SCHIEKADE IBIS STYLES ROTTERDAM Reclamedocument versie 1 15.05.2012 GEVELRECLAME SCHIEKADE IBIS STYLES ROTTERDAM Renvooi gevel Grindbeton elementen beton grijs gesaust metselwerk keramisch tegelwerk * Inbraakw. kl.2 NEN5087+5096 Gevelreclame 8e, zie beeldnr. 14, 15 Letterbakken 8e, zie beeldnr. 1820, 24-26 10 Dakverdieping +32.600 10 Dakverdieping +32.600 horizontale letterbakken verlicht 1250x12518 mm entrance pillow logo 1500x1500 mm +29.400 b.k. reclame 9 Dakverdieping +29.270 +28.150 b.k. reclame +28.050 b.k. kozijn +28.150 o.k. reclame geemailleerd glas 9 Dakverdieping +29.270 +26.750 o.k. kozijn / 850+vlp geemailleerd glas +26.650 o.k. reclame 8 8e verdieping +25.900 8 8e verdieping +25.900 7 7e verdieping +22.530 7 7e verdieping +22.530 6 6e verdieping +19.160 6 6e verdieping +19.160 5 5e verdieping +15.790 5 5e verdieping +15.790 gevel 4 50 entrance pillow logo 700x700 mm 3.150 uithangbord 3150x900x50 mm +3.750 b.k. reclame +3.050 o.k. reclame +6.192 b.k. gevelreclame +3.041 o.k. gevelreclame 3 3e verdieping +8.690 2 2e verdieping +5.680 2 2e verdieping +5.680 zie doorsnede 3 3e verdieping +8.690 gevel 3 4 4e verdieping +11.700 gevel 2 4 4e verdieping +11.700 bestaande bebouwing bestaande bebouwing zie doorsnede gevel 1 +4.820 b.k. kozijn Wijz. Datum Opmerking Getekend A. B C entrance banner 600x3600 mm 1 1e verdieping +2.670 +3.520 o.k. kozijn / 850+vlp D 1 1e verdieping +2.670 +2.100 b.k. reclame E F Rotterdam Centre +1.500 o.k. reclame * 0 Begane grond ±0 0 Begane grond ±0 * 3.575 1 5.080 2 5.080 22.390 3 5.080 3.575 * * 5.532 6.500 6.500 3.590 2.315 6.350 2.315 33.102 4 5 Gevel 1 6 H Maten in het werk te controleren G F E D C B A Mulderblauw Keer-Weer 3 T 071 517 73 11 architecten 2381 GC Zoeterwoude F 071 517 60 21 IBIS STYLES ROTTERDAM CENTRE Gevel 2 onderdeel Gevels nieuw Gevel 1 / gevel 2 Luifelreclame, zie beeldnr. 10, 11 Reclame uithangbord, zie beeldnr. 29, 30 werk Gevelreclame BG, zie beeldnr. 29 2630 datum 29.03.2012 gewijzigd schaal 1:100 formaat A1 getekend Dennis fase BA blad BA200-2630 DETAILLERING LUIFELRECLAME Beeldnummer 10 SCHIEKADE IBIS STYLES ROTTERDAM Beeldnummer 11 manufacturing guidelines entrance Pillow logo Technical description 20 140 10 Technische beschrijving: Diffusing pillow decor vaccum forming fascia, shiny appearance finish Protruding “ibis” text Interior lighting by white LEDs with built-in converter 12 volts 13mm thick PVC backtray Place in gap, space 20mm Gevormde acrylaatplaat met belettering op 13mm dik PVC element met LED verlichting, bevestigd op afstandhouders The volume effect is given by the shape of the thermoformed pillow dimensions 700 150 190 700 Placement of LEDS for information Their position is optimized to give a volume effect 140+10 projection 10mm 700 Pillow acrylic sheet diffusing vaccum forming, brand colour finish “Ibis” text, diffusing white fascia and relief “styles” & “HOTELS” text without relief, diffusing white fascia Lighting by white LEDs PVC backtray, rear face powder coated brand colour finish The volume effect is given by the shape of the thermoformed pillow 10 20mm gap Night view 11 DETAILLERING GEVELRECLAME BG Beeldnummer 12 SCHIEKADE IBIS STYLES ROTTERDAM Beeldnummer 13 manufacturing guidelines Entrance banner Technical description 20/10 front aluminum sheet folded and powder coated to the complementary colour, thickness 30 mm Decor text “Name of the hotel" in vynil brand colour finish Rear panel in aluminum sheet 20/10, folded fixed on spacer 5mm Fixing of the entrance logo pillow on the face dimensions dimensions 700 180 70 175 Nom de l’hotel 400 5 30 stainless steel screw 70 Nom de l’hotel 600 175 20/10 front aluminum sheet folded and powder coated to the complementary colour, thickness 30 mm text “Name of the hotel" in vynil to the brand colour Rear panel in aluminum sheet 20/10, folded