Mobile Top up 5. Change MPIN 6. Forgot MPIN 7. De-Register Answer with 1-7 Answer Cancel Answer with your User ID abc123 Answer Cancel You will reach the SBI Enquiry Service Answer with Option ‘1’ SBI Enquiry Service: 1. Balance Enquiry 2. Mini Statement Enquiry Answer with 1-2 1 Answer Answer Cancel Cancel Enquiry - Balance Enter your SBI MPIN Enter your MPIN Answer Cancel Press Answer 123456 Answer You will get your Balance through USSD and SMS Tid: 123456789012, Balance in primary account: 1000.00 CR Unclear: 0.00 Hold value: 0.00 Cancel Answer Cancel Send and Receive email as simple as SMS No need for GPRS/3G Connection No handset hassle. It can work with simplest mobile. To activate send sms “ subemail” to 56688 To deactivate send sms “unsubemail” to 56688 Tariff Rs 15 Per week and Rs 49 Per Month. Bharat Berry Service •Offers two services available on monthly basis • PUSH E-Mail Service For this internet connectivity GPRS/3G or wifi is required. It is possible to configure upto 10 E Mail in Push n Pull mode. • PIM (personal information management ) Sync Information like contacts ,calendar ,task and notes can be synchronized with Vendor server . • Available for all BSNL Mobile user by sending SMS SUB BB to 51123. Bharat Berry Service Tariff •Push E-Mail Rs 50/- per Month. •PIM Sync Rs 50/- Per Month. •Combo Plan Rs 80 /- Per Month. X Gen Plus XGEN PLUS has been designed to make email usage pleasant yet have robust business outlook. It is also designed to make a customer central to it. It radically enhances user’s productivity & saves user’s precious time without compromising on the security and privacy. XGENPLUS is a product of research and challenge and it contains every feature that one can ever wish for in an email solution. XgenPlus advanced features like Virtual Storage, in-built e-marketing & support Mgmt.Rights Mgmt., Secured Hidden Attachments, Picture Gallery, Scheduled tasks and Reminders, Image Compression, SMS & Fax capabilities, Chat and Public + Private key encryption etc. have been fully integrated into webmail itself and add extreme value to user’s overall email experience. Important Features 1 Personalized Group Mails (e-Marketing) 2 Support/Helpdesk Management Tool Easily manage your Customer Care/ Support/ BPO teams through XGenPlus AIR 3 Boost your defenses with XGenPlus Integration with Spamjadoo 4 Get your e-mail faster when on the go 5 Secured Hidden Attachments 6. Larger mailboxes with raised storage limit E marketing 6 Improved POP & SMTP Performance 7 SMS/Fax Integration 8 Load Balancing 9 Virtual Storage 10 Image Compression 11 Send Emails from Different Email IDs using same account 12 Encryption. 13 Forward Many. 14 Pinboard/Shortcut. 15 Guaranteed Delivery Report Live demo How to Subscribe 1) Send message ‘START M’ to 51123. 2) As soon as you send the message, your account will be created on BSNL-XgenPlus and Rs 50 will be deducted from your balance. 3) In a short while you will get an SMS with registration link for BSNL-XgenPlus email account. 4) Clicking on the link will open a web-page. Enter your details (First Name & Last Name) and click on ‘Next’. 5) On the next page, create your login id and password for BSNL-XgenPlus email account and click on ‘Next’. 6) On the next page, you will have the option to fill 3 optional fields – Alternate email, alternate mobile number and Company url. You can either enter these details and click on ‘Next’ or click on ‘Skip’ to skip these details. 7) This will complete your registration process and you will get a congratulatory message on the next page. 8) At this stage, you will get a ‘Thank-you’ message for registering for BSNL-XgenPlus email account. 9) You will get another SMS with IMAP, POP, SMTP settings for your BSNL-XgenPlus email account. 10) Now you will be able to access your BSNL-XgenPlus email account either through your mobile phone or through web. How to Unsubscribe 1) Send ‘STOP M’ to 51123. 2) If you have a single BSNL-XgenPlus email account, then that account will be deleted. 3)If you have multiple BSNL-XgenPlus email accounts, and any one of them is pending for registration, then that account will be deleted automatically. 4) If you have multiple BSNL-XgenPlus email accounts, and none of them is pending for registration, then you will be asked for the account you want to delete. 