Meeting Agenda - Sevenoaks Town Council
Meeting Agenda - Sevenoaks Town Council
2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any disclosures of interest from Members in respect of items of business included on the agenda for this meeting. 3 MINUTES To receive and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Monday 10th November 2014, previously approved at Council on 17th November 2014 (copy attached) 4 TREE WORK (a) To consider tree work applications received from the Sevenoaks District Council during the two weeks ending 20th November 2014 Item i. ii. iii. Reference No. 14/03609/WTPO 14/03575/WTPO 14/3623/WTCA Site address 27 Vine Court Road Woodlands, 140A London Road Aston House, 140 Kippington Road Description Various works to trees Dismantle Monterey Cypress tree to ground level Fell to near ground level 2 Cupressus Macrocarpa ‘goldcrest’ Ward Cllr Walshe London Parry (b) To receive and consider the attached report concerning the Town Council’s handling of tree work applications (copy attached) 5 Highways (a) To receive and consider a letter from a member of the public concerning traffic conditions on St Johns Hill (copy attached) (b) To receive and consider a letter from the Friends of Bat & Ball group to Kent Highways and Transportation concerning signage to Bat & Ball Station (copy attached) (c) To receive and consider the Kent Highways and Transportation survey 2014 (copy attached) 6 SEVENOAKS DISTRICT AUTHORITY MONITORING REPORT To receive and consider a request for assistance with Sevenoaks District Council’s Annual Authority Monitoring Report (copy attached) 7 REPRESENTATION AT DEVELOPMENT CONTROL MEETING To consider sending a representative to the Sevenoaks District Council Development Control Committee meeting on 27th November 2014, 7pm, SDC Offices, to speak on the following application(s): i. 8 14/02811/FUL – 96 Oakhill Road PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) The meeting will be adjourned to enable members of the public, by prior arrangement, to speak on individual planning applications which are on the current agenda. Members of the public wishing to speak and address the Planning Committee must register to do so stating they wish to speak with the Town Council by 12 p.m. on the date of the meeting. (b) The meeting will be reconvened to consider planning applications received from the Sevenoaks District Council during the two weeks ending the 20th November 2014 (copy attached). 9 PRESS RELEASES To consider any agenda item which would be appropriate for a press release. STC Planning minutes 10-11-14 Minutes of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held in the Council Chamber, Town Council Offices, Bradbourne Vale Road, Sevenoaks on Monday 10th November 2014 at 7:00pm ___________________________________________________________________ Present: Committee Members Cllr S Arnold Cllr C L L Baker Cllr N J L Busvine OBE Cllr J M Canet Cllr G R S Clack Cllr A S Clayton Cllr Mrs M E Crabtree Cllr Mrs A E Dawson Apologies Present Present Left: 8:02pm Arrived: 7:06pm Present Apologies Apologies Cllr A Eyre Cllr R M C Hogarth - Chairman Cllr Mrs M A London Cllr R J Parry Cllr R L Piper Cllr S G Raikes Cllr P E Towell - Vice Chairman Cllr Mrs P C Walshe Present Present Present Present Present Apologies Present Apologies Also in attendance: Assistant Town Clerk 5 Members of the public PUBLIC QUESTION TIME A member of the public stated they had objected directly to Kent Highways on the cycle improvement consultation for Bradbourne Vale Road, and wished to hear the Town Council’s views on the proposal. 249 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATIONS No requests had been received or granted. 250 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Eyre declared a non pecuniary interest in the following planning application: [7] 14/03244/FUL – Land s/o 65 Kippington Road Cllr Hogarth declared a non pecuniary interest in the following item: (4ii)14/3348/WTPO - 2 Plymouth Drive Cllr Mrs London declared a non pecuniary interest in the following planning application: [10] 14/03283/HOUSE – 240 Seal Road 251 MINUTES It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on the on the 27th October 2014 be received and signed. 252 TREE WORK The Committee received and considered tree work applications received from the Sevenoaks District Council during the two weeks ending 6th November 2014 and it was RESOLVED that the following comments be forwarded to Sevenoaks District Council: Item Reference No. Site address Description Ward Cllr i. 14/03455/WTPO Soleoak Drive Various works to trees Piper Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval. ii. 14/03348/WTPO 2 Plymouth Drive Various works to trees London Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval. //Informative STC noted a discrepancy in the road names given in the application// iii. 14/03092/WTCA 22 Cobden Road Reduce height of multi stemmed Walshe 162 STC Planning minutes 10-11-14 sycamore tree by up to 40% and rebalance crown Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval. iv. 14/03402/WTPO Littlehurst 1 Hawkes Place Various works to trees Parry Sevenoaks Town Council recommended refusal. v. 14/03403/WTCA 4 Old Tiber Top Cottages, Various works to trees Clack Bethel Road Sevenoaks Town Council recommended refusal due to insufficient information being supplied. vi. 14/03399/WTPO Wellingtonia and Bank Various works to trees Busvine House, Linden Chase Sevenoaks Town Council unanimously recommended refusal and requested that TPO’s be placed on all trees not already covered due to insufficient justification for the proposed works, unless the Arboricultural officer is satisfied the health of the trees is such that they pose an immediate and direct threat to the house. vii. 14/03452/WTPO 82 Brattle Wood Various works to trees Piper It was noted the application had already been granted by Sevenoaks District Council. Sevenoaks Town Council expressed concern that the land owner had not been consulted on this application. viii. 14/03379/WTPO Flat A Vine Lodge, Holly Rebalance crown reduction to 1 Walshe Bush Lane evergreen oak by 8 ft Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval subject to the Arboricultural officer being satisfied the proposed works will not have a detrimental impact on the tree. ix. 14/03360/WTCA Kingswood, Parkfield Various works to trees Crabtree Sevenoaks Town Council recommended refusal and requested that TPOs be placed on all trees as insufficient information was supplied with the application. x. 14/03352/WTCA 2 Sandly Lane Various works to trees Clayton Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval. xi. 14/03359/WTCA Summerhill, Woodland Rise Various works to trees Crabtree Sevenoaks Town Council recommended refusal and requested that TPOs be placed on all trees unless the Arboricultural Officer is satisfied the works are necessary. xii. 14/03358/WTCA 4A Vine Court Road Thinning of 1 Beech tree & Clack reshaping to 1 Oak tree both by 80% Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval for the works to the Beech tree, and approval to works to the Oak subject to the Arboricultural Officer being satisfied with the proposals. xiii. 14/03343/WTCA Little Coombe, Wildernesse Various works to trees Crabtree Avenue Sevenoaks Town Council recommended refusal and requested that TPOs be placed on all trees as insufficient information was supplied with the application. 253 COMMUNICATIONS The Committee received and considered an email from the Open Spaces Society concerning land at Ashgrove Road. It was RESOLVED that a response be sent to the Open Spaces Society answering questions raised, and requesting information on alternative means of protecting the woodland in question. 254 HIGHWAYS (a) The Committee received and considered the following consultations on cycle improvements: i. Bradbourne Vale Road It was RESOLVED that Sevenoaks Town Council object to this proposal on the grounds that it would result in the loss of trees which were of amenity value to the area, and would represent poor value for money due to the negligible positive impact on cycle safety, and the detrimental impact on pedestrian safety. 