August - LGB Model Railroad Club of Chicago
August - LGB Model Railroad Club of Chicago
R go ca LGB Railroad Club of del Ch o M i Established 1979 La r g ge Sc a le Rail ro ad in A Newsletter of the LGB Model Railroad Club of Chicago August, 2010 ® All All Aboard! Aboard! This month -- by Wayne Zoeteman Fellow club members, Lots of Open Houses I can’t believe that it is August already. Where has the summer gone? I hope that you have made it to a few open houses this season, since there have been some spectacular ones on the schedule. Whether they are big or small, there is always something interesting to see on each one. If you haven’t made it to any of them there are still lots to see in August. Just check out the schedule. Don’t miss them!! As for the news about LGB/Marklin goes, I can sum it up in one word: WOW!! Yes, it seems that after two insolvencies, Marklin is able to operate with a profit. And for those who are members of the Marklin-LGB club, I am sure that you are impressed with the DVD you have received in the mail, exploring the world of LGB. I certainly am and cannot wait to see the second one (yes, we get DVDs a year). The layout that the president of the LGB club has shown on the DVD was at the 125th anniversary fest in 2006 in Nuremberg, and it looks even better in person. For those who are not members of the Marklin-LGB club, I will bring the DVD to the Southland show and we can view it on the “Movie theater screen”. never set it up, took it down or put it away, you are in for quite a treat, also a big thank you from your fellow club members who have done it. So there is plenty for us to do in the coming months. Hope to see you out there at least once. Keep on chugging, your club President, Wayne S. Zoeteman c Membership Renewals IMPORTANT -- If you have not paid your dues, this will be your last newsletter. Notices have been sent to those who are due to renew. To check your due date, look on the mailing label of this newsletter to see when you are due. If you only get the electronic copy, check your membership card for the due date or call Jim Snorek at 847/468-0013 for your date. Thank you. As far as the shows, we have the very special Union, IL layout at the Railroad Museum. Always a fun time to be had there with never quite the same display, which I like, both the clubs layout and the museum’s running equipment. Come on out and you can not only run your own trains but ride the real thing for free, available to members who help out and their families. The Southland show has grown to a very special show with more to see every year. It is also the closest show to me so plan on seeing me there at least one day or more. The iHobby show is also fast approaching, where we can see what other hobbyists are doing as well to set our biggest and highly detailed layout up. That means that the layout will feature an overhead catenary line with power for the trains coming off that overhead system. If you August, 2010 cffhhhlfte LGBMRRC of Chicago 11N013 Williamsburg Drive Elgin, IL 60124 Make your check payable to “LGBMRRC of Chicago” and write your member number on your check. Thanks! 1 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® Along the Mainline Member News: by Bill Halupka Last month I mentioned that the “humid days of summer have officially arrived”! That sure was an understatement! We’ve sure had a lot more days in the upper 80’s or lower 90’s than that last year. Throw in some violent thunderstorms, and it’s been really interesting working on the garden layout. There also seems to be no end in site. But I guess it’s better than SNOW! Harry Sorenson of the CAGRS club has suffered an aortic aneurysm. He is at Sherman hospital in Elgin. Sometime after a 45 hour surgery he opened his eyes. His recovery is currently uncertain. We all wish Harry a full and quick recovery. c At least I’ve been able to work inside where it’s airconditioned. New signals for our layout are being constructed. If you’ve ever come out to one of our displays, you might have noticed the problems we have with our track signals sticking. Nothing like a good train wreck. We’ll, I’ve been working on