NSCoC News November - North Suburban Chamber of Commerce


NSCoC News November - North Suburban Chamber of Commerce
Issue 7
11/18 Avalon Council Meeting
11/19 NSCoC Community Mixer
The celebration starts with the
lighting of the YMCA Tree and a
performance by the Northgate
High School Choir.
Then the Northgate High School
Band will lead us to the Center Of
Bellevue where Mayor Cusick will
read “The Night Before
Christmas” while we await the
arrival of Santa and light the tree.
After you visit with Santa go for a
sleigh ride , make something at
the craft tent, have hot chocolate
& cookies, enjoy the carolers,
shop and get in the holiday spirit!
11/21 “Light Up Night”
downtown Pittsburgh
11/25 Kilbuck Township
Supervisors Meeting
11/29 Small Business Saturday
“Season Of the Stars”
Holiday Celebration Bellevue
“Light Up the Borough”
12/9 Bellevue Council Meeting
12/10 Emsworth Council Meeting
12/13 “Brighten the Season
Saturday” Avalon
12/16 Avalon Council Meeting
12/17 First Day of Hanukkah
12/21 Winter Solstice
12/23 Kilbuck Township
Supervisors Meeting
12/25 Merry Christmas!
01/01 Happy New Year!
If you would like to place an ad in the North
Suburban Chamber of Commerce Community
Newsletter please contact Kimberly Skertich at
412-761-2113 or ns_chamber@northsuburbancoc.org
for more information.
Dari Villa
Dom Schepis Sr. opened Dari-Villa Restaurant in
Bellevue on July 6,1977. It was mostly an ice cream store
with a grill that served hamburgers and hot dogs. As time
went on ice cream sales declined while the menu and food
sales soared. In 1982 Dom Sr. decided it was time to
retire. He sold the business to Dom Jr. While Dom Jr.
can be seen in the front of the house greeting guests and
cooking, Dom Sr. Can be found in the back of the house making soups and
washing dishes. Which goes to prove that if you want to retire, do not sell your
business to a family member.
Dari-Villa attributes its longevity to customer loyalty and a dedicated staff.
Dom Jr. started working for his father at the restaurant at the age of 16. Now
at 53 Dom says its like a life sentence with no parole.
Dar-Villa restaurant is open 7days a week . Monday thru Saturday7am -8pm
and Sunday's 8am - 2pm. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner with daily
Community Mixer
North Suburban Chamber of Commerce will hold a
Community Mixer on November 19, 2014 from 6:30-8:30
at 565 Live. This event is free for all local business
owners. Appetizers and beverages will be served. Please
join us for an evening of networking and learn more
about the benefits of Chamber of Commerce membership.
2014 Gold Members
AGH- Suburban
Fodi Jewelers
Fred Dietz Floral
Kuhn's Market
North Suburban Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
This will be the last monthly addition of the NSCoC Newsletter.
Because of the cost of producing a monthly newsletter the NSCoC Newsletter
will now done quarterly.
Life Care North
Thank you so much for all you
do to help the community!
To receive by email contact us at: ns_chamber@northsuburbancoc.org Subject: E News
School News
Northgate Classroom Teacher
Named Winner of
“Leadership Unboxed”
PITTSBURGH, October 2, 2014 - The
Northgate School District is pleased to
announce that Mrs. Karen Klicker has
been named as an “Unboxed Teacher”
through the “Leadership Unboxed”
movement. Nominated by Superintendent Dr. Joseph W. Pasquerilla, “Karen
embodies the principles of unboxed
learning and considers learning in the
broadest sense of the word.” In addition,
Mrs. Klicker was nominated because
she, “actively seeks new ways to engage students’ imaginations.” She routinely embraces new teaching methods
including gamification, flipped learning,
authentic assessing and discovery. A
total of 33 teachers were nominated for
the award and winners were selected by
the Allegheny Intermediate Unit and
Leadership Pittsburgh, Inc.
As one of seven winners in Allegheny
County, Mrs. Klicker will be able to attend Leadership Pittsburgh Inc.’s Unboxed Edges of Learning Conference at
Nemacolin Woodlands Resort in November, an invitation-only event for
Pittsburgh’s influential changemakers
from businesses, foundations, and academic organizations. Winners will submit proposals for potential funding and
present the results of their learning.
