Planning Division Staff Report LU 15-0002
Planning Division Staff Report LU 15-0002
Planning Division Staff Report LU 15-0002 Review Date: February 17, 2016 Prepared By: Wyatt Daltry, AICP, Comprehensive Planning Team Coordinator Review Approval: Amy L. Yearsley, Acting Planning Manager Applicant RTS of Cape Coral, Inc. 1320 Abington Cambs Drive Lake Forest, IL 60045 847-738-1350 Property Owner: RTS of Cape Coral, Inc. Owner Address: 1320 Abington Cambs Drive Lake Forest, IL 60045 847-738-1350 Authorized Representative/ Applicant: Annette Barbaccia AMB Planning Consultants P.O. Box 3495 North Fort Myers, FL 33917 239-850-8301 Request: The applicant is requesting a small-scale future land use map amendment for two properties comprising 1.29 acres from Single Family Residential (SF) to the MultiFamily Residential (MF) future land use map classification. Recommendation: Approval Location: Southwestern Cape Coral, south of Cape Coral Parkway Unit 69, Block 4631, Lots 15-38 Cape Coral Subdivision *Only Lots 15-25 are proposed to be amended to MF 5104 Chiquita Boulevard (a portion) Cape Coral, FL 33914 5121 SW 16th Place Cape Coral, FL 33914 February 17, 2016 LU15-0002 Page 2 STRAP Numbers: 16-45-23-C3-04631.015A 16-45-23-C3-04631.0180 Site Area: 122,318 square feet 2.81 acres, more or less *Only 56,295 square feet (1.29 acres) is proposed to be amended to MF Current Zoning: Residential Development (RD) (Lots 15-25) Multi-Family Residential (R-3) (Lots 26-38) Surrounding Zoning: Current Future Land Use: Surrounding Land Use: North: South: East: West: Residential Development (RD) (across street) Residential Development (RD) and Multi-Family Residential (R-3) Single Family Residential (R-1B) (across street) Residential Development (RD) (across street) Single Family Residential (SF) (Lots 15-25) Multi-Family Residential (MF) (Lots 26-38) North: South: East: West: Multi-Family Residential (MF) (across street) Single Family Residential (SF) and Multi-Family Residential (MF) Single Family Residential (SF) (across street) Single Family Residential (SF) (across street) Urban Service Area: Infill City Water: Yes City Sewer: Yes Type of Access Road: Chiquita Boulevard, a collector road Site Visit: April 10, 2015 Soil Type: Matlacha gravelly fine sand (Soil Type 69) February 17, 2016 LU15-0002 Page 3 Soil Limitations for Development: Limitations Dwellings without Small commercial basements buildings Soil Type 69 Matlacha gravelly fine sand Moderate (wetness) Moderate (wetness) The soil in the area presents moderate limitations for dwellings and small commercial buildings. These severe limitations are typically overcome by using various engineering solutions, such as importing fill. The soil type, therefore, may not present an obstacle to any proposed amendment. However, special feasibility studies may be required at the development stage of the property. Drainage: Must comply with South Florida Water Management District and the City of Cape Coral Engineering Design Standards. Natural Resources: The site consists of undeveloped vacant land. The hydrology of the property due to soil types is considered non-hydric. Flora & Fauna Habitat: Prior to any permit for development being issued, an environmental survey must be undertaken, and mitigation performed to minimize the impacts of development, if any, on the protected species habitat. Property Description: The site consists of two undeveloped contiguous parcels totaling 122,318 square feet of land area, or approximately 2.81 acres, which is located in Southwestern Cape Coral. The portion of the subject area with frontage on SW 16th Place has a Single Family Residential (SF) future land use map classification, and is the area proposed to be amended to Multi-Family Residential (MF). The properties with frontage on Chiquita Boulevard have the MF future land use, and are not affected by the request. Background The subject properties are located on Chiquita Boulevard, south of the Camelot Isles Shopping Center. Both subject properties are vacant. One of the parcels is a standard, two-lot Cape Coral subdivision building parcel with frontage on SW 16th Place and a SF future land use, while the other parcel is an assemblage of 22 lots, which consists of 2.58 acres. The assembled property has frontage on SW 16th Place and Chiquita Boulevard and has two future land use map classifications; the lots with frontage on Chiquita Boulevard have a MF future land use map classification, while those with frontage on SW 16th Place have a SF future land use map classification, and are the subject of the proposed amendment. Should the City Council approve the proposed amendment, all lots in the subject properties would have a MF designation. The current future land use map classifications have been present since 2000, when the subject properties were brought into the Urban Services Transition Area by Ordinance 63-00. Multi-family residential developments are present north and south of the subject properties. Overall, 74% of the properties within 1,000 feet of the subject properties are improved, with a mixture of single family detached residences, February 17, 2016 LU15-0002 Page 4 duplexes, a multi-family residential condominium and apartment complexes. The applicant’s letter of intent states a desire to facilitate a superior site design by eliminating the property’s split of future land use map classifications, and the intent to develop the site with full block depth. Analysis Staff reviewed the Comprehensive Plan for policy guidance, particularly the Future Land Use Element, and identified the following policies: Policy 8.4: The City shall encourage transitions from commercial uses to less intensive land uses and site design that considers the following preferred characteristics to attain compatibility with adjacent residential uses: a. Site Orientation i. Vehicular access should be from a collector, arterial, access street, or an alley if the subject uses are located within the Downtown Community Redevelopment Area. ii. Pedestrian access should be designed to provide internal and external circulation from adjacent neighborhoods. iii. Streets should be designed with elements to provide visual or physical buffering may serve as boundaries between different intensities of land uses. iv. Site improvements within commercial areas such as lighting, signage and landscaping should be designed and coordinated in order to create a positive identity and visual image throughout the development area. b. Site design should promote the preservation and integration of mature trees, natural vegetation, natural and environmentally sensitive areas whenever feasible. c. Screening and landscaping i. Creative and extensive use of landscaping and berming techniques for natural transitions between differing intensities of land uses is encouraged. ii. Fences should not be used as a sole method of providing screening and buffering between differing intensities of land uses. iii. The City shall review and revise landscaping and signage standards for commercial development to enhance the visual and physical environment to foster its integration of other land uses. d. Lighting used to illuminate parking areas, signs or structures should be placed and designed to deflect light away from adjoining property or public streets through fixture type, height, orientation and location. This policy is supportive of the request to amend the subject properties to Multi-Family Residential. Policy 8.5: The City encourages the use of multi-family residential, compound buildings, professional offices, and parks as transitional uses between commercial development and low-density residential neighborhood. Such development should include: a. uses; Design elements such as: height and scale compatible with the surrounding residential February 17, 2016 LU15-0002 Page 5 b. Site design that is compatible with surrounding residential neighborhoods with consideration given to extensive screening, architectural features, building and parking orientation, and preservation of natural features; and c. Primary site access provided from arterials, collectors or access streets in order to discourage traffic from directly entering residential areas. This policy supports the request to amend the subject properties to Multi-Family Residential. Best planning practices include the close proximity of multi-family residential uses to commercial centers to reduce vehicular traffic, and to buffer less-intensive uses between commercial and single family residential development. The goal of the Housing Element also states the need to provide a broad choice of housing types and styles for the community. GOAL: To provide good quality housing in safe, clean neighborhoods, offering a broad choice of options in both type (single family and multi-family) and tenure (owner and renter occupied) to meet the needs of present and future residents of the City, regardless of age or income status. The goal supports the request as the request would provide additional multi-family housing opportunities for Cape Coral. The subject properties’ location south of Cape Coral Parkway indicates that it is located in the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA). Per Florida Statute Chapter 163.3178, the coastal high-hazard area, “ the area below the elevation of the category 1 storm surge line as established by a Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges from Hurricanes (SLOSH) computerized storm surge model.” Development in the CHHA is limited by state statute, due to the potential impacts upon the health, safety, and public welfare caused by increased density in this vulnerable area. Mitigation may be achieved by one of the three actions discussed below, per Florida Statutes s. 163.3178(8)(a): (8)(a) A proposed comprehensive plan amendment shall be found in compliance with state coastal high-hazard provisions if: 1. The adopted level of service for out-of-county hurricane evacuation is maintained for a category 5 storm event as measured on the Saffir-Simpson scale; or 2. A 12-hour evacuation time to shelter is maintained for a category 5 storm event as measured on the Saffir-Simpson scale and shelter space reasonably expected to accommodate the residents of the development contemplated by a proposed comprehensive plan amendment is available; or 3. Appropriate mitigation is provided that will satisfy subparagraph 1. or subparagraph 2. Appropriate mitigation shall include, without limitation, payment of money, contribution of land, and construction of hurricane shelters February 17, 2016 LU15-0002 Page 6 and transportation facilities. Required mitigation may not exceed the amount required for a developer to accommodate impacts reasonably attributable to development. A local government and a developer shall enter into a binding agreement to memorialize the mitigation plan. This statute is reflected by Policy 4.3.3 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element, which states the following: Policy 4.3.3: The City shall not approve any future land use map amendment that would increase the maximum residential density within the coastal high-hazard area, unless one of the following criteria is met, in accordance with Section 163.3178(9), F.S.: 1. The proposed amendment would not exceed a 16-hour out-of-county hurricane evacuation time for a category 5 storm event, as measured on the Saffir-Simpson scale; or 2. A 12-hour evacuation time to shelter is maintained for a category 5 storm event as measured on the Saffir-Simpson scale and shelter space reasonably expected to accommodate the residents of the development contemplated by a proposed comprehensive plan amendment is available; or 3. Appropriate mitigation is provided that will satisfy the provisions of either of the previous two paragraphs. Appropriate mitigation shall include, without limitation, payment of money, contribution of land, and construction of hurricane shelters and transportation facilities. Required mitigation may not exceed the amount required for a developer to accommodate impacts reasonably attributable to development. For future land use map amendments initiated by a developer, the City and the developer shall enter into a binding agreement to memorialize the mitigation plan prior to adoption of the amendment. Cape Coral’s location makes it unlikely that mitigation efforts 1 and 2 would be practicable, as the city does not have a direct route to highways leading out of the region, and evacuation traffic could be negatively affected by congestion caused by evacuees from other parts of the state, namely other parts of Lee County, Collier County, and the Miami/Fort Lauderdale metropolitan area. The applicant is offering to pay money consistent with Lee County’s mitigation fund, consistent with effort #3. While no policies in the Comprehensive Plan expressly prohibit the increase of residential density in the CHHA, the impacts of increased densities on the health, safety, and public welfare of the community are paramount in determining the appropriateness of this amendment. The applicant’s anticipated contribution to the Lee County Mitigation Funds meets the criteria within Policy 4.3.3 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element. February 17, 2016 LU15-0002 Page 7 Impact Assessment Summary The following calculations summarize approximate conditions for each municipal service analyzed. A more complete analysis of each service is included in the text that follows the calculations. To determine the impact assessment, staff utilized the adopted future land use and zoning designations to determine the existing impacts. Therefore, the impacts discussed in this assessment do not necessarily reflect the actual amount of dwelling units, population, etc. The land use classification for these parcels is Single Family Residential. The zoning designation governing the subject parcels is Residential Development (RD). The maximum density permitted under the Single Family Residential future land use classification is 4.4 dwelling units per acre, for the 1.29 acre-component of the subject area that is SF. For purposes of the land use amendment, the impact assessment summary of the proposed use, a density of 16 dwelling units per acre for the entire site. Both subject properties are undeveloped. Dwelling Units Existing: Proposed: Net Change: 30 (16 du/acre x 1.52 acres (MF); 4.4 du/acre x 1.29 acres (SF)) 45 (16 du/acre x 2.81 acres) +15 Population* Existing: Proposed: Net Change: 76 114 +38 * 2.54 persons/household = avg. household size; 2010 Census Water Use Existing: Proposed: Net Change: Facility Capacity: Permitted Usage: Avg. Daily Usage: 6,000 gal/day at 200 gal/dwelling unit/day 9,000 gal/day at 200 gal/dwelling unit/day +3,000 gal/day 30.1 MGD 16.9 MGD 9.4 MGD Sewage Existing: Proposed: Net Change: Facility Capacity: Avg. Daily Usage: 6,000 gal/day at 200 gal/dwelling unit/day 9,000 gal/day at 200 gal/dwelling unit/day +3,000 gal/day 28.4 MGD 12.8 MGD Solid Waste Existing Generation: Proposed: Net Change: 360.24 lbs./day at 4.74 lbs/person/day 540.36 lbs./day at 4.74 lbs/person/day +180.12 lbs./day February 17, 2016 LU15-0002 Page 8 Facility Capacity: Existing Demand: Capacity Available: Traffic/Daily Trips Existing Generation: Proposed: Net Change: Facility Capacity: Capacity Available: 1,836 tons/day 1,384 tons/day Yes 11 AM peak trips/hour and 14 PM peak trips/hour 11 AM peak trips/hour and 14 PM peak trips/hour 0 AM peak hour trips and 0 PM peak hour trips Chiquita Boulevard, a collector roadway and SW 16th Place, a local road, currently access the subject properties. Yes Development Impact Analysis Potable Water The site is currently served by City water. With the proposed future land use designation Multi-Family, the amount of potable water use at maximum density would be approximately 9,000 gallons per day, an increase of 3,000 gallons per day from the current future land use map classification of Single Family Residential. The City has a facility capacity of 30.1 million gallons per day (MGD), with an average daily flow as of FY 2014 of 9.4 MGD. The City is permitted water withdrawals by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) not to exceed 16.93 MGD. The potable water consumed would be evaluated as part of those later reviews and concurrency requirements are required at the time of those respective reviews. Wastewater City sewer is currently available to these sites. With the proposed future land use designation, the amount of daily wastewater generation at maximum density would be approximately 9,000 gallons per day, an increase of 3,000 gallons per day from the current future land use map classification. The city has two treatment facilities with a combined total capacity of 28.4 MGD. The annual average daily flow as of FY 2014 is 12.8 MGD. The wastewater generated by development permitted by future land use map amendments in the future would be evaluated as part of those later reviews and concurrency requirements would be required to be met at the time of those respective reviews. Solid Waste At maximum allowed density, the current Commercial/Professional land use designation would create 360 lbs. of solid waste. With the proposed Multi-Family Residential future land use map classification, the amount of solid waste produced by