new replacement signal masts that will solve the problem. They are a cross between LGB parts, IP Trains – LED Signals, and a little scratch building. No moving parts to stick. Just “Super Bright” red, yellow and green LED’s. The lighted signals should really enhance our layout. Plus they will be more reliable. I’ve also started to replace the “plugs and sockets” on the yard wiring cable. The old plugs have been causing head aches for a while now. Instead of a 2-pin and 3-pin plug on each turnout, there will be a 5-pin DIN plug. I hope that solves all our set-up problems. Club Officers President Wayne Zoeteman - South Holland 708-331-2903 email - Vice President - Program Bill Halupka - Brookfield (708) 485-7193 email - The open house schedule has grown very rapidly. There are 10 layouts on the schedule for August, three on the 8th, four on the 15th, and three on the 22nd. I’m sure with all those choices, you can find time to visit one or two. September will bring us five more layouts. I think we’ll set a record for the number of open houses scheduled in one season. Vice President - Communications Jim Rusch - Editor/Publisher Bartlett (630) 830-0378 email - Vice President - Membership Paul Januska - Western Springs (708) 784-3520 email - September 4th and 5th is our first display layout since March. Bob Rustemeyer will once again be coordinating the layout at the Illinois Railway Museum. This is always a fun set-up. We not only get to run our trains, but ride on the full size 1 to 1 trains. It doesn’t get any better than that. Sign up on line, or give Bob a call to help out. There will be “free” tickets available to ride trains, for everyone that helps out. Secretary/Treasurer Jim Snorek - Palatine (847) 468-0013 email - LGBMRRC of Chicago The LGB® Chicago Express is published monthly by the LGB® Model Railroad Club of Chicago. Material for the newsletter should be forwarded to the Editor at 688 Coral Avenue, Bartlett, IL 60103 on or before the 20th of each the month or e-mailed to Mail for the other club officers should be sent to 11N013 Williamsburg Drive, Elgin, IL 60124. Electronic mail can be sent to We also have the “Southland Railroad Show” in September. This is at Richards High School in Oak Lawn. We will be setting up in the evening on Friday the 24th. Trains will run both Saturday and Sunday, the 25th and 26th. This show has grown over the years into a very large show. Not to be missed. Give Larry Tomko a call, or sign up on our web site. Membership Your mailing label shows your member number and your membership expiration date. To ensure uninterrupted receipt of the LGB® Chicago Express, you should forward your check for $22.00 email version or $27.00 US mail version before your expiration date. Please make your check payable to LGBMRRC of Chicago, write your member number on your check and send it to 11N013 Williamsburg Drive, Elgin, IL 60124 August, 2010 cffhhhlfte 2 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the iHobby Expo this year. This is the largest display layout we do. We need all the help we can get. Plans are also underway for the Holiday Magic layout at Brookfield Zoo, and the Holiday Trains display at the Morton Arboretum. Watch the web or your newsletter for details. (South) on Hemlock Ave. Go about three quarters down the block to 149 N. Hemlock Ave. (Mailbox is a train engine). We are about four blocks west of Route 83. c That’s about all I have this month. If you have any thoughts or questions, please feel free to call or send me an E-mail. Steve & Kathy Zimmermann 832 Aegean Dr., Schaumburg, IL 60193 Phone: (h) 847-895-4658 (c) 847-606-5060 Open House - Sunday, August 8th Bill Halupka — (708) 485-7193 E-mail — Layout Description: Little Bear Logging Railway originally built in the spring of 2007, a single dog bone loop built on a ladder on post construction technique. After 2 winters of track heaving, we tore almost everything out, raised the bed and laid track on a half pipe filled with screenings. Loosely staged in the steam era of logging, The Little Bear Logging Railway has 2 separate tight looped tracks consisting of about 230’ of LGB track. LBL features 