163 STC Planning minutes 10-11-14 ii. Cramptons Road Sevenoaks Town Council noted the proposal, and raised concerns that the proposal represented poor value for money with little positive impact for cycle safety and a detrimental impact on pedestrian safety. iii. Hospital Road It was RESOLVED that Sevenoaks Town Council object to this proposal on the grounds that the proposal represented poor value for money, and would further promote the mixing of cyclists and pedestrians. It was RESOLVED that the following concerns be raised with Kent County Council and a request be made that KCC revisits their application of the Sevenoaks District Cycle Strategy, especially in the Bat & Ball area to ensure that any future proposal represent a material improvement in the cycle network without having a detrimental impact on pedestrian safety, and represent good value for money,: i. Issues in the consultation process ii. The failure to take a holistic approach when implementing the Sevenoaks District Cycle Strategy iii.The proposals represent poor value for money, with very little real world benefit to cyclists iv. The proposals promote the mixing of cyclists and pedestrians (b) The Committee received and noted the following road closure notice: i. 255 APPEALS The Committee received and considered supporting Sevenoaks District Council on the following planning appeal (copy attached): i. 256 St Botolphs Road, 16th November, 1 Day 14/2227694 – Land rear of 138 – 148 High Street It was RESOLVED that no further action be taken. COMMUNITY RIGHT TO BID (a) The Committee noted the nomination of the Stag Community Arts Centre as an asset of Community Value has been received. (b) The Committee received and considered suggestions for asset nominations from ward councillors. It was RESOLVED that if a councillor identified suitable asset which met the relevant criteria they should bring this to the attention of the Clerk to enable the nomination to be considered at a future Planning Committee meeting. 257 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) The meeting was adjourned to enable representations to be made on the following application(s) for 3 minutes: i. [7] 14/03244/FUL – Land s/o 65 Kippington Road (b) The meeting was reconvened and the Committee considered planning applications received from the Sevenoaks District Council during the two weeks ending 6th November 2014 and it was RESOLVED that the comments listed on the attached schedule be forwarded to Sevenoaks District Council. 164 STC Planning minutes 10-11-14 258 PRESS RELEASE None The meeting closed 8:41pm CHAIRMAN 165 STC Planning minutes 10-11-14 Planning Applications Considered Applications considered on 10-11-14 1 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/01303/HOUSE Mr M Holmes 17-11-2014 Cllr Parry N/A House Name Road Locality 40 Brattle Wood Kippington Post Code Application date Applicant Mr K Brady Town County 28/10/14 Demolition of existing gable wall and roof to existing kitchen area (ground floor) to facilitate erection of side extension with bay window. Erection of a first floor side extension with two dormers. SE/14/01303/HOUSE - Amended plan First floor plan. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval subject to the dormer windows being level 5 obscure glazed 2 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03035/HOUSE H Broughton 12-11-2014 Cllr Mrs Walshe N/A House Name Road Locality 32 St Johns Hill Eastern Post Code Application date Applicant Mr Lee Clark Town County 24/10/14 Demolition of an existing precast garage and replace with a larger brick built garage. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval. 3 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03073/FUL J Russell 12-11-2014 Cllr Clack House Name Road Mr S Mckay 07974 27432 4 Applicant Mr G Keys Town County Locality 1 Pinewood Avenue Eastern Post Code Application date 23/10/14 Demolition of existing detached garage and erection of replacement garage for 1 Pinewood Avenue. Erection of one detached dwelling to the rear of existing property. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended refusal as the proposed dwelling would appear cramped on the plot and due to the small size of the plot would be out of keeping with the character of the local area. 12/11/14 04:51 PM Sevenoaks Town Council Page 1 of 6 166 STC Planning minutes 10-11-14 Planning Applications Considered Applications considered on 10-11-14 4 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03163/HOUSE H Weston 13-11-2014 Cllr Raikes House Name Road Mr S Bradbury 02084 671 892 Applicant Mr L Aldridge Town County Locality 47 St Johns Road St Johns Post Code Application date 24/10/14 Single storey front bay window and porch extension and two storey rear / side extension and replacement of windows with door on the rear elevation. SE/14/03163/HOUSE - Amended plan The applicant would now like to change the rear elevation of the rear extension by adding another window to the master bedroom. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval subject to the planning officer being satisfied there will be no loss of amenity to neighbouring properties. 5 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03171/FUL J Russell 10-11-2014 Cllr Piper Mr P Hobbs 760023 House Name Road Locality 17 Brattle Wood Kippington Post Code Application date Applicant Mr M.A. Wright Town County 22/10/14 Demolition of existing detached dwelling and garage, and the construction of two new detached dwellings with integral garages. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval. Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03235/FUL J Russell 11-11-2014 Cllr Mrs London Offset Architects 753333 Applicant House Name Road Locality Mr M Dias Denval Marine Consultants Ltd 156 High Street Town Town County Application date 6 Post Code 22/10/14 Demolition of the existing office building and the construction of a new mixed use development, comprising office space and three residential flats. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval. Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03244/FUL J Russell 19-11-2014 Cllr Parry Applicant House Name Road Mr S Wilkinson 02072 41 7481 Mr N Truphet Land South Of 65 Kippington Road Kippington Town County Post Code Application date 7 Locality 30/10/14 The construction of a single new-build private dwelling house. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval subject to the Arboricultural officer being satisfied the trees to be removed are of low quality. 12/11/14 04:51 PM Sevenoaks Town Council Page 2 of 6 167 STC Planning minutes 10-11-14 Planning Applications Considered Applications considered on 10-11-14 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03260/ADV H Weston 11-11-2014 Cllr Busvine Applicant House Name Road Mr C Saunders 01580 24 1988 Mr R Green Railway And Bicycle Apartment 205 London Road s 8 Town County Post Code Locality Town Application date 22/10/14 Reduction of signs on external brick piers revised scheme of SE/14/02382/ADV for Sew Perfect (Retrospective). SE/14/03260/ADV - Amended plan The proposal has been amended for clarification: Retention of signs (non illuminated) to external brick piers and text on glass front of shop, revised scheme of SE/14/02382/ADV for Sew Perfect. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended refusal for all signage other than the horizontal lintel advertisement on the condition that: 1.No advertising is displayed on the pillars due to the detrimental impact on the street scene 2.A consistent approach be taken for future applications given that the site is an important gateway into the town 3.The advertising is in line with recommendations set out in the Blighs design guide. 9 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03266/HOUSE H Broughton 11-11-2014 Cllr Baker Mr B Best 455029 House Name Road Locality 1 Mount Close Northern Post Code Application date Applicant Mr S Trofimov Town County 23/10/14 Demolition of existing sun room. Extension to side and rear. Roof extension to incorporate rooms in roof including increasing ridge height. Chimney increasing in height. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended refusal as the proposal would unbalance the pair of semidetached properties resulting in a detrimental impact on the street scene. 10 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03283/HOUSE H Broughton 07-11-2014 Cllr Towell N/A House Name Road Locality 240 Seal Road Northern Post Code Application date Applicant Mr F Bowern Town County 22/10/14 Partial demolition of the rear of the building in order to facilitate erection of a single storey extension. Internal alterations. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval subject to the extension being enured to the main dwelling, and a condition being imposed to require the retention of the front door of the property. 