anticipated development on the site would be increased by 50%, to 540 lbs./day. Currently, most household waste, other than recyclable or horticultural waste, is processed by a Lee County waste-to-energy facility. It has a capacity of 1,836 tons per day and is currently receiving approximately 1,384 tons per day. Hurricane Evacuation The subject properties are located in the Storm Surge A/Evacuation Zone A. The subject property is located in the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA). If the proposed amendment is adopted, the applicant would need to provide mitigation for the increase of density in the CHHA. Mitigation may be achieved by one of the three actions discussed in the Analysis section. The proposed Future Land Use Map February 17, 2016 LU15-0002 Page 9 classification of Multi-Family could increase residential dwelling units in this area by 15 dwelling units; while according to the traffic analysis there is no increase in peak hour trips, there may be an impact on hurricane evacuation times. Park Lands The levels of service standard (LOS) for parkland and facilities are based on permanent population. Based on the existing permitted densities, there could be a maximum increase in park demand by 0.15 acres. Protected Species The City requires an environmental survey prior to the issuance of any land clearing/site clearing or development permits. Any future land alteration activities will be preceded by the completion of an environmental survey identifying the presence of protected flora and fauna. Based on the results of the environmental survey, City, State or Federal protective or mitigation may needed by the developer. School Impacts There will be an increase in the number of dwelling units because of the proposed future land use map amendment request. However, the increase in dwelling units will result in no effect upon the demand on school facilities, due to the change in potential housing type, from Single Family to Multi-Family Residential. As multi-family residences have smaller household sizes, and a higher proportion of seasonal occupancy, the average number of student per dwelling unit is much less than the average number of students per single family dwelling unit. Existing dwelling units: Existing students: Proposed dwelling units: Proposed students: Change: 30 dwelling units (6 SF, 24 MF) 4 (6 x .292 students per single family dwelling unit; 24 x .091 students per multi-family dwelling unit) 45 dwelling units 4 (45 x .091 students per multi-family dwelling unit) +0 students Traffic Analysis The maximum allowed density for these properties would create a peak volume of 11 trips during the AM peak hour, and 14 trips during PM peak hour, which is no increase compared to the existing future land use map classification. The traffic generated by development allowed by future land use amendments would be evaluated as part of that review and concurrency requirements would be met. Recommendation: The proposed amendment to Multi-Family Residential is appropriate due to its location on Chiquita Boulevard, in a residential area that contains a mix of single family and multi-family residential development. The proposed amendment would result in the provision of a single future land use map classification for the subject area, removing a split of land use classifications currently present. The provision of a multi-family residential future land use map classification for the entire site improves the potential development of the site, as the site would have full-block depth, which is uncommon in Cape Coral. The property’s location in the Coastal High Hazard Area is a cause for concern. As stated previously, while there are no Comprehensive Plan policies that prohibit increased densities in the CHHA, it is the February 17, 2016 LU15-0002 Page 10 responsibility of the community to ensure that any density increases would not negatively affect evacuation times, and that appropriate mitigation efforts are undertaken. The proposed amendment’s change of land use, from Single Family Residential to Multi-Family Residential, has no effect on school impacts and traffic generation, due to the characteristics of multi-family residential property; smaller household sizes and a higher-than-average seasonal occupancy rate. In addition, the applicant is working with staff to provide monies consist with the Lee County mitigation fund, consistent with Policy 4.3.3 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element. As the proposed amendment to Multi-Family Residential is consistent with Policies 8.4 and 8.5 of the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, Planning Division staff recommends approval of the proposed small-scale future land use map amendment request. AMB Planning Consultants Inc. February 24, 2015 Mr. Vincent A. Cautero, Director Department of Community Development 1015 Cultural Pak Blvd City of Cape Coral, FL 33990 Re: Requested Land Use Amendment From Single Family to Multi-Family Portion of 51f»4 Chiquita Blvd S (Strap# 16-45-23-04631.0 180) and All of5121 SW 16th Place (Strap# 16-45-23-04631.015A) Dear Mr. Cautero: On behalf of my client, Tom Cirrincione, Managing Member of Bellagio Harbour LLC., I am requesting a land use amendment for a portion of vacant land that has been assembled to effectuate a quality multi-family development in southwest Cape Coral. The properties that are the subject of the proposed land use amendment from Single Family to Multi-Family include a portion (46,250 s.f.) of 5114 Chiquita Blvd. Sand all of 5121 SW 16th Place (10,000 s.f.): a total proposed land use amendment area of approximately 56,250 s.f. or 1.29 acres. The portion of the property that is fronting Chiquita Blvd is already within a Multi-Family future land use district and is within an R-3 zoning district. The adjacent split block along SW 16th Place within 5114 Chiquita Blvd S. and 5121 SW 16th Place is within a Single Family future land use district and an R-D zoning district, see below. Aerial of Assemblage 5121 SW 16th Place Existing Future Land Use Existing Zoning ~ I .. VOLUNTEER CANAL ___, R-3 Zoning . " ,. '-------'' R-D Zoning The total land assemblage including the existing area already within a Multi-Family future land use district and the area proposed for this amendment is approximately 2.81 Acres. The assemblage is surrounded by Cape Coral Pkwy to the east, a multi-family development, known as Parkway Village to the north along SW 51 st Street, vacant land to the west along SW 16th Place and single family and multi-family to the south. The existing Single Family future land use district for the 1.29 acres would permit 5 units. The amendment would permit up to 16 du/acre or 20 units. The net effect would be a maximum increase of up to 15 units. Planning Rationale The proposed Future Land Use amendment would facilitate a superior site design by eliminating the split block and creating a full block depth. This would enable better circulation, parking and open space. Many of the split block development in Cape Coral produces inferior design, limited open space, and drivers forced to back up directly from their home onto busy boulevards. Parkway Village, a multi-family development just north of the site covers a full block depth and its common areas, such as community pool are internally located. In considering future development, it is important to look at building type and density as it relates to the streetscape. The north-south boulevards in Cape Coral are wide streets that are most suitable for adjacent multi-family development. Multi-family provides a transitional building type to single family development, insulating it from traffic and higher activity patterns associated with the boulevards. While commercial development is desirable, it is not suitable in all locations along the boulevards, particularly further south of Cape Coral Parkway in the southwest section of the Cape. These locations are largely residential and terminate at the river. Market Developers tend to build housing products that are consistent with the market at that location. The southwest section of Cape Coral has some of the highest household incomes in the City. By providing class A buildings supportable by higher income levels, they can command higher purchase prices. Multi-Family Development My client is interested in developing the property and has prepared some conceptual elevations of the type of development he is interested in constructing, (See Attachment 1). The development would be low rise townhomes and would be comprised of the following: • 2,400+ s.f. of living area • 2 Bedrooms plus den • 2.5 Bathrooms • 2 Car