Partnership Marketing Opportunities

Transcription Partnership Marketing Opportunities Partnership
Marketing Opportunities
Reach 61.4 Million
desktop and mobile
buyers and pre-store
shoppers with the #1
multi-channel retailer.
©2015 Triad Digital Media, LLC d/b/a Triad Retail Media. All rights reserved. Confidential. Do not distribute. All concepts herein are the sole and proprietary property of Triad Retail Media.
Walmart is the #1 Multi-channel Retailer
#1 largest retail chain1
#3 largest retail site online2
4,516 total U.S. stores1
16th largest website in total reach6
250M customers a week1
61.4M unique web & mweb visitors a month3
2 in 3 Americans are customers4
1 in 5 Americans are visitors5
Broadest retail assortment1
5M+ products available online1
$288B in U.S. sales in 2014
$12.2B e-Commerce sales in 20141
Sources: 1Walmart Corporate, internal data. 2comScore, MediaMetrix, Nov. 2014. 3comScore, MediaMetrix, Dec 2013-Nov 2014 (desktop & mobile). 5U.S Census Bureau, Nov. 2014. 6comScore, MediaMetrix, Top 100 Properties, Sept-Nov. 2014. Headline source: 2.
The Scale of
61.4M unique desktop
and mobile visitors
216M visits a month
2.9M daily visitors
14 minutes per visitor
23 pages per visit 1
1B impressions
served monthly2 shoppers are:3
• 58% Women & 42% Men
• 61% ages 25–54
• Mid to upper income; median HHI of $66.3K
• 49% are families with children
They are the consumer
groups you want to reach: 3
• 18.3M moms online
• 25.4M men
• 7.9M Hispanics
• 7.1M African Americans
They shop across all categories:⁴
• 30.5M primary grocery buyers
• 15.5M beauty consumers online
• 10M electronics purchasers
• 18.2M gamers
• 23M OTC product buyers online
Source:1comScore, Media Metrix, Multi-Platform, 12-mo avg, Mar 2014-Feb 2015 (avg. daily visitors desktop only); 2 comScore, Ad
Metrix, 12-mo avg., Mar. 2014 – Feb. 2015; 3comScore, Media Metrix, Multi-Platform, Feb. 2015; 4 comScore, Plan Metrix, Feb. 2015
Industry leading targeting
and measurement platform
that drives growth
Measures both online
and offline sales at
an unmatched scale
January 2015
Targets and reaches
customers across
multiple channels
Efficiently reaches
customers across the web
with a single media plan
Targeting Your Shoppers On
The Power of Online + In-Store Purchase Behavior
• Walmart exclusive first party data incorporates
online and in-store purchase information
• Enhanced audience targeting segments with
in-market brand and category shoppers; lifestyle
and demographic targets
• 850+ segments available of engaged audiences
• Real-time campaign optimization for delivery
of the best ad for the right shopper
Targeting Opportunities:
• In-Store & Online
Purchase Behavior
• Online Browse Behavior
• In-Market Category Browsers
• Brand Shopper Targeting
• Lifestyle and Demographic
• Seasonal Shoppers
• Geotargeting to the DMA,
City & Zip code Level
• Homepage & Category Lockouts
• Run of Site
• Search Term targeting
• Browser, device and operating
system targeting
• Daypart and frequency targeting
• Walmart Offsite Audience
Extension Network
• Social Traffic Drivers
• Walmart Mobile Homepage
and Category Placements
Opportunities include IAB units, rich media, Flash, HTML5, video ad units, add to cart functionality, third-party tagging, and 1x1 tags.
Targeted Placements Throughout the Site
High Reach Homepage Placements
• Highly visible Leaderboard placement
lockout, providing 100% share of voice
POV Takeovers (Position 3)
High Impact Department Features
• Category & Department POVs
• Category & Department Ministories
• IAB lockout placements
• Contextually targeted placements
• Features on product,
shelf and search pages
• Category Skyline banners
Extend Reach with Walmart Email
• Dedicated email newsletter
• Fully dedicated postcard emails
• Email POV takeovers
• Email ad placements
Creative for placement only. Subject to approval.
Integrated Sponsorships & Content Solutions
Seasonal Opportunities
• Tax Time (1/3-3/31)
• Valentine’s Day (1/17-2/14)
• Easter (3/16-4/6)
• Mother’s Day (4/16-5/10)
• Father’s Day (6/1-6/21)
• Back to College (7/11-9/8)
• Back to School (7/11-9/8)
• Game Time (TBD)
• Halloween (10/1-11/1)
• Holiday (11/2-12/26)
• January Savings(12/27-1/31)
*Dates are tentative and subject to change. Availability and placement detail determined by overall sponsorship spend.
Content Centers
• Auto Resource Center
• Entertainment Resource
Food & Celebrations
House Proud
Pets Center
Parent & Baby Center
Toy Tips & Trends
Walmart Beauty
Wellness Centers
Contact Slide
Sherry Smith
President, Walmart, Inc.
Triad Retail Media
Phone | 727.231.5155
Email |
©2015 Triad Digital Media, LLC d/b/a Triad Retail Media. All rights reserved. Confidential. Do not distribute. All concepts herein are the sole and proprietary property of Triad Retail Media.