7-16 Issue The Voice of Madhesh pdf
7-16 Issue The Voice of Madhesh pdf
YadavRameshwar Ray Yadav Devoted towards the National Integration, Nationality and Madheshbad The Voice Of www.madheshvani.com Adopting Dedication to National Integration , Nationality and Madheshism, National Weekly Madheshvani publishes on Every Friday . Search and get ‘ Madheshvani’ for reading. Kathmandu / Vol.–7/ Issue – 16, Monday, 1st August 2016, ( 2073, Saun 17th Page- 8, Price Rs. -10 Police Headquarters opposes Amnesty International Kathmandu. Police Headquarter has opposed the n e w s published based on the report o f Amnesty International about the arrested agitators in an accusation of killing police officials in Tikapur of Kailali district. Issuing a press release, the Police headquarters said that the report of Amnesty International baseless claiming no arrested agitator was tortured. India expressed grief Kathmandu. Government of India has expressed grief on the loss of property and life in Nepal caused by flood. Spokesperson of foreign affairs ministry Vikash Swaroop said in the regular press meet. He also said that change of government was the internal affair of Nepal. Madheshi leaders join government after one month of formation Kathmandu. Madheshi leaders of Madhesh based parties have been planning to join government after 1 month of formation. They are unable to unburden pressures imposed by Madheshi activists and people of Madhesh. Madheshi activists have been pressurizing Madheshi leaders not to join any government. But members of parliament are restless seeking opportunity to join government. They have been lobbing to ensure way of joining government. But top leaders of the Federal Alliance have not signaled to join government immediately. They are making road map for the participation in government. CPN Maoist Centre, Nepali Congress and the Federal Alliance agreed to form a task force for making a road map. From each side 3 members have been Leaders of the Federal Alliance taking part in a discussion with the leaders of CPN Maoist Centre and Nepali Congress for further support in forming a new government Oli gave The relation opportunity between Nepal to intervene in and India is i n t e r n a l special affairs of Nepal included to form the task force. From Nepali Congress, Bimalendra Nidhi, Krishnaprasad Sitaula and Ramesh Lekhak, from Maoist Centre Krishnabahadur Mahara, Barshman Pun and Girirajmani Pokharel and from theAlliance, Rajendra Shrestha, Hridesh Tripathi and Kumar Lingden have been included. The task force held discussion on Sunday but the discussion couldn’t conclude anything. Bijaykant Karna Former Ambassador Surendra Mahato Advocate Tula narayan Sah Analyst Dipendra Jha To oppose India is old disease of self d e c l a r e d nationalists Re lation with India is multidimensional Advocate Interview Page -3 The task force has time to submit the recommendation on 2nd August. The issues of discussion will be the agenda of the Federal Alliance and the issues of new government. The Federal Alliance earlier clarified that the new ruling collation would have to make promise addressing its agenda. According to the source of the Alliance, the agenda should be broken in two ways: short term and long term. Short term agenda should be addressed within a week or 2 by the meeting of cabinet. Under long term agenda are based on the amendment. For the amendment, the new government will have to produce bills in parliament. After the bill produced in parliament, leaders of Madhesh based parties will join government. The strategy of the Alliance will be to resign from the cabinet after the bill rejected or not then to enjoy the government till the local election. But some say that after the implementation of agenda it will be better to join government. But according to source, most of the members of Alliance are agree to join government just after the bill registered in parliament. It will take at least 1 month of time after the swearing of new government. 2 Monday, 1st August, 2016 Editorial Task force must ensure peace The third largest party, CPN Maoist Centre, has initiated to create a road map of addressing dissatisfaction of agitators gathering full support of the first largest party, Nepali Congress in the parliament. The third largest party left the ruling collation led by the second largest party, CPN (UML) in the parliament. Recently the new collation has formed a task force in association with the members of the Federal Alliance. The new collation has time to create a road map of peace within 2074 BS 7 Magh addressing dissatisfaction of country. It is due time of implementation of the declared constitution. The constitution has been opposed by different parties of Nepal inside the House and outside the House. Among them parties affiliated