3 hand built bridges over a gorge and a 22’ climbing hand built trestle. Watch as the engines wind thru the towering evergreens. Until next month, keep those trains rollin ! c Open House - Sunday, August 8th The Olsen’s 149 N. Hemlock Ave Wood Dale, Il Phone: (630) 860-7069 Come October we (the Tuesday night four man work crew) move inside to the basement and LBL’s turn of the century logging layout (a work in progress). All Layout Description: Welcome to the GB&O railroad. It all began about eight years ago after visiting the Chicago Botanic Gardens. We saw their railroad exhibit and I knew I had to have one. After visiting CAGR member open houses we developed our plan for a railroad. Our railroad has about 200 feet of track that goes around two gardens. Visitors first travel around the pond that is about eighteen feet in diameter and seven feet deep in the center. We began with three fish, the rest was their doing. The water lilies, hyacinthine, and other plants call to the squirrels and birds to come for a cool drink. The second garden is a twentyfour inch raised area that hosts numerous plants and flowers, and a village (bird houses) that is serviced by a trolley. Directions: From Irving Park - Turn South on Ash Street (Ready Electric on the South West corner). Turn right (West) on the first street after crossing the railroad tracks (Potter Street). Go one block on Potter and turn Left August, 2010 cffhhhlfte 3 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® buildings and trestles are hand built from pictures or plans. Enjoy the grandkids loop completely around the basement and through the stairs. We run LGB on track power and Bachmann logging engines on RCS and battery power. used for freight service. Directions: From the North: Take route #53/I290 south to Elgin/O’Hare Expressway (West). Exit at Wright Blvd. Turn Right (north) and continue to Westfield Lane. Turn Right to end, Aegean Drive, and turn left 1 block. 2 story white brick. Directions: We’re right in the middle of Elmhurst, just 2 doors off of St. Charles Road. From the east, take I-290 to St. Charles Road, west, exit approx. 1 mile to Mitchell, go left. From the west, take I-88 to 290 west (Rockford) to St. Charles Road , west. From the south, take I-294 to I-290, west (Rockford) to St. Charles Road , west. From the north, take I-294 to North Ave exit, then I290 west exit, then I-290 east exit, then St. Charles Road, west exit. c Many of the locomotives on our railroad features sound, as well as a mix of USA and Aristo Craft equipment. From the South: Take Route I-355 north to #53 north to Elgin/O’Hare Expressway (West). Left turn on Thorndale Ave. (west) Exit at Wright Blvd. Turn Right (north) and continue to Westfield Lane. Turn Right to end, Aegean Drive, and turn left 1 block. 2 story white brick. c Open House - Sunday, August 15th Open House - Sunday, August 8th John & Lorrie Rockey 2N252 Pleasant Ave, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 Phone: 630-858-6957 Brad & Carol Bennett 375 South Mitchell Ave. Elmhurst, IL 60126 Phone: 630-941-3472 Layout Description: Santa Fe and Western RR Layout Description: The layout began construction in 2001 and is designed to operate on 2 levels. 2 Trains run independently of one another through tunnels, over bridges and trestles and through forested areas. The railroad was named “B&C Railroad” for the owners, Brad and Carol Bennett and occupies a third of the back yard garden in an area approximately 33’ x 25’ and separated from the yard by a raised stone wall. The Santa Fe and Western is now 5 years old, and has approx. 