12/11/14 04:51 PM Sevenoaks Town Council Page 3 of 6 168 STC Planning minutes 10-11-14 Planning Applications Considered Applications considered on 10-11-14 11 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03291/FUL Mr M Holmes 07-11-2014 Cllr Hogarth House Name Road Robinson Escott 01689 8 36334 Applicant Kentmere Homes (Sevenoaks) Prospect Cottage Ltd Town County Locality 43 St James's Road St Johns Post Code Application date 22/10/14 Demolition of the existing two bedroom dwelling with double integral garage. Erection of a detached five bedroom dwelling with lower ground floor, with integral garage, ground and first floor roof space accommodation. Revised access arrangements. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval. 12 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03293/HOUSE H Weston 18-11-2014 Cllr Mrs Walshe Mr B Best 455029 House Name Road Locality 42 Prospect Road Eastern Post Code Application date Applicant Mr J Gage Town County 30/10/14 Erection of a two storey rear extension SE/14/03293/HOUSE - Amended plan Proposal description corrected from two storey to single storey extension: Erection of a single storey rear extension. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval. Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03299/HOUSE H Weston 11-11-2014 Cllr Hogarth Mr A Chantler 364179 Applicant House Name Road Locality Mr & Mrs D Pay Salcombe Linden Chase St Johns Town County Post Code Application date 13 22/10/14 Erection of rear ground floor extension and external alterations. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval. Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03342/FUL J Russell 18-11-2014 Cllr Piper Applicant House Name Road Mr L Mineham 01634 226 560 Kippington House Ltd Halfway House London Road Kippington Town County Post Code Application date 14 Locality 30/10/14 Extension of existing pub car park. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval. 12/11/14 04:51 PM Sevenoaks Town Council Page 4 of 6 169 STC Planning minutes 10-11-14 Planning Applications Considered Applications considered on 10-11-14 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03380/ADV J Russell 19-11-2014 Cllr Busvine Applicant House Name Road Miss A Routledge 01618 387786 Ms S Dawson Knight Frank LLP 113-117 High Street Town Town County Post Code Application date 15 Locality 03/11/14 Consent to display advertisements - Installation of 1 x internally illuminated fascia, 1 x externally illuminated projecting sign, 1 x internally illuminated A1 display, 16 x internally illuminated A3 display. Sevenoaks Town Council refusal for the proposed internally illuminated fascia sign, and approval for other signs and displays subject to there being a condition that the display boards are static i.e. no moving images. 16 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03383/HOUSE H Weston 18-11-2014 Cllr Baker N/A House Name Road Locality 24 Lambarde Road Northern Post Code Application date Applicant Mr A Wood Town County 29/10/14 Proposed roof and ground floor extension to side elevation to include a new bedroom and bathroom at first floor and existing side window to be replaced by a door and removal of existing chimney. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval subject to the Planning Officer being satisfied the size, design, and materials are subservient and in keeping with the existing house. 17 Plan Number Planning officer SE/14/03413/CONVAR Mr M Holmes 21-11-2014 Town Councillor Agent Cllr Hogarth Mr J Sergi 01444 461355 Applicant House Name Road Locality Mr D Sinclair The New Inn 75-77 St Johns Hill St Johns Town County Post Code Application date 03/11/14 Variation of condition 10 (contamination) of application reference SE/13/01770/OUT allowed on appeal APP/G2245/A/13/2205389 outline application for the demolition of public house and erection of block comprising 8no. one-bedroom units with all matters reserved with amendment to wording to After demolition of the existing Public House, no further development shall commence on site until investigation has taken place. Sevenoaks Town Council recommended approval. 12/11/14 04:51 PM Sevenoaks Town Council Page 5 of 6 170 STC Planning minutes 10-11-14 Planning Applications Considered Applications considered on 10-11-14 18 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03437/MMA H Weston 21-11-2014 Cllr Towell Mr M Bush 740778 House Name Road Locality 5 Mount Close Northern Post Code Application date Applicant Mr C Oprea Town County 03/11/14 Minor material amendment to application reference SE/14/02282/HOUSE for the demolition of existing conservatory; erection of single storey side and rear extension; conversion of loft space into rear habitable room with staircase access; insertion of dormer window to rear elevation to show amended materials for windows. //Awaiting Chairman's Action// 12/11/14 04:51 PM Sevenoaks Town Council Page 6 of 6 171 Report on protocol for handling of tree work applications Assistant Town Clerk 20th November 2014 For Planning Committee 24th November 2014 At the Planning Committee meeting held on 10th November 2014 the issue of tree work applications being determined by Sevenoaks District Council before Sevenoaks Town Council members had the opportunity to consider or make a recommendation on the application was raised. Sevenoaks District Council has no statutory duty to serve notice or consult with stakeholders for tree work applications, but notifies the Town Council as a matter of courtesy. More recently tree work applications have had a very tight turn around for decisions, in some cases only a matter of 2-3 days, which does not allow the Town Council any opportunity to make meaningful comment. It is suggested that a modification is made to the Town Council’s protocol for the handling of tree work applications to maximise the opportunity to object to unreasonable applications, suggested protocol as follows: 1. All Town Councillors are sent Sevenoaks District Council’s weekly list by email as soon as it arrives, typically AM on Thursdays 2. It is the responsibility of ward Councillors to review the list and raise any objections to a tree work application with the Chairman and Clerk 3. Any representation will be arranged under Chairman’s action and reported back to the next Planning Committee meeting or Full Council if sooner It should be noted there is still no statutory requirement for Sevenoaks District Council to take on board any objections made. For clarity a recommendation to be made to Council that the Standing orders for the Planning Committee be updated to explicitly allow Chairman’s Action for tree work applications, wording as follows: The Chairman of the Committee or in his/her absence the Vice Chairman in consultation with another Committee member (to be a ward member for the site concerned) and the Town Clerk to have executive powers to make observations to the Local Planning Authority in respect of Tree Work applications (both Conservation Area and Tree Preservation Order) which the Town Council is notified of in order to maximise the opportunity to object to inappropriate works prior to a determination being reached by the Local Planning Authority. Where this executive power has been exercised the observations made to the Local Planning Authority are to be reported to the next meeting of the Planning Committee or direct to the need meeting of the Town Council if sooner. Recommendations: 1. Updated protocol for handling of tree work applications outlined above be adopted 2. A recommendation be put to Council that the Standing Orders for the Planning Committee be updated as outlined above 3. A letter be sent to Richard Morris (CCed to Portfolio Holder for Local Planning and Environment) requesting that SDC implement a 1 week grace period before making a determination on tree work applications to allow an opportunity for the Town Council / Local Residents to object to applications. Kent Highways & Transportation Kent County Council Ashford Depot Henwood Industrial Estate Javelin Way TN24 8AD 19th November 2014 Dear Sirs Re: Signage at Bat & Ball Station During a meeting held at the Town Council Offices on 4th November the issue regarding signage at Bat & Ball Station was discussed. Currently the station has no signage and there is no directional signage on any of the surrounding roads. Members request that this issue be considered by yourselves as a matter of urgency and welcome any comments as soon as possible. Yours faithfully Linda Larter MBE Chief Executive/Town Clerk