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6 A R 2 3 RD N N U A L E P O R T 0 1 5 HAPO 2015 6 3 RD A N N U A L R E P O R T 3 O R G A N I Z AT I O N A L C O M M I T M E N T BE IN THE MOMENT We commit to listening to our members to clearly understand what’s needed and to respond efficiently and professionally every time. 4 6 3 RD A N N U A L R E P O R T HAPO 2015 O R D E R O F B U S I N E S S / 6 3 RD A N N U A L M E E T I N G W E D N E S D A Y, A P R I L 2 7 t h , 2 0 1 6 1. Call to Order – William Tanner 2. Reading of Minutes, 62 nd Annual Meeting – Ken Bays 3. A Message from HAPO Leadership – Steve Anderson & William Tanner 4. Supervisory Committee Report – David Beach 5. Unfinished Business – William Tanner 6. New Business – William Tanner 7. Door Prize Drawing – Annie Jacobs & Carlo Chavez HAPO 2015 6 3 RD A N N U A L R E P O R T 1 2 6 3 RD A N N U A L R E P O R T HAPO 2015 THE OFFICIAL SPONSOR OF SUMMER Summer in our community is always a lively time of year for us and 2015 was no different! While we participate in many events and sponsorships throughout the year, our summer lineup is comprised of outdoor activities that bring families together for a safe and fun summer. Since trademarking the “Official Sponsor of Summer®” in 2009, we have grown our lineup exponentially, sponsoring events in the various areas we service, including the Tri-Cities, Yakima, Sunnyside, Hermiston and Walla Walla. This past year was an exciting year for HAPO Community Credit Union as we had the honor of hosting the “HAPO Gold Cup”, the premier event and race in H1 Unlimited hydroplane racing. The HAPO Gold Cup marked the 50th anniversary of Unlimited Hydroplane racing on the Columbia River between Richland, Kennewick, and Pasco. The Gold Cup, the oldest trophy in motorsports, was last held in the Tri-Cities in 1984 and has been held exclusively in Detroit since 1990. We were honored to have had the opportunity to be the exclusive title sponsor of this Tri-Cities race during the “Golden” year of hydroplane racing on the Mighty Columbia! In addition to the HAPO Gold Cup sponsorship, in 2015 we were also the premier sponsor of the HAPO Live @ 5 Summer Concert Series, Cool Desert Nights, The River of Fire Festival, Free Ice Cream Fridays, Hot Shots 3-on-3 Tournament and HAPO “Over the River” Air Show. We’re committed to our community and are dedicated to bringing you events that impact the health and liveliness of each member in our region. Each year we review all of the events we sponsor to ensure we are participating in the events that give so much back and are nothing short of the best. While we look forward to summer, we take time to enjoy the other seasons by volunteering for the various events throughout the year. HAPO employees make it happen by giving year round to causes that are most important to them. Whether it’s raising funds for Junior Achievement to bring innovative in-school programs to children in our area, or walking to support our friends, family and neighbors battling cancer – we are committed to you. Year after year, we are proud to partner with the amazing organizations who show great support toward different causes. Without their support and dedication, none of the impact we have on our community would be possible. ® THE OFFICIAL SPONSOR OF SUMMER® EVENTS • HAPO Columbia Cup • HAPO “Over the River” Air Show • Live @ 5 Summer Concert Series • Cool Desert Nights • River of Fire Festival • Grand Old 4th of July Parade • Free Ice Cream Fridays • Yakima Cinco de Mayo Fiesta • Gap2Gap Dash • Yakima 4th of July • Hot Shots 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament • Sunnyside Cinco de Mayo Fiesta • National Night Out • Girls on the Run 5K • Miss Sunnyside 5K • Hermiston Family Funfest • Takin’ it to the Streets 3-on3 Basketball Tournament • Relay for Life • Walla Walla Sweets Baseball SPONSORSHIPS, DONATIONS AND EVENTS • Tri-Cities Cancer Center • CBC Foundation • Kadlec Foundation •MESA • Kadlec 4 Kids-a-Thon • Run for Ribbons • The Arc of Tri-Cities • Please Don’t Quit Foundation • Junior Achievement • Kennewick Man & Woman of the Year • Tri-Citian of the Year • Gourmet Gala March of Dimes • Martin Luther King Jr. Jazz Event • Faith Assembly Missions Sponsor • 12 Days of Giving Red Cross • Hermiston Festival of Trees • Sunnyside Festival of Trees • Sunnyside Chamber Awards Dinner • Cuisine de Vin • Coats for Kids • Toys for Kids • Reading Foundation • Bikes for Tikes • Real Heroes Breakfast • Every 15 Minutes • Walla Walla Chamber After Hours • Evening of Elegance for Hospice • Convoy of Hope GOLF • Kadlec Foundation Golf Classic • The Arc of Tri-Cities Golf Tournament • Tri-Cities Cancer Center Golf Tournament • TCRCC Golf Classic • Columbia Crimson Golf Classic • CBC Foundation Golf Tournament HAPO 2015 6 3 RD A N N U A L R E P O R T 3 F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S