Garages • Tile Roofs • Fireplace • 10' Ceiling Heights • Upstairs Laundry • Balconies & Lanais • Community Club House & Pool & Gym Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can provide additional information. Sincerely, 04{_15~ Annette M. Barbaccia, AMB Planning Consultants, Inc. P.O. Box 3495 N. Fort Myers, FL 33918 Tel. 239-850-9301 Email: cc: Tom Cirrincione NOTICE OF CHANGE OF LAND USE The City of Cape Coral proposes to adopt ORDINANCE 9-16, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF CAPE CORAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (SF) TO MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (MF) LAND USE FOR PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 15-25, BLOCK 4631, UNIT 69, CAPE CORAL SUBDIVISION; PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5104 CHIQUITA BOULEVARD AND 5121 SW 16TH PLACE; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A public hearing on the ordinance will be held Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. at the City of Cape Coral, City Hall Chambers, 1015 Cultural Park Blvd., Cape Coral, Florida 33990. At this public hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission will consider recommendation of the future land use map amendment request. Accordingly, members of the general public and real property owners in the community are invited to appear and speak at the public hearing. Written comments filed with the Director will also be entered into the record. A copy of the map and the proposed amendment under consideration will be available for inspection and will be provided to the public at cost at the City Clerk’s office between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday excluding holidays. Any person who decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council at that meeting will need a record of proceedings, and that subject person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. In accordance with Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodations to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day prior to the meeting. Rebecca van Deutekom, CMC y Clerk City 13 PROOF O.K. BY: __________________________________________________ O.K. WITH CORRECTIONS BY:_________________________________________ PLEASE READ CAREFULLY • SUBMIT CORRECTIONS ONLINE ADVERTISER: CITY OF CAPE CORAL_DEPT SALES PERSON: Legal Display PUBLICATION: NP-CAPE SUN PRESS PROOF CREATED AT: 2/17/2016 12:16 PM PROOF DUE: NEXT RUN DATE: 02/21/16 SIZE: 3 col X 10 in NP-0000884180.INDD LU 15-0002 ORDINANCE 9-16 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF CAPE CORAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (SF) TO MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (MF) LAND USE FOR PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 15-25, BLOCK 4631, UNIT 69, CAPE CORAL SUBDIVISION; PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5104 CHIQUITA BOULEVARD AND 5121 SW 16™ PLACE; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Cape Coral on February 13, 1989, adopted a Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the Comprehensive Planning Act; and WHEREAS, as part of the Comprehensive Plan the City of Cape Coral adopted therewith a future land use map designating land uses and proposed land uses throughout the City of Cape Coral consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive Planning Act; and WHEREAS, the City of Cape Coral City Council has considered the testimony, evidence, and documentation for the Land Use Amendment initiated by RTS OF CAPE CORAL, INC., regarding the below described property, and considered the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission/Local PlanningAgency and City staff. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF CAPE CORAL, FLORIDA, HEREBY ORDAINS PURSUANT TO THE LAWS OF FLORIDA, AND OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS, THIS ORDINANCE: SECTION 1. That the below described real property located within the City of Cape Coral, Florida, is hereby amended consistent with the City of Cape Coral Comprehensive Plan as follows: FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (SF^ TO MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL fMF) LOTS 15 THROUGH 25, BLOCK 4631, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF CAPE CORAL UNIT 69, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 22 AT PAGE 43 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. PROPERTY LOCATED AT: 5104 CHIQUITA BOULEVARD AND 5121 SW 16™ PLACE SECTION 2. Severability. In the event that any portion or section of this ordinance is determined to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall in no manner affect the remaining portions or sections of this ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. Effective Date. The effective date of this small scale development amendment to the Comprehensive Plan shall be thirty-one (31) days after the adoption of this ordinance. Alternatively, if the small scale development amendment adopted by this ordinance is challenged by an "affected person" within thirty (30) days after adoption, then the effective date of this amendment shall be the date upon which either the state land planning agency or the Administration Commission issues a "final order" determining that this small scale development amendment is "in compliance" as provided in Section 163.3187(5), Florida Statutes. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAPE CORAL AT ITS REGULAR SESSION THIS DAY OF , 2016. MARNI L. SAWICKI, MAYOR VOTE OF MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS: SAWICKI LEON BURCH ERBRICK CARIOSCIA WILLIAMS STOUT COSDEN ATTESTED TO AND FILED IN MY OFFICE THIS DAY OF 2016. REBECCA VAN DEUTEKOM CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: BRIAN R. BARTOS ASSISTANT CITY A'lTORNEY ord/lu 15-0002 City of Cape Coral Department of Community Development February 12, 2016 RE: ORD 9-16 CASE # LU15-0002 Dear Property Owner: This notice is sent to you, as required by the City of Cape Coral Land Use and Development Regulations, to notify all property owners within 500 feet of a request for Future Land Use Map Amendment submitted by RTS OF CAPE CORAL, INC. The applicant is requesting a Future Land Use Map Amendment from Single Family Residential (SF) to Multi-Family Residential (MF) Land Use for property described as Lots 15-25, Block 4631, Unit 69, Cape Coral Subdivision. The property is located at 5104 Chiquita Boulevard and 5121 SW 16th Place. The Board of Zoning of Adjustment and Appeals will hear Ordinance 9-16 at a Public Hearing on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. The City Council will hear Ordinance 9-16 on Monday, March 28th, 2016 at 4:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Public hearings will be held in the City of Cape Coral Council Chambers, 1015 Cultural Park Boulevard, Cape Coral, Florida, 33990. Any person may appear at the public hearing and be heard, subject to proper rules of conduct. You are allowed sufficient time to write or appear at the public hearing to voice your objections or approval. Written comments filed with the Director will be entered into the record. Please reference the case number above within your correspondence and mail to: Department of Community Development, Planning Division, P. O. Box 150027, Cape Coral, FL 33915-0027; or email to Wyatt Daltry at 239-573-3160 or email at . The hearings may be continued from time to time as necessary. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Human Resources Department whose office is located at Cape Coral City Hall, 1015 Cultural Park Boulevard, Cape Coral, Florida; telephone 1-239-574-0530 for assistance; if hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service Numbers, 1-800-955-8771 (TDD) or 1800-955-8770 (v) for assistance. Department of Community Development Post Office Box 150027 Cape Coral, Florida 33915-0027 1015 Cultural Park Blvd. Cape Coral, Florida 33990 Email: Department of Community Development PLANNING DIVISION For further information, please contact Wyatt Daltry at 239-573-3160 or email at . Colored maps for this application are available at the City of Cape Coral website,, (Scroll down to “Public Hearing Cases” and click on the case number referenced above to access the information) Sincerely, Amy L. Yearsley, AICP Acting Planning Manager Department of Community Development Post Office Box 150027 Cape Coral, Florida 33915-0027 1015 Cultural Park Blvd. Cape Coral, Florida 33990 Email: Department of Community Development PLANNING DIVISION FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT – APPLICATION CRITERIA APPLICABLE TO AMENDMENTS Cape Coral Land Use & Development Regulations Section 8.7 A. Definition: An “amendment” shall include any text amendment to this ordinance, or the Comprehensive Plan, and/or map amendment to the Official Zoning District Map, or the Future Land Use Map made by official action by the City Council in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and all other applicable law. B. Consistency with Comprehensive Plan and general standards. 