KALC email to residents - Tracker 2014 Author: Iain Norman KALC email to all 304 x Parish Councils on their distribution list (+ 16 non-members of KALC) To: 320 x Parish & Town Councils Subject re: Highways and Transportation Survey 2014 Dear Representative, I would welcome your help in providing me with your feedback on the highways and transportation service we deliver in your community. We are working hard, in difficult financial times, to ensure we focus on the important services and to allow me to make some decisions on our future service improvements. I would be grateful if you could complete this survey about highways and transportation issues in Kent. The deadline for completed questionnaires is: Fri 19th December The survey questions are around satisfaction with the condition of roads, pavements, street lighting and drainage, plus issues relating to highway safety and levels of congestion. This survey is part of an annual programme of surveys to gain the views of the local community on the delivery of highway and transportation services in Kent, and is the ninth year that we have consulted with Parish and Town Councils. In order to get a rounded perspective, the survey is also being conducted with County Members along with a representative sample of around 1,200 residents across the County (via a door-to-door survey starting Sat 15th November). We would like you to respond to this questionnaire on behalf of your community taking into account what you think are the views of the people you represent. It does not matter whether you don't particularly hold strong views, or whether your views are positive or negative - all opinions count. There are a number of ways you can take part in the survey: A Word document (attached) Online questionnaire via the following link: Paper copy – please contact Iain Norman (details below) who will then send you a paper version. Results from the survey will be used to help us to continue to prioritize and shape the service we provide, and all your answers will remain entirely confidential. The survey results for 2013 are published on the KCC website as will the 2014 report. If you have any problems or queries about issues in this survey, please contact: Iain Norman, Highways, Transportation & Waste, Business Team, 1st floor, Invicta House, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1XX on Tel: 03000 411657 or email: Thank you very much in advance for your help, Yours faithfully John Burr Director of Highways, Transportation and Waste Kent County Council Highways, Transportation and Waste Survey November 2014 Parish and Town Councils Kent County Council Highways, Transportation and Waste Survey 2014 Dear Representative, I would welcome your help in providing me with your feedback on the highways and transportation service we deliver in your community. We are working hard, in difficult financial times, to ensure we focus on the important services and to allow me to make some decisions on our future service improvements. I would be grateful if you could complete this survey about highways and transportation issues in Kent. The deadline for completed questionnaires is: Fri 19th December The survey questions are around satisfaction with the condition of roads, pavements, street lighting and drainage, plus issues relating to highway safety and levels of congestion. This survey is part of an annual programme of surveys to gain the views of the local community on the delivery of highways and transportation services in Kent, and is the ninth year that we have consulted with Parish and Town Councils. In order to get a rounded perspective, the survey is also being conducted with County Members along with a representative sample of around 1,200 residents across the County (via a door-todoor survey starting Sat 15th November). We would like you to respond to this questionnaire on behalf of your community taking into account what you think are the views of the people you represent. It does not matter whether you don't particularly hold strong views, or whether your views are positive or negative - all opinions count. There are a number of ways you can take part in the survey: A Word document – please return to Iain Norman via email at Completing the online questionnaire via the following link: Paper copy – please contact Iain Norman (details below) who’ll send you a paper version. Results from the survey will be used to help us to continue to prioritize and shape the service we provide, and all your answers will remain entirely confidential. The survey results for 2013 are published on the KCC website as will the 2014 report. If you have any problems or queries about issues in this survey, please contact: Iain Norman, Highways, Transportation & Waste, Business Team, 1st floor, Invicta House, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1XX on Tel: 03000 411657 or email: Thank you very much in advance for your help, 1 Yours faithfully John Burr Director of Highways, Transportation and Waste 2 Kent County Council Highways, Transportation and Waste Survey 2014 Parish and Town Councils Please add the name of your Parish or Town Council here: Please complete the questions in the pages that follow and submit to: Mr Iain Norman, Highways, Transportation & Waste, Kent County Council, 1st Floor, Invicta House, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1XX. Email: or Tel: 03000 411657 Text Relay: 18001 0300 333 5540 Key point: Deadline: Friday 19th December Please can you only provide one consolidated response per Parish or Town Council Alternative formats are available i.e. in large font, braille etc. This document is available in alternative formats and can be explained in a range of languages – please contact Iain Norman. 3 Section 1 – Contact with Kent County Council Q1 Has your Parish or Town Council contacted Highways and Transportation to ask for information or report a problem with roads, pavements, street lighting or drains in the past 12 months? Yes No – go to Q4 Don’t know Q2 Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were your Parish or Town Council with the service they received when they asked for information or reported a problem? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don’t know Not applicable Q3 If your Parish or Town Council have any views about the highway service they received, along with ideas on how to improve it then please share these with us: 4 Q4 Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were your Parish or Town Council with the service provided by their Highways and Transportation District Manager/Steward? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don’t know Q5 If your Parish or Town Council have any views about the District Manager/Steward Team, along with ideas on how to improve our service please share these with us: 5 Q6 Did your Parish or Town Council attend one of Kent County Council’s Annual Highway Parish Seminar this autumn? Yes No – go to Q9 Don’t know Q7 If yes, how satisfied were your Parish or Town Council with the seminar overall? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don’t know Q8 If your Parish or Town Council have any views about the seminar, along with ideas on how to improve it then please share these with us: 6 Section 2 – Condition of roads, pavements, street lights and drainage for Kent ROADS How satisfied or dissatisfied are your Parish or Town Council with the condition of each of the following types of road in your local area: Very satisfied Q9 Residential or estate roads Q10 Main ‘A’ or ‘B’ roads Q11 Town centre or village roads Q12 Country lanes Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Q13 If your Parish or Town Council have any views about the condition of roads or ideas to improve these, please share these with us: 7 Don’t know PAVEMENTS How satisfied or dissatisfied are your Parish or Town Council with the condition of pavements in your local area in each of the following: Very satisfied Q14 Q15 Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don’t know Pavements on residential or estate roads Pavements in town centres, villages, shopping areas or pedestrianised areas Q16 If your Parish or Town Council have any comments about the condition of pavements or ideas to improve them, please share these with us: 8 STREET LIGHTING How satisfied or dissatisfied are your Parish or Town Council with:- Very satisfied Q17 Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Street lighting repairs in your local area Q18 If your Parish or Town Council have any comments about