Summer 2012 - Kalispell.Com


Summer 2012 - Kalispell.Com
S U MMER 2 012
This is the fifth newsletter providing you an update on recent events as we plan for the future of Kalispell’s former industrial core. This newsletter includes an update on the steering committee’s work, examples of CTA’s conceptual illustrations of areas within the Core Area Revitalization Plan, upcoming Kalispell Chamber of Commerce chamber luncheon and
public open house meetings to solicit your input on the plan.
The Core Area Steering Committee (Pam Carbonari, Kellie Danielson,
Tom Lund, Mike Mower, Jim Ness, Matt Springer, Diane Yarus, Joe
Matulevich and Bryan Schutt) has now met three times. They have
been working with city staff and CTA to develop a vision statement
for the core area and identify goals to be included in the plan document for the area. The committee is recommending the following
vision statement be in the plan document for the public, planning
board and city council consideration:
In addition to the vision statement the committee
reviewed a series of goal statements to carry out
the vision. The goal statements addressed the following topics:
Pursue the removal of the railroad tracks
Increase north/south streets in the area
Architectural designs to compliment downtown
A mix of commercial retail, service, residential,
public and open space uses
The vision of Kalispell’s revitalized core area is to
transform from an industrially-oriented core into a
new and vibrant, pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use
neighborhood, focusing upon retail, residential, entertainment, and cultural amenities designed to
proudly and consistently complement the existing
historic Kalispell downtown area.
An environment which encourages more people to live, work
and visit
Establish entrances features to define the boundaries of the
revitalization area and downtown
Redevelop streets to accommodate multiple users (i.e. cars,
pedestrians, bicyclists)
Along with goal statements, policies and an implementation plan will be drafted to help bring the goals and vision statement for the plan into reality. The vision and goals will not be achieved in the short term (next 1 to 2 years) but will
help guide the long term (15 to 20 years) development patterns for this area.
The Kalispell City Council and many property owners within
the district have asked that recommendations for the future re-development of this area be shown graphically. In
other words put the vision to paper and show what the future could look like. To that end, the city advertized for
professional services and hired CTA Architects Engineers to
work with the Core Area Steering Committee and city staff
to identify key concept plans sites in the plan area and potential street designs representing future use of lands within the Core Area Revitalization Plan. CTA will produce a series of preliminary concept plans similar to that pictured to
the right. These concept plans will visually demonstrate
the type, scale and potential design of future development
in this area to carry out the vision statement.
Following the next round of open house meetings, August 28th and 29th, comments received will be brought to the Core
Area Steering Committee’s September meeting for discussion. If all goes well the Planning Department has tentatively
scheduled a work session and public hearing before the planning board in October. You will be notified by mail prior to
the planning board public hearing.
The draft set of goals and policies based on input received from the public, property and business owners in the area will
be made available on the city’s website. We anticipate a portion of the draft plan to be available in late September on
the city’s website at the following address:
Katharine Thompson
Community Development Manager
Sean Conrad
Senior Planner
City of Kalispell
Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903
Telephone: (406) 758-7940 Fax: (406) 758-7739
On Tuesday, August 28th the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce, as part of their regular monthly program, is hosting
a luncheon at the Red Lion Hotel, 20 Main Street, from 11:45 am to 1:30 pm . CTA will be presenting “a first look”
at the conceptual plans completed to date. City staff will be in attendance to answer any questions. This will be
the first of several public meetings to get the word out about future plans for the area. The program will also feature some of the major real estate and business projects in the planning stages and under construction in the Flathead. Cost to attend the luncheon are $18 per person or $135 for a table of 8. More information can be found at
the Kalispell Chamber’s website:
In addition to the August Chamber luncheon the city will be hosting another round of public open house meetings
soliciting your input to determine if the plan and concept drawings are on target. The open house meetings will be
held at the Kalispell City Hall, 201 First Avenue East on Tuesday, August 28th from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm and on
Wednesday, August 29th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. The concept plans presented by CTA at the August chamber
luncheon will be on display for your review. We look forward to seeing you there and appreciate your comments
and suggestions.
Please Note— If the open house meeting times are inconvenient , the Kalispell staff can provide a presentation
to you at your home or business. The presentation will update you on the progress made on the draft plan to date
including the concept development plans drafted by CTA. Please contact either Sean Conrad or Katharine Thompson to schedule a meeting time.

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