1. 2. No amendment shall be approved or effective unless it is determined by City Council to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Planning and Zoning Commission/ Local Planning Agency and the City Council shall apply the following general standards in their consideration of amendments of this ordinance, the Comprehensive Plan, the Future Land Use Map, and the Official Zoning MapThe extent to which the value of the property is diminished by the proposed land use restriction or zoning of the property; a) The extent to which the removal of a proposed land use restriction or change in zoning depreciates the value of other property in the area; b) The suitability of the property for the zoning purpose or land use restriction imposed on the property as zoned; c) The character of the neighborhood, existing uses, zoning of nearby and surrounding properties, and compatibility of the proposed land use restriction or zoning; d) The relative gain to the community as compared to the hardship, if any imposed, by the proposed land use restrictions or from rezoning said property; e) The community need for the use proposed by the zoning or land use restriction; f) Length of time the property proposed to be rezoned has been vacant, as zoned, when considered in the context of the City of Cape Coral Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the development of the proposed property and surrounding property; g) The extent to which the proposed land use restriction or zoning promotes the health, safety, morals, or general welfare of this community; h) The extent to which the proposed land use, land use restriction, or zoning will impact the level of service standards for public facilities as specified in the Comprehensive Plan; and, i) Whether the proposed land use restriction, removal of a restriction, or zoning is consistent with the City of Cape Coral Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Department of Community Development Post Office Box 150027 Cape Coral, Florida 33915-0027 1015 Cultural Park Blvd. Cape Coral, Florida 33990 Email: Department of Community Development PLANNING DIVISION C. Origination of amendment proposal: A proposal for an amendment to this ordinance, or the Comprehensive Plan, either the text or Official Zoning District Map, or Future Land Use Map, may originate with the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency, the governing body, or by petition of the owners of 51% or more of the land area involved in the proposed change. Department of Community Development Post Office Box 150027 Cape Coral, Florida 33915-0027 1015 Cultural Park Blvd. Cape Coral, Florida 33990 Email: SW 51ST ST Subject Parcels Department of Community Development Planning Division SW COURTYARDS PL SW 15TH PL CHIQUITA BLVD S SW 17TH AVE ORION CANAL CITY OF CAPE CORAL CURRENT ZONING MAP 500 Proximity Boundary Case No. LU15-0002 Lot: 15-25 Legend 500' Buffer Subject parcels Parcel Lines Lot Lines Zoning R1B CHIQUITA BLVD S SW 51ST TER R3 SW 51ST LN RD VOLUNTEER CANAL SW 52ND TER SW 16TH PL SW 52ND ST µ SW 52ND TER JANUARY 6TH, 2016 0 500' Proximity Boundary 75 150 225 300 Feet This map is not a survey and should not be used in place of a survey. While every effort is made to accurately depict the mapped area, errors and omissions may occur. Therefore, the City of Cape Coral cannot be held liable for incidents that may result due to the improper use of the information presented on this map. This map is not intended for construction, navigation or engineering calculations. Please contact the Department of Community Development with any questions regarding this map product. KRKA SW 51ST ST Subject Parcels Department of Community Development Planning Division SW COURTYARDS PL SW 15TH PL CHIQUITA BLVD S SW 17TH AVE ORION CANAL CITY OF CAPE CORAL CURRENT FUTURE LAND USE MAP 500 Proximity Boundary Case No. LU15-0002 Lot: 15-25 Legend 500' Buffer Subject parcels Parcel Lines Lot Lines Future Land Use SF CHIQUITA BLVD S SW 51ST TER MF SW 51ST LN PK VOLUNTEER CANAL SW 52ND TER SW 16TH PL SW 52ND ST µ SW 52ND TER JANUARY 6TH, 2016 0 500' Proximity Boundary 75 150 225 300 Feet This map is not a survey and should not be used in place of a survey. While every effort is made to accurately depict the mapped area, errors and omissions may occur. Therefore, the City of Cape Coral cannot be held liable for incidents that may result due to the improper use of the information presented on this map. This map is not intended for construction, navigation or engineering calculations. Please contact the Department of Community Development with any questions regarding this map product. KRKA SW 51ST ST Subject Parcels SW COURTYARDS PL SW 15TH PL CHIQUITA BLVD S SW 17TH AVE ORION CANAL CITY OF CAPE CORAL Department of Community Development Planning Division PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE MAP 500 Proximity Boundary Case No. LU15-0002 Lot: 15-25 Legend 500' Buffer Lot Lines Subject parcels Parcel Lines Future Land Use SF CHIQUITA BLVD S SW 51ST TER MF SW 51ST LN PK VOLUNTEER CANAL SW 52ND TER SW 16TH PL SW 52ND ST µ SW 52ND TER JANUARY 6TH, 2016 0 500' Proximity Boundary 75 150 225 300 Feet This map is not a survey and should not be used in place of a survey. While every effort is made to accurately depict the mapped area, errors and omissions may occur. Therefore, the City of Cape Coral cannot be held liable for incidents that may result due to the improper use of the information presented on this map. This map is not intended for construction, navigation or engineering calculations. Please contact the Department of Community Development with any questions regarding this map product. KRKA SW COURTYARDS PL CHIQUITA BLVD S SW 51ST TER Subject Parcels SW 15TH PL SW 51ST ST SW 16TH PL ORION CANAL SW 17TH AVE SKYLINE CANAL SW 51ST LN CITY OF CAPE CORAL Department of Community Development VOLUNTEER CANAL Case # LU15-0002 SW 52ND ST Subject Parcel µ Map Date: January 11, 2016 Aerial Date: May 2015 0 SW 52ND TER 100 200 Feet This map is not a survey and should not be used in place of a survey. While every effort is made to accurately depict the mapped area, errors and omissions may occur. Therefore, the City of Cape Coral cannot be held liable for incidents that may result due to the improper use of the information presented on this map. This map is not intended for construction, navigation or engineering calculations. Please contact the Department of Community Development with any questions regarding this map product. Owner_Name BAKER GAIL CARROLL JOHN P + E GAIL + CARROLL JOHN SCOTT + JULIA M J/T GERAATS MICHAEL W + MARY C MCCARTHY MARK MCKIBBIN ROSS G + LORI PAQUETTE ANNETTE STEFAN GUNTER + SHARON WATSON PAUL WEAVER ELIZABETH MARGARET GREFE MARION KOERNER HANS-JOACHIM + KAROLA ZIERLEIN WOLFGANG + HEIKE ILLGNER BODO + ILLGNER BIANCA T/C SEILER JUERG + LINDA SATT JOHN + INNIS LAURA H/W ABRAMS ARTHUR W TR FOR ARTHUR W ABRAMS TRUST AGUERA OLGA ALBANESE WILLIAM J + HELENE M AL-SHABIBI AYAD KAIS ANDALIA ARLEEN + OBRIEN JANICE A ANDERSON ARTHUR I JR + MAUREEN ANNARUMMA JOHN + CELIA ANNUNZIATA JOHN ANOTHER FIRST INC ARMSTRONG MARLYS ARNOLD DIANE M TR FOR JAMES L + DIANE M ARNOLD TRUST AUM REALTY OF FLORIDA LLC BADSTUEBNER RON A + ETTA H BAILEY JUNE L/E + MOSTAAN DAWN FRANCIS L/E J/T BALOUGH CAROL BARREDO JUAN J + MARIA E BARRETT WILLIAM E + FRANCES E BATTAGLIA LINDA BEALLER LORI BEAUMONT PAUL BELLIFEMINE MATTHEW JR PER REP FOR MATTHEW BELLIFEMINE EST BELLING H ELAINE Mailing_Ad 31 DAISEYFIELD CIRCLE Mailing_Ci WOODBRIDGE Maili Mailing_Zi ON L4H 2T9 PO BOX 757 1373 ISLINGTON AVE 566 WATER ST 6 COWAN AVE 50 MANCHESTER 17035 LOYALIST PKWY 793 MURRAY CRES 58 MCCLENNY DR FROEBELSTASSE 34 GARSSENHOF 10 CHESTER TORONTO ST JOHNS LONDON SUDBURY WELLINGTON COBOURG AURORA 51429 38259 97297 MASSHOLDERBAUMWE WALDBUETTELB RUNN G1 CALLE LAVANDA 20 21 03599 ALTEA LA APT DE CORREOS 914 VELLA 5452 OBERROHRDOR LUXMATTENSTR 25B 13 SWALLOW CT HERTFORD NS B0J 1J0 C ON M9A 3K NL A1E 1B8 ON N6C 4E6 ON P3A 5H5 ON K0K 3L0 ON K9A 2V8 ON L4G 5P5 GERMANY GERMANY SPAIN SWITZERLAN UNITED KING 1526 SW 52ND TER 1509 SW 51ST LN #145 6839 HONEYSUCKLE TRL 1522 SW 50TH ST #201 5024 CHIQUITA BLVD S 1508 SW 50TH ST #103 1524 SW 50TH ST #202 