5)Alternatively, you can also send ‘STOP M’ to delete a particular account. Tariff:- Rs 50 Per month TV Channels on your Mobile Hello TV Mobi TV NexGTV Exnxt Zinga TV Hello TV Go to to access select Hello TV from Menu or download application BSNL Hello Tv from Google play store for Android phones Tariff There are many Plans user can choose Single channel Pack which is available on daily, weekly, monthly plan of a single channel subscription for Rs5/10, Rs20, Rs30/50 respectively. Zee Chls Available @ Rs 10/day Jumbo Pack is available @ Rs 99 per month for all chls Rs 29 per month three chls pack Hello TV on PC /Laptop (for broad band/Data Card Users) 1. Now Hello TV service is also Available on PC for internet users. 2. Go to for registration. 2. User can choose different packages available after account creation. 3. Jumbo pack @ Rs 99 per month 30 Chls , Namkeen Teen @ Rs 29 per month 3 Chls and Jumbo pack South Spl @ Rs 99 per month 30 Chls are available. 4. Amount will be deducted either from Mobile phone or from Data Card. Free one Week Trial offer available on MobiTV 3G Mobile TV is a simple 3G based application that allows you to watch over 50 television channels on your BSNL 3G Mobile handset on 3G networks. The experience is amazing on 3G networks where you can watch even a full movie or cricket match or Live TV on the move. For Android Phones BSNL Mobile Tv Application from Google play store may be downloaded In which some free chls are also available and APN bsnlnet to be selected Tariff There are 5 Packages for MIMOBITV All channel /Month @ Rs 150 All channels/Week @ Rs 40 One channel/Month @Rs 50 All channels/Day @Rs 15 One channel/Day @Rs 10 Service Activation Process Step 1: Sms MY3GTV to 55447 Step 2: You will receive a WAP link. Click on the same and download the BSNL3GTV application Step 3: Install the application in the phone memory of your handset Step 4: Click on the application and open it to see the TV channel logos. Choose the channel you want to watch and click on its icon. Step 5: You will see the subscription packages available as given below. Choose the option that suits you. Step 6: You will receive a confirmation that your registration has been successful. Now click on the channel and watch the content. Service De-Activation Process send a SMS as "UNSUBMY3GTV"to 55447 NEXGTV Service To activate this service send SMS “ ACT to 57776” An acknowledgement massage with URL Details will be send to subscriber. Open URL to access Service For Android Nexgtv+ application from Google play store may be downloaded and APN bsnlnet be selected Tariff : Gold Pack (All 55 Channels) @ Rs 99/- Per Month ,Rs 35/- per week ,Rs 10/- for three Day Single Channel Subscription @ Rs 40/- Per Month Rs 20/- Per Week ,Rs 8/- Per Day Video On Demand @ Rs 25/- Per week Rs 5/- & Rs 10/- per Day EXNXT Zinga TV To activate go to and select Zinga tv. An acknowledgement massage with URL Details will be send to subscriber. Open URL to access Service For Android Zinga tv application for BSNL from Google play store may be downloaded and APN bsnlnet be selected Tariff : Single Channel Subscription @ Rs 15/- Per Month Rs 10/- Per Week ,Rs 2/- Per Day Glamour Pack @ Rs 8 daily, @ Rs 20 weekly and @ Rs 40 monthly 3G Video Portal Dial a Video : Tariff : Rs 2/- minute direct Rs 299 per month unlimited IVR Based Service Dial 126335 For Voice Chat Tariff @ Rs 2/min. Dial 12555 and follow the option in Main Menu for Astrology, cricket, spiritual and devotional information, News ,Mobile Radio ,jokes etc. Dial 126300 for Live Aarti, Music station ,Cricket, Comedy Circus, Cricket, Devotional etc. call charges @ Rs 5 per minute for direct access And as per pack choosen IVRS Based Service IVRS Services From M/s Spice Digital Code 1263XX 126331 126332 126333 126335 126336 126330 Tariff BSNL Comedy Circus BSNL Devotional Portal BSNL Music station BSNL Voice Chat Cricket Central Live Aarti Subscription Pack Chgs(Rs) Number of Free Minutes Validity in Days Browsing Chgs 5 5 3 Free 10 10 10 Free 15 15 15 Free 30 30 30 Free * For Voice chat tariff is Rs 2 per Minute IVRS Services From M/s Onmobile Code 12555XXX S. No. Services 1 Cricket Pack 2 Astro Pack Laughter Club 3 Pack 4 