repairs to street lighting including ideas about improving them, please share them with us: 9 Don’t know DRAINS/GULLIES How satisfied or dissatisfied are your Parish or Town Council that:- Very satisfied Q19 Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Road drains/gullies are kept clean and working in their your local area Q20 If your Parish or Town Council have any views concerning drains/gullies in the roads or ideas to improve them, please share them with us: 10 Don’t know Section 3 – Congestion A key action for Kent County Council is to provide consistent journey times to enable people to plan their trips. This means we will identify and tackle congestion ‘hot spots’ to improve journey time reliability. Q21 Please can you list one congestion ‘hot spot’ (i.e. road or junction) which in your opinion frequently contributes to journey time unreliability: HOTSPOT: Road name or junction: Town or village name: Time of day i.e. peak am/pm, or off-peak am/pm: What do you think is the main cause of congestion?: 11 Section 4 – Keeping road users as safe as possible A key action for Kent County Council is to keep road users as safe as possible on Kent’s roads. We do this by providing road safety awareness campaigns, education programmes and also the delivery of safety engineering measures at sites which have a history of road traffic collisions. Q22 Please can you list one site (i.e. road or junction) which in your opinion could be made safer: SITE: Road name or junction: Town or village name: Who this road or junction is a safety issue for? (i.e. bike, pedestrian, lorry, horse, car etc.): What safety improvement do they think would help or what safety issue should KCC address?: 12 Section 5 – Improving road safety in Kent using safety cameras Safety cameras (sometimes known in the media as speed cameras) are installed AS A LAST RESORT and EVEN THEN strict guidelines have to be met. In the case of the FIXED safety cameras, there has to have been 3 people killed or seriously injured within a 1.5 kilometre stretch of road within the previous 3 years or for MOBILE safety cameras which are operated from vans - there has to have been 1 person killed or seriously injured within a 5 kilometre stretch of road within the previous 3 years. Q25 Do you agree or disagree that safety cameras are helping to make roads safer across Kent? Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know Q26 Why do you think this?: 13 Section 6 – Improving the Highway Service Q27 Are there any other aspects of Highways and Transportation in your area not covered by this survey that you’d like to bring to our attention? Please include details of any local issues your Parish & Town Council may have: 14 Thank you for taking the time to complete and submit this survey. It is important to us that we take into account the views of the local community you represent when we make decisions about our service we deliver in Kent. Your opinion counts. It does not matter whether your views are positive, negative or indifferent. We would still like to hear from you. Should you have any further questions or concerns about this survey or any of its questions, please contact: Iain Norman on tel: 03000 411657 or email: 15 Tubbs Hill and Station Parade Reference TUB001 TUB002 TUB003 TUB004 TUB005 TUB006 TUB007 TUB008 TUB009 TUB010 TUB011 TUB012 TUB013 TUB014 TUB015 TUB016 TUB017 TUB018 TUB019 TUB020 TUB021 TUB022 Number 156 1 2 3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5-5a 6 7 1 3 5 7-9 11 Road Tubbs Hill Tubbs Hill Parade Tubbs Hill Parade Tubbs Hill Parade Tubbs Hill Parade Tubbs Hill Parade Tubbs Hill Parade Tubbs Hill Parade Tubbs Hill Parade Tubbs Hill Parade Station Parade Station Parade Station Parade Station Parade Station Parade Station Parade Station Parade St Botolph's Road St Botolph's Road St Botolph's Road St Botolph's Road St Botolph's Road Business Welham Jones Alpina Café Zucchi Hair Design JR Dental Practice Party & Carnival Warehouse Raj Bari Badger Bathrooms Boots Albert Dry Cleaning Go Travel Tom Bell Fish and Chips Sans Mini Market Gallery 88 Fine Art Kings Estate Agents Chopafellas Wilgar Plumbing and Heating Unknown Corcoran & May Fabric / Blinds English Chimney Piece Chinese Herbal Medicine St Botolph's House - Graham Watt & Co LLP Michael's Barber Shop Use Class A1 A3 A1 D1 A1 A3 A1 A1 A1 A1 A5 A1 A1 A2 A1 A1 B1 A1 A1 A1 A2 A1 N St Johns Reference NSJ001 NSJ002 NSJ003 NSJ004 NSJ005 NSJ006 NSJ007 NSJ008 NSJ009 NSJ010 NSJ011 NSJ012 NSJ013 NSJ014 NSJ015 NSJ016 NSJ017 NSJ018 NSJ019 NSJ020 NSJ021 NSJ022 NSJ023 NSJ024 NSJ025 NSJ026 NSJ027 NSJ028 NSJ029 NSJ030 NSJ031 NSJ032 NSJ033 NSJ034 NSJ035 NSJ036 NSJ037 NSJ038 NSJ039 NSJ040 NSJ041 NSJ042 NSJ043 NSJ044 NSJ045 Number 143 135-137 133 131 129 127 125b 125a 123 121 119a 119 117 113-115 109-111 142-146 146a 154 97 95 93 91 89 87 1b 1a 5 4 3 1-2 75-77 73 112 121 123 125 114 116 118 120-122 65 63 63a 61a 61 Road St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St James' Road St James' Road Carlton Parade Carlton Parade Carlton Parade Carlton Parade St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill Wickenden Road Wickenden Road Wickenden Road St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill Business Sainsburys Susan's 2nd Hand Furniture Pharmacy Coral Daniel Barrett Decoration 7oaks Grill, Bar, Takeaway Orchard Boutique Bonnie & Clyde Hair Vacant Vacant Masonic Hall Dominos Pizza Polskie Deli Captain's Cabin Sports Vacant Little Poppets Brycells Estate Agents Fireworks / Bat and Ball Motors Vacant Vacant Jolley Fish and Chips Paprika Takeaway Papa Johns Takeaway The Castle Shoe Repairs Wags Dog Grooming Olivia's Café Spice Lounge The Lantern Co-op The New Inn Cost Cutter Express / Murco Petrol Doves Funerals Art Shop Lookin Good Hair and Beauty Vacant Alice's Tea Shop Puddleducks Quilting Jon Paul Hairdressers Sevenoaks Florist n/a n/a Vacant Chiropodist & Podiatrist Touch of Clay Use Class A1 A1 A1 A2 B1 A5 A1 A1 A1 A1 Sui Generis A5 A1 A1 B1 A1 A2 A1 A1 A1 A5 A5 A5 A4 A1 Sui Generis A3 A3 A5 A1 A4 Sui Generis A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 A1 A1 A1 C3 C3 B1 D1 A1 Further Info Formerly jacuzzi shop / car wash Formerly Audrey Day Formerly Integrated Visual Communication Formerly vacant Formerly vacant (B1) Formerly Baguette Me Not Formerly Oak Spice Formerly vacant NSJ046 NSJ047 NSJ048 NSJ049 NSJ050 NSJ051 NSJ052 NSJ053 NSJ054 NSJ055 NSJ056 NSJ057 59a 59 57a 156 107 105 103 101 99 140 138 136 St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill Stitches Legendz Barber Shop Vacant n/a n/a Blue Bird Care n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a A1 A1 A1 C3 C3 A2 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 Reference SEV001 SEV002 SEV003 SEV004 SEV005 SEV006 SEV007 SEV009 SEV010 SEV011 SEV012 SEV013 SEV014 SEV015 SEV016 SEV017 SEV018 SEV019 SEV020 SEV021 SEV022 SEV023 SEV024 SEV025 SEV026 SEV027 SEV028 SEV029 SEV030 SEV031 SEV032 SEV033 SEV034 SEV035 SEV036 SEV037 SEV038 SEV039 SEV040 SEV041 SEV042 SEV043 SEV044 SEV045 SEV046 SEV047 SEV048 SEV050 SEV051 SEV052 SEV053 SEV054 SEV055 SEV056 SEV057 HouseNumberRoad 127 London Road 118a London Road 118c London Road 133 London Road 131 London Road 129 London Road 135-137 London Road 139 London Road 141 London Road 143 London Road 145 London Road 147 London Road 149 London Road 151 London Road 120 London Road 116 London Road 125 London Road 123 London Road 121 London Road 117-119 London Road 115 London Road 111-113 London Road 98-114 London Road 92 London Road 107 London Road 105 London Road 103 London Road 103a London Road 103b London Road Argyle Road 30 Pembroke Road 26-28 Pembroke Road 24 Pembroke Road 22 Pembroke Road 20 Pembroke Road 18 Pembroke Road 16 Pembroke Road 8 Pembroke Road 6 Pembroke Road 4 Pembroke Road 13 Pembroke Road 15 Pembroke Road 17-19 Pembroke Road 21 Pembroke Road 9 Pembroke Road 7 Pembroke Road 2 Pembroke Road 143c High Street 145a High Street 145 High Street 147 High Street 147a High Street 147b High Street 149 High Street 151 High Street Business n/a Vacant Kitchen Design of Sevenoaks n/a n/a n/a Dolphin Fish Bar Chaucer of Sevenoaks n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Auto Sportiva LK Wash 'n' Valet n/a n/a n/a Tatoo Emporium House on the Hill Sevenoaks Sound and Vision J Salmon and The Caxton and Holmesdale Press Bentley Oaks Spice Alan Jones Men's Grooming Vacant Marmaris Kebab House Beeline Taxis Sevenoaks District Council Offices Unknown Occupiers Towergate n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Elkington and Fife