July - LGB Model Railroad Club of Chicago
July - LGB Model Railroad Club of Chicago
R go ca LGB l Railroad Club of C e d hi Mo Established 1979 La r g ge Sc a le Rail ro ad in A Newsletter of the LGB Model Railroad Club of Chicago July, 2010 ® All All Aboard! Aboard! Check out the Open House layouts this month!! by Wayne Zoeteman Happy July! Yes, July is here and I hope everyone had a safe 4th of July. I know I did, I FOUND A JOB!! Yeah, no more hassling with the unemployment office(s) of Illinois. Now, my new job requires me to work a minimum of 8 hours a day, travel to and from the office (on the toll roads and suffer in heat and traffic), but at least I get medical/dental/vision insurance, and a good sized paycheck (haven’t seen it yet) every two weeks. I couldn’t be more happier. Also, my birthday is July 26 (I like to have more LGB stuff please). Speaking of getting LGB stuff, it seems the hobby stores are starting to receive some LGB products. While I have not been able to checkout the local stores, the internet and eBay seem to have gotten theirs. I am hoping to save for at least one car that I have seen. I like to take this time to thank the members who have decided to step and help out at this years iHobby show. These members have decided to donate their time during the show to help kids make a building at the show and let them take it home. While this may seem something that fellow club members are familiar with, just remember this: The buildings are NOT G scale! The buildings are HO and yes, N scale! Maybe we can ask one of the members who have decided to do this to get a building for us (I think that they are going to make about 2000) and let us display it on our layout, maybe a fancy dog house ☺ As far as the rest of the year is looking, it seems that we (the board members) are working on trying to iron out the Christmas time displays. We July, 2010 cffhhhlfte The Annual Picnic has been CANCELLED! may have to drop one of the shows just to please the membership and to please our supporters. I don’t want to drop any one of the shows but if need be then that will be that. We, the board members, will keep the membership informed of any changes that may happen. It seems shocking to me that we as a club could, or should I write have, become so popular that two venues (shows) are fighting for our time. Makes me happy ☺ So until next time, do something that makes you happy, like run your trains, what else? Nope, nothing compares to running trains!! Stay safe, keep the trains and yourself moving, Your club president, Wayne S. Zoeteman PS: Don’t forget July 26 ☺ c Happy 4th of July! 1 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® Along the Mainline Member News: by Bill Halupka Well, the hot, humid days of Summer have officially arrived! I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. Parades, barbecuing, friends and family, and of course running a few trains in the garden. Throw in a tall, cool beverage of choice, and you had a real holiday. Remember to send in your dues. July is renewal month! Check the date above your address on your snail mail copy of the newsletter for your renewal date.c The month of July will keep you busy with five open houses to visit. In August, we step it up a notch with nine open house layouts. With fourteen layouts to choose from, it shouldn’t be hard to pick out a few to visit. Or just visit all of them, so you don’t miss anything. See the open house information later in this newsletter. The Summer Picnic has been officially cancelled do to lack of interest! It’s really hard to believe a club membership of over 120 people can’t organize a simple picnic to promote friendship and camaraderie. The “Summer Picnic” has been a part of club activities since we’ve had a club. I’ve personally been to every one since 1994. Everyone has been different, but a real blast. Super hot days to thunder storms. Maybe next year, we’ll get back on track! Club Officers President Wayne Zoeteman - South Holland 708-331-2903 email - ez41@sbcglobal.net Vice President - Program Bill Halupka - Brookfield (708) 485-7193 email - LGBer0672@aol.com Our next scheduled show is the Illinois Railway Museum display on Labor Day weekend. We always have a lot of fun out there. There’s nothing like showing off our trains, while watching and riding full size ones. It doesn’t get any better. Give Bob Rustemeyer a call, or sign-up online if your coming out. Vice President - Communications Jim Rusch - Editor/Publisher Bartlett (630) 830-0378 email - rusch13@comcast.net Vice President - Membership Paul Januska - Western Springs (708) 784-3520 email - pjanuska@sbcglobal.net Last month I started a new “Classified Ad” section of our web site. Has anyone used it, or even looked at it? If you have a few large scale items you’d like to sell, just list them on our web site. It’s “Free” and very easy to do. Secretary/Treasurer Jim Snorek - Palatine (847) 468-0013 email - keronsjim@att.net That’s about all I have this month. If you have any thoughts or questions, please feel free to call or send me an E-mail. LGBMRRC of Chicago The LGB® Chicago Express is published monthly by the LGB® Model Railroad Club of Chicago. Material for the newsletter should be forwarded to the Editor at 688 Coral Avenue, Bartlett, IL 60103 on or before the 20th of each the month or e-mailed to Rusch13@comcast.net. Mail for the other club officers should be sent to 11N013 Williamsburg Drive, Elgin, IL 60124. Electronic mail can be sent to keronsj@netzero.net Bill Halupka — (708) 485-7193 E-mail — LGBer0672@aol.com Membership Your mailing label shows your member number and your membership expiration date. To ensure uninterrupted receipt of the LGB® Chicago Express, you should forward your check for $22.00 email version or $27.00 US mail version before your expiration date. Please make your check payable to LGBMRRC of Chicago, write your member number on your check and send it to 11N013 Williamsburg Drive, Elgin, IL 60124 July, 2010 cffhhhlfte Until next month, keep those trains rollin ! c 2 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® Lakeside Drive, right turn, follow to house at 817 or 294 south to I-55, west to Lemont Road, north to Plainfield Road and follow the rest of the above directions to the house. c Open House - July 11th Joe and Mary Lou Lienau 630-985-8244 817 Lakeside Drive Downers Grove, IL 60516 Layout Description: Layout was started in 1997. Loosely follows after the Ahnapee and Western Railway, a subsidiary of the Green Bay and Western Railroad. The railroad is populated with kit and scratch built structures, many miniature trees are planted throughout the RR area. The time era is late 1920’s through the 1960’s. You will see Steam and Diesel locomotives, freight and passenger consists. The layout still has about 850 feet of track with much of it being changed to nickel silver and stainless steel and the benefits are being much appreciated. A major change is the removal of a wooden ballasted bridge across the 24’ deck and being replaced by a 24’ long Garden Metal deck girder bridge. There are five (5) new buildings that have taken up residence along with a dozen new miniature trees. Last year’s new perennial flowers have bloomed in an explosion of new colors for this year. Rolling stock has increased to support the trackside industries and motive power has been upgraded. Some locomotives are now battery or track powered, controlled by the Aristo Train Engineer or the new Revolution System or the Bridge Works power supplies. The LGB EPL signal system still keeps the trains from unplanned mating at the crossings (most of the time). A South Bend Signals cross buck with flashing lights and bell have been installed at the busiest grade crossing near the Sawyer Sub. The “Big Boy” will not be operational due to the FRA declaring the designated operating crew to be inadequately trained to operate the locomotive safely. However, the Mallets will be operational. Be sure and look for “Ferdinand” the resident frog hanging around the lily pads in the pond. Directions: Take I-355 to Boughten Road, east to Lemont Road, left turn north, to Plainfield Road, Left turn. East to July, 2010 cffhhhlfte 3 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® Open House - July 25th Rich and Barb Harder 216 Fullerton Ave. Northlake, IL 60164 Phone: 708-562-9320 Directions: Route 34 west to Plano; Turn left (south) at Hale Street - stop light. Go 5 blocks. Sandy Lane only goes left. 4th house on the right . c Open House - July 25th Dennis Cipcich & Sandy Mertens 41W 610 Far View Elburn, IL 60119 630-584-6066 / 630-584-1414 Layout Description: This is a 20 plus year old railroad that has 2 main lines that run multiple trains at the same time. Don’t miss this chance to see a garden railroad years in the making. This is a well established railroad which includes a pond, mountain, working railroad signals, towns, bridges, and trolley line that goes underground Layout description: The Blue Stone Ridge RR has been in operation for two years and is now completed with the addition of a new siding and additional indoor yard space. Directions: If coming from