to the Unified Democratic Madheshi Front are in the House. The total vote in parliament is counted 42. The task force has been given time to draft to run the collation till the elections required to implement the constitution. Though the number is a smaller in house but the parties affiliated to the Federal Alliance can have success to fail the required elections. So the success of the country depends on the new collation. It must get success in implementing the constitution. This will ensure peace in the country. So hope the task force will draft a road map that can ensure a long lasting peace in Nepal. Photo Corner President of Federal Socialist Forum Nepal , Upendra Yadav, directs youths of his party to engage in rescuing and providing relief goods to flood victims in flood affected area of Tarai Madhesh. 2073, Saun 17th National Weekly Madhesh during Akabar regime- 5 He paid the Nuzzerunaforsome time till in the year 1085 Fussily when Haja Mahomed Syed Cawn was Dewan or deputy of the king it was discontinued. This happened ninetythree years ago but afterwards the Nabobs FidaeyCawn MyrJoomlySeubalouCawnCawn Summa AkidutCawn and MuramutCawn Nazims of the Province encreased it yearly by force till it amounted to 10000 Rs. in Elephants. At the time that Fughur-ul-dowla was Subadar (or Governor of the Province) in the year 1133 Fussilly Raja Ragoo Sing, Son of Nerput Tagoor, Zemindar of SircarTirhut went against BalamundPuddeaNaib (or Deputy) of Mannick Sein Raja of Teriana with a preat Force and fought him. Balamund fled and Delput Sein brother of Mannick Sein came into Raja Rago Sing and Settled Terms with him agreeing to pay two thousand five hundred Rupees encrease upon the Nuzzerana to be paid also in Elephants from that time till the year 1160 the 12500 Rupees was paid at the rate of 1000 Rupees Cubit for Males and 700 Rupees for Females. In 1169 the Gurkally Inhabitants of the Mountains of Gurka descended with a strong army Fell (?) Bickeram Sein the Grandson of Manick Sein Prisoner and seized upon t h e PergunnahMuckwanpore of which Kunnuck Sing complained to the Nabob Meer Mahomed CossimCawn in the year 1 170, In consequence of this Complaint the Nabob himself crossed over sending GourgeenCawn before him who arrived near Muckwanpore where his whole army being destroyed the Nabob returned to Patna from this time to the year 1174 Aumil or Collector resided there on the part of the Government. In 1175 Perty Narayan the Gulkally Rajah sent his people and took possession of it but did not pay the tribute as usual in the interim. Captain Kinlock was sent there with a detachment of Seapoys and drove out the Gurkalees and Collectors were placed there on the part of Mr. Golding and upon Captain Kinlock’s return the Pergunnahs were again taken possession of by the Gurkally Rajah he last year agreed with Rajah Pertaubsing to pay the tribute of 12,500 Rupees in Elephants at the customary rate and this year five Elephants have been actually received from him. List of Mahals in Pergunnah Tauterýÿ Tauter Nundraka j outly Assiboo Abijout ... Beya ......... MuckwanporeNavabad Bickerma Beera Mandu ... Jumna Rassary ... Shapore ... Carady ... BunnrinMulky ... Sery Total Mahals or small Districtsýÿ23' The Board are of opinion that the Inconveniences & Expense which must attend an Expedition against the Goorka Rajah would far outweigh the advantages to be reaped from the recovery of these Pergunnahs and therefore disapprove of proceeding to Hostile Measures unless the Rajah should refuse to pay the tribute or attempt to commit depredations on the Bahar Districts. From the Rajahs known activity &the situation of his Country, in an Expedition against him it is to be expected he would give us much trouble before subdued and by frequent incursions*disturb the tranquility of the Bahar Province and materially prejudice the Collections. Even supposing the possession of these Pergunnahs resumed there would be a necessity according to the Revenue Council Accounts for posting not less than two Battalions of Sepoys for their protection Anencrease of our Military Pergannah Establishment that must occasion a heavier Expense than the repos- session of those Lands would by any Means indemnify. It is therefore Resolved that no Expedition shall be undertaken against the Gourka Rajah. The Board do not mean by thus letting it lay dormant to give up their demand entirely but would have our claim kept up to the annual tribute paid for these Pergunnahs and should the Rajah commit any hostilities it will be a proper opportunity to advance our pretensions and reunite these Pergunnahs to the province of Tirhut to which they originally belonged. Agreed in Consequence that the following Letter be writter to the Revenue Council at Patna. ‘To Joseph Jekyll Esqre Chief & Council of