800’ of track. We are loosely modeling the ATSF RR in Arizona and New Mexico. The garden has 2 ponds with 80’ of stream and 5 waterfalls. This year’s additions include our model of a Fred Harvey hotel in Las Vegas, New Mexico, and a 8 track train The buildings and wooden trestle was scratch built in a scale of ½ inch, and 25’ of concrete trestle was formed in pale concrete. Stainless steel track is used throughout with featured ballast of crushed pink granite also called “Ruby Path”. The entire railroad is illuminated in some way, either with Malibu lights, scale street lamps or building lights. Dominant livery is the “Denver & Rio Grande” and the lower main line is often used by the “California Zephyr”. The upper level is typically August, 2010 cffhhhlfte 4 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® shed modeled after an ATSF engine house in Barstow, CA. Directions: *** Please note - not all GPS systems will find us we are in an unincorporated area, and many will miss-guide you to an incorrect area in Glen Ellyn. To get to us from either North or South: Take 355 to the North Avenue (Rt. 64) Exit. Go west approximately 1 1/2 miles to Glen Ellyn Road (stop light), turn right. Take Glen Ellyn Rd. to the 1st stop light - Armitage Ave. & turn left. Go 3 blocks to Pleasant and turn left. Our house will be on the right hand side of the road - watch for the cross-buck! c CLUB INTERNET SITES Arizona Big Train Operators Bay Area Garden Railway Society Chicago Area Garden Railway Society Columbus (Ohio) Garden Railway Society Florida Garden Railway Society Greater Cincinnati Garden Railway Society Indiana Large Scale Railroaders Open House - Sunday, August 15th Ray and Karen Holich 1601 Willow Lane Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 Phone: 847-228-5396 Layout Description: Rock River Pass Railroad The Rock River Pass RR is five years old. It is built on an Oriental Rock Garden, which is over twenty five years old and contains a dried river of rock. The Rock Garden was inspired by Japanese Gardens we have seen around the country. The Railroad consists of about 500 feet of track in six loops with a siding. Digitrax DCC powers the two main loops and the small loops are DC. LGB Model Railroad Club of Chicago Miami Valley Garden Railway Society Puget Sound Garden Railway Society Sacramento Valley Garden Railway Society San Diego Garden Railway Society Washington, Virginia, & Maryland Garden Railway Society Wisconsin Garden Railway Society The main loops are the inner loop, which uses eightfoot diameter curves. The inner loop is elevated with hundreds of trestle bents to make leveling the track easier, plus several scratch built bridges The outer loop is built on the patio wall blocks the shape has been in place for at least 25 years. This made it tricky to fit the track on the wall. Most of the curves are four foot diameter with some wide radius track where needed to fit the curve. The area between the Rock Garden and the patio area narrows to about four feet, hence the Pass. Each loop is 175 feet long. The primary theme of the Rock River Pass RR is the Circus. The town of Rock River is at the East end of the layout. The Circus is located inside a loop just west of the town. The buildings are made from Jig August, 2010 cffhhhlfte For additional Club Listings 5 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® Stone molded concrete blocks. We have made a house with a fireplace, a Fire Department with Fire Trucks, A Jail for Elroy and Jake, a Church complete with brass bell in the steeple, station house, out house, etc. Internet Sites LGB Model Railroad Club of Chicago LGB/Marklin A farm with scratch built farmhouse with a Jig Stone fireplace and a barn made of cedar decking cut to size. Several bird house buildings. Just like in the movie several Big Fish in the Rock River. Plus an area of Southwest influence buildings. We added a loop of track next to the shed. Piko-America Large Scale Online Directions: Directions from the South use I290 to Woodfield Mall exit at Higgins Road, go straight on Frontage Road three lights to Golf Road, Rt. 58, Turn right, East, At Busse Road, CVS on corner, turn right. Next light is Willow Lane turn left, Second house on right with two white pillars. From North use Route 83 South to Golf Road, Rt. 58, turn right. Next light is Busse Road turn left. Next light is Willow Lane turn left. Second house on right. From East take Golf Road to Busse Road turn left. Next light is Willow Lane turn left. Second house on right. c National Model Railroad Association Finescale Railroader Magazine Garden Railways Magazine Large Scale Central Big Train Operator Club Open House - Sunday, August 15th