the South, take I-294 to I-290 East, exit at Lake Street. Turn North (left) at Wolf Road. Go north on Wolf Rd. to Fullerton. Go East (right turn) on Fullerton to residence. If coming from the North, take I-294 South to Irving Park Road. Make immediate left on Manheim (south) to Fullerton. Turn right (west) on Fullerton to residence. Parking will be permitted on the north side of the street only for the day of the Open House. c The 100% nickel-silver outdoor layout uses DCC, powered by a 6-zone Massoth 1200x wireless system allowing the engineer(s) the potential to operate 13 15 trains simultaneously on the approximately 2000’ of fully integrated track which cover multiple levels of terrain. There are water features, a reversing loop, passing sidings, 7 tunnels and a myriad of trestles and bridges. Leave yourself an extra 20 minutes to explore 2.5 acres of virgin canopies savannah woodland. CAUTION; the wood are on a deeply inclined area and the climb out is difficult! Open House - July 25th David & Theda McMinn 210 Sandy Lane Plano, IL. 630-552-8156 Directions: From the north and east: At the intersection of Rte 64 (North Ave/Main St. locally) and Randall Rd. in St. Charles, go west on Rte 64 .7 mile to Campton Hills Dr. Wyes to the left continuing westward to Town Hall Rd. (second stop sign after stoplight). Turn left (south) and over crest of hill to Far View Rd, turn left to 3rd house on left. Layout Description: Plano Rocky Mountain Railroad Plano Rocky Mountain Railroad is 12 years old. It covers a 20’ x 48’ area and has 5 circuits using 450’ of track. The layout includes 5 bridges, 3 trestles, and passes through 2 tunnels. There is a goldfish pond at the base of a stream and waterfalls. From the south and east: At the intersection of Rte 38 (Roosevelt Rd/Lincoln Highway locally) and Randall Rd, west of Geneva, continue west on Rte. 38 past second stoplight to Beith Rd. turn right (north) and follow road which turns to the west to Town Hall Rd. turn right (north) and go about 300’ to Far View Rd. turn right and go to third house on left. c Numerous buildings include 4 stations and a village all designed and scratch built. Rolling stock includes and LGB 2-6-0 Mogul, Rail King Dash 8, 2 Forney locomotives, BN NW2 and a trolley. July, 2010 cffhhhlfte 4 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® Internet Sites LGB Model Railroad Club of Chicago http://LGBMRRCC.com LGB/Marklin http://www.marklin.com Piko-America http://www.piko-america.com/ Large Scale Online http://www.largescale.com/ CLUB INTERNET SITES National Model Railroad Association http://www.nmra.org Arizona Big Train Operators http://www.geocities.com/~azbigtrains/ Bay Area Garden Railway Society http://www.bagrs.org/ Chicago Area Garden Railway Society http://www.cagrs.com/ Columbus (Ohio) Garden Railway Society www.cgrs.org Florida Garden Railway Society http://www.fgrs.org/ Greater Cincinnati Garden Railway Society http://www.gcgrs.org/ Indiana Large Scale Railroaders http://www.indylargescaler.org Finescale Railroader Magazine http://finescalerr.com Garden Railways Magazine www.gardenrailways.com Large Scale Central http://www.largescalecentral.com/ Big Train Operator Club http://www.bigtrainoperator.com/ trains.com http://www.trains.com LGB Model Railroad Club of Chicago http://www.LGBMRRCC.com Miami Valley Garden Railway Society www.mgvrs.com Puget Sound Garden Railway Society http://www.psgrs.org Sacramento Valley Garden Railway Society http://www.svgrs.org/ San Diego Garden Railway Society http://www.sdgrs.com Washington, Virginia, & Maryland Garden Railway Society http://www.wvmgrs.org/ Wisconsin Garden Railway Society http://www.wgrsociety.org 600 acres of Trees & Trains Chicagoland’s Largest Garden Railway Store Ph. 815-334-9100 Fax 815-334-0000 www.STAUBIN.com July, 2010 cffhhhlfte For additional Club Listings http://www.gardentrains.org/gta/community/clubs/clubs.asp 5 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® More from Florida and Dennis Wind - Man O' Man, Florida is tough on railroaders. This morning I had to call out the weekend M.O.W. crew to handle an overnight attack of Psilocybe Pelliculosa on the tracks around the Resort. Huge, towering stands of rotting fungus. The M.O.W. crew was busy clearing the mess for most of the day. I, of course, was watching all of this remotely from the control room. Check out the Mushroom growing between the tracks... And round the Resort... And along the elevated local line. Memorial Day on the GCRR saw a 8 unit ARMY supply train pulled by a GP7 making the turn into the morning