Revenue Patna. Gentlemen We have received your Letter of the 30th Ultimo containing an Answer to our Enquiries concerning the Tauter Pergunnahs. As the Inconveniences attending on an Expedition against the Gurka Rajah for the recovery of those Pergunnahs would be in our opinion superior to the advantage we should reap from it, We have determined not to proceed to violent measures with the Rajah so long as he shall leave the Bahar Districts undisturbed And shall pay theannual Tribute for those Pergunnahs as an acknowledgment of their dependency on the Continue ... History of Tatar (Central Madhesh) – Akbar time to 1800 Bengal: Past and Present, Volume 44, Part 1 Calcutta Historical Society., 1932 ( The article can help them who are interested in Madhesh it is a part of book and material is as it is here presented- editor) 2073, Saun 17 3 Monday, 1 August, 2016 Oli gave opportunity to intervene The relation between Nepal in internal affairs of Nepal and India is special th st Bijaykant Karna, Former Ambassador What do you say about the role of KP Oli led government w as play ed for the relation beween Nepal and India? -KP Oli led government has operated foreign plicy very imbalance way. Oli disturbed the relation rather than promoting it. Oli contributed in dividing Nepali society. After the Madhesh Movement how did you see the relation between Nepal and India? -How the relation between Madhesh movement and India has been defined is not reality. Indian intension was twisted here. India was not linked with Madhesh movement as it was seen. India is accused of doining everything in Nepal. How do y ou see relation between Nepal and China? -KP Oli used the same Chinese card which was used during Panchayati system by monarchs to keep their reign.Oli gave opportunity to intervene in internal affairs of Nepal. What shall the Conress - Maoist alliance have to do for repairing the relataion between Nepal and India? - The alliance should have to have discussions with other political parties for the promotion of ther relation between Nepal and India in order to have the comprehensive interest of Nepal. It is saying in Nepal that Nepal should keep relation with all neighbors on the basis of equal lever. How do you say it is possible in the prospective of geographical reality? - China has not been enjoying good relation with its neighboring countries like South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Vietanam and Combodia. The relation of Nepal with India and China can’t be same because of cultural, geographical To oppose India is old disease of self declared nationalists Tulanarayan Sah Analyst -How do you observe the relation between Nepal and India during UML government? -Before the declaration of constitution, a 16 point agreement was signed by four parties Congress, UML, Maoist and Forum Democratic. Since then the relation between Nepal and India has been started freezing. After the agreement the constitution was declared, opposing India. The statements made by the signatories hurt India. UML led government would have replaced misunderstanding but Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli claimed that he had repaired the relation after his India visit. What do you say such statements made? -Viewing the situation satatements made by Prime Minister Oli are seen true. Border blockade was cleared after his India visit. But to clear the blockade there was no government effort c o u l n ’ t . effective. Madhesh Movement became weaker and businessmen pressurized leadership of Madhesh. UML led government has got success in i m p r o v i n g relation with China. Wha do you say that? -Leftists of Nepal have been infected by disease to say China their own and oppose India. Dependency is more on India but their expectation is more from China. Self declared nationalist are specially infected by the disease.Nepal is not free from such disease. What do you say about the relation between Nepal and India during the rule of Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli? -The relation between Nepal and India has been freeze. Internal affair of Nepal is cause for the coldness in the bilateral relation. What do you think that the Congress Maoist Alliance should have to do for the promotion of the relation with India? - Congress and Maoist have signed 7 point agreement. The first point of the agreement is about the issues of Madheshi, indigenous and ethnic like communities raised agitating parties.The alliance should fill the gap between India and Nepal. How do you define the relation of Nepal National Weekly with Cina and relation with India? -On the basis of sovereignty both countries are same. China and India are friends of Nepal having equal status. But on the basis of reality and geography it can be different. India and Nepal share common