Introducing…The Jewish Antiques Road Show
Introducing…The Jewish Antiques Road Show
JEWISHLIFEJUDAICA Introducing…The Jewish Antiques Road Show By Jonathan Greenstein J O N AT H A N G R E E N S T E I N ( C R O W N A N D P O I N T E R ) ; M E N A C H E M A D E L M A N ( WAT C H A N D S P I C E C O N TA I N E R ) I could only see the tip of of former Union for what was coming out of Reform Judaism President the woman’s shopping Rabbi Alexander M. bag, but I knew it was Schindler, needed to part going to be very special. with two very rare pieces. In Spring 2006 I was The first was an 80% fine emceeing what I call the silver Torah crown which Jewish Antiques Road her husband had received Show at Temple Beth-El in in the early 90s as a gift Great Neck, New York. from the Union, and the After a slide show on second an exceptionally antique Judaica collecting, rare 18th-century Dutch THIS 80% FINE SILVER TORAH CROWN THIS GILDED SILVER TORAH POINTER I invited congregants to Parcel gilt Torah pointer (FROM THE U.S. OR ISRAEL, MID-20TH (FROM THE NETHERLANDS, C. 1800), show their Jewish treasures CENTURY), A GIFT BY THE UNION OF decorated with three diaFEATURING A HAND HOLDING A SCRIBE’S PEN DECORATED WITH THREE handed down from Bubbie AMERICAN HEBREW CONGREGATIONS monds, his retirement gift. (NOW URJ) TO ITS THEN PRESIDENT, EUROPEAN CUT DIAMONDS, WAS or Zayde and often buried RABBI ALEXANDER M. SCHINDLER, Z’L, ALSO SOLD IN 2009 BY THE FAMILY OF Working pro bono, I catain their closets. logued the items and WAS SOLD TO THE JEWISH MUSEUM RABBI ALEXANDER M. SCHINDLER, TO AN ANONYMOUS NEW YORK COLLECOut of the shopping bag OF BERLIN FOR $9,000 IN 2009 AS learned about the great A TRIBUTE TO THE LEGACY OF THE TOR FOR $23,000, AN ELEVATED PRICE came a 12" silver spice Jewish leader who had GERMAN-BORN RABBI. REFLECTING ITS PROVENANCE. tower which this woman’s been honored with these grandfather had brought treasures. The media from Poland to the United States. Deco- was one of the most ornate pieces I had caught wind of the story, and within two rated with intricately hand-carved aniseen in my 25-year career as an appraiser weeks, Judaica collecting was a feature mals, trees, and other organic designs, it and auctioneer of fine antique Judaica. on CNN, Fox News, The Daily News, “I would pay approxiTHIS RARE SILVER POCKET WATCH (MANUFACTURED IN THIS SILVER SPICE CONTAINER (FROM POLAND, SWITZERLAND BY LANCO) BEARS THE ENGRAVING mately $50,000 for this LATE 1800S) IS AN EXAMPLE OF POLISH FOLK “THE VOICE OF CELEBRATION, THE VOICE OF HAPPINESS, ART MADE IN RESPONSE TO A CONTEMPORARY piece,” I told her. THE VOICE OF A GROOM, THE VOICE OF A BRIDE” ON EVENT—THE ADVENT OF THE STEAM ENGINE EARHer astonished head THE FRONT AND “LITZMANNSTADT GHETTO, 12.15.41” ON LIER IN THE CENTURY. COMMERCIAL JUDAICA HAS THE BACK, INDICATING THAT A YOUNG GROOM RECEIVED turned like Linda Blair’s LONG BEEN INFLUENCED BY CONTEMPORANEOUS IT ON HIS WEDDING DAY. IT SOLD FOR $2,000. OBJECTS. THE PIECE SOLD FOR $1,200. in The Exorcist. Still, she decided not to relinquish the spice box she described as “part of her family’s history.” But now she would have it insured. ♦♦♦ Sometimes Judaica sales can be bittersweet. A victim of the Bernie Madoff scandal, Rhea Schindler, widow Jonathan Greenstein was 14 years old when he found a job in an antique store in the predominately Jewish neighborhood of Kings Highway in Brooklyn, NY. As the price of silver was at an all-time high, many people came in to sell their ancestral Judaic ritual objects, which were destined to be melted down for scrap value. To prevent their destruction, Greenstein bought the items at cost from the owner. Over time, his Judaica collection grew, and in 2004 he founded J. Greenstein & Company, Inc., the world’s only auction house solely devoted to the sale of antique Jewish ritual objects, where he now conducts two auctions a year as well as dozens of private sales to individuals, museums, and other institutions. Today he is often called upon by museum curators, large auction houses, and major collectors to authenticate Judaica, and travels throughout the States emceeing “The Jewish Antiques Roadshow” for synagogue fundraisers. He can be reached at reform judaism JL_Judaica_su10F.indd 7 7 summer 2010 4/15/10 6:48 AM
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