LLP Hanson Creasey Son and Wickenden Accountants Amherst Accountancy and Springbank Clinic Preferred Choice n/a Pembroke House Cares Porritt Rainey Accountants Sevenoaks Podiatry and Registered Chiropodists Mixed A2 Daniel Jordan Sevenoaks Tandoori The Heritage Window Company Sevenoaks Book Shop The Chinaman Priority American Nail Fashion Lotus Health and Beauty UseClass C3 A1 A1 C3 C3 C3 A5 Sui Generis C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 B1 Sui Generis C3 C3 C3 Sui Generis A3 A1 B1 Sui Generis A3 A1 A1 A5 Sui Generis B1 B1 B1 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 C3 B1 B1 D1 A2 A1 A5 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 FurtherInfo Now vacant Formerly Sevenoaks Pets and Aquatics (A1) Car Showroom Formerly 7oaks News Formerly Springbank Clinic Formerly Fingz Frontage On Pembroke Road Dual Frontage also on Pembroke Road SEV058 SEV059 SEV060 SEV061 SEV062 SEV063 SEV064 SEV065 SEV066 SEV067 SEV068 SEV069 SEV070 SEV071 SEV072 SEV073 SEV074 SEV075 SEV076 SEV077 SEV078 SEV079 SEV080 SEV081 SEV082 SEV083 SEV084 SEV085 SEV086 SEV087 SEV088 SEV089 SEV090 SEV091 SEV092 SEV093 SEV094 SEV095 SEV338 SEV340 SEV097 SEV098 SEV099 SEV100 SEV101 SEV102 SEV103 SEV104 SEV105 SEV106 SEV107 SEV108 SEV109 SEV110 SEV111 SEV112 153 155 157 159 161 163 165 168-170 166 156 154 150 146-148 144 142 140 138 138a & b 143b 143 139-141 137 137 137 137 1 1 3 55 2 1 2 3 2 5 1 4 6 136 134 132 130 128 126 124 122 122a 120 135 131-133 129 127 High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street Bligh's Road Suffolk Way Suffolk Way Buckhurst Lane Suffolk Way Buckhurst Avenue Bligh's Road Bligh's Walk Bligh's Walk Bligh's Walk Bligh's Court Bligh's Walk Bligh's Court Bligh's Walk Bligh's Court High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street Buckhurst Lane Buckhurst Lane High Street High Street High Street High Street Sevenoaks Carpets Crop Hairdressers Sarah Brown Mens Salon n/a n/a Manor Clinic n/a Development Site Denval Marine Consultants Various occupiers Up & Running Pizza Express Bridgeman Furniture Oxfam Books n/a McMillan Williams Solicitors Wagamama Wilkinsons Optometrists Valentina Restaurant and Deli The Sennockian Vacant Mobile Street Cancer Research UK Burton / Dorothy Perkins Marks and Spencer Various Occupiers GC Reiber Shipping & Full Circle Asset Management Library, Museum, Gallery and Citizens Advice Bureau Sevenoaks Leisure Centre Sackville House (various occupiers) Costa Coffee Holland and Barrett Pets Corner Claire's Accessories Laura Ashley Gap Kids Phase Eight EE JoJo Maman Bebe Tesco Vacant - currently being redeveloped Carphone Warehouse British Bookshops Sussex Stationers Fat Face 99p Stores Fuji Film Vodafone Gem Antiques Boots The Café Grill Bus Enquiry Office Oak Tree WH Smiths White Stuff Paperchase A1 A1 A1 A1 C3 C3 D1 C3 C3 B1 B1 A1 A3 A1 A1 A2 A2 A3 A1 A3 A4 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 B1 B1 D1 D2 B1 A3 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A3 B1 A4 A1 A1 A1 Formerly CC (A1) Formerly vacant Formerly vacant A3 Part of McMillan Williams Solicitors Formerly Vacant A2 Formerly Vacant Formerly Sevenoaks Rug Warehouse Formerly Quit Charity Shop Formerly Phones 4 U Formerly vacant 2 stores - High Street frontage and behind Formerly EW Payne Jewellers Formerly Waitrose SEV113 SEV114 SEV115 SEV116 SEV117 SEV118 SEV119 SEV120 SEV121 SEV122 SEV123 SEV124 SEV125 SEV126 SEV127 SEV128 SEV129 SEV130 SEV131 SEV132 SEV133 SEV134 SEV135 SEV136 SEV137 SEV138 SEV139 SEV140 SEV141 SEV142 SEV143 SEV144 SEV145 SEV146 SEV147 SEV148 SEV149 SEV150 SEV151 SEV152 SEV153 SEV154 SEV155 SEV156 SEV157 SEV158 SEV159 SEV160 SEV161 SEV162 SEV163 SEV164 SEV165 SEV166 SEV167 SEV168 125 123 121 and a 119 113-117 111 109 107 105 116 114 112 110 108 104-106 100-102 98 96 94 95 97 and a 99 b 99-101 103 22 24 24a 26 28 30 2 3 92 90 1 1 88 86 84 82 80 78 72-76 70 68b 68b 66 64 56-62 54 52 50 48 and a 46 44a 44 High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road Lock's Yard Lock's Yard High Street High Street Akehurst Lane Akehurst Lane High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street Ibbett Mosely Belmont Dry Cleaners British Heart Foundation Especially Health Knight Frank Children's Trust Andrews Estate Agents CF Hoad and Son Mint Velvet Rush Hair Thomas Cook Café Nero Boots Opticians The Lemon Tree Edinburgh Woollen Mill Halifax Russell & Bromley M&Co Gas Station Mobile Phone Centre Subway Country Dry Cleaners Chesterton Estate Agents Toni & Guy Cote Brasserie Hamptens International The Bagel Shop Jamia Integrated Health Flowers and Sparkle Berry Recruitment Samuels LLP Langford Rae O'Neill Mousetrap Vacant Vacant Eyelines Nationwide Brewers Leslie Warren Optometrists Barclays Lorimers Savills The Co-operative Bank Michael Whitcombe Jewellers Linen House Horncastles Francis Jones Waitrose Allied Media Partnership Jackson-Stops & Staff Estate Agents Knocker and Foskett Solicitors Vacant Vacant Taylor and Tester Properties n/a A2 A1 A1 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A1 A1 A1 A3 A1 A1 A1 A2 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A2 A1 A3 A2 A1 A1 D1 A1 A2 B1 A2 A1 B1 Sui Generis A1 A2 A1 A1 A2 A1 A2 A2 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 B1 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 C3 Formerly Clinton Cards Formerly vacant Formerly The Find Formerly Pronto Formerly Sargeant's Formerly Smart Mama Clever Papa Formerly Reece Jones Partnership Formerly Kent Police Formerly Britania Formerly a Development Site Formerly Chronicle Formerly Harding and Boulter Accountant SEV169 SEV170 SEV171 SEV172 SEV173 SEV174 SEV175 SEV176 SEV177 SEV178 SEV179 SEV180 SEV181 SEV182 SEV184 SEV185 SEV186 SEV187 SEV188 SEV339 SEV189 SEV190 SEV191 SEV192 SEV193 SEV194 SEV195 SEV196 SEV197 SEV198 SEV199 SEV200 SEV201 SEV202 SEV203 SEV204 SEV205 SEV206 SEV207 SEV208 SEV209 SEV210 SEV211 SEV212 SEV213 SEV214 SEV215 SEV216 SEV217 SEV218 SEV219 SEV220 SEV221 SEV223 43-45 47 49 51 53 55 57-59 61 63-65 67 1 3 5 7 69-71 73 73a and b 75 75a 81 83-85 87-89 91 93 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 42 40 38 34-36 28-30 26a 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 21 and a,b 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 9a 9b Tricon House High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street London Road London Road London Road London Road High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street High Street London Road London Road London Road Swinton Commercial Bea Couture Khanh's Nail Studio n/a TBW Your Move Spice Club Sun Do Restaurant Loch Fyne Natwest Butterfly Love Your Nails Sevenoaks Haberdashery Matthew Cross Haircare HSBC The Chequers Scriveners Opticians Waghorn & Company Estate Agents Town Barber Malabar Coffee House Lloyd's TSB Santander Oxfam Specsavers Vacant n/a n/a Living, Dining, Carpets, Curtains Vacant Bat & Ball Sports (Intersports) Prezzo n/a Vacant n/a Various Occupiers Vacant - currently being redeveloped The Guitar Centre n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Stone Hair Stone Hair n/a TA Craig Violin Repairs Browitt Smith Chartered Surveyors Walker & Walker Solicitors Vacant Claremont Age Concern UK Vacant A2 A1 A1 C3 A1 A2 A3 A3 A3 A2 A1 Sui Generis A1 A1 A2 A4 A1 A2 A1 A3 A2 A2 A1 A1 A1 C3 C3 A1 A2 A1 A3 C3 A2 C3 A2 A3 A1 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 A1 A1 C3 A2 B1 B1 A1 A1 A1 B1 Formerly a Development Site Formerly Jashani Formerly Vacant Formerly Williamson's Butchers Formerly Knole House Furnishings Formerly Santander Formerly Vacent Formerly Brasserie Gerard Formerly Alexanders Estate Agents Formerly vacant Formerly Gavin Gregg Restaurant Formerly vacant (A1) Formerly vacant Formerly identified as vacant Formerly The Cheese Harp Development to D1 - formerly KCC Social Services SEV224 SEV225 SEV226 SEV227 SEV228 SEV229 SEV230 SEV231 SEV232 SEV233 SEV234 SEV235 SEV236 SEV237 SEV238 SEV240 SEV241 SEV242 SEV243 SEV244 SEV245 SEV341 SEV246 SEV247 SEV248 SEV250 SEV251 SEV252 SEV253 SEV254 SEV255 SEV256 SEV257 SEV258 SEV259 SEV260 SEV261 SEV262 SEV263 SEV264 SEV265 SEV266 SEV267 SEV268 SEV269 SEV270 SEV271 SEV272 SEV273 SEV274 SEV275 SEV276 SEV277 SEV278 SEV279 SEV280 11 11a 13 15 1 3 24-26 16 14a 14 12 10 6 19 21-23 27 29 31 33 35-39 41 43b 43 45 47 44 44 36-40 32 49 51 53 55 57 57 59 61 63 65 67 67a 67b 67c 69 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 London Road London Road London Road London Road South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road Sevenoaks Computer