NEWSLETTER – No.5 –12th April 2016
NEWSLETTER – No.5 –12th April 2016
OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION PARISH PRIMARY SCHOOL TELEPHONE: 9584 9488 9 CENTRE DANDENONG ROAD, CHELTENHAM VIC 3192 FAX: 9583 2606 Email: Website: NEWSLETTER – No.5 –12th April 2016 Dear Parents, What a great start to Term Two: the joy and learnings from level excursions and cross country over the past fortnight has been a pleasure to witness; we were blessed with such good weather on all occasions. Staff organisation is to be commended, and sincere appreciation goes to the many parents whose support enables these rich learning experiences to occur. The building progress continues on track, drawing excitement and anticipation within the community, not least amongst some ‘budding’ builders and architects in the student population! As our Vision and Mission reminds us, we do celebrate with faith and gratitude in the Spirit of Jesus, striving also to be just and inclusive. This term, our newly commissioned Mini Vinnies will call us to support the broader work of the St Vincent De Paul Society. Along with the local Winter Appeal for non-perishable goods, the Mini Vinnies will be hosting OLA’s Mini Vinnies Sleepout on 16th June and promoting my participation in the 2016 Vinnies CEO Sleepout on 23rd June 2016. The St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria (Vinnies) officially launched its annual flagship fundraising event this month and is calling on CEOs, politicians, business leaders, and community leaders to sign up to spend a night out of their comfort zone, to raise awareness and funds for the plight of the homeless in our country. Lack of affordable housing options in Victoria is creating a disparate emerging group of people at risk of homelessness. In Victoria, almost 23,000 people are currently experiencing homelessness with half younger than 25 and one in six under 12 years of age. Further information and facts are available on If you wish to make a donation, supporting my participation or by making a general donation, you may do so by visiting this same website; all donations are tax deductible. This week we welcome Mr Jim Delaney (External Reviewer) and Mrs Maree Holmes (Principal Consultant CEO Southern Region) to OLA for our Cyclical School Review. Today, Jim met with staff, student and parent groups. He will return on Friday, accompanied by Maree Holmes to dialogue with members from the school council and the School Leadership Team as we begin work on recommendations for the future, and towards the formulation of our next School Improvement Plan for 2017-2020. Before the end of this term, Jim will present an External Evaluation Report, which will be presented to staff and school council, and which will be available for our community. Yours sincerely, Mrs Leonie Young Principal OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION PARISH PRIMARY SCHOOL DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: Term 2 April 2016 27 Wednesday 28 Thursday 29 Friday 30 Saturday Grade 3 Communion Reflection Day Grade 3 Eucharist Parent/Child Workshop 7pm 5/6NB Class Mass 9.00am FETE Meeting 7pm Grade 6 Interschool Winter Sport Working Bee 9.00am – 3.00pm Grade 3 Eucharist Commitment Mass May 2016 1 Sunday 2 Monday 3 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 6 Friday 8 Sunday 11 Wednesday 13 Friday 18 Wednesday 19 Thursday 20 Friday Grade 3 Eucharist Commitment Mass P&F Meeting 7.30pm P&F Mother’s Day Stall 9.00am – 11.00am Ola’s Family Birthday Picnic Lunch 11.00am Grade 6 School Camp (Wednesday – Friday) Cancer Council Biggest Afternoon Tea - Brigid Hall 1pm – 4pm Mother’s Day 1/2VDC & 1/2CGL Parish Mass 9.15am 2017 Prep Information Evening 6.30pm – 8.30pm Grade 6 Interschool Sport Cheltenham District Cross Country 1/2EL Parish Mass 9.15am 5/6NC Class Mass FETE Meeting 7pm Grade 6 Interschool Winter Sport FETE Casual Day PLEASE NOTE: On casual clothes days singlets and basketball tops are NOT to be worn, due to our SunSmart policy and for general safety during playtimes. 