Chuck & Nancy Serchuck 1304 Fern Drive Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 Phone: 847-437-5704 Margaritaville Railroad with Beach, Triple Loop – Bridge, Waterfall, Tunnel, Pond, Boardwalk, Brewery and Winery. Directions: Directions from the South use I290 to Woodfield Mall exit at Higgins Road, go straight on Frontage Road three lights to Golf Road, Rt. 58, Turn right, East, At Busse Road, CVS on corner, turn right. Next light is Willow Lane turn left, Second house on right with two white pillars. From North use Route 83 South to Golf Road, Rt. 58, turn right. Next light is Busse Road turn left. Next light is Willow Lane turn left.. From East take Golf Road to Busse Road turn left. Next light is Willow Lane turn left. c August, 2010 cffhhhlfte 600 acres of Trees & Trains Chicagoland’s Largest Garden Railway Store Ph. 815-334-9100 Fax 815-334-0000 6 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® Open House - Sunday, August 15th Pat & Bill Schwartz 1385 Medinah Drive Itasca, IL 630-285-8070 From the southwest, take I-355 north to Lake Street. Turn right (east) at the bottom of the exit ramp and go immediately into the left turn lane at Rohlwing Road. Turn left (north) on Rohlwing and follow the above directions. The Alpine Valley Railroad began operations in September 2003. This above-ground bilevel layout with about 250 feet of LGB track is designed to simulate a valley and its adjacent mountainside in the Old West. It was inspired by the highline on the Durango & Silverton. The installed structures try to reflect this locale. If you can access the Elgin-O’Hare Expressway, take it east to the traffic light at Rohlwing Road (Route 53). Turn right (south) on Rohlwing and go about one mile. Medinah Drive is the first traffic light south of Irving Park Road. Turn right (west) into Medinah Woods Club. Please note that we do NOT live on Medinah ROAD, which is an Elgin-O’Hare exit. c The Alpine Valley Railroad has LGB engines and rolling stock. It usually features two Moguls, one heading up a passenger consist and the other a freight train. It uses the LGB MTS system for control. With proper coordination, three trains can be operated simultaneously on this 28’ by 16’ raised layout. Open House - Sunday, August 22nd Ron and Gayle Althardt 15902 Woodbine Circle Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Phone: 847-634-0637 The Alpine Valley Railroad underwent a major renovation over the past 2 years. It now has a new wall and several features were rebuilt. Although the original “trees’ and some ground cover remain, new plants have been added with the hope that they will be mature by 2012. The major industry on the Alpine Valley, reflecting the chief engineer’s personal taste, is a brewery. Layout Description: As you enter the G & R Railroad, you will be greeted by “Smokey” our carved black bear from Colorado. Just to Smokey’s right, you encounter our whimsical Disney and Circus village, outfitted with many of our friends and features from Disney World as well a Ferris wheel and Circus Tent. Mickey would be proud! As you continue through the layout you will see a number of different villages and period settings surrounded by ponds and waterfalls. Directions: If you come via I-294, exit on I-290 West (to Rockford) from either direction. Take I-290 West to Exit 7, Lake Street. There are three Lake Street exits westbound on I-290 so be sure to look for Exit 7. At the bottom of the exit ramp, turn left (east). Stay in the left lane and turn left again (north) at the second traffic light, Rohlwing Road (Route 53). The second light northbound is Medinah Drive. Turn left again (west) into Medinah Woods Club, continue to the curve in the street and look for 1385 on your right. The yard and water features were constructed using approximately 150 tons of rock and moves over 40,000 gallons of water per hour. These water features provide an interesting backdrop to the settings throughout the yard. You’ll also note that there are over 3000 annuals with a vast array of perennials that create this colorful garden. The railroad operates with five miles of scale track, eleven (11) running