Shop Archer Express Cleaners Sevenoaks Hearing Centre The Stag Theatre Sevenoaks Post Office Telephone Exchange ECA Court (Various B1) Various Occupiers Rummer Designs, Rummer Environmental Buffet Express Cobbles Engravers Tanning Rooms Twind Wine Merchants Twind Wine Merchants Paydens Pharmacy Francis Chappell & Sons Funeral Directors Zippy Stitch Graham Webb Hairdressing Coral Zizzi Helen Breeze Lettings n/a Hardware Centre Sevenoaks Art Shop Smiths Border Tex Mex & Sports Bar Institute of Financial Accountancy Hardware Centre The Anchor El Matador JV Geer & Sons Ltd CF Hoad and Son Mie The Compact Disk The Chocolate Shop The Chapel Hairdressing Hospice in the Weald Kallkwik Montien Leaders Estate Agents Patmores London Road Boutique Pressed for Time Beautique Rehab M3 House (Various B1) Brunch @ 73 County Perry Financial Advisers n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a A1 A1 A1 D2 A1 Sui Generis B1 B1 B1 A1 A1 Sui Generis A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A2 A3 A2 C3 A1 A1 A1 A3 B1 A1 A4 A3 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A3 A2 A1 A1 A1 Sui Generis A1 B1 A1 B1 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 Dry Cleaners Formerly vacant Formerly vacant Footwear Formerly Modern Japanese Formerly vacant Hair Salon Formerly vacant Formerly Quality Ironing Service Formerly Beauty Salon Hair SEV281 SEV282 SEV283 SEV284 SEV285 SEV286 SEV287 SEV288 SEV289 SEV290 SEV291 SEV292 SEV293 SEV294 SEV295 SEV296 SEV297 SEV298 SEV299 SEV300 SEV301 SEV302 SEV303 SEV304 SEV305 SEV306 SEV307 SEV308 SEV309 SEV310 SEV312 SEV313 SEV314 SEV316 SEV317 SEV318 SEV319 SEV320 SEV321 SEV342 SEV322 SEV323 SEV324 SEV325 SEV326 SEV327 SEV328 SEV329 SEV331 SEV332 SEV333 SEV334 SEV335 SEV336 SEV337 93 95 97-101 46 48 50 52 8 66 1-2 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 1-2 3-4 1 3-5 7 13 15 and a 2 4a 4 6 8 14 3c 3b 2-3 1 4a 4-5 6 7 8 1 2-3 5 4 6 6 3 4 5 6 5 6 3 4 London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road London Road Bligh's Walk London Road Old School Walk Old School Walk Black's Yard Black's Yard Black's Yard Black's Yard Black's Yard Black's Yard Well Court Well Court Bank Street Bank Street Bank Street Bank Street Bank Street Bank Street Bank Street Bank Street Bank Street Bank Street Bank Street Dorset Street Dorset Street Dorset Street Dorset Street Dorset Street Dorset Street Dorset Street Dorset Street Dorset Street The Shambles The Shambles The Shambles The Shambles The Shambles Bligh's Walk Bligh's Court Bligh's Court Bligh's Court Brewery Lane Brewery Lane Brewery Lane Brewery Lane Brewery Lane Brewery Court Brewery Court n/a n/a West Kent Housing The Design Studio - Ditto Vacant Leicht Hudson Flooring Café Rouge The Depot Tommelise Vacant Cook MIMI Supercuts Nonna Cappuccinis Micallef Flower and Glory Ginseng Harvey's Menswear Greek Sun Holidays Maise K Shoes, Repairs, Keys Black Boy Strutt and Parker Lady Butterworths Etoile First Stage Myrrh Danish Collection Alan Streek The Giggling Squid John Kingston Devine Stile The Nook (Gardening & Flora) Sevenoaks Travel Number 6 Lambert Solicitors Soprano Coffee House Lambert Solicitors Cavendish Properties Clemency Life Family Tattoo Vintage Attic Living Robert Dyas Moshulu Viyella Monsoon Pantiles Cameras Between the Lines Joules Crew Clothing Body Shop Synchronicity Total Orthodontics C3 C3 B1 A1 B1 A1 A1 A3 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A3 A1 A1 A3 A1 A1 A1 A1 A4 A2 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A3 A2 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A2 A3 A2 A2 A1 Sui Generis A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 Sui Generis D1 Formerly Ditto Office Services Formerly vacant Formerly Tinley House Formerly vacant Formerly Orma Formerly Under Cover Formerly Lora Formerly Danish Collection CLOSING DOWN Formerly Great Haul of China Formerly Strada Formerly Full Monte Formerly Vacant Hairdressers Formerly Vacant Formelry Image Formerly Julian Graves Formerly Tan and Float Southern St Johns Reference SSJ001 SSJ002 SSJ003 SSJ004 SSJ005 SSJ006 SSJ007 SSJ008 SSJ009 SSJ010 SSJ011 SSJ012 SSJ013 SSJ014 SSJ015 SSJ016 SSJ017 SSJ019 SSJ020 SSJ021 Number 8 6 4 2 2a 56 52-54 50 48 46 46a 44 46 42 40 38 33 31 44 29 Road St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill St John's Hill Holly Bush Lane Holly Bush Lane Holly Bush Lane Holly Bush Lane Holly Bush Lane Holly Bush Lane Holly Bush Lane Dartford Road Dartford Road Dartford Road Dartford Road Holly Bush Lane Holly Bush Lane Dartford Road Holly Bush Lane Business 7oaks News & Wine Sunflower Estate Agents Oaks Flooring Design A Head Dovetails Hollybush Launderette Rafferty's Restaurant Rafferty's Restaurant Johnny's Little Sister (florist) Lovell and Vie lingerie shop Jo & Co Vacant Sugarloaf Day Lewis Pharmacy Hos Hother (clothes shop) Circle Automation (technology shop) La Mancia Pictorials (cushion shop) Little Blue Finch (gift shop) The Clever Dress Boutique Use Class A1 A2 A1 A1 A1 Sui Generis A3 A3 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 Further Info Formerly 7Oaks Photo Formerly Hos Hother Formerly Avalon Music Formerly vacant Formerly vacant (A2) Formerly The Little Cake Stand Shop Formerly Angela's Attic Sevenoaks Town Council Town Council Offices Bradbourne Vale Road Sevenoaks Kent TN13 3QG Direct Dial: Ask For: Email: My Ref: Your Ref: Date: 01732 227000, Option 3 Joanna Russell SE/14/02811/FUL 96 Oak Hill Road, Sevenoaks 18th November 2014 For the attention of Mrs L Larter Dear Sir/Madam Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Site: 96 Oakhill Road Sevenoaks Kent TN13 1NU Development: Part demolition of front boundary wall to allow access to new garage and the sub division of the land and building of a new residence. The current application on this site is due to be considered at the meeting of the Development Control Committee at the Council Chamber, Sevenoaks District Council Offices, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1HG on 27th November 2014 at 7.00 pm. The Council operates a system of public speaking at meetings of the Committee. An electronic version of the “Speaking on Planning Applications” leaflet is available via the Council’s Website, Alternatively, a paper copy of this leaflet can be obtained from the Planning Reception at Sevenoaks District Council Offices. If a representative from the Parish/Town Council would like to speak on the application, please register your interest with the Council’s Contact Centre on 01732 227000, who can also answer any questions you may have regarding the public speaking procedure. You need to register your interest by 5pm on the day of the meeting at the latest. Only one person can be registered. However, in the case of deferred applications being reconsidered by the Committee, further representations will not normally be heard at the meeting. Once you have registered to speak, if you wish to show any photographs or plans (no more than three), these must be submitted electronically to the Development Control Team By the end of the day BEFORE the meeting date (email: This deadline is to ensure sufficient time is available to prepare and check the presentation before the meeting. Material received after this time will be rejected. Any photomontages or other visualisations of the appearance of the development will only be accepted if they are accompanied by a statement showing how they have been created based on the application plans. Copies of the committee agenda, including the report relevant to this application, will be available in reception on the night of the meeting. Alternatively a copy of the report can be obtained from the Democratic Services Team, 5 working days before the committee date, subject to normal planning copying charges. If you wish you can view and download a copy of the report 5 working days before the Committee Date, via the Council’s Web Site, Yours faithfully Planning Application Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/02811/FUL J Russell 17-10-2014 Cllr Piper N/A Applicant House Name Road Locality 96 Oakhill Road Kippington Mr & Mrs Ward Town County Application on Post Code 29/09/14 Part demolition of front boundary wall to allow access to new garage and the sub division of the land and building of a new residence. Comment on 13/10/14 No. of days taken to comment 14 Sevenoaks Town Council recommended refusal on the following grounds: 1.The proposal represents a cramped form of development which will result in a lack of amenity for future occupants including