culture, language and religious aspects of life. China geographically is Surendra Mahato Advocate farther than India. The relation between these two countries can’t be country is not compared. On this nationalism. What the way if one sees the new collation has relation, one will see promised if work is special relation with done as well as promise made, the India. What can be done upcoming government for the promotion of will be a nationalist the relation between government. KP Oli sent 4 point proposal Nepal and India? - Nationalism is to to address Madhesh make country Movement through his prosperous and to foreign affairs minister create harmonious Kamal Thapa to India. environment. To It was first time create clash between requested India to two communities of intervene in the internal affairs of Nepal. Relation with India is multidimensional How was the rerlation between Nepal and India during government led government? - The relation between Nepal and India had been disturbed. To protect UML led government socalled nationalist principle adopted. The socalled nationalist principle was to be anti Indian and anti Madheshi. The principle created division in Nepali society. After the fall of UML led government it is an opportunity to unite the society. How can the relation between Nepal and India be repaired? -Knowingly or Dipendra Jha, Advocate unknowingly we can’t keep the same relation with India and China. With India we have social, economical and cultural like many relations.But with China we don’t have such ranges of relations.The differences between China and Nepal and India and Nepal must be learnt. With India relation is multidimensional. We have to enhance t h e multidimensional relation. 4 Monday, 1st August, 2016 Tourism Board launches “Garmi Se Behal, Chalo Nepal” campaign Kathmandu: : Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) has launched one of its successful promotional campaigns entitled “Garmi Se Behal, Chalo Nepal” in major Indian cities, in a bid to draw large number of visitors from there. The campaign—If you want to escape the heat then take a trip to Nepal—was launched in 2010, as part of the pre-Nepal Tourism Year 2011 national campaign. According to NTB, the campaign has been launched on Monday. The campaign post circulated throughout social media drew a good response with 80,000 likes as of Tuesday. “These kinds of campaign will also be launched in major National Weekly 2073, Saun17th tourist generating source markets more aggressively,” said Deepak Raj Joshi, CEO of NTB. “We have been focused on social media networks to promote Nepal.” Tourist arrivals to Nepal fell to a six-year low of 538,970 in 2015 as the April 25 earthquake and subsequent Tarai unrest kept visitors away. Nepal received 251,148 less tourists last year, representing a sharp drop of 31.78 percent, compared to the 2014 figure. Inbound from India dived 44.49 percent to a 13-year low of 75,124 individuals in 2015. In 2002, when the Maoist insurgency was at its height, Indian visitor numbers had dropped to 66,777. Despite the sharp fall, India remains Nepal’s largest tourist source market. India-Nepal Foundation organized Varanasi Sangitik Sandhya Kathmandu: Embassy of India, B. P. Koirala India-Nepal Foundation organized with Sur-Sudha and Siddhartha Art Gallery, a musical programme, “Kathmandu Varanasi SangitikSandhya”, at Army Officers’ Club, Kathmandu on 30th July, 2016. Four Indian Classical musicians from Varanasi arrived in Kathmandu to participate in this programme alongside Nepalese artists. Chief Guest of the Programme, H.E. Chief of Army Staff RajendraChhetri, Nepal’s Foreign Policy Book released New Delhi: A new book on Nepal’s Foreign Policy and Her Neighbours was released in Delhi by Former Vice-President and Former Prime Minister of Bangladesh His Excellency Moudud Ahmed. The book which has been authored by Dr. Pramod Jaiswal and Dr. Geeta Kochhar was released today morning at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS). “The book holds great importance as it comes at the time when there is huge debate in Nepal regarding its foreign policy with its neighbours”, said Dr Jaiswal, Senior Research Office of IPCS. The book examines the changing dynamics in the foreign policy of Nepal and its relations with its closest neighbouring states, India and China. It seeks to understand the various complexities and contradictions in Nepal’s foreign relations. Though, the rise of India and China is viewed as a competition and conflict or even conflicting in nature, Nepal is looked upon as a real buffer between the two giants. However, Nepal also seems to have its own expectations and interests in building harmonious ties with the rising powers. “The book consists of twelve chapters by young and most dynamic scholars from