June 2015 - North Vancouver School District


June 2015 - North Vancouver School District
Spring 2015
Digital Media Academy
The DMA visit San Francisco California— April 2015
What an experience for the DMA students! This was a media focused trip which included visits to the Cartoon Anima on Museum, The Walt Disney Family Museum, the De Young Museum, me to explore and photograph within the Golden Gate Park, the Golden Gate Bridge, Coit Tower, Telegraph Hill, and Haight Ashbury. A bay boat cruise also gave students an overview of the city's history and a glimpse of Alcatraz. There were some very unique workshops as well as me for cable cars and sight‐seeing! Great memories for everyone! Digital Media Academy at VIFF and a BIG BLOCKBUSTER HIT BOYHOOD: What a movie! The VIFF offered a special screening to the DMA to experience this very drama c and superb story that was a dozen years in the making. Richard Linklater's masterpiece chronicles the evolu on of a boy into a young man, from six to 18. It is the ul mate coming‐of‐age movie, and one of the most audacious cinema c feats of the decade. The DMA's final field trip was to the Vancouver Pub‐
lic Library's newly opened Inspira on Lab and to see the blockbuster film Jurassic World. The Inspira on Lab is a free resource for students that gives them access to audio/video studios and post produc on suites. A local visual effects company, Image Engine, and a contact of the DMA was one of the companies who worked on Jurassic World. DMA visit VanArts ‐ April 2015 A er a full tour of the campus, DMA students had the opportunity to sit in and experience classes at VanArts (Vancouver Ins tute of Media Arts ) this spring. Each student chose from a list of classes which included 2D and 3D character anima on, game art & design, visual effects for Film & TV, web development and interac ve design, digital photography, radio & TV broadcas ng as well as ac ng for film or TV. This experience allowed the DMA students to be a part of the VanArts community as they were given hands‐on lessons in each class as well as being able to interact with current VanArts students & teachers. NEW DMA WEBSITE Check out our new website designed by DMA students ! Grade 12 student Alihan and Grade 11 student Christen worked very hard to ensure the content, design & images were updated and made more relevant. Please check out our site at www.dmacademy.ca Ar sts for Kids Fashion Photography Program Select DMA photography students par cipated in the AFK Fashion Photography program which gives students an opportunity to work with a professional photography, models and hair/makeup ar sts alongside students from the North Shore. Sheila, a Grade 12 DMA student, was one of 7 students who had their photos chosen and published in the North Shore News in early June. The ar cle that accompanied the photos was wri en by Nicole, a Grade 11 DMA student. A DMA video team‐ Zoe, Marina and Tim‐ filmed and edited a documentary about the program . Photos by Nicole & Sheila & Danielle & Dana Digital Domain is an interna onal visual effects company that has created innova ve visu‐
als on many films including Titanic and Tron: Legacy. The DMA visual effects students toured their Vancouver facility and met with Producers and Produc on Managers who gave them insight into the careers in this industry. DMA San Francisco Digital Media Tour : DMA field trip to the INSPIRATION LAB at the Vancouver Public Library: DMA TEAM who worked with the Buddhist Fes val 2015 Digital Media Academy
Argyle Secondary School
North Vancouver School District 44
1131 Frederick Road
DMA YEAR END SHOW—Grade 12 Graduates—congratula ons! 

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