G-Scale model trains. The Santa Fe Chief Passenger train circles the perimeter of the back yard, while a long freight train makes its way over bridges crossing the large waterfall moving towards a massive boulder fountain! As the train continues its trek, it moves through a tunnel directly If you come east or west via I-90, exit to I-290 East (Route 53 South). Take I-290 south to where it becomes I-355 and follow the signs to the Lake Street Exit 7. Stay away from the right lanes that take I-290 east to Chicago. The Lake Street exit is under that overpass. At the bottom of the exit ramp, follow the instructions above. August, 2010 cffhhhlfte 7 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® behind the Fairy Castle. Some of the other areas include farm houses, barns, and even a saw mill, just to name a few. As you continue, you won’t want to miss the Indian Village, complete with Teepees, cowboys, and a working geyser! Open House - Sunday, August 22nd Don Miller 281 Woodland Road Highland Park, IL 60035 Phone: Ph1: 847-432-6151 - Ph2: 847-432-6183 As you stroll though the layout, don’t forget to look for all of the different animals we have tucked away. They include moose, bears, raccoons, and even a walrus to mention just a few. Woodland Road RR Co. Visit the world of the Woodland Road RR Co. in Highland Park, Sunday July 13th from 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. A half acre of forest plunging down to a deep ravine provides the natural setting for seven tracks running around white oak trees, shagbark hickories, river birches, trillium flowers, jack-in-the-pulpits and may apples. Little of the natural environment was disturbed in this seven year effort inspired by the nearby RR system at the Botanic Garden in Glencoe. Three remotes operate five Crest receivers on as many tracks through one transformer and two LGB transformers operate two tracks built on piers at chest height. One is a Swiss cog RR at a seven-degree angle and the second is level in a dog bone shape featuring a circus theme. Circus barker announcements and calliope sounds mix with the cacophony of barnyard noises at the farm and the station announcements by the town as crossing gates rise and fall accompanied by the many sounds of seven engines puffing away. Bridges, tunnels and engine sheds abound with rivers running all about. Somehow the 50+ pieces of rolling stock survive the daily attacks of raccoons, coyotes, foxes, squirrels, rabbits and deer. Don’t miss the quarry and the Yukon White Pass Alaskan RR work train and the hardy road construction crew braving the elements. We sure enjoy our layout. We hope you will too! Directions: From the north, take Interstate 94 to Route 60 (Town Line Road). Exit and go west on Route 60 to Route 21 (Milwaukee Ave.). Turn left onto Route 21 and go south approximately 1.5 miles. Woodbine Circle will be on your right as the road narrows down to two lanes (just past American Hotel Register building with numerous flags in front of their building). There is a Walter E Smyth Furniture store on the corner of Woodbine and 21. Turn onto Woodbine Circle here. From the south, take Interstate 94 to Route 22 (Half Day Road). Exit and go west on Route 22 to Route 21 (Milwaukee Ave.). Turn right onto Route 21 and go north approximately 1.5 miles. Woodbine Circle will be on your left just after the Corporate Woods (The Walter E. Smith Furniture Store is on the NW corner of 21 and Woodbine Circle), turn left here. The subdivision is located on a “horseshoe” like road with two entrances (north and south). Look for the flashing cross buck in front. Directions: If you are not coming via the interstate, Woodbine Circle is located midway between Route 60 and Route 22 on Milwaukee Ave. (Route 21) in Vernon Hills. c August, 2010 cffhhhlfte Directions: From the corner of Lake-Cook Road and Highway #41 in Highland Park go East 1.0 mile to Greenbay Rd., turn North go .9 mile to Roger Williams, go East .3 mi. to St. Johns, go South .3 mi. to Woodland Rd., go East .3 mi to 281 Woodland Rd. You’ll see the RR sign there. Park on the street, walk down the asphalt driveway, not the gravel drive