East Shore Unitarian Church Meeting of the Board of Trustees
East Shore Unitarian Church Meeting of the Board of Trustees
East Shore Unitarian Church Meeting of the Board of Trustees February, 2016 Table of Contents Preparation Notes, Agenda, Notes & Upcoming Events ........................................................................................3 Preparation Notes ..............................................................................................................................................3 Agenda ................................................................................................................................................................3 Notes: .................................................................................................................................................................3 Upcoming Events for your Calendar:..................................................................................................................4 Minutes of Last Board Meeting ..............................................................................................................................4 Finance - Treasurer Report – Ryam Hill ............................................................................................................... 10 President’s Report – Beth Wilson ........................................................................................................................ 13 Director of Finance & Operations – Jason Puracal .............................................................................................. 13 Director of Religious Education – Aisha Hauser .................................................................................................. 20 Summary Report from the Committee on Children and Youth Ministry ............................................................ 21 Communications & Membership Manager – Nicole Denman............................................................................. 23 Policy 2.2 Revisions.............................................................................................................................................. 24 Holly House Task Force Ad Hoc Committee Charter ........................................................................................... 25 Liaison Reports .................................................................................................................................................... 26 Beloved Conversations: ................................................................................................................................... 27 Climate Action Ministry team:......................................................................................................................... 27 Earth & Social Justice Coordinating Council: ................................................................................................... 27 Economic Justice: ............................................................................................................................................ 27 Partner Church Committee: ............................................................................................................................ 27 Unitarian Universalist Service Committee: ..................................................................................................... 27 Women’s Perspective: ..................................................................................................................................... 28 Gallery.............................................................................................................................................................. 28 Personnel Committee ...................................................................................................................................... 28 Holly House Taskforce ..................................................................................................................................... 29 Option Papers .................................................................................................................................................. 29 ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 1 of 30 Feb 7 Town Hall Brain Storming Session ......................................................................................................... 29 Facilities Committee ........................................................................................................................................ 30 Grounds Committee ........................................................................................................................................ 30 Auction 2015 – Together Growing Community............................................................................................... 30 ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 2 of 30 Preparation Notes, Agenda, Notes & Upcoming Events Preparation Notes 1. Review all items of the consent agenda, be prepared to vote to approve all, or move a piece to the regular agenda if discussion is needed (Please alert Beth in advance!). 2. Reflect on our current status, current concerns. We have some open time tonight to check in with each other. We'll be using a structure for discussion that will encourage listening and the opportunity for all voices. 3. Reprieve!!!! Read the rest of "Governance and Ministry" - we'll be discussing it at our March meeting! Agenda East Shore Unitarian Church Meeting of the Board of Trustees February 16, 2016 Board Host: Kristi - Thank you! 6:45 Social Gathering 7:00 Opening Words, Chalice Lighting, Check in 7:10 Welcome to Members/Guests 7:15 Approval of: Kristi/Beth All Consent Agenda Minutes Agenda Board Reports (including Liaison Reports) Approval of PNWD Assembly Delegates: Dick Jacke, Louise Wilkinson, Aisha Hauser, Beth Wilson (2 more spaces if you’re interested) Policy 2.2 Holly House Task Force Charter Addition of Bruce Sillers & Frans Koning to HH Task Force 7:20 Discussion of issues related to Endowment Beth 7:45 “Black Lives Matter” Banner Discussion Beth 8:00 How are we doing? Debrief of current status, current feelings Beth 8:55 Closing Words and Adjourn Beth/Kristi Notes: March Board Meeting (Tuesday, 3/16) Host: Marc March Beacon Board Buzz due March 15: Kristi ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 3 of 30 Upcoming Events for your Calendar: PNW District Assembly (University Unitarian) March 5th (Saturday) 7:30 pm - 4:30 pm Worship Welcomers Schedule: FEBRUARY o MARCH 3/6 Ryam 2/21 Elaine 3/13 Jack 2/28 Marc 3/20 Ryam 3/27 Beth Minutes of Last Board Meeting ESUC Meeting of the Board of Trustees – Minutes Draft – January 19, 2016 January Board Packet Minutes, Leadership Reports, Consent Agenda: January Board Agenda Upcoming Events Minutes of Last Board Meeting – Dec 15 Open Action Items Finance - Treasurer Report – Ryam Hill Dec 31 BFS Summary – Jessie Zhao Board President's Report – Beth Wilson Director, Finance & Operations–Jason Puracal Director of Religious Education – Aisha Hauser Minister of Pastoral Care – Rev. Susan Morrisson Commun. & Membership Mgr – Nicole Denman Holly House Task Force Report – David Baumgart Facilities + Grounds Crew – David B 2015 Auction – Success! – David B Discussion Agenda: Clarification of Lists of Ministry Teams Plans for Interim Minister visit, Jan 22 - 25 Review of Finance Com Revised Charter Com. + Board Liaison Reports Consent Agenda: Beloved Conversations – Marilyn Mayers Climate Action - Marilyn Earth & Social Justice Coord. Council - Marilyn Earth & Social Justice Coord. Council Charter Marilyn Economic Justice - Marilyn Economic Justice Ministry Designated Fund Charter Second Sunday Donation - Marilyn UU Service Com + Voices for Justice - Marilyn UU Partner Church - Marilyn Women’s Perspective + Women Helping Women Marilyn Search Nominating Com – Jack + Tom Stewardship + OFD – Jack + Tom Personnel Com and the Gallery – Marc Wanless Executive Session Discussion of OFD Goals Closing Words and Adjourn Agenda, Preparation Notes & Notes East Shore Unitarian Church Agenda - Meeting of the Board of Trustees January 19, 2016 Board Host: Reed (Thank you!) 6:45 Social Gathering 7:00 Opening Words, Chalice Lighting, Check in 7:10 Welcome to members/guests ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 Reed/Beth All page 4 of 30 7:15 Approval of All Consent Agenda Minutes Agenda Board Reports (including Liaison reports) Approval of Interim Transition Team members: Bruce Sillers, Bert Velasco, Aleta Finnila, Laura Rivendell, Clair Voetberg, Andy Loughlin Economic Justice Designated Fund Charter (appendix 2) 7:20 Signups for Welcoming at Sunday Services 7:25 Discussion with Finance Committee members re: charter, roles Elaine/Beth Beth 7:50 deferred - Discussion of timeline for future changes - governance issues, etc. Includes goals/expectations for interim duration 8:20 Executive Session - SLT and Budget Team members are invited to stay Discussion of OFD goal - Set goal to announce to congregation 8:55 Beth Closing Words and Adjourn Beth, Reed Notes: Sunday Worship Welcoming Words: Jan 31 – Tom Doe, Feb 7 - Marilyn Mayers Feb 14 – open, Feb 21 – open, Feb 28 - open February Board Meeting (Tuesday, 2/16) Host: Kristi Brennan March Beacon Board Buzz due February 15: Jack Slowriver Upcoming Events for your Calendar: 1/22/16 1/23/16 1/24/16 2/2/16 Friday evening Board potluck with Interim Minister :-) OFD evening event with the new Interim Congregational Meeting Executive Council Opening Words – Beth welcomed the board members, our guests, and the SLT. Reed offered the opening reflection on the subject of MLK Check-in – The Board of Trustees includes Kristi Brennan, David Baumgart (secretary), (absent) Elaine Cox, Reed Cundiff, Tom Doe, Ryam Hill (treasurer), Marilyn Mayers, Jack Slowriver (VP), (absent) Marc Wanless, and Beth Wilson (president). Representing the Staff Leadership Team: Jason Puracal – Director of Finance & Operations and Aisha Hauser – Director of Religious Education. Our guests included Claudia Hirschey, Ann Fletcher, Cindy Snyder, and Jeni Skuk. Review of Board Agenda + Consent Agenda - (see content of Board Packet – all Board members are expected to review the entire Board Packet prior to the Board Meeting) – Beth asked if anyone requested to move any item from the Consent Agenda to the Discussion Agenda; Jack requested that we move the ESJCC to the Discussion Agenda as well as “the addendum” – EJ Ministry Designated Fund Charter Marilyn moved and Tom seconded to approve the consent agenda, Motion Passed unanimously. This included tonight’s board agenda, the Dec 15 Board minutes as written, and other items that are explicitly listed in Appendix 1, below. All board members are reminded that Items for the Discussion Agenda are required by the cutoff date for the board packet. It would be better to have such items for the Executive Council. ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 5 of 30 Beth passed around the signup sheet for Sunday morning “Welcoming Words.” This signup sheet was then passed along to Dave (Board Secretary) and Gina (Office Mgr). List of Ministry Teams – It was noted that there are now two “coordinating councils.” Jack led the discussion that questioned exactly which ministry teams are a part of each of these councils (which are chaired by Dick Jacke and for whom Marilyn is the BL): Economic Justice Earth & Social Justice Coordinating Council Ann Fletcher, attending our board meeting as a guest (and past board chair) offered to work with Dick and Marilyn to provide the requested list. As the discussion continued, Jack also questioned how “Black Lives Matter” and Beloved Conversations fits into this list of ministry teams. He recommended that if BLM is not now considered a ministry team – maybe it should be. Jason also spoke in favor about gaining clarity on the list of ministry teams. Jason participates in the People of Color group (is that considered a ministry team?) Postscript – at the Special Congregational Meeting, Jan 24, Jack informed the membership that our church leadership has approved public witness by ESUC in support of “Black Lives Matter.” Finance Charter – presented by Claudia Hirschey …extracted from Ryam’s Treasurer Report: The Finance Committee reviewed their Charter and has some recommendations to the Board, which will be on this month’s agenda. These items were discussed and reviewed in Finance Committee meetings where Ryam attended as Treasurer and Board Liaison and Jason attends as Dir, Finance + Operations (both ex-officio). In response, Ryam has consulted with other financial professionals and reviewed portions with the former ESUC Treasurer for clarity in the BOT’s discussion of the bylaws and charter. The board reviewed the proposed changes in the charter that the Finance Com provided, highlighted in red. For a copy of the proposed Finance Charter, please contact Ryam or Claudia. Claudia also provided a “position paper,” included in the Board Packet, written by The Finance Com in support of the proposed revisions to the Finance charter. <discussion> Jack pointed out that if the Finance Com becomes resp. for the review and approval of significant financial decisions, (e.g. review and approve spending decisions in excess of $10,000) – then they are assuming a fiduciary role and may need to be insured. Claudia: we can remove the word “Approve” from that language. Reed questioned if the Treasurer should oversee the Finance Com and asked if this was in place, would that help the Finance Com achieve its objectives (e.g. short term and long term financial sustainability). Claudia: Perhaps – and if Finance performed a more significant role in these decisions, then we believe we would attract more members because our work would become more meaningful. Beth pointed out that during the resignation of the Associate Minister in 2014, and then the resignation of the Senior Minister in 2015, that significant decisions needed to be made quickly and in confidence such that it was not deemed to be practical to convene the Finance Com to review these decisions. There was additional discussion about whether the Finance Com should review significant financial transactions before the fact or after the fact. Ryam pointed out that the Finance com through 2 members, participate in the budget subcommittee. Claudia stated that the budget subcommittee process should be formalized in the by-laws. Beth: we will defer our Board approval of this charter pending the resubmission of a revised charter. Claudia – I will take your feedback back to the committee. ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 6 of 30 Interim Minister Weekend Timeline Friday at 6:30pm: Board Potluck – Tom + Beth volunteered to provide the food. Tom Doe volunteered to host the event at his home. Saturday events: 10am to noon: Elaine meets with the Interim Transition Team Noon – 1pm: the board hosted lunch. Beth will provide groceries. Spring Hall. 1 to 2:45pm: Elaine meets with the Worship Ministry Team 6 to 9pm: Pledge dinner, Saturday night Sunday: Elaine preaches at the worship service followed by a Congregational Meeting. 12:30pm chat with members 2pm: Elaine meets with Aisha 4pm: Elaine meets with Search Nominating Com Monday: Elaine meets with Susan Morrisson, the church staff, and Jason. Interim Minister Topics Our goals, Is it practical to have a permanent minister by June, 2017? What does she need from the Board prior to Elaine’s arrival in late April? Special Congregational Meeting – Sunday Jan 24 Opening Words Approve minutes from October 11th, 2015, Congregational Meeting Public Witness for Black Lives Matter Report from the Search Nominating Committee Introduction of the Operating Fund Drive Team Introduction of our new Interim Minister Closing song! Beth will host the meeting, Dave will prepare the PowerPoint slide presentation. OPEN ACTION ITEMS: (REVISED JAN 19) What Who When / Notes Host the Interim Minister the weekend of Jan 22-24 The Board Jan 22 – 24 includes the special congregational meeting. Communicate OFD Goal to Finance, OFD, and Stewardship = $780,000 Tom, Beth Ryam moved and Marilyn seconded the motion during Exec Session, Jan 19. Provide clarity or recommendations about whether Beloved Conversations, Black Lives Matter, and People of Color are ministry teams. Jason Feb 16 Board meeting Provide a definitive list of ministry teams that are part of the ESJCC and part of the Economic Justice Com. Marilyn, Ann Fletcher Feb 16 Board meeting ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 7 of 30 What Who Review proposed revised Finance Com charter. Ryam, Claudia Feb 16 Board meeting Hirschey Discussion of timeline: future changes Beth Deferred from January Board agenda Emergency Plan – in progress Kristi, Jason Deferred?? Status update?? Many items have been forwarded to Jason. Read “Governance + Ministry” by Hotchkiss Each Board Member We have reviewed chapters 1 – 5, and had a brief discussion of Org structure. A full discussion planned for Feb 16. Continue the analysis of active member Tom and counts Nicole When / Notes Dec 23 – Jason handed to Nicole. We report official counts to UUA mid-Feb. CLOSED ACTION ITEMS : What Who When / Notes Interim Transition Committee: Bruce Beth, Ryam, Jack, Dave This Com. is requested to be established in December and prepared to meet with the Interim in late Jan. BL TBD Sillers, Bert Velasco, Aleta Finnila, Laura Rivendell, Clair Voetberg, Andy Loughlin [Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm – next board meeting is Tuesday, Feb 16] As your secretary, I welcome your additions, corrections, and comments. Respectfully Submitted, David Baumgart Appendix 1 – The Board adopted or supported the following decisions, below, as part of the Consent Agenda Approval: Director of Finance &Operations Jason requested approval to create two new accounts: 001-030-4580 Parking Lot Rental under Facilities Rental 001-227-6888 Parking Lot Expenses under Facilities Buildings Interim Transition Team The Board approved the recommended list, submitted by Beth Wilson, of Interim Transition Team members: Bruce Sillers, Bert Velasco, Aleta Finnila, Laura Rivendell, Clair Voetberg, Andy Loughlin. Beth will serve as the board liaison. Economic Justice Designated Fund Charter Economic Justice is chaired by Dick Jacke. Marilyn Mayers is the Board Liaison. This charter was included in the Board Packet and the Board has now officially approved this charter. ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 8 of 30 Earth & Social Justice Coordinating Council Charter ESJCC is chaired by Dick Jacke. Marilyn Mayers is the Board Liaison. This charter was included in the Board Packet although it is NOT subject to Board approval. Personnel Status / new committees [None of these items require board action; however, since each item is notable I thought it prudent to summarize them. For more information you can refer to each person’s report in the Board Packet-Dave] Tizita Assefa is the new Youth Programs Coordinator – reported by Aisha, Our newest custodian is Chris Gowers, joining Alan Dwelle. The 3rd custodial position is currently on hold – reported by Jason, Nicole Denman, our Dir, Membership, is now working full time – reported by Jason, It is noted that Nicole is about to launch our new website – www.esuc.org is now available – Nicole has already posted and update for this past weekend. We have a new Marketing Team including Bill Austin, Shirley Worth, Sarah Davie, and April Atwood – reported by Nicole, We have a new “Connecting Care” team that is used to alert Connection Team leaders about member issues that warrant some TLC – reported by Susan Morrisson. Appendix 1 – The Board Reviewed and Approved this Charter Economic Justice Ministry Designated Fund Charter Name of Fund: Economic Justice Ministry Designated Fund Mission of Designated Fund: The mission of this fund is to provide funding to further the work of the East Shore Economic Justice Ministry. Limitations of this Fund: This fund may be used for the activities of the Economic Justice Ministry, including but not limited to offsetting the expenses of educational