2017 Prep Information Evening is being held on Wednesday 11th May in the church. Doors will be open from 6.30pm if you would like to make an appointment for your child’s enrolment interview. SCHOOL NOTICES: EDUCATION IN FAITH Class Mass 5/6 NB will be celebrating their class Mass on Thursday 28th April. Parish Mass The following classes will join the OLA parishioners for Mass at 9.15am, families are warmly invited to attend. Wednesday 27th April Grade 3 • Wednesday 11th May 1/2 VDC 1/2CGL Wednesday 18th May 1/2 EL Please note 1/2 CGL Parish Mass has been moved to Wednesday 11th May. Parent and Child Workshops A reminder that the following Parent and Child Workshops are coming up and will be held in the OLA Church at 7pm. Grade 3 Eucharist Parent and Child Grade 3 Eucharist Focus Masses – Workshop – Saturday 30th April 6pm or Wednesday 27th April 7pm. Sunday 1st May 11am First Eucharist Please keep our Grade 3 students in your prayers as they prepare for the Sacrament of Eucharist. The First Eucharist celebrations will be held on the 21st, 22nd, 28th and 29th May. . Mrs Becky Breen Religious Education Leader SCHOOL NOTICES: EDUCATION IN FAITH Miss Michelle O’Connor Catholic Identity Leader SCHOOL NOTICES: ABSENTEEISM When a child is absent from school, please email: (Please do not email absences to Please include: child’s name, class and reason for absence. In the instance of contagious or serious illness please call on the day, and provide a note explaining the absence when your child returns to school. SCHOOL ACCOUNTS Term 2 accounts - Thank you to those who have paid this instalment. Fees were due to be paid by Friday 22nd April unless you have a pay by the month credit card payment agreement. If you are having any difficulties please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Leonie Young on 9584 9488 or Fr Peter Matheson on 9583 6161 NEWSLETTER ITEMS PLEASE NOTE THAT THE NEWSLETTER WILL BE DISTRIBUTED ON TUESDAY FORTNIGHTLY. Notices or items for the newsletter need to be emailed to the following email address no later than the FRIDAY prior to the newsletter day. DID YOU KNOW THAT THE NEWSLETTER CAN BE ACCESSED ON-LINE? Log onto: Click on New and Events, then click on Newsletters. ALL NEWSLETTERS WILL BE EMAILED ENROLMENTS FOR PREP 2017 Application forms are now available from the School Office. Appointments can be made for your child’s enrolment interview at the office. Interview dates are as follows:Current Families Monday 6th June – Thursday 9th June New Families Tuesday 14th June – Friday 17th June 2017 Prep Information Evening is being held on Wednesday, 11th May 7pm-8:30pm in the Church. PARISH NOTICES Are you curious about the Catholic Faith? Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? Are you interested in supporting people on their journey of Faith? Our Parish team is beginning the journey of Faith again for any people in our community interested in becoming a Catholic. Normally it is a journey with a small group and the high point is the celebration of the sacraments next Easter. The journey is called the RCIA ~ The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is open to those who may have been baptised Catholic in infancy but never confirmed or made First Communion; or those baptised in other Christian Churches, or those who have never been baptised in any church. Sometimes Catholics join the group who wish to simply deeper their knowledge of the faith and faith’s journey. If you are curious or interested please contact the Parish on 9583 6161. The dates for the Inquiry nights will be published shortly. SCHOOL NOTICES: WOOLWORTHS EARN & LEARN PROGRAM A big thank you to all families who collected earn and learn stickers last year. We were able to purchase some fantastic literacy resources for students Prep to Six. Mrs Ester Lazzarotto and Mrs Elizabeth Thompson Teaching and Learning Leaders NATIONAL WALK SAFELY TO SCHOOL DAY 2016 National Walk Safely to School Day 2016 On Friday 20th May our school will be participating in The National Walk Safely to School Day. The focus on this day is both to promote the health benefits of walking and also to teach students how to walk safely, especially when crossing the roads. For those of you who can’t walk to school because you live too far away, we encourage you to park your car a little