C OMPAR ATIV E BALANCE SHEETS* As of December 31, 2015 and 2014 A S SETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Investments – Net Loans to Members – Net NCUSIF Deposit Land and Buildings – Net of Depreciation Furniture and Equipment – Net of Depreciation Other Assets TO TAL ASSETS L I A B IL ITIES, DEPOSI TS & MEMBERS’ EQUI TY Liabilities Borrowed Funds Accrued and Other Liabilities Deposits Savings Accounts Checking Accounts Money Market Accounts Certificates of Deposit IRA Accounts Members’ Equity Retained Earnings Other Comprehensive Income ASSETS (in millions) 4 2011 2012 2013 6 3 RD A N N U A L R E P O R T 2014 2014 $74,957,499 6,547,804 1,185,769,504 11,195,208 51,536,415 9,013,058 22,122,379 $79,414,319 2,414,783 1,054,865,812 10,675,370 51,489,722 9,086,647 30,584,998 $1,361,141,867 $1,238,531,651 $25,000,000 24,386,854 49,386,854 – $19,682,538 19,682,538 285,529,815 154,556,398 289,870,866 391,966,905 82,743,229 1,204,667,213 244,282,395 136,907,104 282,284,840 446,450,790 11,809,728 1,121,734,857 104,598,450 (7,484,194 ) 97,114,256 115,070,726 (7,982,926) 107,087,800 TO TAL L IAB IL ITI ES & MEMBERS’ EQUI TY $1400 $1350 $1300 $1250 $1200 $1150 $1100 $1050 $1000 $950 $900 $850 $800 $ 0 2015 MEMBER LOANS (in millions) 2015 HAPO 2015 $1250 $1200 $1150 $1100 $1050 $1000 $950 $900 $850 $800 $750 $700 $650 $ 0 $1,238,531,651 $1,361,141,867 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 MEMBER DEPOSITS (in millions) $1250 $1200 $1150 $1100 $1050 $1000 $950 $900 $850 $800 $750 $700 $650 $ 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 S TATEMENTS O F OPERATI ON* For the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014 O P ER ATING INC OME Interest on Member Loans Income from Investments Member Dividends Interest on Borrowed Funds Net Interest Income Provision for Loan Losses Other Operating Income Total Operating Income O P ER ATING EX PE NSES Employee Costs Facilities Costs Operational Costs Marketing and Community Giving Loan Servicing Professional/Outside Services Other Operating Expenses Total Operating Expenses Net Operating Income $49,001,025 233,926 (7,146,758 ) (204,128 ) 41,884,065 (5,295,803 ) 18,468,555 55,056,817 $48,590,979 169,999 (6,751,399 ) (234,643 ) 41,774,936 (4,748,292 ) 16,120,600 53,147,244 24,140,065 3,457,327 10,243,128 1,200,436 2,837,066 1,766,355 1,419,578 45,063,955 9,992,862 23,828,613 3,459,191 9,590,283 1,296,290 2,525,860 1,548,482 1,999,984 44,248,703 8,898,541 (637,421) 138,885 NON-O PER ATING I NCOME (LOSS) NET INCOME $10,131,747 DISTRIBUTION OF 2015 INCOME Retained Earnings 15% 2014 2015 Members 17% Operating Expenses 68% DISCLOSURE TO MEMBERSHIP: BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMPENSATION SCHEDULE As permitted by law and the Credit Union’s Bylaws, HAPO provides reasonable compensation to the Board of Directors for their service to the Credit Union. An annual stipend is payable in quarterly installments in recognition of the education and time requirements that are necessary and expected of Board Members, who set the general direction and control of the Credit Union. Compensation Schedule for 2016 As required by law, the members of the Credit Union shall be informed of the compensation provided to Directors. Compensation Paid in 2015 Compensation Plan. The annual stipend ranges between $15,000 and $20,000 for Board Members and is based on leadership positions held. * The accompanying financial statements are unaudited. $8,261,120 Director & Board Chair .................................. $20,000 Director & Board Secretary ............................ $18,000 Director & Supervisory Committee Member.... $16,000 Director ........................................................ $15,000 William Tanner .............................................. $20,000 Ken Bays ....................................................... $18,000 Ken Gale ...................................................... $16,000 Bill Tyler ........................................................ $15,000 William Clarke .............................................. $15,000 Ken Hohenberg ............................................ $15,000 Rich Cummins .............................................. $15,000 William Tanner .............................................. $20,000 Ken Bays ....................................................... $18,000 Bill Tyler ........................................................ $15,000 William Clarke .............................................. $15,000 Ken Gale ...................................................... $15,000 Ken Hohenberg ............................................ $15,000 Rich Cummins .............................................. $15,000 HAPO 2015 6 3 RD A N N U A L R E P O R T 5 MINUTES OF THE 62 ND ANNUAL MEETING AP RIL 22 N D , 2 01 5 Nominating Committee Report Call to Order and Welcome Board Chairman, Bill Tanner, called the 62nd Annual Membership Meeting of HAPO Community Credit Union to order at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 22, 2015, held at the Richland High School Cafeteria. Chairman Tanner declared a quorum present. Mr. Tanner welcomed those present. A motion was made and seconded from among the membership to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve them as presented. The motion was approved by voice vote. Mr. Tanner introduced Rich Cummins, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, who summarized the nominations for the Board and Supervisory Committee. The number of applications matched the number of vacancies on the two entities: For three year terms on the Board, effective April 22, 2015, Bill Tanner, Bill Tyler, and Ken Gale. For three year terms on the Supervisory Committee, effective April 22, 2015, Ken Gale and Bill Saraceno. No other applications for the Board or Supervisory Committee were received. Statement of election closure. Chairman’s Report Chairman Tanner introduced the Board Members and thanked the Board, senior staff, and employees for their excellent service to the members. He added that the Credit Union was healthy and continued to grow. Mr. Tanner introduced Dave Schulz, President and Chief Executive Officer. President’s Message Dave Schulz, President and CEO thanked members for attending and for their continued loyalty to the Credit Union over the years. He introduced members of the senior staff and thanked the Board and employees for their efforts on behalf of HAPO. He noted that, in an increasingly regulated environment, the Credit Union continued to grow and be profitable, while offering the most attractive rates in the area. Chairman Tanner announced that since the number of applicants for the Board and Supervisory Committee equaled the number of vacancies on those bodies, pursuant to Credit Union By-Laws, the applicants were deemed elected. Unfinished and New Business Chairman Tanner asked for any unfinished or new business and there was none. CEO Question and Answer Period President and CEO Schulz responded to questions from the members in the audience. Adjournment: A motion was made and seconded from among the membership that the meeting be adjourned at 7:05 p.m. The motion was approved by voice vote, at which time a drawing for door prizes was conducted. Supervisory Committee Report The Chairman introduced David Beach, a member of the Supervisory Committee. Mr. Beach introduced other committee members and commented on the successful financial statement audit by Moss Adams, and recently completed examination by regulators. 6 6 3 RD A N N U A L R E P O R T HAPO 2015 William Tanner Chairman A MESSAGE FROM HAPO LEADERSHIP It is a tremendous privilege to report that 2015 was yet another great year for HAPO Community Credit Union. We were well-prepared to meet the much anticipated rising interest rate environment but effectively, it never really came. A modest rate increase near the end of the year had no impact to our operations. Another great lesson in life – even the “experts” aren’t always right. Nonetheless, it did provide us an opportunity to thoroughly examine and test our strategies and confirm we will weather and remain strong even against the most aggressive rise in interest rates, if and when it does happen. The “credit union movement” continues to be challenged. Smaller credit unions in particular are feeling the stress of increasing demands for greater technology, products and services while simultaneously meeting more stringent regulatory and compliance requirements. Simply put; they can’t compete in today’s world very effectively. In 2015 HAPO Community Credit Union merged one such credit union; America’s Best Community Federal Credit Union in Hermiston, Oregon. This $4 Million Dollar credit union was successfully merged and welcomed into HAPO in October 2015. We anticipate at least one additional opportunity in the coming year to offer our full spectrum of products and services to another small credit union through a merger. We look forward to expanding our field of membership wherever and whenever it makes the most sense with other credit unions. It is through our financial strength and stability that HAPO is able to maintain such a strong presence with our community support endeavors. Most notably in 2015 is our increased participation in multiple summer events throughout the area. These not only benefit the community-at-large but also provide HAPO an opportunity to promote itself in some form or fashion and attract new members. This is one of the busiest times of the year and our excellent staff are eager to participate. Change happens. Who would have believed several years ago that people would “bank” just by using their telephone? “Mobile Banking” is just one example of how HAPO must always be on the lookout