programs and worship services. ESUC Staff Liaison: The staff liaison for this fund is Jason Puracal, Interim Director of Finance and Operations. Source of Funds: This fund will be maintained by donations and fundraising events designated for funding the Economic Justice Ministry at East Shore. Revision History: This charter is currently pending approval of the Board. Draft by Dick Jacke, November 6, 2015 ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 9 of 30 Finance - Treasurer Report – Ryam Hill January 2016 Treasurer’s Report Submitted by Ryam Hill, Treasurer Items in BOLD are for discussion; the rest is consent. Financial Statement for December 2015 and January 2016: These are included here for review. December is here because it was not available for the January report. In both, our income was more than budgeted and expenses were lower than budgeted for the month. If you have questions about a specific entry, please ask. Other Projects: I attended the Finance Committee as usual and reviewed current financial projects. The Committee requested that I get Board approval for them to investigate having a line of credit for the church. This would require the DFO contacting the bank and possible applications. This would be tapped in case of emergency needs and would allow a quicker response. If the Board wants this pursued, the committee will also suggest appropriate policies or by-law additions to provide adequate controls. I continue attending the Endowment Committee monthly meeting. The Endowment Committee is reviewing their holdings with Kaufman Kampe Advisors, LLC. There are 3 points of interest from this meeting. o First, they are considering whether the services provided are needed and worth the cost. So far it seems the charges are within area pricing of other firms and they offer professional advice to safeguard the church’s funds. More research on alternate possibilities is being done. o Kaufman Kampe Advisors, LLC presented an annual review of SRI possible investments. Based on their filters for what funds merit attention for possible investment, no additional SRI investments were added for this year. The result is that the SRI investment percentage for ESUC remains at 24% in Vanguard FTSE4Good. I believe the Board should decide if this meets the desired SRI goals of the church. o The source of much of the Endowment fund has been bequests from members. The committee has not offered informational meetings on this in the past few years and does not plan to for some time. Staff found the old endowment brochure and used info from it to update the new website. The Board might want to support the committee to do more sooner regarding offering this option to members and families. The Budget Team met in January and reviewed various budget scenarios. Members of the team will solicit input from various groups and will focus on final possible scenarios based on 4% increase goal of OFD. The team will be planning for Town Halls in March or April depending on the progress with draft final versions of the proposed budget. The next working meeting will be February 23. I wrote an article describing the members and process of the Budget Team for the February Beacon. Another ongoing project includes clarifying the financial status and accounts for various Ministry teams and groups. I met with Donna Nolan who is treasurer of the Gallery to review their status and tax requirements. The Gallery is part of ESUC’s finances and ESUC files and pays their taxes. We are looking at establishing ways for their finances to integrate with the church’s to more accurately reflect this and to provide adequate oversight. There are additional groups who take in money and keep accounts and Laura Rivendell is reviewing their designated and revolving fund accounts. ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 10 of 30 ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 11 of 30 ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 12 of 30 President’s Report – Beth Wilson February, 2016 It looks as though tonight's meeting will allow some time to reflect on where we are and how we're all feeling. I'll save some of my more subjective impressions until then and try to focus on updating you all on various issues that have been going on in the last month. First, I wanted to let you know that I've been in contact with Peter recently concerning Mares Strehler's death. Mares was a long time member of East Shore and had been very involved in many parts of ESUC over the years. When she died last week, a member contacted Peter directly to let him know, and Peter was in touch with Mares's family. Peter then contacted Elaine P. and I to discuss the possibility and appropriateness of his doing the memorial service. Apparently a rumor had been circulating that he would be doing the service and he was concerned. With Elaine's and my support, Peter has decided not to do the service and has notified the family of his decision. If you should hear any rumors to the contrary, please clarify that Peter will not be doing it:-) A date for the memorial service has not been set, and a general announcement of Mare's death has not been distributed at this time. The family will determine the timing of the service and the announcement. Regarding the Gallery, Marc Wanless and I met with the member who sent the Board a letter a few weeks ago. The meeting went well and Marc and I clarified some misinformation while listening further to the member's concerns. Marc and I both attended the Gallery Committee meeting last Sunday, 2/7, which went well. Discussion was open and collaborative. Starting soon, 2 tables will be available in the Sanctuary foyer for ministry teams to sign up to use after services. The Gallery Committee also had some creative ideas for engaging the congregation in dialog and amplifying the social justice issues the Gallery has supported over the last few years. In addition, Marc and I have been in dialog with the staff regarding concerns recently expressed about children in the Gallery. It's clear that some parents continue to feel uncomfortable bringing their children through the Gallery space and we'll be looking for ways to collaboratively address and resolve these concerns. You'll see the Policy 2.2 revision on the consent agenda. This revision was created in partnership with the Board subcommittee (Ryam, Elaine, Kristi, and myself) and the Executive Committee (Ryam, Dave, Jack, Aisha, and Jason). If you have further questions or ideas, we'll have time to discuss them on Tuesday. The subcommittee has also recommended changes to financial limits in the policies, but we'll add those next month and revise the relevant policies at that time. I've found myself reflecting on how much energy has been required by us all during this last year. It's been exceptionally challenging and while ESUC is exhibiting incredible strength and resilience, many are feeling the strain. Elaine P's visit was successful and many are excited about her arrival in late April, but we have over 2 months before she joins us and much to do. I'd like us to spend some time at Tuesday's Board meeting reflecting on our experiences, our concerns, and our hopes. Thank you again for all that you do!!!! Each and every one of you has been managing more than you signed up for:-) ESUC is thriving because of the hard work and dedication of its members and staff. We have truly accomplished amazing things this year! Beth Director of Finance & Operations – Jason Puracal DFO Report to the Board of Trustees, East Shore Unitarian Church, February 2016 Consent Agenda Staff issues ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 13 of 30 Quarter 2 Reviews o I have completed Q2 Reviews for all staff under my supervision. Apart from the checkin, each employee and I did an exercise of Mutual Accountability. This involves me explicitly stating and writing my expectations of each person on one half of a piece of paper, and they stating their expectations of me on the other half. For my expectations of them, I used their job description to guide the conversation. This also allowed a review and update of each job description, all of which were passed along to the Personnel Committee. Bookkeeper o The Personnel Committee reviewed and agreed to the change in title for Jessie to Accountant Specialist. Please see revised job description as Appendix A to this report. Vacation Days o The Personnel Manual was unclear about when employee vacation hours expire/roll over. Through conversations with the staff, Personnel Committee, and checking on the accounting process, it was determined that the most effective way to manage this is to set the fiscal year as the roll over date. Consequently, Jessie will be providing to all staff during the month of February an update of how many vacation hours each has accumulated and how many need to be used before June 30, 2016 or lost per Personnel Manual policy. Supply Ordering o Chris, the caretaker, has agreed to take on ordering of janitorial supplies. I have given him the user names and passwords for all the online accounts we have including Amazon, Best Buy, Staples, Costco, and Jon Don. I removed the saved credit card information from these accounts. Now, the process will be Chris (and any other staff who want to order supplies) will find the items, move them to the “Cart” online, and send me an email to authorize and purchase the items. This will give me more oversight of the orders, and be able to make sure the items are being classified correctly with our Accounting Specialist. Incident Reports o We had two incidents reported to our insurance company. The first occurred when Alan was on the Sanctuary roof blowing the leaves/debris clear. He slipped, fell, and hit his neck on an exhaust pipe on the roof. He was wearing the safety harness and using the climbing rope, which worked well and prevented him from slipping down the roof and off the edge. He went home immediately, and only came in for the staff meeting the following day. He did not visit a doctor, and has returned to work as normal since. o The second incident occurred when