209 KINGS HWY 2225 SE 28TH TERR 5610 HARBOUR CIR CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL BRADENTON CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL TAPPAN CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL 682 BERKELEY PL N 11 BESHIEM LN 1510 SW 50TH ST #103 1423 SW COURTYARDS TER APT 71A 1422 SW 50TH ST #68 2803 SW 49TH TER 123 WOODSALE RD 607 MARCY AVE 1416 SW 50TH ST #64 1510 SW 50TH ST #303 WESTERVILLE OH 43081 WALNUT CREEK CA 94595 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL PITTSBURGH STATEN ISLAND CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL 5223 SW 16TH PL CAPE CORAL 1512 SW 50TH ST U#101 CAPE CORAL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL NY FL FL 33914 33914 34202 33914 33914 33914 33914 10983 33904 33914 FL FL FL PA NY FL FL 33914 33914 33914 15237 10309 33914 33914 FL FL 33914 33914 BELLUCCI MADELINE BERGAU GEORGE J TR FOR GEORGE J BERGAU TRUST BERGES ADRIENNE J BLANCHARD REBECCA JOYCE + BLANCHARD FLAY C W/H BLOOM LARRY + SUE A BOHANNON H L BONANNO STEVEN + BONANNO CHARLES + BONANNO ALFRED J/T BORIA REALTY LLC BOROS LEONARD J + GERALDINE A BOTTJER GERALDINE BOURNE JAMES N + BOURNECORLETTE JENNIFER + CORLETTE CHRISTOPHER N SR J/T BOWEN HARRY L + PHYLLIS A BOYHAN CHRISTINA M BRENTRUP ELIZABETH A TR + BRENTRUP ROBERT C TR FOR ELIZABETH A BRENTRUP TRUST BROSH TERRY L + CHRISTINE S BULLARD CONNIE + MCWILLIAMS KARIN J J/T BURKE MARK E + NANCY BURNS CARL + BEVERLY 5028 CHIQUITA BLVD #101 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 1502 SW 50TH ST #302 1410 SW 50TH ST #1 1670 WILMINGTON POINT 6743 PINE CREEK DR 830 NICHOLAS PKWY W 2630 CROPSEY AVE APT 11B PO BOX 2358 59 PALSA AVE 1534 SW 52ND TER CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL 33914 33914 MANSFIELD TOLEDO CAPE CORAL OH 44904 OH 43617 FL 33991 BROOKLYN PRINCETON ELMWOOD CAPE CORAL NY NJ NJ FL 762 HALSEY ST PO BOX 92 9861 LAS CASAS DR BROOKLYN MERRIMAC FORT MYERS NY 11233 MA 01860 FL 33919 4423 W MAPLE RD BLDG BLOOMFIELD HILLS 3 1520 SW 51ST LN CAPE CORAL SANTA 4644 GRANADA PL BARBARA 1124 S FRANKLIN ST HOLBROOK 5027 SW 16TH PL #102 UNIT F102 CAPE CORAL HARRISON 34915 JEFFERSON AVE TOWNSHIP BUZZELLI ROBERT + BARBARA R CALLAHAN JOHN C JR + CALLAHAN PRISCILLA H/W + CALLAHAN DANIEL J T/C 1508 SW 50TH ST #201 CAMERONI SAMUEL J + DONNA M 41 EASTERN STATES CAMPBELL LAMAR A + KATRINA N 5125 SW 16TH PL 5618 CAPE HARBOUR DR CAPE RETIRE LLC APT 201 CAPPARELLI GINA + ATTILIO 1520 SW 50TH ST # 101 CARLEY JOHN G + LAURA J 5203 CHIQUITA BLVD CASTALDO JERRY + SHIRLEY 1525 SW 54TH TER CATLETT MARY H TR FOR CATLETT 1210 MALLARD POND FAMILY TRUST CIR 1510 SW COURTYARDS LN #150 CERVONE LOUIS J CHAPP JAMES L TR FOR JAMES L CHAPP TRUST 1500 SW 50TH ST #204 MI FL 11214 08543 07407 33914 48301 33914 CA 93110 MA 02343 FL 33914 MI 48045 CAPE CORAL SOMERVILLE CAPE CORAL FL NJ FL 33914 08876 33914 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL BROADVIEW HEIGHTS FL FL FL FL 33914 33914 33914 33914 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 OH 44147 CHAVEZ MIGUELINA CHEEK TIMOTHY F + GLORIA D CHISMAR JOHN E + JANE E CHURCH JAMES + ROBIN TR FOR BORGEN FAMILY TRUST CIAO ANTHONY A + CONSIGLIA TR FOR ANTHONY A + CONSIGLIA A CIAO TRUST CIOFFI FRANCES Z CLARKE JOHN R + DONNA J CLEMENS FRANCES J + JOHNSON SUSAN C T/C COBALT INC COMRIE PROPERTY LLC COOK MARY T TR FOR MARY T COOK TRUST COURSON WAYNE T + COURSON JOAN M J/T COURTYARDS OF CAPE CORAL SOUTH CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC JAMES M COSTELLO PL CRC INVESTORS LLC CROWE LINDA S CRUZ PETRA R CURTIS GORDON M CUSHING MICHELLE C + WRIGHT KIMBERLY ANN J/T DANGELO GIUSEPPE + FRANCA DANGELO JOHN DANIELLO MARGARET + DANIELLO BARBARA T/C DAVIS ROBERT S + DANIELLE N 5028 S CHIQUITA BLVD #B-102 1517 SW 52ND TER 5227 SW 16TH PL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL FL 33914 33914 33914 1624 SW 51ST TER CAPE CORAL FL 33914 1508 SW 50TH ST #302 621 SE 16TH TER FL FL 33914 33990 5181 NE 19TH AVE CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FORT LAUDERDALE FL 33308 20 MANCHESTER AVE 4109 SW 27TH AVE PO BOX 1309 MEDIA CAPE CORAL BOCA GRANDE PA FL FL 19063 33914 33921 1524 SW 50TH ST #201 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 1508 SW 50TH ST #204 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAMDEN FL FL FL FL SC 33909 33910 33914 33914 29020 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL FL 33914 33914 33914 PITTSTOWN HAMILTON SQUARE NJ 08867 NJ 08690 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL BOSTON FL FL FL FL FL MA 33914 33991 33914 33914 33914 02128 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 IRVINE CA 92618 1136 NE PINE ISLAND RD # 52 PO BOX 101325 1533 SW 52ND TER 1523 SW 51ST LN #207 806 ELMORE ST 5110 SW COURTYARDS WAY # 22 1504 SW 50TH ST 1502 SW 50TH ST #101 99 SKY MANOR RD 11 WHITEHALL RD 1502 SW 50TH ST UNIT 103 2612 STONEYHILL CT 5029 SW 17TH AVE 1503 SW 51ST LN #143 5022 SW 15TH PL 61 WALDEMAR AVE DAVISON PATRICIA L DEFILIPPIS SCOTT M DEILY TED N + MARGARET A DEIS BERNADETTE RUBI DELGADO MARIO + MARICELA DELPRATO NICHOLAS J + THERESE DENSLEY L KENT TR + PERSEX LLC TR FOR PRINCESS LAND TRUST 5106 SW 15TH PL DEUTSCHE BANK NATL TRUST CO TR 6501 IRVINE DR MAIL FOR SERIES 2006-6 CODE DDIT1 DICOSTA JUDITH DIMARIA JAMI + ABELSON ROBERTA T/C DMK HOLDINGS INC TR FOR SILVER SKY LAND TRUST DO HANG T + NGUYEN BAC VAN + NGUYEN CHRISTINA MARIE J/T DONALDSON DANIEL DOUGHERTY THOMAS W TR FOR THOMAS DOUGHERTY REV LIVING TRUST 1428 SW 50TH ST APT CAPE CORAL FL 33914 1517 SW 51ST LN #202 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 2508 DEL PRADO BLVD S CAPE CORAL COCONUT 5020 MALLARDS PL CREEK 15174 134TH AVE JAMAICA FL 33904 FL NY 33073 11434 12867 KINGSMILL WAY 5020 SW COURTYARDS WAY #10 1524 SW 50TH ST # 102 1514 SW 50TH ST #102 FORT MYERS FL 33913 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL FL 33914 33914 33914 3901 BRAVE TRAIL 168 E GRAND AVE 5421 SW 20TH PL 1428 SW 50TH ST #117 5024 CHIQUITA BLVD S ELIASON RAYMOND C APT A202 ELLIOTT CATHERINE P 1512 SW 50TH ST #201 EMATRUDO CAMILLE + PERILLO RINA 1725 EL DORADO PKWY J/T W EMPERT RICHARD + JEROLINO NICHOLAS T/C 2134 EL DORADO PKWY ENGLAND DAVID S + ENGLAND LINDA C T/C 5796 GATEWAY DR ENGLERT ZINAIDA 5400 SW 24TH AVE ENTRUST MIDWEST LLC FOR BENTON A MCMULLEN #5321 PO BOX 306 15870 OLD ENTSMINGER WAYNE L + PATRICIA WEDGEWOOD CT EQUITY TRUST COMPANY CUSTODIAN FBO DANIELLE B CALAMELA IRA 225 BURNS RD EULITZ DALE P 1503 SW 51ST LN #141 FABRICIUS COLLEEN B + THOMAS J 3916 PENROD LN 1504 SW COURTYARDS FALLISCH ERICH P LN #139 FEULNER MARY ANN 1529 SW 52ND LN FILICE CARMELO TR + FILICE CARMELA TR + FILICE ROBERT TR FOR CARMELO FILICE TRUST 11 IMBARO RD FIRE GUY R + PATRICIA 1700 SW 51ST ST FITZPATRICK BROOKE 1510 SW 50TH ST #302 KENNESAW FOX LAKE CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL GA IL FL FL 30144 60020 33914 33914 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL 33914 33914 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 MT ZION CAPE CORAL IL FL 62549 33914 HAZELHURST WI 54531 FORT MYERS FL 33908 ELYRIA CAPE CORAL MINNEAPOLIS OH 44036 FL 33914 MN 55421 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL READVILLE CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL MA 02136 FL 33914 FL 33914 DROTLEFF RICHARD H + JUDITH A DUWE VINCENT W + BEATRICE J DYMARETS NELLY EARLE JOSEPH J + ARLENE F TR FOR EARLE TRUST EDMIER WILLIAM + JUNE EDWARDS JOSEPH W + MARILYNN EDWARDS RICHARD M 33914 33914 FLORINE DOUGLAS A FOUCH NORMA M FRANCO IRENE FUTURA I LLC GARLOCK ALLAN GENT WENDY M GERMANI PATRICIA GERRICK THOMAS GIALLO WILLIAM GIBSON GITANA N GLARENTZOS STAMATIKE GLYNN STEPHEN GOMES SCOTT GRECO ANTHONY S JR TR FOR ANTHONY S GRECO JR TRUST GRIEGER MARK A TR FOR MARK A GRIEGER TRUST GROT ROBERT A + GAYLE L GUCCIARDO CHARLES + GUCCIARDO CAMILLE T/C GUILLERY ROBERT + MARILYN J 1771 STANBRIDGE AVE 5026 SW 15TH PL 1523 SW 51ST LN #206 1031 CAPE CORAL PKWY E STE 2 1522 SW 50TH ST #304 5210 CHIQUITA BLVD S #201A 1516 SW 50TH ST #303 5117 SW 15TH PL #209 1510 SW 50TH ST # 203 PO BOX 152191 932 N NORTH LAKE DR 10 SALEM ST 10 ANN AVE ROSEVILLE CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL MN 55113 FL 33914 FL 33914 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL 33904 33914 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL HOLLYWOOD NEWBURYPORT N DARTMOUTH FL FL FL FL FL FL MA MA 33914 33914 33914 33914 33915 33019 01950 02747 5015 SW 13TH AVE CAPE CORAL 7030 POINTE INVERNESS WAY STE 200 FORT WAYNE 1826 CANTRILL DR LEXINGTON FL 33914 IN KY 46804 40505 290 BAY DR 5324 SW 11TH PL 5214 CHIQUITA BLVD S #101B 1518 SW 50TH ST # 301 MASSAPEQUA CAPE CORAL NY FL 11758 33914 