for and anticipate changes that may occur in the future. People and products come and go but the core mission of HAPO Community Credit Union remains the same; provide our members a safe and secure place to save and borrow money. Your Leadership Team remains committed to this basic mission and is grateful for your continued loyalty to HAPO. On behalf of the entire HAPO staff, we thank you. William Tanner Chairman Steve Anderson President/CEO We have maintained a productive relationship with our State and Federal Examiners. We have conveyed our growth strategies in great detail along with supporting analytics to provide a greater understanding of our specific, local operating environment. Economists continue to predict that the Tri-Cities in particular will continue to enjoy a robust economy in the coming year and HAPO will be right there to serve our members as well as those new to the area. HAPO 2015 6 3 RD A N N U A L R E P O R T 7 SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT In accordance with the Washington State Credit Union Act and the rules and regulations of the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), the Supervisory Committee is required to “Perform or arrange for a complete annual audit of the credit union, as well as a verification of members accounts (required every other year).” To satisfy these requirements the Supervisory Committee contracted with the certified public accounting firm, Moss Adams, LLP, to perform the audit of our financial statements and the verification of members’ accounts. As a result of the audit, Moss Adams, LLP issued an Independent Accountants’ Report of the credit union’s financial statements as of and for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015. Their report included an unqualified opinion that those financial statements presented fairly, in all material respects, the credit union’s financial position as of June 30, 2015 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Moss Adams also issued an Independent Accountants’ Report detailing the agreed upon procedures they performed and the results of those procedures regarding the member verification process. The Supervisory Committee also approves the annual comprehensive internal audit plan and regularly meets with the credit union’s Vice President of Internal Audit regarding the results of the activities of the Internal Audit Department. The Supervisory Committee is here to serve as the oversight arm of the credit union. Members may contact the Committee confidentially or they may directly contact any of the Committee members. As Chairman of the Supervisory Committee during 2015, I wish to thank the other Committee members for their many hours of volunteer service during the past year, as well as HAPO’s staff and management for their assistance. Respectfully submitted, David Beach Chairman 8 6 3 RD A N N U A L R E P O R T HAPO 2015 OFFICIALS BOARD OF DIRECTO RS William Tanner – Chairman William Tyler – Vice-Chairman Ken Bays – Secretary Ken Gale – Treasurer William Clarke – Director Ken Hohenberg – Director Rich Cummins – Director SUP ERVISORY C O M M I TTEE David Beach – Chairman Ken Gale William Saraceno NO M I N AT I N G C O MMI T T E E Ken Bays – Chairman William Saraceno William Tyler EXECUT I V E S TA F F Steve Anderson – President / Chief Executive Officer John Schnellbach – Senior Vice President / Chief Financial Officer Carolyn O’Niel – Senior Vice President / Chief Development Officer Ruby Campos – Senior Vice President / Branch Operations Dolores Broeske – Senior Vice President / Human Resources Scott Mitchell – Senior Vice President / Chief Risk & Analytics Officer HAPO 2015 6 3 RD A N N U A L R E P O R T 9 MAIN LINE 509.943.5676 MORT GAGE DIVISION 509.946.2044 w w w. H A P O . o r g LOCATIONS IN WASHINGTON & OREGON For hours and maps to all our branches, please visit www.hapo.org RICHLAND - MAIN BRANCH 601 Williams Blvd. Richland, WA 99354 YAKIMA - CASTLEVALE 903 Seattle Slew Run Yakima, WA 98908 RICHLAND MEADOW SPRINGS 631 Gage Blvd. Richland, WA 99352 YAKIMA - TERRACE HEIGHTS 3001 Stonewood Ct. Yakima, WA 98901 RICHLAND - QUEENSGATE 3034 Duportail St. Richland, WA 99352 KENNEWICK - UNION ST. 4 North Union Kennewick, WA 99336 KENNEWICK - SOUTHRIDGE 4851 W. Hildebrand Blvd. Kennewick, WA 99336 KENNEWICK HAPO BUSINESS COMPLEX 7601 W. Clearwater Ave. Kennewick, WA 99336 PASCO - BY THE AIRPORT 2701 North 20th Ave. Pasco, WA 99301 PASCO - WEST PASCO / RD 68 4902 Road 68 Pasco, WA 99301 2 6 3 RD A N N U A L R E P O R T HAPO 2015 YAKIMA - NOB HILL 6401 W. Nob Hill Blvd. Yakima, WA 98908 SUNNYSIDE - DOWNTOWN 322 South 6th Street Sunnyside, WA 98944 HERMISTON 1905 N. 1st Street Hermiston, OR 97838 WALLA WALLA COLLEGE PLACE 2376 Taumarson Rd. Walla Walla, WA 99362 WALLA WALLA - EASTGATE 1850 E. Isaacs Ave. Walla Walla, WA 99362
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