Gina and Dianne were walking between the Admin building and the Sanctuary. The metal post between the doors on the entrance to the Admin building fell and grazed Gina’s hand and leg. She had slight bruising the next day, however no pain and did not see a doctor. Staff Meetings o I implemented a new tool in our weekly staff meetings called Big 3. Each week, everyone states the top three priorities they are working on for that week. This way, everyone knows what the others are doing, can lend support if need be, and we can check in the following week to see how those tasks were completed. Staff Wellness Plan ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 14 of 30 o Carol Reich visited one staff meeting to offer her assistance in setting up a staff wellness plan. This would be customized to the desires of the staff and more preventative in nature. Ideas were a Zumba class occasionally, a Facebook page to share health meal recipes, relevant articles, etc. The staff seemed to like the idea and appreciated Carol’s intensions. It is still in ideation phase. Interim Minister o Rev. Elaine Peresluha met with most of the staff on Monday morning after her weekend at East Shore. She asked questions of us, and we were able to ask questions of her. All the staff seemed to like her, appreciated her transparency, and are excited to work with her. Maintenance, Repairs, Improvements Education Building Internet o As the internet in the Education building has gone out a few times in the last month, I had Comcast come out to replace the router, which was at end of life. There was no cost to ESUC, and the internet has not given us problems since. Roof Cleaning o As the amount of debris and algae & moss is starting to build up on the Sanctuary roof, thus its extreme slipperiness, I hired a Lakeview Pro Wash to come and “softwash” the roof of just the Sanctuary building. This is a wash with hose water pressure, treating to remove 100% of algae and moss, and cleaning the gutters. They have done the Sanctuary roof before, and offered a 15% winter discount. They completed the cleaning on February 11th for the price of $791.14, and recommend to blow the roof off a couple times a year, as well as re-wash around this time next year. Sanctuary Men’s Restroom Faucet o This was replaced, however the communication from Bellevue Plumbing was not clear. They showed up without us scheduling the work, and although they quoted us $300 + labor, the total cost ended up at $707.81. I spoke to a supervisor about this and another issue related to the parking lot water extension project. LED Lighting upgrades o Team Energy Efficiency had failed to obtain the permit for the exterior LED lighting upgrades. I had them fill out the correct paperwork, and the City of Bellevue came out to inspect. The City electrician signed off on everything. Electrical bids o At the request of the Ace Media Crew, I obtained a couple bids on installation of electrical outlets for the proposed addition of TV monitors in the Admin and Sanctuary Foyers. This information has been passed along to Ace Media for their incorporation of the proposals to the Facilities Committee. In addition, I asked for bids on minor work related to extending the photo sensors that are placed under the Sanctuary overhang so they are not in the shadow, and repairing the outlet covers in the Sanctuary floor that are broken. Lower parking lot o With the consent of Facilities Committee, Finance Committee, the Treasure and President of the BOT, as well as input from some members of the Grounds Committee (they are still lacking a Chair), I have signed contracts with North Shore Paving Company to re-grade our lower parking lot, pre-level it, and add striping. The cost increased due ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 15 of 30 to the necessary Construction Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP) as required by the City of Bellevue, thus we will not be able to afford the concrete wheel stops at this time. I am currently working with the City to obtain the Clearing & Grading Permit. The work is being 100% paid for from the parking lot rental agreement. o As part of the CSWPPP, I was able to bring down the bid from $6846 to $1905 by having the caretakers do the storm water drainage cleanup along SE 32 nd St. This open storm water ditch is on our property and has not been maintained in years. The caretakers have been great in working on small sections daily, and still keeping up with the cleaning and setups. Admin Building Doors o Chris was able to repair the door post that fell and grazed Gina. He was also able to repair the other Admin entrance door that was not shutting properly. Both issues are related to screws coming loose. I have asked the caretakers to start regularly checking screws in places that are easily reachable. Marketing o Nicole has made significant progress on the new website and we added Paypal as our online giving option. Nicole, Dianne, and I are still researching the best fit for a calendar application, however we are going to launch the new website in the next week. o With the help of the Worship Committee and Nicole, we completed a new A/V Release form that can be signed digitally. This form will give us the authorization to post photos and sermons on the website and other channels of communication. The Interim Minister has signed and her sermon has been posted to the new website. o I have given Nicole a few resources to be able to develop a Marketing Plan and a social media calendar. The Marketing Plan will give us a strategic vision on how ESUC does outreach and communications overall, and the social media calendar is a tool to coordinate different types of messaging to different audiences in an on-going, standardized format. o Nicole and I are working together to investigate the signage codes for the City of Bellevue. This relates to several projects in the pipeline including: Hanging the Black Lives Matter banner Revamping our ESUC sign on the SE corner of our property Signs for orientation in the lower parking lot and a campus map at the top of the stairs Several groups have been asked to join the discussion to discuss these possibilities including: Grounds Committee Facilities Committee Finance Committee Marketing/Membership Committee Gallery Ace Media Crew Finance UUA Dues o I finally received a response from the UUA regarding our Annual Program Fund Contribution for FY2016 (annual dues for the current fiscal year). We were preliminarily ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 16 of 30 approved to reduce the total due amount to $32,306.04. This is more than $4k less than what the UUA was expecting based on erroneous financial data, and more than $2k less than what was approved in the revised budgeted for the year. Annual Congregational Inventory 2016 o We submitted the information required by the UUA to determine our national and district dues for next fiscal year. As noted in the Communication & Membership Manager’s Report to the BOT, we went through a process of cleaning up the membership database. Although the process is not complete (there will be continued outreach efforts to those we are not sure about their membership status), the new reported membership number of 502 more accurately reflects our congregation’s size. Based on this number, we will owe $30,120 in UUA dues, and $13,052 in District dues, for fiscal year 2016-17. This report was also sent to our new Interim Minister per her request. December & January end of period reports o The December end of period reports were finalized. Again, we had a great month with lots of last minute pledges coming in, and our cash flow significantly positive. The January end period reports were also finalized on-time. We had another great month for pledges coming in, which allowed us to basically cover our expenses for the month. Overall, our Income was higher than budgeted, and Expenses lower than budgeted. Cash flow was higher than previous years for the same month. Taxes o We paid the Bookstore and Gallery excise taxes for the last calendar year. The amount due from the Bookstore is offset by the closure of their bank account and transfer to the operating fund. The Gallery has reimbursed us for the tax amount, however it was received at the beginning of February so will be reflected in the next end of period statements. o We also filed with the Department of Revenue the continued property tax exemption. Jessie, Laura Rivendell and I, are working together to file the appropriate taxes for the lower parking lot rental. We are asking Department of Revenue for a Binding Ruling to make sure that the rental is considered “exclusive” and “continuous,” as was advised by the tax attorney, which would lower our total tax burden from the rental income. Ministry Team Accounting o With the continued process of reviewing Ministry Team accounts, there are three areas which are of concern: East Shore Live- although falls under the Chalice Players Ministry Team, has been operating independently, selling tickets through a third party vendor, selling alcohol during their event, and holding cash, yet is still operating under the church’s tax ID code. I have reached out to the Chair, Kathy Roche-Zucko, to ask for a meeting to discuss processes and practices that will ensure they are operating in a legal manner. East Shore Gallery- operates independently with their own bank accounts, yet under the church’s tax ID code, with no oversight by the church. In order to comply with legal regulations, the Gallery must be incorporated onto East Shore’s accounting system in a similar fashion as the Endowment Committee, in other words, they should appear on the ESUC Balance Sheet. Consequently, I am asking the Board to approve the creation of the following accounts: ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 17 of 30 Asset Account: o Gallery Checking- 003-000-1118 Liability & Equity Account: o Gallery Designated Fund Balance- 003-000-3388 BFS Accounts: o Income Account- 003-038-4838 o Expense Account- 003-038-5838 The YWCA Family Village Ministry Team would like to move their money