School Superintendent, Dr. Joseph W.
Pasquerilla said, “Mrs. Klicker is truly an
educator who teaches outside the box.
She engages her students to enhance
and promote creativity and innovation.”
Student Artwork Contest
The AIU is sponsoring a Student Artwork
Contest, and the winning entry will be featured on this year’s AIU holiday card. In
addition, all artwork will be displayed in the
AIU Central Office lobby. 3rd grade is using watercolors to make their own colorful
Christmas Ornaments.
One 3rd grade piece of artwork as well as
art work from across the county will be displayed in the AIU’s Central Office lobby from November
18th to the 26th and all visitors
and AIU employees will be
asked to vote for their favorite
drawing. The AIU will identify
the winner on Monday, December 1st. The Communication
Services Department will print the cards with the winner’s
name, grade and school district on the back. The winner
will receive cards for his/her own use and will be recognized by the AIU. Please vote on your favorite art!
National Walk to School Day
For the second year in a row,
Avalon and and Bellevue Elementary Schools teamed up to
participate in the in the National
Walk to School Day to promote
pedestrian safety in our community. This year we partnered
with Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Representative Adam
Ravenstal’s office and volunteers from FedEx who walked
with us and gave away hundreds of back packs with surprises inside. We started the morning at the YMCA for a
healthy breakfast. Each school was led by the High School
Band or Chorus and walked to
the school. Once we arrived at
the school the band or chorus
entertained everyone with great
performances. Afterward, the
parents were invited to a pedestrian safety meeting led by
the Allegheny County Police and our partners from Children's Hospital. We would like to thank the hundreds of
people that participated and volunteered their time to make
this great event possible.
Every year, NHCO distribute more than 750 complete
Thanksgiving dinners to families in poverty, hardship
and crisis. Collection starts in October and continues
through early November. You can help by donating
any or all of the following items to help those in need
have a full dinner:
1 large box stuffing mix
1 large box instant mashed potatoes
1 15-ounce can of cranberry sauce
2 16-ounce cans of vegetables
1 box of pie crust mix
1 29-ounce can of ―easy‖ pumpkin pie mix
1 12-ounce can of evaporated milk
1 box of muffin mix
1 package of turkey gravy mix
1 package of napkins
1 grocery certificate for $10 or more (to purchase
a turkey)
To donate, contact Vicki at 412-487-6316, opt. 1, and to
volunteer, contact Linda at 412-408-3830.
Small Business
Remember to support your local
businesses this holiday season.
Saturday November 29th is Small
Business Saturday. This is a day to
celebrate and support small businesses
and all they do for their communities. So
support all of our local businesses small
business Saturday and throughout the
holiday season.
NHCO’s Holiday Toy Shop
NHCO’s Holiday Toy Shop collection is also
underway through December 12 (earlier donations are encouraged!). Please consider
donating a new holiday gift for any child
age birth through 18. Teen gifts are especially needed!
Open to Senior Citizens Residing in Avalon and Bellevue
Friday, November 21, 2014 at the Northgate Middle/High School
589 Union Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15202
Luncheon at 10:45 a.m. Show at 11:30 a.m.
The menu for the Turkey luncheon consists of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, vegetable, cranberries, dinner roll, and pumpkin pie. Cost for Lunch is $2.00
Free Shuttle Buses, donated by Roenigk Transportation, will be provided to the Northgate Middle/
High School from the following locations at the following approximate times:
10:00 a.m.-Avalon Boro Hall;
10:05 am.– Corner of S. Home & California Ave.;
10:10 a.m.-Dietz Florist; 10:15 a.m.—Bellevue Elem.;
10:20 a.m.-Lincoln House and 10:30 a.m.-Metowers
Buses will return you to the above locations at the conclusion of the show (approximately 12:30
Following Lunch
Student Performances in Auditorium
13, 2014, BY 3:30 P.M.
(If our lines are busy, or after hours, please leave a message on our voice mail
with the following information: (1) your name, (2) how many people will be
attending with you, and (3) if you will be taking the bus, and where you will board the bus)