while away and walk the rest. Students will learn more about this event in the next couple of weeks. For more information visit Miss Caitlan Prosser and Miss Barbara Beciric SRC Leaders SCHOOL NOTICES: DONATE A BALL EVENT Our Lady of the Assumption School Cheltenham VIC - Donate a Ball event OLA Cheltenham continued their fantastic support of the Have a Ball Foundation by hosting another ‘donate a ball day’. It was another great morning with the kids who generously donation 533 sports balls to the charity. OLA alone have donated over 2000 sports balls over the past few years which is the most any school has donated. These have been bagged up and will be distributed to many kids in need in remote communities. Thank you so much to all the teachers, parents and students at OLA for their ongoing support and generous contributions. Rohan Duncan (Father of Charlie Grade 4AD) OLA SAFARI NIGHT You’re invited to the OLA Safari Night! Thursday 2nd June at 6pm To celebrate our Inquiry units in Term 2, we invite families to come and explore all that the students have learnt. Each classroom will be displaying their work from the term and are eager to share their interesting facts with you. You may like to dress as your favourite animal for the night as you venture on your safari through OLA. Mrs Ester Lazzarotto & Mrs Elizabeth Thompson Teaching and Learning Leaders FAMILY MATHS NIGHT Family Maths Night Tuesday August 2nd at 6pm We will be holding a family maths night for parents and students. The night will promote activities and ideas that parents and students can do at home to make learning maths enjoyable for all. We hope to see you there! Mrs Ester Lazzarotto & Mrs Elizabeth Thompson Teaching and Learning Leaders SCHOOL NOTICES: CHESS TOURNAMENT AT OLA On Thursday 14th April OLA hosted a chess tournament in Brigid Hall. The day was very exciting, with sixty three competitors from five schools; OLA, Elwood Primary, Seaford Primary, Woodleigh and Serpell Primary. OLA came second in A division and first in B Division. Congratulations to the children who represented OLA: Rian Broderick Liam Foster Nicholas Mahy Jackson McCahon Cameron McGoldrick Zac Vaughan Sam Poort Blake Nowlan William Both Ben Boxshall Domenico De Gilio Nicholas Kounikas Nicholas Verna Thomas Murray Paolo Macasadia There were two divisions. They were division A and division B. In division B, OLA came first and in division A we came second. Serpell Primary came first. Five people from OLA are going to the next round. There were lots of medals that people earned. Serpell earned the first place trophy. I got into the top 25% in the tournament. It was really fun and lots of people learned new moves and strategies by versing other people. We all played seven matches each. Nick Verna SCHOOL NOTICES: CHESS TOURNAMENT AT OLA In the chess competition there were 5 schools and 2 divisions. A and B. There were 9 people from our school that were in the A team, and there were 7 people in the B team. In the B team we won the competition and 2 people from our school drew for second place. In the A team our school came second place. Our school was really happy when we heard that, but to make it better we made it to the state to compete there. To make it even better, I was the highest competitor for our school with a total of 4 and a half points out of 7. But all together our whole school did great and had great sportsmanship. We will do well for state. Nick Mahy Yesterday we represented OLA in the Zone chess tournament. Altogether OLA did really well. Playing in the B team was easy for us but I really enjoyed playing chess and having a win. Altogether it was a great day and we hope to do it again before states. Zac Vaughan and Sam Poort Ms Nicole Collins Chess Coordinator and Classroom Teacher SCHOOL NOTICES: JUNIOR MAYOR On Thursday we (school captains) went to the Chelsea RSL to participate in the City of Kingston’s function to run for Junior Mayor. We had practiced and come up with a speech together for Sam. The topic for the speech was, ‘What can we do to create a better future for everyone?’ We arrived by train and we were all really excited. When we walked in we were greeted by lots of other schools. We sat down at our table which we shared with another school. We saw the mayor arrive and she made a speech about the city of Kingston. Then the speeches began, they did the speeches in a random order and we were going eleventh. Between about 10 speeches, we had a small break where we got to eat the food that they provided such as scones, dim sims, spring rolls, party pies, sausage rolls etc. When it was finally our turn we all walked up to the stage. Sam was nervous but very excited. We stood next to Sam for support. Sam did a great job! After he had done his speech we were all more relaxed and listened to all the others. When everyone had finished we got given a card to vote for our three favourites to be Junior Mayor. The result finally came and all of us did a drum roll. Unfortunately we did not place but we still had a great time and it was an awesome experience! By Alice and Hope ANZAC DAY On Friday afternoon the school captains, Mrs Bane and Mrs Terrell visited to the Cheltenham/Moorabbin RSL to lay the wreath at the memorial garden. The students reflected on the many names inscribed on the monuments. They chose to place the wreath on the new memorial. Sam, Josh, Alice and Hope School Captains SCHOOL NOTICES: The 2016 House Cross Country Competition has been run and won and whilst we were concerned about the weather forecast prior to the day, we had no reason for concern. The weather conditions were perfect for the children to run in, not to warm and overcast. When the children arrived at the park, their excitement and enthusiasm was palpable. The children had been working on their fitness in preparation for the day. The competition amongst the children was a great spectacle to watch throughout the morning. There were some amazing performances on the day, with some children running themselves into the ground. As children crossed the finish line, the sense of elation, exhaustion, relief and satisfaction were present. A big thank you to all the parents that volunteered to help walk the children to and from the park, being a course marshal, helping with driving equipment to the park and assisting in the setting up and packing up at the park. It really is appreciated, not only by me, but by the children, staff and school community, as it helps our school run a smooth, fun and enjoyable day for our students. The results from each race are as follows: Grade 6 Boys 1st Szymon Troc 2nd Jett Handicott 3rd Daniel Juggins 4th Nicholas Mahy 5th Joshua Pitara 6th Alessio D'Angelo 7th Lachlan Power 8th Kyden Vella 9th Matthew Dhillon 10th Zac Vaughan Grade 6 Girls 1st Madison Young 2nd Hope Maillard 3rd Evie Waterman_Witchell 4th Brianna Natilli 5th Alice Merchant 6th Hayley Cleur 7th Asha Ganesan 8th Gemma Price 9th Maddison Selacki 10th Nikola Kousides Grade 4 Boys 1st Tyler Young 2nd Rhett Fernando 3rd Dean Bourandanis 4th Lucas Grostal 5th Oscar Mark 6th Julian Fraser 7th Harry Shepherdson Ignatius Waterman8th Witchell 9th Oliver Etienne 10th Liam Kouchakdjian Mr Mark Buccilli P.E/Sport Coordinator 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Grade 5 Boys 1st Cameron Saultry 2nd Dylan Marani 3rd Maxwell Oldham 4th Max Hoult 5th Ryan Murray 6th James Georgiou 7th Luke Simurina 8th Jordan Kousides 9th Michael Baptist 10th Thomas Marani Grade 4 Girls Georgia Doensen Sienna Hoult Ruby Douce Charlie Duncan Abigail Price Claire Carter Sophie Campbell 8th Lucy Hilmer 9th Emma Stevens 10th Indiana Grubb 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd 5th 6th 7th Grade 5 Girls 1st Georgie Grubb 2nd Sophie O'Hara 3rd Michaela Meyer 4th Emma Ryder 5th Charli McNeill 6th Caitlin Kitto 7th Sophie Curry 8th Katia Martin 9th Madeliene Traiforos 10th Sandra De Mel Grade 3 Boys Maciek Troc 1st Archer Oldham 2nd Sebastian Grostal-Cooke3rd Oliver Leskie 4th Hamish Derricott 5th Liam Smith 6th Joshua Roberts 7th 8th Braxon Vella 9th Zachary Kovac 10th Nathan De Mel 9/10 Girls Amelia Natilli Imogen Bunnett Mizuki Roche Amelie Kovac Isabelle Gleeson Erin Kenny Olivia Simurina 8th Sienna Glenane 9th Helena Kozdra 10th Daniella Prout SCHOOL NOTICES: CANTEEN NOTICES: ADDITIONAL NOTICES:
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