adjoining; follow the RR signs and arrows down the steps into the welcoming world of the Woodland Rd. RR Co. c 8 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® Open House - Sunday, August 22nd Paul Allodi & Daughter, Anne Allodi 2609 School Drive Rolling Meadows, IL Phone: 847-342-9092 Illinois Railway Museum Display Show Sept 4th & 5th Layout Description: The PandA (Paul & Anne) was started in late 2009 in my Daughter, Anne’s back yard. It is an “L” shaped layout 6’ x 25’ built on a raised flower bed surrounded by a 3’ sitting wall. Track consists of an irregular loop with 1 passing siding that was laid with the help of a 5 man “Track Gang” composed of CAGRS friends and was landscaped by Anne and her friends. Many of the rocks and trees came from the layout of the late Dave Zack. Operation consists of 2 trains alternating in opposite directions and passing on an insulated siding track. Scenic features include: 2 bridges, a faux river, and a rock tunnel. Join in the fun! Come to run G-Scale and ride 1:1 Scale Fun for the whole family! Sign up online or Directions: From north or south, take IL53; exit Euclid Ave. east to first stop light (Rohlwing Road). Turn right on Rohlwing Road, go south to second left (Campbell). Go left on Campbell to second stop sign. (School Drive). Turn right on School Drive and proceed to 2609 on the right. From the east take Golf, Central or Algonquin west to New Wilke Road. Go right (North) on New Wilke Road to Kirchoff Road. Turn left on Kirchoff, and go NW to stoplight at Meadow Drive. Turn right on Meadow, go one block to stop sign. (School Drive) Turn left on School Drive one block to 2609 on left. c Call Bob Rustemeyer at (773) 774-2838 Set up begins at 7:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept 4th August, 2010 cffhhhlfte 9 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® Next on the continuing story of Dennis Wind in Florida. The police department is getting new additions to its fleet. The Dodge Chargers even come numbered after locally famous (infamous?) police officers. Caught this photo as the train slowed down before entering the 'yard'. A Chicago & NorthWestern Switcher Pulls a couple of car carriers, loaded with sports cars, SUVs and police cars, along the main line. Headline News --- Geneva Curve Railroad Welcomes Thomas --- Flash Thomas being passed by a local freight in the yard, horns and bells sounding (a bit more of that imagination is needed). Shortly after dinner today, Thomas the Tank chugged onto the main line of the Geneva Curve Railroad, having completed a 10 month journey from the Chicago, IL area. Thomas was welcomed by the crew working the yard with enthusiasm (imagination please). After the trip down from the cool and cloudy climate of the industrial North, Thomas sought relief from the strong affects of the relentless Florida Sunshine by borrowing by visiting Mother Goose who loaned him her (see below)...Styling, eh? August, 2010 cffhhhlfte 10 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® Open Houses Date August 8th Location Bob & Gloria Olsen 630-860-7069 - 149 N. Hemlock Ave., Wood Dale Steve & Kathy Zimmerman 847-895-4658 - 832 Aegean Dr., Schaumburg - 60193 Brad & Carol Bennet t 630-941-3472 - 375 S. Mitchell Ave., Elmhurst - 60126 August 15th John & Lorrie Rockey 630-858-6957 - 2N252 Pleasant Ave., Glen Ellyn - 60137 Ray and Karen Holich 847-228-5396 - 1601 Willow Lane, Mt. Prospect - 60056 Chuck & Nancy Serchuck 847-437-5704 - 1304 Fern Drive, Mt. Prospect - 60056 Bill Schwartz 630-285-8070 - 1385 Medinah Dr., Itasca - 60143 August 22nd Ron & Gayle Althardt (847) 634-0637 - 15902 Woodbine Circle, Vernon Hills - 60061 Don Miller (847) 432-6183 - 281 Woodland Rd., Highland Park - 60035 Paul Allodi & Daughter, Anne 847-342-9092 - 2609 School Dr., Rolling Meadows - Noon ‘til 4pm September 12th Madison & Gayle Parker (630) 851-4056 - 2345 Alder Ct., Aurora - 60504 Paul Januska (708) 784-3520 - 1111 Birch Ln, Western Springs - 60558 September 26th Linda & Larry Cerwin 847 395 6614 40336 N. Sunset Dr., Antioch - 60002 David & Judy Silverton 847-680-3838 - 323 Alexandria Dr., Vernon Hills Ken & Dawn