Length according to project Technische beschrijving: Logo: Gevormde acrylaatplaat met belettering op 13mm dik PVC element met LED verlichting Night view Achterplaat Gevouwen aluminiumplaat, totale diepte 30mm, grijs gepoedercoat, voorzien van hotelnaam entrance pillow logo: see page 10&11 12 5mm gap Provide holes in the bottom of the banner so the water can flow Principle of setting given for information, it can change depending on the support and the visibility from the rear 13 140 10 DETAILLERING GEVELRECLAME 8E Beeldnummer 14 SCHIEKADE IBIS STYLES ROTTERDAM Beeldnummer 15 pillow logo in acrylic for gable wall and facade manufacturing guidelines 46 120 Technical description Exemple for a pillow of 1500 mm Pillow logo box White diffusing acrylic sheet fascia, decor in digital print Powder coated opaque relief, in acrylic or aluminium PVC or aluminium backtray, thickness 13mm Interior backlighting with white LEDs ,with converter 12 volts, build-in or external, depending on the accessibility Gap fixing dimensions Match with a Hotel text 1000 1500 2000 80 120 120 273 409 545 285 569 711 Technische beschrijving: Gevormde acrylaatplaat met belettering op 13mm dik PVC element met LED verlichting, bevestigd op afstandhouders Placement of LEDS for information White diffusing acrylic sheet fascia, decor in digital print Lacquered opaque acrylic or aluminium relief powder coated brand colour finish Interior lighting by white leds PVC ou aluminium backtray, thickness 13mm The volume effect is given NightNight viewview by the digital print 14 15 screw locking 20mm minimum gap, accordig to the sign DETAILLERING LETTERBAKKEN 8E SCHIEKADE IBIS STYLES ROTTERDAM Beeldnummer 18 Beeldnummer 19 Ibis styles letters manufacturing guidelines Technical description 1- Build-up letters : Diffusing acrylic sheet fascia, brand colour finish, Opaque acrylic sheet relief, to the complementary colour, 13mm thick PVC backtray, Interior lighting by LEDs Converter 12 volts Fixing stainless steel screws dimensions 2- Channel letters : Diffusing acrylic sheet fascia, brand colour finish, Aluminiuim relief, to the complementary colour, Aluminium backtray, Interior lighting by LEDs Converter 12 volts Fixing stainless steel screws 1- Build-up letters : for the signs in short and long distance Diffusing acrylic sheet fascia, brand colour finish Opaque acrylic sheet relief, to the complementary colour Technische beschrijving: Gevormde acrylaatplaat op 13mm dik PVC element met LED verlichting, bevestigd op gevel middels gezet aluminium, Z-vormige afstandhouders Interior lighting by white leds 13mm thick PVC backtray Build-up letters manufacturing 2419 3629 4838 6048 7257 8467 9676 10886 12095 1451414412 99 198 285 500 925 1296 1944 427 750 149 297 1388 2592 569 1000 198 396 1850 3240 711 248 495 2313 1250 3888 854 1500 297 594 2775 4536 996 1750 347 693 3238 5184 1138 396 2000 792 3700 5832 1280 446 2250 891 4163 6480 1423 495 990 4625 2500 3000 3000 55505528594 549 1188 17101707 77877776 214 36 53 71 89 107 124 142 160 178 213120 80 80 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 Diffusing acrylic sheet fascia Acrylic only Transparent welded seam Diffusing acrylic sheet relief Placement of LEDS for information 2- Channel letters : for the signs in long distance Diffusing acrylic sheet fascia, brand colour finish Fixing ring, brand colour finish Aluminium backtray Aluminiuim relief, to the complementary colour Interior lighting by whites leds Night view Channel letters manufacturing Diffusing acrylic sheet fascia Fixing ring Aluminium relief Placement of LEDS for information 18 19 DETAILLERING LETTERBAKKEN 8E Beeldnummer 20 SCHIEKADE IBIS STYLES ROTTERDAM Beeldnummer 24 Individually case : Horizontal “HoTEL” letters fixations Technical description Texts flat on facade : Backpanel fixed with gap (on