The Police Presidium`s new operations centre


The Police Presidium`s new operations centre
The Police Presidium’s new operations
centre – the heart of the Police of the
Czech Republic.
The operations centre of the Police Presidium has undergone great changes this year: extensive reconstruction,
including moving and modernising the IT and AV technology. The newly opened premises in the Police Presidium
building in Holešovice are for operational commissioned officers based in Olšanské Street.
The operations centre’s large imaging display wall made of 8 seamless NEC LED panels with 55“ diagonal displays in FULL HD resolution.
“Given that the Police of the Czech Republic
participated in the area-wide project, which has
led to integrating and unifying all operations
centres, through greater or lesser reconstructions
for almost all the Regional operations centres. The
reconstruction of the operations centre of the
Police Presidium was the final major change, with
the aim of the overall modernisation of IT and AV
technology,” said Colonel František Habada, the head
of the Operations Centre of the Police Presidium of
the Czech Republic.
information available at all times, with movements
of patrols on the ground which can be remotely
controlled during an emergency. Therefore, there is
a large imaging display wall made of seamless NEC
LED panels.
The display wall shares eight independent image
sources taken from fixed or mobile traffic camera
systems at intersections, highways or directly from a
rescue helicopter, the current TV news on ČT 24 or
GIS map sources. .
“We concentrate on information concerning the
security situation in the Czech Republic and provide
all of the information flows of the police and Ministry
of the Interior. An integral part of this cooperation
is with representative offices, permanent services of
ministries, the customs administration, the prison
service, the Director-General of the Fire Rescue
Service of the Czech Republic, the Military of the
Czech Republic and other institutions," explained
Colonel František Habada, the head of the Operations
Centre of the Police Presidium of the Czech Republic.
Operations centre
In order for the work of the operations officers to
be most effective, they need to have current visual
Picture data can be individually controlled as needed
on the CUE touch panel, which includes customdesigned imaging management.
The Large Crises Room
VThe large crises room is designed for meetings of
the crises and management staff, whose orders are
Large Crises Room.
Small crises room.
The Centre for Transport Information.
NEC studio monitor and CISCO SX 80 video conferencing
Large crises room – an approach for solving extraordinary events with a SMART 8055 interactive display.
transmitted live to regional headquarters, as well as
other members of the integrated rescue system.
A large NEC studio display and an interactive display
is in the room, with up to 8 different input signals
from the operations centre. The SMART interactive
display is used for the active involvement of all
operational officers, for example when presenting in
Word, Excel, Power Point, when viewing pages from
Internet Explorer, PDF documents or specialised GIS
mapping sources. Supporting documents can be
presented to complement visual information in the
form of minutes, diagrams, or simple hand-drawn
All team members have an excellent view of the
information displayed thanks to the circular layout of
the room. Two rotary video-conferencing CISCO SX80
cameras and Televic audio-conferencing units are
used for remote communication. Verbal discussion
begins after logging in on a Televic Confidea L
unit and scanning one of the two rotating videoconferencing cameras, monitoring even remote
participants via video-conferencing on wide-screen
The CUE control system with a 12“ touch display
serves to simply and intuitively control all of the
AV technology, on which you can press preset preferences for work scenarios, for example
morning documentation, presentations from a PC
or video conferencing. The levels of the lighting, airconditioning temperature or presentations and other
individual requirements during the meeting can be
set manually on the panel.
Two 7“ touch CUE panels are placed outside the large
and small crises rooms for booking the rooms using
MS Exchange. It is possible to view the timetables for
individual reservations on the panels, or complete or
extend the current reservation.
Small Crises Room
The small crises room has the same large NEC
studio display and interactive display as the
large cries room has. At the head of the table is a
podium used for interactive presentations by the
chairperson. Four different input signals can be
displayed, while simultaneously mirroring ongoing
scenarios on the other side. There are Televic audio
conferencing units in the middle of the table. With
the press of a button officers can log in and speak
while simultaneously displaying the rotating CISCO
SX80 video-conferencing camera. There is a touch
panel for managing 3 ongoing scenarios in the
small crises room, as in the larger one.
“The main aim of this modernisation of AV
technology is to balance the national information
system of the Integrated rescue system and achieve
greater efficiency of operational management. New
AV technology helps the police serve in everyday
situations, as well as on emergency crisis events.
Rescue workers, firemen and other components of
the integrated system in the Czech Republic have
similar AV technology. Thanks to this unification our
cooperation, it is significantly faster more efficient,”
concluded Colonel František Habada at the end of
CUE touch panel for easily managing AV technology.
CUE touch panel for reserving the crises rooms.
View of the operations hall.
List of technology
Audio-Visual technology
4× Interactive 8055i 55“ diagonal SMART display
1× Interactive SMART Podium 524 with a diagonal 24"
8× NEC 55“ diagonal LCD panels
6× NEC V552 with a 55" diagonal display
8× NEC LED 23” diagonal studio monitor
2× CISCO SX 80 video-conferencing
1× video-conferencing recording and streaming server
26× Televic Confidea L
3× control system with a CUE 12“ diagonal touch panel
2× CUE touch panels with a diagonal 7" reservation for
small and large crises rooms
1× Lightware modular matrix switcher FR-MX33
30× Lightware HDBaseT TPS series extenders
1× Operational centre and organisation
1× Large crises room
1× Small crises room
Pre-order: September 2015
Location: Pragie, the Czech Republic
Client: the Police Board
Integrator, Consultant/Project Manager:
AV MEDIA, the Czech Republic
– Radim Šejnoha (Sales Consultant)
– Viktor Gyönyör (Sales Consultant)
Estimated price of AV integration: 400 000 EUR
A lots of video and audio sources are routed into Lightware
central matrix switcher which allows user to select and
display all of them on LCD screens. High resolution digital
signals are transported through single UTP cable at distance
without quality loss. Signal conversion is provided by Lightware UTP extenders TPS series.
Televic Confidea L
Prazska 63
102 00 Prague 10
Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 261 260 218
Fax: +420 261 227 648