Wai Kru Day - Asia-Pacific International University


Wai Kru Day - Asia-Pacific International University
Good English Corner: Past Simple
Use the past simple to talk about activities or routines which take place at a
specified time in the past. Notice that
all subjects take the same conjugation
of the verb. Regular verbs end in ‘-ed’.
The following time signifiers often indicate a specific point in time.
visit - visited
in ... (plus a year or month)
enjoy - enjoyed
Irregular verbs have various forms and
each verb needs to be learned.
see - saw
when ... (plus a phrase)
u They had lunch at home last week.
u He left the company many years ago.
think - thought
The past simple is used to express a
finished past action which occurs at a
specific moment in the past.
u She visited Iran last month.
u They didn’t go to Tom’s party last
u Where did you go on vacation last
u Susan bought a new car in May.
u He telephoned his friend in Rome
u I played golf when I was a teenager.
Positive Form
Subject + past form of verb + object(s)
+ time
Negative Form
Subject + did + not + base form of verb
+ object(s) + (time)
u They didn’t expect to see you at
Volume 14, Issue 3 | June 20, 2013
Go to http://www.apiu.edu/go/newsbyte for the online version.
an on-campus newsletter from
Educating the Heart of Asia
u She didn’t understand the question.
Question Form
(Wh?) + did + subject + base form of
verb + (object(s))+ (time)?
u Where did you study French?
u When did you arrive last week?
Test your understanding with this
short quiz.
u They flew to Chicago last month.
Wai Kru Day
u Peter completed his course three
weeks ago.
Appreciating Our Teachers
n Reachany Yoeun
Morning Sessions: 10:15 – 11:05 am
Evening Sessions: 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Kiti-Tassanee Auditorium
Campus Calendar
Vespers - 7 pm
Combined - Church
Sabbath School Lesson Study - 9 am
Sabbath School Program - 10 am
Divine Service - 10:30 am
23, SUNDAY: A March Against Drugs - Muak Lek - 8-10 am
(Meet in front of Cafeteria, Leave 7:15 am)
24, MONDAY: Speech Contest:
Why Drugs Are Harmful - Auditorium - 7 pm
26, WEDNESDAY: Speech Contest:
Why Drugs Are Harmful - Auditorium - 10 am
27, THURSDAY: Speech Contest: Closing Ceremony
Why Drugs Are Harmful - Auditorium - 7 pm
AIU Football League (continued) - 5:30 pm
Editor and Layout
Diana Riesenberger
Associate Editors
Haydn Golden
Nola Tudu
Reachany Yoeun
Photo Credits
Mung Shaung Aung (Luke)
Chockchai Thararuenroeng
Tharadol Tharasupanan
Email announcements to pr@apiu.edu, the latest by Tuesday afternoon at 3 pm.
For submissions past the deadline, please contact the editor in person or at ext 1189.
We do not accept For Sale advertisements.
Newsbyte is published weekly by the Marketing & Advancement office.
Drug Free Week Chapel - 10 am
Campus Family Groups - 7 pm
Last day to drop a class with 50% refund
“Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible
and important members of society because their
professional efforts affect the fate of the earth.”
— Helen Caldicott
Thailand is one of the countries in Asia that has a hierarchical society. Thai people highly respect their elders, especially teachers. Every year all the schools and universities in
Thailand celebrate Wai Kru Day. It is a beautiful ceremony
where students pay their respects and express thanks to
their teachers. Asia-Pacific International University also celebrates this traditional ceremony.
This year, the ceremony was held on Wednesday, June 19,
2013 at the auditorium. At the opening of the program Mr.
Sopheak Sek, one of the SC team members, gave the opening prayer asking for God to bless all the teachers. Teachers
representing each Faculty were invited on stage to receive
beautiful flower arrangements made by students from the
respective departments.
Students were invited to share their experiences and express gratitude for their teachers. Students shared poems
in both Thai and English, honoring teachers. Besides that,
there was a dance performed by the students from the nursing department, and the Thai Business students sang a special song.
Above Left and Right: Presenting flower arrangements to teachers
Bottom: Students presenting dance for teachers
Dr. Siriporn, the former president of AIU gave a speech sharing the significance and traditions of Wai Kru Day. She said
that the Wai Kru ceremonies are not religious, but cultural
and historic, from before traditional schools existed. She
also mentioned that AIU is a Seventh-day-Adventist school,
and that God is the Master of wisdom and knowledge. She
shared her belief that every culture represented in Heaven
will one day appreciate and honor God in a way relevant to
their cultures. She said perhaps the Thai believers will one
day give Jesus, the Greatest Teacher, flowers when He returns. Mr. Pradeep Tudu also gave a brief message from the
Bible that talked about showing respect for teachers.