sun. In the background, on the local line the C&NW passes the signal tower where a nonfunctioning switcher sits, awaiting repairs. But all ended well. Later in the day the ARMY supply train rounds the last curve as it passes the Hershey Chocolate train on it's run to the resort. After running for six straight hours, the coupler on the front truck of the tank car failed. The subsequent earsplitting crash and derailment was devastating. July, 2010 cffhhhlfte 6 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® Open Houses Date July 11th July 25th Location Mary Lou & Joe Lienau (630) 985-8244 - 817 Lakeside Dr., Downers Grove - 60516 Rich & Bard Harder (708) 562-9320 - 216 E. Fullerton Ave., Northlake - 60164 David & Theda McMinn 630-552-8156 - 210 Sandy Ln., Plano - 60545 Dennis Cipcich 630-584-6066 - 41W610 Far View Rd., Elburn - 60119 August 8th Bob & Gloria Olsen 630-860-7069 - 149 N. Hemlock Ave., Wood Dale August 15th John & Lorrie Rockey 630-858-6957 - 2N252 Pleasant Ave., Glen Ellyn - 60137 Ray and Karen Holich 847-228-5396 - 1601 Willow Lane, Mt. Prospect - 60056 Chuck & Nancy Serchuck 847-437-5704 - 1304 Fern Drive, Mt. Prospect - 60056 August 22nd Ron & Gayle Althardt (847) 634-0637 - 15902 Woodbine Circle, Vernon Hills - 60061 Don Miller (847) 432-6183 - 281 Woodland Rd., Highland Park - 60035 Steve & Kathy Zimmerman 847-895-4658 - 832 Aegean Dr., Schaumburg - 60193 Paul Allodi & Daughter, Anne Allodi 847-342-9092 - Noon till 4:00 - 2609 School Dr., Rolling Meadows Irwin Mishoulam & Gayle Wat tenberg - 847 530 3311 - 1084Crofton Ln., Buffalo Grove - 60089 September 12th Madison & Gayle Parker (630) 851-4056 - Aurora Paul Januska (708) 784-3520 - 1111 Birch Ln, Western Springs - 60558 September 26th Linda & Larry Cerwin 847 395 6614 - 40336 N. Sunset Dr., Antioch - 60002 October 10th Harry Sorenson (847) 669-8936 - 13400 Sun City Blvd, Huntley - 60142 October 24th Open House -- Possible Open House Date LGB - CAGRS Clubs Call Bill Halupka to schedule your open house date at 708-485-7193 All Open Houses are from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. For Sale! Illinois Railway Museum Display Show Sept 4th and 5th G Gauge Train & Accessory Sale Many items from Bill Valkner's collection including locos, rolling stock, buildings, track, starter sets, vehicles and much, and much more. Join in the fun! Come to run G-Scale and ride 1:1 Scale Fun for the whole family! Call Bob Rustemeyer at (773) 774-2838 August 6th & 7th 2010 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 113 E State St Geneva IL 60134 For information & questions, contact Dennis Cipcich at 630-584-6066 or djcipcich@yahoo.com July, 2010 cffhhhlfte Set up begins at 7:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept 4th 7 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ® LGB Model Railroad Club of Chicago 2010 Schedule LGB Club Display Layouts and Meetings July 17th -CANCELLED Sept. 4th & 5th Sept. 25th & 26th Oct. 22nd - 25th Nov. & Dec. ? December ? Annual Picnic / Summer event Coordinator Needed Picnic Ideas??? Labor Day Train Show - Illinois Railway Museum - Union - Bob Rustemeyer - (773) 774-2838 Southland Model RR Show - Richards Highschool, Oak lawn - Larry Tomko - (847) 823-0280 iHobby Expo - Stevens Convention Center, Rosemont - Bill Halupka (708) 485-7193 Holiday Train Display - Morton Arboretum - Kevin Kell - (708) 524-0483 Holiday Train Display - Holiday Magic - Brookfield Zoo - ????? Conventions & Shows July 11th - 18th, -- 75th Anniversary NMRA Convention --- Milwaukee, WI August 1st - 8th, -- 26th Annual Garden Railway Convention -- Tacoma, WA Sept. 1st - 4th -- 30th National Narrow Gauge Convention ----- St. Louis, MO Sept. 4th & 5th, -- Labor Day Train Show -- Illinois Railway Museum -- Union, IL Oct. 21st - 24th, -- 26th Annual "iHobby Expo" --- Rosemont, IL Nov 6th & 7th -- Midway Village RR Show -- Rockford, IL Nov 13th & 14th -- "Trainfest 2010" -- Wisconsin State Fair Grounds -- West Allis, WI Nov 14th -- Great Midwest Train Show - Train Show Inc. - (630) 290-1962 -- DuPage County Fair Grounds. Wheaton Dec 12th --Great Midwest Train Show - Train Show Inc. - (630) 290-1962 -- DuPage County Fair Grounds. Wheaton Open Houses - See page 7 for future Open Houses “LGB,” The Big Train, “ Lake George & Boulder,” the LGB “Circle” logo and the LGB “Nameplate” logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of E.P. Lehmann Patentwerk LGBMRRC of Chicago 773 N. Sterling Road Palatine, IL 60067 July, 2010 cffhhhlfte 8 LGB Chicago Express oppoby ®
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