from the Operating Fund to their Designated Fund. This way, if they do not spend the funds this year, they will carry over into the next year. It is my understanding this is not typically permitted (Operating Funds expire at the end of the fiscal year, and only Designated and Revolving Funds roll over). The Chair of this Ministry Team pointed out that the occupancy of the apartments is usually 18-24 months, thus they may have minimal expenses in one year, then much higher in the subsequent. In order to standardize the policies around Operating, Designated, and Revolving funds, Laura Rivendell is reaching out to Ministry Team Chairs to see how teams are currently using each of these funds. Through discussion with Laura as a CPA, Jessie, Ryam (the Treasurer) and myself, we plan to develop a standardized process for all Ministry Teams and communicate this out. Operating Fund Drive o The Operating Fund Drive Committee successfully put on a kick-off dinner the weekend the Interim Minister visited. We had a good turnout of approximately 100 people. Areas for improvement: There was some push back because some Members received an invite letter and some did not. If we want to be truly inclusive, there should be further consideration to how we are inviting folks. A vegan option was not provided for the meal. While it is unknown how many Members are vegans, there are ways to cover both the gluten free and vegan dietary restrictions with the same option. To make sure everyone feels included, further consideration to the menu should be given. o A new pledge card was designed for this year, however there was some miscommunication on the execution of the project. Staff were given a deadline to produce the pledge cards in time for the OFD Dinner, yet did not feel the input from the Committee was sufficient to execute as-is. Consequently, staff took it upon ourselves to design the pledge card using the given framework, incorporate more effective messaging, and print at a cost savings to the church. The OFD Committee felt we overstepped our boundaries and their input was not taken into consideration. Staff apologized at the subsequent OFD meeting, and new pledge cards are being designed by the OFD Committee. A further note: a ball was dropped by the Committee on reaching out to Wenda, the creator of the artwork, for authorization in continued use of the artwork. Jack has rectified this situation and apologized on behalf of the entire committee. Slight changes were made by Wenda to the artwork to better reflect Spring, and the new pledge cards and all related materials will incorporate the new artwork. ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 18 of 30 o An update on OFD financials as of Feb 9th: 52 pledges in totaling $208,105.13 Average pledge: $4,000 (an increase of 8.87%) This also includes two new members!! o I defer to Jack and Tom’s reports as Co-Chairs of this Committee for further details, as well as Nicole, who is playing an instrumental role and helping to improve the process. Endowment Committee o I attended the Endowment Committee Meeting at the end of January. I am not sure if I have the most current version of their Charter, and have asked Andy Voss for a copy. Awaiting response. We set up a process for the person responsible for thank you notes (Mary Lou Anderson) to receive notification from both Jessie and the financial advisor when a new donation is received. I received notification of a class action lawsuit ESUC may be involved in due to what appears as a previous investment from the Endowment Fund. I have sent a copy of this notification to Andy Voss for clarification. Awaiting response. I sent Andy Voss a list of local experts in the field of SRI investing that I proposed could come in to provide more information to the Endowment Committee on possible options. Awaiting response. Budget Team o The Budget Team met at the end of January. Good discussion arose, and more information was presented. We reached several conclusions regarding certainties of specific line accounts, and identified areas that more clarification is needed. I was tasked with providing new scenarios as a result, which we will discuss as a group at our next meeting at the end of February. Ministry Teams & Committees Holly House Task Force o I attended the Holly House Task Force meetings, and assisted with the production and presentation of their first Town Hall to request input from the congregation on ideas for use of the HH property. Grounds o I attended the Grounds Committee meeting to give an update on the parking lot regrade and to ask if a Chair has been chosen. Thus far, no one has stepped up, however Ruth Edwards is acting as the interim point of contact for the group. Economic Justice Ministry Team o I attended the Economic Justice Committee Meeting for February. They have several events coming up mostly book discussions and meaningful movies. They will be discussing at greater length choosing a focus for the group moving forward. Climate Action Ministry o I attended the Climate Action Ministry Steering Committee Meetings. I assisted with: Collaborate with Volunteer of Outdoor Washington to put on a CAM fundraiser dinner and presentation at the end of January. They were able to raise $548. I updated their brochure at their request. They finished up the survey, discussed results and ways to improve the process in the future. ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 19 of 30 Earth and Social Justice Coordinating Council o I attended the Earth and Social Justice Coordinating Council Meeting in January. I offered to be the SLT Liaison for the group. For the first February meeting, the time conflicted with my Cooperative Management class, however I offered an idea via email for one of the ways they can interact with the justice ministry teams: it would be great to help the teams determine what metrics they should be tracking. For example, # of meals served, # of persons housed, # of signatures collected, etc. This would not only help them see overlaps between the teams, and allow the teams to gauge effectiveness over time, it would allow the church to better market the great work we do related to earth and social justice. Robin DiAngelo Workshop o I attended the Robin DiAngelo Workshop held at East Shore and supported by 5 churches in the area. My biggest takeaway was: Whites are also victims of institutional racism in that they are usually unaware of how these systems came to be and how they are perpetuating white supremacy. Restorative Justice Workshop o I attended the Restorative Justice Workshop held at the St. James Cathedral in Seattle and facilitated by the Seattle Restorative Justice Center. My biggest takeaway was: The principles of restorative justice would be advantageous if utilized at East Shore as we continue to have change and want to stay in right relations with each other. And the facilitators who would become trained and assist with developing this practice at East Shore need to be of the highest quality as this work is not easy, especially since emotions and feelings are involved. Peoples of Color Group o I attended the Peoples of Color group in January. I appreciate this space being made available. Discussion Agenda None at this time. Respectfully Submitted, Jason Puracal, Director of Finance & Operations Director of Religious Education – Aisha Hauser Consent Agenda Children and Youth Team Please see Summary Report from the Committee on Children and Youth Ministry written by CYT Chair, Ann Fletcher. After discussing this at the last meeting of the CYT, I agree with the assessment in the report and suggest that the Children and Youth Team remain a board standing committee. The 4th through 8th grade groups are working on a Bottle Water Youth Action Project. This project is being led by Walter Andrews, Leta Hamilton and the middle school youth group leaders, Dave and Marcy Langrock, Kristin ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 20 of 30 Machotka and Emily Griffiths. The project has demonstrated the enthusiasm for hands on social justice work with children and youth. I am grateful to Walter for spearheading this program. The group has a WordPress blogsite: https://bottledwateresyap.wordpress.com/ that I invite you to peruse. In the coming weeks they will set up a table in the foyer and invite the congregation to learn about their efforts and give them an opportunity to help with the project. The K-1 and 2-3 groups have transitioned from the water stewardship program to the curriculum on trees. The groups continue to be engaged, however, attendance is still hit or miss. Rachel Wyman led a Plant 4 the Planet workshop on February 7th and a group of children attended. What was especially helpful was that four of the children had parents in the East Shore and You class. The children seemed engaged and enjoyed the program. Rachel will be offering the Plant 4 the Planet program once a month. East Shore and You Nicole and I led the class and it was very helpful to have Tom Doe in attendance. He suggested having a board member attend the class each time it is offered and I completely agree. The next time the class will be offered will be when Rev. Elaine Peresluha arrives later in the spring. Ten people attended the class. Youth Programs On Saturday, February 6th, the regional youth specialist, Eric Bliss led a meeting here at East Shore for the families who were affected by the incident at last fall’s youth conference. Beth Wilson attended the meeting because she will be signing off on our youth who attend next spring’s conference. In attendance were three of the four families and one youth. The man who was named as the person who made the decisions leading to the unfortunate series of events, was also present. In general, the meeting was productive and ultimately positive. Eric Bliss used the restorative justice model to invite everyone to speak their truth and seek reconciliation. Apologies were made and accepted. While I appreciated that the meeting took place and feel the adult who apologized was sincere, I remain cautious with the idea of 200 youth being at a camp that is run by folks who seem under qualified for the responsibility. I will be attending the youth conference in March hosted by University Unitarian Church. I have been asked to lead a workshop during the event. That event is limited to 60 youth and is much better planned and manageable. UUA Involvement I attended the UUA meeting on Advancing Racial Justice in Boston during the end of January. The meeting was meant to be a starting point for discussion on how to move forward with solid theological grounding in social justice work. The meeting consisted mostly of UUA staff and representatives from the two largest professional groups in our association, the ministers and religious educators. Respectfully submitted, Aisha Hauser, MSW Summary Report from the Committee on Children and Youth Ministry Issue: Should this group be a board committee or a ministry team? At our January 17 meeting, the Committee on Children and Youth Ministry discussed this issue. Aisha first provided some background information about the board’s review of current governance structures and their consideration of reforms that might make more sense or be more effective and efficient. In reviewing its committee structures, the Board wondered if the Children and Youth Committee might better be a Ministry Team authorized by the DRE, and they asked for our feedback. ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 21 of 30 Relevant Current By-laws and Board Policies: Church By-Law Section C. Appointed Standing Committees. The Committee(s) on Ministry, the Religious Education Ministry Committee, the Finance Committee, the Stewardship Development Committee, the Personnel Committee, and the Endowment Committee, shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees. These committees shall have a charter, which shall be approved by the Board of Trustees. Church By-Law Section F. Ministry Teams. Ministry Teams are active and engaged teams of people united by a common vision that is in alignment with the Church’s vision and mission. The Called Minister(s), Administrator, or their staff authorizes ministry teams. They have a purpose, and an articulated written way of accomplishing that purpose. Ministry teams are a primary path for personal participation in the work of the Church. Ministry teams act and do, they do not control, nor do they hold bylaw-level authority or delegate responsibility. Board Policy 3.5. Board Committees. The Board shall create such standing committees as are required by the By-Laws. It may create additional Board committees as it deems necessary for effective operation of the Board. 1. The Board appoints all committee chairs and members 2. All board committees shall have charters approved by the Board 3. The purpose of the purpose of the Board standing committees is to assist the Board in the fulfillment of its duties and obligations. 4. Board committees, while accountable to the Board, shall communicate freely with each other, the Staff Leadership Team, and the congregation. 5. The Board shall meet at least once annually with each Board Committee 6. The Board shall speak with one voice. (Last Revised) November 19, 2010) NOTE: The name of this committee seems to have changed over time to the Committee on Children and Youth Ministry. The original Religious Education Ministry Committee specified by the By-Laws may have included both adult and youth programs. If so, it seems to have split possibly when Joan Montagnes came as second minister and took on the adult religious education part. The other part remained with the Director of Religious Education, who worked only with children and youth at the time. That is likely when the Committee was renamed and chartered in that way. (There are no revision dates on the charter. It could have replaced an earlier Religious Education Ministry Committee Charter.) Joan reported on the Adult Education to the Board, while Children and Youth RE continued to act as a Board Committee with a charter and yearly meeting with the Board. Currently the DRE works with both groups which per By-Law are both parts of the Religious Education Ministry Committee of the Board. SUMMARY: After discussion, the group came to consensus that there should continue to be a Board Committee on Children and Youth Ministry (or at least a Board Religious Education Committee as stated in the By-laws). Reasons are listed below: 1. Religious Education is a major reason the church was originally created and a major reason families join the church. In that way it is crucial to membership and stewardship concerns as well as financial stability of the church. These are board and governance level concerns. 2. Religious Education is and will always be fundamental and vital to achieving our mission and vision. It is one of the major ways that members, young and old alike, can learn and grow spiritually. Relying on reason and our own experiences is a unique Unitarian Universalist belief. Financial resources and governance structures to sustain and enhance our educational programs should be safeguarded through direct access to the Board. 3. Ministry Teams usually form around specific issues that align with the church vision and mission often within specific time frames. They may come and go as the church and world change. They are authorized by the staff, ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 22 of 30 which changes on a regular basis. In these ways, ministry teams can be more transient than Standing Board Committees. They also do not have Board delegated responsibilities described in our charter. 4. Our charter states: The Board delegates authority to the Committee to work on behalf of the Board through intentional conversations with the called minister(s), the Director of Religious Education, and the congregation in formal and informal ways. The charter goes on to say that the purpose of the Committee is to support and evaluate the Children and Youth Ministries of the church and to participate in the selection of the DRE and Other (RE related) Staff. The DRE may create RE ministry teams for specific purposes which are clearly different from the Board RE Committee. It is accountable to the Board not only through annual meetings and reports but also through ongoing communication of any serious concerns not being adequately addressed by the Religious Education Staff. Although some of these duties may be rare they are a good check and balance in our governance structure. 5. It may be argued that worship and pastoral care are similarly vital to the church and they are served by ministry teams (authorized by the minister) not a Board Committee. However the Board also has a Committee on the Ministry which, among other things, is to work with the minister(s) and provide the Board and Minister(s) with continual review, assessment, and constructive feedback on the shared and professional ministry. In the same way the DRE may work with a Board Committee as well as ministry teams which support RE. The DFO also works with both Board Committees (Finance and Facilities) and ministry teams (Grounds. This brings the sharing of authority between the Board and the staff full circle. 6. We would like to better understand what purpose changing the RE Committee to a ministry team would really serve in terms of governance efficiency or effectiveness. When things are running smoothly, we do not normally need much time or attention from the Board except for the annual meeting and report. However, for the reasons stated above and especially during times of difficulty or transition. the Committee is there to assist the Board in ensuring that quality religious education is offered to our congregation. We are open to further conversations on this topic and constructive feedback on how we may be of better service to the Board, staff, and congregation. Communications & Membership Manager – Nicole Denman Consent Agenda Membership On February 7th, we had 10 people attend our East Shore and You class, with at least 4 ready to join (one has already filled out a pledge card!). I will be following up with the rest of the class to see if they would like to join during the New Member Signing on Sunday, February 28th. It would be great if board members could make a point to be there to introduce themselves that Sunday. I have also had two people who missed the class, but still want to learn more information and may be interested in joining this month. On February 1st, our membership numbers were due to the UUA, which we submitted 502. This was done after a review of our membership list which included a multistep process. First we look at those who had not pledged or given in two or more years. From there, the list was distributed to Susan Morrisson (Pastoral Care), Tom Doe (Operating Fund Drive), Beth Wilson (Board President), and Amanda Strombaum (Connection Teams). Those members were discussed and six were moved to Life Membership status and 66 were transitioned to inactive status. These inactive members are still listed in the database, and will still receive emails from the church through Constant Contact (if there was still an email on file and they have not unsubscribed), so it would be easy to move them back to active at any time. I believe this number more honestly reflects our membership at this time. On January 18th I met with Bill Austin, Shirley Worth, and April Atwood to discuss a new group out of membership to focus on Marketing and Outreach. We will meet again on February 21st at 11:30 a.m., all are ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 23 of 30 welcome. For our first project, we hope to work with the grounds committee to improve our signage on the corner of our property at 128th and 32nd. Communications Bulletin Boards in the North Room have been updated. I still consider this update in transition, as I am taking note of events that have posters and where they fit in the new organization. I believe these updated boards, and having a rotation of items will help keep the north room fresh and show us as an active church. I plan on evaluating the other bulletin boards around campus in the coming