folded 30/10 aluminium) Z profile, powder coated to the colour of the facade or (13mm PVC) backtray 1- Build-up letters : Diffusing white ou grey & white acrylic sheet fascia, Opaque white ou grey & white acrylic sheet relief, 13mm thick PVC backtray, Interior lighting by LEDs Converter 12 volts Fixing stainless steel screws 2- Channel letters : Diffusing white ou grey & white acrylic sheet fascia, Aluminiuim relief, Aluminium backtray, Interior lighting by LEDs Converter 12 volts Fixing stainless steel screws Match with an ibis text Frames have to be painted to the same colour of the facade 1267 1900 2533 3166 3800 4433 5066 5699 285 427 569 711 854 996 1138 1280 36 53 71 89 107 124 142 160 80 80 120 120 120 120 120 120 Acrylic only Texts on the roof : Secondary frame in aluminium or galvanised steel, according to current standards Primary frame & oncrete beams depending of the project White text : for dark facade Grey & white text : for light facade Signs to the roof have to be installed by light vertical frames manufacturing guidelines see page 22 20 24 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 DETAILLERING LETTERBAKKEN 8E Beeldnummer 25 SCHIEKADE IBIS STYLES ROTTERDAM Beeldnummer 26 hyphen for the ibis styles fixations Texts flat on facade : Backpanel fixed with gap (on folded 30/10 aluminium) Z profile, powder coated to the colour of the facade or (13mm) PVC backtray Technische beschrijving: Gevormde acrylaatplaat op 13mm dik PVC element met LED verlichting, bevestigd op gevel middels gezet aluminium, Z-vormige afstandhouders HoTEL text Technical description 1- Build-up letters : Diffusing acrylic sheet fascia, brand colour finish, Opaque acrylic sheet relief, to the complementary colour, 13mm thick PVC backtray, Interior lighting by LEDs Converter 12 volts Fixing stainless steel screws 2- Channel letters : Diffusing acrylic sheet fascia, brand colour finish, Aluminiuim relief, to the complementary colour, Aluminium backtray, Interior lighting by LEDs Converter 12 volts Fixing stainless steel screws dimensions Frames have to be painted to the same colour of the facade 925 1388 1850 2313 2775 3238 3700 4163 4625 5550 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 3000 5007 7511 10014 12518 15021 17525 20028 22532 25035 30042 925 1388 1850 2313 2775 3238 3700 4163 4625 5550 99 149 198 248 297 347 396 446 495 594 198 297 396 495 594 693 792 891 990 1188 285 427 569 711 854 996 1138 1280 1423 1707 36 53 71 89 107 124 142 160 178 213 1296 1944 2592 3240 3888 4536 5184 5832 6480 7776 285 427 569 711 854 996 1138 1280 1423 1707 1267 1900 2533 3166 3800 4433 5066 5699 6333 7599 36 53 71 89 107 124 142 160 178 213 Texts on the roof : Secondary frame in aluminium or galvanised steel, according to current standards Primary frame & oncrete beams depending of the project A Signs to the roof have to be installed by light vertical frames B 2A manufacturing guidelines and fixations 2A mini see 19 and 20 25 26 D C B 2A mini C 80 80 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 DETAILLERING UITHANGBORD BG SCHIEKADE IBIS STYLES ROTTERDAM Beeldnummer 29 Technical description dimensions White diffusing acrylic sheet fascia, decor in adhesif brand colour finish Interior lighting by white LEDs with built-in converter 12 volts Steel or Aluminium tubes interior frame Aluminium relief, grey brand colour Grey powder coated aluminium carter 2100 2450 2800 3150 100 600 700 800 900 304 354 405 456 Technische beschrijving: Vlakke acrylaatplaat in aluminium frame met LED verlichting, bevestigd op gevel middels aluminium afstandhouders, grijs gepoedercoat Night view manufacturing guidelines White diffusing acrylic sheet fascia, decor in adhesif brand colour finish Interior lighting by white LEDs Steel or Aluminium tubes interior frame Aluminium relief, grey powder coated 29