Nepal and India for an in-depth study on Nepal’s Foreign policy and its relations with neighbours especially since the restoration of democracy”, states Dr Kochhar, who is the professor of Chinese at India’s premier Jawaharlal Nehru University. His Excellency Moudud Ahmed would be speaking on ‘’Security of Bangladesh in the South Asian Context” at IPCS Twentieth Anniversary Plenum Series on 26th July in New Delhi. Ministries are under distribution Katmandu. Leaders of Nepali Congress and CPN Maoist Centre have been engaged in distribution of ministries for the new government. According to source, 13 out of 3o ministries will be for Congress and 9 for Maoist and rest will for small parties. Constitution must be rewritten: Yadav Kathmandu. President of Federal Socialist Forum Nepal ,Upendra Yadav, has said that constitution must be rewritten, just erasing comma and full stops can’t address the agenda of country. Addressing inaugural session of party’s central council meeting Yadav said that many issues are not in constitution so it must be rewritten. honored the event with his presence. Nepalese music band Sur Sudha and vocalist Dr. BishnuPoudelgave enthralling performances. Eminent Nepalese vocal artist and sarod player, Sri Mohan SundarShrestha performed at the event. Indian artists included Ms. ShrawaniBiswas on Sitar, and ShriSanjay Verma on Hawaiin Guitar, ShriRajneesh Tiwari on Tabla, and vocalist Shri Ram Shankar. The programme was attended by more than 500 persons including Senior Army Officers of Nepal Army, Nepalese musicians, foreign diplomats and media persons. The audience was found to be totally mesmerized by these captivating performances. Front is in a position to watch and see: Karna Kathmandu. Co-chair of Sadabhawana Party and member of Parliament Laxman Lal Karna has said that they will not join government before a written commitment. Addressing a program organized in Reporters’ Club, Karna said that. He said that they had decided to vote for the non- confidence motion filed in parliament against KP Oli unconditionally but we would support for forming a new government based on the written commitment. Area at the bank of Banganga River is risk Kapilvastu. Villages of Kapilvastu have been flooded. Areas at the bank of Banganga River have been threat of flood. Laxmanghat, Kopawa, Niglihawa, Tilaurakot, Tilauri, Rudhaula, Dhankauli, Dharmpur and Bijagauri have been overflowed. 5 Monday, 1st August, 2016 2073, Saun17th Technology Samsung profits boosted by smartphone sales Strong smart phone sales have helped Samsung Electronics post its best quarterly results in more than two years. Second-quarter operating profit jumped 18% to 8.1tn Korean won ($7.17bn; £5.46bn), in line with the company’s guidance issued in July. Operating profit at its mobile division soared 57% year-on-year to 4.3tn won.That is mainly driven by strong sales of its Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge smartphone models. S a m s u n g p r ed icts co nti nued increase in demand for its smartphones and tablets in the second half of the year. But the company also indicated that “market competition is expected to strengthen as other companies release new mobile devices”. Samsung is confident that the release of a new the Samsung conglomerate, the company is forecasting National Weekly Madhesh Update Sadabhawana Party in Birgunj collects relief Birgunj. Sadabhawana Party has started collecting relief goods in Birgunj. Town committee of party has been collecting relief goods for flood victims. The campaign is run by Omprakash Sarraf. The campaign was inaugurated by Surendra Prasad Surmi collecting cash. In the program Rajesh Sah, Bhupendra Tiwari, Iswar Yadavm Dharmendra Patel, Jaleshwart Sarraf, Dhurendra Patel, Divay Prakash Chaturvedi, Dinesh Chaurasiya, Gagandev Yadav, Prakas Sarraf, Seikh Muna, Nursid Ansari and Bina Adhikari were present. Yadav urged all to join in relief distribution and rescue operation large-screen flagship smartphone in the third quarter will help maintain the track record of its smartphone sales. Samsung’s results are in contrast to rival Apple. Earlier this week, the US company reported a 15% drop in iPhone sales for the April-toJune quarter. And it also said it expected sales to fall again in the current quarter. As for other divisions in Iodized salt protects from goiter and mental retardation. a decline in TV demand for the second half of the year, citing “weakened demand in Europe and a prolonged economic slowdown in emerging markets”.The South Korean corporate giant also reported earnings growth in its consumer electronics division, which sells refrigerators, washing machines and air conditioning units. Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh has been conducting eye-checkups for hundreds of thousand schoolgoing chldren of Nepal and has been distributing Kathmandu. President of Federal Socialist Forum Nepal Upendra Yadav has appealed to all party workers to join in relief distribution and rescue operation in flood affected area. Issuing a press release, Yadav said that. He also criticized government for delay in providing relief and rescue. Record of flood victims is being prepared in Ramgram Navalparasi. Ramgram Municipality has decided to prepare record of flood victims in the district. The meeting chaired by Roshan Gyanwali has also decided to collect relief goods. Sadabhawana to Madhesh with relief goods Kathmandu. Sadabhawana Party has sent relief goods collected from Kathmandu and Chitwan to flood victims. Assistant General Secretary Arjun Upreti led team has collected the relief goods. According to Santosh Mehata spokesperson of Sadabhawana Party, President Rajendra Mahato is himself to go to flood affected area and give the collected goods to victims. Angkaji left Forum Kathmandu. Angkaji Sherpa has resigned from Upendra Yadav led Federal Socialist Forum Nepal accusing party of adopting racism and nepotism. Sherpa tendered his resignation to Upendra Yadav. Issuing a press release Shepar said that he resigned from the party. Flood caused death increasing in Madhesh BP Koirala Institute of India Provides more than 2500 Health Sciences and scholorships annually to Nepalese Hospitals, Dharan is students for various Kathmandu. Flood caused number of toll in different districts has been increasing. 10 years Nishant Chaudhary son of Sukhalal Chaudhary inhabitant of Lakshimpur-7 drowned in river while crossing it. Likewise 63 years Manbahasur Bal inhabitant of Nijagarh-12 drowned in river.13 years Ritu Pradhan inhabitant of Manbahadur Pradhan inhabitant of Tapeshwari-1 died in river. 60 years Chhabilal Gaha inhabitant of Saljhandi died in Kanchankhola and 5 years Babita Kumari Ram found dead in dam of Pothiyahi. 17 years Sunita Karki in Dudha Khaharekhola has been disappeared. Government is urged to rescue and relief Issue in public Interest by Nepal- India. Kathmandu. Members of parliament have urged to rescue flood victims and provide them relief immediately. Members of parliament urged government in the session of parliament on Tuesday. Parliamentarians urged speaker Onsari Dharti to rule government for providing relief to flood victims. 6 Monday, 1st August, 2016 2073, Saun 17th Entertainment Keki Completes Graduation, Received Convocation Letter From VP Actress Keki Adhikari is versatile in both acting skill and study. Adorable Keki has completed graduation in MBA on Saturday. She had done Master degree from Presidential College and received convocation letter from vice president Nanda Bahadur Pun. I have fulfilled my mother dream, said Keki in the graduation program. In 10 minutes long speech she shared, success can be achieved only through hard work and passion towards work. ‘Though i may lost materialistic things but, i have reached to the destination from the starting point. I have not lost my confidence’ she said. By stating Govinda KC’s name she said person who attempt never lose. Chapali height – 2 Release Date Postponed Dpendra K Khanal directorial movie is going to release on Ra na we r e al so p r es ent in t he p r o g r am, whe r e letter to the board in the subject of unable to release the movie Handling two careers in two continents is difficult, says Priyanka Chopra Actress-singer Priyanka Chopra says she wants to make more music but is unable to take out time. She feels “handling two careers in two continents is hard”. The actress started her international singing career with the single In my city back in 2012, and she collaborated with rapper Pitbull for her second single Exotic. “Handling two careers in two continents is hard enough. Between Quantico, I’ve shot my Hindi film which was called Bajirao Mastani that released in December and my Hollywood movie which is ‘Baywatch’, which will release next year. “I shot both of them while I was shooting Priyanka Chopra Quantico season one. So yes, between all of that, it was hard to go to the studio and make music,” the wrap.com quoted Priyanka as saying. The actress added: “I’ve just not had the time. Pharrell (Williams) said that to me the other day, so many amazing musicians you know, who I’ve met thanks to a little stint in music. I think I did music because I just love musicians, I think so. I mean I love music but I love musicians too. “It was so cool to work with such amazing people, to watch Will. I.Am makes music in the studio. I just watched. I remember sitting there, just watching him put things together, put beats together. I mean to see Bruce Springsteen backstage. It’s been such a great journey, I definitely want to do it again. I’m just really spread thin right