Wai Kru Day is the day that students celebrate their teachers, thanking them for their guidance. At the end of the program, students were excited to present flowers to special
teachers and show them appreciation. They wai to their
teachers and receive a blessing from them.
Next week, the winners of the flower arrangement competition will be announced.
Sahm Yook Health University
Students Visit AIU Campus
n Reachany Yoeun
All the way from South Korea, 16 nursing students from Sahm
Yook Health University came to visit our campus, along with
one of their professors and a pastor.
For their summer vacation, the nursing students of Sahm
Yook Health University decided to volunteer to do some community service in Thailand. During their stay at AIU, they will
do community service in Muak Lek.
On June 17 and 18, they joined with our senior nursing students for a health program in Muak Lek. They visited house to
house, offering free health checks. They also did a health promotion presentation at a small private school. On Wednesday
they shared at the Muak Lek SDA Language Center, sharing
about Korean culture to the children. They will stay on campus from Monday to Friday, and after that will leave to visit the
Chiang Mai Adventist Academy.
The evening of Monday June 17, the Korean students prepared a special program for AIU students. In the program
they taught some Korean action songs, and shared a beautiful Korean traditional fan dance, in addition to sharing a power point presentation about their culture and traditions. They
also showed a presentation about their university, and in closing, they performed a famous Korean Pop dance.
The groups’ coordinator and one of our faculty, Pr. Sang
Hoon Jee encouraged both groups of students to get to know
each other. He encouraged AIU students to help the visiting
students feel welcome during their stay here.
Kim Dong Hyeon and Jeong Da Young, students from Sahm
Yook Health University said that they really enjoy the environment of AIU. They appreciated the natural beauty of the
campus, saying they could see more trees and green grass
and that the environment is clean and fresh.
A March Against Drugs: Sunday June 23 Visit my.apiu.edu for details
Accidents, addiction, abuse and death are just a few of the
results of drug use. These days, one would be considered
fortunate not to have a friend or family member affected by
alcohol, smoking or drugs.
Every year, our University holds a week dedicated to drug prevention. This year, we’ll raise community awareness through
a march, speech competitions and other public and University
events. Get involved this coming week to see how you can
make a difference to end drug abuse.
AIU Football League Kicks Off
n Haydn Golden
“The ball is round. You never know (who will win).”
The FIFA World Cup in Brazil is yet to
come, but luckily football players and
fans do not have to wait until then to
experience some football action. The
annual AIU Football League kicked
off on June 16 with 9 teams battling
their way to be the proud champions
of Asia-Pacific International University.
The contending teams participating in
this year’s league are Red Bulls, May
Phum, AIU FC, Basic One, Hmong Senior, Smurf FC, International FC, Taw
Mae Pa, Irrawaddy FC.
Roneel Dancel Acosta, a freshmen student who recently started to play soccer,
said that his first game was intense. “I
felt nervous,” he said, “but it was exciting and fun!” His team, International FC,
confidently won 1-0 against Red Bulls on
June 18. “The team chemistry is good,”
said Jonan Nangoy, another player of
the International FC, and who also mentioned how the organizers and officials
have been doing an excellent job in enforcing game rules and regulations.
In the first game on June 16, the Irrawaddy defeated the AIU FC in a highscoring match. Zam Deih Piang, striker
for the Irrawaddy, scored 2 of the 5
goals in the game sealing his team’s
win. Afterwards, when asked about
what he thought about the prospects
of his team winning, Piang simply said
that football games are unpredictable.
“The ball is round. You never know.”
“Predictions are dangerous; they mislead,” said Jonan, “so we always try
to play our best.” Last year, our campus saw the Hmong Senior team grab
first place in the AIU Football League.
Who knows which team will have what
it takes to win it this year? A smiling
Jonan finally said, “The game is about
improving and winning and having fun
too. At least I am having fun.”
t The March Route
Starting from Wat Muak Lek Nok all the way to the Police Checking Point;
then turning to the main street passing Muak Lek Bank until return to the Wat
Muak Lek Nok, There stand at your formation assigned area for the march
clossing ceremony
แผนที่การเดินขบวน: เริ่มต้นจากวัดมวกเหล็กนอก ข้ามทางรถไฟ ผ่านหน้ าศาลเจ้า
พ่อมวกเหล็ก ตรงไปจนถึงป้ อมตำ�รวจจราจร แล้วเดินวนกลับทางตลาดมวกเหล็กโดย
ผ่านหน้ าธนาคารกรุงศรีอยุธยา กลับมายังวัดมวกเหล็กนอก เมื่อเดินกลับมาถึงวัดมวก
Top: Sihle Papu on offense for the International FC (Photo:
Jay Edison Lawrence)
Teams Top to Bottom: Basic One, Cambodian (May Phum),
Hmong, Hmong Senior, International (Red Bulls), Myanmar.
(Not all teams not pictured)
Team Photos: Sanit Mingmitviboon