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL 33914 33914 CAPE CORAL FL 33910 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL DUBLIN CAPE CORAL MCHENRY CAPE CORAL ATLANTIC CITY SILVER LAKE FL FL OH FL IL FL NJ OH 33914 33914 43016 33914 60051 33914 08401 44224 WENTWORTH SD 57075 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL 33914 33914 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL 33993 33914 GUZIAK ROBERT HANSEN UWE + INGE HARBOUR WALK AMERICAN CONDO MGMT PO BOX 100399 5020 SW COURTYARDS WAY #9 HARTLEY VIRGINIA K HASSETT JUDITH M 1503 SW 51ST LN # 144 HELLER EDWIN H + GAIL M 7996 STOKEMONT CT HELLER GEORGE + FREDA 1512 SW 50TH ST #304 HELLIOS MICHAEL + TRUDY 2916 BAYVIEW LN HESS SUSAN 1522 SW 50TH ST #301 HIGH JUANITA J 711 N OHIO AVE HILL THOMAS W + GERALDINE F 3124 SILVER LAKE BLVD 6528 EVERGREEN ACRES HOFFMAN EDWARD DR HOLE JACQUELINE F TR + HOLE JENNIFER E TR FOR HOLE TRUST 1500 SW 50TH ST # 102 HOOD DAVID + RENEE 401 SW 45TH ST HOOPER KEVIN P TR FOR KEVIN P 1700 EL DORADO BLVD HOOPER REVOCABLE TRUST N HORTON GARY J + CATHERINE R 1704 SW 52ND ST HUBBARD WILLIAM P + HUBBARD JEAN M TR H/W FOR HUBBARD CAPE CORAL TRUST 1518 SW 50TH ST #303 1415 SW COURTYARDS TER #59 HUTTER WILLIAM T + TERESA M 5119 SW COURTYARDS CT #38 HYLER RICARDA I 5210 CHIQUITA BLVD S UNIT 202A IANDOLI CAROLYN ILONA SEKIEWICZ 303 W STIMPSON AVE INNES RICHARD + CHRISTINE 1517 SW 51ST LN #203 INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT COMPANY II 1336 BASSWOOD RD JACOBS MARY ANN + JACOBS ALLEN T J/T 1517 SW 51ST LN # 204 168 CHARLOTTE WHITE RD JACOB-WYNNE DEBBI E JANSON LISA + GIULIANO 5214 CHIQUITA BLVD S CHRISTOPHER F J/T #201B 1423 SW COURTYARDS TER #72 JANSON MARY A JC OF SW FLORIDA LLC REMY PARYS 1423 SAUTURN DR JOHN RICKFORD L 1631 SW 52ND ST 5027 COURTYARDS CT JOHNSON BENJAMIN D #49 JOHNSTONE IAIN 16541 S OLEANDER DR JONES MILTON A + EMILY M TR FOR MILTON A + MASELINE JONES TRUST 5021 SW 17TH AVE JOSEPH GISELE 13968 86TH AVE JOYCE JEFFREY S + JOYCE JUDY K T/C 5201 CHIQUITA BLVD S KAUFFMAN GLADYS D TR FOR GLADYS D KAUFFMAN TRUST 1522 SW 50TH ST #102 KELLEY DONNA M + GIGLIO BENJAMIN J/T PO BOX 100625 KELLY E MEREDITH 1514 SW 50TH ST #304 KIME LINDA M 6 SEQUASSEN RD 5010 SW COURTYARDS KNOCHE NORMAN B WAY APT 6 KOIS ROBERT L + SANDRA D 1518 SW 50TH ST # 104 KOSANOVIC SAMUEL + JUDITH 1307 5TH ST KRISCHTSCHUN KENNETH O + KRISCHTSCHUN L HOLLY H/W 49 VALLEY BROOK RD S KRYGER PATRICIA S TR + KRYGER PHILLIP R TR FOR PATRICIA S KRYGER TRUST 1528 SW 51ST LN 5010 SW COURTYARDS WAY #8 KRZYNA ROBERT CAPE CORAL FL 33914 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 CAPE CORAL LINDEN CAPE CORAL FL NJ FL 33914 07036 33914 SCHAUMBURG IL 60173 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 WESTPORT MA 02790 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 CAPE CORAL FORT MYERS CAPE CORAL FL FL FL 33914 33919 33914 CAPE CORAL FORT MYERS FL FL 33914 33908 CAPE CORAL BRIARWOOD CAPE CORAL FL NY FL 33914 11435 33914 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FARMINGTON FL FL CT 33910 33914 06032 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL MOUNDSVILLE FL 33914 FL 33914 WV 26041 BRANFORD CT 06405 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 KUEHL JILL E L F B INTERNATIONAL INC LACCETTI FILOMENA + LACCETTI ANTHONY J/T LAMANNA ANNETTE LANDRIGAN MICHAEL LANGOLF CHARLES F TR + LANGOLF THERESA M TR FOR CHARLES F + THERESA M LANGOLF TRUST LARSSON BRITT O H LAWSON BRENT + LORI LAZNOVSKY BEVERLY L/E LAZZARA RAFFAELA + STEPHEN LEIVA WALTER G + LEIVA PATRICIA J/T LENDENER KEN LEVY KIM LEWIS DENNIS A LOCK JUDITH LOWE DAVID R LYNCH JOHN MACDONALD SUSANNE M MAGNANT JOSEPH G + PATRICIA A MAKOWSKI GREGORY MANGIARACINA CHARLES +ELEANORE MANNA RALPH C + MANNA DALE ABERY J/T MARICHAL ZENEN + LORRAINE MARKS RONALD W + DAPHNE E MARS GARY M TR FOR JACK H + FLORENCE R MARS TRUST MARSTAN INC MARTIN JOAN E 1/3+ BARLEY RAYMOND + PATRICIA 1/3 + HIPP RONALD J 1/3 J/T MARTINEZ PEDRO J DESSUS + RIVERA LUZ SANTIAGO J/T MASER HARRIET E + MASER RICHARD + MASER TIFFANY T/C MAZZOLA MICHELE 1609 SW 51ST ST # 101D CAPE CORAL 1718 CAPE CORAL PKWY CAPE CORAL FL FL 33914 33904 301 SE 28TH ST 5027 SW COURTYARDS CT #51 18 LENORE PL CAPE CORAL FL 33904 CAPE CORAL SMITHTOWN FL NY 33914 11788 3191 OAKWOOD DR 1512 SW 50TH ST UNIT 303 9634 HORNE LN 1416 SW 50TH ST APT 575 DARLINGTON AVE PORT HURON MI 48060 CAPE CORAL ESTERO CAPE CORAL STATEN ISLAND FL FL FL NY 33914 33928 33914 10309 5109 CHIQUITA BLVD S 1422 SW 50TH ST #67 1406 SW 53RD LN 1502 SW 50TH ST #104 5119 SW COURTYARDS CT #37 5024 CHIQUITA BLVD S #201 4724 PINE ISLAND RD 1508 SW 50TH ST #304 1510 ROYAL PALM SQUARE BLVD STE 101 1524 SW 50TH ST APT CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL FL FL 33914 33914 33914 33914 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 CAPE CORAL MATLACHA CAPE CORAL FL FL FL 33914 33993 33914 FORT MYERS CAPE CORAL FL FL 33913 33914 147-16 19TH AVE WHITESTONE NORTH BRANFORD NY 11357 CT 06471 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL 33914 33914 CORAL GABLES FL MIAMI FL 33134 33143 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL 33914 33993 34 MCMAHON LN 5102 SW COURTYARDS WAY #17 1530 SW 52ND TER 201 ALHAMBAR CIR 11TH FL 4970 SW 78TH ST 1420 SW COURTYARDS TER APT 56 5222 CHIQUITA BLVD S 5118 SW COURTYARDS WAY #28 1820 NW 2ND PL MCAULIFFE JOYCE + EDWARD F + WHALEN JENNENE T/C MCDONOUGH SEAN M MCGARRY HELEN M + MCGARRY JAMES T/C MCSHANE TERRENCE + VALERIE MEDINA SERGIO + MARIA MERFELD RICHARD J + MARLENE TR FOR RICHARD J + MARLENE F MERFELD TRUST METRO ANNIE TR FOR ANNIE METRO TRUST MILLER MICHAEL J MINANDO MIKE + KERRY MLYNECK CARMEN TOP FLORIDA PROPERTIES MONTAGANO DONALD J + MOORE L L + DOLORES K MORRIS JEAN M + EMERSON LYNN R J/T MORTON PAMALA A TR FOR PAMELA A MORTON TRUST MULINO JOSEPH M + RICCA ROBERT J T/C MULLEDY JOHN R + HORN JO ELLEN T/C MYERS DIANNE L TR FOR DIANNE L MYERS TRUST NEAR DEBORAH ANN NEEDLEMAN TERRI C TR + MURPHY CHRISTINA L TR + MATTSON BRYAN K TR FOR MATTSON FAMILY TRUST NELSON JOHN H + SHARON S NEWELL MARGARET H TR FOR MARGARET H NEWELL TRUST NICOL WERNER + MARION VANESSA MORTON NOEL DENISE 5139 N NAGLE 13 D ST 1510 SW 50TH ST APT 101 92 DEER RUN SO 7810 NW 162ND TER CHICAGO NATICK IL 60630 MA 01760 CAPE CORAL BARNEGAT MIAMI LAKES FL NJ FL 33914 08005 33016 721 OAK ST 1522 SW 50TH ST APT 203 PSC 7 BOX 702 3893 WANSERS LN LA CROSSE WI 54603 CAPE CORAL APO SEAFORD FL AE NY 33914 09104 11783 2270 FIRST ST 14147 MICHAEL DR 2521 SW 52ND ST FORT MYERS ORLAND PARK CAPE CORAL FL IL FL 33901 60462 33914 PO BOX 87 OAKDALE PA 15071 1504 SW 50TH ST #304 CAPE CORAL 6081 SILVER KING BLVD UNIT 302 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 FL 33914 882 E LONGVIEW AVE COLUMBUS OH 43224 1532 SW 51ST LN 1523 SW 51ST LN #208 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL 33914 33914 1835 BEACH PKWY # 201 CAPE CORAL 5204 SW 22ND PL CAPE CORAL FL FL 33904 33914 1417 SW 51ST LN CAPE CORAL WINTER SPRINGS CAPE CORAL ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS GREENWICH FL 33914 FL FL 32708 33914 NJ CT 07716 06831 CAPE CORAL ORLAND PARK FL IL 33914 60462 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 421 SANDRINGHAM CT 1630 SW 52ND ST NOONAN STEPHEN D + CATHERINE L 42 ASBURY AVE NOSTRO SANTO 488 DEN LN 5218 CHIQUITA BLVD S OBAR GIEZEL UNIT 201C OCONNOR RIMA G TR 8838 W 140TH ST #3C ODONNELL SHIRLEY R TR FOR SHIRLEY R ODONNELL TRUST 1500 SW 50TH ST #304 OKEEFFE JOANNE OLDER LEE K + LUCY ANN TR FOR LEE KENNETH OLDER JR TRUST OLEARY JOSEPHINE OLTIMER INVESTMENTS LLC OROURKE MICHAEL + LINDA J ORTIZ ADA T OSTIGUY SHARON L OTTEN TERESA PACE JOANN + GIOVANNI PAGANO KATHY PALERMO DIANE PARDI FRANCES PARISH RICHARD + LUCILLE PARK REBECCA J PARKER PEGGY J + WALTER D COTR FOR PEGGY J PARKER TRUST PARKWAY VILLAGE CONDO PARRA MANUEL PASELK DAN + TRACY PAVAO GARY A + LINDA Z PEARSON DINA BELACHEW + PEARSON ROBERT L JR W/H PEREZ LISA PERROTTI ANTHONY + IRENE PIPER JAMES R SR + TERRI PIRANEO CHARLES PIRRUCCELLO JOHN J + PAULA R PIZZOLONGO ROBERT A PORTO VISTA CONDO 1-4+5-7+8-12 PORTO VISTA CONDOMINIUM SILVERCRESTED MANAGEMENT LLC NO 6 ASSOCOATION INC POWERS LORI WEST HAVERSTRAW NY 10993 6339 LAVAQUE RD 1524 SW 50TH ST #301 1419 S DERBY RD 81 CLAFLIN RD 211 FRONT AVE 5102 SW COURTYARDS WAY #18 1500 SW 50TH ST #303 9 MAPLEWOOD LN 492 SKUNKNET RD PO BOX 666 1514 SW 50TH ST UNIT 202 5945 W COUNTRYWAY 5020 SW COURTYARDS WAY #11 DULUTH CAPE CORAL STANTON WARWICK BRENTWOOD MN FL MI RI NY 55803 33914 48888 02886 11717 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL PORT CHESTER CENTERVILLE YAPHANK FL FL NY MA NY 33914 33914 10573 02632 11980 305 WALNUT HILL CAPE CORAL FL NEW PALESTINE IN 33914 46163 