now,” said Priyanka. Sanjay Dutt says Munnabhai 3 to release in 2018 B h ad r a 3 , Fr i d a y. Fi lm d ev elo p me nt b o a r d d id n’ t ga ve permission to release on pre-announce date Bhadra 2 as a result we have postponed, said producer Arjun Kumar. Aayushman Joshi and Paramita p r o d uc er s Ar j un Kumar seem in the aggressive mood. In addition he stated it ha s att emp te d to bother on our movie. P r o d uc er o f J AI PARS HUR AM a nd producer association had put on an objection on Thursday. There is the vast discrimination in between release of Hindi and Nepali movie said Arjun. He informed, With one day due date it will harm more than 15 lacs, losing holiday day we have to bear loss of 25 to 30 lacs. Actor Sanjay Dutt says that the much-anticipated third part of the successful franchise Munnabhai will release in 2018. At a media interaction on the occasion of his 57th birthday, Sanjay said, “My movie with (Vidhu) Vinod Chopra sahab will start in November, it is called Marco. And after that, I am doing a film with Mahesh Manjrekar, it is a remake of De Dhakka, and then there is a good line-up of movies.” About De Dhakka, he added, “It is a family film and it’s about how a broken family reunites. He (Manjrekar) has adapted it well, let’s see what happens.” Asked about Munnabhai 3, he said, “2018.” Asked the reason for the delay, considering the excitement in fans for the film, he said: “That you should ask Raju Hirani and Vinod sir. Even I am waiting for Munnabhai.” 7 Monday, 1 st August, 2016 2073, Saun 17th International At least 31 killed in India’s northeast, Bangladesh by heavy rains Kathmandu: At least 17 people have been killed by heavy rains and flooding in the northeastern Indian state of Assam, while at least 14 people have died in Bangladesh, with millions of people also displaced, officials said on Saturday. Persistent heavy rains this week have caused widespread disruption across South Asia, with at least 68 people killed Madheshvani Radio Program ( Sunday to Friday) Devoted towards the National Integration, Nationality and Madheshbad F.M Radio Rajdhani Radio Sunrise Red F.M 101 M h z Radio Rubaru F.M Radio Rudraksha Time 100.6 Kathmandu 10:40 P.M 90.2 Jhapa -Birtamod_ Morang Radio Janakpur Swarnim F.M Rautahat F.M Radio Safalta Radio Madhesh Mogadishu: At least seven people, including two Radio Madhesh Janaawaja at t a c kers, were Radio Madhesh Masala kil led in a bom bing and shooting attack by Radio Aakashganga t he Islamis t al Radio Shabaab group on Baadal S o m a l i a ’ s C r i m i n a l Radio Investigation Tilaurakot Department (CID) headquarters on Radio Madi Sunday, police said. “We have confirmed seven dead including civilians and two militants,” Ali Radio Mohamed, a police officer, told Reuters. He said Samarthya police had killed two gunmen who stormed into the building in the capital aft er t wo c ar bombs Radio Sahalesh exploded outside. (E xcluded Saturday) 6:30 P.M (E xcluded Saturday) 9:30 P.M Re- Broadcast 9:30 A.M (Excluded Saturday) 101 -Biratnagar_ 104.5 Banke 8:15 P.M Mahottari 8:15 P.M 95.2 93.5 Radio Saugat India’s Interior Minister Rajnath Singh was due to visit Assam on Saturday and make an aerial survey and hold discussions with state officials about relief efforts. Authorities in Assam have opened more than 800 Radio temporary shelters and food and medicines distribution Dhadkan centers across the state, a senior official at the state disaster management authority said. Flooding is an annual problem Radio during the monsoon season in South Asia, but the impact Birgunj has been worsened by crumbling civic infrastructure, clogged drains and uncontrolled urban expansion. seven killed in attack on Somalia’s CID headquarters Place Banke -Jaleshwor_ (Nepalgunj) Radio Jay Madhesh People commute through a flooded road after heavy rains in Chandigarh, India, June 28, 2016. REUTERS MHZ 98.8 Popular F.M= in Nepal by flash floods and landslides. Although rainfall had decreased as of Saturday, officials in Assam, a teagrowing and oil-rich state, added water levels across rivers were still overflowing. “Overflowing rivers are flooding new areas, making things worse,” said Keshab Mahanta, Assam’s water resource minister. National Weekly 97 96.3 90.8 88.1 Sunsari (Inaruwa) Saptari (Excluded Saturday) (Exclueded Saturday) 9:00 P.M (Exclueded Saturday) 5.20 P.M -Dharampur_ (Excluded Saturday) 5.30 P.M Dhanusha -Janakpurdham_ (Excluded Saturday) Sarlahi -Malangawa_ Rautahat -Gaur_ (Excluded Saturday) Siraha (Lahan) (Excluded Saturday) 8.25 P.M (Excluded Saturday) 6.30 P.M 7.30 A.M 9:30 P.M ReBroadcast 9:30 A.M (Excluded Saturday) 89.6 Siraha 99 Birgunj ( Parsa) 9.15 P.M (Excluded Saturday) Sarlahi -Malangawa_ Rautahat 9.15 A.M (Excluded Saturday) 103.4 89.3 98.6 106.4 Kaski (Pokhara) Rautahat 107.6 Siraha 89 Bara 107.6 Kapilbastu 107.6 Chitwan (Madi ) 92.1 88.8 7.15 P.M (Excluded Friday and Saturday) End 7.30 AM (Excluded Saturday) 7:30 P.M Re- Broadcast 7:30 A.M (Excluded Saturday) 9:30 P.M Re- Broadcast 9:30 A.M (Excluded Saturday) 9:30 P.M Re- Broadcast 9:00 A.M (Excluded Saturday) 7.30 PM (Excluded Saturday) Every Wednesday 5. 