insufficient outside space and lighting 2.Overdevelopment of the site 3.The proposal is out of keeping with the character of the conservation area due to the insufficient outdoor amenity space Decision on Appeal on 20/11/14 11:26 AM Sevenoaks Town Council Page 1 of 1 Planning Applications to be Considered Planning Applications received to be considered on 24 November 2014 1 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/01658/HOUSE H Broughton 02-12-2014 Cllr Eyre Mr B Best 455029 House Name Road Locality 23 White Hart Wood Kippington Post Code Application date Applicant Dr Kalairajah Town County 13/11/14 Erection of a first floor front and side extension (with Juliet balcony to rear elevation) over an existing ground floor extension. Construction of front gable to existing frontage and increase of existing ridge height to front roof projection. SE/14/01658/HOUSE - Amended plan Revised drawings received 23.07.14 Amended proposal description: Erection of a first floor front and side extension (with Juliet balcony to rear elevation) over an existing ground floor extension. Construction of front gable to existing frontage and increase of existing ridge height to front roof projection. Increase in size of conservatory and height of single storey rear extension with piers above (revised application to 13/02048/HOUSE). SE/14/01658/HOUSE - Amended plan Revised existing and proposed plans and elevations received 06.11.14 Revised proposal description: Erection of a first floor front and side extension (with Juliet balcony to rear elevation) over an existing ground floor extension. Construction of front gable to existing frontage and increase of existing ridge height to front roof projection. Increase in size of conservatory and height of single storey rear extension with piers above (revised application to 13/02048/HOUSE) (this part retrospective). Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/02059/FUL J Russell 04-12-2014 Cllr Piper Mr M Mamalis 760076 Applicant House Name Road Locality Mr S Hammond New Beacon School Brittains Lane Kippington Town County Post Code Application date 2 14/11/14 Demolition of Existing Changing Hut, Equipment Stores and Viewing Gallery. Extension of existing Sports Hall and Changing Rooms, including new viewing gallery and IT Room. Removal of 4 no. existing trees. Planting of replacement trees. SE/14/02059/FUL - Amended plan Amended and reduced proposal submitted. Demolition of Existing Changing Hut, Equipment Stores and Viewing Gallery. Extension of existing Sports Hall and Changing Rooms, including new viewing gallery and IT Room. Removal of 4 no. existing trees. Planting of replacement trees. 20/11/14 11:14 AM Sevenoaks Town Council Page 1 of 5 Planning Applications to be Considered Planning Applications received to be considered on 24 November 2014 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/02593/FUL H Broughton 03-12-2014 Cllr Busvine Applicant House Name Road Mr R Fender 01883 7303 73 Mr S Davis Flat 1 120 London Road Town Town County Post Code Application date 3 Locality 13/11/14 Single storey ground floor temporary structure (3 years) to rear of 120 London Road to be used as office accommodation (Retrospective). SE/14/02593/FUL - Amended plan Certificate B has now been signed and dated. Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03235/FUL J Russell 03-12-2014 Cllr Mrs London Offset Architects 753333 Applicant House Name Road Locality Mr M Dias Denval Marine Consultants Ltd 156 High Street Town Town County Application date 4 Post Code 13/11/14 Demolition of the existing office building and the construction of a new mixed use development, comprising office space and three residential flats. SE/14/03235/FUL - Amended plan Amended Red Line plans now received 5 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03291/FUL Mr M Holmes 24-11-2014 Cllr Hogarth House Name Road Robinson Escott 01689 8 36334 Applicant Locality Kentmere Homes (Sevenoaks) Prospect Cottage Ltd 43 St James's Road St Johns Town Post Code Application date County 04/11/14 Demolition of the existing two bedroom dwelling with double integral garage. Erection of a detached five bedroom dwelling with lower ground floor, with integral garage, ground and first floor roof space accommodation. Revised access arrangements. SE/14/03291/FUL - Amended plan Bulk and height of proposed house reduced from original plans submitted. 20/11/14 11:14 AM Sevenoaks Town Council Page 2 of 5 Planning Applications to be Considered Planning Applications received to be considered on 24 November 2014 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03386/FUL J Russell 05-12-2014 Cllr Mrs London Applicant House Name Road Mrs T Dixon 01227 45669 9 Cullum White Properties LLP Chantry Medical Practice South Park Town Town County Post Code Application date 6 Locality 17/11/14 Revisions to approved scheme (reference SE/07/01359) comprising internal alterations and subdivision of top floor flat to create 2 flats in place of existing one. Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03394/FUL Mr A Byrne 26-11-2014 Cllr Eyre Miss G Liu 02075 561500 Applicant House Name Road Locality Mr C Oates Beadle House London Road Kippington Town County Post Code Application date 7 06/11/14 Proposed alterations to external cladding, ground floor infill extension and erection of fencing for a bin storage. 8 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03451/HOUSE H Broughton 02-12-2014 Cllr Parry House Name Road Mr J Ashton 02087 35536 7 Applicant Mr M O'Brien Town County Locality 46 Oakhill Road Kippington Post Code Application date 12/11/14 Demolition of existing wine cellar. Erection of a single storey rear extension and first floor extension to side and rear with the addition of a roof terrace at first floor. Extension to front elevation to form porch. Conversion of loft into habitable accommodation. Modification to the rear roof form and alterations to fenestration. 9 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03465/HOUSE Mr M Holmes 27-11-2014 Cllr Busvine House Name Road Mr M Garland 01892 7245 42 Applicant Mr J Lumley Town County Locality 5 Pound Lane Town Post Code Application date 07/11/14 Alteration to form an opening in Garden Wall. 20/11/14 11:14 AM Sevenoaks Town Council Page 3 of 5 Planning Applications to be Considered Planning Applications received to be considered on 24 November 2014 10 Plan Number Planning officer SE/14/03466/LBCALT Mr M Holmes 27-11-2014 Applicant House Name Mr J Lumley Town County Town Councillor Agent Cllr Busvine Mr M Garland 01892 7245 42 Road Locality 5 Pound Lane Town Post Code Application date 07/11/14 Alteration to form an opening in Garden Wall. 11 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03478/HOUSE H Weston 28-11-2014 Cllr Hogarth N/A House Name Road Locality 10 Thicketts St Johns Post Code Application date Applicant Mr & Mrs M Lea Town County 11/11/14 Demolition of attached garage. Erection of a two storey side extension, and erection of single storey side extension. Infill of porch with roof canopy and first floor extension to front elevation. First floor rear projection and new chimney. Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03498/FUL Mr M Holmes 01-12-2014 Cllr Parry Applicant House Name Road Mr S McKay 07842 94554 5 Walter Global Holdings Ltd Aldington 53 Oakhill Road Kippington Town County Post Code Application date 12 Locality 11/11/14 Retention of existing dwelling; erection of one detached property to the rear, with associated hard and soft landscaping works. 13 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03523/FUL J Russell 02-12-2014 Cllr Eyre Mr J Haskins 452200 House Name Road Locality 39 Kippington Road Kippington Post Code Application date Applicant Mr & Mrs Brown Town County 13/11/14 Demolition of existing dwelling & construction of replacement with associated parking. 20/11/14 11:14 AM Sevenoaks Town Council Page 4 of 5 Planning Applications to be Considered Planning Applications received to be considered on 24 November 2014 Plan Number Planning officer Town Councillor Agent SE/14/03571/HOUSE Mr M Holmes 04-12-2014 Cllr Raikes Offset Architects 753333 Applicant House Name Road Locality Mr & Mrs Tarasheva Wellingtonia Linden Chase St Johns Town County Post Code Application date 14 17/11/14 Erection of extension to entrance hall, together with the conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation, and external alterations. Erection of new detached double garage. 20/11/14 11:14 AM Sevenoaks Town Council Page 5 of 5