Kumu Kawehi Kammerer Papa Moʻomeheu Hawaiʻi (1)


Kumu Kawehi Kammerer Papa Moʻomeheu Hawaiʻi (1)
Papa Moʻomeheu Hawaiʻi
Kumu Kawehi Kammerer
Hawaiian Language and Culture Class
Heitiare “Kawehi” Kammerer
Contact Information:
Classroom in the Learning Center
Helu Kelepona: (808) 572-3140
Leka uila: hekammer@ksbe.edu
BLOG: http://blogs.ksbe.
Nā Kumuhana Aʻo:
Units of Study this year
Ocean- Land- Man/People
Hawaiian: Phonics, Words,
Phrases, Songs, Chants, Dances
Prayers, Hawaiian Proverbs,
Stories, and Cultural Practices.
Parent Communication Plan
Please feel free to contact me
with any questions or concerns. I
have an open door policy to help
parents and students feel
comfortable addressing their
concerns with me. My main
methods of relaying information
to your ʻohana will be via parent
letters, email and posting on my
blog. Please see my contact
information above should you
need to reach me. I check my
email often so emails is the best
method of reaching me outside of
school hours. Please make sure to
check out my blog weekly to
view class information and to
stay connected with me. Mahalo!
ʻAnoʻai me ke aloha!!!
ʻO wau iho nō ʻo Kawehi Kammerer ke kumu Moʻomeheu Hawaiʻi. I am
Kumu Kawehi Kammerer, the Moʻomeheu Hawaiʻi teacher. I am so blessed to have the
opportunity to be a part of Ke Kula Haʻahaʻa o Kamehameha ʻohana. It gives me great
pleasure to share my ʻike (knowledge) and aloha for the Hawaiian Language and
Culture with the haumāna (students) of Kamehameha Maui Elementary. I am blessed
to take part in the great work of establishing a “Kula Hawaiʻi” here. I hope to instill ʻike
Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian Intelligence) through teaching Hawaiian values, words/phrases,
ways of life, huakaʻi, chants, songs, dances, and stories. The Hawaiian scholar, Joseph
Poepoe believed in the importance of Hawaiian intelligence saying, “He oia mau no ka
pono o ka lāhui kanaka i ka hoʻonaʻauao Hawaiʻi,” which means the human race will
always benefit from Hawaiian education. The best makana (gift) I can give my
haumāna, is a sense of what it truly means to be a kanaka maoli. Ultimately expelling
the practice of Hawaiian language and culture being merely an ornamental and
decorative expression. It is my strong belief that as a “Kula Hawaiʻi” we all have a
great responsibility to emulate what it means to be an educated Hawaiian as
exemplified by Bernice Pauahi Bishop herself. Our beloved Bernice Pauahi Bishop
spoke ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi fluently and culturally knew mele Hawaiʻi. E ʻalu like kākou, let
us work together to fulfill the goal of a “Kula Hawaiʻi” by supporting the pua of
Pauahi to grow and blossom into kanaka maoli we all can be proud of.
On an educational note, I humbly come to Kamehameha Maui Elementary as
a former Kula Kaiapuni (Hawaiian Immersion) haumana and kumu. I am a certified
and licensed Elementary Education K-6 teacher. I received my B.A. in Art and a Minor
in Hawaiian Studies from Brigham Young University of Hawai'i (BYUH). I later
received my Elementary Teaching Certification at BYUH as a fifth year post-graduate
student. Recently, I received a Master’s of Education in Curriculum Studies with an
emphasis in eLearning from Concordia University-Portland, Oregon.
Outside of my educational endeavors and being a Kumu Moʻomeheu Hawaiʻi,
I am the mākuahine (mother) of four beautiful sons and the wife of James Kammerer,
the former Kahuku High & Intermediate School JV Football and Basketball Head Coach.
My husband and I have a common love for sports. As a former college volleyball player
for BYUH, volleyball is naturally my favorite sport. A side from volleyball, I also love
creatively expressing myself through art and technology. I especially enjoy family time
and outdoor activities. This year I hope to explore new applications of technology in my
class to enhance my learning and the learning of my students. I truly look forward to a
school year full of building lasting pilina (relationships) and culturally rich experiences
with the Kamehameha Maui ʻohana. IMUA KĀKOU!!
Me ke aloha, ~Kumu Kawehi Kammerer
Nā Kumuwaiwai (Hawaiian Language Resources):
Hawaiian Language Online Dictionary
Hawaiian Literacy Resource
ʻŌiwi TV
20th School Year
Nānā i mua, nānā i hope
Look forward, look back
School wide effort
E hoʻohua i ka hua maikaʻi
Bear good fruit
“Ua lehulehu a manomano ka
'ikena a ka Hawai'i”
Great and numerous is the
knowledge of the Hawaiians.
~Puke ʻŌlelo Noʻeau, na Kawena Pūkuʻi