30 PM to 6 PM Kawasoti (Navalparasi) 7. 00 PM (Excluded Saturday) Siraha 6:30 P.M ReBroadcast 7:30 A.M (Excluded Saturday) 8 Monday, 1st August, 2016 2073, Saun 17th Reg. No. 53/067/068 National Weekly Spotrs Jamie Dwyer wants Australia to reproduce 2004 Athens Games magic J amie D w yer w ill become Australia’s oldest ever hockey Olympian when he step s out again st N ew Zealand on August 7. Five-time w orld p layer of th e year J amie D wyer b elieves th at th e A u stralian men ’s h ockey team mu st p lay to its f u ll potential if it is to replicate th e gold medal success of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games. A t 3 7 , Dw yer will become Australia’s oldest ever h o c k ey O lymp ia n w h en h e step s ou t against N e w Zealand on A ugu st 7 . And, he admits, he is still as excited as ever ab ou t the O lymp ic Games, despite Rio 2016 being his fourth ap pearance on th e world’s biggest stage. I can’t do anything about my age. I feel good. I’ve had a pretty good last couple of years and now I’m look ing f orward to getting stuck into the tou rn amen t an d seeing how we go,” Dwyer was quoted as sayin g by th e R io Games of f icial website. When you come into the village you get a lot of excited guys and I’m one of them. Even although I’m the oldest I still get very excited. The scorer of the golden goal at Athens 2004 th at earn ed th e A u stralian men ’s hockey team their one and only Olympic gold medal to date, Dwyer ackn ow led ges th at Australia must fulfil their potential with at least f ou r oth er serious contenders for the top prize. Janaki United Our Features: Modern Sound System, Battery as the option of Madhesh Janaawaj Load sheding, Media Link,Capacity of 70 Seats, Rio 2016 Olympics are more than winning and losing: PM Narendra Modi at ‘Run for Rio’ New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday morning flagged off ‘Run for Rio’, a running event held before the beginning of the Rio Olympics 2016. The event is being held to demonstrate to Indian athletes simat jaata hai, khel ka mulyankan jeet aur haar mein nahi sameta jaa sakta hai (Most of the times, we equate games with either winning or losing. Games are much more than that),” PM Modi said. Around players and athletes are able to reach the 2020 Olympics and that the international event sees even more representation from India. “This time, 119 athletes have gone. Let’s resolve today itself that next time more than 200 athletes will go that the whole country is proud of them and wishing them the best in the forthcoming games and also to connect the public at large, especially children and youth, with the Olympic spirit and power of sports, Sports Minister Vijay Goel, who is personally supervising the preparations, had said in a statement earlier. 20,000 school children are participating in the run, which commenced from Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium. “Khel, khilaadi joojhne ke liye tayar hota hai,poori taakat se desh ke samman ke liye joojhta rehta hai,yahi uski sabse badi kasauti hoti hai (In a game, players are ready to face the struggles with all their strength, especially to uphold the dignity of the nation),” he said. Wishing the athletes of the Rio Olympics luck, Modi said: “Every player has worked hard to get here. They will surely give their best.” He also said he hoped even more for the event,” Modi said. “Our athletes will win hearts the of the world and will show the world what India is about, I am sure about it,” he added. “When the 2020 games take place, let every district affirm that one athlete from our district will represent India at those games.” The Sports minister Vijay Goel had also said that an Olympic exhibition and a food park are also being planned in collaboration with the New Delhi M u n i c i p a l Corporation. While the exhibition is being planned at Central Park, the food park is expected to come up at BKS Marg, in front of the state emporiums. The prime minister preceded the flagging off of the run with a short speech encouraging and inspiring the young students participating in the event. Zyadatar khel ka moolyankan jeet aur haar mein “ S o u r c e s : indianexpress.com Office : Madhesh Media House, Anamnagar, P.O.Box : 11858, Kathmandu, Phone No : 977-4266142/4266141, Fax : 014266141, E-mail: nepal.madhesh@gmail.com, Website : www.madheshvani.com, Editor : Dr. Rajesh Ahiraj, Sub-Editor : Mukesh Jha
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