Kolman October 10th Harry Sorenson (847) 669-8936 - 13400 Sun City Blvd, Huntley - 60142 Call Bill Halupka to schedule your open house date at 708-485-7193 All Open Houses are from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Eighth Annual LGB and “G” scale items for sale SOUTHLAND MODEL RAILROAD SHOW LGB #2096S Austrian Diesel w/sound (LN) in box $550 obo LGB #40560 Hot Metal Car (NIB) $200 obo LGB #40570 Calanda Brau Reef Car (NIB) $200 obo LGB #10154 Activation track (NIB) $150 obo ALL ABOARD!! LGB #45260 \”Jever\” Box Car (LN) no box $150 obo The Annual Southland Model The EighthEighth Annual Southland Model Railroad Show is on track and picking up speed!! The show is presented by the Harold L. Richards High School Music Department. Railroad Show is on track and picking up speed!! The show is presented Saturday, September 25 th 2010 &by the th 2010 Music Harold L. Richards High Sunday, September 26School Department. LGB #4059 Auto carrier (NIB) $175 obo LGB \”LCE\” Train - 2 locos, 1 car (used) $350 LGB #55000 Central Station type 1 (used) $150 LGB #55010 Train Mouse (used) 2 available $75ea H.L. Richards High School 10601 S. Central Avenue, Oak Saturday, September 25Lawn, th Illinois 2010 & Sunday, September 26 th Last year, models of all scale were displayed by some 23 area2010 clubs and viewed by more Lehmann Toy Train \”Wild West\” building kit (NIB) $75 P&H #PS10G power supply (LN) $175 obo than 2,000 people during the two day event. This show provides the ideal venue to show off your display to other railroadRichards enthusiasts while enabling band and choir students to raise H.L. HighourSchool funds to defray the cost of future music trips. Bridgewerks Mag15 power supply (used) $175 obo 10601 S. Central Avenue, Oak Lawn, Illinois Loys Toys 10 amp power supply (LN) $50 Last year, models of all scale were displayed by some 23 area clubs and viewed by more than 2,000 people during the two day event. This show provides the ideal venue to show off your display to other railroad enthusiasts while enabling our band and choir students to raise funds to defray the cost of future music trips. August, 2010 cffhhhlfte Also - sixteen various “Pola” & “Piko” buildings. Stations, houses, yard buildings, etc. Mostly Euro style. Have been outdoors for a few years. Well used. Minor repairs on some. Worth between $75 and $175 new. Priced to sell at $30 - $35 each. Send me an E-mail if your interested. ( Bill Halupka 11 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® LGB Model Railroad Club of Chicago 2010 Schedule LGB Club Display Layouts and Meetings Sept. 4th & 5th Sept. 25th & 26th Oct. 22nd - 25th Nov. & Dec. ? December ? Labor Day Train Show - Illinois Railway Museum - Union - Bob Rustemeyer - (773) 774-2838 Southland Model RR Show - Richards Highschool, Oak lawn - Larry Tomko - (847) 823-0280 iHobby Expo - Stevens Convention Center, Rosemont - Bill Halupka (708) 485-7193 Holiday Train Display - Morton Arboretum - Kevin Kell - (708) 524-0483 Holiday Train Display - Holiday Magic - Brookfield Zoo - ????? Conventions & Shows August 1st - 8th, -- 26th Annual Garden Railway Convention -- Tacoma, WA Sept. 1st - 4th -- 30th National Narrow Gauge Convention ----- St. Louis, MO Sept. 4th & 5th, -- Labor Day Train Show -- Illinois Railway Museum -- Union, IL Oct. 21st - 24th, -- 26th Annual "iHobby Expo" --- Rosemont, IL Nov 6th & 7th -- Midway Village RR Show -- Rockford, IL Nov 13th & 14th -- "Trainfest 2010" -- Wisconsin State Fair Grounds -- West Allis, WI Nov 14th -- Great Midwest Train Show - Train Show Inc. - (630) 290-1962 -- DuPage County Fair Grounds. Wheaton Dec 12th --Great Midwest Train Show - Train Show Inc. - (630) 290-1962 -- DuPage County Fair Grounds. Wheaton Open Houses - See page 11 for future Open Houses “LGB,” The Big Train, “ Lake George & Boulder,” the LGB “Circle” logo and the LGB “Nameplate” logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of E.P. Lehmann Patentwerk LGBMRRC of Chicago 11N013 Williamsburg Drive Elgin, IL 60124 August, 2010 cffhhhlfte 12 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ®
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