Music Masti 5 Life Ok 6 Celebrity Diaries 7 Panchantra Pack 8 Satya TV 9 Geeta Saar 10 Sikhism Bhakti Mala 11 Portal 12 News Pack 13 Ramayan Fever 14 Chalisa Pack Toll Free Code Sub. Charges/ Month No Of Free Minutes 12555031 Rs. 25 25 12555092 Rs. 20 20 12555035 12555033 12555077 12555070 12555034 12555076 12555026 12555050 Rs. 20 Rs. 25 Rs. 20 Rs. 20 Rs. 20 Rs. 20 Rs. 20 Rs. 20 20 25 20 20 20 20 20 20 12555022 12555063 12555004 12555042 Rs. 20 Rs. 20 Rs. 20 Rs. 10 20 20 20 10 * Browsing is free and also available on 3 days, weekly and fortnightly packs @ Rs 5,10,15 respectively USSD Based VAS 1. Dial *456# to access various Services like Cricket, News, Stock, Geeta etc 2. Dial *543# to access various Services like Cricket, News, Stock, Jokes, Movies, Lifestyle, recipe ,Astrology etc 3. Dial *555# to enter BSNL Fun Zone and enjoy Mobile Radio, Cricket, Voice Chat, Live Aarti and Jokes 4. Dial *626#(M/s IMI) for various services 5. Dial *505#(M/s Onmobile) for various services 6. Dial *575# for Movida(M/s Contact Tech) money transfer 7. Dial *566# for Tata Sky(M/s Contact Tech) 8. Dial *506#(Symbiotic Infotech) for various services 9. Dial *139#(M/s spice digital) for Railway Enquiry 10.Dial *595#(M/s spice) for sbi mobile banking Tariff Rs 1 to 3 per Request and subscription plan @ Rs 15 to 30/month Features Economical as compared to traditional money order, where rate is 5% of the amount to be remitted. DOP Money Remittance process enables you with smart quick and safe money transfer. Wide spread reach through larger number of Post Offices and ubiquitous BSNL GSM network as compared to similar other products from other banks/Telcos. TRUSTED ORGANIZATION Managed by the trusted organizations i.e. India Post and BSNL. Tariff Slabs Fee (Rs.) Tax (Rs.) 1000 - 1500 40 5 1501 - 5000 70 9 5001 - 10000 100 12 Process Flow for Money Transfer Security features & Details • Solution uses encrypted SMS for communication between DOP Mobile Handsets(to be provided by M/s MMS) and Central server. •Post Office official may cancel the transactions in case of wrong entries. •Limit on transactions in given time , Value and number of transactions per assistant, per post office etc could be imposed as per requirement for Risk reduction. •Different reports will be available online from server via web access. •Certain data query services viz Daily Transactions, Get Balance, Get Transactions Details have been provided through the preloaded mobile application itself on the Mobile •The code 59495 will only be accessible from SIMs alloted to DOP Special Plan Voucher of Rs 5 sanctioned for this service & Its features Sr No Plan Voucher Details 01 Denomination in Rs 5/- 02 Validity(in days) 999 03 SIM cost in Rs Nil Free Talk time 10 mins 04 Voice call Restricted 59495 to toll free IVRS Code No voice call to any other no 05 SMS restricted to toll free IVRS code 59495 No SMS to any other No. 06 Roaming facility Yes Only for voice calls and SMS to toll free IVRD code 59495. No call or SMS to any other no on roaming. 07 Other facilities Nil Revenue Share Slabs Fee (Rs.) Tax (Rs.) Total(Rs) {A} BSNL Share {B} 75% of A (DOP Revenue) M/s MMS Share{C} 60% of B( BSNL Share) 1000 - 1500 40 5 45 1501 - 5000 70 9 79 -do- -do- 5001 - 10000 100 12 112 - do- -do- Cell Broadcast Introduction Service Cell Broadcast is capable of broadcasting one single message to reach all mobile handsets in an area as small as one radio cell and as big as the network area of the entire PLMN. Cell Broadcast allows a text or binary message to be displayed or scrolled on all mobile terminals connected to a single sector of a cell or set of cells. SMS is sent from point-to-point, Cell Broadcast (SMS-CB) message is sent as point-to-area. SMS-CB message can reach a huge number of terminals at once. Messages are directed to radio cells, rather than to a specific terminal. These push messages are sent as unconfirmed push service, meaning that the originator of the message does not know who all have received the message. Tariff The introductory offer of tariff for next 6 months is below Monthly Tariff Remarks 1 Rs. 20/- per day/Sector or Rs 300 per month/ Sector (taxes extra) One Cell (BTS) has 3 sectors For more details on ‘ Value Added Services’ kindly visit Website Thank you