home plug ethernet - new!
home plug ethernet - new!
May ay 2012 | Issue #55 | Vo Volume lume 199 InterBel In ntterB B l Telephone T l pph phone ne Co Cooperative oope p r ti e Newslet N Newsletter wslet ettterr DSL SPEED, HOW FAST SHOULD IT BE? Since May, 2010 when InterBel cut-over the Gigabit Ethernet rings (GIG-E); our network has been running fast with unused capacity and no congestion. That said, even with a clean, fast network there are still situations where you may experience slow connections. Examples include congestion on web servers or sites which are popular and get huge amounts of traffic or simultaneous hits (like a “youtube” video clip, a breaking news story or a popular gaming site). download” speeds separately and in a best-case condition should match your speed package subscribed with InterBel. STEP 3: The next step allows you to select a speed test outside the InterBel service area. In view of the three choices, pick Liberty Lake, WA. It will automatically perform the speed test. TRY A SPEED TEST: To verify if there is a speed problem, either at InterBel or at the site you are trying hit; try doing a speed test. STEP 1: Go to the interbel.com home page, top left side and click this image: STEP 2: Next will show “Begin Test.” Click this image and a local speed test will be performed as it measures the speed from your home to InterBel’s Central Office. This tests both the “upload and STEP 4: Click “Test Again” a few times and see how it compares to the advertised DSL speed you are subscribed to with InterBel. When done click “New Server” and see how your speed varies at different cities around the USA and the world. Continued on Backside 2ND REQUEST & CALL TO ACTION, PLEASEE RESPONDD DO YOU PREFER TO WATCH MONTANA NETWORKS – OR SPOKANE, WASHINGTON? Lincoln County is currently in the Spokane DMA (Designated Market Area), as regulated by the FCC. This means, the Big-4 networks (ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX) available to us via “cable or satellite” television are the “Spokane” channels. The Spokane DMA assignment was originally established in the 1950’s and is outdated today; given our association with Kalispell and the Missoula DMA. We feel Montana customers should have a first priority of watching Montana channels and not have Spokane forced upon us. Many of you have shared your displeasure given the different time zone, the distance factor of being 2-states away and the lack of Montana news, weather and sports. Another concern is EAS (Emergency Alert System), where our area is better tied to Kalispell and Missoula in the event of an emergency; rather than Spokane. InterBel is leading the effort at the FCC to change our DMA to Missoula (which includes Kalispell). If you support this challenge, we recommend your sending/emailing your individual letters of concern to our Congressional leaders in Washington D.C. and State District 2 House Representative, Mike Cuffe; see the contact information for our Congressional leaders on backside (when possible, copy your communications to InterBel or rwilson@interbel.com). A signing petition will be available in our office and at the InterBel Annual Meeting on April 21st. HOME PLUG ETHERNET - NEW! WANT TO EXTEND YOUR INTERNET THROUGHOUT YOUR HOUSE AND USE EXISTING CABLE? ITS EASY; JUST CONNECT HOME PLUG TO YOUR AC RECEPTACLE WALL PLUG IN ONE ROOM, PASS THE ETHERNET THROUGH, AND PICK IT UP IN ANOTHER ROOM. IT WORKS GREAT AND CAN BE INSTALLED IN JUST A FEW MINUTES. THE COST IS ONLY $40 PER AC OUTLET YOU PLAN TO USE. Call or stop by the office for details: 889.3311 DSL SPEED, HOW FAST SHOULD IT BE? Continued from front side STEP 5: As seen in the diagram below, you will be taken to a page where you can select from many servers around the world. Use the +/- bar to zoom in or out on the map and select a server city (white spot). Your speed test should ultimately be in a close range of the InterBel speed package you are subscribed to (Silver , Gamer or Gold). Faster speeds will be negatively impacted the further your home is from an InterBel CSA building; unless you have fiber to the home (FTTH), in which case your speed will compare very closely to your subscribed InterBel package. If your speed test results are consistently slow when running local speed tests, you may have a problem and should call your ISP technical support. For InterBel ISP support call 889-1500, 24 hours/day, 7 days a week. History Corner 100 Years Ago 100 Years Ago in the Eureka Journal May 23, 1912 – Last Friday there transpired an event that was of vital importance to the commercial world of Eureka and the Tobacco Valley, namely the connection of the Eureka Lumber Company’s telephone line at Fortine with the line of the Forest Service from Whitefish thus giving Eureka telephonic connections with the outside world. The mayors of Kalispell and Eureka spoke over the new connection. “Hello! This is Peeler.” The reply: “And this is Charles A. Hamann, chief potentate of the city of Eureka, Montana, greatest mayor the biggest town of Tobacco Valley ever had or ever will have. If you wish any advice as to the right method of running things, call on me. I’ll tell you how it’s done.” Provided courtesy of Lost Trail Publishing producer of The Trail, www.thetrailmag.com Randy Wilson General Manager 2nd Request and Call to Action Contact Info Continued from front side, Senator Max Baucus 511 Senate Hart Office Building Washington, DC 20510 www.baucus.senate.gov/contact Senator Jon Tester 724 Senate Hart Office Building Washington, DC 20510 www.tester.senate.gov/contact Representative Denny Rehberg 2448 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 www.rehberg.house.gov Representative Mike Cuffe, State House District 2 PO Box 1685 Eureka, MT 59917 Email: mike@mcuffe.com Senator Chas Vincent State Senate District 1 34 Paul Bunyan Lane Libby, MT 59923-7990 E-Mail cvvincent@hotmail.com Something To Ponder - As every divided kingdom falls, so every mind divided between many studies confounds and saps itself. - Leonardo da Vinci - "Focus is the key to accomplish what is necessary easy word to spell, it contains only five letters but it is probably one of the most powerful words there are in order to move forward with confidence and with the expected results." - Byron Pulsifer - "Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives." - Anthony Robbins - No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to one and despise the other.... - Matthew 6:24
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