weeks. Website The new website, www.esuc.org, is ready to go live. Jason Puracal and I were able to add PayPal to the website for online donations to be used with a PayPal account or a credit card. PayPal was chosen over Vanco and Shelby because they charge no monthly payments and because of name recognition. There has been a hang up on the event scheduling software and its compatibility, so at this time, I have the new website up and running, but with a link back to the old website for scheduling and registering. I have hopes that Dianne and I can find an option that works for East Shore and have that up and running before April. I hope to make the announcement of the new website going living next week. Operating Fund Drive I am happy to say that I was able to work with the committee to work on a smaller, more efficient mailing for the Operating Fund Drive. I think the new look will be a big hit. We have also expanded with the new website, which has a page that you can not only find the questions and answers Tom Doe so carefully wrote for the 20152016 drive, but also the ability to fill out a pledge form online. This will not only save paper, but will give us the ability to email the link to people with reminders of when to pledge and can hopefully increase our pledging units. Worship Numbers January 3: 156 January 10: 116 (Seahawks playoff game) January 17: 121 (Seahawks playoff game) January 24: 292 (visit from Interim, Elaine) January 31: 205 February 7: 135 Respectfully submitted by, Nicole Denman Communications & Membership Manager Policy 2.2 Revisions As it reads presently (2/16/16): 2.2 Staff Leadership Team The Staff Leadership Team shall not fail to speak as one voice to all parties to whom the Staff Leadership Team is responsible or over whom it has authority. Accordingly, the Staff Leadership Team members shall not fail to: ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 24 of 30 1. Include and consult each other on all material issues with a spirit of mutual respect in an environment of confidentiality; 2. Support the recommendation of the Senior Minister regarding matters of mutual accountability when the Staff Leadership Team does not reach consensus; o o Proposed Revision: 2.2 Staff Leadership Team The Staff Leadership Team shall speak with alignment and mutual respect to all parties to whom the Staff Leadership Team is responsible or over whom it has authority. Accordingly, the Staff Leadership Team members shall: 1. Include and consult each other on all material issues with a spirit of mutual respect in an environment of confidentiality; attention should be paid accordingly to recommendations made within the area of a team member's professional expertise. 2. Active discussion is encouraged and an attempt should be made to reach agreement on means within the team. If this is not possible, the team shall choose to request Board input either from the Board President. Board Executive Committee, or the Board as a whole. The Board, keeping in mind Church ends, shall attempt to help the SLT find resolution through further discussion. Draft 01/27/16, #3 Holly House Task Force Ad Hoc Committee Charter Name The name of the ad hoc committee is the Holly House Task Force. Authority The Board of Trustees of the East Shore Unitarian Church (ESUC) formed the Task Force as an ad hoc committee of the Board. Purpose To formulate options for the ESUC Board on the best long-term use of the Holly House property in alignment with ESUC’s mission and vision and Unitarian Universalist principles. Accountability and Reporting The Task Force is accountable to the Board of Trustees, and shall submit a written report at least annually in May to the Board and the congregation as a whole. Membership and Administration The initial Task Force consists of 10 ESUC members, including two co-chairs and a recording secretary (see attached membership list), whom the Board has approved. Membership represents a spectrum of involvement in church leadership and activities. The Task Force will meet monthly. The extended team consists of additional key stakeholders who will receive Task Force minutes and findings, help with specific tasks as appropriate, and provide feedback and guidance (see attached list of the current extended team). Relationship to ESUC’s Mission and Vision ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 25 of 30 As the Task Force carries out its charge, it will draw on these principles, as well as any update of ESUC’s vision and consideration of the implications for ESUC’s financial future. Over the years, the Holly House property, including the original farm house, has served as religious education space, a parsonage, housing for a refugee family, section 8 housing, and rental property. Currently the house is providing transitional housing for women under contract through June 2017. In addition, East Shore members currently maintain a pea patch on the grounds. Engaging the Congregation The success of the Task Force depends on continuously and actively learning and incorporating the perspectives of the congregation. Only by being in step with the congregation will the Task Force be able to formulate, evaluate, and help to implement future possibilities regarding the Holly House property. The activities and deliberations of the Task Force will be open and transparent. The Task Force will update the congregation periodically through the Beacon, starting with the January 2016 issue. Meeting minutes will be available from the Co-Chairs and Recording Secretary. The Task Force will also hold periodic town hall meetings with the congregation. These meetings will update the congregation on Task Force activities, and seek their input. The first town hall meeting will be held as soon as feasible, most likely in early February 2016. At that meeting, the Task Force will inform the congregation about its charge, and solicit options about possible uses of the Holly House property. Timeline Year 1 November 2015 November 2015April 2016 January 2016 February 2016 Winter 2016 May 2016 June 2016 Complete membership of the Task Force, select Co-Chairs Obtain facts on Holly House property and options for its future status Complete charter of the Task Force Submit revised charter to the ESUC Board for review and approval Hold town hall meeting(s) to inform and seek views of the congregation Report options identified to the Board Report options identified at the annual congregational meeting Year 2 June 2016Fall 2016 Fall-Spring 2016 Fall-Winter 2016 May 2017 Evaluate options for future of Holly House property Hold town hall meeting(s) to inform and seek views of the congregation Report the recommended option to the Board for its approval Report implementation plan to the Board for its approval and possible vote by the congregation at its annual meeting in June. Liaison Reports Earth & Social Justice Liaison Report for February 16, 2016 Board Meeting East Shore Unitarian Church Prepared by Marilyn Mayers ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 26 of 30 Beloved Conversations: Black Lives Matter vigil continues to be held weekly near Factoria before Sunday morning services. On January 17th, the Seattle Peace Choir joined the group, Fox13 interviewed some of our members and aired a short piece about it that evening. Climate Action Ministry team: On January 30, Volunteers for Outdoor Washington (VOM) held their annual meeting at East Shore and raised funds for CAM at the dinner. Speakers included Marcia Shaver who wrote and illustrated a book about the Camino De Santiago in Spain. Craig Romano, author of many guide books for day hikes in Washington, was the second speaker. Forty five people attended and $548 was raised for CAM. A number of East Shore folks attended the lecture on “The Ethics of Geoengineering” at University Unitarian Church in Seattle on February 2nd. This is one of a series of lectures every first Tuesday of the month around climate change issues. A tree potting event with Mountains to Sound Greenway was held for East Shore children on February 6th after the church service. The next Climate Awakening Breakfast is scheduled for March 6th. The topic will relate to the intersection between climate and economic justice. CAM will host the monthly meeting of the Climate Citizens Lobby (Bellevue chapter) here East Shore one Saturday morning in May. More to come on that. The CCL actively promotes citizen advocacy at the national level for climate action. Earth & Social Justice Coordinating Council: At least five people from East Shore attended the Interfaith Advocacy Day that Faith Action Network organized in Olympia on February 4th. They met with legislators from their districts and advocated for specific legislation related to homelessness, voting rights, toxic pollution, climate action and other environmental and social justice issues. Economic Justice: The EJ team showed “The Line”, a film about the poverty line, on January 17th after church. On January 19th, the Meaningful Movie series showed “White Like Me” which drew over 60 people. “Inequality for All” will show in February as part of the Meaningful Movie series. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness was the focus for two discussion sessions held on January 31st and February 7th after the morning church service. Further discussion is underway around bringing “restorative justice” to East Shore. The team arranged for Rosalinda Guillen, Director of Community to Community Development (C2C) in Bellingham to give the sermon on February 7th. C2C supports farmworkers in the Bellingham area by promoting sustainable agricultural policies and healthy communities. Partner Church Committee: After the church service on February 14th, Partner Church Committee held a forum/lunch to inform interested East Shore members about the partnership dating from 2007 between East Shore and our Khasi Hills partners in India. A trip from East Shore to the Khasi Hills is scheduled for October 2016. Unitarian Universalist Service Committee: UUSC reports that East Shore members collectively donated $2,057.32 to UUSC’s annual fundraiser, Guest At Your Table, between December, 2015 and the end of January, 2016. ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 27 of 30 Women’s Perspective: WP along with ESJCC and the Board is co-hosting a Friendship Dinner on February 22nd in Spring Hall. This event is intended to show East Shore support for local Muslims. WP is one of the sponsors for Seven, a play about violence against women at Seattle Town Hall on March 6th from 7:00. Gallery & Personnel Liaison Report for February 16, 2016 Board Meeting East Shore Unitarian Church Prepared by Marc Wanless Gallery Beth and I attended the February Gallery meeting together to provide board support, but also to address Gallery concerns. Specifically, there have been rumors and concerns that the board and/or staff of East Shore were not supportive of the gallery and that some did not want the gallery to continue. Beth and I were able to attend in person, Beth as Board President and me as their Board Liaison, to address the concerns directly. We had a really productive and collaborative discussion about the role of the Gallery in East Shore and the perceptions of the board, staff and broader congregation. I think the gallery was able to hear that they are in fact a valued and honored part of East Shore with support from the Board and SLT, but were also able to get feedback on some of the perceptions that exist within parts of the ESUC community. The conversation was very open and productive and some really exciting dialogue was started. We will continue to work on improved communication between the Gallery and the congregation, staff and board to foster open and proactive problem solving and to address concerns. In other gallery news, there was an open house held on Saturday, February 6th that was very successful on many fronts. This event was attended by the artists exhibiting in the show, church members and the broader community. The event coordinators felt that they had 45 to 50 attendees, most of whom were from outside of East Shore membership. In addition to having a really good time, they were successful in selling a substantial amount of art and having some engaging conversations about what it means to be UU and what East Shore is all about. It was a great outreach event as well as a lucrative endeavor for the gallery. There was rich discussion about how to duplicate this success and to advertise these events in the future. Beth recommended working with Nicole for future open houses to get the word out even better. Beth brought concerns about overcrowding in the North Room and that some of the other church committees and social outreach programs were not able to set up tables in the North room as they had been doing previously. The Gallery was asked about the potential to place one or two tables in the foyer after services to allow those teams to communicate and reach out to the broader congregation. The Gallery was supportive of trying this out to see how it worked and asked that they be able to work with these teams on table placement to make sure that it didn't adversely effect the people flow and that both groups could benefit. Finally, the current show, Pieces, has done very well and will run through 3/15. The next show is Art & Science and there are already 12 artists confirmed for this show which will begin 3/22. Personnel Committee Due to a scheduling conflict I was not able to attend the Personnel Committee meeting and the minutes for February's meeting are not yet published. However, the key items discussed were Jessie's job description which was being fine tuned to reflect the work being performed. The title will be changed to, "Accounting Specialist" and the new description was discussed and approved. This does not impact the position level or compensation, but more accurately depicts the duties. The other key items discussed were tweaks to the holiday pay section of the employee manual to reflect how to handle the situation when a holiday falls on a regularly scheduled day ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 28 of 30 off. Language changes to the vacation accrual policy were also presented to clarify the vacation calendar period (calendar vs. fiscal). Holly House Taskforce, Auction, Facilities Com Update for the ESUC Board meeting scheduled for February 16 Prepared by David Baumgart, Board Liaison Holly House Taskforce Our taskforce is now meeting monthly. Our next meeting is Wednesday, Feb 24 at 7pm in the pastor’s office / conf room. Beth Wilson is planning to attend to sustain a close working relationship with the board. (I will miss this meeting while on vacation to Kauai, the last week of February.) We now have about 20 folks listed as members of our extended team. I have made arrangements with Nicole to have all our minutes and significant documents available on the new East Shore website: www.esuc.org Option Papers We are now actively soliciting brief Option Papers that will outline proposals for the long term use of the HH property. A template will become available, soon. The concept is to allow interested members to submit their proposals with a consistent description that will allow the task force to evaluate the potential benefits and estimated costs of each proposal. We would be delighted if members of the board or SLT would submit option papers to describe their own proposals. Kristi Brennan and Seth Hamilton resigned from the taskforce, stating they no longer had the bandwidth to support the effort. We propose two new members; seeking board approval on the consent agenda: Bruce Sillers and Frans Koning, Both Bruce and Frans are long-time members of East Shore and have a lot of interest and passion for the effective use of the HH property, in alignment with East Shore’s mission and core values. Because we are a Board Taskforce – the Board has the responsibility to review our charter. Under the leadership of co-chairs Lee Dorigan + Bob Weiss, the taskforce has submitted their draft charter for Board approval within the Consent Agenda (attached). The Taskforce sponsored our first town hall on Sunday, Feb 7 following the worship service. Many thanks to Jason Puracal for his logistical support for the Town Hall plus an excellent PowerPoint presentation. The purpose of the Town Hall is to provide a status update to all participants, and solicit inputs from the East Shore community. We received a lengthy list of comments and ideas during a brain storming session for the use of the Holly House property: Feb 7 Town Hall Brain Storming Session All participants were requested for their ideas – all ideas were to be listed without criticism. This session was facilitated by Mary Anderson and Jane Sisk. Concerns and Considerations To Keep in Mind: Concern about possible legal opposition from neighbors if social justice use of the property Any feedback from neighbors about current use? Prefers some restrictions on use if ESUC sells the property Tradeoff between restricted use and sales price exists, if we sell the property Stewardship: to ensure eventual disposition will not hurt ESUC budget or financial situation Possible to get concessions from city of Bellevue depending on implications for taxes and housing Consider vision of Pea Patch and labyrinth Ensure proceeds are always part of income for ESUC Possible to move shed so that it could continue to be used somewhere else on ESUC property ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 29 of 30 Current use by Sophia Way is a social justice use Possible Options for Use of Holly House Property: Integrated co-housing that is for co-ops, low income, and intergenerational housing Would have integrated relationship with East Shore Unitarian Church (ESUC) and communal space. For a UU community, like in Bothell. Need for UU senior citizens housing If not use by Sophia Way, prefers thrift store to continuously support Khasi Hills partner church. Sell property and buy adjacent condos or apartments for senior housing Address homeless youth If used for housing, include parsonage or funding for ministry housing Housing for caretaker Consider ESUC uses, including RE and earth-based ministry team Leave property and uses as they are Parcel property so it has ESUC uses and other uses Build more units for social justice use Have ground lease, for example, for 100 years, for social justice use Possible models in St. Margaret's building, Imagine Housing (formerly St. Andrew's) programs underway now, and St. Luke's upcoming project. Facilities Committee [Please refer to Jason Puracal’s monthly report.] Note: our Facilities income shows a $4411 surplus while our Facilities related expenses are $9063 less than budget. Grounds Committee The next workday scheduled by the Grounds Com is Sunday, Feb 27 following the worship service. David Faassen has resigned his position as chair of the Grounds Com. I have offered my assistance to Bob Weiss to help identify a new chair for the Grounds Com. We are soliciting nominations for the new leader of the Grounds Com. On an interim basis, Ruth Edwards has agreed to be the focal point for communications with Grounds. Auction 2015 – Together Growing Community East Shore's annual auction was November 7th. JoAnne Way is our chair person, this year, leading a team of over three dozen folks on the core team. The auction exceeded the goal for net proceeds for Fund a Need, Youth Tips, and our operating budget income. The team has already begun working on our Auction 2016. We have reserved Paul, our favorite auctioneer, once again. The auction will be held on Saturday evening, November 12, 2016. Please mark your calendars for the 2016 auction. In January, Ruth Baumgart and I led two training sessions for the 2016 auction team leaders so that they would be able to run their own auction queries and reports from the Greater Giving system as needed. Our students included Tom & JoAnne Way, Anne Kerlee, Trish Hunter, and Ed and Anne Rittenhouse. Respectfully submitted, David Baumgart – Board liaison for HH Taskforce, Facilities, Grounds, & 2016 Auction Attachment: Holly House Taskforce Draft Charter ESUC Board Packet February, 2016 page 30 of 30