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 44 HEDGEWOOD DR 5024 CHIQUITA BLVD 8505 OAKSHADE CIR 1136 LORRAINE CT 2801 SE 8TH PL FRANKFORT CAPE CORAL FORT MYERS CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL KY FL FL FL FL 40601 33914 33919 33904 33904 1616 SW 52ND ST 1525 SW 52ND TER 1524 SW 50TH ST #302 4655 OSAGE BEACH PKWY STE A 5930 108TH ST APT 3L 4235 SE 20TH PL #C404 1510 SW COURTYARDS LN #152 1506 SW 50TH ST CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL FL 33914 33914 33914 OSAGE BEACH CORONA CAPE CORAL MO 65065 NY 11368 FL 33904 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL 33914 33914 CAPE CORAL LE ROY FL NY 33909 14482 CAPE CORAL LUTZ WEST SENECA CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL NY FL FL FL 33914 33548 14224 33914 33914 33991 1490 PINE ISLAND RD STE 8D 7167 RANDALL RD 1431 SW COURTYARDS PRACHAR RUDOLF TER #113 QUINN JAMES + QUINN WILLIN J J/T PO BOX 595 QUIRANTE GLORIA S 63 WETHERSTONE DR RAFIQ SHAHIDA + MOHAMMAD 5313 SW 23RD AVE RAMIREZ ERIKA M 5025 SW 17TH AVE RAMIREZ FROILAN JR + NINA 2209 CAPE HEATHER CIR RAMSEY KENNETH R + LINDA H RANDEL PATRICIA RAPPA MARIA + MILLER CLARA T/C RAUGHLEY ROBERT + LINDA RAUTMANN RANDALL L + BRANDL ROBERT J T/C REDA CATHERINE M + RICHARD J REEB GEORGE J + MARY H 1512 SW 50TH ST #102 1502 SW 50TH ST #201 PO BOX 1264 3918 NW 41ST ST CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL QUOGUE CAPE CORAL FL FL NY FL 33914 33914 11959 33993 227 TIMBERLAKE RD 43 LEWIS ST 5510 MERLYN LN WI NJ FL 53081 07016 33914 REEDY MICHAEL + PATRICIA RICHETELLI FRANK TR FOR FRANK RICHETELLI TRUST RINALDI GEORGE V E + ANN L L/E RIZZI VINCENT + NANCY RODINO RAYMOND + BLANCA M ROMANO JOHN + ROMANO SALVATORE A J/T ROWAN WILLIAM III + ROWAN JEAN R T/C ROWLEY RODGER + KRISTEN 371 BROADWAY SHEBOYGAN CRANFORD CAPE CORAL MASSAPEQUA PARK NY 11762 2809 SW 46TH TER 1520 SW 50TH ST # 304 1825 68TH ST 3816 SE 7TH AVE 5032 CHIQUITA BLVD S #101 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL BROOKLYN CAPE CORAL FL FL NY FL 33914 33914 11204 33904 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 1514 SW 50TH ST # 204 1522 SW 52ND TER 1320 ABINGTON CAMBS DR 5018 SW 15TH PL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL 33914 33914 LAKE FOREST CAPE CORAL NEW HYDE PARK CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL IL FL 60045 33914 NY FL FL 11040 33914 33914 BROOKLYN NEW YORK BROOKLYN CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL NY NY NY FL FL 11204 10022 11231 33914 33904 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL 33914 33914 CAPE CORAL SEAFORD HO HO KUS FL NY NJ 33914 11783 07423 CAPE CORAL GRENVILLE MANORVILLE CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL SD NY FL FL 33914 57239 11949 33914 33914 RTS OF CAPE CORAL INC RUEDA GHISLAINE RUTIGLIANO VITANTONIO + RUTIGLIANO MARISA L SABLICH ROBERT A + PATRICIA SALADINO KIM L SALE FRANCO TR + SALE DOMENICO TR FOR SALE FAMILY 2013 IRREVOCABLE TRUST SALHA VINNETTE SALLUSTIO JOHN + FRANCESCA SALPIETRO VINCENT + MARIE SALVAGIO PHILLIP J + PIKE LESLIE 1501 BELMONT AVE 1512 SW 50TH ST U 1805 SW 26TH TER 1819 68TH ST 140 E 56TH ST #7A 419 COURT ST APT 3 1514 SW 50TH ST #302 1345 SE 40TH TERR #2C 1423 SW COURTYARDS SANDIFORD GRACE HINGA TER #70 SANDONE DAMIAN 1504 SW 50TH ST #201 1504 COURTYARDS LN # SANGA CHARLES J + KATHLEEN R 138 SANTACROCE CHRISTOPHER + MARIA 2351 LANGEN DR SAOUD JOAN 280 MILL RD SCARBROUGH JOHN R + SCARBROUGH JOY J/T 1510 SW 50TH ST #102 SCHMIDT KEITH + DONNA 2356 MIOTKA RD SCHUMACHER RICHARD 173 GOTHIC CIR SCHWARZ MELISSA 5622 SW 14TH AVE SEDILLO GREGORY 5102 SW 15TH PL SEGRETTO EDWARD + LINDA SHABAT JASON + XIN YANG T/C SHAFFER HELGA TR FOR HELGA SHAFFER FAMILY TRUST SHAPIRO MARC L TR FOR CHIQUITA TRUST SHEPHERD BECKY SHEPPARD DANIEL J III + SHEPPARD CATHLEEN R H/W SIPE RANDALL M + KRISTI 45% + CAPE CORAL PROPERTIES LLC 55% SKEA WILLIAM TR + VERMAIRE JOAN TR FOR VERMAIRE-SKEA FMAILY TRUST 5 SHERWOOD DR 11155 LAKELAND CIR SKMLJS LLC 13 SHORESIDE DR 5105 SW COURTYARDS CT #47 5117 CHIQUITA BLVD S SMITH DEBORAH A L/E SMITH JACQUELINE + JOHN C SMITH JOSEPH T + ROSEMARIE TR FOR JOSEPH T SMITH 2015 TRUST SMITH MARY + SMITH JAMES T/C SOLOMON JEFFREY S + MICAELA SPEARS LARRY + SUE STADLER JOHN C 1/3 + HANLON JUSTIN T + GRETCHEN E 1/3 + FLAHERTY BARBARA B TR FOR BARBARA B FLAHERTY TRUST 1/3 STANBERRY PAMELA A TR FOR PAMELA A STANBERRY TRUST STEELE ANAMAURY E BETHPAGE FORT MYERS NY FL 11714 33913 191 HEATHER LN CORTLAND 720 GOODLETTE RD N # 304 NAPLES PO BOX 2379 ROCKWALL OH 44410 FL TX 34102 75087 1630 SW 51ST TER CAPE CORAL FL 33914 5001 SORRENTO CT CAPE CORAL FL 33904 1520 SW 50TH ST #201 CAPE CORAL SOUTH BARRINGTON FL 33914 IL 60010 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL 33914 33914 LEMONT IL 60439 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL FL 33914 33914 33914 ASHEVILLE NC 28804 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL 33914 33914 CAPE CORAL FL BORDENTOWN NJ CAPE CORAL FL 33914 08505 33914 1156 CAMELOT LN 5105 SW COURTYARDS CT # 46 1705 SW 51ST TER 1720 SW 54TH LN 2 CRESTWOOD LN 1432 SW COURTYARDS LN #102 1508 SW 50TH ST #301 5027 SW COURTYARDS STEELE JANICE E CT #50 STOUT CATHY + STOUT BARRY SR T/C 4 CLIVER CT STRENGHOLT MARC A 4902 SW 25TH PL STRONG DENNIS R TR+ STRONG ELIZABETH A TR FOR DENNIS R STRONG TRUST 2568 PARKVIEW CT SULZBACH BRIAN + LAURIE 270 SINN RD 5102 SW COURTYARDS TAIT DREW + TAIT JAMIE J/T WAY # 20 TAMONDONG W N + CONCHITA R 120 HAWTHORNE RD TAYLOR DANIEL W + DIANE 1621 SW 52ND ST TAYLOR GARY E + LEIGHANNE J 706 RALSTON DR 2417 CAPE CORAL TAYLOR THERESE D PRKWY W WHITE BEAR LAKE COWLESVILLE MN 55110 NY 14037 CAPE CORAL BARRINGTON CAPE CORAL MOUNT LAUREL FL IL FL NJ 33914 60010 33914 08054 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 1320 ABINGTON CAMBS DR 1500 SW 50TH ST #201 360 FIRST AVE #11A 1421 EL DORADO PKWY THOMAS DAVID W + NANCY R W THOMAS TERESA V 217 SW 38TH ST THOMPSON BRADLEY + GWENDOLYN 1516 SW 50TH ST # 103 THURN STEVE + ANGELA 1509 SW 51ST LN # 146 TIERNEY PATRICIA A 1620 SW 52ND ST TIGHE JOHN F + JANE A 31 BEDFORD AV TINKER CINDY SUE 5027 SW 8TH CT TOIA VINCENZO 1/3 + TOIA SALVATORE 1/3 + TOIA GIOVANNI 1/3 J/T SUPREME AUTO 3067 N HARLEM AVE TRAVIS PAULA W PO BOX 281 TURN KEY HOMES DEVELOPMENT 10951 BONITA BEACH INC RD TURNER GASTON R JR + BOBBIE J 1522 SW 50TH ST #303 TUTT MARY ANN + VAN HAUTE 1415 SW COURTYARDS CAROL J/T TER # 58 VAHLKAMP AMY J 1510 SW 50TH ST APT VANDUZER HELEN 1425 SW 51ST LN #93 5010 SW COURTYARDS VANLANDINGHAM BONNIE WAY # 5 VARSALONE ROBERT + ANNA MARIE 452 DEERPATH LN VEDEL-CUEVA EILEEN + CUEVA 701 CYPRESS POINTE DR FELIPE W/H W 1508 SW 50TH ST UNIT 104 VIGON ELROY D VILLAGRAN FRANCISCA 1406 SW 38TH ST VITTORIA ROBERT + CAROL A 1514 SW 50TH ST # 203 VOELBEL DIETMAR 1345 SE 40TH TER VOLKMANN ANN M + HAASE 1431 SW COURTYARDS TER # 116 MATTHEW J J/T TCJBN LLC TERMINELLO FRANK TERZIAN DAVID MARGO DANIELLO WADE BRYAN WAGNER MICHAEL S + DEBORAH E WALTHER CHARLES L/E + HAIST BIRGIT MARIA L/E WARE DONALD E TR FOR WARE TRUST WARR DONNA L + MAIER JOEL ALAN J/T WEBNER ELIZABETH L 70% + PESKA RANDY 30% T/C LAKE FOREST CAPE CORAL NEW YORK IL FL NY 60045 33914 10010 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL WORCESTER CAPE CORAL FL FL FL FL FL MA FL 33914 33914 33914 33914 33914 01604 33914 CHICAGO LOUISVILLE BONITA SPRINGS CAPE CORAL IL TN 60634 37777 FL FL 34135 33914 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL FL 33914 33914 33914 CAPE CORAL PEMBROKE PEMBROKE PINES FL 33914 NH 03275 FL 33027 CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL FL FL FL FL 33914 33914 33914 33904 FL 33914 610 CLEMATIS ST #527 5232 SW 16TH PL CAPE CORAL WEST PALM BEACH CAPE CORAL FL FL 33401 33914 1410 SW 50TH ST #2 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 1510 SW 50TH ST U#201 CAPE CORAL 1420 SW COURTYARDS TER # 55 CAPE CORAL FL 33914 FL 33914 132 SW 56TH TER FL 33914 CAPE CORAL WEGNER DUANE R + MARYANN _ WEGNER DIANE L J/T WEIS JAMES E WELLINGTON JOHN R + HIPPLER SHARON E VD WERNER TANA E WHYTAL DONNA WIERZBANOWSKI THOMAS M WILLIAM HENKES WRIGHTNOUR LYNN A YOUNGER KIMBERLY ZHANG WEI + YAN XIAOSHUANG ZIELINSKI ROBERT A ZOLIK DAMIAN J + PAULINE ZULLO ALFRED + ROSEANN 1525 MCINTOSH CT 31-30 138TH ST #5B OSHKOSH FLUSHING WI NY 54904 11354 11 MOSSVIEW CT 1509 SW 51ST LN #148 4845 SW 24TH PL 5122 SW 15TH PL 9110 FRANCES LN 2503 DOUGLAS RD 1538 SW 52ND TER 13321 SW 105 AVE PO BOX 1109 3622 NW 46TH PL 83 MAIN ST BALTIMORE CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL CAPE CORAL ORLAND PARK ASHTABULA CAPE CORAL MIAMI FORT MYERS CAPE CORAL EAST HAVEN MD FL FL FL IL OH FL FL FL FL CT 21228 33914 33914 33914 60462 44004 33914 33176 33902 33993 06512